HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-03-21, Page 7etersix ;on Total Abstittenoe. John Andrew. has sora us e foIOwing letter for publication. r. Andrew is probably theoldest �= mpo ,nce rn an 'rn this aunty, having been a total-abstaiier: for over 30 years. Provious o. his eonuersion to temperance printples, , Mr. Andrew was for 20 ye. is a 0 0 0 eaa the Neighborho of 3RIBER offers for Spring sowing 60Ct 1 FLAX SEED guaranteed perfe tirelean, at the Islam is delivered., RIGA FLAX SEED. 4 to her Much superior to the Seed, krat Will grow fully () to - :neer than, the common Flax Seed - ti Wet ountry, yielding as Wakes te acre on good elean ground. shlets with fall instructions how to - wheat° harvest, &c., wine farniehe RKET FEES. .3a of good, clean land, in fields - &able for sowing Flax, Tor se will be paid. Farmers bavike [make immediate applictitiall to- „ that early arrangeraents may be Seaforth Flax' Mill. ITEAPEST. AIND BEST ITURE, GO TO e Bureaus. - 287 -52 '-ItTAKER. WANTED. Cabinetnitiker, to work eood wages. °J. STA OFFER, Ainleyvllle. PACKin [MUSE, FORTH, ONT. ia informing his namerous has recommenced the Pork - his xervices of a Practical SAG., . public eau rely on. getting a itt either :h would do well to give him a Main -street, Seri -forth., habitual drunkard; and previous to, that, for a good many yews more; he led been a moderate drinker, so be has seen both sides of the tem-, peranee question, and what he says Moat it ought to be worth reading ."As meetings are held weekly in this dace by the Order of the Sons Of, Tem- -1)61%13.0e,, I was called upon to say some- thing for the good of the Order.1 16om- menced as- follows : Here is a goodly ,mpany, with cheerful countenances Ad, smiling floes,- with promising pros- pects before them, and, as I ani an old man,.in my 81st year, 1 would claim your attention while I give ° you a few words of advice; as I may soon be°ealled . to my destined home by death, while you, as fferoes, mi be called toffjstruggle as 1 have done with Bacchus, the god of drink, and so far come off victorious. Never make`' -use of intoxicating iquor of _ any kind. If - you will nevi 'take the first glass. Cyon will . - neVver b come a drunkard., .It is said ' birds of feather will flock together„' so youth will keep - company With • yoi together„' My deal young men, brothers and sisters,. sed `to the e company you keep. Avoid thF • taverns and saloons unless -business scalls - you there: Make no stop, , nor look -upon the wine when it is red and; ruixe§ its color in -the cup, for at last `iteth like a serpent and stingeth like; an ad- der.' God hath endowed yon with an immortal' spirit that never can die, and destined you for eternal Kapp tress for His glory. He has given yo a will whereby you can act, think ll and do, therefore, when you are• in cited or tempted to take any of. this distilled damnation, remember' what he Old. Man told you in the T aspera ce Hall, Seaforth. I have' been a dr nking•chlr- acter myself, and, like many zithers, thought that a glass or, o, *moderately -taken, would - b no har 84 I, found that the spirit of rntoxrca ,Iiquors and tlfe Blessed. Spirit of our Lord and Saviionf would not dwell together in one heart As for moderation, there is none: I have tried it ° eirery way, and have come to the conclusion; if' anywhere at all, it is somewhere between the glass and the barrel. • ...r have found that to drink ever so little will stimulate the whole system. You will think you areas strong as Same; as wise as' Solomon and as rich as a -ew°, and in a few hours after, if the liquor is not replaced, you will: become langtii-d; weak and miser- able. Your have here 'before God and have to ask., our fried s xn eaSt to ' little more ` chaff;y of their favors;„ Cour elx na:ts."will l em' a thorough iiuestigatiola, but'it most respectfully declines being old -re- sponsible for that =of Minnes t -a and ;Dakota." THE SUBSCRIBER wishes to call the attention' -1.