HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-04-04, Page 5• t ,,„ ea ere ✓ "with 1t etat €i c if td a'a mewl- kLv rte,; gee teed ere how, of _tha a elet he sea iity of pse on tinpe- Fa lir t antis- } had.- -- e Gov_ teir ode- and is per Brutes. air sap - nit sub - the de- .4oyern- to e /at the- lditiou granted't. 1e Nova of New - nst also s as a ae Gov- geuuity to re-- ements.. on elle- :11 make is ac- ;rnint- porters, e more of this store for the sis- mull. _ LIDS, • even- oKellar charge 1t circa- to his eclat on nce€t by 1 settle- s made he col- eharges A.ss€t- he had IJ acres t" 3»,- ith em- ,ce€d the affairs, ;v. W. ginning), eipts of d been d by ,crown fl been inset- aprove- actor. of s coin- tl that as $011, ebec e . c behalf alleged Lar, and IP receiv- Buxton more., cl that ccount eKellar t, that u not to iecond, at wee' Lburgh. as was ade by e at ail, Ca that Ft, Rey 1 other :rs. A :r, and to total :3'4, of Cies and of the neeting s later. some in sup- -t was f .1 igin Isjesion, ng aid. as the having Te- diseba - pry to i at Quebec. _ cragmat ilait to Rev. of Edon, Ont.; and a letter by Mr. MaKelll�rr, froni Mr. r , �£� Stlb,a�'stating that the mission was di- rectly direction and control , y i h 'Canada Presbyterian Church; that McKeh'.ar had no means what- ever ofisappprr riating moneys be- longing to the Mission ti he been dila. to do -so -*mad finally, that the a Presbytrian. Church was fully satisfied with the manner in which those funds had been administered. Finery,, Mr. McKellar came to the charge that he, in concert evith Mr. King, lied collected a large sun. of money from bealevolent persons in England and misappropriated or embezzled some $68, - , In 1559 Mr. McKellar, being in Lon- don, England, had business introductions to* Mr. Miller, a merchant in that city. Hewes joined there by Mr. King. v iThat gentleman had been urge Eg- lutd by Mr. Henry Christie, a wealthy benevolent gentleman who hied visited the Elgin settlement and desired to assist Mr. King in raising funds to purche a sawmill and to promote lumbering indus try in the settlement. Mr. Christie- wished hristiew' ed the money subscribed to • be ere - ed as av, but Mr. King insisted at it should be treated ass loan, and, thnately, a cam a little over £2,000 in G B. -. AI. • 1 L1 ..-.O choanae --- •t Eni vine, on March 26, by Rev. . Gra- 'ham, Mr. John Caldwell, DI Tucker - smith, to .Miss Mary Chambers sof LTibbert. i a D IA.THS. CR;:.- In Seaforth, on Thursday, , March 27, Mr. John Grits, Hot - keeper, aged; 31 years. MCKINN0N -In Tuckersmith, on Mon- day, March 21, Sarah, wife of ' Mr. John McKinnon, aged. 31 years. DI;` *itis.-Iit T J'sborne, on March 19, Joseph - Diann, formerly of Haugh Cottage, Northumberland . County, England, aged 93 years. RO ARD. -In Stanley, on March 25, John Edward. second son of Henry and Margaret Howard, aged. 4 years and 2 months. MOCANN.-In Hibbert, on Saturday, March 22, Patrice McCann, aged 72 years. Deceased was one of the pioneers of Huron. . He emigrated to this country from Ireland in the year 1833, and settled on the.Huron Road, in the township of Tuckersmith,.where he has, until with- in a few months before his death re- sided. i APMArr.-Iii Tuckersmith, on March 15, of spinal. disease, Ellen, twin daughter of Wm. Chapman, aged 8 years, 2 months and. 23 days. amount was contributed in £2a shares. EDGAR. -At his residence; " The Hill," Most of the contributor were members of the- Society of Friends, but with them were associated Mr. Miller above men- tioned, who took one share himself and some for his friends and Earl Spencer, the present Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, who ; k ten sits. For these subscrip- tions Mr. McKSllar joined Mr. King in giving a receipt. He never touched a dollar of the money, =awes only actuat- ed, sa: he• has been throughout, by a de - )to assist Mr. King's efforts. .r, King received half the money, and applied it to meeting the claims of the undertaking it was