HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-03-28, Page 7We have had some startling ages m tempe re during she thirty -sit hours. On Sunday ternoon tii; thermometer stoed 6 ck zero. Yesterday- afternoon, him whab eolor his ears. were, and , , sr the answer, espon t Ivo occasions so "unttayorable that.. there "was a halt and a good rub with a. handful' of snow. It was only, however, when crossing the, various arms of the riv- er, or when (kitting, as we did upoa our way out, directly in the face of at the seta hour, it was 36 °, high- the wind, that the eold was un - ea:standing within 2 ° el freezing pates, while this morning it is it ° or 5 ° abate fieezing, and the snow_ is rapidly' acquiring a pasty_ coeifie., se the - . Wiley. During severe re. rost it _ Iay in It, fine dust, and the most hapcty as -)well as . the most mis- chievous. boy cosilel scarcely have formed it' into now , but to - ally these might be made with ease and rapidity. SI10-W-banictg, how- ever, is it game which does not en- ter into the mind of, the Russian vouth. Snow ito him the nornial state of things, li s nifich so atismud is to the London Arab, and happily it does not occur' to either to utilize the hantlyjmediuminto a weapon of offence or h. median of annoyance t passers-by.* It i..1 fpossible, that as tht Louden Arab jghts 1i hurlingothe turaccustom- e snow -ball, so the'Russian gamin play make use of the I 'unusual luxury of mud in the same way, but 1 imagine that the _fsoliceman is here roe omnipresent to permit of these playful outbursts. Tho police system of St, Peteieurp.,41 is admir- ably manhged, and almost perfect . in its efficiency. At almost every cross road a policeman is stationed. Ilia duty is to supervise the traffic, and inquire..into and s report . upon eases of collision. Other policemen walk about between these :,.itationary officials. The whole poll govern - m .„ 7 ent,ipaternal and ve y strict, but at the same time ery just. Da sledge drivers come into colli: sic* the driver who ig' in the wrong is fined, sometimes imprison- ed. Is there a broil in a cafe, tte persons in the wrong are discovered ...,- and punished ; if they be foreign, they are ordered at once to the frontier. The system, may be de - sped°, but at any rate it has the ad- vantage of working extremely well. It is marvelous that more collisions in not take .pla.ce in the streets, (pleasant; at other times one was able to enter with unalloyed pleas- ure ripon the excitement of the easy motion, and upon the great -bee* tsf the peen° through .which we were passing. -Cor. London, Standard Peb. 24. oonsidering the immense number of vehicles and the tremendous speed at which most of them a Horses are never allowed in single or pair harness, . are urged to go at the v pace which they can possi and as the horses in t sleighs are generally fua 11111 FLAXII Eghborhood ging sowing 608. SEE0 clean, at Cr ered. SEED - nior to the cnin- • w fully nine to nntorkFlax- Sea. Laing set hihaa ructions how to ▪ ilibuXniSh ikEES. 4c1., in fleldafrent Flax, for whirth Farmers bating appnestion. to Kemelats may be NTZ, trth Flax. Mill. )RE oreaus. 237-52 ictaker, to worlt Airtleyvil/e4 HOLISEI ?HENS his numerons• aced the Pork- tz-,9treet. Practical SA.U.; ely on getting a ED= IIAMS9 ell to give him e. MI order& PSENS, Seaforth. e driven. to gallop but they ty fastest ly reach, e private animal, Amateur Cooperage. Putting* boob on the family flour barrel is an operation thate will hardly bear an encore. ;The woman generally ateempts it before the man comes home to dinner. She sets the hoop on theend of the states, takes a deliberaste aira with the rolling - pin, and .then shutting both eyes brings the pin down with all the force of one arrn,twhilethe other in- stinctively Atields her face. Then she makes a dive for the canaphOr and unbleachedmuslin, end when the man conies home she is sitting back of the stove, thinking of St. Sterihen and !other martyrs, while, a burnt