HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-02-14, Page 7_kt aticers,- il^e of duct aIf ted to A tote TO 1,1leele THOMAS STEPHENS, tic •r, .4; main -street, seaforal=: 0 6 . Eli, ‘-);1.,. Erb r— CA l- 9 aoSae k:1 tat � H rrNi t1 ;O• 'V A NEW SUPPLY The Howe : and the Osborn f /SEWING .1.11ACITIjl'Ek5 with all they latent improVements, .teat received si N. WATSON'S, ;,- SEAFOItTH. Call and see them. Their well -Established repo• talon renders it unnecessary to Irurtieularizetheir superior qualities, further .thein that' they axe the bent anciTeheape t trade ` Seeing macho of an kinds repaired, cleaned . and put inperfe t outer, at,tgy oftlee,, by u thorough. lyt practical rnachinist from Toronto: WM. N. WATSON, Senfortla SEAFORTH PM K I N 'SOUSE, •SE. TORT , ONT. Mit. THOMAS STEPHENS Takes lunch pleasure in informing his nunteroue customers that be has reconznieuced the Pork= Packing business in his = 01e1. `tr n ef, : t rth Merin -47 eef. awing secured the services of a Practical SAU- SSA€ ;< fAk.leit, the public car' rely on gettiUga exuar-casisa anTicea in either SaXSAt=I S OFi tet &R -tit RED HAMS. Those rL wised of anuli would do well to gine hin? ' call before purchasing eke where. All orders promptly attett,ieci tn. e€ -e - II` shdr rt. very eorde ht or :areas eau, HOUSE BLOCKING ALWAYS ON HAND A rebs, Promptly supplied. tETA)IES BENNETT. - Ainleyville, May 16, 11172, M4 - AINLEYV ILLS PLANING-..-. MILL, SASII,DOGRAtill WHO FACTOR' The subscriber liaving bought cut; the abgle Mill, also- the ;ool-loll of the late farm, is na'W prepared to fill all orders in his line of business.- Sash, usiness. Sash,Doors and Mouldings ON HAND AND • MADE TO ORD On the shortest notice. CUSTOM PLANING . Strictly attended to. 1 Oour1 Temperance = Ckp ei- tion. The semi-annual County Convention .of the ;I. O. of G. T., in the County of Huron, was held • in Seafortli, in the Good Templars' hall, on.1.Amrsday,. Jan. 30. The -chart was taken by the ttresgent, J. R. Williams. At about 11 o'elock, 4. M., the 'penin ode having been sung, Brother Yates opened the convention by prayer. Witt. Badge._ was, g1eetgd Seers - 'tory, pro teen.,,, by -request of Brother Beattie. ,Minutes; of previous conven- -tion read and approved_ l{ Temples represented : Goderich, Man - =cheater. Wroxeter, Walton Star Spring Hill, Winthrop, Life,,°boat, :Huron, and Fortress of the' County:of Perth. Nunn . ber of delegates present, about 25.= Re- ports of Temples being called.for, Broth(. er Yates, of Goderich ,Temple, reported has •Lodge to be in a prosperous .stater numbering about, 155 members ; . also, Brother Thompson, gf: the. sameplace, gave au encouraging report of their Cold Water Temple, _giving their num., bers about 108. Brother Dobie, of Man- chester Temple, said that this Lodge was in a sound. state, numbering 45 Members. Brother Forsyth, of . Wroxeter' Temple, reported his Lgdge,.to he in a healthy condition, he also stated that they had a Cold Nater :Temple in connection there, with. Brother. Douglas of Walton Star_ Temple, . reported, his. Lodge, although Iately started, to be- doing e]1, , with bright prospects for thg-fi>!ture ! Moved, secondech: and- resolved, that Fortress Temple, of the, County of Perth, be added to the list, of Temples reported at this meeting. Brother Flagg reported the sane to be in• a more `douhing con- dition than it haS ever been before, its present- meni;berAlp being 108, in good standing. Brother Gluff, Sea'forth. deported Huron Temple to be doing a geed work. Brother Beattie corroborated the• above statement, wing i¢ numbers at about 100.. in boot standing; Brother Janes �i�illiams, .0hief ;Templar of Mold Water Temple Na. 15,. trader .. the :auspices of; Huron Temple,reported--same to be do- ing well, having 454nemberss•x The con- vention then adjourned•fotw linner Afternoon