HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-04-04, Page 3arra yot 'afortlt, patty,. per (*tit ttornoy fa ems._ es ,-,..geleta. -re Oh deers -11 s tO the house - one door son* - teCellurn's He- rer, where he • puirtate at v. lett"' • ete-, e .fauty01R & Stanlefe. _ AL, Graduate of Physician, articefield. Plaesieitua, &lee . _deuce, earner et euts lelaning ann. - eeeet, . ; g-, 4fortlie °Atari% witth fv-executed, eaee be Obtained else! of1f,. &ems_ MoN.A.UGar . e inhabitants; 0.1 • t-3- that he tali ; [enteric, Vetenile. En• treat des t, easel , Fttet174-Virrqd& Re iwAtli his Itszse,. tvel ready to at. Oet sneeially ate [VI:, in die resr.. U1 lzirds of ititY Olt head, Surgeon, (mem.- ; Coilemt new ' r the practice of gat all timeshe ems, cattle, i on hand, : aranatozt ees tarica SIMON - subscriber hag::: furnished the good accoranao- Choice liquors S supplied with in season_ -).oetier ifl Cn- i undet ?een therongly with the best and attentive minection. - - - out. First-elade Ear is up- kwr Good this House - 204 -4t _ 0.E STATILE& aforth. Good ways =hand. . _ FORTH, Out. hides, always ; made with, -ft at Kxiax's oor North of :Proprietor. rawswimamm )PERTY E& forth Company— !.f Toronto-- nriparty, of any other tantitli4 Investment better in- here doing ie. circulars sewhere. 4; Grocery 252 OP ,NESS- , right op- : pared ta Buggy •s Will be erial and have had me of the band ell inks and in a first-, 'promptly a,parrmge eiausion last, on ar the eontain- he same prov- aent. - 274 private lam, on ferriage, • _ to arty st, SIX prine :mann" r., (Le Boar.. _Nans, Private tion of fasons' GALVIIES. Sea Billings says : "V‘tt kant find contentment laid dirty; on tiee map, it iz an *glean,- .place not settled ye te and those iieach it seonest , who throw aetay their compass and go it blind." —.\. Cincinnati belle, upon being asked -her fathee's profession, said he " embalmed pork, she believed." lle was a hog -packer. —A Kentucky editor yeceived the following- note-froue a stibseriber asking that e false notice of his death might. be coerrected " Sir; I nods few errors in the bbituary ot myself wieh appeerd in your paper of laat wensday, I ware born in greenttp canot caldwell, and my retirement from bisnes in 18.69 was not twin to il helth, but tu a little treble I had in connection with a. horse) arid the 0018 Of my de%1-31 was net small -pox, pleas make correc- tions for emit I enclose 50 cents." . —An oId lady who died was giv- ing orders for' her funeral,- and 'among other thinge she said he .wanted to be "laid oat" in 'her hitt& silk gown, and they must mit take out the back bree4dtb, as they did when. Sally Smith Was laid out. a For," said the old lady, deprecat- ingly hut seriously, " What a figure Sally, will cut at the resuerection. without any beele breadth in he.r gown. Uncle .Chew," a -venerable- negro preacher of Jersey City, cher- ishes the odd delusion that all wo- men have seven devils. " Fier," says he, "as Mary Magdalene was theonly women who ever had them cast out, all the rest Must, conse- quentlyehave themI." Ile thinks the preaching of the present day is shocking. "Why, ileydon't say nethn about hell eiowadaYs, and what's religion good for Without bell and de debble ? Guess dee* Will find out demseIves, by and by, shurrah." -•••••• Poetry to Orden ,Rpery Man and Wo:iwtta their own Poet. A clever len :(1',esprit (says the Scotsman) has jut been published at Oxford entitled Every Man his own Poet; or, the Inspired Sing- er's Recipe Book'', ley a Newgate Primmer." There is enough of tratt in whet follows to give it sati- ric pein t—"Poetry, like free thought was first a work of inspiration, sec- ondly of science, and la:Ale now of trek.- At its first star it was open to only here and there 'a genius'; -at its next to all intelligent n -en, and at its third to 'air the human race. Thus, east as there is no boy now but can throw stones- Lt the windows which Bishop Cotenso has broken, so there is scarcely -a young lady hut can raise flowers from the seed .stolen out of Mr.t. TennYson's garden. And surely, whatever, in this its course of change, Vetry may have lost in. quality, is more than made up for by what it ha gained in quantity. For in thre- first place it is far pleasEuiter to the tastes of a scientifie generation, to understand how to make bad poetry than wan- der at good, and secondly, as the end oflioetry is pleasure, that we should make it each for ourselves is the very utmost that we can desne, since it is a fact in which we all agree, that no man's verses pleases him so muell as his own." Here_ is his recipe