HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-03-28, Page 5iso no: mud pass, :nd Grand his two motion gi [iplaine - of vat's- The differential the earue • rates than lower for om another- • ; ford. arried from ear, while. Stratford l<idoin, aled from efts. aebil . He'a= inl: charges Oa the let - large stint veu to eaei< Id a strong ?used to the swing low it converf. whole re - king A inej- Oliver has Bich he in. Et. There required* in his Election ;stun which ng for sine; a principle ded for by fg that e'en avert th it. ector having to eonsi.i . in the ton- dies, and_ he cater voting the law de - provision is opportunity sptiou of the lso retailed lit the Re- isablity of ified by the Peterboro, ning Officers with others,. aures; of the [sly opposed mivation of ting system,. L. inn the 1e o the apple- ,o the pres- a. It is he- against the ?resent Par - ell and -void. ',rel ville act, eet to inves- t -loose only. Eietion estab- Ess not been a- h, America. ae machinery of been tyro- reet, the ipe- esented wilt d, or the in- conducted at h, under the react cable. if 'gate all, the such a way an the dura - omelet. It is. of the House on case raises of theSpeak- the Election cat should be ✓ the expires- luring which at, according ase, this was day after the the Commit - let to have a tlections and trial of the ne being to- the othe hearts Led: against. ;any substan less be def- or two.. SLE`1TA riv ES. t the Prov" -- N ew Bruns- f the session dente or op- ly feted and lovernreent, ter terms," rent berths, er to the aa - John. It is vi€1 nt that s are _proof - ages" deriv- an unscru- ,TZON . friends of eir influence itions on the and several Les delivered ke has been filer the pcti- among the Liquor lav d Mr. Ross, f Ottawa, is .g of such tied becomes arry out its the Sezi- ispired with by discussion un the Cana - %a. Senator dress to the His Excel - 1 before the ioadeace be- any member L dr auy per- lis associates, i any person posing to con- he Canadian bating their Ly, copies of to with Sir ates and the is tion, equip - aid railway, ay the Gov er- he 5th day of r (kT the secret Cyt gubraided to 'Vim or his associates TORONTO CATTLE MARKET. vioua to entering mt such agreement, TORONTO, March' 26. Ana ottller narti(lu ars. ;After a lively BEEv i--lThe market has been only sousszoir,S uathe t a tpbeli, the repre- mode'atel Esupplied during the week Five of the Government in tuts and prices avled steady, especially lumber, reluctantly consentT to fur- for prime, which have been wanted at risk the infornratn usled. This eon- hardening rates. Sales for Easter have est of the partf theiisto>? vas been niade`at as high as $6 per 100 lbs., full - !and after he g live. weight. We quote first-class, ; second-class, $4 to $4 50 ; and third- class, $3 50. The great Easter fairs will be held next Tuesday at Elora, and Wednesday at Guelph, at which it is an- ticipated there will be a very tine dis- play of cattle, and: high prices be realiz- ed. SSt Enr.-There has been a moderate supply forward, and prices have been 'r 1 O • sustained. 'e quot , first-class , second- class, $7 ; and third-class, $4 to $5. Sales include two cars, average 170 lbs., at 60 per lb. live weight, with freight from Guelph added. LAMBS•=Not many offering, and prices ' steady. First-class are quoted at $7 50 to $8, second-class, $6 ; and third-class„ 4. A sale 'of a car load, averaging 1.00 lbs., was made at .