HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-03-14, Page 8- ens, on's The only 8, Formula, a,ndeu.--uhe the prevention and care of tiQ- , Also, fei• fh6 cane of peeve -Nee, ea Asthma, loss of sppetite, general 161»Uty emerreamona As TO PnlaTy: AIrn Evrx Laboratory, !University Toronto, Dee. To the 'Victoria Chemical Company, * Gentleman -I have examined the Rind ployed in the Victoria ChemicalWorks, in paratzien of the Victoria 8j1 up of Hypeen The savenil Hypophosphites used are cle pure, and the Syrup is alsoquite free frnre purity- Your Syrup of Hypophosphiees doubtedly prole) a very valuable mecliein,e, HENRY H. cnok...e, ProfessorofIChemistry, Price $1 per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, VictoriaCompound Fluid Extract of and uva Ural. A epeeifie remedy for all diseases of the and kidue,ys, dro-psical swelbhigs, come dental to females, and all diseases of the „. Organs in either sex. um- Try it onee for any Of the above disordene you will be fully convinced of its pre -e ' virtues. Priee$1 per -bottle. Scdd by all Dr uggists. victoria Eeptrio Linbn-e- . Th.e King of all Liniments.' Forrae gout, neuralgia,. lumbago, sciatica, wa ins, stiffness m the limbs or mete a braises, numbness, swellings, headaelse, toothae.he, &e. _ BUY IT I TRY IT I PROVE IT t Price 50 eents per bottle. Sold. lay all Dru Victoria Carbolic Sava'', it.de "Worth its -weight in gold." A specific for wounds, bruises,. barns scalds, boils pie pies, etc., and. ehroetie dfseasee Abe Aba o description. - Exiee 25 centa per hex.. Sold by all Dru Victoria. Carbolated, Glycerine Jeij ; 0 "Eminently the ladies". faVerite." For bean img the complexion, and for removing burn, freeklee, piraples„ &e., also, for hande, eleilidains, frost bites, and sore Hee. Price 25 cents per bottle. seta by all 1) Victoria Toilet Soaps. ceiebreted for their uniform purity and aenee of gm/MY." Victoria Carbolie Steep, vie Sulphur Soap, Victoria Glycerine, Honey, Rose Windsor. Sold. by all Druggists. ;WO - will ot' I. IF and, at NOW IS YOUR M TO WY Sy csca Cheap for Cash at was() NO MORE COMBDIATION PRICE TmsxsNoPioTIo. • CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES.: Make no delay, but come and secure exeell 'bargainswhile yea eans Best Material Used, AND MADE BY GOD WORKME Everything in his line such as HARNESS, TALTSEs, TRUNKS, WHIPS, SADDTMS, BRITSIIES, CURRY COMBS, . CARDS, &c., Repairs done with neatness and despatch. Remember the place- Opposite KIDD'S Stores 278 J'ANTES WILSON'. Tin and Furniture Sho BRUSSELS, ONT. JACKSON & HOLLIDAY,: Mani:Li-actin:era of aU kinds of TIN D COPPER WA Dealers in _FURNITURE'AND STOVES Of all descriptions. :THE OSBORN SEW -INC MACHIN Alwaye on hand._ • The above Macleine jg acknowledged to be t ' best family Sewing Maehine in the market, an was awaeded the Gold Medal in France in 1872. TRAIN & ELL -ways CELEBRATED PLOWS, Gang Plows, Root and Straw Cutters always hand. A large stook of COAL OIL AND COAL OI LAMPS. Produce Taken in Exchange.' Cash for Hides and Sheep Skins. Shop Opposite Armstrong's Hag A CALL SOLICITED. JACKSON & HOLLIDAY; Brussels, Feb. 11, 1873. 2-71cy citItt 'gun «Xptifur 15 PU131,1SI3ED E VERY FRIDAY MORNING IN SEAFORTH Toners. -$1.50 per year in advance, or $2 at tile-. end of the year. Advertising- Rates. _First hieertion, per line; S cents subsequent ine eertions, 2 cents each tin:teepee line. cosTuAcT RATES. ; one eolum,u one year.... . .. , .. $60 _ " half " ... . . ..... 35 co: 4C. CC. ; Half ,c 3 months 2000 - ORO yeilr 35 00' half " 20- 3 enonths 12 One-fourth one year 20- 00 , “ " hill' ' .. . ... ......... 12 a “ 1, 8 raonths 800.. One-eighth one year 12 00 hall " .. . ... .. . .. .. _ a 60•1 . . 3 . months .. .. .. . ........ _ - 5 cia One-twl- ( fth one year 3 ,c “ half " 50� 0 " " 3 months 8 00 Baldness Cards, (6 linea and under, 1:)• year,. 