Session. Reports 'continued. Brother A. Got- enlock, of Winthrop 'temple, reported the same to be doing well, having S5 members. Brother Bolton, s of Spring. Hill Temple,. stated that. although they, hadmany discouraging circumnees to contend with, not having a Proper p1 ce to meet in, &c., yet, upon the'whble, the Temple was doing as well as could he expected, having been in existence eight years and numbering in good standing 30. members. Brother Leech, of Life Bost Temple, gave a report from hi Lodge' showing it to be in a prosperous condition. • ' : • t4 The first question; being announced' for discussion, it was resolyed that#mach Temple bet called, dh" as they'were report= ed.: Also` resolved that all questions to be discussed, at thin convention be open to all members. present to' vote on, "except two, viz.: the establishing of r. Count' Temple and the fixing the place of next meeting, these tb be voted on by`dele- gates only. '1 The first question cliscussedi was, Has the time arr.`s ed when the temperance question should be made a political test ? Brother Yates being thy` first speaker stated that he thought- the tune had arrived. He -Believed that the clif- ferent 'temperance . organizations had a - greater influence than people imagined, and urged all temperance organizations to work unitedly for the accomplishment of this purpose.; , After the question, had been ably discussed; it was move`••.. Brother Yates, seconded by Brother ]Yb`- bie, that, in the opinion 'bf - this convent= tion, the time has arrived en the ques- tion.` should be made a poli cal telt, ,and that this convention pledg s itself to tt e all lionorablle= means to elect temperance .nen to fill both our Municipal and. Par f liamentary. offices from this time forth— Carried. Moved by Brother Wym,- seconded by Brother Gotenlock,''-res lved, that 'the I chairman be instructed pp only by bringing -the chime of . temper- ance before the different.- church organi- zations by the>p�iblic press, by. deputa- tion and- otherwise can we succeed. Moved, seconded and carried, that J. R. Williams be President, and James Beattie Seeretary; of next ° Convention. Aftersingin the national anthem,"a very pleasant and pr8fitable meeting terminat- ed by Brother Yates pronouncing the benediction. THE` OT TARDA. ] lie, Pioneer Bteanishfp Cowpaor— oiigin and Queer ©td Ways,. &c. Tt is a curious, •self-possessed, old fashionedCompany, the Cunard. (Scotch - men they ate.) It was born before the days of ' steamships ; it inaugurated ocean steamer lines ; it never has lost more th one vessel ; it has never. lost a passenger's life at all; its ships are never Insured ; great mercantile firms do not insure their goods sent over in Cunard ships ; it is rather safer to be in their .vessels thou. -on shore. Old-fashioned is the word. When a thing is established by the Cunarders, it is there for good and all, almost. Before adopting a new things the chiefs cogitate g•and` cogitate and c' gitate ; then the . lay it before their head purveyor, their head mmer- chant, their head builder, - their head engineer, and all the captains in the:- ser- vice, and they go off and, cogitate about a year ; then if the new wrinkle is ap- proved it is ` .adopted, and put into the regulations. In the old days, nearly 40 .. years ago,'when this was an ocean line of sailing vessels, corpses. were not per- mitted by the company to take passage, or go as freight, either --:-sailor supersti- tiop, you knots,, . Very well ; to this day they won't ,carry gtorpses. . Forty years ago they - always .had stewed prunes and, rice fo dinner on " duff ":days ; well, to. this present time, whenever duff day comes around, you will always have your regular stowed prunes and rice in a Cunarder.