HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-03-28, Page 3u, ha a been a Seenrities for several 'loan Moue payable 218 Derristerse At. Cluitteery awl Conve,yancers, th. Ageats toe . cent. Farixte, Attbrneya ersolveav, es—Sea. nada fee:,s. eests payable 53 ea: :trtVElt. rney in Chine. ftee—over Se 0, 4quare. 269 at& 'ore in Char:cella te doors "meth of erIGNALD, BreeseIs. Viete. (.&u eta.; etc" [ante of lIneere, Steniev%. Graduate oa niche% Sure afield. leysecian, Sue - nee, corner oe Planiug Mill. e County. Office ilier store, Mahe 11 to 4, each - 1.6a tiorth, °uteri°. re' !xecistede Ali wetle are and se obtained else - 5 P.M. Roma Stairest. 270 1. MeNAUGHT,. te inhabitants of e„s- th et he hat esntario Veterfne a treat diseases tic animals. He with his horse, -aid ready to at - et specially at - hop ire. the rear All kinds. of Vet- atly on hand., Surgeon, (mem- Colleee.)bees b the practice of ey at aJL timeabe uses, Cattle, &e, OA han.a. All at Mansion 278 /ntario. STNION ,SUbseriber hits - y furnished the e good eccerareio- . Choice liquors, is eapplied with . rs in season. hostler:1n eon- - 24-1-ly yaille, Ont., 'WM. Hotel is under .been thorougly -with the best Itg and atte retiree t ecenteetion. 228 ae °Raton. Ont., ieter. First-class The Dar is sup - ma cigars. Good sexes this House 204-4t ',SALE STABT,F.2. Seargith.. -Good eaalways =hand. iNAFORTTI, Ont. Vehieles, always tenta reside - with .frs left, at KROX'S to. el door North of LL, Proprietor. -imitamensaame ROPERTY IVES. aaforth. axce Company— of of "Oil by any other Companies. )A.N. arisl. 'Investment offer a better in- ny others doirtf,r eal get circulars ing elsewhere. airisy% Grocery 252 OVER; RY VS: TER, SONS, UST; AL. g and regulat- CAi411. C Co.% Perfected COUNTER. e upward, private p'rannum, on eratts. Marriage SON, Zurich. OAN.. to loan to anY . Interest, SIX uterest and paha- cent. per teuriura :DO-UGALL, e sign of the Bee.r. lAvitcli•28, 1R73. 4 The Heathen Faintest." - The follawillg'excellent parody of Bret Hartels- "Heathen ChMee," was com- posed by a Lacknow Good Templar, and in the Lodge on the occasion of the fitit mpeting after having the Lodge -room painted an,a frescoed : T rise to reraark. And. I think not in Nellie That for painting that's dark, And lettering. Oar heatheu palace is pre-eminent-- - Which the same these walls do explain. Teimy-Sin was his name ; For talent extolled, - In. painting a genius, 2.. And in style rather bold, tut the way that he slung his brasli Was the admiration of all to behold. It was March the third. Quite soft were the skies, And it might be`inferred Fenny-Siii was likewise, Yet he euchred our painting committee • Ina waywe despise. We had our hall painted, Ttnny-Sin took it in hand, 'Twas to be frescoed, the sarae Ile did understand; But he smiled as he said. forty dollai;s, With a smile that WAS eltjletilike and bland. But the frescoing displayed By that Heathen Paintee, And the letters he made . Were gnitelfrightfal to see -- Till at last hede.sheil off a motto, Which is always commenced with B. E. sh.(le of night, and Mat and myself sati upon a,n antiquated black log,e7 15 listeng,- intce,the,music of maitre, such ae-- tree -toads, - roosters and And said "enn this be' grunting pigs, now- and then the We are fooled by that Painter's ehealiin lisle of a jackftss was wafted to onr tender,"ears by the geittle zephyri that sigh - And hewent for that Heathen Paintee (loorl and found myself right areoneg the women. "Oh, my 1eg-horn-1" cried ohe. My *dear, darling win- ter velvet 1" cried initialer, and they pitched in—and pulled me this way and that, boxed my ears, and one bright-eyed little pieee-e-Mat, her name was -,--put her af Mb round my neck, and lkissed merighe on the lips. Human natu're not stand that, and I gave her as good as she sent. It *as the first time I ever got the taste, and it was power - fill good, I believe J could have kissed that girl from Julius Omsar till the Fourth of July. - • "Jaek," said she, -4,‘ we are sorry to/disturb you, but won't yogi bee 1110 hom'e Yes, I said I. I did do it, and.ha.d another s ack • at the gate. After that we Oak a 'kinder turtle do ving after each other, both of us sighing like a parrot of when vr-O -*ere away from each- other. - . 