HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-03-21, Page 3moiseestimise 21, Solicitor, Winghenin hasbi eent for the Colonial Seteriti led, be is also Agent for se'e os of Toronto, who loan Met le rates. Interest payable Tete. /ec, 15, Nil. 213 110LIEFATED, Barristers ot Mee Solicitors in. Chteecerv Zotariee Public and Couveyan .he R. C. Bank, Seafortle. Agents, re Xsstertnete Company, ititt to leml et 8 per cent. Fermi; As for sale. -53 MEYkat, Barristers and Attorn tore in Chancery anti fusel:fee Notaries Fame, ete. Offices xeter. $23,000 ctf 'elevate at Eight per cent. Intereel, •'58 son- e. nEYnet. "IER, Barristtee, eettorney , Ctoderich, Ont. Office—over e1. Emporium, Market Square. Eider Zic S. Attorneys, Solicitors in Chan els, Ont. Office tvvo doors noe .. DANIEL MeDONALD '7 CiLL,M. D., Graduate of Phyeician, Surgeon, ete.. e—Coneeer of the County of H leuee, at Thowson4 Stanley's MART, D., (LM.4raijij tieersity, Montreal, Physician, ice and. Resiclenm—lerucefield. :OE, M. D., 0. M., Physician, e. Office and Reeiclen.ce, co igh. streets, next to the Planin tELL, Coroner for the County. ver Corby's corneratore, e hours, from 11 to 4 5 • BULL. Dentist, ten Seaforth, On r, latest styles, neatly eeeented. rations performed with care Fees as low as &tube obtained haus trom b4.1X4 ta 6 P. M. R ;McDougall's. Store, else - oma TeRGEON<-1e. MeNALT ,$ to 'announce to the inha'bitanft stormy:diner colmtry that he bee •the diploma of the Ontario Vet rin- • is. now prepaxed to treat dist :Cattle and all domestic animals. t °face in eonnection with his h Where he will he found, read, . Diseases a the feet spen ate esidence, office and shop in the ' rear - Rvales new store. AT1 kinds ofIlietn cinea kept constantly on hen InebRe t29 - twee - rse- at- IGITILL, Veterinary Surgeme (mem* Ontario VeteriTeene Collwe,) bega at he has -returned to the praetice of i Seaforth, and may At an times the disease& of Roxses, Cattle &e, aeclicines conStanten on bench All ty attended, to. Office, at Mansion. 273 uovEir4s. )TEL, Seaforth, Ontario. SIMON , I, Proprietor. The eubeeti'oer haz •-navated and newly furnished the tbat it now affords (rood accommo- - e travelling public. good liquors the bar < Tha tele e is supplied with - 5 in season- Ostera in season. f4- and. an attentive hostler in con - 26I -1y ..thicolvEL,.Ai:ink-71114 61.t.,vim., Prenzietor. This Hotel is under eanagementand has been thormagin en Bar is supplied with the hese a• re..- Good Stehling saa attentive -- irst-ciass Livery in connection. 228 WALES HOTEL, Clinton, ($31., ITCHEON, ..Proprietor. Firetealass ,c for travellers. The Bar is sup- nyry best liquors dud cigars. Good. _ led< The stage leeves< this Hettee etenn` ham- • 204-4t LAY tear. _ sr-EBY AND SATeel STABleniSe t Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Gooa et -class Conve-yanees alween en hande ERY STABLES. SE.A.FORTIC, Ont. oes and Comfortable Vehicles, alwaya voreble Arrangements made with levellers- eli orders left at retomhe promptly attended to. STeneens :,—Third door' Nerth of .fain Street. e TICOALeS BELLe Proprietor. YaUR PROPERTY YOUR LIVES. mag, Seaforth. AGENT FOR ▪ vineiaj In.snrance Company— re. -nranee Company, of Toronto -7 ie. Risk Insurance Company, of sonahle as offered by any (glen Mess for reliable Companies. )NEIT TO 'LOAN. or. thee Agricultural Investment e This Company offere betterine 'eorrowers than any others doing Province. Call anti get eixoulare niers. before applying elsewhere. ✓ Strong & Fairley's Grocery et, Seaforth. 