HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-03-14, Page 6PISTEMITER anamitAra "4uunr : skEttalh Inatliter f u ;; as -"Ilturil la 11 - , �t€xi itihnitll€tmni 'tin t .chtrilinontt ��Iixt fin l>« gieesiixn. tun tihe .1!.4 till :t i 0111 Will= like goanit li .mow' 1, ofirwLiburib3iike omit ! 0. din,- t goihivithariintince putil Ramo . affeliniiiitertnnonilytoilltuninI im alit at =i+ _ " ffitiftint: 4izli1i awm } i* wiin "i f 11 fiu i "481n IUB ` ;fz i€ert- ttpxs i Ell $, . t#ott a� ,.,. txtxt 411m 'UM &awn Wialtina &r . A.41- `. Toitiii i nilm ilimi pnittihattecifolf, Da; tt San Frzencisco Bt oras Findley, importer o; fcjwls, end pro })rietor 3f a s4 n ,eid dorff strt et, recently iron Iv the idea of augmenting h= vck of Curios%ties in hips saloon Iv e addition of two large and intel ent monkeys. The animals aiv n the fast sumer from the 01., The cult ner tit Jim a h d t of the t'o strangers wx i tere tt d i the a x' TE ssTsi lttl a frI a ooh st3 ' Sig .•±d .1 6-3x+d:3c- 1."- #latter .. ftztt. I :gm - 1t. •V� illr anti dam. Auld mums :.:Lnzfi Tutu (limn ihrks t i hr€i ttu1, and' Mit oft` iits,i tt anal nnaile amnia ttll i,w.i;ITr t :Ill[ tlt.Aln ntiit like -!hike mato tilt-: 1n11132 tiluii., .l1 t , iumi 11€118 Ii t tID etstiytt1TF i t =: f1liu anal hti_i.€i t lt• EfIW c6111.t;='11x1%1 dim.?' Else tteniiiille 'MEM' ' tat i i .. .c.IF1114. .,-#it tics ttf�-�dt = .fir{r#t _- miff, La .1111: Ft* f. 'Vir Vitt )1)11111111M--.1.111i'<1i1M--.1.1111 ;614,4 144V31" ttr ♦ t f .1.1:. Lel. :afii�Is `Ji.a. -.�i, E;itttiL�F�L.--.,€t#'•. iY.F.l t:e {�ui'_aa TI.v. 4�'suxt iiti/IL 't>F fltfll alt€ _;'»L.;?t..il£r=W.€:: 14 In 1xtt ;" �i6txe� �n l€ `' li„ :5':4.11eL iilEs r *1 Lf 111•j ult:' .-U C#' '9 CtFtL l4 E 31 c.st:. w.ti mh .IL tY.,'1'1 tt 2iell 4� •111)1,4, .. il' ,� �, Lli€i 1_Iis -1-10 .1d tf'1tr i= -i an. Mtii .ii: t fit" .xlY mit--ffiffni raja, ^,Emig cettt:4l Arlatiflalit in Jan ti ilii' *rug t It :fly:tt~f= i:3'€ttnx i rows 1 itriate.• .1,3111 Vailtehi NNsnr.:T`` .f=" ;t r-. 4.. 2t ;n!\wig ith Ft'i',aiii31' itfii}- W{Iullor .45[11 I ii+ It t•' i i t ai• x ,+ 'M a t •ta ! .� tip �,lx.�, .t �z...tEt.iL �Ih� x r t + u ta.itir3rr—tai eTr' tlyakF a Iit ;Lh `Ufa Sal ztt .t. L lltx n#3?' `=11.1:4 and!LLtf4i; t J nfin h t K, +re i .} .ii .{{ � , a. .Mitt tall wggl lzdt�,h 3 aiia:, Ih + to m [- Fiat libel. ME' amE' � 2 'andi autelk at 4'-ti3 t141111 11. tilik5 ;alai watiTE and' 7trlt -, Skt,vandirdieek rix baaitlhanii , W4lT1'lii. Amid' Wind linii-DgEu tit anti:il um p i> t 4inirsss� t i]' ��, ���v���fl w li n e f: 3 t k4t1 Inn, • An tb1rnI' C Llli1 ‘wawtiff Ittlikiargixtwl3I12atir- nth: will tilighttayt g systuFf4 t,tnx a` ,titter -err tit:E )Ltth' au mp . I L 1i-tltrlt. t.. win i1 n 1i2t -'tz .:4 1) au-:iiliiw: ilul:rtit _mat;. zmet V:1,. itis Iffmr tkifain .'A8i1, 'iil1f 2 mss tomo dli t U Wi t.f#3,t ,1P €3. 1? t'.,3 irii4 imlait.1111nri,{ , i t ,:iincri ,lltzm;feu;: tf�izinilx„ � i:il,,t airs llifi, si s xLrfoff cuff tilintrwc. 1.fthetlinatomillanifiweewilll anuversill. I`' - u SIFIRL IMITY PI Ut. nit La "ilia tit:.'