HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-04-11, Page 22., A HUNTING ADV A few' ' years _'_:- g through the hot stiratnetAmo the ProYince, of -9,,aitariia, I _had spent ,severa-Vdayit4is lierel, '.:'•-tttrienk-f.zalth- tl sin Islands, on the River S , Lawrence, with tolerable success, thanks to the experience of my .144494,begem3ka Ent the weather beeitrie, ,too .4t, even in. „that 1atitii4,1;fir: iiiell sport; and the -fish refused to bite, Jo T wa.Min to Wintefelie sleepy little city of 4intton, iii watch the. -soldieis at the1rn1iifter- -. . ‘.; a noon drill, on the slopes of - the tort, theft red coats sixongly contrasting . . . - with the green sward.of thef-paTrade:' ground. It was always a soei.e6e of. wonder tome how the people' man- aged to enjoy life,* so dill . pilice, for there was no bustle, :no o'finimer,7 cial signs scarcely ever:visible. a / . One evening .I s4on-14e tel - stoop, quietly . smoking .4. 'cigar, when two of my ga1'riedn•J,cieu0s, Major Pomfret and. 0.1.Lptaiti *447 - ding% came up from their ;quarters and invited me to join them 'iii -a huntinetramp to ' the- gat.--Pine lelt, as the lumber tlistict is term, ed. Both of these gentlemen had only been in Canada- ti_few mOtitlis-,. having cbrue with their regmapet .,:. , . A straight from . Irldia. Thqy i.wqre enthusiastic sportamen, and -talked _ incessantly of stalking bine balls' and antelopes, or, shootrhirtigeraran,d . thee -falls,' while .their rop*s\devin at the barracks were full of rare,skins and other -trophies :of the: Indian - jungles, so that I readily f011 in with - their latest hunting pregfikatilV' ' -We were to go by:Steelier ula ,ha, Bay of Quinte, te 43ellevi1laa1 a biistIink little town, Andi.afleyward pleb oa by. wagon fof 'Medea, a •vil- loge then')econaineb fampus for some • .14 : gold mines that had Iti4t icr4en. -flm-, covered. The. best fpart of Oat night Was occupied „in paa.king 1M:), so that when the Belleville:steamer -east off het moorinat 'tthe following, morning, we were on board 1,..- ar4 bade good-bye to sleepy old Xing,: , steal, and her odd looking, ,., old- fasfilonecl, , iNiartello i.towers. 1,-• The trip up the Baywas a -pleasant ope., the scenery being- c atininA and 'a . i perfect surprise, and late In the af- ternoon we a,rrived at the queer lit- tle Belleville wharf, _ as it fitood ameng a polony. of steam saWaiiiille; huge piles of lentber' and acresaOf rough -logs, huddled together by end= less 'booms. A good night's rest at-Ithe hotel refreshed us, and at:udayligbt the next morning we started`for, Made in a light wagon, wagon, anotheyf011owing with' our hunting gear. '.-After ' a rough ride of nearly three days, we found-- ourselves entering, the con', fines of the Pine Belt. .„ Nothing is more impressive than thesT vastior- este ,of giant pine -trees, - Overone hundred milesin width, and- extend.. ing -from British Colembia to'llie Bay of Fundy, this belt 'Of , 'tiliillier., affords an al:nest inekhaaistiPe-Stip-. ply of that lumber- known , till, the world. over as Canadian pine .t Sp.. dense is the growth of theseinkinense trees,' that scarcely ankh ndergro W ch , is net with, ;While the grOlind is , softly- carpeted with -decaying :Pine . - 1, - needles. The sun. jseldom. !pene- trates these forest ,solitudes,iand the woods are very cool andlilkita_.,. nein suntraer. , 'Here and there.tife'.etime across a I natural tipeapting„, which abounded ' with allsorta: of small - I HER for More supplies. At the end'i • root, and down I .k we, f Iv la, n a mornexit I f tt fih in a terrible hu .,,ng away in au. a' stout leatherIe- terrible; seethed imminent whilethii,;:ielikt_tii Of My companioirs' guns rufl'i-n'fl3y1 ears with singular distide(nies. T1i. aloakiaadatheaheaisahug- was, .a•astiffog Pigalasa divetra-sio1144464441kn, . it -‘,i.as fittially decided 'eating once,aand I could.feeLher huge that . a day should be devoted to °claws tuggitiki at • my ilege' until it thetn. Pigeon shooting in the seemed as if the .ftesh Was beieg torn 'wtro'aos ,:s'a pomtctitit,r. -"rpoITC:itrtre'way in Magee': ' -flis-ei lost my huntet iiii,4416 trust entirely to hie When I fell, and was wi9aqut knife eye Ad ear. MOViWelo.wly. and, or other weapon -a lesson in wood - silently through the dense 1 -forest, craft I have never ibtgotteri,-so it, the pigeon's . mournfulltert is at: was impossible to fight - the brute, length heard. Yoirtstop and listen, ,,eicet. to.wildlypound at her eyes and when the bird- Item utters its 'asa'Slie -endeavored- tobite !ine-7.4 note, you carefullY •trace -him to.lais feat .she unsuccessfully: attempted tree, usually finding hitn• sitting on ] two,or three- times. a'bare branch near: the top, vOholly • .i ;IS ,1 - 1111601186i0US of danger. : The'woods reSound.with the diaahaage r of your fowlinepieceaandi.down turables the game. A relaii is thim .rteceiteary, in. ..