262 )LIDAYS OVER, T THE TIME FOR kP JEWELRY not yet ended af ...COLTNTER'S. RECEIVED, CASES OF THOSE ed Watches,, lectured expressly far GUNTER, BY :RUSSELL tc• ks: AND 'LIVERPOOL. tG DONE AS CS -UAL. apaiti tee repairing anti regulate —STRICTLY CA.SH. azartue Morrie & Ca.'s Perfected hennotatien M. R. COUNTER- ktOTIOE. kelt-Intel te me by BOOK AC - 'Neal!: will pleaee settle e.t one° le6::61)16, "%cork of the COURT, .oerted to; in the event of further & JAMIESON are author- entent and give receipte: efiT WARNING. • JNO. L 'JAN. 21, 1g78. e V'tt'nf,T TENNYSON'S tiATEST POEM. TO THE QUEEN. 0 10.5. the royal in thyself, Alla lord to thy land as this to thee— Beat witness that remernbel•able day - when, pale as .yet, and. fevgr-worn, the Prince, Who scarce had pluckea his flickering life again 2 A. Prck half -way down the shadow of the grave, Past. with thee through thy people and their 'love. .. And London roiled cnie tide of joy through all Her trebleil millions and long leagues o man And welcome., -Witness, too, the silo') cry, The prayer of many a race and ewe(' au clime— Thipulerless 'lightnings striking under Sea From sunset and, sunrise of ail thy reahn. And that true Nort , whereof we, lately • heard., A strain, to shame u selves : So loyal is too co love Ts but a burden: I Is this the tone 0 mad dog's coarse through the streets of London—how he frigliteied a bishop, and wag -at length disp#ched with difficulty—the clerical wit re! marked Oat he should like to hear the dog's side of the story. —Two Irishm4n, engaged in sell -i Mg packages of linen, bought an old mule to assist in carrying the bur- dens.. One would ride a while, then the other, carrying the bales of linen on the mule. One day the Irishman who was on foot got close. up to the heels of his- muleship; when he received askick on one of the shins. Tp be revenged, he picked up a stone, and hurled it at • the mule, but struck his companion on a the back of the heacl. Seeing what he had clone, he stopped and began to groin and .rub his shin. The oile on the mule turned and asked what was the matter. The brutal cratImr kicked me," was the reply. " Be- jabers, he did the same thiroe to we on the back of the head," said the other. —Keep you to you tIS, I Friends—yo r ose the bond and, gr0. Empire? Here the faith • That. made us rulers? This, indeed, her • - voice And meaning, whom the roar of Hougo raont • 4 Lett mightiest of all peoples under be ven ? What shock has fooled her since, th • she should spea.k So feebly?. Wealthier—wealthiq—ho by hour ! ir Freshest Gleanings. been cutting his food. The wounds are probably fatal, but the. teacher has been ditaarged from arrest, af- ter.an examination, and is continu- ing his school as though nothing had likppened. • 2o, • , CAUTION! I FRAUDS ABROAD! , -- T BEG most 'respectfully to caution the public JI-• of the British North American Provinces to be on their guard against purchasing spurious midi-. eines which are being sold as my gpnuine "Hollo- way's Pills and Ointment," b3 certain inCiividuals, i of little or no means, traei g (for the last few months only) under the styl vf the "Now York Chemical Company," Every artifice is made use of by them for the purpose of imposing upon the public; and the more effectually to deceive, they have thb effrontery, in their advertisements, to issue the following °notion : " Tbet imneense demand for 'HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT' has teini*ed unprincipled parties to counterfeit these Valuable Blailicines. , • "In order to proteet the Public awl oursolvee, we ' have,issued a new ' Trade Mark,' consisting of an Egyptian Circle of a nava with the later H in the centre. Every box of genuine ' HOLLOWAY'S riLLS AND OINTMENT' VilliihaVO this -trade mark on "To pEALEBE AND JOOSIDNEERI4S. rs Dneas efro Mara- 1 . • "Wo ealleyour