obtained for, and in which he had alreody sunk a large amount of his own means. The balance was forwarded, six months later, to Mr. McKellar, by Mr King's direction, to be applied in purchasinga caro of staves, Mr. McKellar being at the time engaged in a lumbering business. Theltrmhas long since been dissolved, but Mr. McKellar wasable to produce a very circumstan- ciai statement from its former cashier,. �vhieh sbo-wed the manner in which the money had been applied and the result of the transactions it was • invested in, which resulted in a small profit' to the persons interested. Mr. King's further speculations, how- ever, were not successful. Mr.. McKel- lar. as he had lent his influence .to t'i3 Flour collection of the money, chose to assume Hay......... e r ns....11 00 to 13 00 ability of paying the interest Hides North Dumfries near Ayr on March , 22, James Edgar, Sr., a ecl 77 years. WuLsoret-In Morris, County of Huron, on March. 22, of cerebro -spinal disease,. Andrew Wilson, aged 9 years, 4 months and 10 days. PRICE, IM n Hay, on Wednesday, arch 26, Mrs. 'Margaret Price, eldest dadghter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam. Berry, aged. 27 years. RYAN. McKillop, on ,March 27, a 1V son of r. Michael Ryan, aged 3 years, 3 months and S days. TIMMARKETS. SEAFORTH, Aprit�S,1873. Since the breaking up of sleighing there has been no business of any ac- count tr�nsacted on the market. There is not uc' change to note in• prices. The followi lig quotations will .be found correct Fall Wheat.. Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas Butter,No.1, Rolls NO. 2 No. 3.,,.... Eggs $ll6to 118. 1 13 to 1 15 0 00 to 0 55 043to.045 058 to 00 60,9 0 15 . 0 6 0 00 to 0 13 0 00 to 6 00 • 6 00 throu Mr. Miller -who acted as agent Calf Skins 0 50 to 1 50 (veal) per lb., 0 89 to 0 10 for the shareholders -for two years, Salt (retail) per barrel. 0 00 to 1 00 when, as he told the . House, some buss- Potatoes, perbushel . 0 40 to 0 45 0 00 to 6 00 0 75 to 1 00 0 04 to 0 06 225 to 300 5 00 to 600 3 00 to 4 00 nes. everses obliged. him to discontinue the payments. Last year Mr. King, to whose integrity Mra hie&eller paid azi' high tribute vas able to remit $5.000, or half the original amount, to England ; and Mr McKellar declared that he nev- erhad and never would -shirk the duty of bearing the loss himself if Mr. King werenot able- to make the whole sum good` To show, however, the views held by. the butt of the contributors, Mr. Mc- Kellar read letters from. Rev. W E. Forster,. M P,, Mr. Gurney Barclay, and other's, who protested that they had never looked for any return, but, from the first, regarded their subscriptions as a donation to a. purpose eseellent in it- self but very unlikely to prove a success financially. It will he seen by this narrative, there- fore, that three different frauds are re- ferred to : First -The fund of -the Elgin Associa- tion. • Secondly -The fn'nd of the Buxton Mission, administered under the control of the Canada Presbyterian Ghurche and to the faithful application of which Rev- Mr. ev.Mr. Scott testifies, as well as to the fact that Mr. McKellar did not and could nut touch it - Lastly -The fund collected for the saw mill, and ;which,. as we have also seen, Mr. Melt ellar had nothing to do with in his personal capacity, although his sense of honor has led him to accept the responsibility of seeing it is paid to all those of the original - subscribers who are willing to receive payment. One incident referred to by Mr.. Me - Kellar we have yet to mention, It is already known that the late Mr. Sand - field Macdonald had in his plsaession all the documents relating to these matters, and had beendirectly applied to by those who desired to make Mr.. McKel- lar responsible for what they chose to represent as grave irregulal•ities.,or worse: yet Mr.. McKellar stated. that he had, in 1871, a direct overture from Mr. Mac- donald to induce him to join the Minis- ry of which Mr. Macdonald was Pre - Oatmeal# brl Apples per bushel.. Beef, per quarter, lb Wood. ••• Clever Seei Timothy Seed Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Burley.... FI Of all kin warranted CLINTON, April 3, 1873. .............