4 O� Advertisernente of Strayed, Lost, Found, ,teer t exceeding- 10 lines---;liret month, $1, p,Iter first month, 50 cents each monthAdvertisemente of FARMS and REAL ESTATE for sale, not exceeding 151ines-first month, $1 54 t. each subsequent mouth, 75 cents. Ilirthe, Manias, Deaths -Gratis. Advertisement% without specific directione ! be insertedtilI forbia, and charged accorainfly. Advertisements metatired by a scale of solid Nonpareil. Mc -LEAN BROTHEE, A in a Whisky Snorh Francisco &Mean says: dley, importer of blood - and proprietor of a saloon Leidesdorif street, recently con - the idea of augmenting , his „oak of curiosities in his.satoon by tite addition of two large and in tell i- t monkeys. The animals arriv- on the last steamer from 019 Ori - e customers watchedZ the antics of the two strangers with rt Intere•st dubbed them Jim a and Susie, and voted Jim a fellew Wert* jest, and the monkeys ounperecl to and fro the while, and chattered merrily. Susie went to bea at a reasonable hour; and did not object to being locked in her cage; but Jim would not tolerate the advances of any one, when near Ibis cage, and was left roosting over a door when the time for closing the saloon arrived. Next morning the bar -keeper opened the door, glanced armed, saw •something flying through fife air, and dodged his head justin time to escape a sound -blow. He peeped into the °window and saw Jim parched _011 a tall ale eask, with a pile of boxes -around '`ra' and' looldng like an enraged gorilla, evidently waiting for the re - 'appearance or the barkeepees head. Now the. bar -keeper, a Mall of in- flexible will, and a very Samson in physical streugth, is not a person who. cares to risk his life unneces- sarily, and, therefore, he reinforced his ranks arnd sought to overawe jira. The monkey was evidently determined not to yield without a struggle, for he gathered all the available soda bottles and boxes and chunks bf wood about his stre-nghold, and, upon the advance of the barkeeper and his command, hurled his missiles toward the ene- ley with. great rapidity ad preci- sion, and as long as 1i ammunition held out he could not be dislodged. •Finally Jam was brushed with a club, and persuaded to keep quiet. The strong smell of liquor caused the bar -keeper to look aronnd with anxiety, and well he might. Jim had emptied whisky and brandy upon the floot, treated Susie to -whisky until she succunibed to its effects and was in a beastly state of intoxication, and had filled all the bottles with sawdust, the damage amounting- to $40. Mr. Findley no loner takes interest -in quadrum- arious aninSals of the blies mamma- lia, but will cheerfully give informa- tionon the subject to persons of an enquiring turn of mind, or direct them to "the tropical curiosity mate" of Washington street, with whom Susie and Jim are residina b` ticipate a fine showing of the sweet Canadian flower nextseason, in spite of hoes, plows, broadaxes, salt, aquafortis, litre and benzine. As a final resort, it is recommended by a Chicago journal that a pound of nitro-glycerine be placed under each thistle and exploded. by electricity. . The DiSOOVerY Of COffee• A.CCOrdilig to vulgar tradition, the discovery of coffee is due to the mollah Ohadelly, whose memory is held in reverence by all true Mus- sulmens. The pious man, afflicted - with sorrow at the thought that he could not keep awake for the per- forma,nce of his nocturnal devo- tions, besought Mahomet to indicate some means by which sleep might be chased away. Mahomet, touch- ed with pity, as well be mightz see- ing that his own honor was con- cerned, so brought matter's about that a .herdsman came to aCquaint mollah Chactelly of the curioes fact that his (the herdman's) goats could not go to sleep aftpr they had par - If taken of coffee- erries, but kept frisking about all night long. The mollith, taking the hint, at once. prepared a good strong dose.of cof- fee. He drank id andwas delight- ed beyond measure at the result. Not a wink of sleep did be get, de- licious sensations crowded on his brain, and his mfdnight devotions were so - fervent that he at once communicated,. the precious secret to some dervishes, who, imitating his example,beleag ered the prophet, now in the seventi heaven of bliss, with unceasing -prayer. The irrepressible Th'stle. A very objectionable cla. grants have settled in 111i have become rooted to the pito repeated efforts on the part