particular attention to thti new style of 'HOLLOWAY'S Penns nen OINTBIENT'--- DODO of the old style are manufaetured by us now, nor have they been for months, We therefore caution all purchasers against reciving trom arty Jobbers or Dealers the old style cif goods. ,,,,, " led menage% concerning any leueh goods beIng offered will be received with, thanks. • " We ask the favor of all the information you can f give in regard to thee° counterfeits." A. •thriving . Baptist' -Church in Philadelphia -worships in a, te,nt. church, consisting of a wall tent, fenced- arou-nd, floored inside, with five hundred, sittings and wp11-fur- nished pews. Total cost $1,500. —White neckties for full-dress are now worn very wide, our fath- The voice of Britain, or a sinking la.hd.— Some third-rate isle, half lost among her There rano her voice when the full eltY Shall soon be back to the stock of seas-! ers w.ore just such neckties, and we pealea our grandfathers. Thee and thy Prince'!:The loyal to their --A man at Gra-Ad Rapids, lila., crown Are loyal to their own far sons 0 lately piid for an axe which.he stole love 1 twenty years ago. His conscience Our Ocean Empire with her boundlgss was slow but sure. • ` homes. -—A.-valuable horse at Duhugne; Forever -broadening England, and it. None are genuine wit out it. • er throne after bleeding almost to death was In our vast Orient, and one isle, one i saved by the injection of calves' That knows not hr own greatness: blood into his veins. , she !Knows le, -11 And dreails it we are fallen.— but th my Queen, love For meta whom I made t d'er his 'or • ... " Sacred., accept this old i perfect t • e Npw old,11,nd the shad wing Sens • war with Spul, Rather than that gay Kii g, whose I. --A Wisconsin justice of 't.he Petce divot a couple recently as Not for itself, but through thy fol pws : He stood them in the r4dle of‘the floor,.•backs together, I 6 ve 66 Now this Compa.ny, is aware that your laws do not permit them to dopy the precise getting eip of my Medicines, bel en order the more - completely to blind the publie, they have recourse to another piece -of deception viz., in stating phut they deem it neceosary, as th'oy say, to make up the Pills and Ointment in another form, and that they adopt a NEW LA13ELs- 600' • B9SideS the .abovennentioned "Chemical Com. ptuli,"there is also a David Pringle, of New York, who by consummate trickery is attempting to sell spurions imitations of my Medicines.; Beware of him likewise. - - This unprincipled Chemical Company has dared to say that I owe very large sums of money in the :United States. What is the fact? A newspaper agent obtained, without my knowledgnor consent, and by boillision with a party who held a limited power of attorney of mine an order to advertise my Medieines in South itatilnica for three years, to the extent of $400,000 in gold. He then sold his claim to n lawyer, who, got it referred by the court to a freendef his who gave judgnient ago:just me to thentrinetnit of $171,287 gold, for profit -which liet seed he cotrld have made by it, had I not taken steps to repudiate this vile transaceion the men meat it ;came to my knowledge. This judgment will soon be set aside. It carmot be suppened, I am sure, that -1 owe a cent to any one that I would not immediately pay. There is no trnth whatever in the statement that ' I over authcerized any person or. persons to vise my name for the sale of my Pills and Ointment, al - :though gross frauds have been practised upon me by unrinetpled men thia way: — AFTER A FAIR TEST TarATER,DIGT OF THE PEOPLE IS THAT THE CHEQUERED STORE AND -TEA DEPOT • Is the place to get the cliteapese and best -TEAS AND GENERAL GROCERIES. The