HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-04-04, Page 87- • an•!"-nete--- ^:••• - •••,- • • • • _ • itrn expoitor. DISTRICT MATTERS.. • above facts show that he has not labor- ed in vain. Such sheep must, indeed, be profitable. Brussels. [C. R. CO(MEN Brussels, Agent for the Ex- POeITOli Newspaper and Job Printing Offica) LECTURE. e -A Ma Timperlake, con- FaelnY DINNER S TS of any nuinner of fleeted with the Toronto Life Insurance pieces and; any tteri4 furnished to order at -Company, is announced to give a free leo- Incesoien Drug and Cro kery Store. ture in Armstrong 'e Nall on 'Monday Go TO HfOKSON'S rug Store for fresh evening next, on "Matrimony," treatipg Dye- Stuffs. the subject from a life insurance stand- PGinCif% Esi ;AMORY .IMPROvEMENTS. - Mr. Leckie intends to erect two addi- tions to his Cheese factory, and will also put in a four horse power steam engine, all 'or which improvements are to fee. completed teady for sping'operations. SALE POSTPONED. -Mr. Leadbeater's land sale- was, on account of the day ap- pointed being so stormy, postponed until further notice. A good many 'buyers were present, hut it was thought advis- able to put off the sale for a more favor- able day. - FABIlt SOLD. --Mr. Thomas Broadfoot has sold his farm, Lot 3, Con. 16, town - County of Huton at TITOALAS KIDD'S Emparinna. • Dress Goods, the latest and most adept. shIP of Grey, to Mr. Wm. Yeo, of God- ery Department complete. ench township, but formerly of G rey. This term contains 100 acres, has a frame barn and loghonk, and is well improved. .The price paid was $2,950. Mr. Broadfoot is to have a sale of his farm stock on the 9th of April. We be- lieve be intends removing to Kansas. 'ALMOST AFIRE. --he Brussels House, occupied_by Mr. Isaac Martin, had a very narrow escape from being destroyed by fire on Tuesday morning last. About 3 o'clock in the morning Mr. Martin was aroused by the dog that is kept in the bar- - Grey Branch, at Brussels, Wednesday, April 16. SouthRiding of Huron, at l3rucefield, on Thurs. room making, a noise at the deer leading 'day, April re. into the hall.! He at once got up, and on Friday, April 18. Stephen and Usborne Branch, at Exeter, on opening the door the flames Were Coming ' CASH for Bacon a• d Hems at ALLEN'S Grocery. BOWER AND EGGS Whetted for Cash at ALLEN'S Groceryi MAPLE Stf0 A.R. AN SYRUP wanted at A Groeery: WASH TUBS, PAIL BROOMS, &C, just arrived at ALLEN'S Groe REMOVAL. -As wi I be seen by refer- ence to his card on Becoral page of this paper, Dr. Campbell has removed his office and residence to the house on Main -street; lately occupied by Frank Mayer, one doer 'south pf Ross' Rotel, °Inman° McCallum's Rote/. ' • KIDD'S EMPORIITlef. -The largest and most select stock of Dry Goods ever shown in the BRITANNIA RoUSE, -Wm. Hill,,Brit- aroma House, has received his Spring Goods, which are very complete and well assorted. Ad- vertisement next week. PRINTS- -Immense stock just received. Come and seethe newpatterns. Balance of Goods to open out next week.--Looax ;it Jameson. • SPRING SHOWS. North Riding of Huron, at Blyth, on -Ineeden, April lin Hibbert Branch, at &dia. , on T*sday, A22. through the wall, alongside of one of the windows. The alarm was soon given, and even at that still hour of the night a large 'number were soon on hand. By this time the flames had got up between the two walls above the first floor, and bad also brokeie out through the siding, and.the flames were igoing higher than the eves. The cornice being very heayy, and presenting no light .work, only pre- vented the roof taking fire. By thie time a good supply of pails was on hand: A couple of ladders were placed against the wall, the siding tdri off, and with a glood sapply of water the fire was soon kot under. It had also worked in be- tween the ceiling and the first floor, and had burned -holes through the floor and carpet in one of the bed. rooms. If there had been any wind blowing at the time, or had the fire not been discovered when it was, there would have been very little hopes of saving the building. Ilhere ,is no doubt- but that the lire was the work of an incendiary. It was started in the wall outsiCe and at the lower corner of one of the windows, off the side street, looking into the bar -room, Large drops of coal oil were quite plainly to be seen on the siding just below the window. FIRE PROTECTION. -We would sug gest that it would be advisable, and to the immediate interest of the inlitattit- ants, to at ottee take some steps toward forming some Means of protection in case of a fire, even if it were only a hook and ladder company. Several or our neigh- boring %reneges have seffered very much, of late, from tires, and having paid very dearly for their expetience, are now adopting some means of protecKon, and would it not be expedient for us, also, to take some such steps? SPBING 8re4v.-The Grey Branch Ag- ricultural Society will hold their annual spring show at Brussels, on Wednesday, April 16, wheili a number of prizes will ' WARM 'SUGAR. -The ladies in Connec- tion with Rev. Mr. Palmer's congrega•-• tion purpose giving a manle sugar social. to be held in the Methodist Episcopal Church, on Tuesday 'evening.next, at 8 -o'clock P. M, Adinission' 15 cents. Proceeds for the benefit of the pastor of the Church. f.