for making Browning" : "Take rather a coarse view of things in general. In the midst of this, place a man and a woman, she and hei. ankl4s tastefully arranged on a slice of Italy, or the country -about Portic. Out an opening across the breast of each, Until the soul. becomes visible, be very careful that none of the body be Iost during the operation. Pour into each breast as much as it will hold of the new, straitg wine of love;.and, for fear they sauld take cold by exposure, aever ehetei quick- ly up with aquantity of obscure classical quotations, a .few familiar allesious to an unknown period of history, and a half destroyedefresco by an early master, varied every now and then with a refer- to:the fugues or toccatas of a quite forgotten composer. If the poem. be ail] intelligible, take a pen .and remove catefuily all the Deces- sary artio,les." Here for the Pre-Raphaelite mix- ture : "Take three damozeles, dress- ed in straight night-gowns:Pull their hair pins out, and lee. their hair tumble all about their shoulders. A few stars may be sprinkled into this with advantage. Place an au- reole about the head of each, and give each a lilly in her hand, aboult half the size of herself. Bend their necks all different ways, and set them in a low -before a stone wall, with an 'apple -tree between each, and seine large flowers at their feet. Trees and flowers of the riglet sort are very plentiful in church win- dows. When you have arranged all these object e rightly, take a cast of them in the softest part of your brain, and pour in your word com- position as above described. This kind of poem is very much improv - .ed by what is called a burden. This consists of a few jingling words generallyief an arohteic chaiiiteter, about Which we have only to be careful that they have Po, refereee "to the subject of the pedal .theY are -to o rn a m en t. They are insettOd without variation between'th6 aail- zas." This is for a patriotic poem. a /a Swinburne : "Take one ulasphem- ing patriot, who etas been 'hung' or - belied for sonie time, too -ether with the oppliessed country belonging to Ern. .Scr4_theSe in. a quantity of rottett sentiment, till they are Com- pletely sadden; and in the mean-. time get ready at indefinite number number of Christian: kings _and priests: kick these. till they are nearly dead; add copious broken fragm en tS . of the Catholic Obutc.h, and mix all together thoroughly. Place them in a hear) u/ion the op- pressed country ; seasoni with coarse expressions; and �n, he top cat ef u ly arrange yoeir patriot, garnished with laurel etwith pars- ley ; surroundid with artificia1. hops f.)r the future, which are never meant to be tasted. This ;kind of poem is cooked in verbiage, .flavoied with liberty,. the fate of whibh is much heightened by the introduc- tion of a few _high gods, and the garne-of fortune. The. amount bf verbiage Aieh liberty is capable. of &vet -iris is prectically infinite." ......0,7•••,......411111,01.•••• The Sto:. of Two Little- Boyei. Mark, Twain's Story of the .Poor Little - Stephen Oiritrd. The man lives in Philadelphia, who, when young and poor, entered a bank, and says he, Please sir, don't you want a little boy ?" And the stately personage.said, " No, lit - tie bey, I don't 1.‘want--a little bey." The little boy, whaed4heart was too full for etteiance, chewing a piece of licorice stick 'he had, bought with a cent he had stolen from his .good and pious aunt; witb solos plawl andible,.and .with great globules Of water running down his, .cheeks, glided silently; dthe n the - marbh3 steps of the bank: Bending- his noble form, th6 bank Man doi!ged behind a door, for he thought the little boy was going to Sby a stpne at him. But the boy 'picked up something and stuck it in his poor but ragged jacket. "Come 'here, little boy," and the little boy did, come here ; and the hank man said, "Lo, what pickest,thou up T'. And he mnswered . and said, "A pin." And .the bank man said, " Little boy, :D' e you good 1" and he -said he was. And the - bank man said, "How do you vote ?—excuse me, do you go to Sunday .school and he said he'did. . Then the bank man: tok down a pen made. of pure gold and flowing with pure ink, and wrote. on a piece of paper, "St. -Peter," and asked' the little boy what it stood for, and he said. "Salt Peter." Then the bank men said it.meaut "Saint Peter." The little boy tend " Oh."