71'.was at the close a glorious sum- mer's day, the sun was setting be- hind'a I distant hen-roiost, the unll frogs' sarg,ing their everking songs, and the pollywogsin their .native mudpuddles, were preparing for the Then 1 looked at our Chief, Alnd he gazed upon me ; And he rose in great grief, In the scene that ensued didnot takp a hand -- But the Hallat was sewed, 'Like leaves' on the traud ed among the mullen-stalks,-- and heavily adee with' the deliaious odors of ben -roosts and pig-stys. ' The last lingering ray in the setting With tUe paintS:'Tenny-Sin had been gnu, glancing, from th e buttons of using In the frescoing "he did understand." This is why I remark, And I think not in vain, That for paints 'which are dark. And lettering plain, Our Heathen Paim tee is pre-eminent — And this I ata hound to maintain. KO HE CAME TO BE MARRItD. it may be funny ; I've done it. I've got a rib and baby.. $liadows departed -L. oyster stews, brandy like a grasshopper dying with the cock -tails, cigar boxes, boot -jacks, hiccups,- and I felt like a inuckturtle wading shirt buttons, whist, and choked with a codfish ball. Itmijohn. Shadows present—hoop- " Mat," says I, ip. a voice as mu- skiits, bandhhuxes ribbons garterg sical as the, notes of a dying swan, long evenings, juvenile dresses,lit- "'will ybu.have mei" . tie willow chairs, cradles, bibs, su- She raised her eyes heavenward, gai ietts, paregoric, hive syruP, rlin- and claaped me by the hand, had an barta senile, salts, squills and doc- " attack of the heaves_and blind.stag- tor's bills. Ell just tell you how I l gers, and with a sigh that drew her got caught. I, was always the shoe string to her palate, said, darndest, most tea -custard bashful " Yee She grave clear out then a solitary- horseman, shone through -a knot -bole in a bog pen, full in Mat's face, dyeing her hair an orange peel hue, find showing pff my threadbare 'coat to bad advan- tage ; one of arms Wag around Mat's ar waist, .my hand resting on the small of her back ; she was toying ' with my auburn locks of jet black hair ; she was almAt gone and I was almost date. Sire Igo:Aced CAUTION 11 -FRAUDS ABROADV T BEG Most respectfully 03 caution the public -a• of the British Meth `Amends/ea Provieces to be on thole gaard, againstepurchasing epurione meth - cheep whiali are being sold au my gelatine " 116110 - way% Pills and Oiutment," by certain.ludivicluals, of little or no matte, trading (for the lad few -moatlis only) under the style of -the - New York Chemical Com.peny," Every artifice is made we: of by theta for tlui purpose of imposing upon the i public; and the. nide effee ually to deeeive, they have the effrontery, in th ir adveetisements, to 'tame 'the following ceeitiou • . "Tho immense demand ter eHoeeowee% Pleas ARD Orerreteeef hap benipted impriquipled perties to counterfeit theedVe.lnablu Meditines. "In order to protect the Public and ourselves, we have issued a now "hude. Mark,' COlifiisting of an Egyptian Circle of at/Wpm-di with the letter H in the centre. Eveey box of 4enuino ' Hoaeower's Rime AND OINTMENT' will have this brittle mark ob. it. None are genuine without it. - . " To Deeaens attic Joneene ea Dnuos AMD Mene- ' O/NES. i " We call year pa,rticular attnntion to the 4iew style of • Hota.owea's Pleas else 'OINTMENTI— noue.of bhe old style aro inanufthetured by es n w, ill nor' have thy been for •montlis. wa. theref re caution all purchasers againet recivink` from ny Jobbers or Dealers tlie old style of geode. : " Inform's-ten concerning any mush geode being 'offered -will be received with thanks. . " We eek the favor of all the information