- PERsoenta.-141. C. Cameron, Esq., M' P., returned .from Ottawa on Saturday last We regret that the hon. gentle- : man's health is not good, and that he is scarcely able to attend to his Parliament- ary clutie,s at present. _ He intends re- . turning to Ottawa after the Easter holt- . days.-Slonal. Feexe-eWe have been requested by . Mr. Shantz to state that farmers purpos- ing raising flax next summer should make •immediate application to him for seed, as he has only a limited amount on hand, and it is being taken off rapidly. .We are -glad to learn that the culture of this crop has proved so satisfactory to those who have tried it for the past two years, that a very much larger number than for- merly have signified their intention of growing it this season. PA.SSION WEEIC-During next week (Passion week) Divine Service will be held daily in at. Thomas' Church, with sermons by different preachers, as fol- lows : Monday, 7 i3O-P. M., the Incum- bent; Tuesday, 7:30 P.. M., Rev. S. B. Kellogg; Wednesday, 7:30 P. M., Rev. -•C. Matthew ; Thursday, 7:30 P. M. Rev. F. Harding ; Good Friday; 10:30 At, M. and 7:30 P. M., the •• IncuMbent ; Saturday; (Batter Eve), 7:30 P, M., the Incumbent. - . . DReteterro ENTERTettenEnT. - We learn itrat the Seaforth Dramatic Club be offered for entire stock. propose giving an entertainment in thisPOSTAL DELAYS.—A number of local ' - village on the evening • of the 24th of items of interest, which we had collected May. The pieces -which will then be put last week, did not 'appear in last week's upon the boards are " The Idiot Wit- En'OSITOR. This was • on account of e e e iected this year. We hear of one irneeee erent young Canadian of some nine or ten- wintets who sent his father in "a highly anxiousandexcited state to the stable, by telling him that one of his horses had, fallen and was unable to get up. After he returned from his voyage of discovery his delighted offspring cheerfully in- formed hint that he was an April fool." The dilusttof the -parent is "more easi- ly imagined than described:" Whoxetitn. [T. W. Gibson, Wroxeter, Agent for the Ex- rOSITQa Newspaper and job Printing Office.) ROUSE VENTS: --Rents in this village are getting very high, and any one with a little spare capital would find houee *petty here a profitable investment.' REMOVAL. Mr. Dickson, merchant tailor, has rem -cored to the store next door to the one he formerly occupied. In addition to his present stock of dry goods., be will -keep on hand a good as- sortment of books ancl stationery. , SCHOOL EXAMINATION. --An examina- tion of the school is to take place next week. . • THE GRAN D TRU N YET. -Strange to say, it pays better to ship flour at Sea - forth on the much abused Grand Trunk, from here than to take it to Harristoxf, though ;the distance both ways 24 miles less. Not only has the Welling- ton, Grey and 13ruce charged more than the Grand Trunk, but it has not done the business of the country as it ought to have done. The farmers on the East !tide of Howick township, who opposed the by-law to the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. now acknowledge they were wrong; as without it, they say the $20,000 voted to the Wellington, Grey Bruce would be money thrown away.' - Varna. • J. BontuRon, of Varna having been to the Eastern Markets, purchLing his Spring Stock, will have it opened out on MONDAy, 7th of April next. • _SIGNS OF PROSPERITY. -This little vil- lage is certainly going 'to put on a new gerb. this spring. Fisher & Barton are pushing their cheese factory ahead with - great rapidity. Mit Seacord is building a dwelling houseclose to the temperance hall. Mr. Purdy is also building a house. Mr. Cunningham is abbut start- ing an athery, • and Messrs. Reid & Arm- strong a brewery. Sidewalks are to be built this aiming, and trees planted. If we only get the railway, things will be complete. Exet en. FARM SOLD. -Mr. Jam es S wen erton, of this neighborhood, has sold his farm in the township of Hay to Mr. Wilsoe, of Blanshardt for the stun of $4,800. The farm is situated on the 5th concessiion of Hay, bordering on the Zurich gravel road it is of excellent quality a,nd comprises 100 semi, nearly all under cultivation. The dwelling house, barns, &c., are frame, the latter being of the very best quality. The soil is not de stiffest clay, but is of that .rich loamy nature that yields to plentifully to the labor of the husbandman. In is favorably situated with respect to rtligious institutions. • As there is a large and very commodious Wesleyan Methodist Church built on the south-west corner of it. Upon the whole it is a rather desiitable country seat, and.. will make a comfortable homestead for Mr: Wilson and his family. SPRING.-Theining appears to ap- roach Slowly. he roads are in a very attempt to use a sleigh or cutter, and too Looby and , T. Champion; for shop, T. J, Marks. 