- order that • th6 'iligeitie ' '-niay re:' cOVer from their -miatheitary. fright, when off the peaty.- Starta Again. ' This, proceeding a . makes . pigeon - shooting rather excititigatind in such wild .woods esii-1. • kfiVe described, a* fdll 'ba,g is genefally, the'restilt. We started after Pigeons the, next day directly .after breakfast, , of cent -sq. atm ed oulyr'with. shot gtins. Fraticois,4loweviel4,1ineleted' On ••tak- Mg' .his i--:`, e, Atitt ' be pet in his If, peeket,-A, andful .01, old rown -Bess- bullets, - .it. proceeding ,,thar proved °quite PrOvilliktiki,,,.kbetore the 'diay was Over '-- '. The bratde were' plentiful' and our baaS bicanae. in- • a - • collve4lePtk'i lieall. 4Y --n011,; 0 .tN, halt . was called). foraluatchit prepare- torv-te ;our iretnrn th.teftiti.p. Our, ren-clez.vous ,i,aa' .k.r.t", the base ' lit a; huge :pito, Of rocks t„iiak Criapped , pet , otathe ':gro.und' in ,i;wierd:",,confusion; Amine doubtlega fait tt underlies of the I griiiiite -forciation aernes ' r 11 -•ff 7'; : • -1.; ; ifikt "dvaliole'r' "*" ti li:' ' eu „ e ,gapna Ip .„., ug w wet e. in Urn xery lmirt , eg. the wooda,the trees in..the yreinity were stuntekeheviing•tlitit the soil was shallow..:. Sell it wagl'a' beautiful sliot for 'Pr, firarPOSe:'4,0 Francois soon' ,,hfid.: ' -a .61,Q :blazing, Antoine meanwhile cleaning, a few Of the pigeons .for:the'spit.i Out appetites were* Patiitatif ;401P .§e -tat attita Oe meal. proiv'ed ..t to,,„°be a famous one. 'The crackling pine -knot fire glowed in a. crevice of the rocks!? .and we. were in 'the 'fall' 'enjoyMentaef a ,roast pigeph: Nylpn:N.wp were all startled by a hoarse:growl in „our rear. "Des -.) ourbes !e -i. The bears! the bear!" - abotited Viaticois, as we. all leaped instmetwely,fo our feet.... . Bears 'ill was surela,enough„..for coming down ..upciu tis- were four of the uncouth b-utes, scrambling trier LtliO i-leksi in eyidently's. an !angry ood.1 , It was :our fire' that had. done the mischief,- Built in a.crevice, tasit had. been, some of the smoke inust have been driven 13y an .air -current iitto-iSortie. Stitt' Or silt:ter- ; : - -., :repeat' .eaves,n1 ly,hiclir, formed thief den of tgef !bears.. Theyhad;- no.. 'doubt, .been smoked .out by -our fire,. .and were conSequentl# rd in their blind rage.- rt: 'was „deVded/Y an sunpleaSant '.predic4ent,,' flIer bears. epepse4`1 to A Ve Men, awl One lof themwhollyaunartued, for An- toine 'hatl carried ourr proVender.- " To ' the. reei ! get 'behind a • . ,.., ., , tree !', oiled the two guidf4s, nimbly ,setting ,phe,exam,ple, as .they .sneke, The Majotaancl'.thq_Captain followed suit,,. while :I started oft to _113.e left; . alwae. : a proceeding 'that .nearlyCoet;o my-dife;„; TA -'s-4(1444ess., Of the The, iitanutqld:ddiFs:u%ltteiion... of the , '.. f -alarm, and, the.unepected, sight :of fcpieWtibri; 'Itirai Charles Dims a :the bears in ,sueli .,,,elayee. -proximity Christiani began- this year i--atner completely iunsettled, my nerves, so earlier than usual. That unprolit- that 'I' 'SearcelyAtnew"what -inivaA able 'entertainnient for 1873 was doing. ':Te" the -11'eaflar of 41.6-y, More .opened, s in the:cnegatiye, by an.Eng- . ..i-. • , . pxperienced, companions, I suddenly lish..i`religieue.' publiCation, assisted -paused, in. -1-i myTheadlong flight,laml by . sundry arainor -sheets The:. (emptied ',both , of 'WY barrels' right :attionatiVe is taken•iby several "isee• ' intO the f4..be ,Of ‘4' linge:bitite ' that : ular journa4e, ef:'`variotis aciimony .)-tad. eVidently,seleetect 'my iinlucky. and ability, a'rid'-thg subject is still self as its, ,fte4p,,,, ; . i01c,ertergej.tbefhail open. 'If Dibkene were 'living, this of as -Mani shot:a:only:added, to, her controversy -would be held . iMpetti- frage; for it vas thb inother Of!" the 'nen, • „Does „deat hi ,make ita.per'ti-' . family; tlicHigli she was in no; way -nenta . ,: ll. has ianswered for his disabled ; 'se there I wasr ft:ye to earthly usance before the only final . , , ,,.., , '...face with,the_artirnal, with an empty tribunAl. . . .. .. gun in my hand- and 'latterly kelp-- But 'while , we allay not judge his . • • iess,'for-tny Coinpatitas could ren,-.- i ward:life, the state of Ins heart,. der Me. no. immediate aid; having 1 noWn only toi,Gott, there Is a 4ues- theirItands...full in looking after the ,tion which layysbe properly asked, otherlaears. . - - .!.: , A • vii.: What 'wah, the tendency Of Francois opened' the. 1-)a..ttle• by .!.his -life's .work.?.: Did his - volum- firieg at the father -ef the group, and inous .. writings express and carry succeeded in rolling fligi over,-: _He.. .out the spirit of 'OurTiinne.a.Viour 4?