Proprietor of the CHEVERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT has pleasure in stating that his first stook having moved off mo rapidly, he has all only purchased afresh sopply, and as a result of Vick melee he is enabled to still further reduce prices. To parties taking TEA by the Cotddie, hall chest cr chest A SPECIAL BEDUCTIOP WILL BE MADE. Farmers and others living at a distance shohld remember that OUT roads may soon break up, and that r no is the time and • Seaforth is the Town to get the Highst Prices If t I would ask, RE3 ftV0r, that should' it come t•o the ow -ledge` of atty erson that sperions needle and as they walked away froin each eines are being made and sold in my name, that , he bepleased to send MO the mune and address of t or.,her lie repeated the marriage cere- the vendor Vib.0 is soiling the sante, that I may, for . h tection of the public, histitute proce dings Utlony backwards. _ against him, and. I engage to Ternunerate and - A.. small. p Di patient crOt int0 somely -my informant without divulging his name. a ghost, the jail at J.tckson. Tenn th tn 7 0 er. ::-lioshhas.sbutoesnuydeperson have reason to believe that calved by bnyingeptnious imitations Streanis like 4 cloud, man -shaped, •ora • I) of theseehledicines, he will oblige me by sending L day, -and the japer lit out VIO mountain peak, • - Ito the address- at foot (eihich he can do at a- cost of -Medici:nes can "43e supplied at the lowest And cleaves to Ow"' n aiul Cromlech s ill; I- cittickly that he forgot to lock ‘up six cents in postage), one of the books of instruc- . tio which are affixed to the same. • A VL him - his _hostile. When. ,he, came back the Of Geoffrey's book or hiin ,Mall one - Touched. by the adulterons finger e time - or s pf a • small pox man was crone. So ere wile cattle net prime in gnantities of nob lose than the prisoners. zE20 worth—viz., 8s. 6d., 223. 34s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which releittences —The phystcians of Eno -land are muse be Hunt in advance. These Medicines are . 6 not sold in the United States. That hovered between war and wan on- always known by the title Of " Mr." 1.10.011 Pot and Box. of my Genuine Medieines _ . bears the British Ceovennnent Stamp, with e the .,. ness, and efforts to revdlutienize pub- words Holloway's Pills and Ointment, Lou- witit al lic sentiment so as. to autho ize don." Si ed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. And. crownings and. dethronements : ake • Thy poet's blessing, and his trust that assumption of the title of octor 533, Oxford Street, W. C., • beoven 'rave to use a medical - term,' proved London, Oetober 8; isr,. From thine and ours. For some are sa- . b -1 Pi ANING Atli five acres of ground..and employs . , - i ? Or wisely or unWiaely., sign of storm, nine hundred clerks: There -are no I SAH, DOOR AND Kir FACTORY - °red who mark • lmitted through open etnirts; no Mill, also the good-NYill. Of dm late firm, is now 1 Will blow the tempest iu the distances abortiv• e. AINLEYVILLE . back —The Bank- of Enaland covers For what they halve to sell, and that tb.e CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT • Is the place to get the best bargains in TEAS. AND GENEY,tAL GROCERIESa here be any who have doubt on this point, they llave only to make a trial and they will be convinc- ed of the fact. 50 Barrels Labrador Herrings, 250 Bariels Lake HurontHerrings, A large lot of dry Fish, Salmon Trout, and White Fish, LL OF •FIRST QUALITY AND AT LOTT/ PRICES AT THE CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, MAIN -STREET, SEAFpRT11. JAMES MURPHY. TO DAIRYMEN. MILK CANS AND PAILS. MRS. WHITNEY ' would. state' to