'Rev. Mr. Rose made appli- cation for aid for a poor sick woman. Moved by Thomas Keys, seconded by Dr. Woods, that the sum of $15 be grant- ed to Jane McDonald, an indigent, sick woman -Carried. e Moved by George Castk, seconded by Thomas Tt*nys„ that the Auditor's Report be received, and that the Clerk get 100 copies printed -- Carried. • Moved by George Castle, sec- ontled by Thomas keys, that this Coun- cil do uow adjourn, to meet on the 26th day of 'April, at 2 &cloak, P. M., at Drysdale's Hotel, to consider whether we shall submit a by-law to aid the Lon- don, Huron and Bruce Railway or not, and to despatch other general business - Carried. Wm. PeunkETT, Clerk. • - St. Helens. • FAT CATTLE, -Mr. Gaunt, Deputy - Reeve of West Wawanosh, recently sold a yoke of steers, 22 Months old. They weighed 2,525 pounds, a weight which can hardly be beaten in the Chunty, when their age and inferior breed, being of the common or long horn. stock, is tak- en into consideration. . BIBLE SOCIETY. -On Thursday_eVening the Bible Society eld its annual -meet- ing. Officers for he ensuing year were appointed . The n eeting was addressed by Rev. Mr. Bens n, agent of the So- ciety. Upwards of 30 was contributed by subscription and. ollection. TEMPERANCE. A few weeks ago, the British American Order of Good Tem- pters .(MayfloWer Lridge), of this place, held an open meet*. The public were so well entertained that since that time sufficient additions were made to the Lodge to double its membership. It is the intention of the Society to hold another open lodge soon. LEAVING .-Mr, Witlfarn Gord.on, who has identified. himself With the prosperity of St. Helene since its infancy, is about giving up the ineroa,ntile and pest office business, and removing to 'Toronto to engage in a wholesale establislunent there. -Messrs. McAllister & Eagan with their families have just gone to Wiscon- sin to take possession of property given them by their relatives. EXAMINATION'. -The quarterly exam- ination of St. Helens school took place last Thurscla,y and Frida, . On Thurs- day the junior departme t was examin- td by the tea,chei, Miss lergetson. The whele of the second day was occupied in examining the senior department, taught by Mr. Hammitt. A. number of neigh- boring teachers and visitors were pres- ent. - POLITICAL. -We understand no less than fourteen charges have been present- ed against the return of Mr. Farrow, M. P. for North Huron. One being in re- gard to his property qualifieetion. It eems that his property is only valued by the assessment at $800, while the readers of the EXPOSITOR are well aware an M. P.'s propeity qualification must be much higher. Clia.NGED Helens. -The lath,. shingle, and saw mill on the second_ concession Kinloss, owned by Mr. David McConnel, has just been bought out by Mr. Edwin Gaunt & Brother for $3,000. The mill commands a good local trade•and. is in splendid working order. A. vacancy will, no doubt, thus occurr in the Dep- uty-Reeveship of . West Wawanosh, a post which, for a mlniber of years, Mr. - Gaunt has filled with medit to himself and satisfaction to the people. gad state, the sleighing being too bad to 11,ay. good. to enjoy a buggy Or wagon tide, so parties have to remain in rather an in- active state, waiting. with patience and hope till the warm and brilhant rays of old Sol will work an entire ohange on the 1 • fate of nature, ceasing her to anso me a new and cheering- aspect,' surrounder. nese and the Loan of a Lover." The some irregularity in the Post Office De- with so many associations of the most • entertainments of the Club have been Partment The letter, with the items pleasant. and enliyening character. much missed during the past winter, refired to, was mailed at Brussels on Sioreetisa.-- Mr Edward Hunt, of this and their appearance on the 24th wag Wednesday night, but did not reach Sea.- •village, has beee seriously ill. for some . no doubt, be greeted. by a large and an- forth till Fridaity niorniog,-24 hours be- time, it being the effects of •cold and the • preciative andiaence. hind time. this were the first, or extreme severity and peculiar Changes of THE Ce NADTAN FeRRIER.--1VIr. R. W, ) occurred in our own experience, we ; even ;the second time such delays have • Collins, of Seaforth, has been appointed would not complain, but when it has be- • agent in the townships of Tuckersmith, come e matter of unc,ertainty whether a. McKillop and Hullett, for the sale of the 1 letter mailed here in the evening will not lie in the Brussels post office all-nextday, forbearance .has ceated to be a Virtue. Canadian Farrier," a very useful bookt which treats of the diseases. of horses, - eattle and sheep. Robert. McClure, M. D, V. S., Principal of the Philadelphia Tuokensna Veterinary College, is the author of this . POST OFFIOE ME ETING. -Ote even- • ihook, and it is certainly a most useful ing of the 25th ult., a large number of volume for farmers and stock Owners to the ratepayers in the vicinity of Latta's poesees. • • corners met at the store of Mr. William • Moore to devise some means for the PAIN PuL AMID ENT. -We regret to establishment of e, post effice at that learn that