$1 16 (c?; 1'18 Poas Batter Eggs...... Hay, per ton, raier-. Ile might well ask whether it was possible he could have deserved the Total .. 2,992 5,000 16,700 464 113@ 115 043( 84i 000 0 0 55 058ee 060 :' 010@ 015 000 gi) 0 13 1100(4).1300 . R DON'T ALL! SPEAK AT ONCE. WILSON'ILSO& 1 O .1�1 �Jf, SEAFORTH, H, Have on hand a large and complete stock of AND.:GARDEN SN;FDS s, which have been purchased from the most reliable seedsnnen hi the Dominion, and are good. Groceries and Crocker, as 'Usual:. LTQTJORS. Just received, one oar load of AR LI N G'S PALE AN D AM BER ALE, in barrels, half and quarter barrels, which be sold either `wholesale or retail, at prices which wall be an in- ducement tql customers. Also,"Hass' Ale in bottles, Youngers' Ale in "bottles. Several varieties of Choice Porter. Superior Wines for Medical Purposes and table use, in wood and bottles. F ,OTTR AND P i Always on hand, and delivered to town customers free of charge. WILSON & YOUNG, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH. TORONTO CATTLE MARKET,, TORONTO, April 3. BEEVES. -There, has been a. moderate supply of prime and. second-class cattle at chis market, . with a pretty active demand, and =prices well maintained. We quote first-class to extra at $5 to $6, 'second-class$4 to $4 50, and third-class $3 50. SHEEP. --None offering, but quotations remain as last given. • La s. -Spring lambs may be quoted at from $3 to $5, according to quality. ' BUFFALO ,LIVE STOCK MARKET. BUFFALO,` .April 3. The following shows the receipts and shipments of live stock at East Buffalo for the week thus far, beginning with Sunday : Sunday Monday-- 1,819 600 7,100 1213, Tuesday ..... 204 600 500 48 Wednesday .. 2,125 1,800 1,100 176 Total 5,899 5,400 13;500 576 Sa e titnelast week • 4,488 4,600 12,800 656 Shipments. Cattle, Sheep, head. head. 612 800 408 1,100 850 1,000 1,122 2,200. Receipts. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. head. bead, head. head. 1 751 2,400 4,500 224 E PECIALLY FOR -- THE LADIES. l�. R. CQTITNTER, TCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, MAIN -ST-, SE.A..7101:1T11, as Bracelets for 20 'Cents AND UPWARDS. THE LARGEST STOCK OF SEEDS Sunday . Mon day. Tuesd ay. Wednesday Hogs, Horses. head. head. 5,400 64 3,200 128 4,000 128 4,100 144 - IN TOWN IS TO BE FOUND AT STRONG & FAIRLEY'S, CONSISTING OF THAT TEA ! LLEv'S GRO( .ERY IS FAMED. FOR CI OI€I TEAS, AT . 5OCTS., 75CTS., OOCTS. AND ONE 0LLAR. BLACK, PEEN AND " Your 90 cent TEA is equal to any Dollar Tea 1 get."-ConuTur CIISTOMBIll. That TEL at 50 cents goes as far as some Dcri hhTea."d. Tow:a Cuw rOMEu.I (NallIC AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL GROOER1ES1 Cloy r Seed, Timothy Seed, :Alsike Clover,. White •Clove4', Uungarian :Grass, Recl Top, Orcli.ard Grass, Tares, Buckwheat, dse. Large Lot -of Top Onion: Sets Expected Daily.. treatment he had received, when from one so well informed as the late Premia had come such an invitation. Same time last week.... .. 3,808 4,200 16,600 944 CAT'rLF.-The market opened at full is decline. It would have been lively AUCTION SALES. but for the difficulty in obtaining cars for shipping east. The yards are full. Monday, April 7, on Lot 1, Con. 13, The quality of the stook is good. There llullett, Farm Stock, Implements and 1 vas quite a, large attendance of 'buyers, Household Furniture. Mrs. Mary _Dim- ond, proprietress ; J. P. Brine, auc- tioneer. Saturday. April 5, on Lot 20, Con. 5, roc and oprietor ; J: Bullasd. Weight, lbs. - among whom. we found . a large pnm- ber .of country dealers. Sales comprised about 1,200 Bead. Transactions were as follows MeeKillop, Farm S k Implements. y No of Average Jlirarn Hannah, lar d auctioneer. 60 Illinois steers, 1,4/ / Monday, March 31, on Lot 18, Con. 9, I 6 r 1,451 McKillop, Faxu Stock and Implements.. 