- - had previously handed the two of- i The -simple religion of Jesue ..itp.' s ificers some of hiariround btillettsi put on Many forms in the ma.nycon- game. : Long before we reached the•piries the roads had become indistinct, kid' we were COM peEed to trust .ecitirely to Our French-danadian: guides, whom we had engaged with,their, pack of dogs at Madoceamii.was. pitched that 'evening at :thelSidWf a' beautiful little lake; bearnig the,lnr, than name of Sittch-kateh-a-wanna,• our appetites ,being-iAM.p° set for the raess of fish Francois whUe Antoine440. _.4641111.0),. ,t•b,e„ other guides, were pitching the tent and preparing the:litig9 fire se, nec- essary rn hunting expeditiona.-: . A.s.the-shadeg of =night ‘'darkened in. upon us, we -Cotitld hear thi.cries of the wild-fOW1 and ' tbe-fPlew4t. gabble of the wild ducks, as they noisily fedamong the reed of.the - swanip near -sounds whiar give us abundant -promise of sport neaaCclay. A couple of pipes and sortie startling . stories of Indian' jungle -hunting, from the Major, prepared' SiS tor bed, and we slept dreamlessly: before _ the fire till sunrise. Francois prov- ed himself a true guide, for :he rous- ed us as the sun rose,' and soon' had us out on the lake .in a 'couple of bark canoes ire' t hung up to trees. We made considerable haveamong the ducks by the time the morning mists had disappeared, for the birds were de1ic4ous1y 'innocent; of danger, so we :finally gave ,up the work in sheer pity. The afternoon was occupied in fib shinff, and at sup -I per we decided to push ,further on. to the northward, in hopes of larger • A" twenty -mile tramp, for it Was useless pltertipting to take the caFts along, led us tor anether lake, .known as Oali-a-wa-halta where we established our. head apiarterS", Ter- ome Ld Antoine beilieSeeback 4. Oil 8 lucky. L. r e kbei, saui iing 1 tbeopenitig._ Every night' -.w Wuld hear' the monotonous coo 5f the Wood, srroa.' • tenakih exp,g, pitiless to all shams Otift.21- eed, sawat iis, ‹Ctutd and pbr as ne, -and his cunning lot Leni the Oititgerous are. Slit the same omS and air() us the Reverendv,itink Mil ey, and Doctor 'Strong, and Mr. arndyce, andthatloftiest; scene in fiction, the death of Sidney carton: ,It is not, however, Abe Wealth '-which he gave to the World in any single soul born of bis,genius tti„nt, the measure of. Diokens's worth to the rAce, or the test of 'his charadter.- ' IL is the simple, and signifbant fact that some of the best modern minis- tries to the poor dal' themselves by names of his beqUeathing, alabot. in; the spirit' which waiii the iireath of. his life i and hold their work a leg- acy front his hands. • He felt,. as do. all *vvise' lovers of, their kind,' that, alms -giving is not the debt which , the fortunate classes owe to the un- fortunate. He held it to be the dangerous relic of a bad past. And, for its preearious dole he sought to substitute a certain wage. He saw, as do all thoughtful men, that• the devils of &valor, ignorance, famine, and pestilence mnitbe cast out of the tnasses before, the angelsof, the. Lord can: find 'lodgment therein. He saw, that the condition and pre- cedent of any better life wasthe awakening of, a , torpid seif-respect.. And to this end he demanded.the certainty of work, the certainty ,of pay, the certainty of instruction, (the *certainty ot a shelter betteD than a dog -kennel, and of such con- veniences as should make bodily de- cency possible. -Through these he believed that sorne'sense of rerligibn might be -aroused, and the assurance of these was; in his mind, the Obli- gation of the rich to -the abject poor. To the respectable. poor, thd working -men and women, hot felt that -money' and cultu e owed a debt; nbt less absolute: Hereckoned' it; the conditionbf Heaven acCompdny- ing this trust" that emne tithes of it should be spent in gaining h person- al knowledge of these poor relations on Adaan'S side. If each class could knew the ther,' he., thought that the bad blood between la-, hpr and capital, between hand -and bead, would 8-weeten intO kinship. s'pecially did, he beliOe that ed- ucation for the poor, the education= of brain and heitrt, 3f fancy and im- agination, which transfigtires the sordid elements of life, would solve half.the social problems that ate the despair and danger of society. • -The Holly Tree Inns and' Boffin's Bowers* contemplate these ends in this spirit. Boffin's Bower is the. 'symbol. of a homely, hearty, simple, and generous affection, broad-en,ough to entertain. the world. The Holly Tree is the symbol of Ohristmas. Where it hangs, there: enters. that gracious presence of Jesus which lives- in deeds. of love Let` us waste no tfme in asking yvhether Charles Dickens was a Christian, resting all that lie did to inake the world better and ' happier,- ',and " leaving, with meekness,his sins to his Saciour.”