Mr. Robert Fisher; of this vil- place. Mr. Scott was called to the lage, met with a severe and painful an- chair, and after a few preliminary re- cicient on Monday last Mr. Fisher has marks, put such motions as the people been engaged On building contracts in desired.. A petition was sent to Ottawa Mitchell for some months, and n the a stkart time ago, containipg abditt 90 day in question while working with some signatures, praying to have an 'office machinery got his right foot badly established, and we are happy to lay it crushed and his leg broken by being received de coneideration. Pbe need caught -in a wheel. The wound is very serious, and it is feared that amputation • may have to be performed.. • CONCERT. -The unfavorable/ -weather cast rather a damper on the concert of Tuesday night last. Those, however, who braved the pouring rain, and ven- tured, through the slushy and sub- aqueous streets, to the Town Hall, were amply rewarded for their. trouble. The pause, both vocal and instrumental, was of the Most excellent character, and Mr. • Gibbs, tie his readings, which, on ,this occasion, were principally -of a humorous kind, convulsed the sentience -With roerrimeot. MASS _MEETING. -A Mass meeting of the friends of temperance will be held in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, of this village, this (Friday) evening. Rev. John Shaw, P. D., of the Independent : Order of Good Tempters, will deliver an - address en Temperance and Prohibition. - -The resident ministers of the village Will also be present. The Good Tempters and. Sons of Temperance will appear in regalia; and music will be given by the choir. The chair will be taken at half - past seven. Adroission Free. A cordial invitation is 'extended to the general public. , Lou WooL, Hugh Love, Sr., of Hay, has sent us a specimen ef beauti- ful fine wool, measuring nearly_ severe teen inches ip lepgth. This wool was cut from t, Cotswold 'ewe lamb, ten and a half months old. Mr. Love informs us that this lamb will:04 at least 14 pounds of clean, washed wool of equal quality and length with the specimen re- ferred to. He also states that he has a number of other sheep which will sheet almost if not quite as neue-h. Mr. Love has gone to much ex-peose and trouble to unpreve his stock of sheep, but the • e of a, post office, by the people of the vi- cinity, ha.s long been felt, and we hope the desired. boon will soen be obtained. Forty dollars willcarryehe mail to,Rod- gerville and back twice a week, with the assurance of the Office becoming at once self-supporting. ,the Government will grant $30, the balance will be raised at once, by those interested. -•Com. makmg it very disagreeable, at - the, time anpointed a large number of speota- the weather. •For some time almost no hope was held out of his recovery, but during the p'ast,few days he appears to be improving. • Also Mr. Alfred Charley is suffering inteneely from an attack of inflammation ot the lungs. As . yet no change has taken place that would indi- cate a favorable termination of the dis- ease, and has case is looked upon as very doubtful. SHOOTING MATdEf. -A match between Messrs Themes Bissett -and ja,mes Westcott (two memblts of the Exeter Gun Club) came off here on Saturday last, The prize Competed for - being a very handsome silver cup, presented by Mr. George Dyer, of Ilatoilton, and held by Mr. Bissett against all competitors, and now again won by him after an exceed- ingly keen Contest, 21 birds (snow) each, distance 18 -yards, ground. trap. Mr..- VVestcott selected as umpire D. Balkwill, and Mr. Bissett, Mr. John - Saunders TEMPAANCE DEMONSTRATION. -- A temperance demonstration was given tinder the auspices the "Live and Let Live Lodge, o. 173, B. A. 0., G. T., at their Lodge room, on the evening ot Friday, tbe 2Ist nf March. Owing to the almost impassable state of the roads a large number of those who resided' at distance, together with some of the -prin cipal speakers, failed to attend. The at tendance, however, was as good as coul a be expected, and the evening was very pleasantly passed amid speeches, recite.- tons, dialogues, singing, &c. Mr. Hou- ton occupied the chair with merit and received a vote of thanks from the audi- ence. "Live and Let Live" Loden was established. in 1866, and has passed through many a brush. It has of late been adding largely to its roll of member ship, and. exercises a great influence for good in the neighborhood. BRASS BAND -.The Zurich brass band, under the leadership of .Alr. Wm. Otto, is progressing very favorably. tlf their progress in the past is an index to that of the future, Zurich band will, in a short time, rival any in this part of the country. ACCIDENT. -During the rernovel of a derrick from Mr. Wm. Carrick's saw mill, for the raising of Mr. Pickard's smoke stack, Mr. D. 1VIcKay received. some severe injuries on the leg, which, will, for some time, incapacitate him for • u y. e had but a short time recover - (President of the Club). Mr. Thomas ed from the consequences of a sprain., score was k t b th S Bissett, Sr., was appointed referee, the while assisting