dinner itricl 'the camphor are struggling beroicall,y for thd mas- tery.. fie saysif she had kept her temper she wouldn't hate,got hurt. And be- visits the barrel timself, and puts the hoop,„on very ba.refirlly, and adjusts so nice13, to the top of evbry stave that. only at few smart knocks apparently are needed to • bring- it down right, then he laughs(, to iiise1f to think' whgt a fuss his wif kicked up over a simpleinatter that only needgd :iv little patience adjustj,tself, ad 0111111V rgets t haimn4 a4fetches.tlte,hkoop a,sharp rap.lon the Side, and the.other iside iies_ up and catcbestz - hi tu on the - bridge of the nose; qlling bis soul - with trrali and his eyes with tears, arid the next instant; that barrelis flying aerces`the room accompanied byther hammer, ancl: another candi- date for camphor and rags is 4n.rollect , in the great army that is unceasingly marohing toward the grave.--Dan,-- bwry Hews with great speed, and the draught of the sleigh is a mere 11. pace at which they dash really alarming. A co London, driving within fin hour of the same rttr would be at once c.yar . . police with furious dri .absence of accident is the prising when it is remeta -with all this throng b many of them drit' en parently reckless speed, entire absence of sou sleighs themselves are noiseless, and :the powc1 completely muffles t tread. This. absolute s busy a scene is,•tb a.new comer, in the highest degree i;opregive, and givei Wan unreal and shadowy ef- feat. Tile English, method of driv- ing a pair of . horses with :fa pole is now atmost universal- ly us_ea -with the private turn- outs in St. Pethrsbur& 'occasionally* in the sleigh. or some Etortnelt uphttlder ofeast Rus- sian customs, two horses may be seen- driven in the, netive fashion, that is, With one horse frotting in the shafts and the other cantering alongside. This has an ugly Mid lopsided appearance, but the same system, as carried out in the troi- ka, or three -horse -sleigh, is striking and effective. Here the middle horse is in the shafts, and is nevar allowed to break his trot, while, those on either side of him go at a • canter. The great peculiarity, how- ever, is that the outside horses go 'with their heads upon one side. They are trained by being kept in he stable with their heads strapped round to one sheolder, and by being always driven so, to keep their .heads arated round so that their nostrils nearly touch their 'outside shoulder. Unnatural as the "position is, they 80011, become aceuatomed to it, paid it does not appear to detract from the speed. The effect, when the horses are good and the troika is driven at full speed, is striking, and not so unnatural sIvould be im- agined. I have said in previous let- tere that the motion of , an ordinary one-hcase public sleigh is no more exhiliariating, and cleciclely rougher, than that of a London cab, but I must own that a I drive in, the, country behind two really fast horses is glorious. ,Such a drive I had two days since. The weather was fine and clear; the ,cold far below zero, -with asgood deal of wind, and as we dashed across the Neva at fully four- , teen miles an hour one felt that it behooved one to take good care of one's ears. Indeed, my companion requested me 'several times to tell SPRING OF 1 8 3. :THING - FOR ALL. .1100111AN BROTHERS' . A\DSOMEST CLOTII .EVER. BIIOUCHT' INTO._SEAFORTIL NEW PRINT$, AND SEE THEM. Dark and Light, suitable for the season. Pressed and Undressed K. ANDERSON, MERCIHINT TAIL8R. AND CLOTHIER, SEAFORTE, HAS RE0EIVED1HIS SPRING STOCK OF I thine -the along is chman in our miles of speed, d by the mg. The more ear - re --d ttt ehicies,- t fap. here is an d. The absoln tele, red snow o horsee ence in sti VERY CHEAP. BLEA.CRED .COTTONS; CLOT lj PUBLIC NOTICEi moTtosi is lieteby given, tit foiled -LI have thie day, entered into 'Partntaship as Millers and Produce Cormnissionllierehants in the Village of Seaforth, under the nestle, style end. Arm et AS. P. tasmarz & CO. Signed,) JAS