* of the fanning' comniunity in 'general to his huge and varied stock Eat- Agrieultura Implements, WO6D PLOWS, IRON ,AND. With. the latest improved Steel Mould Board, :GANG PLOWS, HARROWS, SOUPPLERS, &a. Re wouldibeg to call special attention= to the celebreted Which has given universal, satisfaetion „wherever treed, to which ia now added a ThistliPoint, so !Mach required in this part. Also, to some first- t "1111 4111 The.24amtoba Climate. The Manitoba iree Press (W . F. Ltixton's paperWlicates the follo- wing, in regard t6 the weather theV have in tlie Prairie Province, -to its exchanges. Since the Free Press tells us so, we are bound to believe and maintain that the climate of Manitoba is' warmer and more ge- spiel than that of Minnesota, lying to the south of it, but if we were asked to account for it, we coul only -ascribe it to the "twisting of t e ” We notice that many of OUT ex-: changes in the eastern provinces are giving Manitopa. credit for the in. tense sufferinge-and numerous cases of freezing to death, resulting frona the severe Cold in Minneebta this winter. We wish all the credit we efeserve, but no more --not on.* this rhatter at any rate. The sum total of our freqing list, one case. a An old man, very feeble, and but poOtly across the open. prarie, with a 1,yoke 'of oxen, to some hay stacks, in one the heaviest storms of the urinter. He lost his way,,.. and perished. This the only knowif case of freezing to death in Manitoba this Winter. This winter has been one of the very coldest. recollected, still th0, ther- moineter has not been so low by ten degrees as in. Minnesota, some hun- dreds of miles south, and the storms. are nther sa powerful here as there. This is accqunted for by the fact *at Minnesota is tb,.e height; of land between the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic Ocean. We'haVe now lying before us an Ontari4 paper. which re- ports what purport to be three cases of freezino. to death in Manitoba— one at BUffalo Coolie, another at ' Goose River, and still another with- in a few yards of the. Gazette office. Now, the former two places are in Dakota, and - the Gazette offige re- ferred to iz Glyndoit, Minnesota. • 'First -Class Wauons, %ring tor Spring tieeflivanamted of van, beet SESON ED TilyiBER. All of Aelaich will be sold at,the very , LOWEST PRICES FORSX§11 Or approqed credit. Brussels;Feb. 12, 1878. 2710 PRING GOO S AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' NEW PRINTS, Dark and Light, suitable for the season. HOLLAND VERY CHEAP; Good Value. H,..AylAtt.T.011 iWhich have no equal for wear„uniformity of thaaad, repiclity-in 'bleaching, lowness in prices, which is ' the main objeet. And biasing -herd, sfenoriTmeoarrYiat have Isfetermined to GREATLY REDUCED. IMICES All parties wantingli choice a,rticle of Tea, and wishing to'stave Money, will find it to theiihdvan- tage to give them a call. They have also on hand a very large stock of GENERAL GROCERIESi: Oatmeal, Cornmeal,' e Heron:110ring, &c., which they will sell ve 'cheat. for casit or farm produce. - . Brussels, Ont. JOHN Has now on hand a ler LAND .