— if you don't get anything else,;yyou can always depend on that— and +depencl'on• it with your., money up, too, if you are_ that sort of a person; It takes them, about 10 or 15 years to manufzcture a.,aptain ; but when they have; got him manufactured to suit at last, they have, full i onfidence in him. The only oder . they . give a captain is this,,brief and: to the point: "Your ship is loader.', take her speed is nothing ; follow your own ;road, deliver. her safe, bring her back safe—safety is u1i that is,`required," + The noted Cunard 'C.ompany is .com- posed simply ' of two or three graid- children who have. stepped into the shoes of two or three children who stepped in - to n to the shoesof a couple of, old Scotch fathers,; for' Burns- and Maclver ,were th8 Cunard Corniany .wen it,was born ; it was Burns and McIver when the oti nater, had passed away ; it is Burns and, Maclver still in the third, generation --never bas been out of the two families. Burns was a Glasgow merchant, Mac- Lver was. an old sea -dog who sailed a ship fore.him in early "times. That vessel's earnings were cast 'into a sinking fund ; with the money they built another ship, ancl then another, and thus the old origi- nal packet line from Glasgow to Halifax `was established. At that time the mails were, slowly and expensively carried in English. G-overnment vessels.: Burns and MacIver awl Judge lfaliburlon (" Sam Slick ") fel to considering a scheme of getting the job of carrying these .nails in private bottoms. In order t o manage the thing they needed. to be : quiet about it, add also they needed, faster yeseels. Haliburton had a relative who was riot a . shining success in practical life, but had an inventive head ; name, Sam Cunard ; y i he took ,hi.s old ;jack-knife and a shingle , and sat``clown and whittled out this:enor- mous Royal Mail =Line of vessels that we call. the'Cunarders--a great navy, it is doltg business in every ocean ; owning forty-five steamships,. of vast cost ; con- s` deleting its affairs with the rigid method and system of a national navy promot- iug by merit, "priority in routine,, and for conspicuous 'service ; using, a • cpm- pany uniform ; `gxetiring superannuated and disabled men and officer's .on perma- nent pensiohs, and numbering its ser- vants by hundreds and thousan'ls. ; In its own private `establishment in Liver- ' pool- it k e s 4,000 men under pay. That is what Sam. Cunard whittled out. , That is ;to say, he 'whittled. out a- little model for a fast vessel ;; it was satisfac tory ; he was' instructed to go and get the mail contract, simply under his;.own name ; he .did it,' and -the company: be ' came commonly know as the Cunard Company ; , then tyl . Company tried . steam and made it.work ; they prosper- ed, and bought out Halibnrton, and also Lunard's little interest-; they reln'ved r-Ctiiiard to England nd -and made hii i,.their London agent ; le grew, very rich and unspeakably respectaliers and when he cliOd he died not as :a poor, dreaming prot'tngial whittler of experimental mod- el4;Llut' as the great .,Sir Samuel Cunard, • K. • ti. 'B.., or G. W. X., or something �liko'thit't, far the sovereign had knighte 'him.. W�ell,.the 'Cunard. Company is a great institution, and has got more money than you or I both put together ; and yet none of the family ever write editorials or de- liver lectures. The Company have built school -houses and they educate the chil- dren of thein=employes ; they are going to build _dwellings for their shore men that shall. be cheap and clean and ,com- fortable when_ one of their men dies, a subscription list goes about in his ship or in' whatever arm of the service his name - is' booked, and whatever sum is raised the Cunard Company add just a similar sum, and it all goes to the man's heirs. —,Sa.v iu cl S. C l e 9riin en �s appoint mittee of three, whoseabrty t should -lie to appoint a committee `. `f as many As they