Dairymen that Blatt Ilas commenced to menufeeture Milk Cans and Pails Of enkindle Med can supply them AS CREAP /AS ANY IN THE TRADE. Stoves and Tinware on liand as usual. GOAL 01L for sale Wholesaleand Retell. Repairing and Bane Troughing promptly attend- ed to. '0 - MRS. WHITNEY,. ' Mein -street, Seaforth. SMOKERS, FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE THE MYRTLE NAVY: See T. c!;t: 13. on each Plug. Price so Low that all can use it. -PHOTOGRAPHIC. tit D. STEWART, IN retlith grthinalcs *his miroterceis friends for their patronage in the east, takes pleasure in informing them that his Photographic Gallery will be re -opened on Tnesdky, the 18th of February, on William -street, near tile new Presbyterian Church, BRUSSELS Where he b.opes to meeet twin with his old friends and patrons, and all Many uew mem asenay see fit to heir him with a call. splendid *alil Pictures kept Constantly an hand. N. B.—No business done in this Gallery Ort Tues- days and Fridays. 271e13 DANIEL STEWART, Artist. GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND GLASSWAVE • To be had at the CAUTIO.Y.—Tbe MYRTLE NA VT' " is regitftered, and any infringement on it will be prosecuted. - - 'Inc name TUCKETT & BILLINGS is'on each.Caddy,,and T. & B. on each Plug. Hamllton , Fab. 13, 1878. • 273 FARMERS! 5,000 Fanners' Sons and DaughIers Wanted. . TO PURCHASE WILSON & YOUNG2S CROCKERY. JUST RECEIVED, A .LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF CROCKERY,' Consisting of Tea and Dinner Sets complete, Cha.mber Sete, in a great variety of patterns. nery complete stock of CHINA AND GLASSWARE. Waverings of every Tana -with every windows on the street. Light is . . The subscriber having bought out the above All their Chnekery is of wordy trucklaws to the tran lent 1110b could„take the bank therefore. 1 prepared to fill all orders in his line q; lousiness. 1 hour, wind, And , And fierce or careless looseners of the without cannon to batter the im- Sash, DPoirs and Mouldings faith. ' mouse walls. The clock in the cen- dials attached to it. Large cis-, Or cowardice, the- child o'f us or g And softness breeding scorn of simple tie of the bank has fifty ON HAND AND . life, ou the shorted notice. Or labor with a groan and not a voilce, terns are sunk •in the court, and' MADE .TO ORDER Or art, with poisonous honey stolen tfroin engines in perfect er are a Fiance, ways in readiness in ease of fire. .CUSTOM PLANING Aml that wich knows, but care for • • I The bank was incorporated iu 1694. Strictly attended to. . . . • Promptly supplied. which knows, -- A late traveler m Siberia I . • HOUSE "BLOCKING ALWAYS ON HAND ANP And that which knOW8 itot ruhn that Capital, $90,000,000itself, -. • To its own harm. The goal of this great I writes Those in banishment there, I Ainleyville May 16 1872. 232-47 Liesbcyena flight yett if our s owly \ are no. treated harshly find left to • UST OF LETTERS world /. grown JAMES I3ENNETT. , • die, as is sometimes thenaht.` fiej IpTokrzED in the Seaforth Post Office on the c Om - And crowned Republic's crowning 13th JannarY, 1873. 1,1 found many -of them living in com-, Allan, David unro, Archibald mon sense,,. - foot and happiness; often remaining names e. • • • Morrell; George That sa-ved her many times, not fail— Malcolm, Jtihn H. in Siberia, after their terms of ban- Brimmei,11- B. I their fears • t• Bissett, M. B. McLean, blit•is Bella Are m.orning shadows hueier than the ment had expired..