- 'Which havliteen ron, and are generally made. e number of his superior OLLERS t ed by the fanners of .11a- cknowledged to be the litst TURNI Doublq Of His 0 ie certain numb desiring to gef one sho are all spoken for. , DagsSE SASH A On. hand or Manuf Goderich Street. TOWELS AND TOWELING; ea ENDLESS VARIETIES. TABLE LINE14S And Table Napkins. ED -SPREADS, ‘'White and Colored. WHITE COTTON 110SE,il. EMBROIDRED and Single, will only ba made, parties d apply earlybefore duly • D DOORS. tared to order'es usual 272 9 9 NI A72 0161. Przen -est Groderies and Pre Campbell's Clothing Hotel, a few door s 7301 hopes to be favored w ises where he can kee ed stock, is "in a bett customers. Call and I large and extra e OVER d a large stook in the ehor- - stone in the store adjoining tore, oppesite *he Mansion h of his old stand, where he th the patronage of Ira; cas- ing removed to largenprem- a larger and betten assort-. ee • the old faieriti. eke- stock af an Ands o thes, Tomatoes, &o. LT Cannot be beat -ter TEAS. They are first-class and cheap. TTAs just received used in. the bus' ed, io execute on th latest styles, 'all ord REGISTERS, LED OE Ruled, Printed Aid Untied; and pric pLR AN Bound end r large Stock of the materials 'ass, fuid is now fully preper- shortest notice and i the s he May be faaoareiltiWith. ANY laktil, de to order, on the shortest s which defy competition. e to. order. ..NEW BOOKS paired at city prices. , All communication addresiead to the undersign- ed, will receive prom b attention. AND CUFFS, LINEN LACE AND NUSLIN,' SPRING OF 1873. CLOTHINC FOR ALL. 11A)1)SOMESli CLOTII EVER BROUGHT INTO SEAFOBTH. ,itVLL AND SEE THEM. ANDERS'ON3 MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIR, SEAt:ORTH, HAS RECEIVED HI§ SPRING STOCK OF .011 OT HS; Which are, -without'exaggeration, the hindsomeet Goods ever l?Ought into the Seaforth Ilarket. FOR LIII.EAPNESS AND QUALITY, AS WELL AS APPEARANCE, ' THEY CANNOT BE _EXCE4' LED. GENTS FURN SHISG§, HATS AND CAPS. of K._TS AND CAPS are daily arriving,tend for quality, appearance, style n.nd price, speak tor themselves. Spring Stock IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS Everything in, this line is rconstantly kepti, and noaing but the LATEST STYLES .1Tows' AND COUNTRY CUSTO3IERS LIBERA.LLY DEALT WITH. Try him once, -and if- not satisfied you needn't come back. A. GOOD FIT guaranteed or no money asked. A discount of tIVE PER CENT. *ill be allowed on all cash par* chases. REariMBER WHERE T6 GO0 ISIGN OF THE MAM140T1-1 .HAT, 7.7 'CObt.R.LPH THE sindersigned, having sold the.Hneon Foundry nineteen years, and trusts thet they will continue to PUBLIC NOTICE. Max giverettat the -tindersigned haye Mg day entered into Partnership as Millera and PrO411.00- Commis?: y:covinnits Village of Seafortif, -u„.*Tr, ft:Mine, style and fain et JAS. P. KEND CO. (Signedd JAS. P. EENDALL, MARTIN --CH.AALESWORTH. Beg to state to the Etirme.reaProduce Merchants and Dealers of the. County; of Huron that they the ipzaiyou as the , Seaforth Mills, and -will hereafter carry on the same. All Kinds of GraMPurchased, As forraerly, And the Hifikest CAS.fl PRICE Paid. FLOUR eichanged for WHEAT. Farmers desiring.. to exchange tan rely upon getting for their Wheat No. 3. Flour. FLOUR DELIVERED in any part a the Vil- lage free of cha.rge. The undersignedlhaving had the entire working management of the Mill for the past three -years, patrons may rest 'seam -6d that they will reeeive the same satisfactorsitreatment and as good. work as formerly. TN REFERENCE to the above, the undersigned would beg to thank their numerous customers • for the extensive patronage accorded to them for the past four years, aaul trust that the same lib- eral patronage will be extended to the new firm wh.oni. we have pleaeare inbeing able to confident- ly reeommend to our old patrons. Ali debts due us, in connection -with the Mill nmst be paid to Jas. P. Kendall & Co., and all debts dna by us, in conneetion with the same, will be settled by the - said firro. of Sas. P. Kendall & Co. iodized Cod Liver TH18 Preparation is a solution of Iodide of Iron in perfectly pure Cod Liver Oil. It may be used in all cases where the simple Oil is ordered, and will be found greatly. superior to it. This preparation is