HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-03-21, Page 5E rye zere zl jollity, With the young toe egpeoially lstout will . eat icions as it ist in object, eferable t :ndt. ever tnanufae e: Zion Church, Dan Iia regia aid iii pule arge ivajority, bot *eats. the mgr at it be introduce. nbera and six adh e organ has Sabbath School of • ce the beginning of e weekly meetings tatinl the decision If'ote should be tak. • every one knew, of its introdue- services of the time he trusted tscientiausiy op. tifraiu from voting ted above Ifearl SAT.,. on Lot 12, Con. implements artd .Robert Laidlaw, .; auctioneer. i, on Lot 16, Con, bred and Grade td Household Fin- >odriff„ proprietor; 26. on. Lot 13, Stock, Implements ;ore. John McAr- rge Kirkby, auc , on Lot 25 Coe. Sa and Implements. € ; J. P. Brine„ on Lot 4, Con. 1, and Implements. fetor; J. P. Brine,. I. on Let 31, Con.. •toek and imple- al, proprietor ; on Lot 26 Coo. 9, Implements and Jonathatt Moore,. ie, auctioneer. on Lbt 4, Con. 6, and Implements. Fetor ; A. Bishop, Lot 34, eon. 3 d young Cattle. rietor 1 J. P' Brie, n Lot 1, Con.. 13, , implements and Mrs. Mary Dina- r. .Brine, auc- IS'. • own,' ou larch n Metice, of a son. roxeter, ou March. r. Thomas Ballon. =th, March 14, the Holland, cooper, of on March 9, the Tutus, ofa daugh- on .March 18, the- R. heR. Wilson, of a w. -At graond:_ by Rev. William is McDonald, lots, both of the: March 6, at the s'a father, by Rev. rhe Boyd, former- ry, second (laugh. Cllmsted, of Bel - -I Mitchell, on. dr. � t-- ilsort, Isaac, Miss Mary Ba - up of Erma:. At Bayfield, on Gibson, Mr. J. Slichigan, to Miss: Stanley. - .-At the resi- nom ,. en - March ch 8 Mr. Davie. Rich- liss Jessie Alex - laud, Hanley, , on March tis, Moses Lang,. Mornington, tca Stanley.. tv. In St. Jobn's arch 19, by Revs. .--intosb, Esq., of `hark - t: Rattez 4 -In Seaforth, Mr.- Goldsmith, art, of Greyto r. 'filum Mc , - n Seaforth, on.. . Goldsmith,: Mr. :aforth, to Miss McKillop.. s.: on March 14, years, in March 4, at sen-iA-lav, Ed- - years, Marc) 7, rtrs- > years and 11 ftiaher of Mr. ,.t:eve of Stanley. on March 8,. loved wife of i, aged 36 years. March 9, John, d, aged. 11 y ears on Saturday.. youngest son of Ili Walker, aged Friday, lrarch 'son, Sr., aged 48 RETS. SET:TE, Atarali. 20,1873. ut slight change to quote in week; Owing to lad. roads, ht.: G fresh Bries have bpert utht after and hard to Butter is match song bring w hold readily 15 cents per pound.; Clover and Timothy Seed is in fair deniaud, but very )ittle has yet bee brought in. We quote FOeat..... .... . 1 22 to 125 1 16 to 117 . 0 55 to 0 57 Oat =., , . ,. 0 4q to 0 45 Oats ... . 0 5b t2 062 Bence 7To.=1,`a o1Ue .... 0 15 13rtt. To. 2, , . , ... .. 0 9 , , , . 000 0 6 to 0 14 , 6 50 to 000 F11 , ..:, ....11 00 to 140 4 00 .. 600 modes. . • 0 50 to 1 50 • Sheep skins,. , . -- - _ - - , 0 59 to 0 10 calf Kis, (veal} per lb., 0 00 to 100 Salt €retail) per barrel peetteeen pet bushel.. 040 to 045 veesl;:Pork per 100 lbs .. 5 00 to 5 50 Oatmeal'' brl . . - ......... 0 00 to 6 00 Apl s per bushel:.. - 0 75 tot 1 00 Beet per quarter, ze lb,,..-....... 0 04 to0 06 Wood.22~3 to 800 fever S 5 00 to 550 Timothy Seed • . 3'00 to 3 75 CLINTON, March 13, 1876. Fail Whit= • , , $1 22 ® 1 25 Spring Wheat ..... 1 16 - 1 17 Oats.*.,.-.-. ... .,. .. 048 Q 9 45 Barley.... . , , ... 0 55 as 0 56 Peal, .. ,,• .-0 58® 060 Butter.' ............. . ..,. 0 10 (sl. 0 15 ,,, 0 15 i0 -0 16 nay,p ..... .', ....... `;11 00- t� 14 00 Hoy, per ton, 5 COco 5 50 Park'. :..i . �.. ,,` a 18731. SPRING SUMMER, DUNCAN & DUNOAN, STAPLE TORONTO CATTLE MARKET. BEkvi S ---.Tie market has been drill during the past week, ',,with light 'arri- vals, and a limited demand except for first-class cattle, which have been scarce and ,rather dearer. The receipts were about- eight car -loads altogether, of which halt w.erp taken for local cbnsump- tiou, the remainder beim brought up for. shipment- east. We quote first-class at eit 54) to $5 per 100lbs k_ second-class $3 50 to -4 ; third-class $3to $3 25. •- SIrE .