in carrying in pork with ep y • e ecretary, - Mr. G Elliott, Mr. Robert Bissett pulling the trap. Notwithstanding the state of the weather which, by the way, was raw and chilly, with a strong wind frOm the ebuth- 'West, accompanied by rain and snow. * AGOIDENT. - A young man named James Jamieson, employed by Mr. W. tors .were wattle ground, more than usual interest being manifested in the match, 0. Fowler, 2c1 concession, Tuckersinitle aod speculation Was rife as to the probe - on Wednesday last met with a very pain- bin result, fal accident, by his hand soming in con- it being the third challenee tact with a circular saw, at which he was accepted by Mr. Bissett, in accordance working. It appears that in sweeping with the rules of the club. Bissett led I away the saw dust with his hand, the eirff, killing his bird cleverly, followed by ' Iv eetcott, equally successful. Bissett saw caught his fingers, and in a very missing his next, Westcott bringing his, and continued to have a decided Moan - singular way split every one.of them. Walton., litageishiring the first half of the contest, &moon MATTERS. -The Walton school only six, Atter this w a reversal, was opened last Monday, after being • Bissett steadily gaining, and finally win- • closed for one week, on account of the prev- nirig by fdur birds. No little merriment alence of whooping -cough in and around Walton. Before its close the quarterly examination was held. The attendance of parents was fairebeing of those who always attend, but small con:pared to the number who never attend. - Tt is a matter to be regretted that parents ap- pear to be so indifferent about the edu- cation of their children as not to attend killing eight out of tenet,,,isssett kilIin the quarterly examitations. was caused. when the,last bird dropped, • by an enthusiastic rustic shouting ont iri anything but a musical voice, "That's where he's a hurted to." The !following is I, -the score : • Bissett - 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1*0 1 1 1 I. 1 1 1 0 1 1-1.6. Westcott - 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 11 00 0i -l2. Stanley. TenNEEY.--There is a splendid_ chance pursuant to adjournment, on Monday having other business • to atteed to, Bluevale. Co II1NCIL MEETING. -The GO'1.113cil met here for a good. tanner. *Mr. D. Stuart, the 31st of March, at McCann's Hotel, Bayfield. All the members present. The t Reeve in. the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. A petition t wap presented asking the Council to sub- t mit a by-law to the vote of the ratepay- ers, granting a bonus of $15,000 to aid n the London, Huron and Bruce Railwa,y Company. The following certificates of t licences were granted : for tavenns, G. t , wishes to sell his tannery. SPINAL DIsEesE.-There is no sign of this troubletsome • epidemic abating. There is a large number of cases in this neighborhood, and hitherto there have been many fatal ones. - - _ALL Fools' DAY. -The time-honored observances of this day were not neg- a, neighbor when he „rebeivecl this last in- jury. • COUNCIL M,EETING. --The Council met pursuant to adjournment, in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, April 1 1873 All the members of the Council present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the previousineeting read and approved. Moved by J. E. Geigher, seconded. by Peter 8. Geigher, that the petition of the resident owners of property to be belie, fitecl by draining, and being a majority of the seine, according to the last revised Assessment Roll be received, and that this Council take such steps as may be necessary to carry out the same Car- ried. • hloved by Will' iam Carrick, sec- onded by P. 8. Geigher, that the Reeve correspond with Mr. Wetherald, P. L. S., as to the examination of the lots to be benefited by drainage -Carried. :Mov- ed by William Carrick, seconded by 8 enntef that it appears from the minutes of a meeting of the municipal council of the township of Stanley held lately, that they only offer to expend $150 this sea- son on the boundary line between Hay and Stanley, be it therefore resolved by this Council, that in view of the increas- ing travel upon the said line of road, and seeing that the principal lines of road, running in the saane direction in the County, are almost all ` ginveled, and knowing also that there will be no grant from the County this season, that we grant the sum of $400 to be expended in graveling said road this season; $300 of he said sum to be expended east of the 7th Concession line, and $100 west of be Cranberry Marsh, provided the said o-wnehip of Stanley 'grant an equal amount to be expended in. the Same man- er, said moneys to be expended and the worle done under the superintendence of he Reeves of Hay and Stanley, and that he Clerk be instructed. to send a copy of , this motion to the Reeve and Cinincil of Stanley and asking a reply as soon as ptssible-Ostriel. Moved by 8, Ran - me, seconded by William CseTickt- that the following alterations be made urthe list of pathreasters for 1873aviz : James Swineeton's name to be erased as the por- tion of the township over which he INTOA3 appointed pathmaster is atout to be annexed to Exeter John Bell, substi- tuted for James McLeod;]Wm. 