$7 75. -en very upgrace y,: ad fully tested -the temper of the House, . and ascertained that in case of a refusal .on. his part, the motion would be put to ,vote and. carried against him. DEXTER. AUCTION SALES; March 31, on Lot 4,Cu.o1 Monday, Stanley, Farm. Stock and Implements,. r •i for • J. P. Brine, 11c1 .ay, proprietor auctioneer. Wednesday, April 2, on Lot 31, Con. McKillop, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. Michael. Bogan, proprietor J. F. Brine, auctioneer. Thursday, April 3, on Lot 26, Con, 9, Morris, Farm Stock, Implements and 100 acres of land."` Jonathan Moore, proprietor;. J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Thursday, April 3,. on Lot 4, Con. 6, Usborne, Farm Stock and Implements. Thomas Wilson, proprietor ; A. Bishop, auctioneer. Friday, April 4, on Lot 34, Con. 13, McKillop, Cows and young Cattle." Wm. Nicholson, Proprietor; J, P Brine, auctioneer. - Monday, April 7, . on Lot 1, Con. 13, .Uullett, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furmture. Mrs, Mary Dim- ond, proprietress ; P Brine, auc- Sunday auctioneer. Mondayo ,.. , 10, 1,400 6,500 208 ......2 Saturday, April5, on Lot 20, Con. 5, Tuesday .:.... 833 800 1,000 112 McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. tt Wednesday.. 714 1,400 816 Hiram Hannah, proprietor ;. J. Bullard, -- auctioneer. Monday, March 31, on Lot 18. Con. 9, McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. Charles Barforth, proprietor ; J. Bullard, .auctioneer. _ ,THE LARGEST S IN TOWN ISO BE FOUND AT • BUFFALO LIVE STOCK MARKET. BUFFAhO, March 27. The following shows the receipts and shipments of live stock at East Buffalo for the week the far, beginning with Sunday : Receipts. Cattle, Sheep, Floss, Horses. ' head. bead, head. head. 731 1,000 5,300 288 BIRTHS. BOLLARD. -in McKillop, on March 20, the wife of Mr. William Bollard, of a daughter. BELL. -In Seaforth, on March 22, the wife of Mr. John Campbell, of the Cornraercial Hotel, of a son. Mooea.-In Tuckersmith, on March 12, the wile of Mr. William Moore, of a daughter. LATIMER.-In Seaforth, on March 25, the wife of Mr. Themes Latimer, pf daughter. - lervINGSTONE. In Tuekersniith, on March 26, the wife of Mr.. Alexander Livingstone, of a daughter. Moaerar rz.- In Usborne, on March 18, the wife of Mr. Robert Mcnteith, of a Total 4,488 4,600 12,800 656 Same time last week ' 5,049 5,200 14,800 816 Shipments. Cattle Sheep Bogs Horses. head'- head. head. head. Sunday 17 6,600 368 Monday: 612 2,200 4,500 320 Tuesday:.1,785 1,600 3,000- 160 Wednesday . • . -1, 394' 400 2,500 96 Total... 3,808 4,200 16,600 944 Same time last week.-... 31553 4,690 12,800 976 CATTLE. -Receipts to -day, including 20 cars reported to arrive 714 head, making the total supply for the week, thus far, 4,488 head, or 264 cars, against 297 cars for the same time last week. The market was active and firm. at strong yesterday prices. Attendance of Eastern and country buyers large. A offerings disposed of. Sales comprise about 1,275 head. Transactions wer- as follows : Clover QF 'SEEDS STRO GI- FAIRLEY'S, CONSISTING OF Seed, • Timothy Seed, Alsike Clover, White Glover, Elunoarian Grass,: Reel Top, Orchard Grass, Tares, Buckwheat, &c. A Large Lot of Top Oniol Sets *Expected Daily. GARDEN SEEDS Ter BULKK, IN TURNIP AND 1VIANGOI,D SEEDS, A LARGE STOCK. - PARTIES WISHING SEED CANS FOR DAIRY PURPOSES CAN BE SUPPLIED A+ is STRONC &FAIRLEY'S. OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES COMPLETE A$ USUAL. No of - - Average son TI: xEY.-In Usborne, on March •18, 18 Illinois steers, 1,030 the wife of 1r. Alexander Hackney, 18 `` 1,082 of a daughter. 