HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-04-04, Page 70 c FLAX1.11 1Teiyhborhoo€7 of" Spring sowing 600 SEED, ectly clean, at - n Credit,' eliveed.. FLAX SEED mperior tdk the- com- a' grew fully inns its common Flax Seed yielding as high as: peattwound- digit uGtions how to dS;e., wilihe furnish - Pe.. FEES. /and, in fields front 'rug Flax, for which. aFarmershaving te application to ra tgemeuts may be. girth 1 )Z Mi`IL PE URE, FFE-¢S• tF F- Bureaus. 237-52 WANTE). net -maker, to work Fk<iE, Aihleyvrlle. .}IUI NT. EPHENS .dug hid numerous, umeneed? the Pork* ,stn-ktreet. a Practical SAUa n rely on getting a ,`7: RRn HAMS - o well to five him a her All order& Rini E kis street, Seafortli.. ern on t o ,urbizg impor. gricuitureal Laborers in gland.` A. portrait of the now illustrious Josepb.Arch i presented with the paper.'`r. Ota wary had the g� ortibie to Seleiiiitd converse with the, new apostle. He found Areentative county? bier He is a story Saxon man, with blonde, com- plexion. and light blue eyes, a straight, frank leek, and strong -features. His .fes is weather beaten, and bears traces of smallpox ;` the under face is squarish, the -cheek bones prominent, the forehead high and broad. B ke i s gitfed. with that which Saad regarded as his. greatest earthly treasure—a sweat voice ;' and ha vow has its own. physiognomy in a • any than the best- ihopeCi Want . of occupation was a temptatift,: and i `tlie ht that a high Shier+ of duties,.'nd ;inteicourse :with thebest and ablest lune,, and an ambi- tion he ° capable of may keep him in the right shay. • - (burger in Bruce.. On last Monday niglit, a most shock- ing murder was committed near Under- wood, lit the township ` of Bruce. The particulars so far as we have been able to ascertain than, are substantially as follows During last week m• dispute arose, coheerning` some `geese, tween two families, icy name of Johnston and Price, residing in tho township of Bruce. A quarrel ensued, in which John John- ston, Sr., appears to havereceived rather rough h ndling., An inforination vas laid by the Prieee before a Magistrate, charging 'the Johinstons andothers with assault. ! The case was to be di§posed of most innocent and winning-. smile. on Tuesday ; !int; in the-zleanine, max - r. Arch taught himself to read ,ious have organized a elan otnattack on the ears while lou 111 The nen, ; auu al- to _-_ - rq__ • Price family. On fionday, the Prices ways, though he had not acrust pf bread to eat, he carried itbit of trig low candle to study his Bible and read his : ewspaper ==at -night,,„ His skill in hedg-plantifn led hirtilinto a nomadic life, and briught hint in contact with. malty, . ng jieople ; so that he knows of =what he Speaks better, than most. of his fellows Fromthe reformer's own words, i' r. ; Conway represen t' e ul- ties Of the situation had gone to Kincardine, and were to re- turn that evening. Johnston, Sr., ac companied by his son Edward, and also, it is reported, by another son, a mere school -boy, and by James Best, Arthur Best,and a hired mans John Kerr, armed theselves with bludgeons, aid proceed ed to the residence4f•Price, and secret- ed themselves in a barn not far frog the house. The Prices, with a visitor, fe- turned "ohne at about ten at night, drove past the house toward the barn, and before they had time to get out of the sleigh, the murderous gang rushed upon them. • The elder Johnston attacking the RIK TOOIS AT ,HOFFMAN BROTHERS NEW PRINTS, You see, sir, the nobility ha -volleyer murdered. man, George Price `with. the hngintheir faa?nr ha •get: out of the old. idea of a d of own- i� first blow knocked him sena less in the is farmi es.l sleigh, and then appears to have beaten On many estates it is their custn to take him in a most savage mariner; complete- some.inteiest in the laborer's lanmily, to ly breaking in- one side of his head With send littlepresentsto his Wife' or baby. several heavy blows, and also ,fracturing The poor man's children go up to the the other side. Another of the Prices master'shouse to get -soup, and all this as also left for dead, and the remainder seems in my lord's eyes '7 to make it tai= very severely handled. The murderers grateful for the hand to try and make` a then returned home. Ou the alarm be- ard -and: -fast contract about employ- Mg given. D. McKay, of Underwood, waS vent. ,But the little presents and the at once Sent for, 'and finding that George lady's. _occasional visits to the sick wife Price could not survive for any length of do not prevent aman's Bufferin on ten time, gent word to W. Coulthard. J. I'., or even fifteen shings a week. What who at