• -The object of Brassev W . Meliaron, John r • McKibbin;Margaret Cameron, John McLennen, Jacob shapes •- exile is not to cause death, but to Biagi', W. 3' Bromley, W. McDctuald, Wm. Kenneth That cast them, not those MeGintle Michael gl Tier give topulation to the cbuntry.,. He Crerar, P. - ' which fore„,ao . found refinement and culture ant dampbell John The d.rkness of that battle inth West McEwen, Wm. Where all of high and holy dies a ay. the best • society among , the ban- curry, Miss Mary Mehlaster, Mr. , ALFPED TENNYSON . • ished Poles ; of whom togethe th arandY, y r wr. rant, Louis 'Messrs. I. & W. O'Riley,'Mrs. Rogers, Rev. W. M. Sharp, J. A. Small, Alf. Steyens, Joseph. Smith, 3. G. Sharp, ;femme T. Hallenbeck, Chaney Ribb:s.., Ritdiard ---4010•"-----7-7-- Russian offenders, aoout 10, are Hones, Jane sent to Siberia every.' year. their Heuryi B. Henderson, 3. num uer being largely increased after Iiimene, T. L. ery Polish insurrection. In one of the suburban SchoOls'a ev- Hill, o school ins-)eAor gave Out the welid .lithraor J. Soles, Wm. John 11 ‘c psalter " to a class spekling. risgusted Livbry Keeper. moulds, Robert Wiesen, E. 'Malcom, Alex. Jones, Saunders, J. C. It was a posea to all till it reaehed , Murray; Miss Elizabeth the foot of the chiss, when a curly- A -wealthy New Yorker was in:, 175 - S. DICKSON, Hartford. a few clays ago; and wish:. hcaded little fellow spelled it .cot, ing to drive oit, went to a stable to rectV, but, being .asked to define it, hire a team. The man of horses was he shouted out, " More salt" . loth to trust a %valuable " turnout " -z---A gentleman wl;ose house was under repir, went one day to ee to an entire stranger, and so asked 6,:-,-;•;-,4--'"---' T.:3:7 ta-- bow the job was getting on, and eb- for references. •The New 1 Qrker a's serving a quantity Of . nails lying replied that he could give no refer - about, said .to a carpenter, 'C' Why ences, but that he would buy the don't you take carot thse nails 7--- hol-s and sleigh, and when he re - they'll certainly be lost." "No," turned from his ride the Stable replied the carpentr, " you% find keeper ,might refund the money. them all in the bill." • ' -4- pricp was agreed Upon; and the —Exposition -IA Scripture was cash paiddown. When later in the formerly more iri vogue than at j day the stranger brought the team . present, especially in Scotland, and back to the stable, his money"was gave frequent occasions for the dis- ram -lied and he started to .go. pay, of wit. One divine, comment- - " Bold on," said the man of hoses, ire on Peter's 'coa:st to our Lord, ' " you have n!)t paid your horse "Lord we have left all an follow- ; hire !" " 'Why, iny dear $ir," said ed thee," said, "A puir all, Peter, the New . Yorker, cooly, "I have to, mak' .a .00:-Ist of i— a bit 8f.a, boat ' been driving mY own -team this I" I mo ,, rning ! The st1L ble keeper loek- , and a few kuld nets newoi)jectionn e - —Aldtrlv ed disgusted, but did not forhice s —A gentleman ealled at a lodging -house, claims. and asked JA the servant 1,vho open-- t ---------4"4"-- e'Sthb door, " Have you a room to THRASHING A SCHOOLTEACHER.— leer "Yes," she replied; "but—" An enraged father attacked a teach- -cc But what, 17' asked the gentle- er while he was tak ng his noon. man. cc Yoti are over -sixty, aren't lunch, in his .schoolh1_use, in Ohio, your asked the gii.l. "Yes," he 'a few days ago, and knocked him answered, " I am sixty-five." " 1 down with a chair. • The teacher re- thought so," ,said the girl, "yon covered his feet, and 4tempted to can't have the room, as my missus escape by the door, but be found it don't want any ninerals from her had. been locked by the man's sop. —When Sydney Smith had and stabbeu , him live times with a house1 He then turned upon his kthsailant . giayely listened to the details of a pocket knife with which he had P. M. FLOUR A D FEED STORE At the_low7_t prices. Call nide