you can give in regard to those coenterfeits." ,Now this Company is aware that your laws -do not penult them to copy the' precast: getting up of my Meiliciues, but in order' the more eompletely -to blind the public, they have eeicotso to another piece of,deception, vie., m ebating e at they.deeni it neat:Seery, as they say, td make up the Pills and Ointment in another form, and that they adopb a NRIV LABEL,' &O: - Besides the above:mentioned " Chernical Clom- p -01y," there is also,a David Pritiale, of Now York, who by consummate tricke. is fitterepting to eell Fit epurious imitations of my edicines. Doaare of him likewise. , .' This nuprincipled Chen:deal Company has dared - to say that I ewe very •large sums of money in the United States. What is the fact? k newspaper agi3nt obteineel,'withent my knoevledge or consent, and by collusion with a party who held a limited power of attorney of mine, an order to advertise my Medicines in South America for three years, to the extent of $400,1100 in gold. He then sold his darn to a lawyer, who, got it referred by the court to a friead of his, who gave judgment against me to the amount of 071,287 geld, for profit which he titlid he could have made by it, had ,I not taken stops bo repudiate this vile transtletiou the mo- ment it emus to my knowledge: This Judgment will soon be set aside. It cannot be supposed, I am sure, that I owe a cent to any oue that 1 woald not immediately pay. . There is no truth whatever in the statement that I ever authorized any person or persous to use My name flr the sale.of -my Pills tuid Ointment, al- thotigh gross fraude have heel: practieed upon me by Mainincipled men this way. rwciuld ask, as a favor,- that should it come to - the lneowledge of any person that spurious Medi- c:in.& are being made tual Rohl in my name, that he hoplemsed Co send me the name and address 91 ,the veudor who letellingthe same, that I may, for the pretection of th public institrite proceediags against hibi, and I ugage 'to ' remunerate heed- somely my it:forma-1i without disabging his name. —Shonlilany person have reason to believe that he'has' been deceived by buyingspnrions imitfitions of these Medicines, he wip obflge me by sending to the address at foot (which he eau do at a Cost of tax 'cents in postage), one of the books of inttnie- tioias which are eftixed to the MIRO. My Medicinee'orin be sepplied tst the lowest wholesalenetsprices in quantities of not less -than e.',20 worth—viz., 8s. 64.,224., Us. per dozen boxes of Pills or Pots of Ointment, for which remibtances must be sent in advance. Thee° Medicines are not field in the United States. Bleb Pot end Box of my Genuine- Medicines bears the*British Government Stamp, ;withe the VtOrtie "Holloway's Pills and Ointment, Lon- don." . (Signed) THAI' AS HOLLOWA.Y. 533, Oxfotd Street, W. C., s Loudon, October 3, 18'12. 1 - re / _fellow ygn ,ever did see, , it was and squatted in my lap. I hugged kinder in; my fine to betaken with her till T broke my suspenders, and the shakes every, time I saw a .pret- her breath smelled of onions she had ty girl approach me, and Ed cross eaten two weeks before the street artV time rather thanr-face Well, to make a loirg story short one; it %Vasil% because:I didn't like she set the day, and we practised foi. the critters, for if 1 waiS belAind the four weeks, every night, how we fence, looking thronih.;:ia knot hole, woirld enter the room to be married, I could not look long enough. ' till we got so we could, walk as Well, my sister Lib gave a party gracefully a's . a. pair of Mtiscoyy one night, and I Started away from ducks. The night, the, company home because I was wo bashful to and. the minister came, the sigual face the music. Haling around the was given; and at and 81111" we house, whistling,b"Old Daii*Trieker-," went through the hall. We Were _ dancing to keep my feet warm, ; jest entering the 14arlor door .w -hen watching the heads bobbing up and down I went -kurslaic on the oil - down behind the window curtainscloth, pulling Vat after me. 