-Few coag in, and prices firm at $9 to $10 for first-class, 86 to 87 for second-class, and $3 50 to $4 50 for Third-class= LA ss. -Scarce and wanted, at 88 for first-class, $5 to $6 for second-class, and $3 to $4 for third-class. BUFEALo LIE STOCK MARKET'. BUFFALO, March 20. The following shows the receipts alit. shipments of live stool%; at East Buffalo for the week thus far, =beginning -with Sunday - Recgiti, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. head. Bead. head. head. Sunday ..... , 1,275 1,000 6,900 288 Monday - - 1,326 1,000 4,900 210 Tuesday ..... 578 3,200 1,000 Wednesday- 1,870." .. 2,100 288 DEALERS IN AND FANO DRY- COOD CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES SEAFGRTR, &c. Would adeise their customers and friends 1of the arrival of a large portion of their SPRING . AND SWMM Total...-. .. 5,049 5,200 14,900 816 Santis time last webk...... 4,624 13,000 9,500 544 Ailments. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. head. head. head. heed. Sunday._... 102 800 4,000 208 Monch£y...... 374 800 3,700 272 Tuesday..:... - - 1,360 = ... 3,100 . 352 ,Wednesday..1,717 3,000 3,000 144 Total, . , .... 3,5.53 4,600 13,800. 976 Same time last - •O g �, week.... .. 3, 000 4,800 14,700 7 CATTLE: --Receipts to -day 1,870 head, making tie ,total 'supply for _ the week, thus far, . 5,049 head, or 297 cars, against 272- cars for the- ,,same time last week. The market opensd dull , and - slow at about - yesterday's prices, but towards noon become a little more active. The principal sales int the earl naft of, the day were to ceuutry buyers., Owners were holding _their cattle.above the views of heavy dealers. There was a, fair attendance of buyers, and the- yards were well filled. Sales comprised. about 1,000 head. Transactions were as ,fol- lows : - No. of Average Head.. Weight, lbs , , Price. •18 Tllinois steers, 1,191 , ,,sp55 25 68 " . 1,186 18 " cc 1,182 27 Canada stockers .862 43 " 887 ' 13 " steers 1,087 - 16 Indiana " 1,293 19 " - 1,129 And. 16 other sales. 5 60 3 ;50 4 37 4 65 5 121- ,5 21b 75 5 15 STOCIC, BCH FOR ER GOAD E. HIOKSON & 'CO.'S To Housekeepers and those Intending - Housekeeping. JOSEPH BODC,EHS & SON'S CELEBRATED CUTLERY. A Large, Consignment direct from Sheffield, England, 'Comprising Knives and Forks, table and dessert ; Ivory -Handled. Table Knives, Ivory - Handled Dessert Knives, Ivory -Handled Carvers and Steels, Cooks' Knives, }Butcher Knives, Scissors, ' RODGERS & SON'S LADIES' AND GENTS' TOILET CASES, .'n N'S RAZORS AND., STROPS, RODGERS & SO EXTENT, VARIETY ND CHEAPNESS - HAS NEVER BEEN SURP SSED- IN SEAFORTH. FIRST PRIZE PL AT SHEEP AND LAmns.-Receipts for to- day ...: head, making the total supply for the week, Oxus far, 5,204 bead, against 13,000 head for the same time last week. The Market opened doll at firm last week's closing prices. We note the fol- lowing sales : - - - No. of (Average Head. - Weight, lbs. 171 Ohio sheep, 96 ., . 171 ' :.: E� - 97 80 Illinois , 98 315 Mich. " 106. -566 t 84 NEW YORK HORSMARKET. TUESDAY, March.. 18, 1873. The demand fbr- all classes of work horses has been steady, with no quotable alteration in prices for common draft horses, such as railroad, stage, s.nd ordinary cart horses ; `prime truck horses were, ho--wever, somewhat in advance of former quotations. The market for val- uable stock exhibited considerable ac- tivity so far as regards inquiries after witched coach horses ; still, the -bad condition of our roads is deterring would. - be purchasers from concluding bargains. Thefewsales thus far effected ranged from $1,000 to$1, 500 per pair. The supply • of really desirable carriage spans is com- paratively small, and early buyers will have the advantage of