31 Missouri " 1,309 13 Canada steers, 1,380 10 1,043 B INSON-ORR--On March 18, at the 2S Canada stockers 870 residence of the bride's father, in East 24 870 Wawanosh, by Rev. G. H. Kenny, of 14 " " Head Weight, :lbs. MARRIAGES. 1 916 Wingha.m, Mr. Edward Robinson, of 17 Ohio steers, 1,170 Stanley, to Miss Annie Orr, of East 40 Indiana 1,421 Wawanosh. k And 18 other sales. SANGSTER. - HENDERSON.=-In Howick, on March 21, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. Mr. Brown, Mr., Alexander Sangster, to Miss Janet Henderson, both of 1{owiek. 4 EAR.L--MCLEOD.-On March 18, by Rev J. Logie, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. William Earl, of Hay, to Miss Caroline McLeod, of Usborne. MA'rrac8.-CBA:vFoBD.-By Rev...li. B. Palmer, at the M. E. Parsonage, . Sea - forth, on March 27, Mr. Robert Mat- tice, to Miss Margaret Crawford, both of Brussels. DEATHS. _ .'Price. $5 90 5 65 6 30 6 30 5 00 4 50 4 50 4 50 6 00 6 90 GREAT VARIETY, WARRANTED . FRESH. LOOK HERE, JUST NOW. McINTYRF & WILLIS AN ACTIVE MAN can find employment for tw Evenings of each week, at GOOD WAGE'. Apply innaiediately at EXPOSITOR OFFICE. BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKER WANTED, immediately, a Blacksmith a f a Wag aker. Apply ondville. 2781'4 = , T 'HILLS, Eo MAN WANTED. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. TFT,, undersigned Will Jeep on his premises Harpnrhey, (at the briek house of the'l'ate Chalk) for the improvement of stock, A THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR. Terme-$1 each sow, payable at the time service, with the privilege of returning if necessa 277-2 ke THOMAS McLELLAND GovxNeool .--In McKillop, on Sunday, • CAUTION. March 23, of cerebro -spinal meningitis, PUBLIC are Maragret, seconddaughter o L SEAFORTH, HAVE GOT AS (;FOOD, FASHIONABLE AND CHEAP - BOOTS AND SHOES AS CAN BE .FOUND IN THE COUNTRY. Full lines in Ladies' and Gents' Pruuella Wear for Summer. . O15 TOM WORK PRbMPTLY ATTE1 DED TO. ' I Just give us a call. You will'find us opposite W. Robertson & Co. sHardwaxefttore, Seaforth. 277 Seaforth, March 27, 1873. i , EDWARD CASH IS THE MAN ,TO GO TO FOR d. t r: of d ht f P Obert herebycautioned against gtv- - inn credit to my- of l ARGAItET MOR Govenlock, aged i 15 years, 8 months S0' or any member of my family, without y and 11 days. written order or consent, ns from this date I alkali rtllisLEN,-1n Wroxeter, on Saturday, not hold myself z TPSON Mle for ORR debtn 00 in - EL cnrred.277*4 March 22,. Robert, only son of Mr, mamilop, March 25, 1873. Robert Millen, aged 2 years and 4 months SEEDS pF = .031E KZN S, 1 -IsSON.--1n; McKillop, on Thursday, March 20, .after a lingering illness, Robert Gibson, aged 56 years. -GGILLIEs.-At Exeter, on March 22, Joanna., the beloved wife of Mr. James Gillies, aged 27 years. The funeral took place on March 24, and was well attended. The Rev. Mr. Logie was present and gave a very suit- able address. BAIRD.-In Blenheim, on March 15, sud- denly of appoplexy, George Baird, aged 48 yeas s . FINDLATER.