'Lehman, for ff. Barr; Jacob 0ountz. for, Heitman Quant; Godfrey Nicholson &lid Wm. Mettle° added to the liat of pathmasters -Carried.. Moved by J. B. Geigher, seconded by S. Rennie that this Cotin- oil do now adjourn to Leet ' again on the first TuescIty of May. The Court of Re- vision to be held the same date HUGH LovE, Sr., Clerk. litellett. CHEESE MEE'G.- A meeting of patrons of Kinburn Cheese Factory held. in Mr. Williams' Hall, on Th day, March 27, for the purpose of s ing up the business of the past year to make arrangements for the coming son. The meeting was called to orde R. Stephenson taking the chair. . proprietor, Mr. E,obertson, read the respondence he had received from PI land respecting the sale of last seas cheese, and also gave explanation w the returns had been so long in comi It was moved by Mr. McMillan, seco ed by Mr. Petrie, that the report of I year be accepted-Carrie4. r. Rob son made his patrons an offer to draw milk and make the cheese- for two cents wk.& half per pound, he to guarante first-class article, ahd. to be appoin salesman, and to advance at the rate o cents for 10,pouncls of milk. It.was mov- ed by Mr. McGregor, seconded hy Coyle, that the 'offer be accepted. -C ried. Moved by Mr. McMillan, seeon ed by Mr. Sloan, that Mr. Roberton responsible for all the milk he receives his factory --Carried. Moved by McMillan, seconded by Mr. Watt, th Mr. Robertson be empowered to insu the cheese at the rate of seven cents p pound -Carried. Moved by Mr- Laver seconded by Mr: J. Dale, that Geol. Stephenson he auclifor-Carried Mov bit Mr. ° Neelands, seconded by A. Tye man, that a vote of thanks be tendered to the Committee and Mr. Robertson f their services ---Carried: The meetin then adjourned. Questionable Ways of Raisin • Missionary Money. BEEPLES DEEMS! ,DEEPISSI SHTOP LEEDUi 110 W'S YOUR HUD /3 BR / VELL 7 DELL HER PORTER Keebs tote FUNNYTscUll.777,:s eARRIAGts Un herrn nn if she vents may Links, she• gne dem fur the IVIOOST NOD Dim urs - was Dere. He gibs dem =post all avay. He keebs a gribble to deliber dem to xou ease ettl- Bea_ His shtore is vere Mhister _Hatt youst top arta tut eits dere afore he shtarts avey mit dem. r by his _lether, un MAIN-Sill'ItEET, SEAFORTE, The NOTA BENA - Wen you don't got an - / cor- pingTERS Wat you, don't like to hay h.ateen, nlf- call by PORTER'S thet bin der sheapest bleee °111 178. II 1 PvinITM' PS AND CISTERNS. tad- ast - ert- J. .WILLIA MS the SEAFORTII, Is now better prepared then ever before to fur. e nish a superior article of f 7 PUMPS OR CISTERNS Mr. ar-• POWELL'S PATENT FORCE AND LIFT POW be - • at Also, the Common Log and Cistern PUMP. mr. SOFT WATER CISTERNS at s. re ANP ,er CHEESE FACTORY TANKS - le, Mad , of any size, to order.. These are now so- ge Imoweledged to be the cleaned, best and eneapeat en in Rea - te I have also made areangements for • DIGGING- WELLS • or and Water Supplies in general, by which ray can g offer better inducements to parties wantiag, Wells than any (tee in the business. From int, many years' experience and my in- creased facilities, I am confident of givieg sathe g faction to all who luny favor me with their erden. To the Editor of the iluron Expositor. Sin: Being in the village of Som where one night, I attended a Sabbat school tea tneetIng. Admittance. 2 cents; refreshments, first-class; musi good; speeches, religious and to th point. To my surprise, however, afte what 1 heard about religious training addressed. to both old and youug. fo their spiritual benefit, the prcigraname changed, and a very unrighteous farce was enacted, by putting up two youn ladies for sale, or at leaet what amount ed to the same thing. Such a Pystern to draw money for any Christian Society i a mockery of Bible principles. We hav it laid down in the Good Book, especial ly for 'those who pretend to tea.c youth, to abstain from. the appearance of evil, and dn the face of this Command they,will introduce such folly, to draw money for a Christian object. . Instead of good, it engenders a spirit of animosi- ty and jealousy in the minds` of youth. which sometimes ends in scenes not seemly to look upon. Not long ago, a case similar happened, when ministers of the Gospel had to retire in disgust. I hope Sabbath school teachers and minis- ters of the Gospel will raise their voices against such proceedings. If our reli- gious institutions cannot raise money without resorting to such groveling means, I must say that the standard. of religion is at a low ebb in this the nine- teenth oentury. Man trusts too much tt; self, and looks away from the, Giver. We are told to ask in His name and we shall receive, and He will withold no good • thing. We have exainples to guide us in our religious duty by. the fishermen of Galilee, but it seeras the fishermen. of Somewhere leave a new Gospel to declare; they have different nets from the Galileans ; their nets are of indiarubber, stretching to catch all kinds of game, to make money either by poaehing or otherwiee. A TRAVELER. STANLEY, March 31,1873. All Work. Warranted. Can at the Factory, NORTH MAINeSTREET, SEAFORTH, And eaantine fornourselves. 