having better stock to select from and prices more in their favor than those who purchase later in the season. G. WILLIAMSO OLD ESTABLISHED MANUFA SEAFORTH. Price. $6 121 5 85 5 75 6 50 5 7.5 - TTA.VI\G taken the first prize for I .11P1ows at the late Exhibition held in and the first at the Western Fair held i besides a high recommendation on the s Wc1 'S' TORY, Rodgers & Son's Pocket Knives. A.L1 THE ABOVE ARE THE GENUINE GOODS,AT LOW PRICES. E. HICKSON *c C01, DRUGGISTS, SEAFORTH. :EXTENSIVE EDWARD CASH AUCTION .SALE IS THE MAN TO GO TO FOR SEEDS OF VALUABLE PROPE RTY, on Beam amilton, London, ' me Plow, I can with confidence, recommend my Plows for efficiency of work and lightness of drat second to none in the Dominion. The is a list of Plows constantly on hand: Iron -beam with wooden handles, Steel Landsido and Monldboat, Iron Plows, Wood Plows, Double Mouldboard Plows and Se Iron Harrows, &u. An examinaeion of my Plows is r: solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Castings and Boards kept on hand foo " Grey Plows." " - 276 - G.:WILLI , as being following s.. 1 11 ers, speetfully repairing AMSON. DOG LOST. LOST on the 6th of March, ester Sp wh to and brown spotted, ears, and short tail, and answers to t " Scott." Anj'' person having such - please leave word at the EXPOSITOR 0' CORRECTION. AREPORT having got into °iretils did not obtain a licence 1or, my Hot this notice is to contradict such eepoi tel is duly and regularly licenced, and tate thereof can be seen on applieatio - SIMON' PO Royal. Hotel, Seaforth, March 2, 1873. - BLACKSMITH AND WAGO WANTED, immedlately, a Bina a Wagonmaker. Apply to 27644 >- , '. NOTICE TO DEBT THE Books of Account -and Pronoiss 1 Mr. JOHN-L004,N %are„placed in for collection, and immediate pa quested. BENSON & M Barristers • Seaforth, March 20, 1878. WHO WANTS . TO SELL 01 FARMS? Or, Who l' !fronts to Buy C; OLD. --The price of Gold in New York is quoted at115. - .1311311 IN TAF INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS (Late Ainleyvillo,) In the County of Huron, on the Southern -Ex- tension of the - aniel DiG, xge brown e. name of dog, Will es 276 WELLINGTON, GREY AND BRUCE RAILWAY, - O WEDNESDAY, March 26, Comprising about - 70 VALI' .,ABI E BUILD- ING UIL.D-ING LOS. . ion that I 1 this year; . My Ho - the cttetifi- LL, Seaforth, 276.3 smith and ondville. ry otes o .oar hand Hent is re TER, Seaforth. 276. 1 s The incorporated Village . of BRUSSELS, (late Ainleyville,) is beautifully situated in the Town- ships of Grey and.Morris, on the Maitland River, and on the Northern Gravel Road, running from Seaforth on the Grand. Trunk Railway to Wrox- eter, connecting with the Main Roads to Listowel Walkerton, Paisley and Southampton. - There are in the village two grist mills, two AUCTION :§ALE saw milia, woolen factory, five churches, foundry and machine shops, sash and door factories, car OF 'FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS: nage shops, &o•,'und a number of large business , 3. P. BRINE houses. • HAS been instructed td sell by public auction, on Lot 26, Concession 9, Morris, north half, The Southern ,Extension of the Wellington, On THURSDAY, April 3, 1873. Grey and Bruce Railway raps directly through the village, having the Statitn and grounds in the midstof the above lots. A. large number) of buildings have beenal}u}lt during the past season and building operations will be brisk during the coming summer. Brussels is -very favorably situated iat.the midst of the richest agricultural section of the- Western Counties, and fromthe fact of their being no Com- peting Villages within a radius of 10 miles, it will inevitably become one of the most thriving and progressive manufacturing and commercial towns in the West. The above property will be offered for sale by Public. Auction at Brussels, on the grounds at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 