---Christian enion, Just then the ' Captaih and the -Major ran. p, bn found themselves. unable to use their guns for fear of hurting me, e•co they -did the next best thing, and began pounding .the sharling brtite.on, her .haunCheR, in hppes of inducing her to change frOnt; as they afterwards termed it These efforts tt5ted however, to pro - dice -the...1601'0 )efteet,',. the bear wisely considiring .a ,inan. in hand worth t wo in the bush, so, she:cOn--1 tineed'tx; hug ne and growl;, her 1 hind clawi scratehing ny limb4 t1,1 the la1P60., rap. But Antoine'brave fellowAhae :he Was proved. himself fully equid 1 ) - to the emergency' for he joined true iii,the battle, and with 'his s•arp• hunting -knife made sad havoC with the she bear's interior. This treat- ment -provedatoo mach for,- lier;:so shwa:m(144'1y rose on her hind feet, until J was lifted off the'ground, and then abandoned ` for, the brave . .:„ veyageur.. Anteine,seemed preparr ea -for the eneetuater and as the bear charged-atpon.him dexterously. beri- ed- his knife body. when both' willed over together in a death gap; ple. Bv this time Francois had killed the Second cub, and' after re- loading his rifle 41icited war admir- ation by rurining up" and'eleftly at - as she lay struggling, with his com- .. ting ;linnet thiough the she bear rade. That ended, our bear fight. . '1 ard not ashaMed to bonfess that I fainted just then, for I was aorely wounded, and actually out of breath. But aipull, at the flask, of COinac, ca,rtied bY Antoine, soon. revived me, an We examined my hint& The bear had torn,. my leggings and trousers into 'shreds, ,aficl mylegs were deeply 'Scored' by hr formida- ble cliawsNo bones7Were broken, however,- and the, flow of blood was soon stopped by some rOugh band- ,ages,- so I was .able by s:iindown' to 3 take the trail for tamp, k'vliere we ar- rived at midnight. Two rchlys were occupied by our .guides in seduring the skins and fat, while we enjoyed bear steak to our heart's content. I kept hetise in camp for nearly a weekftthe guides proved exCelient nutses. :In 40i-4h:he we returned to eiyiliiation, as the Canadian - 04(111VM. telt 134 the settlements, and .on reachipg KingstOn the officers of, the garrissin kept, tie ' a -clime prison- er untilthe regirriental surgeon,: finally .proeounced mae convales- cence, when I- parted !from rerkind frirnds, perhaps forever: Evert: noW I soinetimes dreatit.tif the hear fight; and:414,914y too tIapkfu1 to, wake :and find myself safe in bed, though I sti.1l tarry the marks of the oear's_ claws, _ I 'and' they leaded rapidly, succeed.: ,turies silice.he 'revealed- it.. In' our ing between thent in killing one Of day, it reaches its highest '"rnaiiife,s,-.. the cubs, leavinwhis companion to taaion, for,ike its Divine„ge4dei:, be attended to by Francois while it bears ..the ,sublitnest truth' s. into 'the? ran to -my assistance, -Which I -the meanest places. And since that needed sorely. I had, Unfortunate- 'Founder sat'Onithe hill- ly, ran too far 'away from Francois sides of 'Tilde:I:1kt 'the tiIl nOonticleS, to receive my quota of the bullets, -teaching tbat every creaturehatn a and even if Ihadthern, it is douL)t-- ,place in the love of Ills Father and ful if iteotild havelmade them avail- ours, few have spoken His Gospel to abl6. When I .so reeklesgly scatter- sornany hearts as this Charles Dick- 0:My pileorishOtin *.,11.e.fiace of the. en?. _Always he r was pleader.for she bear, .1 turned, and ran- for .the: whether 'it were,- the nearestk tree. ilt-13rovedz to 1:1-e: a friendless sdhoul-child, forgotten. melt sapluig :4:diaparept Oa', the. _even v4irother j- R -if -e, or at So a,tv,..,OnCe, 4411--V.ed fsli• an -, charity: boy, 9r_ the vioira.;pt the; other .and'; stouter; ,Stemaihoping toii law's delay, or -; the loathsome,. gain itin ennekdayoi!ifitty pinsue shambling,..poisonons • -Arab of Wel Ala! rilr feet caught in a ill-6-"!stieeig; or the outcast z. • SPtOIAI-t '/T014I9pS. I ' • BREA,KEAST.---EPP'S COCOA. -6RATE- FUT, AND •COMFQP.TIN*. -" 13y a thoronglii :knowledge of r'the natural laws.' Which' govern the operations Of digestion and.' nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well -selected coecia, Mt. Epps has provided' ouhtireakfist ta- bles with a delicatelylflavoured beverage which _may save us manytheavy doctors' bilis. "—Gvi1 Service Gazette. ' Made simply With Boiling Water or Milk. :Each packet is-is,belled-LJAKEs Ers & Co., Hoinceopathio` Chemists, 'London." MANUFACTURE OF 00004.7-' 1Vire . will now give an account of the process advt.: ed by .111,essrs. .4-ancws Epp.s Co. ufactUrers of -dietetic • articles, at-titheir, works in the Euston. Road, Cassell's Ijo' usehold Guide. Extract from n Letter of Ileitifora V113 111.1t111110 dz Co., one of the ofdejst and nteurt. reaPeet.nble loiriuml lir the Irlaritim:metirrovisacee. ffALIFAX, N. :5., Oeti. 4, 18717. ,Lpies. 1. 