of people and the Legislature to get rid of them. These foreigners are of a 1. blood-. believer the pep- thless in- vaders are free as the wind, and take up their quarters wherever they may chance to a alig1They ;, are exceedingly prolific, nd each year thousards of them are cast, off from thepaternal stem end seek a .horne elseavhere. They are of Euro- pean descent, but have long settled. in Canada, whence they mile every year in countless shoals across the greatlakes. Many perish during the journey, but more tharcenough sur- vive to be, a- source of continual trouble to the citizens of the State in which the new comers settle. They are members ef the - great Carduus family, and in the various Acts of the Illinois State Legisla- ture concerning them are designated as Canada Thistles. This year gave a maenificent yield, notwithstand- ing that the heat and drought killed aln3ost everything else. They- ap- pear to be proof against all efforts to destroy thetn, and -neither fire, poison, nor the knife has more than a temporary effect upon their vital- ity. In one locality the . plant has been mowed before seed time, plow- ed early in the season and raked up by the root; then cut with the hoe at intervals of five days during the months ot June and Julyand final - 1)7 cut again with the , hoe and broadaxe later in the season. In another locality the thi, ties were dug up and burnt. up. In another They were hacked off el se tto the ground and salt strewn over the root. in another they were satu- rated with strong brine and sprinkl- ed with - aquafortis ; and in another they were covered with refuse lime from gas works to the depth _of sev- eral inches. One bc1c1 farmer, whose wrath against the weed must have been uncommonly fieree, actually pelted them up by the roots, then dug a hole where the roots bad bee, and filled it with benzine. He thinks he killed the thistles thus treated, but isnot quite certain; nor is there, we are pained to say, a single well authenticated eradication. Thistle " Commissioners " .have beeu appointed, but it is easy to see from theirreport that they fear :gad an' s of emi- ois, and soil, des - revengeful disposition, an shed invariably follows they come in contact with ple of the State. These ru Notes frorrc A Minnesota jud shaving on Sunday" --re-A'Nevada famil boastecl ten cases of nkail ad.vices. —The recent Dine well, of North Car serious, but he is no —The papers repo ter Dickeson,colo G reenbu sh, at' the a —A ball has been town to raise money per. That newspap —Local option mi ern speciality. The eating liquor, whate made of. —Mr. George Call dent of Keesville,- lost his right arm in cut and corded nine out assistance, w miles and a half also. —A Minnesota y to start his horse by gun, failed. _to make was more successful went Off promptly, a his fingers with it. —A .K_ansas legi voted .for Senato way: "1 don't was. Onti fellow g galls, and then. an and they kept on s, at last they called. J'incialls, too." .2A. Western new ing account- of a voyage,- describing danger° only "on keel and he rocks, atmosphere betwee the bridge." —An honest old pee, Mass., waited for the gatekeeper bridge recently ma got out of his sleig the,old toll -house, 1 table and departed, scionsness that he h —A bank cashier gave a wretched -lo erican Papers. e has decided that illegal." of eleven members easels at the latest s of Governor,Cald- lina„ has been very out of danger.. the death of Hes- d woman at North e of 109 years. ven in a Wisconsin to start a newspa- r will probably die. ce pies are a west - contain 110 intoxi- er else they may be a one-armed resi- SseX Cotttity, (he the war,) last week ord.s of wood with - g each day two uth who attempted hitting it with his the steed go, but with the gun. That d took off three of 'BRUSSELS lator told how he sonaethin,,cr in this ow just how it all t up • and. said J'in- ther said J'ingalls, ying J'ingalls, until y name, andI said paper gives a thrill - steamer's perilous particularly her passage ever the Pails, with inch of water between her and half anichof her chimneys and entlernan in Chico - vainly ten minutes to come out