- The bank nia' n took the little boy_ to - his bosom, and( the little boy said ",Oh!" again, for he squeezed him. Then the bank man took the little boy into a partnership, and gave 'him ,half the profits and all the capital, and he married the bank mugs 'daughter, and all *he has is all .his, and all his own too. . STORY OF ANOTHER LITTLE BOY. My.uncle told me this story, and I spent six weeks picking up pins in front of a bank. I expected the bank man would call me in and say, Little boy, are you good I" 'and I was going to say "Yes;" and when he asked me what "St. John"' ,stood for, I was going to sey " Saelt John," - But 1 guess the bank man wasn't anxious to have a partner, and I guess the da.uplater was a son, for one day says be to me, "Little boy, what's that you are Ticking up7" Says 1, awful meekly,', Pius." Says he, "Let's see 'ern. • And he took 'em, and I took off my cap, all ready to go in the bank and be- come a • palterer and Marry his daughter. But I didn't get an in- vitation. He stid, "Tose pins be- long to the bank, and if . -1 catch you hanging around, her any more I'll set the dogs .on you !" Then I.( left, and the mean old cuse kept the pins. Such Wife as I find it. CAUTION LI 'FRAUDS ABROItel T BEG Most reaPeottully to caution the public -a- of the Britieh North Anierlean Prov'inces to be on -their guard againet purchaeing spin:ions medi- cines which are holug soldeaeiny genaineet'Hollo- way's Pills and41ntinent," by eertain of little or nolneans, trading (for the laat few menthe 'onW :under the. style of the " New'York Ohemicel Company," Eatery artifice is made neb of by them for the mpose of imposing upon the public; and the more effectually to deceive; they have th.e effrontery, in their advertisements, to itume the following caution: 4: The immense demand for HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTUNNT' has tempted unprineipled )aeldes to eounterfeit theee valuable :Medicines. - "In order to proted eito Public and ourselvee, we have issued a new ' 'bade .21erk„' consietingof an Egyptian Cirele of aserpent with the letter II in • the centre. Every box of genuine,' HOLLOWAY'S PILLs AND OrSraMNT' will have this trade mark on. it. None are genuine without it. " To DRALtna AND JOBroilaa XN DRUGS AND MEDI- OINES. "We call your particelar attention to the new „style of s HotLoWars PALS AND OINTAIRNT1— none of the old stYle aro ntanufaetured by us now, nor have they been for mouths. Wo therefore cautionnil purehaners against reoiving from any Jobbers or Dei lore the old style of goods. " Informatien concerning any sueh goods being offered will be received with thanks. t: We ask the favor Of all the inforrnatien you can rive in regard to those counterfeits." Now this Company is aware that your la -Ws do not permit them to copy the preeise getting up of ny Medioines, but iu order the more oomplett4 to blind the -public, they have recourse to another piece of deception'viz., in stating that they deem it necessary, is they say, to make up the Pills and Ointment in another form, ennl, that they adopt a nenEtr,&c. ' . ,Besides the :above-mentioned "Phemical Ooth- pan,' there* ie else. a Dearid Pringle, of New York, who by consummate triokery is aetempting to sell spurious imitationirof my Medicioes. Beware of him likewise. This unprincipled Ohenlical Company hes dared to say that I owe very large -stuns ef money in the Tinited States. What is the feet A newspaper agent obtained; without my knowledge or coneent, end by collusion with: a party who held. a Ihnited power of attorney of mine, an order to advertise my Xtedieines in. _South. America for three years, to tho extent of $400,000 in geld. Ile then . sold his claim to it lawyer, who, got it referred by the court to a friend of his, who gave judgment against me to the_amount of $171,237 gold,for profit which he said he could have made by it, had I not taken steps to repudiate thie;‘,ile transaction the mo- ment it came to my knowledge. This judgment will soon be sot -aside. It cannot be siippoeed, am sure, that I owe a cent to any one that I would not immediately pee. There is no trath whatever in the statement that I ever authorized any person or persons to use my. memo- for the Salo of my. Pille and Ointment, 01 - though gross frauds have been practised upon me by unprincipled men this way. I would ask, akin'favor tett should it come to tho kno vledge of any per that various medi- cines are being made aiid 4d in my name, that he bepleased to send me th name and address °t- am vendor who is selling th eame, that I may, for the protection of the publi , institute proceedings agienst him, and I englfg& to remunerate hand- soinely my -informant without divulging his name. any person have reason to believe that he has been deoeived-by bnyingspurious iinitations of these Meditines, he will oblige the by senaiug tothe address at foot (which he can do -at a cost ot, six cents in postage), one of the books of instruc- tions which a.re affixed to the same. ' " My Afetlicines can be elipplied at ikhe lowest wholesale netrprices in quantities of net _less than £20 worth—vre., 8s. 6d., 22s., 845. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which remittances must be sent in advance': These Medicines. are not liold in file United States. • Feteh Pot and Box of my _Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, withe the words " Holloway's Pills and Oinement, Lon - 4.1°13"" (SiG;ned) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 563, Oxford Street, W. C., London, October 3, 1872. .SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. JOHN M. MARTIN Has now on hand a large number of his superior . LA*.iNI) R,OLLERS, Which have been well tried by the farmers of Ha- rem, and are generally acknowledged to be the best made, ' TURNIP DRILLS, Double and Single, Of- His Own Manufacture. . - As a certain number will only be made, parties desiring to get one should apply early before they are all spoken for. DRESSED LUMBER AND SASH AND DOORS On hand or manufactured to order ap usual • ( JOHN M. MARTIN. Seaforth Novelty Works, Goderich Street. - sis" SEWING MACHINES. FIRST PRIZE PLOW . AT. VVILLIAMSON'S OLD ESTABLISHED MANUFACTORY; SEAIOATII. J'ATING taken the first prize for Iron Beam Plows at the late Exhibition held in Hamilton, and the first at the Western Fair held in London, beeitlesn high recommendation on the same Plow, I can, with confid.ence, recommend my Plows for eftieiency of work and lightness of draft, se being 'second to none in the Dominion. The following is a list of Plows constantly on hand: Iron -beam, with wooden handles,- Steel Lanside and Mouldboard, Iron Plows Wood Plows, Double Moilliboard Plows and &Milers, Iron. Harrows, &c. An exernination of my Plows is respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Castings end Boards kept on hand for repairind " Grey Plows." 276 6. WILL ‘0EION. PLEASE TAKE NOTIC . rrtee: undersigned will keep on his pre Harparhey, (at the brick house of the Chalk) for the improvement of stook, - A THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE B IAB,. Terms ---$1 each sow, payable at the Line of service, with the privilege of returning if ne essafy. 277.2 e THOMAS McLE ND.. •ses at late Dr. A NEW SUPPLY OF The Howe and the Osborn MAC'plArES, - with all the latest improvements, just received at W: N. WATSON'S SEAFORTH. Call and see them. Their well-established repn- tation renders it unnecessary to partioulinize their supeiior qualities, further, than that they are the best and cheapest made. r Sewing machines of all kinds repaired, cleaned and put imperfect order, at my office, by a thorough- ly praetical mae.hinist from Toronto. WM. N. WATSON, Seaforth. W. T. HUNTERA 1 BRUSSELS, Horseshoer and General Blacksmith, Manufacturer of Iron -Harrows. Special attention to job work and Horse Shoeing. TERMS REASONABLE. Shop lately occupied by G. J. BAILEY, in rear of Wynn's 'Wagon Shop. 270c13 z.R.pomet TO LET. rro LET, in Scott's Block, two commodious Rooms on the second flat. Apply to 105 McCAUGnEY HOLMSTED.. --_--T•e_r_de- . • 'I ENIN OF SPRING AND SUMMER . STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. The Sttbscriber has nun& pleasure in announcing that he l now prepared to show a,large pro- . portion of his SrRING,,.1,!1,AND SUMMERSTOCK OF STAPLE 'AND FANCY DRY GOODS INTSP'C'T.101\T • IS RESPECTrULLY As he feed!' convinced: that intending customers will find it 'GREATLY- TO THEIR ADVANTAGE. HE ,GOODS SPEAK FOR ,THgvisp_vEs. N. -M. LiviNgsoroNE. BRUSSELS, March 14;1873. 276 ••••••.....e.a.sees THE „YEADICT.T. AFTER A FAIR TEST THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE IS THATVT E CHEQUERED, STORE ND TEA DEPOT, . Is the niece to get the the peet and best TEAS AND GENERAL. - GROCERIES • • - The Proprietor of the CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT has pleasure in slating that his first stook having moved off so rapidly, he has alteaily purchased a fresh apply, and as a reErult of quick sales he is enabled to still further reduce prices. To parties taking TEA_ by the Caddie, half chest cr chest A SPECIAL-REDUCT.10IV WILL BE SrADE. Farmers and others -living at a distance should remember that our roads may soon break up, and that now is the time and II t Seaforth is the Town. to (Yet the Highest Prices • b • •• • For what they have to sell, and that the CHEQUERED STORE AN . TEA DEPOT Is eite place to get the best bargains in TEAS AND GENERAT... GROCERIES. If there be *any who have doubt owthis point, they have only_ to make a trial and they will be convince 1 eil of the fact. 50 Barrels Labrador rrings, 20 Barrels Lake Huro Herrings, A large lot of dry Fish Salami' Trout, and White Fish, ALL OF: FIRST QUALiTY AND AT LOW PRICPS AT THE CHEQUERED STORE- AND TEA DEPOT, MAINSTREET, SEAFORTH. JAMES MURPHY.