67 << _ << 1,234 Charles l;amfartli, proprietor ; ,l . Bullard, 16 Indiana " . • 1,308 an.ctioneer. 16 Canada ` 1,323 Thursday, April 10, an. Lot 33, Con. 19 1,205 12, McKillop, Farm Stock, Implements I,,,5 ,,stockers 800 and Household Furniture. Thompson ` ,, Morrison, proprietor C. Yeo, auctioneer.. r� N ednest ay, April 9, ow Lot 3 Con. • 46 '938 16, Grey, Farm Stock, implements. end.22 Illinois " 898 Household Furniture. Thomas Broad -And 18 other sales. foot, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer.S>11rEP AI.D LAtis135.-Thee Fti�lay, April 11, Faris Stock suer flat, no eastern buyers haying Implements, at }Charles Davis' Half -way ed. About 12 leads offering. McKillop. Charles Davis, pro' to record to -day. prietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. GC " 810 Ct. cc cc cc 938 GOLD. -The price of Go BIRTHS. is quoted at 1171. 1cKi o�. In Tuckersmith, on Fri- day, March 21; the wife. of Mr. John McKinnon, of a daughter. Jol , s. -At Exeter, on I41 -arch 26, the wife of Mr. David Johns, of a son. LavE.-En Hay, near Hill's Green, on April 2, the wife of Hugh Love, Sr., Esq.c• of a son. N P GARDEN SEEDS BULK, IN ` GREAT VARIETY, WARRANTED FRESH. TURNIP AND MANGOLD SEEDS A. LARGE STOCK,0 . TIES WISHING SEED CANS FOR DAIRY PURPOSES CAN BE SUPPLIED AT STRONG & FAIRLEY'S. • 5G BUSHELS NO. -1 DRIED APPLES. J3A.CO1\T INT 13 I-I_A.NiS- Flour, Graham 'dour, Buckwheat Flour, Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Pot Barley, 8ce., FRESH AND CLEAN, AT ALLEN'S GROCERY, SEAFORTH • I HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY, Buy your GROCERIES at Wholesale Prices, especially the following articles : OUR STOOK OF GROCERIES. COMPLETE AS USUAL. Price.• $6 75 6 75 6 00 6 371 6 00 .5 25 4 20 4 35 4 65 4 60 '5 .25 market is yet arriv- No sales d in New York PASTURAGE 0 LET. THE asturage of the Tuck ,smith Branch Ag- rie rural Grounds for the resent year twill eere sold by public auction, by J. • . Brine, on SATURDA o 'Pr it 5, • • - the ...ground, at 3 o'clock P. M. For further particulars applytothe to the President or Secretary of the Sooty, auctioneer.JOHN HANNA r•, Jr., Secretary. Preside , t, 278-1 " JOHN bIcMILLAN,.. LboK HERE, JUST NOW. cINTYR . & WILLIS; SEAFORTH, HAVE GOT AS GOOD, FASHIONABLE AND CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES AS CAN BE FOUND IN THE COUNTRY, Fu4ll lines in Ladies' and Gents' Prunella Wear for Summer. CUSTOM WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Jujat give us a call. You will findus opposite W. Robertson & Co.'s Hardware Store, Seaforth. 277 "forth, March 27, 18'73. CAUTION. THE Public are hereby cautioned ,against pur- chasing or negotiating a NOTE OF HAND, for the sum of $41, drawn by George MoRim, in favor of Alex. `Mcli;iibbiu, dated Oct. 6, 1872, and due six mouths from date, as payfnent on the said note has been stopped. McKIBBIN. - Walton, March 31, 1873. 278'k4 Wo gen ord M EA FORTH AND HURON ARBLE .:WORKS. L.'MESSET'& SON, (Late of Frnmilton,) id intimate to Their unmerous friends and the ral public that they are prepared to fill all rs for =tents, Headstones, Table Tops, Mantels, 'e. Cr n.ite Monuments Imported to Order. ork of the best style and . art, and cannot be assed in this part of Ontario. call respectfully solicited. Next door to Porter's Furniture Store, MAIN-SREET, SEAFORTH. M. L. MESSET. - H. MESSET. SEAFORTH AR B L :. " WORKS, Just Received, a Large Assortment of Miscellaneous 11A rlv STREET. 0 posite the Waterloo House, near • the Stat'• Which 'we offer from 10c. per pound upwards. Sold with Sr wkthout general order. TEAS, From 50 cts. to Very Finest. No House, either in or out of SEAFORTH, can beat us in this article, or in COFFEE, Which, for real quality and flavor is unsurpassed, Only requires to be once tested to secure a eon - a GENERAL GROCERIES OUR STOOK IS LARC- . 