'Some and wishing the thundering party . confounded fellow had. dropped would brealc alp, so I could -get to banana skin on the floor, and itfloor- my rn'Apin. I smoked up a bunch of ed me. It split- an awful hole in cigars, and as it WAS getting late and. my gossimeres, right under my OF SPRING AND SUMMER STAPLE AND FANCY DRY1,GOODS. The Subeciiber title lunch pleasure in announcing that he is now prepared to show a large pre - portion, of his i ,iPRI!NG AND SIMMER STOOK OF STAPLE AND. FANCY DAY GdODS .2t1sa\i" ATNLEYVILLE PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR ARO BLIND FACTORY • The subecriber having bought -at tee-ad/eve Mill; also Una. good -will of the bite then, is now prepared to fill all orders in his llue of basiuees. / • Sash Doors and Mouldinces ON HAND AND 'MADE TO ORDER On the shortest notice. CUSTOM PLANING uncomfortable, I concluded to shin : dress coat tail. Tt was too late to up the door -post. No sooner said ' back ovt ; SO clpeing my band over ' _ than done; and I. soon foetid mys' elf.: it we marched in and %Y ere splicedi, snug in bed. - : and, taking a seat, 1. watched the , ' Now,'" says I, "let her rip 1 , kissing-the-bricje - operation. My Dance till your wind gia es out !" !,groomstnan was tight and kissed her And. cuddling down under the till I jumped to ,take a slice, when, quilts, Morphrus got me. ,oh, horrur ! a little. six year old imp I was dreauring of soft-shell crabs ! had crawled behind meandpulled and stewed tripe, and having a good my. shirt through the hole in the time, when somebody knocked at 1 pants and.pinned it -to chair, so when the door, and woke me np. Rapt ; I jumped up I displayed to the again. . I laid low. Rap ! rap' ! astonished multitude a trifle more rap! Then I heard whispering, and ; white muslin than was pleasant. T knew there was a whole raft of The wornen giggled': the men roared, , gals oetside. Then Lib sings out : , and I got Mad, bet was finally put "Jack, are you there r' 'to bed, artl so my troubles ended. " Yes," said I. - ' Good -night . H.. T. Then came a. roar of laugbter. 'Let us in," said she. " 1 won't," said I. "Can't you let a fellow alone'?" "Are you abed?" says she. "1 am," says I. "Get out," says. she. '1 won't," says I. Then came another laugh. By thunder ! I began - to get riled. " Get out, you petticoated scare- crows!" Sail -S 1. " delft you get a beau without. hauling a fellow out of bed? nivon't go with yon ---I won't, so clear out." •„1 And throw ng et 1)94' at the door. I felt bet1. ter. But presently I heard a small, Still voice, much_ like sister Lib's, and it said : "Jack, you'll have to ,get up, • for all the givls' things are inthere.'; Oh, mercy ! •what a pickle l Think of me in bed, all covered with muffs, shawls, bonnets and cloaks, and twenty girls outside waiting- to get in. With a:mutter- ed prayer for safety, I rolled outi , among the bonnet -ware and ribbons in a hurry. Smash went the rhil- Emery in e-er y direction. I had to dress hiathe dark—fer there was a . crack ii -i the door, aud girls- will peep-ia.nd the way I fumbled about was death to straw hats. The criti- cal moment came. I opened the IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED As he feels convinced thatintending enetomers *ill find it GREATLY TO THEIR ADVANTAGE. HE GOODS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. N. M. LIVINGSTONE. fitittISSELS, /larch 14, 1878. 111111111,1M1.. • . • Strictly attended to. HOUSE BLOCKING ALWAYS ON 111,ND AN» PromPtly supplied. • JAMES BENNETT. Ainleyville, May 16, 1872. 