should. .see. ,fit fair working ;this question more successfully. . Committee appointed were Brothers Yates,'Beattie, and Govenlocj. i The next question '(was, Would a County Temple advance the -interests, of our Order more than the present Con- ventions: ? After the isubject hurl been warmly discussed, both for and`fiag;linst, it was moved. by Brother Bolton; sec- onded. by Brother •Badge, OA this Con- vention be hereafter divided into two County• Temples, totbe. organized. a.tiehis. - meeting. Moved in amendment li J. Thompson, seeded ;;by A: Goven- lock, thatit is inexpedient at •present - to organize a County Tenple, keit that'this question be ,agitated during,,the next two mouths, and that the President of the Convention, with such committee as may be appointed ,to work witl}i, him, submit at the next Con ention ' come scheme covering this, : and to draft if necessary a Constitntion for:. a County Temple, and that the President apply to each Lodge for their; views on the sub- ject. Amendment carried. Committee appointed by the commit- tee on political actionas follows, which were unanimously adopted by the Convention, viz.: Brothers Bolton, Leech, Douglas, McDonald, Joseph Wil- Iia Clufl Govenlock, Thompson, of Co tance Thompson, of Goderich W and Dobie. • T e third question was, How can the inebriate be most sucees fully reclaimed? Moved by Brother Yaaes, seconded by Brother Thompson, that the most suc- cessful way to accomplish this end into enact a prohibitory liquor law, which, was unanimatfaly carried, with but little discussion. - Fourth question, .That the best law for governing the liquor traffic would be qne making the, sellers responsible for all damages arising from the traffic. .After the question had been cliscussgd a short time, it was moved .by Brother Thomp- son, seconded by Brother SVym, that this Convention as temperance men and -women cannot consistently ask for more legislation on this subject until we get prohibition. Carried. Moved, seconded and resolved, that the next County Convention be. field in -the Good Templars' Hall, Seaf orth, to commence on the third Thursday in March. at 10:30, A. M Fifth question, How can wemore fully secure the co-operation of the chnrch organizations with us in the great tem- perance reforms ? After a variety of ways. had been submitted and 'discussed, it was snowed. by Brother Yates, seconded by Brother Thompson, and carried, that MUSIC, MUSIC! THIS UNDERSIGNED is able to furnish those who will favor him with their patronage with Any Ins'truinent of Any Make. .Also, Agent. for MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, Which cannot be excelled on the Continent for fullness and richness of tone. 0. ARMSTRONG, ' Teled nph Book Store. • MONEY TO LEND. ,erFra1 undersigned has $3,0Q0 andinrovard, private -L funds, to loan, at 8 pet' cent. per annum, on Farm property. Charges moderate. Marriage Li eences issued. Apply to MONEY To LOAN. subscriber has MONEY to loan to any amount on good farm property. Interest, SIX per cent.Per annum., when the interest and prin- ciple are paid yearly, and 8 pet cent, per onnura when the interest only is paid. M7-52 At cheap cash Stere, sign of theBear. ChOpper's Trust, Forest King Woodman s friend, Ontario Chamflion, Altona, LEIGH BELLS NecX, Back, Boasr and Open CO W TIES, With snap arid hook. 94,0SSCUT SAWS ,Improved -Champion, Liyhtningi Comlfton Tooth, and Machine Drag Saws. With ihe best stdelc of GENERALHARDWARE Ili the Countysta WM. ROBERTSON & CO. SI Sign of the Circular Saw. PUBLIC' NOTICE. -NTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned ,have this day enteved into Paxtnership as Millers aud Produce Commission Merchants in the : Village of Seaforth, under the name, style jand MARTIN CHABLESWOR • Beg to orate to the FarMers,Produee Merchants. and Dealers of the -County of