examine oar well -selected stook of TEAS, SNUBS, COFFIES Also, a Canned Fruit, Oysters, Salmon Mobsters an 4Sardines constantly on hand. StockYaiserseeoulddo well to try SiMpeoneallorse and Cattle Spice, the finest and cheapest Condi- tion Powder in theevorld. the best. No second. or tlaird were kept. This Crockery has been bought cheap and will be sold ceeap. TEAS. Juat received, another consignment of that superior Tea, at from 40 ,.cts. to $1 per pound. Remember WILSON & YOUNG'S is the place to get choice Liquors and Ales, and the only place kinds of Groceries t.sivint11. where Carling's celebrated XXX: Me in quarter baerels for family use is kept. WILSON & YOUNG, Main -street, Seaforth. • J. P. SENDAlit & Coo's (late W. A.. Shearson & , Cot) eelebraited FAMILY FLOUR Del . ivered on the shortest notice • All other The highest Market Price paid for all kinds of • Produce. CEDAR POSTS and SRO. GLES still on hand THOMAS LEE REIVIOVED. REMOVED; M. ROBERTSON, SEWING MACHINES. SEAFORTH. Of all impurities 0 tiara nteed free, The soul of perfect;ou, J. C. Laidtalo's Pea These Teas are .guaraineed to tb.e public is being Fresh, Perfectly Pure, Strong, Rich and Lasting. thtleinetetunker and Undertaker, HAS REUOVED his ware-roores to , • JOUNSON'S DIM STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, Wherehe has on hand e superior stock of Futnie " ture of every description. CALL A_,YD SBE it -UNDERT Having purchased Mr. Thomas 33ell's nARSE, I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town:or country. ' COlftnen All Sizes,. Kept constantly OD hand. SHROUDS ! SHROUDS K. RQBERTSON, CABINET MAKIitt AND 13NDERT4RER„ Johnson's Old Stand, Main street; Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortlitent of SQTLW B Which he can furnish cheaper than they can be gcit elsewhere. 206 EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT -PAIN. a CARTWRIGHT, L. D. Sr, Surgeon Dentist \Y. attends in Settforth, at Enox's Hotel, the first Tuesday andWedreisday of eachmonth; in Clinton, at theCommescial Rotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at his Stratford elec.: PliitiesSequirmg new teeth are requested to call, if at Seefeeth and Clinton, on tne, first days of at- tendance. • Testimonial:I of over 500 -patient% who' have had their teeth extraetbd by the use of the Gas, may be seen at my office in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and im.- proved styles. - Filling done in gold, &de, in a manner which. an - not be eurpassed, • 2 e7- SE AFORTH PLANING MILL, The demand for this Tea is the best Proof that can be Oven • that the public consider Laidlawee Tea as • SASile DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY TEA WORTH BUYING. THE suliscribeebegs leave to thank his numerous '17 customers for the liberal patronage extended to him since ecimmencing huainess itt Seaforth, and • trustthat he may be favorei with a continuance Of the same. Parties intending to build -would do well to give THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET PURCHASED IT ARE RECOMMENDED TO him a call, as centinue to keep on hand a i large stoek of allltiudsell - • DRY PINE LUMBER, GIVE IT A TRIAL. J. C. LAIDLAW. THOlViSON, & WILLIAMS' MILL AND ENGINE WORKS ' 'MITCHELL ONT. "N. F. Buruham's Patent Turbine Water Wheel. i a SASIIIES, 1 'DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES,:LTH, ETO. 1 He feels eonfident of giving satisfaction to those fah() ma:se-favour him with their patronage, as none : but first-class werkmen are employed. 1 Lee Partieuler Attention paid_ to Custom Planing. 