-In North Dumfries, cion. March 14- Mr. George Findl ater,' aged 69 years,,a resident of Dumfries for the past 35 years. MeePi v. -At Loretto Convent, Niagara Falls, en Sunday, March 23, Annie, youngest daughter of James Murphy, Esq ,Seaforth, aged. 20 years. THE .MARKETS • SEAFORTH, March 27, 1873. Deliveries of all kinds have been light Boo kS for the past week. During the latter part of last weele a considerable amount of grain was brought in, bat since then there has bean but lit'le in the market. Fail wheat is slightly down, and spring wheat has taken an advance. Although Just Received, a Large Assortment of Choi 20 cents has been paid for the latter in - Miscellaneous` several instances both yesterday and to- T be re - clay,, such a quotation can liarcle aren , IL z all kinds 3. h lied upon. hoarse mins of p g lJ scarce, and very little clover or timothy { seed has been offered on the market. A good deal of these latter have been im- ported for sale to farmers. The stormy weather has hacl the effect of materially advancing the price of hay, and making the demand more lively. We quote : Fallwheat.......... .... .. _ .......$1 20, to 1 22 Spring Wheat 1 17 to 1 20 oats adF 48 to 0 45 Peas . 0 58 to 060 Batter, .No. 1, Rolls...-. ...... 0 15 No..2 0 b No. 3 000 to 0 13 0 00 to 6 00 .11 00 to 14 00 BRITANNIA. LODGE, A. and A. M., No. 170, G. R. C. Lodge of Instrnctioii nest MONDAY even March 31, at 7:30 sharp. 277-1 A. RALLY, Secreta, SEAFORTH MARBLE WORK K 110I11r STR_ ET. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONE And work of all kinds in American and Fox Marble, designed and exeeuted in the best s and at most reasonable priees. - Mantles of Various Colored Marble plied om Short Notice. F. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. SEEP WHEAT SEED OATS, SEED .PEAS, SEED BARLEY, CLOVER, SEED, TIMOTHY SEED, TARE SEED, AUCKWHEAT, ALS.[K E CLOVER, HUNGARIAN GRASS. Country dealers supplied at wholesale. GODERI,GH STREET,: SEAFORTH. 1873. THAT TEA! ALLEN'S GROCERY SPRING 1873. AND - SUMMER. IS .. FAMED FOR CHOICE TEAS, AT 5OCTS., 75cTs., 9OCT5. AND ONE DOLLAR. BLACK, GREEN AND JAPAN. " Your 90 cent TEA is equal to any Dollar Tea I get."-COTINTrtY CUSTOMER. " That TEL at 50 cents goes as far as some Dollar Tea."--TowN CUSTOMER. (Names withheld.) AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF GRQOERIES.GENERAL DUNCAN & DUNCAN, OF FARM STOCK ONDPLEMENTS. • J. P. BRINE DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY COODS, - 5G BUSHELS NO. 1 DRIED APPLES. BACON" AND I3A1S Flour, Graham Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Pot Barley, &c., FRESH AND CLEAN, AT. ALLEN'S GROCERY, SEAFORTH. HOW TO -MAKE THE - MOST OF MONEY, YOTTR Bay your GROCERIES pit wholesale Prices, especially the following articles: SUGARS, Which the offer from 10c. 11er pound upwards. Sold with or without general order CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, &c. SEAFORTH, HAS been instructed to sell by public auction, _- on Lot 26, Concession 9, Morris, north half, On '1HU1{.SDAY, April 3, 1873. The Following Valuable Property, namely : One Mare -Colt rising 2 years old: 1 Horse rising 2, years old, 4 Cows in ca1f,.1 Farrow Cow, 1 Heifer rising '3 in calf, 3 Steers rising 3, 2 Steers rising 2 1 Heifer rising 1, 4 Spring Calves, 1 Wagon, 1 Buggy, 1 set single Harness, 1 Sideboard -,1 Grind- - € stone, 1 Plow, 1 Oradlie, 6 Chairs,1 French Bed- stead, 1 ed-stead,1 Crosscut Saw and other articles too numer- ous te,mention. sign The above property will he sold without reserve. yle, Sale to Commence at 12 O'clock, Noon. up-. Granite Monuments and Headstones imp rte to order. CALDER BROTHER 277 ANDREW CALDER, AgdInt. r 1 EOO-K 4 00 to .0 55 Eggs Flour Hay_ 6 00 Hides _._ •._. Sheep Skins. 0 50 to 1 50 Calf Skins, (veal) per 1b., 0 89 to 0 10 Salt (retail) per barrel,.. _ 0 00 to 1 00 Potatoes, per bushel i 0 40 to 0 45 Oatmeal 'V bil........ . Q 00 to 6 00 Apples per bushel.... 