26th day of March, 1873. TERMS OF SALE. One-fourth of the purchase money to be paid in casket the time- jf sale, with balance in three annual payments, secured by mortgage; at 7 per cent. per annum. THEIR al Farm ? THE subscriber, being about„ tto c Office in Clinton for the sale' o' TOWN PROPERTY in the Count would intimate to those wishing to s should send him their names.and a NOTICE---HOWIGK FIRE INSURANCE. A PUBLIC 1TEETIi G will be field in the Or- -`•hange Hall, Leechville, on SATURDAY, April 5, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of starting a Fire Insurance Company, to be conducted on the principle of the North Dumfries and South Wat- erloo Faers'ltutual. All in favor are requested to attend.rm 276 WMi _Me1iERTCHER, Secretary. BRITANNIA LODGE, A. F. and A. M., No. 170, G. R. C. • OF A.z • KI3 FD S, AT CREATLY 'REDUCED PRICES. OF SPRING AND SUMMER STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. The Subscriber has much pleasure in announcing that he is now prepared to show' a large pro- - portion of his SPRING OND SUMMER STOCK (Yil STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS SEED WHEAT, SEED OATS, SEED PEAS, - SEED BARLEY, CLOVER SEED, . TIMOTHY - SEED, TARE SEED, - BUCKWHEAT, - A.LSIK E CLOVER, HUNGARI AN GRASS. Country dealers supplied at wholesale. GODE§I6H STREET, SEAFORTH. 18. RESPECTFULLY INVITED As he feels convinced that intending customers will find it GREATLY TO THEIR ADVANTAGE. THE GOODS -SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. N. M. LIVINCSTONE. BRUSSELS, March 14, 1878. • 276 IMPLEMENTS FOR SPRING WORK. O• en WILLSO N 1XTISBES to direct the attention of Farre- ' YY ers to his Stock of IMPLEMENTS For the coming Season's operations. In PLOWS he has eight different styles, includ- ing MASSIE'S No. 18 THISTLE CUTTERS, pen a Land FARM and of. Huron, ,11 that they lesiription of their property, with their price an 1 terms, and they will get the benefit of having it dvertised all over the Dominion, without cost so them, unless I succeed in getting them a pure aser, when I wilLl charge them a small percentag on purchase money. - Call on, or address, post pa d, - CHARLES MORROW, Clinto , Ont., Agent for Old Middlesex Ineuranc� Company. Money.. to. Loan on easy tetras. W 11 be found at Horne every Saturday. CHARLES MORROW. Clinton, March 11, 1873. 275-3 • Lodge of Instruction next- MONDAY evening, March 24, at 7:30 sharp. - 276-1 A. 7 ._ALLY, Secietery. BAGS FOUND -POUND, about the middle of Fe ruary last, on the Gravel Road, north of Seaf , rth, near the residence of Mr. Robert Govenloek, bag contain- ing 16 Grain Bags. - The owner can have the same by applying at the Hueo. POSIT n Office, prove ing property and paying for his ad ertisement. Seaforth, March 6, 1873. r 274 A NEW HABNES' SHOP IN SEAFOR H. - BELPItY & MAY have just open SrtoP in Counter's old Jewelry posits the Mansion Hotel, and make, and also keep on hand all el Carriage and Team Harness. All made in the latest styles. Goo good workmanship guaranteed, a good experience in the best of wor Largest- cities. We will also ke styles of Horse Collars, Saddle V a116(,'S,li 'ps,�S'hiplashes, Curry 'iiiand every ping that is generally Plass Ha less Shop. All orders w attended to. Good., attention giv Charges low. .- Rein:ember the shop-Opposit Hotel, S eaferth. 274 BELFRY - TITLIE PERFECT. Further particulars may bo learned on applica- tion to THOMAS LEAp13EATER, Esq., Pro- prietor, Grey P. O:, County Huron. G. M. TRUEMAN, - Auctioneer. 