1Fii4ows, Eq. • Our sale of your li"ompcunct Syrup of Hyp nPeoPtwhilitshPshitant'linha8g/irirsei4 higYrrpri- icaer,he'a:871,Par'• exeseded,that af.anyother moilicine. We have had frorn you within, theypast year six ihuncl.refiAaseis..ot. one pozoky, e,a. ch,;. which have gone into • almostevery pot .of the -Vroyince, and given, so, :fax,as know, universal satisfactiqn.: Aslit iio " quack Medicine," but compounded;.as . we believe, .upon the sgund principles; of Pharmacentical , science,. ,we ttu4t, you will not, allow, the. public ;to, lose „sight of a remedy so ,welloaleulated .to ,bo of per- manent value: Very re,speetfully; ..,11 1,1 AVERY, BRoWN & UO. BE WISE. ---Too often a cold or slight, cough is considered a very ordinary, fling affair, just as well left toto, as it • 'a,ncl. hence systematicallytneglect- -ed until a aim, pie cnxa.b1e.affection•is-,e011- Voited into a serious pulmonary disease., The more 'prudent, awaro that a cough; or ,cold should •-never be , promptly uso:lifyanls Pultoonic INTafer, wlAch have snstaikd, theit.reputation, for over -30- years.—They are always. efficacious, and.exert al..most beneficial, influence .on all the bron4hial and; -pul- monary organs. Sold by all druggists and.couutry ro.erchants. • 11:1/.4 ,55 cents 'per box.. 4: • ,4, ; , f moiltgeTavQage'^I:rid8PdieTia'sciltit' tisrii*An1911gy, thtliate.' the conditioJA andecomfort .4of,; the •borso , have - been! neglepted,' 44, 134 'we ,)aelieve- there are :many lin: eivitige4 (.cogukies. :1010 0.re, gui,ity of the same id:tweet., and L,withut the excaae,ok.the.fermer aaheae- talr.D44Y Avail 'tiliggtiiiiivckfil Asttat ,an asticlewkich has,done.mbre,thalke,uv., 'thing eLse heretofore trtown to improve the condition and relieve the u o the r,e o *ill h ? sy W_. be 1 i es. .1 `riereti , . itel iiiiion a tented * be- _ . , ! .. a -Reme me-, ee the signatur _ . '& Co., is on e(eh 'packsige:k Lyman, N.ewcastle, Ont., ro_ Canada. Sold by all Media -hie iea ers. .-PLPROVEktiUTIIITION-she central iderr 4- the treatment of all Chronic Westing Diseesee, resulting in Nervous prostration and General De- bility, is to improve the Digestion. and Aosimilation of Food, and the/or:nation of Healthy Blood. 1)r. ; wheelerle auata ce,y.aotalhatas --billbilirrddhlit I. EV3diily agenfi known tlitit tet adireetly. ae. 'excitants of nutiition by imparting tofie Stbmaeh, Liver one Pancreas, flie great tripod that 4,1epitiee noiniehin(nt forbuild- ing 'up the organs and tissues of the body. The aetion pi this renittrintille preparation ie extraor- dinary in strengthening owl vitalizing the, eon" stittitiOn, whether impaired by age, exhaueted by exceeeee, bad habits, Or run down by old eeta- plaints that have,ei3Pitf,y1,,all ordinary methods et treatment. Being s:Meheunis cordial: to take, Boa ,perfeetly!ininaless under all circumetances/ it i13 eminently adapted to preakate meanie Women and , delicate children. • viemas',"Zetectric WORTH TN Trugs vs•AyEntiiiiT IN GOLD.. 1)0 YOn' I )040W ANYTIITNO oE IT? Xi NOT, IT IS * •" VtE TOu Tom- .` TOre are but foie! preparations of medial/Jo- wl:rich have withstood the impartial judgment of thk people for any great length of tipte. One of then BLEernio OIL, purely a prepar- ation a six of some of tlie-best °De that are known, each,ortq possessing virtue, of its own. Skeientifie phyaleiaint; know that Inedieinea ,nay be formed of several ingredients in certain fixed:proportions Of greater power, and producing effects; 'which - could never reeelt from the qse of oriy one of them, or hi differea dambinations, hu in in the preparation, of this' oil a chemical Maitre takes place, forming a compouna which could not by any possibility be made fpm any other combination or proportions of the 'same ingredients, or eny other ingredients/ and entirely 'different from anything ever before made, one which producee themost astonishing re - suits,. and having a wider range of applicatioie thee eny mod, leper ever before discovered. It con. - tains no tllcoheol" 91 tither volatile liquids conse- quently loses detbing by evaporation. -Wherever applied yOutgalhe benefit of every trop; whereas with ether reparations learly all the alcohol is lost in that way, and you get only the small .quan- tity of oils Whieli Multi:sty contain. , THOMAS, PHELPS. N. 1. And NORTHROP & „LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont., Sole Agents for the Dezniuion. , NeTz.-Electric-•--:Selecte& and Electrized. 801.1 -in Seaford). by E. Hickson & Co and B. Lumsden. ° , • The Great 'reunite Beine!ly. • • MOSEShlignIODIOAL TILES.