5 As 1 require money with which to early on my businessal have to state that all overdue ?notes e and Accounts not settled immediately eall be ✓ handed to Mr. j. S. Porter for collection. J. R. WILLIAMS.. •FRE E LECTURE. ARRIED and Sinale Life, which is the lest? „ Does nfarriage Prolong Life ? nAILES TIMPERLARE, Esq., Inspector of - Agendas for the Toronto Life Insurance Company, 8- will deliver: a lecture on the Statistics of Life In - e sursnee and their lessons in Armstrong's lain, BRUSSELS, on the evening of MONDAY, APALL - 7, 1873. • h Syllabus of Lecture -The Anglo-Saxon and Life Insurance in A. D. 890. The Insurance COM' panies of the 17th Century. - The 'importance of Life Insurance. Where $25,000,000 -went ha 1871. How long people live in various conalaies. Bach- elors and Old Maids''what they lose. Who com- mit suicide and fillLlutatie Asylums? Men and -women, which live the longest 2 How inrush mar. riage prolongs life. WAX' and deex food, theiref- feet on National progress. A nations deaths, now few die of Old aae, disease, drink, starvation. Ef- fect of occupation on the duration of life. What class of men live longest? What .lass of women live longest? The Toronto LifeaIneurance Coma parry, what it is, what it does. National Institu- tions- • Chair to be taken at 8 o'clock. -At the last meeting of the Lincoln County Council a sum was voted_ toward establishing a Teachers' Library for the County. We believe an appeal will be made to the County Council of Huron at its next session for a sinolarpurnose, and, will, we trust, meet with a liberal. res- ponse. A cow belonging to Mr. Wm. Yost, of Mornington, County of , Perth, recently gave birth to a calf, having two heads -both well formed -four front legs, with two bodies joined together from. the ' shotilders. There are also two separate tails. It is, in fact, two distinct calves. Each head measures 18 inches in ciieuna-' ference. The front legs are 16 inches long. It measures 4 feet from the nose to the tips of the tails. A FINE ASSORTMENT of Papier Mache Trays at Kroasote's Drug aed Crocker, Store. A LARGE LOT of Fancy Tea Sets ar- riving daily at }Mason's. e A. M. CAMPBELL, V. 8., formerly of Cornell University, Ithaca,N. Y., and Graduate of On- tario Veterinary College. Residence - Cooke's Temperance Rouse, Varna. Will be at Brucefield every afternoon front 2 till 5 o'clock. .A.NTED,B-im---CMYediaWtelA-y,-1!130C:a; the Black - entailing business. Apply to 278 MoINTOSII & MORRISON. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE Of the following new and choice varieties, viz.: Climax, Excelsior, Bresee's Prolific, Willard Seedling, Chattering, • Granite State. Took -Best prizes -wherever shown at the Fall Shows, and four prizes at the Seaforth Seed Fair in 1873. The above varieties are warranted true to name. Apply at Lot 23, Con. 3, Township Of Tucker - smith, H. R. S., or ddress JAMES LANDESB OR OUGH, 278 - Seafortle ort. COURT OF REVISION-. TOWNSHIP OF HAY. TIM CO1JRT OF'REVISION for the Toemsbip of Hay, for the purpose ,of revieing and cor- recting the Assessment Roll for 1878 'will be held ixt the Town Hall, Znalch, On Tuesday, Gth they at Itlay next, At the hour 01 10 o'clock A. IL All parties inter- ested are requested to take notice and goverx. themselves accordingly. HUGH LOVE, Sr., • Township •Clerk, Clerk's Oftice, Hill's Green, April 2, 1878. IN CHANCERY. IN CHAMBERS. SATEADAY, the 29th day of March, A. D.1873. BETWEEN ' WILLIAM FORTUNE, and EDWARD MelnEARNAN and otners, Defendants. Upon the application of the abovenamed plain- tiff, and upon heating the Solicitors for the appli- cant, and upon reading the affidavit of Henry W. C. Meyer and the erhibit therein referred to - It is ordered that servitse of -office topics of the bill of c'niplahrt, endorsed. itt SCOadanCS with the General Orders of this Court, and of a eopy of this order upon the defendant, Bridget Cowan, be deemed good service upon the defendants, Ed- ward, Patrick and John McKean:tan, and that said three last-euentioned defendants do, on or before the thirtieth day of June next, answer or demur to said bill. - [Signed,[ GEO. S. HoLmEsTED, IL 0. C. Edward, Patrick -and John Mcinearnan., take no- tice that, if you do not answer or demur to the - bill, punturnt to the above order, the plaintiff may obtain an order to take the bill as confessed against you, and the Court maygrant such relief as he may be entitled to, on his own shewing, and you will not receive any further notiee of the fu - 'num proceedings in the pause. Your answer is to be ftled at the oci of th Deputy Registrar at the Town of Godetich in the - County of Huron. 13EN-SON & METER, 278-4 Plaintiff '8 Solicitor. Insolvent Act of 1869. In the Matter of Zapfe c6 Carter, Of Seaforth, In8olvents. 