1\TD-ARIED JAMES C. fAIDI,AW. 777. EA THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST • DOG LOST. L0ST, on March 6, a white and brown water spaniel DOG, with long ears and short tail, an- swering to the name of " Scott." Any person leaving such information as will lead to his recov- ery at the ExrosITon Office will be suitably re- warded, and any person found jiarboring said dog after this date will be prosecuted as the law directs. March 81, 1873. BOOKS, BOOKS. ��,ITT ER QTc MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES d work of all kinds in A.morican and" Foreign Marble, designed and executed in. the best style,' and at most reasonable priees. Mantles of Various Colored Marble sup- plied on ,S'hort Notice. Granite Monuments and Headstones imported t order.. CALDER BROTHERS. 277 -ANDREW CALDER, Agent. CAUTION. PUBLIC are hereby cautioned against giv- ing credit to my wife, MARGARET MORRI- 10?, or any member of my family, without my ritten order or consent, as from this date I shall' not hold myself responsible for any debts so in- orred. THOMPSON MORRISON. M K llep, March 25, 1873. 27744 Choice and RE, Incind ng 500 Volumes of the COTTAGE LIBRARY. VARIETY OF NEW SPRING GOOPS. In addition to Regular Goods at'Regnlar Prices, the following are Specially Cheap Bargains: 2 Bales of English and Canadian Cottons, from 70. to 121e. 1 Balo of White Cottons, at 10e. 1 Bale of White Cottons, over a yard wide, at 12,io. 300 Pieces of New Prints, fast colors, imported direct from Manchester, from 9c. to 16e. per yard. 1Q Pieces of Wool -dyed Damasks, at 25c. per yard, worth 40e. 25 Pairs White Qnilts, at $1 25, worth $1 75. 500 yards Brocaded Lusters, at 19c., worth 25c. 300 yards Fancy Challis, at 124c. worth 20e. 711 yardW Fancy Challis, at 20e., worth 25e. 1,' 1"1 yards Fancy Challis, at 25e., worth 35c. ; 1 1 yards heavy Brocaded Lusters, at 374e.. worth 45e. 400 yards all Wool Shirtings, at 25c., worth 40e. 800 only, Large Towels, at 18e., worth 25e. 20 pieces all Wool Cloth, at $1, worth $1 40. ' 14 pieces Cottonades and Unions, at from 18c. to hoe. '12 dozen Gents' Pure Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, 40c., worth 75c. 4 dozen Silk Shawls, new style, at $5, worth $7 50. No other House has them. New Silk and Cloth Mantles, direct from England, very cheap. 1,000 boxes of Paper Collars, from 5c. to 10c. per box. 4 oases of Prunnella Boots very cheap. 1 caro of Boys' Felt Hats, at 50c., worth seeing. 1 case of Men's new Hats, at 85c., worth seeing. w Piles of White and Colored Cotton Hosiery at half price. The cash buyer, the independent buyer, the buyers who can buy where they please will find this a profitable place to visit. The above Goods are in stack now, but ten days wilrclear out many of the best bargains. First come, first served. ALSO, • A Fine Assortment OF ALBTTMS ALL GOODS WARRANTED PERFECT, ' 'AND PRICES MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. No person can buy them cheaper than another, or cheaper than you. NO SECOND PRICE. A. G. McDOUGALL. OF AT,T, SORTS, FROM 25 CENTS UPWARDS. R. LITlttSDEN, Cerner Drug Store, Seaforth. SEW GOODS AT E. HICKSON & CO.'S To Housekeepers and those IntAding Housekeeping. • c E JOSEPH RODGERS & SON'S CELEBRATED CUTLERY. A Large . Consignment direct from Sheffield, England, Comprising o Knives and Forks, table and dessert ; Ivory -Handled Table Knives, Ivory - Handled Dessert Knives, Ivory -Handled Carvers and Steels, Cooks' Knives, Butcher Knives, Scissors, RODGERS & SON'S LADIES' AND GENTS' TOILET CASES, RODGERS & SON'S RAZORS AND STROPS Rodgers & Son's Pocket Knives. ALL THE ABOVE ARE THE GEN U INE GOODS,. AT LOW PRICES. E. HICKSON & CO., DRU( -GISTS, SEAFORTR. 009LOSTI, LOST on the 6thof Mareh, a Water niel DOG, white and brown, spottod, with rge brown ears and Flat tail, 'Said answers to the name of " Scott." .Any 'person having such e. dog, siill please leave word at the Eaiosrroa chlice • TO MERCHANTS. DRY GOODS CLERK of steady mks la - open for an engagement ; can keep y single and double entry. Address, stating to G. S. G., Lanai, Ont. 275-5