at a e free, and finally ipened the door of 'd ten cents on the happy in the con,6 cl done his duty. in Hartford, Conn., king beggar some small change, and oid it so kindly that the impecunious w4etch dug out of his capacious pockets ten or twelve dollars in scrip, and asked the cashier to ex- change itfor bills, remarking that "when a feller's pockets is full of scrip, he is li- able to lose a big part of_it.". —Correspondents say that Dennisen, Texas, was a wilderness five months ago. Now it has a population of 4,500 : houses are going up in all directions '- its streets are 100 feet wide; a hotel containing 100 rooms is nearly comp16M; and there are banks, an opera -house, and an iMmense freight depot. —A Maryland town had a highly moral show recently, and a day or two aJer some children went to the drug-stor the place, and asked for choloform. The druggist inquired what they wanted it for; and one of them promptly replied, "Oh, we are going to have a great moral show, and make little Carrie float in the air." . The discovery has just been made of frauds on a gigantic scale, on the Bank of England, committed by one Warren, alias Holton' an Ameri- can, through a series ofskillful for- a b eries of the names of the Roths- childs and other great financial houses. A reward. of .Xl,000 has been offered for his apprehension, and thie'police, are searching for him, with hopes of success. It is believ- ed that tale) fratid will reph a mill- ion dollar. Et 14 FOUNDRY. pin SUBSCRIBER wishe to call the attention -1- of the farming commuiSty in general to his large and varied stet* of Agricultural Implements, Consisting of IRON AND WOOD PLOWS, With the latest improved Steel Mould. Board, GANG puovvs, CULTIVATORS, LAND ROLLERS, HARROWS, SOMMERS, 846. He would beg td call special attention to the celebrated. FARM EnS' PLOW, Which has , given universal satisfaction wherever used, to which Is now added a Thistle Point, so much required in this part. Also, to some first- alass The troubles on the increa.se. steadily advanci the country; and being constantl cruits from the tional army is tion. When_th to recognize Al Government bec curity of the R further lessened e Oa STAVE -DRUM LAND ROLLERS, From $22 to $85. Also, a fa First -Class Wagons, Getting up for 'Spring use, warranted of very best Spain are rapidly The Carlists are 0' • into the heart of while their army is added to by re- peasentry, the Na- ffering from deser- refusal' of .England e present form of ines known, the .se - public will be even SEASONED TIMBER. All of which will be sold at the very LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH Or approved credit. WM. R. WILSON. Brussels, Feb. 12, 1878. , 271ey TEA ! TEA!! TEA !!! TUFTS & HAMBLETON Having on Impel a very large stook of EX6ELLENT TEAS, And being hard up for money, have determined to sell Teas at GREATLY REDITCED PRICES For one month. All parties wanting a choice article of Tea, and wishing to save money, will find it to their advan- tage to give them a call. They have also on hand a very large stock of DO A WHITE Ho-crs 4-1- long yellow ears. the EXPOSITOR Oth which -will lead to his welded. 272 LOST. , With large black spots and Any personeleaving word at or at McBRIDE'S Hotel, ecovery, will be suitably re - GENERAL GROCERIES/ Crockery, Glassware, Wines and Liquors. Flour, Oatineal, Cornmeal, Lake Huron Herring, &a, which they will sell very cheap fo! cash or farm produce. A. JOHNSON. TUFTS & HAMBLETON, Brhssels, Ont. SEAFORTH NOVELTY' WORKS. JOHN M. MARTIN Has now on hand a large: number of his superior LAND R,OLLERA Which have been well tried by the farmers of He- ron, and are generally aeknowledged to be the best made. TURNIP DRILLS, Double and Single, Of. His Own Manufacture. As a- certain number will only be made, parties desiring to get one should apply early before they are all spoken for. - DRESSED LUMBER' AND SASH AND DOORS On hand or manufactured to order as usual JOHN M. MARTEN. Seaforth Novelty Werke, Goderich Street. 