232-47 PLOWS! PLOWS! NIUNRO & HOGAN', PLOW -MAKERS, • 276 " THE VERDICT. AFTER A FAIR TEST TETE VERDICT OF THE, PEOPLE TS T H AT - THE CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, Is the place to get the cheapest and best TEAS AND GENERAL GROCEITJES. The Proprietor of the CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA. DEPOT has plenenre in stating that bis first stook having moved off so Apidly, he has ah eddy purchased -a fresh supply, and as a result of quick sales ho 4s enabled to still further yeduce prices, To part* taking"TEA by the Caddie, half chest cr - I ehest A SPECLA REDUVTION WILL BE HADA- ' LIST OF LETTERS NCALLED in the Sealorth Post Office on the Path January, 1873. Allan., David Barnes, S. II. Bronmer, R. B. Biseett, M. R. Bfassey, W. Biggine, W. J. Braseey, Crerar, P. Cameron, John Campbell, John Curry, Mies Mary , Grandy, Messrs. J. & Grant, Louis • Holleubeele Chaney Hones, Jane Henry, R. Henderson, 3. Hinnan, T. L. Hill, John Manner, S. Jones, H. • Malcom, Alex.. 'Moulds, Robert Murray, Mist/ Elizabeth 175 S. DICKSON, P. M. leCONRO & HOGA.N desire to thank the farmere -"-i- of the vicinity of Seaforth for the liberal patronage which has been afforded. them since • they began business here. They would also say that they are prepared and -that it is their intention to maintain the excellent reputation which their work during the past season achieved, not only well at every show and exhibition where they ex- hibited. We make the following Plows, mlows, and devote specialattention to their inanufeetnre, oar ex- perience showing that they are the kinds beet adapted to agtilaltural purposes in this section: tho farming commanitY of Huron, but as Fanners and bthers living at a distance should lemeraber that our roads may soon break np, and that now is the time and Munro, Archibald Morrell, George Malcolm, Sohn H. McLean, Miss Bella hIcHaron, Sohn McLenueu, Jacob McDonald, Wm. Kenneth McGreth, Michael acKibbin, Margaret Maiveri, 'Win. Ittc*pater, Mr. W.,O'Riley, Mrs. JRapet, 'Bibb, Richard • Rogers, Rev. W. M. Sheepor. A. Sinall, Alf. Stevens. Joseph. Smith, 3.0. Sharp. Stinies T. Soles, Wm. John Saunders, J. C. Wi8S813, E. Seaforth is the Towit to get the Highest Prices .• For /what they have to sell, and that the CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT - Is the place to got the best bargaiueein bAIRYMEN. MILK: •CANS, AND PAILS. - MRS. WHITNEY Would state to Detain/en that, the has commenced to manufacture ' Milk Cans and Pails, Of all kinds, and can supply them AS OnlietiP .A.S ANY IN TEE T.RADE. Stoves and TiNIVare 011 itctnt2 as vsual. ItiDOeputrAlniLdtpaniii LEar:. g-Tftlrocu*Illghlelegspario6reaupdtlity eattatend- ed to. MRS, WHITNEY, Maiu-street, eleaforth.- :TEAS, AND GENERAL GROCERIES. If there be may who hti`ve doubt on this point, they have oulY to make 11 trial and they will be convinc- ed of the fact. -1(7" • 50 Barrels Labrador Herrings, 1 250 Barrels Lake Huron Herrings, A large lot of dry Fish, _Salnion 'front, and White Fish, ALL QF FIRST QUALITY /IND 41.2' LOT' PRICES Al THE CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH. ' JAMES MURPHY. IRON PLO*, IRON -BEAM PLOW (wOoden handles) three styles, DOUBLE MOULD -BOARD PLOW, IRO..N AND WOOD SCUFFLERS, or HORSE HOES. The above Plows we furnish at $20 and upward; and guarantee them to giye satisfaction—if not, they can be returned. The Scnffiere we furnish at $9 to $17, according to quishty, and also guarantee satisfaction. • GREY'S PAT ERN OF MOULD BOARDS AND CASTINGS Always kept on hand. MUNRO & HOGAN, North Main -street, Seaforth, McNaught's teld 275-18 SEWING PI-IOTOGRAPHIC. D. STEWART, TN returning thanks to his numerous friends for tantir pan/wig:3 in the pest, finkes pleasurc . in hiforming them that his Photogrephie Gallery will he re-openeXon Tuesday, the 18th of Februery, on William -street, near the new Presbyterian Church, BRUSSELS Where be hopes to meet again With hie old Mends and patrons, and as many new ones as may see fit to favor hiin with a call, epieneiatwan Pictures .kept constantly .on hand. N. D.—No bueeness done in this Gallery on Tees - days anti Prat/ye , -1 271018 DANIEL STEWART, Artist. SMQKER$1 A GOOD SMOKE USE THE MYRTLE NAVY. See T. & 13. on each Plug. Price so Low -that all can use it. .1 CAUTION.