- , - 1 SMOKERS, FORA -GOOD SMOKE USE THE MITRTLE NAVY. See T. & B. on each Plug. Price so Lo'civ that all can use it. CA UTI62eE'1he "MYRTLE .NA VY" registered and any ily'ringement on it will lie prosecuted The name TUCKETT & BILLINGS is on each Caddy, and T. & B. on each Plug. Hamilton, Feb. 13, 1873. 273 - THOMSON & WILLIAMS' MILL AND ENGINE WORKS, MITCHELL, ONT. . t N. F. 'Burnham's Patent Turbine Water -Wheel. WEhave 'new thoroughly tested the above wheel and guarantee it equal or superior to the best wheels now in nue, while stronger and more durable. References to well-known and reliable mill owners, who have them iu use, given on application. We build all sizes and kinds of 'Sr=-44/LIVI "111\TGI-IINT2.773S, Stationary, Portable and tpright, andgnarantee them nnsmpassed by any in mei; We use on a our Engines the) eelebreted JUDSON GOVERNOR. We are prepared. to contract for the erec tion of allrkiuds of Grist, Flour and Saw -mills, with all the Intest improvements. Lath Mills, Bolters, Shingle Mills, Double and Single Jointers, Heading Machines, Heading, Turn: ers':and-Planers' Stave Machines, and all kinds of Flax Machinery, &c., etc., inanufactured largely. Our Boiler Shop is in fall blast, and. we have as foreman of thie important department, Mr. JOHN WRIGHT, who, for 20 years was foreman of the Brantford Boiler Workie. Having a good force of ex- perienced boiler makers, we are prepaaed to attend to boiler repairs either at the shop or at mills promptly. GIVE US A. CALL. d . We have found out what every Farmer wants. It is THE TWO -HORSE POWER SAWING MACHINE, . The power of which is supplied with strong fly -wheel, suited to driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher and other Machinery, with no extra charge, except for the belt. This machine is well suited' to every farmer's own use, as he can with two horses and from three to four men or boys cat from 20 to BO cords of wood per day. Our machine has been thoroughly tested, and is strong enough to do all we recom- imend it to do. It is supplied with friction flanges by which the saw is stopped, when caught or pinched, before it would be poesible to stop the hories. TRIAL OFFERED. We are bnilding great numbers of the Cumming's Straw Cutter, for hand or horse power. Also, Grain Crushers, with iron and -wood initnes, Fanning Mills, Horse Powers of all kinds, Gang Plows, Steel Plows, with wrought iron beams, wood beams and cast iron beams, Horse Hoes, 'Weeders, Cniti- vators, &c., &c. Repairs of till kinds done promptly. Orders by mail or otherwise solicited. Address, 267 THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. TEA! TEA T TA !!! TUFTS & HAMBLETON Having on hand a very large stock of EXCEL LENT TEAS, And being hard up for money, have determined to sell Teas at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES For one pontb. All parties wanting a choice article of Tea, and wishing to save money, will find it to their advan- tage to give them a call. They have also on hand a very large stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, Crockery, Glaisware, Wines and Liquors. Flour, Oatmeal, Carrie:teal, Lake Huron Herring, &c., which they will sell very cheap for cash. or farm produce. TUFTS & HAMBLETON, Brussels, Ont. AINLEYVILLE PLANING MILL, SASH DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY The subscriber having bought out the above Mill, also the good -will of the late firm, is now prepared to fill all orders in his line of business. Sash Doors and Mouldings ON HAND AND I MADE TO ORbER On the shortest notice. CUSTOM. PLANING Strictly attended to. HOUSE BLOCKING ALWAYS ON HAND AND Promptly supplied. JAMES BENNETT. Ainlepille, May 16, 1872. 232-47 CORRECTION. A REPORT habiing got into circulation that I 1- did not obtain a licencefor myHotel this year, !, this notice is to:tontradiet such report. My Ho- tel is duly and rekalitstr,lieenced, and the certifi- cate thereof can be seen onapplication. • • SIMON POWELL, Royal Hotel, Seaforth. Seaforth, March 2, 1873. 