* . TWS involtiableemedicine is entailing in the cure of tell those painful and dangerous disease to wialeh `the female Constitutio» is subject. Ip moderates all °keen and removes all obstructions; ands speedy cure may be relied on, yotglipiedladies, it is peculiarly suited. It -will u a short time, bring on the monthly period with regelitritY. • Mete Pillarshbuld nal be taken by Females' during the first three mouths of Pre-gnaey, as they' are mire tp bring. on Miecartiage, bee at any ether time they aro safe. In all cases of 'Nervous and Spinal Affeaions, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, pelpitatien of the heart, hysterics, and . whites, these pilfs will effeet a cure when all other, means' have -failed.; and 'although a .".9werful remedy, du not -contain iron, calomel, antinieny, or anything hurtful to the constitution. - Full directions in the pamphlet arouni each, package; 'Which Mhotild be carefully preserved. „ Job Mimes, Sew York, Sole Proprieter..$1.60 and 123; cents forpostage, enclosed to Northop &Lyman, - Newcastle, Ont. igeneral agents for the Dominion/ will insure a bottle, tont &Ming over 50 pills hy return mail. - Sold in SetifOrth by E. Hickson & Co., aii4I R..Lumsden. 419-7•*. - if JOHN SE.ArIvrER, - CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, riTas now on liaud tifull as- eortment of all the lema fug medicines of the day, cowl:nig, lug Dr. Wheeler's Comppund Lierir of Phosphates, Drs. • Ayeris,-Radway's DePew's and Hagyard'sreedicine4, Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Kennedy's Medi- cal Discovery. Extract of 13nehu, Horse and Cattle Medi - eines, Siiporior Dye Stuffs, Perfumery Combs and Brtieb.es, Risir Oita and Pomades, SchoolBooks and Stationery,. EXCHANGE OFFICE. In eminection; where all parties going to the United /Stelae eau be sqpplied with,American cur- zencylderiey to louden easy terms. Tickets i6 - Rued. to all parts of Europe and the Wet= States. Parties wishing to bring out their Mends from Elam an be euppljed with tickets here to send 'tothen. - 267 • JOHN SLITTER. PLOWS' PLOWS' 1. MUNRO & HOGAN, .1 PLOW -MAKERS, MUNRO &HOGAN desire to thank the farmers of -the, yicinity of Seatorth', for the liberal patrOntte Flitch has been- afforded , them eince they, began business here. They would also say that,therare prepiired andthat it is their intention Phe excellent reputation which their work auxins the past season achieved, not ,only amonethe fiirthiiig coniimmity of Huron, but ar; weil1b43Veryiehow and exhibition where they ex- hibited. - We.ifiake the following Plows, and devo• te , special attentien to "their manufacttue, our ex-- periena showing that they are the kinds beet adiipted ttingriculttual purposes in this section: ° I40// PLOW, •.! r. • IRON -BEAM PLOW (wooden handl- es) DO"kr$Hhr L'tLeE"Ies' tilLIAOARD PLOW -• 2 • IR015.. AND WOOD SOUFFLERS, or •HORSHOES. 7:- Th4 Aboyi,Plows we furnishat.$20. and upward; and ignaraptea them to give satistostion-if not, they, cen' be „returned, Tim'Scilliteia; We 'furnish at $9 to $417, accerding. to CifihlitSr,, and atm) aanaante-e aattsaaaion. 'mitts PATTERN OF MOULD BOARDS AND CA.STIN'GS wayeleitnt on. hand, ▪ I MUNRO & HOGA.14,- .Nerth Arahi-street, Settforth, MelS'aught's 01(1 stand.; ' 27543° 'MST' PRIZE PLOWS. AT • , • • ,-,p,:WILLIAIVI.pON'S OL� ESTABLISHED MANUFACTORY,. • 'J. SEAFORTH. • T_TAVING taken -that first prize for Iron 13eaur ; -A--'511lows at the lake Exhibition held in Hamilton, and the first at the Weetern Fair held in London,. belliaes a hi1l2 re6ommendation on the 3=0 Plow, cany:With rionfidenceilemmeild• my Plows for effinieney of work and lightness of draft, as:being .seepna te,lione in, the Dwn,njoii. The 40,4wing is ellet of 131-ows constantly on hand:. , Iren..beirrer,-Twith wooden. handles, - .Steel dandside and Motddboard, „LioPlaws, Woed.Plo,ws, Denbleykouldboaid Plovi arul Scrifilers, "Iroli'Mtrows, &e. Awlexturtietition of 'illy Flews id ,reSpectially ' solieited betere;pur3haMingreisewhere. 011stirige, and lioerde,kept on hand for repairing " drej, P.lows." • ' 276 $... 1. 4 G.. WILLIAMSON. _ • --ARCHIVECTURE. Jr11#111 uiliimifnetrisprepared to furpieh Plans, .1-ttpLehicationse. ital,t.'pflitPublic: and Private Belleinekand apto eepe rntendl the ereetion of - * 'the re'' and woilfMealini,5'.' a . ' 1. *: -,,,Aorry,31.1GBly-; 3 262 Second Concession, McKfllop. APRIL 11 1871 G- M, 1.011$11 Voliefttni IVIngnala, ixati beeito„ • poititea.Agent for gretblellial Seetnitieettif pany of ItiglaAhe f04,1146 Agent for Sever veto Capitalietrbt tOronto, 'who loan 31 very roaeonablet •,rateyie, Interest payable Charges moderate: • 1,4ringham, Deo. ].18'71. torneys at Law, Soileitera "cu. te0 lot i a :snit;a eve gry:altulble N. B.-$30,000 to lend at 8 per cent. ' Fii-s r JAR.n frIYRH: ,33scarNS:gNi; , 13-trri° 'Solicitorm for the R. C. Bank, Seatorth. Agents for -LP at Law, Solicitors in 'Chancery and Insolve iCtioivievse:iwatneoenreso,, Nato::: pererbe,ell:t.e. forth apt], Wroxeter. l,A, 23,000 91 Pxivate Fields so bhe Canada Life Asearina*Company, 'nil:: oanzid :°/itIHEIT*Esi:1:3B. arn;itis -ADA?' littOiney: Insolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancere. oCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Ranieteie, At. - ster, AR-tt.owrii'ecy'l:E:jiee&1416t3. • ery, &e.,Goderich, Ont. Olyi liee-over. ef. Detlor &0.'sFee___,porruiii, 3-rarket Square. 