P. TCANDA-11.4 MARTIN CHABLESWORTIL JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. Beg to etate to the Farmets, Produce-C.iiaerchants and Dealers of the County of 11=0114 t they have purchased froro. Messrs. sianateoSi 4 CO. the Mille known ex thft_ Seaforth. Mills, and will hereafter carry on the Bate; All Kind e of GraInPurpiased, As formerly, Ala the Highest CAS11 PRICE Paid. FLOUR exchauged for WIEkt&T. FarraerS desiring fo exehange an rely upon g4ting for their Wheat No. 1 motht nxrivanven in any part. of the VII - lege free of charge. The andersigned,having bad the entire worleing management of the Mill for the volt three Teats, patrons may rest assured that they will receive the same satisfactory treatment and as good work as formerly. ' . JAS. P. KENDA.LL & CO. JN REFE ; BENCE to the above, the undersigned would beg to thank their numerous customers for the extensivapatronnge aeeerded to -them for the pattlour years, and trust that the same eral patroniege will be extended to the new tam whom we have pleasure in being able to con2dent- ly ree,ommend to our old patrons. All debts dna us, in connection -with the M11 must be paid to Jas. P. Kendall & Co., and ell debts due by ns, in connection with the Ammo, will se settled_ by tbe fetid Arra of Jas. P. Kendall & Co. " W. A. SHEARSON & CO. Wbich are, 4/ifttieut exaggeration, the handsomest Goods ever brought into the Seaforth Market. • FOH CHEAPRETS AND QUALIkri, AS WELL AS APPEARANCE, • THEY :CANINO BE EXCELLED. - Complete Sbits at $12 and Upwards. ' Good Value. • .:1 , GENT S' Fb RN IS &TAGS HA1rS A Nji Ten thousand yards' of those 2-cell-know1, Bit IRINDAS ,COTtONS, Which have no equal for wear; IlilifOrroity of thread, rapidity in bleaching; ywnss m prices, which is the 'main object. k. AN ERSON'S , , 1 ;. - Sprink Stook of HATS AND 'CAPS spareokdafiloyr Itriiilinseig,vae.nsd, for quality, apkarance, style and price, ' . . IN , GENTS! '', FURNISHINGS HIS STOCK I'S MORE COMPLETE AND VARIED THAN EV*8, IT HAS BEEN. Everything in this line is constantly kept, and nothing but the LAT&T,STYLES sold. - ! .. , TovN AND COuNTBY CUSTOMERS LIBERALLY DEALT WITH. "r• TOWELS., AND „TOWELING, §SELS FOUNDRY. ENDLESS vlizgttes, . 'Try him once; .and if not satisfied you needn't come back. 11, GOOD FIT guaranteed or no money asked. • I...discount. of FIWPER CENT: will be allowed on all cash purchases, if "17 „RIM/BA/BEI? WILEig TO GO, gidN (SF TilElklAIVIMOTH HALL I;- MAIN -STREET, SNAVORTH. 9'11-E SUBdCRIBEIt wishes to call the attention of the farming community in. general to his *large and varied stook of AgricultUral Implements, ; Consisting of TABLE LINENS Iodated; Cod .tivert THIS Probaration is a solution. ,4 Iodide of Iron -1- in perfectly pro 'cod Liver Oil. It pay be used in all cases where the simple OR is ordered, and -will be found greatly supertor to. it, This 'preparation is highly beneficial in P1113310=7 Con- sumption, Serofulous Complaint, Chronie Skin Diseases, iindAir itll e&onie disoiderssaiiing from defeetitedigestiim'asiireflation -or nutrition. It is also highly neefui in Chropie Rheumatism. and Gout. Price,$1. CorintpOrind Syr up trypOPItuspItitessa THIS is an agreeable Preparation, containing the Hypophosphites of Lime, Soda,. Potash and Lori, -with free Hypophosphorous • Apid. This Syrup is a cerfain.remedy,f,or General Debility from any cause, ssetsotts ismesses Mik-Seroinlons ComplaintsI is also Ilighly uSefulliti disettses.of the hems (espeeially if! infants) find Incipient Consumption. Price The slove Preparatiotif are Of standard Inedie4 repntation, and. containink no secret 1ngredient4 inay be prescribed by (physisiens withouthesiti- tion. Prepared. by 10.11X WILLIAMS,' ' For sale.by-11. innisde` SeLoli4 atorth611tali ; Itar°.;t, Brussels; G. A. Powell, iirroxeter,-and Druggists ' generally. 