276-3 _ TO DAIRYMEN. MILK CANS AND PAILS. MR. WHITNEY Would state to Dairymen that she has comMenced to manufacture Milk Can and Pails, Of all kinds, and ean supply them AS.CIMAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. Stove8 and TillWare on hand as 'usual. ReCOpairinALgOandI L2afyoar TealroeuWlighinolges;rolemandpayRetail. d ed to. MRS. WIIITNF,Y, Main -street, Seaforth. PHOTOGRAPHIC, D. STEWART, Preturning thanks to hie numerous friends for their patronage in the past, takes pleasure in informing them that his Photographic Gallery will be re -opened on Tuesday, the 18th of February, on William -street, near t1u3 new Presbyterian Church, BRUSSELS Where he hopes to meet again with his old friends and patrons, and as many new ones as may see fit to favor him with a call. Splendid Wall Pictures kept Constantly on hand. ' N. B.—No business done in this Gallery on Tue's- days and 7ridays. 2711)13 DANIEL STEWART, Artist. GROCERIES, CROCKERY! AND GLASSWAPX To be had at the FLOUR AND FEED STORE At the lowest prices. Call, and exaraine our -well-selected stook of TEAS, SUGARS, COP.FIES', ct.c. Canned Fruit, Oysters; Salmon'Lobsters and Sardines conetanely on hand. Stock raiserswould do well to try Simpson's Horse and Cattle Spice the finest and cheapest Condi- tion Powder:in thirworld.- j. P. KENDALL & Co.'s (late W. A. Shearson & Co.) celebrated. ' FAMILY FLOUR Delivered on the shortest notice, The highest Market Price paid for all kinds of Produce. CEDAR POSTS and SHINGLES still on hand THOMAS LEE. REMOVED. _REMOVED. M. ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD . STAND, • Mais-street, Seaforth, Where he has on hand a suPerior stock of Furni• tnre of every description. CALL AHD .SBE IT. 4 UNDERTAKING. • Having purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's 10,A1tSE: I am prepared to attend funerals on the shertest notioe, either in town or country. - • Coffins, All Sizes, Kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS! SHROUDS 1 M. RQBERTSON, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTA*F,R, Johnson's 01a,Stand., Main street, Seaforth, has now on, hand a good assortment of siotins Which he can furnittiAeheaper than they can be gotehiewhere. 205 EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT ,PAIN. CI CARTWRIGHT, L.D. S„ Surgeon Dentist ‘-i• attends in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesdey and Wednesday of oaela month; in gllnton, ,nt the Comma:cud Hotel, on the following Thnrs- °days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are remaested to call, if at Steitorth and Clinton, on the first ds,vs of at- tendance. Testimonials of over 500 patients who have had. their teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may rhe Been at my office in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and im- proved Rtyles. Filling done in gold, &e., in a manner which can- not be stirpaseed, 267- • • SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR ANDILIND FACTORY subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous --1- customers for the liberal patronage extended to him since commencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with econtinuance of the sa•me. Parties intending to build -would do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stook of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, SAMMIE s, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. Be feels confident of giving satisfaction to those Alio may favour him with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed. 1.:Partionheretttention paid to Cm3tom Planing. 201 JOHN II. BROADFOOT. MUSIC, ,MUSIC1 • THE UNDERSIGNED 19 able to furnish those who will favor him with their patronage with • Any Instrument of Any Make. Also, Agent /of MASON & ILAMYJN'S ORGANS, Which cannot be excelled on the Continent for fellness and richness of tone. C. ARMSTRONG, Telegraph Book Store. C. YEO, UCTIONEER AND COMMISSION HER- -lel- -CHANT, Main -street, Seaforth, will attend to ail sales in the County of Huron on liberal tering. Particularattention paid to sales of Farm Stock, &c. 271 C. TEO, Auctioneer. J. P. BRINE, T ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of -2-1 Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the Country. All orders left at THE EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. 198 BOAINDI O. T_T COLLADIet leased the large and corn- -A -L!! modious house, on the- Salt Works elrotmds, ,adjoining the Railway Station,- mid hal; fifted it up as a boarding-Innise. Good table and comfortsble roomsrersPps wishing a pleasant hoarding - house egetzld aPpIf, as there are at present a few vacancies. Transient boarders accommodated -at less than hotel rates. 228