—Ite MYRTLE .LVA VY" is registered, aiul any 'infringement On it will be prosecuted. The name TUCKETT & BILLINGS is on each Caddy, and. T. & B. on each Plug. Hamilton, Feb. 13, 1878. 278 a FARMERS! • CARTWRIt3IIT, L. D. S„ Bargee -)Dentlet. `eft. attends -an Seefortei, etKatox's Tiotel,gite firet eTu telly annifednesday of each month ; in Clinton, 5,000 Farmers' Sons and Daughters Wapted . daps andeFebleys. The remisinder of the teinee at - &tithe Commereiel Hotel, on the following Thais- . tie strp.tford nffice. TO PURCHASE , Parties reeniiing new, teeth are requested to 4salt, IL tiaSpeforth end Clinton, on tne first days of et- tenth/nee. Tfestimonials ot over 500 patients who have had thile teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may he wen at niy °fete in Stratioel. f Teeth inserted in the most substantial and. im- proved etyles. Filling done in gold, &e., in a manner which tain- not be sarpassed, 267- SEAFORTH PLANING MILL. SAS -HI DOOR AND BLIND -FACTORY THE subscrli/er begs leave to thank his nnmerone customers for the liberal Patronage extendedto him since coramencing burliness -in Seaforth, end trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. • Parties intending to build would aa well to give him a call; as he will ccifithitte to keep on hend a large stock of 41.1 kinds of GROdERI ES, CROCKERY ANT) GLASS WA3 E To be had at the FLOUR AHD FEED STORE At the lowest prices. Call and ,examine our well -selected stook of TEAS, SUGAI?.S, .CO.PFIES, • Canned Fruit, Oysters, Salinon, Lobsters.. and Sardines eonstaatly on hand. /4 S bock raitters would do -well to try Simpson's Horse and Cattle Spice, the finest and -cheapest Condi- tion Powder in the world. • J. P. KENDALL & Co.'s (late W. A. Shearson ,& - • Co,) celebrated FAM ILV. FLOUR . . DAvered on' the sliertst noilet -I* The highest Market, Price ,paid for all 'kinds •of • • • Produce. ' • CEDAR POSTS and SHINGLES still on hand THOMAS .T4EE. IREIViftiVE.11). ROBERTSON, CabbietemakerMi.d. triikertaker, ITAS REMOValD his ware -rooms to - JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Maliastreet; Seaforth, Where he has on Wind a superior stock of Finial titre of every description. CALL A. -VD SEE IT. UNDERTAKING. rein prepared to attend funerals on the shortest ueticeeeitbee in town or country. prei:9;:etrind ,irse.A.uplopasiazsimilell's at PARSE, itapt constantly on hand. - . • • STIRO,UDS 1 SHROUDS 1 1R6BERTSON, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, iTtganson's Old Stand, Main street, Sieforth, has nowonhand a good assortment of S.X7-1130T-TaD.S Which he can iurnisit cheaper than they can -he got -elsewhere. -205 EXTRACTING TEETH iVITIHOUT PAIN. WILSON & YOUNG'S' CROCKERY. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF CROCKERY, Consisting of Tea and Dinner Sets complete, Chamber Sets,: in a great variety of patterns. Also, a very complete etock NA AND GLASSWARE. All their Crockery is of the best.1"No second or third WM kept. This Crockery hag been bought cheap ani will be mold comp. TEAS. just received, another consignment of thataaperior Tea, at from 40 eta. to $1 per pound. All other kiads of Groceries 48 11131191. -Remember 'WILSON & YOUNG'S is the place to get choice Liquors and keg, and the only place where Carling% celebrated XXX Ale in quarter barrels for family use is kept. • 0 WIESON & YOUNG Main -street, Seaforth. .1.1R• THOMSON & WILLIAMS' MILL AND ENGINE WORKS,' MITCHELL, ONT. MACHINES. N F. Burnlam's Patent Turbine - Water Wheel. 