14* 272 999. An Old Priend in a New _Place. REMOVED • Avat. AULT begs to inform his customers that Y he hes just opened a large stock of the choic- est Groceries and Provisions in the store adjoining Campbell's Clothing Store, opposite the Mansion Hotel, a feir doors north of his old stand, whet() he hopes to be favored with the patronage of his cus- tomers. Wra. Ault having removed to larger prem- ises Where he can keep a larger and better assort- ed stock, is in a better position than ever to suit customers. Call and see the old friend. CANNED FRUIT. A. large and extra choice stock et all kinds of CANNED FRUIT -Peaches, Tomatoes, &c. AULT Cannot be beat for TEAS. They are first-class and cheep. • 267 NOTICE. 7s—a - N :.gxposrroR, MEN AND BOYS. SPRING OF 1873. CLOTIHINC FOR ALL. 11..A.DSOMEST CLOUTS EVER BROUGHT INTO SEAFORTH. GALL AND SEE THEM. T. K. ANDERSON, M'SIRCHA.NT TAILOR AND CLOTITMR, SEAFOIITH, HAS RECElleaD HIS SPRING STOCK OF ALL persons indebted to me by BOOK AC- COUNT or NOTE will please eettleat once and save the dieagrecable work of the COURT, which must be resorted to in the event of further delay. Messrs. LOGAN & JAMTESON are author- ized to receive payment and.give receipts. LAST WARNING. NO. LOGAN. • 267 EDWARD CASH • Is the man to go to for LOUIS, Which are, without exaggeration, the handsomest Goods ever -brought into the Seaforth Market FOR CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY, AS WELL AS APPEARANCE, THEY CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Complete °Suis at .4 and Upwards. GENTS' FURNISHINGS, HATS AND CAPS. T. K. ANDERSON'S Spring Stock of HATS AND CAPS are daily arriving, and fer quality, appearance, style and price, • speak for themselves. . IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS HIS STOCK IS MORE COMPLETE AND VARIED ;THAN EVER IT HAS BEEN. Everything in, this line is 'constantly kept, and nothing but the LATEST STYLES sold. SEED WHEAT, OATS, Cl_ACYVPIt, AND TIMOTHY SEEDS, GODERICH-STREET, SEAFORTH. -TOWN AND COUNTRY CUSTOMERS LIBERALLY DEALT WITH. 1N'T Try hinf once, and if not eatisfied you needn't come back. A GOOD FIT guaranteed or no money asked. A discounruf FIVE PER CENT. will be allowed Qfl all cash purchases. A 3 } REMEMBER WHERE TO GO, SIGN OF THE MAMMOTH HAT, MAIN -STREET, SEAFOR1.11. CODERICH FOUNDRY. •:" MAN rmdersigned, having sold the Huron Foundry property and stock to the " Goderich Foundry -I- and Miumfaetering Coreipany," begs to thank the public for their liberal support during the past nineteen years, and trusts that they will continue to send their orders to the new Company. Gaderich, 10th June, 1872. R. RUNCIMAN. Referring to the above notice, The Goderich Foundry ar. Manufacturing Co. Beg to inform the public that they aiia prepared to contract for t. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS; FLO4UR, GRIST AND SAW MILL* ; SAWING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel 'boards ; GANG- PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, 'STRAW -CUTTERS, &c: SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. .w ALSO, , IRON.- AND BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH :WORK BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSEY PO WEB TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. s" All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention. ROBERT RUNOIMAN, HORACE HORTON, General Manager. President. GEORGE NIEBERGALL. Manager Agrieultural Department. Goderich, Ontario, June 10, 1872. 1=1111M1 PUBLIG NOTIOE., , NOTICE is hereby given- that the endersigned -hi' have this day entered into Partnership -aa Millers and Produce ConuoiesionMerchaets in the Village of Seaforth, under the name, style and firm of AS. P. KENDALL & CO. [Signed,) J.A.Se P. KENDALL, IltEARTM CHARLESWOR'lli. JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. Beg to state to the Farmers, Produce Itlerchants and Dealers of the County of Huron that they lipe purchased exam mews. KREARSON & CO. e Mills known as the Seaforth Mills, and will hereafter carry on the same. All Kinds of Grain Purchased-, As formerly, And the Highest' CASE PRICE Paid. FLOUR exchanged for WiLEAT. Farmers desiring to exeberee can rely upon getting for their Wheat No. 1 Flour. FLOUR DELIVERED in any Part of the Til- lage free of charge, The undersigned, having had the entire working management of the :dill for the past three years, patrons may -rest iteenred that they will receive the same satisfactoey treatment and as good. work as formerly. SAS. P. KENDALL & CO. ARCHIBALD HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. 