once sent Constable McKay, the farm hand needs. is justice rather with a posse of special constable's, to ar- than charity. There is, neither charity rest the Johnstone and their party: They nor justice under thirty shillings a week. were found at' their house before day - Now; it is said this is a -thing to be set- break of Tuesday;' were arrested on the tled by the law of -supply and "demand. original charge, brought before the Maybe so ; but the law of supply and Magistrate, and committed to stand demand is not always looked. at in a' their trial at the Assizes. The Coroner large way. ` If the landlords were to also had in the meantime held an inquest `force the best laborers j England to on the body, and. they were also on his emigrate, they and the public generally Warrant committed for the murder of wo-aicl pretty soon discover that the law Price. The five prisoners were on. Wed. - of supply and demand covered more . nesday morning lodged in jail here, to ground than. the state of the labor mar- await their trial in April. The John- ket for any one moment. stops and Kerr to not appear_ to�have at Mr. Arch declares a there. -would all times borne the best of characters. be work enough if to land were The `Bests, however, were generally re - E aided as quiet young men. How they thrown open to proper cultivation. gcame to allow .their ipassions so far to But the law induces tne. present . sway them, as to join Johnston -in his holder of an estate to make hay murderous slid dastardly . attack, it is while the sun shines -=not by put: hard to tell. — Walkerton Telescope, ting it in its best con`cli.tion, but by March 21* working it superfioially. Then there are the game laws and other oppreve conditions. The point for which Mr.Arch! is now striving is to have a commission appointed to inquire into the condition -of :tlie apiculture' laborers, The people of England, he thinks, are ignorant of the truth ;. but when they know the horrible iniquities that are suf- fered to exit, they will throw them- selves on the right side. . A n out- line of one of Mr. Arch's clear- headed speeches is given, and a re -- port also of a cross examination of a ! _ • CULT farm laborer, who testified that after IVATORS, LAND ROLLER BRUSSELS FOUNDRY. • Tt t b. SUBSCRIBER wishes to call the attention of the farming- community in general to hi large and varied, stock of Ag icult lral Innipleinents, IRON (Consisting of AND WOOD PLOWS With the latest unproved Steel Mould Board, GANG PLOWS, harvest his master had offered him five shillings a week --or a discharge upon which sum he . had to sup - ort himself and seven children losingtime on wet days. \ FARMERS' PLOW, Which has given universal satisfaction wherevr HARROWS, SCUFFLERS, &c. He would begs •to call special attention to t celebrated The New ging of Rawiz. - The followin; the Boston Adver- tiser says, is an extract from a let- ter from a person well informed as to the state, of public affairs 'in the Hawaiian Islands • The new king was a .descendant Wagons, First -Class thef king of Maui and G t f Spring nae warranted of very b st • • Dark and L ht, suitable for the season. • Dressed and Undressed • HOLLAND VERY CHEAP. BLEACHED COTTONS, Good Vane. Tett thousand yards of those_well-k'noitia DUNDAS COTTONS, 'Which have no equal for wear, uniformity of thread, rapidity in bleaching, lowness inprices, which is the -main object. TOWELS AND TOWELING, used, to which is now, added a Thistle Point, So much required in this part. Also, to some first- class STAVE -DRUM LAND ROLLER, From, $22 to $35. Also, a few 4ie Or Iver r - et rug up or , was ,of much higher rank than the KaUiehar retia family, to which he S AEON ED TIMBERL was not related. Ile was not relat- ed to Pauahi (Mrs° Bishop,). nor to Queen Annii, I believe. He was,. when_ in the missionary schools for* - chiefs, very quick to learn in all subjects that he studied ; • his mem- ory was very retentive, and he can converse well on any topic. He has always been. a great reader; -is well instructed.. in history, is a fluent speaker, and has great influ- =ence with the natives. His failing has been . a. _fondness for -liquor, which has so unfitted him for busi- ness that two guardians were ap- pointed to manage his estate, and they allowed him a weekly sum, which was usually exhausted. _in four or five days. He was considered, when a few years younger, the handsomest na- tive Hawaiian in the islands, tend is still very fine looking, appearing several years younger than he is. The reports' since he came -to the throne are favorable. He has kept himself sober, and has dismissed the rabble that