0-75 to 1 00 Beef, per quarter,' lb 0 04 to 0 06 Wood 2 25 to 3 00 Clover Seed ,. 5 00 to 6 00 Timothy Seed 1. 3 00 to 4 00 Including 500 Volumes of the COTTAGE LIBAR ALSO, Fine Assortrn ALBIJMS OF ALL SORTS, FROM 25 CENTS UP e and TEAS, From 50 cts. to Very Finest. No Horse, either in or out of SEAFORTH, can beat us in this article, or in COFFEE, Which, for real quality and flavor is rmsurpassed, Only requires to. be once tested'to sere n eon- sinuance*. In Would advise their eustoters and frieuda of the arrival of a large portion of their SPRING AND SUMMER . j STCCI, TERMS, -Ail sums of $5 and under cash, over that amount 9 months' credit on furnishing .fp- proved joint notes. A discount at the rate of Byer cent. per annum will be allowed for. cash on all Credit amounts. JONATHAN MoORE, Proprietor. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. FARM FOR SALE. Also, will be offered at the same time and place, • if not previously sold by private sale, a farm con- sisting 'Of100acres, being north half Lot 27, Con. 9, Miirris u 25' acres cleared ; good. frame house ; well timbered land. Good young orchard; spring of water close to house ; bests quality of land. Terms.made known on day of sale, or previously, on application to JONATHAN )MORE, adjoining farm. WHO WANTS TO SELL OUT THEIR FARM$_ ? Or, Who 1Van,#$ to Buy a Farm ? HE subsc$ber, being, about to open a, Land T Office in Clinton Orthe sale :of FARM and TOWWN 1'ROPERTYin -the County' of 'Huron, would. intimate to those wishingto sell tbit they should send him tienames and a descrition of their property, wits en price and terms, and they will get the bene t of having it advertised all over the Dominionovithout cost so them sunless I succeed in gettii g them a purchaser, *hen I i will charge them a small percentage qn purchase money. Call on, or address, post paid, , 6. CHARLES MORROW, Clinton, Ont,,' 1 Agent for Old MiddlesexInsurance Co#ripany; I Money to Loan on easy terms. Will be found at home every Saturday. CHARLES MORROW. Clinton, March 11, 1873. - 275-3 nt COURT OF sREVISION. TOWNSHIP OF McICILLOP. -ARDS. R. LU MSDE Corner Drug Store, Se forth. GENERAL GROCERIES .OUR STOCK IS LARC--E Al`TD-TARIE3D- JAMES C. LA.IDL A.W. INIINIMINIMOMMOINOW 777. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST VARIETY OF4.. INEW SPRTNOE GOODS. Ye WHICH •roll 1 EXTENT, VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS, HAS NEVER BEEN SURPASSED IN SEAFORTH: FIRST PRIZE PLOWS AT G. WILLIAMSPN'SS OLD ESTABLISHED MANUFACTORY, SEAFORTH. - HAVING taken the first prize for Iron Beam Plows at thelateExhibition held in Hamilton, and the first at the 'Western Fair held in Loudon, besides a high raeoxnynendation o tlfesame Plow, I can,'with;4onfidence, recommend my Plows for efficiency of work and lightness of draft, as being., second to none in the Dominion. The followings is a list of Plows constantly on band: Iron -beam, with wooden handles, Steel Landside and Mouldboard, ' Iron Plows, Wood Plows, - Donble Mouldboard Plows and Seufflers, Iron Harrows, &c. An examination of my Plows is respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Castings and Boards kept on hand for repairing " Grey Plows." 276 G. WILLIAMSON_- - In addition to Regular Goods at Regular Prices, the following are Specially Cheap Bargains: 2 Bales of English and Canadian Cottons, from 70. to 121c. 1 Bale of white Cottons, at 100. 1 Bale of White Coi;tons, over a yard wide, at 12de. 300 Piece? of New Prints, fust colors, imported direct from Manchester, fret m. 9e. to 16e. per yard.. 10 Pieces of Wool -dyed Damasks, at 25c. per yard, worth 40c. 25 Pairs White Quilts, at $1 25, worth $1 75. 