28g _______,, ......._..„ 1.. .—.......-___. BAR&011.,IiS3ITIII:ItenS181,,tgitnt, Attorneys,itiro16eFillt7telliwita'ooild.sdoiirsChanoe:cerinio; khcv. Rik.mstgonfriacen. ; , D A N IEL xcpoNALD., - 271 -1-orlerlai!-- - -- -4 • greatils, ° ItliE101-C.AL; • -DR. CefirP13ELL has removed to the house on - Mein -street, near the Station,ione door ssuta 0 Rose' Hotel, and oppoeite McCallum's Hertai lately occupied by Mr. Frank Meyer, idlers hawill be found asolimal. DAVID MITCH:ELL, M. D., Graduate 0/ „yid*. ria College, • PhYsician, Surgeon, etc., eta, Xnui-c11e,ONT.-7COutne1-91 talq Office andlesideried, at Thornpeo Istatders. TAMES STEWART, M. 131.,,C, M., Graduate of " McGill, trniversity, Montreal, Physician, Bur- geon, etc. Office mid Residente-Brneetteld.. n of the English La e spreadin mho med. W eiklsbc,urud oak ,r,c‘h, 'the. laborers' rc�fl1escheme first spokc! rest, mere wages, and on and a bit of land to rent ; And; union strong. Fell form -1 the Eine'S lilt" wild -fire w44 ri 11-OWS like Wild-fii. re neikt like wild -fire mid a union strong well formthe ol tells like wild -tire wenl A There were hundreds, ere that .!----Veridetermined to begin, ThAugh the squires oppose it alll •- and some persons call it s* Through Virs,rwickshire and. IN - shire the tidings quickly .trelltd aVElOftliuxid now tirral and_ sport their favotite bit Aha sport, ete.. , 1,,x'or43..vliri tLIKI G10 in Essex,•,far and near, Ourchampion's scattering broml -the peopiegladly hear Through every county in the .geAeralsove willmare Fpr 1510 -Union Band is a grand, ledon by Joseph Led on, etc. IT L. VERCOE, M. D.,. C. M., Physician, Sir: geon, etc: Office and Residence, Winer U' Market and High streetsTneit,to .the. Planing Mlul._ j*DeGn'tiBskUlare&i.,1•8Dea8fe"ith, Plate work, baist styles, neatly execute& surgical operations performed with care- arid promptitude.. Pees as low as ean be obtained ebie- where. Oftleehourt from 8 A.M. to 5 P. M. Roofed - over Mr. A. a. lIcDougall's Store, Ilairtlat.: .170 A X. 0AM1'4-ELL, formeirly-ofer.oenelI Li• University, Ithaca,IT. T., and tratittideefOni tario Veterinary CollegeResitlenee lkemperanee House, Varna. Will be at Britieffel every Monday afternoen from 2 till4 oweele. . IITETERINARY StiRGION.-DF MeNAUGHT,. V: V. S., begs to announce to the inhabitantiet Seatorth and surrounding tountry that he hake been awarded the diploma of thoOntarieVeterizi- :try College, and iEt now pfeparea to treat diseases* of Horses and Cattfe and. all domestie enimels.Be has opened an office iircennection with his heft* shoeing shop, where he willlid-foulni ready to ate ' tend to calls.. Diseases ..otthemfeettspecially at- tended to. Residence,4offiee ariPeheprii the rear chitof ilirglelogr:as&onisRy:ine:s new sto7. tint ;44:: erinary Medicines keit eonetantly haute 9.1J. CHIJRCITITATI, Veterinary Snrgeon, (meant ber of the Ontario Veterinary .College„) begs to intimate that he has returned to the practieeof his profession in Seaforth, ana;may "kali titaesher consulted on the diseases of Horse; Cattle, Lee: Veterinary inetheine.s constantly 011 1/1113(1.,.-.-Afi calls promptly attended. to. (ffice, at liaiikiew, House, Seaforth. t• ' • 278•1;: HOT:lef.trlt, 111CiGYAI, HOTEL, • Seaforth, Ontarie. i)S1310 -Et' POWELL, Proprietor. Tha subscriber bat thoroughly renovated and newly fiirnished above house, so that ft now affords gooa acedmine,. datian for the travelllinPriublier Choice liquotiV and cigars in thebarhp tab ixsuiplied with the delicacies tn Sea .11," OirtiorAm. season, Large stabling and an attentive hostierhe tieft-1 nection. . 2.51-17. 0011MERCIAL HOTAie Ainierville, Ont, WiL .ANNETT, proptietor. This ote1 .e end% entirely new ingnagement ana has been thou:Fatly* renovated.: The Bar is supplied „wiitla the. beat Liquors and. Cigars. Good Stablingand attent Healers.. A First-class Liveryan coenectien. 2441.. PRINCE OF WALT'S HOTEL, Clinton,t Ont.? 0_ J. MeGUTOIEEON,,aireprietta.. accommodation' for tramillers. The Bar l'icaele.. • plied with the very beat liquors antlidgerst dlood, stabling attached.., ;The atop -leaVes thisolleaukt -every day for Viringhani. 204-.4b • .*.t4loig, "nu T A. SHARP'S LIVERYAND8iLE STADLESe .1- • Oftice-At Murray's Hotel, Seitloetii. Horses anti first-class Conve maces always on hand: • V'.4 0."7 - int 14ELL'S LIVERY STABINES,'Slt aiFORTW. Qat° 1 -a-.P Good Horsee and Ccentortable,Vehiclee., always on. hana. Favorable Arrangementle wide With ° Commereial Travellers. All orders left DA XsoAt HOTEL, will be promptly e4teinditiL40. ' •-- .2 OFFIcn ANA •eraama.:-.-Taire alma isierwat. Knora Hotel, Main Stkeet. 