2752 PLOWS ! PLOWS ! MUNRO & HOGAN PLOW -Al AKERS, - SEAFOIR, T -T3_ d a HARNESS Store, right op - re prepared to asses of Buggy, rness will be material and we have had in some of the p on hand all , Trunks and ombs, Brushes, kept in a first - 11 be promptly n to repairing. the Mansion MAY. • The FolloaRag Valuable Property, namely One Mare Colt -rising -2 years old: 1 Horse rising 2 years old, 4 Cows in calf, 1 Farrow Cow, 1 Heifer rising 8 in calf, 3 Steers rising 8, 2 Steers rising 2, 1 Heifer rising1, 4 Spring Calves, 1 Wagon, 1 Bnggy, 1 set sie Harness, 1 Sideboard, 1 Grind- stone, 1 Plow, I Cradle, 6 Chairs,1 French Bed- stead, 1 Crosscut Saw and other articles toonumer- ons to mention. The above property will be sold without reserve. Sale to Commence at 12 O'clock, Noon. TERMS, -All sums of $5 and under cash, over that amount 9 months' credit on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A Miscount at the rate of 8 per - cent. per annum will be allowed for cash on all eredit amounts. JONATHAN MOORE, Proprietor. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. FARM FOR SALE. Also, will be offered at the same time and place, if not previously sold by private sale, a faun con- sisting of 100 acres, being north half Lot 27, Con. 9, Morris ;- 25 acres %cleared ; good - frame house ; well timbered land. Good young orchard ; spring of water close to house ; best quality of land. Terms made known on day of sale, or previously, on application to JONATHAN MOORE, adjoining farm. - 2748 COLTON'S PATENT IRON 11TNRO & HOGAN desire to thank the farmers -' of the vicinity of Seaforth for the liberal patronage which , has been afforded them since they began business here. They would also say that they are prepared and that it is their intention to -maintain the excellent reputation which their work during the past season achieved, Huron, not only among the fan g community , b_ but as -well at every show and exhibition where. t' y ax- hibited. We make the following Plowse. and, devote gpecial attention to their manufacture our ex- perience showing that they are the kinds best adapted to agricultural purposes in this Action : IRON PLOW, , IRON -BEAM PLOW ( wooden bandies) quality English Shot Gun with case and fittings czomplete, a quantity of F. F. F. Powder. Also, 6 three Myles, • DOUBLE MOULD -BOARD PLOW, - IRON AND WOOD SCU U•FLERS, or --4 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE ._ OF, Thoroughbred and Grade Stock, Farming Implements, Household Furniture, &c. COLSON'S PATENT CULTIVATOR. Gray's Iron Plows, (Imported,) RICHMOND .THL.L PLOWS, = OSHA.WA No. 4s, Watson's Celebrated if ill'fl �*rtent Plow and other patterns. fe GANG PLOWS -two styles, REAPERS AND MOVERS. MASSIE'S well-known Machines, including Wood's Patent Single Reaper, Johnson's Patent Single Reaper, Wood's Light Mower, -with iron frame, Wood's Light Mower - With -wooden frame, eelebratedBuckeye Mow-' er-iron frame, - H U BEARD MOWER, Hubbard. Combined Reaper and Mower. Implements of all descriptions on hand. SAMPLE MACHINES on exhibition at the WAREHOUSE. SEWING MACHINES. The best selected Stock of ewinghines West of To- ronto, comprising the Florence, Singer, Lockman, Venus, 1tu 'mond and other makes. Onhend`a large stock of Sing- er's heavy Machines for manufacturing purposes. Agents of Canadian Sewing Machines, who have customers that require a first-class working and duralle machine, are requested to send for an strated price list 1 the p1 -4o,8 Which, possessing . points of , excellence quite different and very attractive, h;rs in addition all the superior qualities which have placed the first-class American Machines ahead of all others. poentlemen Have sen np- AGENTS--The following g ' ► inted Agents for the Florence„ Sewing iMachine,. and Wane _ - others have the privilege of selling: LA1i'RENCB kfiJRPHY, Seaforth ; THOMAS CONNORS, Seaforth; LOCFMAN S. WILLSONt Goderich MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. was_ is Agent for Musical Instruments of�the following makes. P Q, Ci WILLSON lslathnshek, Labelle, J. & C. Fisher, Steolt, Weber and others. ORGANS -Prince's, of Buffalo; Horace Williams', of Toronto, seen others. at Mt�ompNS-Prince's,. Williams' and others. Samples of the above instruments c AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, MARKET -STREET. OLIVER C. WILLSON, Seaforth, Ont., GENERAL AGENT FOR Tait: DOMINION. mit. 3. P. BRINE. htis received instructions from the proprietor, Mr. DANIEL T. WOODRIN'k', to sell by Public Auction, on TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1873, Commencing at 11 o'clock A. M., on Lot 16, tslon. 