highly beneficial in Pulmonary Con- sumption, Scrofulous Complaints, Chronic Skin Diseases, and for all chronic disorders arising from defective digestion, assimilation er nutrition. It is also highly useful in Chronic Rheumatism. and Compound Syrup of ITypophoepbites. THIS is 8.11 agreeable Preparation containing the Hypophosphites of Lime, Soila, Potash and Iron, with free Hypophosplioroup Acid. Mill tulip is a eertain remedy for General Debility frona any cense, Nervous Diseasee and Serofulous Complaints. It is also highly -useful in diseases of the bones (especially in infants) and Incipient Coasumption. Price $1, The above Preparations are of standard medical reputation, and oontaining -Secret ingrediertts, May be preseribed by physicians -without hesita- thin. :Prepared. by JOHN WILLIAMS, London, Ontano. For sale by—R. Lueisden; Seaforth; R Grant, 13russels a G. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and Druggists generally". 235. THE SEAPORTS LUXBVI.R. YARD. EGato inform the nublic that they have opened -a Lumber Yard in Seatorth4 near Shearson's on the ground fonnealy used as a Lumber Yard, by xi: II:braes Lee. They will keen constantly on hands, good assort- ment of Alif. KINDS OF LU_MBER, dressed and madrested. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which they axe prepared sell at the loivest possi- ble priees, for Cash. Builder% and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect bur stOck, and.aseertain our prices before purehasingelsewherp, -we are in s. position to offer geed inducements to cash, pttrehasers. TO THE PUBLIC AT LARG-E. the public fee their liberal support during. the past : send their orders to the new Company. R. RUNCiMAN. Referring te the above noble°, The Gbd,erich Foundry 8c. LIVIanufacturing Co, STIKAM ENGINES AND BOILERS'; l'IJOUR, GRIST, AND SAW 'MILLS ; All the above .Goods, just opened out, were bought for Cash, and well be sold' Everybody knows what GREAT REDUCTIONS: Can be allowed Cakh, which system We hived - ably adhere to. 4 Parties not in need of any of the above Goods *ad better not price them, for they are sure to buy when they see the QUAthY AND PRICES. H.pfFAlLiki.N. BROS'. CHEAP CASH STORE. which igitl sold at cost. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRAIN -BARS; 1 WAGGON BOXES, COOKING, PARLOR AND *BOX Sa1:6VES, of various kinds. SALT; PANS.:JNAA6E TO ORDER. -IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, 'Als.TD BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILER AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO T/IIRTY-HORSE PO WEB ItUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. orders addressed to the Company oT Seeretr wil1receive prompt attention. „1 General Manager. ..t Secretary and Treasurer. Mansaser Agricultural Department. . Godench, ari,o, June 10, 1872. 248 A_LLA.N tINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool, Londonderry, Glasgow. Short Sea Passages Rebus -mu- and Comfort. One of the magnificent Sten -min -lips of this Line (averaging trom 8,000 to 4,200 tonsd leaves Port- land . EVERY SATURDAY On arriviii of the train leaving Toronto on Fridays The Stenanships of the ALLAN LINE are des- pate,hed from Liverpool every Thursday, and from Derry every Friday for Canada. Also, from Glas- gow about every ten days. Extra Steamships will also be despatched from Itiverpool and Glasgow on opening of Navigation. Persons wishing to send for their friends can ob- tain Throligh Passage cesaificates at the lowest rates goott.for one year, and amount refunded less snaL dediantion if Tickets not used,. This mode Vringingont persons frofii 3) TENCLAND) 'IRELAND Oft SCOT1.AND TO CANADA, Will be found to be the best and raost economical,. as parties in tbis country having friends coming_ out