formerly hung about him. At the royal reception given to commanders of ships-offwar, at Hotlulu, no liquors were furnish- ed.; Some of the foreigners ` (as we \call all not of native bIood) in his Cabinet have resolved to take no Wine or spirits while in office, as an encouragement to the king: The confidence in him, displayed by all classes of the people, is surprising. It lis generally felt that he is the mal for the position. The point I have mentioned is 'the only one on - which there seems . to be any fear, All of which will be sold at the very 3,OWEST PRICES FOR CASH Or approved credit. WM. R. WILSON. Brussels, Feb. 12,1873. - 271e Iodized Cod Liver Oil. IS Preparation is a. solution of Iodide of - b on n perfectly pure Cod. Livor Oil. It may{ be in all cases where the simple Oil is erdeted, 74this on - kin om It T use and *ill be found greatly superior to it. pre oration is highly beneficial in Pulmonary sninption, Scrofulous Complaints, Chronic Dis ayes, and for all chronic disorders arising def ctive digestion, assimilation or nutrition. is also highly useful in Chronic Rheumatism and • C-odt. Price $1. - - Il;o rnpound - Syrup of llypophosphi 9 fl IS is an agreeable Preparation containint 4 .-Iypophosphites of Lime, Soma, Potash Iron, with free Hypophosghorous ,Acid. Syrup is a certain remedy for General Der froin any cause, Nervous Diseases and Scrofr Complaints. It is also highlyasefnl in cliseas the bones (especially in ,infants) and inti Co1samption. Price $1. , The above Preparations are of standard me• cal reputation, and containing no secret ingredi:nts, m y be prescribed by physicians without hasita- ti . Prepared by JOHN WILLIAMS London, Onto. 'o. or sale by—R. Lumsden, Seaforth; J. R. G anti Birssels ; G. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and Drug gists generally. THE SEAFORTH LUMBER YAR ENDLESS VARIETIES. TA3LE LINENS And Table Napkins. SPRING OF 1873. CLOTHING FOR ALL. ll'ANISOMEST CLOTHSEVER BROUGHT INTO SEAFORTH CALL_ AND SEE THEM. T. K, AICD ERSO1,• MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTTrn 1t, SEAFORTH, HAS RECEIVED HIS SPRING Snom.OF CLOTHS, W hich are, without exaggeration, the handsomest goods ever brought into the Seafoith Market. FOR CFii,APNESS AND QUALITY, AS WELL AS APPEARANCE, THEY CANNOT BE • EXCELLED. Complete Suits at $12 and Upwax°ds• BED- SPREADS, ter. the and Phis ility loos to of ient ,i White and Colored. WHITE COTTON HOSE, EMBROIDERED 9 GrENTS' FijRNISIIINGS, HATS -AND CAPS. T. K. ANDERSON'S u - - 875 M C L87 AND SUMMER. • DUNCAN & DUNCAN, STAPLE Spring Stock of HATS AND CAPS Pak dailyarriving, for and for quality, appearance, style and price, s. IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS • HIS STOCK IS MORE COMPLETE AND VARIED THAN EVER IT RAS BEEN. Everything in this -line is constantly kept, and nothing but the LATEST STYLES sold., COLLARS AND CUFFS, LINEN, LACE AND MUSLIN, HANDKERCHIEFS, &c. TOWN AND COUNTRY CUSTOMERS LIBERALLY DEALT WITH. 1rTCYTICE_ Try him once, and. if not satisfied you needn't come back. - 1 GOOD FIT •guaranteed or no money asked. A discount of FIVE 'PER CENT. will be allowed on all cash purchases. REMEMBER WHERE TO GO, SIGN OF THE MAMMOTH HAT, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH. - All the above-Goods,•:just'opened out, were bought for Cash, and well be sold MABEE & MACDON ALD G to inform the public that they have. opened - la' Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Shearsons JYlill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber. They will keep constantly on hand a good ssort- Ynxd, by Mr: Thomas Lee. nient of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and uwdressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGT,RS all of hich they are prepared to sell at the lowest j possi- ble prices, for Cash. d it to their Builders and others will firpraces advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our ties on before purchasingelsewhere, as we afe in a p si to offer good inducements EE aatt MACDONALD. , FOR CASH ONLY.. Everybody knows what fr CODERICH, FOUNbRY. 