248 ALAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool, Londonderry, Glasgow. Short Sea Passage, Economy and Comfort. One of the magnificent Steamships of 'this Line (averaging from 3,000 to 4,200 tons,) leaves Port- land EVERY SATURDAY On arrival of the train leaving Toronto on Fridays pataT5tch:h3e7e(sAit.,efryoms.m Liverpoo every Thursday, and from hips of the ALLAN LINE are des - Derry every Friday for Canada. Also, from Glas- gow about every ten days. Extra Steamships will also be despatched froin Liverpool and Glasgow on opening of Navigation. Persons wishing to send for their friends can ob- tain Tlarough Passage Certificates at the lowest rates good. for one year, and tunotmt refunded less e small deductionif Tickets not used. Thie mode of bringing out persons from ENGLAND, Ifiti-AND OR SCOTLAND - TO CANADA, Will be found to -be the best and most -economical, as parties in this country having friends coming out will saw $5 50 on oath adult pftssenger by purchasing the ticket in this country. The Steam- ships of the Allan Line come direct to the -Grand Trunk Railwey .Wharves at Point Levi[South Quebec] and Portland, and the passengers are for- warded on at once to their destination. By this arrangement passengers avoid all cartage and other incidental expenses. Through Passage Tickets and all information may be obtained from Mr. STRAITON, Agent Grand Trunk Railway, Seaforth. Parties con- templating visiting the Old Country, or bringing out friends, should consult with Ur. Straiton be- fore they -purchase their tickets. By so doing they willTiscakveetsintoon. aney parts of Caneda and the United States issued at the cheapest rates by A. STRAITON, 278-4 Ant G. T. Railway, Seaforth. AUDITORS' ABSTRACT TH TREASTJER in account with the Munici- pality ofsllay. 1878. To taxes refunded. Co. Treasurer's Tax for 1871 and "72.. "Paid. Officers' Salaries "Paid grants as bonuses " Charities " Six months' interest on debentures, " Councilor's Fees. " Trustees' Tax. • " Registration for births, meninges and deaths 6 12 " Default in payment of taxes.. a ..e. 14 93 "Printing, postage and stationery.... 47 25 " Sundries9 88 " Roads, bridges, &c ............1,677 33 $81 39 2,047 17 34800 55 00 25 00 75 00 120 00 6,036 68 $10,542 70 Balance on hand to next &enigma.. ... 1,471 69 JN REFERENCE to the above, the undersigned would beg to thank their numerous customers for the extensive petronage accorded to them for the past four years, and trust that the same lib- eral patronage will be extended to the neve firm whom we have pleasure in being able to confident- ly recommend to our old patrons. All debts -due us, in connection with the Will =1st be paid to Jas. P. Kendall & Co., and all debts due by us, in connection with the same, will be settled by the said. firm of Jas. P. & Co. We A. SHEARSON & CO. $12,014 39 1878. By baltinceensvhearlii,d trioeme. Las: audit.... $1,794 49 , t 120 00 " Non-resident Tax for 1871 1,606 62 " County surplus for 1872 677 88 Clergy Reserve for 1872. 155 00 " Non-resident tax for 1872.- . 28 68 " Rent for Town Hall. . 1 00 " Collector's Taxes for 1872 ... 7,631 27 $12,014 89 Examined and found correet. „ JOHN BRODERICE, RALPH BROWN, 1 Hay, March 8, 1873. nutators. 274-3 iivolf4ed Cod Liver Olio THIS Preps,ratien is a solution of Iodide of Iron -1- in perfectly pure Cod Li -ver Oil. It may be used in all cases wbere the simple Oileis ordered, and will be found greatly superior to it. This preparation is hey -beneficial in Pulmonary Cone sumption, Sere cats Compleints, Chronic Shin Diseases, and for all chronic, disorders arising from defective digestion, assinailation or nutrition. It is also highly useful in Chronic Rheumatism and Gout. loon Price 1. of Ifypophosphites. THIS is itia agreeable Preparation containing the Hypophosphites of Lane, Soda, Potash and i Iron, with free Hypophosphorous Acid. This Syrup is a certain remedy for General Debility Ontario. AS, ' from any cause, Nervous Diseases and Scrofulous Complaints. It is also highly useful in diseates of the bones (especially in infants) and Incipient Pensumption. Price $1. The above Preparations are of standard medical reputation, and containing no seeret ingredients, may be prescribed by phvsicians without hesita- tion. Prepared by :1°}INLoWILndonliT , For sale by -R. Linasden, Seaforth; T. R. Grant, Brussels; G. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and Dreggists generally. 235. THE SEAFORTH LUMBER YARD. MABEE & MACDON ALD BEG to inform the public that they have opened a Ltunber Yard in Seaforth, near Sheareon'a Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Therese Lee.-• They will keep constantly on. hand a good assort- ment of ALT, KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed- and undressed." Also, LA.TH _AND SHINGLES, ell of which they are prepared t sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cagh. Builders and others • find it to their advant- age to inspect oui.• Ethel!, and ascertain our prices before'purchasingelsewhere, as we are in a position to offer good inducements to :cash purchasers. 160 MABEE & MACDONALD. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is hereby given that Lhe partnership 'LI heretofore existing between us, the -ender- signed, as) general blacksmiths and carriage makers, in the village of Brussels, under the name of George English & Brother, has been this day dissolved by inutusl consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to T/101{A ENGLISH at Brussebi, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said Thomas English, by whom the same will be set- tled, and vb.° -will still carry on the business in the old stand. -Dated at Brussels this 20th day of February, 1873. tSignedi GEORGE ENGLISH, 27324 THOMAS ENGLISH. TO THE' PUBLIC AT LARGE. Vlf.' H. OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and Trunk MANUFACTURER, 11 -41N --$T. SEAPORTII. SIGN OFITHE SCOTCH COLLAR. A' choice assortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bella, Horse Clothing, &e., kept constantly on bend. Repairing promptly, attended to, and charges moderate. Remember tb.e plaee, sip of the Scotch Collar. 'W. H. OLIVER Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines. :FIST RECEIVED, a full supply of Pure Drage and Patent Medicines, including FELLOWS' SYltUP HYPOPHOSPHITES, Allen's Lung Balsam, Peruvian Syrup, Shoshonees Remedy, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Cald.weirs Dyspepsia Remedy, -Wheeler's Compound, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Anti-Consuraptive Syrup, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Bristol's Sarsaparilla. Ilyatt's Balsam, Campbell's Cod Liver Oil, Job Moses' Female Pills, Clark's Female Pills, .HOrSe and Cattle 41edicines, CENUINE DYE STUEfS. R. LUMSDEN, Comer Drug Store, Seaforth. DANIEL ,McGREGOR, - 13ookb1nder,llarpurhey, Seaforth, HAS just received a large Stock of the materials - used in the business, and is now frilly prepar- ed. to exe.cute, on the shortest notice and in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOKS OF ANY Wm:), Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prices -Which defy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes cf., Fan' cy Gases Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS Bound and repaired at city prices. All communications addressed to the undersign- ed, will reeeive prompt attention. DANIEL MeGREGOR, Seaforth, (Ilarpurhey. ROOMS TO LET. LET, 'in Scott's Block, two cornmeal= Booms on the second flat. Apply to • 195 MeCieUGIIEY & IIOLMSTED. ' I FUR LOST. T .OST, on Fridey; the 14th inst., between Kin - "1 -4 burn and the Huron Road, at the white tavern, a ladies Victor*, brown FUR. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same either at the Exenseron Ofil ce, Seaforth, or with Mr. APPLE - TON ELCOAT, Gen. 3, Tuckeremith. 272*2 TO LET. A LARGE STABLE. Apply to JAS Cleegnered Store, Seaforth. unretaa 272