1\n" OTICE is hereby given that it meeting of the creditors of the above-named insolvents will be held at the Commercial Hotel, in the Village o• f Seaforth, ou TUESDAY, the 15th day of Aril/ instant, at 5 o'clock P. M., 'when thaassignee will lay before the creditors a fell statement of the present position of the estate and. consult with them AS to the proper steps to be taken. to win.' d up its affair s 'without delay. • ADAM HOPE, • Assignee. Hamilton, April 1,1873. 278-2 _ Insolvent Act of 1869. In the matter % of James Leonard; an in- solvent. A final Dividend Sheet has been prepared, open to objection until the twenty-eighth (28) day of April, 1873, after which dividend will be paid. DIXIE WATSON, Assignee. Goderieh, March 25, 1878. 277-2 'WHIM CARRIAGE WORKS. THE SEASON CHANGED. WILLIAM -GRASSIE Has sold afl his Sleighs and Cutters and is now busy making up B UGGI ES AND WAGONS. • A few Buggies and Wagons left over from last year, which will be sold cheap. Any person wanting a substantial Wagon "Or handsome Buggy should call at onceand make ar- rangements, ILS large number of orders are now in, and those who wait to long -will probably flat be able to get their orders felled. Repairing and horse shoeing promptly attended to as usual. WILLIAM GRASSIE, Goderich street, Seaforth. $00100"11 SEILIP11. IfEtJ arligOOJE NO* 270..1 Atiti tOltit TAMMY FM A.AT,v .1N3tRY inaBleavale lor Sa" -ated on Vie hank of the RI bothatater and steam power; t 24 stories above vats; 2 Bet bark leaeh, with new heater, all order; also, new herk mill an appte by turd or pei:eonallen to 272-4 D. STZW. IttialitPOR IlfAT-7. IN -VOR SALE, on reasZentible 18, Meltillop, conteinbeg 50 g are olearen and in a good anti Tire soil is tolling and of tbe- There is a good log house, bart ingst oiso .49, goon bearing meta eituated -within one tnile grand road leafing to Seaman it is anent 8 auks distant. Fe Jars apply to the proprietor on a Benson St Meyer, Barristare, titft SENECA EDW !ABM TOR th-TeS TIM SALE, Lot SO, Con. t3, 40 acres, 27 clear, remain maple hardwood; situated on t Road, ill miles from Seafodli. good log honao ; never failing fartheepartienlam apply to north ee, A NY PARTIES -wishing 4-1-setertl:34,1411.1:sts8mfe-pca:lortffillui";:asoef bthint4t.ue:Sonb.ti .1111thilt- =am:gig/30d, who have neettna ply Or address 27d. E. BICE -SOS TOR ft AIX te Ftoos,sitEcoOnce331 T8i0oRni.87.,44a ra 100 sere* SOof which am deli good cultivation, :au1 -well -wood triune barn nex40,001 a :eplentlid -orchard.; well tlia nnliefrorti the village of Kittb lane of goodgravel road; athe premises or address Cott FARM R NT, for a terra of y ha; acres, Se- of aid well le into 10 -acre rields, 12, McVillop ; last date of ex 32neres are hill 'plowed and -wheat; good hag house, .log granary ;good young watered; eituateci within tyro xoaduaaint,toneeneeni, w • distant. For. furtimr proprietor on the premises, Wintlurop P. 0. 276*4 T4031P8 ritithis4,11:0,:s SUM 4 4275064eareaf3T-CO:ILINamigioiTinetagoodP6-:ray:e-,1714°T; ito frOM FARM FOR calONTAINnini 312 aeres„ at *ten hi Vermillion -Coun on the Wabash Rivereit as - miles; 228 acies ad -this fainn which, with cultivati bushels orcorn per turret land., good tor all Ian& of of tbai Anna is in itgood s balanee good nardwood; stories, one log house, log Ttwkiso niarmrolianisis anianadsuatuum thriving Uwe of -Clintme, viRe, Tiirreq. Hanle And miles south of allnisago, goloodinerrertaZg.4..utea. , inoolty; goad neigbborbooll. Terms uIt Onaufenrtilmdeithe .onAindeoundresstyrn: Othe - HNiums,E. Bicemels, Ont. FARM FOR L01'22, vortli nein Comi County of Harlan, 100 banshee in good hantwood flaunt lainn„ 136 x 56; also, a_ The above lot is. out! ROad between Seatorth and *from Brussels, a .stationof elm ofthe waribgtoti, via be sold. zheap tor a = For further particulare /Erie LelelAgent, Brussels P. 0. ,11011WAND 1AT VOR SATErthe House and • street formerly occupied Terms reasonable. For part 2784 ' A.G.VAN SUPERIOR PARK REING- -the west half of Road 'North Concession County of Huron, abutting front ana the River Potatel a view of Lake Huron. wires, tbe greater part from stumps. There le dwell:Mg-house, frame bar superior -orchard, said plenty of water; it is Comityonarkets; tliem tomer a (helot and Sex the property must be Bold want n! a farm should ILA) meidemeasannot be fotmd orthe hest siiality. There bushdoing for sale. A 270• trogiugistaeinveog- :oastal4sroi!;iderawarereato:1137tormstinods7114emeatilaws;378:::,.'-:1 side, and good -orchard; p 'VALIJABLE F.A104- op, to 77WIT11C GARI:7 1313/ TOgionitElan'Tf ituz,vergmhe Bifekitb,Yard414 1)tterritYeZ:ailiTitgillsiipmftplys. le -a large Tata, with a bank of eplandid c yoZ "rniaolarawabusedufaetiiiin,watitlivibeotthh"erg-eialiall::411"la yannand about 6,000feet of yard .$100 a year. The sex for ,$100 easit ; the ts disposed of very low- _ for anyone Avis' Iniug toe boldness, as bricks are now $7 50 perlsori000, ear and ertwood cord.k 32,85-TRA34426 sAwl'Ommx.EN BOW TIEING Lot 3 -1, -Con. 7, acres, all cleared, with two goo4 ordiszde itt f ing springs Which aarply Con. 9, containine acre 431sollin sitythelelul"naptedremtilifisese"t4)1141". Isbl:rm SON, Constance P. 0., -STORE TO RENT OA THAT acituza fsrorabiy- - 0131ESTE'R 40138E, JOHN LOGAN WM be able terms. Apply etre. 270 &wa 276*4