., Jnj;i1, ai111f*t .1112 tflr,, Isla -'10 l at t11t 1-'1Y,3tlnm . �, 1. tttvti- tlT. Vit- • .L#>.t,. :itat iI uu ratini a: -- ftitailTt. .til ,yiTiial? i t€lt,'I#£ • gtil' 1,-=T111fr Crit}" --=4 1 i v7_ ! ;i lit rid t I -VE 3Si't;. EIi7]l€I z t€tll tean git at flilinTitaft ..fItnita ifiti i:1 an illi; "pliantly €8x411, rmt auks Ctillfolmilzuant,ait ,tiirii Ili, tt€3 l aa4. rat a• mar tt!ent. it :umn?lu. n ; tenon :. :lir 1L t ' Ra ;i it. T H :bean . , , :xtutrzl�.ra" 1s21.an:unllt#t-t47-t'iitt1.-nani.5'3 non-,ze tt 1 : limmni tiie• iimerett :rutii niii4- niQirtteFlt€i;;emit: !Aautirli,tlror EF:'t2fi, s i;<r€mmic- - .1�1 tti. >Tii31#fUtf `.Ti"i., miii*E :4.0kk; if" : .:. fig 7 sLrr.•:tci?il tririta iiEmt' Fitt it xoIIis -i€€;r311 twit lr 1111 m11101.. _ft .1T `,frt;smz ,1 anvil .I... `.$ ' w,f .r•.ith ii -f3- is tonitrrittiwil, .; •.i stlii: i utti2ili a re: 1ni^IEl''i`'t,: t r_i .sm... a jaw tt4L4tithirtitt ,,, t.- itot, -111: ZENi`:7117I li2iri moi`: t �,',., < �ttitt= 1AY, r.rt:; t. .. a�L' t t ` -s e�'r tom. mum, €4y iprirt7i�. n y � 'x' m fat( agar r :io::1?b• Monier. • tf !Munni: intwit 5 HAI Tip k I quem a .5-11if. jlla0i?lwi •:.3t • 411,13 tom 111��ii�liil ilk k4,4' T IRf 3-, fi t;. "ilIiTT$ L a .•i1tLi ainv. jnEiyrmtfrtinr 11, euGZES AMID= -G -DIKE ffn-vvlug :HutaWit1f.COM:left-errs 7-0,14,•T/Intli, villi Tin tiatirdifirim. :fsnn S}E717"vEm wfratiill*,* it .#tillminiizi? 'ai4 S 22Y !1221 ' 11SLiUllEillt,*u';„2t1„11'•ita ;o '1iuL omienm "Sk'•.• hill 11ki}nicl;i •1Yt a21;. 3Iliti ,wiai 'uuniirttt<xf#�r1rt€�e> iw amfi lx alike x• Ci aisrcttx itxli �tl; Iii3i tiirii=•,ii,onaT. yiv y ♦� 7,3Ciaugau(Cath i t t,}=1. it 50311 nnall MEP :t 1)13.. 1 1 1m>i iili 1 q 1A-3%rni1W_' w' Insaiirer Hntibeti .::aa�Fgj `MAS" tit ArriXtinTS kRtr liSt73,: it€tit? :tint ° Sts LIt r ke- t their quartexs wlw hey may chance to alight are exceedingly prolific, and year -thousands of them are from the paternal stem and se home elsewhere. They are of pean descent, but have long in . Canada, whence they come year in countess shoals aexnss great lakes. Many perish daring: ourney, but more than :nouh vive to . be a" source of con ubie to the Citizens of the n which the new eorxe They are members of dill fumy, Fz t T; Stet- IMAM tu: t t r "t%: t§3` sm2, -31' fit*,trarti autte4au 14.01t1.01.14..s a i :' , "1 i i€tiF' t•j • - ..w 141 a1 ,.._a..'.de.<^.. •• — ur.._rrs ��• -- Y.ur€f3311i�rla tui �: «. �.-nii211 i lar „ixenumn1111i1,211 :}SIifT?F11 , y, iidt3lil 41VMid,21}.1;al1a.j211 -4-t112''itt'31Lt32i ,,, :. n1111rYT�3,.i,i. z!t11i13- �'uiAnlriu=l,.. =:144434fluartt111i Ui. f : tiniZ.baziitl eha fitt.z't-ikilst£i . ?T$tfi2tlf;iri�x >1 vxdilenummt 1.1x.-- iaville aft $6tat 31111;311Ltf=iy}ii'=t�3Xlilii• mil• .17 Aar _ -' - >a trati ether l lxt the thistle s dug uta and burnt, upIn a; xe * were hacked off closo E`sxxAd and salt strewn ova rt 3. . In another they wer: with. strong brine and $j ed with aquafortiss ; and in a they were covered with ref from gas works to the depth o eral inches. One bold farmer, wrath against the weed must been uncommonly fierce, .a piled them up by the roots, dug: a hole where the roe€fis.. bee11; and filled it with benzin i killed e thinks thistles 5 he_�vs 1S bleed the i.11 mated, but isnot quite certain; here, we are pained to say, a ell ,authenticated eladici Thistle " Commissioners haye PPointed, but it is easy to se their repoxt that they fear a