285. THE. SEMPRTH LTINIBER' „YARD. 1.4ABEE & MACDON ALD BEG to inform the public that4hey have oppne4, a Limber Yard in Seaforth, near • Shearson's onthe ground formerly used. as 'a Lumber Yard, by Mr.. Thomas Lee.' - • They will keep constently-pn hands good assort'. Fent of A T,T, KIND54),F.J.AllaBNII., dressed. and undressed. Also, LATE 'AND TIINGLE, all of . whiehtheY are preffired to si&I at the lowest possi- • ble vices,- for Cash. . = • Builders and others will find it. to. their advent- . age to inspect oar stock, and ascertain our price�. t. before purchasingelsewhere, as Weriale in a position to offer good inducements to caahpurebellets.-.. 1.60 . MABEE 0, 31.14,C3104/4.;.1X TO .THE PUBLIC &T LARGE, . ii.na*Table Napkins. .4 u IRON AND WooD PL -os, _ With th-011a,teseimProved Steel Mould B ••• • GANG PLOWS . „ '10IILTVATOR.8,_' LAND Rg.LLEgS, HAVAtbws,lialPFLERs;*&c. • He lionid be to call special attentiiirri to the ; , celebrated FARMER& PLOW, Which has given; -universal satisfaction where've(' used, to whioh -is now tadded aiThisAlepoint, so much requiied in this Art. Al's giasio to sot& first- - STATE -DRUM LAND ROLLER From. $22 to 885. Also, a few Firstrelass Wagons, .,spREArys "Wilite and Colored. ' '';44.**- 7'. •;, '4;4% . •.: t- Lai-sminnimarka-goi..4; . 1.. - isimeimmad'S%. numeroa. Z..- -umnisimunanop unimanisiimimisimitimmassimmi. iseasemisram Nommonammeamisimamourramilaime, filaftirriliSLIIMINE . •.: I 1, ., 3 rilHE tindersigoed, having self* thqilluron. Pitnpidry property and stack to the " Goderich Feimdry the public for their liberal support during -the past nineteen -1- and Ilanufactuutpg' Company begs to . end their otderic to the new Company Goderi. years, and efdsts that ttheywill,contM1 u eh, 10th June,.1872. . r • t: R. RVNCIMA,N. 2 --i - . Referring toithe above notice, 1 t: . • WHITE COTTON MOSE,. dettingap for Spring use, warranted of very best SEAS NED TIM BER All of w h vrilizte sold at the itt'iy„ " LOWEST PRICES FOR cAsEt Or approved credit, WWI R W.LtSdN Brussels, Feb:12, 187.8. LW, 27Icy • EMBROIDERED CQT.41445 AND d'UFF NEN, LACt AATD MUSLIN, SEAFORD! NOVELTY WOW HANipp.14CHIEtS, cyC.. fil. • W. H. cy‘ivER,,,.. �kies, Saddle ax 7.4114 MANUPACTURER; ji-41H:574-1'4 3B4frbli171. The GOdAri,011,FOuxidry&IVIanufae.turIng to. - Beg to Worm the publiclhat they are prepared to coittracit•fer STEAM ENGINES -4.ND BOILERS, FLUOR,- GRIST, ANI) SAW MIDLS ; • SAWING MACHINES, &cal , ; .,. On hancl--IRONs.A.ND WOODEN litOWB., with eteel boar1s4; e .st ; ta GANG PLOWS, CULTWATORS STRAW -CUTTERS &c .•4 SUGAR AND PEAASH KETTLES, GR.14.141-BARS, • :1! WAGGON BOXES, &C. *COOKING, PARLOR1 AND BOX STOVES; of varim kia1as. 'SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. 4 - ALSO, IRON AND BRAS CASTINGS, Agi31AousliTijWORK 0 . •1, . BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIII.gfiON .id.OILT 'DW*NTY " TO T/iIRT*;401I4E POWER TiT13pLA_1111012BBS generally on hand for sale. All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention. -'JOHN M. 14.4.R,Tle All the .above, Goods, just opened out, were bought for Cash, and well be sold -; as now Oil hand a large number of 'his superior LAD pOLLESI- . Virhich have 'been well tried by the farm.ers of Ha. - real and are.generally acknowledged to be tifehest made, TuRiqip DRILI-t.sts Double and Single, Of His Own ManufaCture. As a certain number will only be made, parties desiring to get oni, ehould apply early before they are all spokenpr. FOR QASH.oNLY,. MI W.' Everyboaxpows what r as • ? GREAT 1EDOTJONS 1 -4;11. Can be Blind for Cash,'-'•Whil sYstbra we inven- t : ..;nbly adhere to. VI.;tt n ROIsERT RIT;CCIBIA_N, i; :lienerallSanager. , GEORGE NIEBERGALLot, j ( Manager Agrie'ultural DepartmeAt. Goderich, Ontario, Yin:le 10,..1872. ALL ALTyetiA • President. r t SIGN ;SF Tip SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy Harness, Whirr, Bells, Horse Clothing, &e.„ kept ionsaintly on .hand. Repairing promptly 'attended to, and . charges'moderate. 11,exnentber the piece, sl;_e; of • • the Scotch Collar. B. ouvra, ' sus, SEAFORTH.:_,.4:AARIAcr:WIKS. ARCHIRALD HODGE; Secretary and Treasurer. 