10, Township of Grey, near. the Village of Gran - brook, the following valuable property, viz.: One spring Colt (mare), '1 thoroughbred Dur- ham Bull, 2 thoroughbred Durham. Cows. 1 thor- oughbred Durham Calf, 2 thoroughbred. Durham heifer Calves, 5 dairy Cows, 6 grade yearlings, 5 grade Calves, 1'thoroughbred Cotswold Ram, 13 Ewes, 1 thoroughbred) Berkshire Boar, 1 Wagon, 1 truck Wagon. 1 pair bob -sleighs, 1 long sleigh, 1 1873. NEW SPRING GOODS 1873. .,A_RRI.VI1lTC- •AT -THE 777. GREAT BARGMENS. FULL PARTICULARS NEXT WEEK. A. G. MCDOTTJGALL. NEW PRINTS AT LOGAN & JAMIESON'S. NEW-S.HIRTFNGS AT LOGAN &. JAMIESON'S. cutter, 2 sets of double Harness, 1 set of single . Harness, 2 -wooden Plows,,'1 Gang Plow, 2 Land Rollers,1 set of iron Harrows, 2 sets of wooden Harrows, 1 V Harrow, 1 Turnip'iDril:l, 1 Horse Hoe, 1 Cultivator, 1 Fanning Mill, 11 Wheelbarrow, 1 Chuff Cutter, 1 Grain Crusher, a quantity of 4 - inch Belting, 1 Agricultural Boiler, a Turnip Cut- ter, 2 Crosscut Saws, Broad Axe, Adze and 'other Carpenter Tools, 1 hope and Block for Hay Fork, Double Trees and Neck Yoke, Spades, Hoes,Forks, Shovels, Scythes, Cradles, Chains, dna. Household Furniture -1 large Cooking Stove, 1 Box Stove, 1 Eight Day Clock, 1 Gardner's Sewing Machine, Cupboards, Book Case, Bedsteads, Bedding, Cloth- ing and Books, 1 Sporting Rifle by Marston, l first HORSE HOES. The above Plows we furnish at $20 and upward; and guarantee them to give satiefaetion-if not, ;they can be !returned. - j The .Scalers we furnish at $9 to $17, according to quality, and also guarantee satisfaction. GGREY'S PATTERN OF MOULD BOARDS AND • CASTINGS. Always kept on handl. MUNRO, &: HOGAN, North Main -street, Seaforth,l'.McNaught'a old stand. 275-13 TO MERCHANTS. ADRY GOODS CLERK of steady habits is open for an engagement ; can keep books by single and double entry. Address, stating salary, to G. -S. G., Lanark, Ont. 275-3 barrels of Coal Tar wild Brushes. Pedigrees•furnished for Bred Cattle. The whole of the above property will positively be sold without reserve. TERMS. -All sums of $5 and under cash, oyer that, amount 10 months' eredit ill be given on furnishing approved joint notes, wA discount of 10 per cent. will be allowed. foll cash on all eredit amounts. There will be solid and liquid refreshments pro- vided for man and beast. DANIEL T. WOODRlife', Proprietor. J. P BRINE, Auctioneer. 273-4 W. .T. HUNTER BRUSSELS, - - Horseshoer and General Blacksmith, Manufacturer of Iron Harrows. Special attention tolob work and Horse Shoeing. TERMS REASONABLE. Shop lately occupied by G. J. BAILEY, in rear of Wynn'S Wagon Shop. • 270e13 6 • P4EW DENIMS ' 1 AT LOGAN & JAMIESON'S. BLEACHED COTTON NEW AT LOGAN & JAMIESON'S. NEW FACTORY COTTON AT LOGAN & JAMIESON'S. s PLEESE KALL AND C THEM. PRIVATE BOARDING. AFEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated in a private family. Enquire at this Office. ARCHITECTURE: THE unclerdigned is prepared to furnish Plans, 1 Specifications, &c., of Public and Private Buildings, and also to superintend the erection of the same. Carpenters , Plasterers' and Masbns work measured and valued. ADAm.0114.y, 262 Second Concession, McKillop., LOST.. N Seafortli, one evening of last week a Ladies' I MOURNING OVERSKIRT. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at the office of this paper. - 275 FOUND. 'OUND, on Saturday, March 8, a BUFFALO ROBE, on the Bayfield Road. - Any person proving property and paying chses can have it. 2754 CHARLES SHAW, Stanley.