will save $5 50 onaeaeh adult passenger by purchaning the ticketiu this country. The Steam- ships of the Allan Line come direct to tire Grand, Tronk Railway WharveiNt Point Levi (South Quebec] and Portland, and the passengers axe or- waxded on at once to their deatination. • By this arrangement passengers avoid all cartage and other Through Passage Tickets and all inferhuition. may be obtained from Mr. STRAITON, Agenta templating aisiting the 'Old Country, or brialging out frrends ould consult -with Mr. Straiten he- foretthey ps'arelmse their tickets. By so doing they will save money. Tickets toaall parts of Canada nd the tfinted States issued at the cheapest rates by ABSTRACT THE tnEXA usn in account with the Munici- 1878. To taxes refunded. , A. STRAITOlt, 278-I Agent G. T. Railway, Seatinth,- $81 89 " Treasurer's Tax for 1.871 and '72.. 2,047 17 " 'd Officers' Salaries. 848 00 " Six months' intiFesS on debentures. 75:00 Ceetincilor's Fee a.. 120 00 ".1lehistration for birthe, Marriages ".Defaalt in plimeni of taxes. 14 93 Printing, postage and:stationery... 47 25 9 88 1,679 28 $10,542 70 Balance on bend te next ticfcitIlitt 1,471 69 1873. By balance on hand from last audit.— $1,794 49 Non-resident Tftx for 1-871 1,606 62 " County surplus for 1872 677 88 Non-resident tax for 28 68 '" Collector% Taxesf r 1872.— 7,681 27 gness, Saddle and Trunk SIGN OF THE SCbTCH, COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, &c, kept tenetantly.- on hand. Repairing promptly attended. to, and thane's moderate. Remember the place, sign of • Pure Drugs an. Patent _TUST 'RECEIVED, a tell supply of Pure Drugs • and Patent Medicines, including FELLOWS' SYRITP OF ?rikOPHOSPHITES, ; Allen's Lung Balsam, Peruvian Syrup, b.oshonees Remedy, ennedy's Medical Discovery,_ Caldwell'o; Dyspepsia, Remedy, Wheeler's'. 'Compound, Ayer's Cherry. Pectoral, Anti-Consumtltive Syrup, , Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Hyatt's Balsam, Campbell's Cod Liver Oil, Job Maes'.Feinale Pills, Clark's Female Pills, CENDINE DYE SURFS. B.. ,LUIVISDEN, Con;er Drug Store, Seaforth. $12,014 89 Examined and found correct. '3 JOHN BRODERICE, Hay,.March 3, 1878. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NTOTIGE is herebngiven that the partnership heretofore exAting between us, the nnder- signed, as general blacksmiths and carriage Makers, hi tbe village of Brussels, under the =MO of George'English & Brother, has been this day dissolved by -mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to THOMAS ENGLISH at Brussels and all -claims againstethe said partnership ate to' be pres3ented to the rigid Thoraas English, by whom the mune will be set- tled, and who still on the lnisiness the old stand.— ated at Brussele this 20th day of Pe>rum-y, 1873. ILSigneal GEORGE ENGLISH, 27834 THON,AS ENGLISH. Ito SEASON CHANGED. Ras sold all his Sleighs and Cutters, and is now busy making up BUGGIES AND WAGONS. - A few Buggies and. Wagons left over from last year, which will be sold cheap. Any person wanting a substantial Wagon or handsome tuggy should call at once aud make ar- rangements, as a large number of orders are now in, and. those who wait ,too long will probably not be able to get their ordei:s filled. Itepairing--and horse shoebig promptly attended _THE un.dMersOlgriNedEhYas $317000 La.! NupwDa.rd, plivate -I-funds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per annum., on Fann property. Charges moderate. Marriage lieences issued. Apply to 227-52- W. e.WILSON, Zurich. MONEY TO LOAN. TBDsubscriber has MONEY *to loan to any iiiiaormt en good farm property. Interest, SIX per cent. per annurn, -when the interest and. prin- ciple are paid yearly, =di?, per cent. per annum when the interest only is paid. 227-52 At cheap cash Store, sign of the Bear.