248 AT D THE :SEASON CtIANGED. ' WILLIAM .GRASSIE Has sold all"his SleigbB ind butters, eta is now 1.)1.!Y nilf.11141116.0i BUGGIES AND YSI h t S ' _ i A few 'liuggies and Wegonsi left over from last year, whicwillbe oid cheap. Any. person ,wanting. a substantial Wagon or handsome Buggy should call et once and male ar- rangements, as a large timber of order S are now in, and: those who wait too ion d will:prOably not be able to get their orders filled. 4 Repahing and. horse shoeing promptly attended to as usual. I- ..T. - WILLIAM dil:ASSI K, .• . Goderiehistreet,,, Seaforth. riain Cdalm.kal LEARING 'SALE.d TEAt TEA l.fEA 111 • f• Wird, LAST ONLY TWO NkrEtk8 LORCGER. CHEAPEST DRY 'GOODS IN TI -1-E DOMINION. - ffOrLs YOUR 0114H0E.. DON'T. HAGLEOT IT. REMEMBER -DENT'S CatAX DRY GOODS STORE, SEAFORTH. DRESSED LUMBER . AND SASH ,AND DOORS - OA hand or manufactured to order, as usual SOHN NtART IN. Seaforth Novelty Works, Goderieb. Street. • PRIVATE BOARDING. A lvvv. ErElsITTMMEN can be accommodated 272 Parties not in need pf a the above Goods bad better not mice them, for iteilre sure to buy when they see, 1 the ' -1. 999. QUALITY A.N1)- PRIAES. ` in a private farnily. Enquire at this Office, IIOFFMAN BROS . k An Old Friend 'in a Yew Place. 1DANIEL IVFcGRRGOR, Bookbinder; Harpurhey, Seaforth, T_TAs just received a large Stock of the materiale need in the business, and is now fully pti3per- ed to ex.eenti, on the shortest notice and in the REMOVED. t. i)Titi. AULT begs to inform•bis customers that T V ' he has just opened e rge stock of the ehoic- 4). est Groceries' and Provisi s inthestore adjoining CampbelPS Clothing Store, opposite the Mansion Hotql, a few doors north of le's old. stand, where he hopes to be favored. with the patronage of his cus- tomers. Wm. Aulthaving removed tolarger prem- ises where he eaarkeep a larger and better assort- ed stock, is in a, better posit_rm than ever to suit customers. Call and see the old friend. ARCHITECTURE. rrlIE _underiignedis prepared to furnish Plans, SPeeificatione, &c., of Public and Private Buildings, andfaso to sukrintend the erection of the same. Carpenters , Plasterers' and Masons' work measdred and valued. ADAM GRAY, Second Concessiott, MoKillop. 262 CHEAP CASH -STORE. N.- few heavy Woolen& le which will bc sold at post. cIANNE? Fifa) IT.' , ••/' A Iargeand extra cheiee stock at all kinds of CANNED.FRBIT-Peaches, Tomatoes, 40. AULT 1r. Cannot be beat for TEAA. they are first-elass and cheap. 267 latest styles, all orders he may be favoured. with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS zi pusic BOOKS OF ANY SIND: 4•3 .14i1 Ruled, Printed and made to orde, on the shortest notice, an1 at prices -which aefy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes el; Fancy Cases Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS ' Bound and repaired at city prices. All communications addressed to the undersign- ed, will receive prompt attention, DANIEL MeGREG011, Seaforth, (Harpurhey. TUFTS HAIABLETON -Having on Bind every large stock of . EXCELLENT TEASs And being hard rip for money .haveqe erman' ed_to •r • ;4 i, aeltTeas at GREATLY REDUCED PRIO' ES For one raonth All parties wanting a choice article of Tea, and wishing to save money, will fma it to their °Avon> Vage to give them a call. They have also on hand a iery large stock of FOUND. VOUND, on Saturday, -March 8, a blaTALO ROBE, on, the Bayileld Road. Any person proving property and. paying charges can have it. 275-4 CHARLES SHAW, Stanley. GENERAL GROCERIES; Crockery, Glassware, Wines and Liquors. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Lake Huron lierring, whieh they will sell very cheap for cash or farm produce. TUFTS & HAMBLETON, BraSeels, THOROUGHBRED BULL o.est.r. ToB, SALE,. -OM SALE, a thoroughbred Deteliain BULL CALF, 12 months old; color 'red nud white; Sired by Duke of Huron, (570.) Herd -book pedi- gree willbe furnished. Apply to- G. EDWIN CRESAVELL, 274 Egmondville P. 0.