221 ' THOMAS BELL, -Propdeter. INSURE YOUR PROPERTW-- . - Al\TDTtR .1.1VES'.j'' : A. Strong, SeafortIL-c The Western Insurance COM pally, of Torontot-. The7FiriStesooaat:tidashLLififProe:.,viirci.la: 4 The Insada. olated Risk Asti:mice Company, et Canada. Terms as reasonable as offered. .by any other, agent doing business for reliable Compabies.. MONET' TO EQ,laiCa'.': Also, Agent for the Agricultiinil jiiiesteiLt , Satiety, London. This *Compaxi,x :effers•lietter duusehemles esntien tthii; • o bporroryoinwerees.1 tchaaa. 43 11 =4 , oztchtSre....sA9' b ' gifing full particulars before applYing elsewnere. O1"FICE:7-over, Strong .# Fairlefs Greliery•-• Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 9,52 . • t 1 Jr, Vs k -t- 6 ti •A- NEW -IN SEA'FoRitI: 'At „. ELFM & MAY have left opened's,' PEIRNESS's`f halifiO4rei) C:9funtero,';:ollnid j:Avnel7asielSotprecot, ringhtiggytsip:-"f posits, the Mansion -Hotel, ava tat lfrep area -to-mke, and _ Carriage and t•eaiHathes XU Harnhat made in the latest* styles: Gob& material° alla good workinanship gneranteed; as -We havelltrad ' geed experience in the beet of work le some alba largest cities. We also -;keeri on baird ali' styles of -Hbrse °Cellare, Saddlee, Trunks airl a.lises, W-hipS,Whiplashes, Cuity Combs, BruslieS,I and. everything that is gentraily.keptiiii a finite . class Harness Shop. Ali orders 'Will be prouvtli attended to. Good attention -given to repairing. ,Charges low. ' Remember the shop --Opposite the 'Mena= Hotel, 8 eaferth. 274 BELFRY & MAY. PION EY* TO LEND. THE undersigned has $3,000 end upward., privets. lands, to loan, at 8 pre- oent.: per annain,oit Farm, property. Charges- ipoders.te.- Xariliago: licences issued. 227-52- W_ G. WILSON;Zritich. MONEY TO LOAN. THE subscriber has MONEY to loan to =3' -L• amount on good farm property. Interest, Der centper aniamn, when the interest' and prm„ eiple are paid yearly, and 8 per cent.sper ennui:31i' whorl the interest only is paid. . t... a MoDOUGALL, -- 22742 A.t cheap eash:Stote,tsie of the Beirq, PRIVATE. 1304ROINg. ..3*1.‘" A FEW GENT.LEMEN_can beiiee70FrOaat,e4i4:. *4 -A: -..in a private faniiiy. Inquire p4.,t1)1R Oee - - • • " 191414441441:44,4aihilage* iltimggtmal CAltr12 rhtnithlteddLcOrel aslit *te.41. Isired byDuketottlturenfi570.) Heird-bbbli aai ,greo will be fundshed: to -1 • • CRESSWELL, 274 Egznondvillo P. O. • ta Sif/ro;efarmirs fume, and break, Itbd dare to use their wh* And. cure Ana swear af ns thinking to seal our lips; But ethai)eseexrbeto'usnoduato, t,111,-iircl nomoi The tlex.ltPuennBdsfranoilmwsliieh hore toshorere; wax:Etxote, lso, 3eltewae.We efui be &erre(' -,T- What Arch' has told us, we k' is true in every word. 'Tis said he will eat and -chin Wie' our rthetion expense, Ba:):10. the s..tand, and Anaetc -go` ,here's success to Joscph truthful, fearless man! votilibee ngnaltel w.orl He'shonest, manly„ in. the E hard he hits the nail, Haa the oanie in hafid of t Bandi and we kney/ be wil `. And weknow, etst.• - GAIETIES. Whenis fire like a' lraa --MiTh4 it goc.S-vit aD nighl 93'1' When isite is yst 'later most e's.e:#3-1).11Qt-Wiali.81!era having ; loking Vat horse, pucbaser." Well, my f than see any fault in him von,:s the Answer. Neitly- see.' a5yil ja1-1"., a„I.t in thee," 04dkib - • -A 11(nte-dealer was anirA whiAt lie;ofl'gred titrytikl. 4', Not At all .often pa*e74 many nights li 333 -A34. -stable: 'aiegro- preacher obi laiiliefirers at the Close 4:6fi. as TollOws " My poi breolren,, 1 fi)34. ib =amain preaeh to you •elaitit am R hopper to wear knee-buckl An Irishman refetril sudden- death of a ,relative ed 'if he.lived high. "I eti ditlr said Terenbe, but! Like .the ,bqnks (lays, be was SU.SpenUeCL gentleman' was logiziug the- constancy a hUsbOid in the presettee. ing Ykisi: yes,' "le writes letters, full-of:I of-tiffec!tiony but-'1Whe,verl any thlt:."4111.4-1t14i tiii-efot d his=lare to be unrentittinA German lieddltr -ii cent tutitctilliof a probleth s° it svpsVnidtt1*I:he14' WOl big-V4cit: around day Afte yes, jh e reiilid.r." it "AT41--1,7L-441;14-1,11'ol-pio thaken dlys.ilchl" uitiakes.4:Y1 otli1in-;/ (I* 11 ni twice- 0- " -=One of the new brat] astri-thittxlintand. flSTC1hl il trade.. The wav tooi,bii int'Vra;14s To wak up ; tie diar Of a. dwelling; home *anti wash it, and and- oil ib 0 the fern' Theprofits are immense. •ILTIairly vears agi) entered' the city of New oalit.T.Psa.sit in7...0-41?trrainCin wilderness of houses. naMe.is ititown wherevei breathes.' It is; iii •1'tIlfL1lu1i-u to t, the titipe.Siari to his bro.) mills, and wherever It°cofnIhniLainie4or:fniclitiehea':irse'tXPyrket58S'irr! tbeury red,..yew. itaaw.s John Sn Naaris of Various So! 'The designations by various solts of tea ar - the market, may be wor coming under the imtal votion of dwellers at 110, is a. corruption of .16,z,1- pag labor, and the Ato, Advertised by tea-dealeil sort GI the same tea gra ?zing, A. city which, being: interpre " Military Rest." Soni fes it little sptonts f *0 down ;" Bohea is 'deriv- JiKuliee on wJij�l. duced Oohing -mea Dragon f Ilunginoey, rE