101.1111111111111111111MMINIIIM111111111MMINIONI• 610111111111111111111M :DEALERS IN AND FANCY DRY GOODS, +�L.OTHINGs BOOTS AND SHOES, & SEAFORTH, .Would advise their customers and friends of the arrival of a large portion of their THE undersigned, having sold. the Huron Foundry property and stock to the " (dderich Foundry and Manufacturing Company," begs to - thank the public for their liberal support during the past nineteen years, and trusts that they will continue to send their orders to the new Company. RUN11Qsi. Goderich,10th June, 1872. - Referring to the above notice, a • SPRING AND - SUMMER STOCI - The Goderich-Foundry & Manufacturing Co. GREAT REDUCTIONS 'WHICH FOR EXTENT,.VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS HAS NEVER BEEN SURPASSED Begto inform the public that they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS ; SAWING MACHINES, &c - Oa hand --IRON AED WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards; GANG- PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTVIS, GRATE -BARS, T • - WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. - SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER _ ALSO, IRON. AND BRASS -CASTINGS, ANT? BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE, • TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TU1l3ULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention. Can be allowed for Cash, which system we invari- ably adhere to. ' 1 Parties not in need of anyirrof the above Goods had better not price themmifor they are sure to huy. when, they see the t - 1 160 QUALITY AND PRICES. HOFFMAN B RO S'. CHEAP CASH STORE. ROBERT RUNCIMAN, HORACE HORTON, Gener`s1 Manager. President. ARCHIBALD HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. 243 GEORGE NIE$ERGALL. Manager Agricultural Department. Goderich, Ontario, June 10, 1872. IIT SEAFORTH. EDWARD CASH IS Tfi E - MAN TO GO TO FOR SEEDS OP AI.jI I iiSTD S, AT - GREATLY REDUCED. PRICES. N. B.—A few heavy Woolens left, which will be sold at cost. ALL ALIVE AT DENT'S. THE C -PEAT CLEARING S.A.L.E WILL LAST ONLY TWO WEEKS LONGER. CHEAPEST DRY GOODS IN THE DOMINION. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. - DOiY'T NEGLECT IT REMEMBER—DENT'S - CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE; SEAFO PITH.' 999. An bid ,Friend in a New Place. REMOVED. .WM. AULT begs to inform his customers that V Y he has just ppened a large stock of the choic- est Groceries and Provisions in the store adjoining Campbell's Clothing Store, opposite the Mansion Hotel, a few doors north ofjjhis old stand, where he hopes to be favored with -tyre patronage of his,cus- tomers. Wm. Anithaving removed to larger prem- ises where he can keep a larger and better assort - t‘ ed• stock, is in a better position than ever to suit customers. Call and see the old friend. CANNED FRUIT. A large and extra choice stock of all kinds of CANNED k'11UIT—Peaches, Tomatoes, d&c. AULT Cannot be beat f or TEAS. They are first-class and cheap. S EED WflEAT, SEED OATS, SEED PEAS, - SEED BARLEY1 CLOVER SEED; TIMOTHY SEED, TARE SEED, . BUCKWHEAT, ALSIKE COVER, - r HUNG -ARI AN GRASS. Country dealers supplied at wholesale. GODERCH STREET, SEAFORTH. .'O THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. Wo Hi OaVERs. Farness; Saddle and Trunk MANUFACTURER, - ��`'., S.EA..?'ORT.I. DANIEL McGREGOR, Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seaforth, IFAS just received a large Stock of the materials Cl used in the business, and is now fully prepar- ed to execute, on the shortest notice and %n the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOKS OF ANY RIND, Ruled, Prin ed and made to order, on the shortest notice, a d at prices which defy competition. Ladies' York Boxes 'c Fane Cases Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS Bound and repaired at city prices. All communications addressed to the undersign- ed, will receive prompt attention. DANIEL McGREGOR, Seaforth, (Harpurhey. SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells,Horse Clothing, &e., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Remember the place, sign of ;the Scotch Collo-. W. H. OLIVER. FOUND. 'POUND, on Saturday, Mareh 8, a BUb'1?ALO ROBE, on the Bayfield Road. Any person proving property and paying charges can have it., 275-4 CHARLES SHAW, Stanley. COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF McJiILLOP. THE CO WC OF REVISION for the Township l of MoRillop, for the purpose of revising and correcting the Assessment Roll for 1873, will be held at Berwick's Temperance Hotel, on SATURDAY, the 19th day of April,1873, At the hour of 10 o'clock. All parties interested are requested to take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. - JOHN O'SULLIVANNp TownshiClerk. Township Clerk's Office, MeR i1lop, March 23,1873. J 277-3 PRI/ATE BOARDUIG. AFEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated Ina private family. Enquire at this Mite. THOROUGHBRED BULL CALF FOR SALE VOR SALE, a thoroughbred Durham BULL CALF, i2 months old, eolor red and white; sired by Duke of Byron, (670.) Herd -book pedi- gree will be furnished. Apply to O. EDWIN CRESSWELL, •• 274 Egmondviile P. 0.