1 201 JOAN IL BRO.A.DFOOT. MUSIC, MUSIC1 able to furnish those THE UNDERSIGNED is 1 who will favor him with their patronage with Any Instrument of Any llalze. — Also, Agent for ; ! MASON & HAMLIN'S fiRG.iNS, , , i AVE have now thoroughly tested the above wheel and guarantee it equal or superiorto the best wheels ' VY now in use, while stronger and mom dnrable. References to well-known anti reliable mill owners, : Which cannot te excelled on the -Continent for A NEW SUPPLY OF The Howe and the Osborn SETYLVU 31.4CHI7YES, with all the latest improvements, just receieed at W. N. WATSON'S, . SEAFORTH. Call and see them. Their well-established repu- tation renders it Unnecessary to partioultuize their superior qualitieee feather than that they are the best and chtanest made. Sewing machines of all kinds repaiied, cleaned and. put in perfect order, at my office, by it thorough- ly practical mat:hi-Mat from Toronto. WM. N. WATSON, Seaforth.. who have them in use, given on app i . build all sins and kinds of _ srrP_Aavi Juliness and riebness of tone. C. ARMSTRONG. Stetionary Portable and Upright, and guarantee them unsurpassed by any in use. IN e use on a ow. Telegenpli Book Store. the latent Improve 1,.'wYines-vi;e coubrated JUDSON GOVERNOR- We are prepared to contract for the erec- tioi3 of all kiuds of Grist, Flour and Saw -mills, vnth all ments1 C. . o YEO; ers' and Planers' Steve Maehinea, and all kinds of Flax Machinery, &c., &c, manufactured largely. 1A UCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MER- CHANT, Itiairestreet, Seaforth, will attend to Lath Mills, Bolters, Shingle Mills, Double and Single Jointers, Heading Machines, Heading, Turn- 1 Our Boiler Shop is in fun blast, and we have as foreman of this important departinent, Mr. JOHN all sales in the County of lauron on liberal terms. 1 271 YK,O, Auctioneer. J. P. BRINE, LICENSED 'AUCTIONEER for the County 631 WRIGHT, who, for 20 yet= was foremen of the Brantford Boiler Works. Bening it good force of ex- 1 Fax ticularattention paid to stoles of leerm Stock, chc. perienced boiler makers, we ate. prepared to attend to boiler repairs either et the shop or at mills I promptly. GIVE US:A. CALL. • We have found out what every Farmer wants. It iS THE TWO -HORSE POWER SAWING MACHINE, The power of which is supplied with strong fly -wheel, suited to driving it Straw Cutter, Grein Crusher y. Thiron. Sales attended in all parts of the and other 'Machinery, with. no extra charge, except ;or the belt. This mailtine is well suitCountrAll ordereleft TEE EneosiTon Office ed to every farmer's own use, es he can with two horses and froM three to four men or boys cut from 20 to 80 cords i will be promptly attefided to. 1-98 of wood per day. Our machine hes been thoroughly tested, and is strong enough to do all we recom- mend it to do. It is supplied with .friction flanges, by whir1a. tlaesaw is stopped, when caught or pinched, before it would be possible to stop the horses. 1 - A TRIAL OFFERED.t We are building great numbers of the Curaming's Straw Cutter, for hand or horse power. Also, Grain Crushers, with iron anti wood frames, Fanning Mills, Horse Powers of all kinds, Gang Plows, Steel Plows, -with wrought iron beams, wood beams and cast iron beams, Horse Hoes, Weeders Culti- vators, chc., oho. Repairs of all kinds done promptly. Orders by mail or otherwise solicited. Address, 1 T1103ISON & WILLI eef8i Mitchell, Ont. BOARDIAIG. TT COILADAY has leased the large and com- modious house, on the Salt 'Works 'Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, =dims fitted it up as a boardirtg-house. Good treble and comfortable rooms. Persons wishing a 'pleasant hoarding - benne iiheuld ttpetly, as there are at present it few vacancies. Transient boarders accommodated at less than hotel r 267 ates. 228