1 A NEW SUPPLY OF The Howe art& the Osborn SEWIN(,! MACHINES, with all the latest improvements, jus -E received at W. N. WATSON'S steed. - SEAFOR-FH. " Call and see them. Their well-established repu- tation renders it unnecessary to perticularize their superior qualities, furtber khan that they are the best and cheapest made. Sewing machines of all kinds repaired, cleaned and put in perf ect order, at my office, by a thorough- ly practical inachinist,from Toronto. WM.. N. WATSON, Seaforth. W. T. HUNTER " - • BRUSSELS, Ilorsahoer and general Blacksmith, -Manufacturer of Iron Harrows. Special attention to Job work and Horse Shoeing. . TE`fISS. REASONABLE. Shop, lately occupied' by G. J. BAILEY, in rear of Wyrm's Wagon Shop. 270c18 havanow thoroughly tested the above 'Wheel and guarantee it equal er superior to the best wheels VV nowAn use, while stronger and more durable. References to well-known and reliable mill owners, who have them in uce, given on applieation.i We build all sizes and kinds of STEAM DRY PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, .KouLpukTp, SHINGLES, LATE, ETC. Be feels confident of giving satisfaction to;those Alio say lavoni him with their patronage, as EMIR tiOt Iltret-class ever:Innen are employed. Pertioulielittentlei paid to Custom Platting. 201 JOHN IL BROADFOOT. Stationary, Portable find Upright, and gnarantee them unsurpassed -by any in use. We use on a, our Engine's the celebrated JUDSON —IF R NO Rd We are prepared to contract for the erec- tion of all kinds of Grist, Flour and Saw -mills, with al the test improvements. Lath Mills, Bolters, Shingle Mills, Double and Single Jointers, Heading Machines, Heading, TUT31- ors' and Planers' Stave Machines, and all kinds of Flax Machinery, &c:, &c., manufactered largely. Our Boiler Shop is in full blast, and we have as foreman of this important departnient, Mr. JOHN WRIGHT, who, for 20 yearie was 'foreman of the Brantford Boiler Works: Having a good forceeof exe perienced boiler makers, we are prepared. to attend to boiler repairs either at the shop or at rail's promptly. GIVE US A CALL. We have found out what every Fanner wants. It is TWO-HORSE POWER SAWING 4A.CHINE, The power of which is supplied -with strong fly -wheel, suited to drittlfilta Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher and other Machinery, with no extra charge, except for the belt. This machine eat well suited tee every farmer's own use, as he car: with two horses and from three to four men or boys cnt from 20 to SO cords of wood per day. Our machine has been thoroughly testedand is strong enthigh to do all we reeem mend it to do. It is supplied with friction flanges, by which the saw is stopped, when caught t et pinched, before it would be possible to stop the horses. A TRIAL OFFERED. We are building great numbers of the Cumming's Straw Cutter, for hand or bore° power. Also, Grain Crashers, with iron and wood frames, Fanning Mulls, rforse Powers of all kinds, Gang Plows, Steel Plows, with wrought iron beams, wood beams and east iron beams, Horse Hoes, Weeders, Culti- vatorse&c., &e. Repairs of all kinds dono eifoinptly. Orders by mail or otherwise solicited. Addrese, 267 - THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. THE UNDERSIGNED is able to furnish those who will favor hien with their patronage with , i Any narument of Any Make. Also, Agent for MASON & HAM.LIN'S ORGANS, Which cannot be excelled on the Continent for fullness and nehness of tone. C. ARIVISTRONG, t Telegraph Book Store: C. YEO, A UCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MER - GRANT, Main -street, Seaforth, will attend to all stiles in the County of Huron on liberal terms. Partieular attention paid to sales of YarlEt Stock, &c. 271 C. YEO, Auctioneer. P. BRINE, T IQENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sales attende4 in all parts of the Conedtg. All orders left at TEE EXPOSITOR Office willbe promptly 'Weeded. to. ' Pd8 BOARDING. - TT COLIA1)AY hat leased:the large lind*com- snodions house, on the Salt Works 4:i/rounds, adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it up as a boardilighbnse. Good treble and comfortable rooms. Persons wishing a pleasant hoarding- hbutee Ithould apply, as there are at present a few vacancies. Transient boarders accom•modated at less than hotel ratette 228