500 yards Brocaded Lusters, at 19c., worth 25e. 300 yards Fancy Challis, at 12ic. worth 20e. 700 yards Fancy Challis, at 20e., worth 25e. 1,200 yardsancy Challis, at 250.,worth 850. 300 yardsliestvy Brocaded Lusters, at 37/c.. worth 45e. 400 yards all wool Shirtings, at 5e., worth 40e. 800 only, Large Towels, at 18c., worth 25c. 20 pieces all Wool Cloth, at $1, -worth $1 40. 14 pieces Cottonades and Unions, at from 18c. to 600: t. 12 dozen Gents' Pure Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, 40e., worth 75e. 4 dozen Silk Shawls, new style, at $5, worth .7 50. No other House has them- New hemNew Silk and Cloth Mantles, direct from England, very cheap. 1,000 boxes of Paper Collars, from 5c. to 100. per box. 4 cases of Prunnella Boots very cheap. 1 case of Boys' Felt Hats, at 50e., worth seeing. 1 ease of Men's new Hats, at 85e., worth seeing. Piles of White and Colored Cotton Hosiery at half price. The cash buyer, the independent buyer, the buyers who can buy whortd they please will find this a profitable place to visit. The above Goods are in stock now, but ten days will clear out many of the best bargains. First come, first served. ALL GOODS WARRANTED PERFECT, • Av DIPRICES MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURE§. No person can buy them cheaper than another, or cheaper than you. NO SECOND; PRICE. A. G. McDOUGALL. NEW :GOODS: AT . E. 1 HICKSON To TCOURTOF REVISION for the Township of -McK llop, for the purpose of revising -and correcting the Assessment Roll for 1873, will be held at Berwick's Temperance Hotel, on SATURDAY, the 19th day of April, 1873, At the hour of 10 o'clock. All parties interested are requested to take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. JOHN Township Clerk's Office, McEillop, March 23,1873. -o'SULLIVAN Township Clerk. 277-8 NOTICE---HOWICE FIRE INSURANCE. A PUBLIC i't1'.ETIN G will be held in the Or - .flange Hall, Leeehville, on SATURDAY, April 5, at 2 o'clock P.11., for the purpose of starting a Fire Insurance Company, to be conducted on the principle of the North Dumfries and South Wat- erloo Farmers'Mntual. - All in favor are requested to attend. 276 _-vWM. M0KERTCHER, Secretary - NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Tara Books of Accounted Promissory Notes of Mr. JOHN LOGAN are placed rn our hands for collection, and immediate payment is re- quested. ; BENSON & MEYER, Barristers, Settforth. Seaforth, March 20, 1873. A Housekeepers and those Intend ilzg Honsekeeping ' JOSEPH RODCERS & SON'S CELEBRATED CUTLERY; Large ,Consignment direct from Shefleld, Eng%mta, Comprising Knives and Forks, table and dessert ; Ivory -Handled Table Knives, Ivory=- Han . cued Dessert Knives, Ivory -Handled Carvers and Steels, Cooks' Knives, Butcher Knives, Scissors, RODGERS & SON'S LADIES' AND GENTS' TOILET CASES, RODGERSv & $ON'S RAZORS AND STROPS. • Rodgers & Son's Pocket Knives. ALL THE ABOYE ARE.THE GENUINE GOODS, AT LOW PP -ICES. E. HICKSON tic CO., DRUIxGISTS, SEAFORTH. DOG LOST. OST on the 6th of March, a Water Spaniel DOG, white and brown spotted, with large brown ears and short tail, and answers to the name of " Scott." Any person having ench a dog, ill please leave word at the 1 rosITOJt Office 27 TO MERCHANTS. A DRY GOODS OTN.RK of steady habits is open for an engagement ; can keep books by single and double entry. Address, stating salary, to G. S. G., Lanark, Ont. - 275.3