Huron that they have purchased from IlItiesrs. SHEARSON & CO. the lifills known -as the, Seaforth 1St's, and. will hereaf ter ,carry on. the same. As formerly, „a L And the Highest CASH PRICB Paid. FLOUR ex4anged. for WHEAT. Ferment dehiring to exbhange can rely upon getting. for their Wheat No. 1 Flour. u i'LOUR DELLVIIIIED in any part of the Vile - lege free (4 charge. . The undersigned, having had the entire worldng management of the Mill for the peat three yen's, patrons may rest &mired that they will receive the same satisfactory treatment and as good work as formerly. . JAS. P. KENDALL et CO. TN i BENCE to the above, the mplersigned weuld be'g to thank their numerous eustoment for the extensive patronage accerded to them for the pest four years, and. trust 'that 'the same lib- eral patronagd .will be eitended to the new firm whom we have pleasur_e in being able totconfide4t- ly recommend to oni. oldapatrons. All debts duo us, in connection with the Mill must he paid to Jae. P. Kendall & Co., and all debts due by us, in connection with, the same will be settled by the W. -H. OiLiVER$ • - H-arntss, Saddle a,nl Trunk MAII1T-ST., SEA FORTH. SIGN OF TITF. SOOTTH COLLAR. A: choice assortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, &e., kept castantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges xnoderate. Remember the piece, sign of the Scotch Collp.r. W. H. OLIVER. 999. An Olcl Fiiend in a Yew Place. REMOVED. WM. AULT begs to inform his customers that he has just openell.a, laxge stock of the choie- eat Groceries and Provisions in the store adjoining Campbell's Clothing Store, opposite the Mansion Hotel, a few doors north of his old stand, where he hopes to be favored;with the patronage of his tus- torners. Wm. Aulthasineeremoved to liner prem- ises where he can keep a larger and better assort- ed stock, is in a better position than ever to suit customers. Call and see the old friend. FISH. A large stock of ail:bids of fresh and'salt-weter ATILT Cannot be beat for TEAS, They are first-class aad cheap. 267 STAVE BOLTS WANTED THE undereigned will pay CASH for 1,200 cords .2- of STAVE BOLTS,.84 inches lung; also, 500 corde -WADING BOLTS. basswood, 88 inches long, and any qtunitity of barrel hoops, delivered at his Stave Factory. Seaforth. 26211 JOHN G. AM -ENT. The abosse roma' win be paid to any one, who baying asked for a tine of '11.11E .,NA 8?: HAS HAD GIVEN HIM A PLUG NOT STAMPED To • 1 Any party selling any Tobacco for .MYRTLE NAVY, but the genanine renders himself liable te _1\i! B.—Reep--11.9 Plug and- Write to us. TTICKETT & BILLING -1S Hamilton.. Hamilton, Tau. 29, 187a. 270-18 A TIGHT gQUEEZE XfiltD UPI MUST SELL. MADAF, JANUARY 20, MR. DENT WILL .BEGIN E CLEARINC SAL e, And will sell off regardlees ofteost. His entire stock of STAPLE ANDI FANCY .DRY Goops- DON'T OGLEPT , 1418, THE BEST CHANCE YOU EVER HAD iOR BARGAINS. , The beet ORGANS and. MtakiitiEONS always on hand cheap. FREE . .11-ARKET,S, NO TOL,LS, HURRAH FOR D'S EVIPORITT,VI. YOU. will come to. town without a frown, 14,t T. Kidd's Emporium purchase-frP.-e, . Where the largest stock r be found 4 Lacties 8ilks arid -Poplingir ,WEIMING DvEssts IN GO4T VARIETY, 4. LARGE nom OE CARPEiS, 51T.IT, QUALITIES, Pay me all you owe before•yon go • To 'Other shops, to buy for caeh, Then better friands we'll be, yon know, For in my stool there is no trash. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. rats a • TITOM.A. 'UDR ao_bER Cjil FOUNDRY.' TI:rr undersigned, havingeold theilfuron Foundry property and stock to the " Goderich Foundry and Menufacturing Companyr begs to thank the pnblic for their liberailnapport during the -past nineteen years, and trusts that they will continue to send their orders to the new Company. • Referring to the above notice, Beg to inform the public thafthey axe prepared to cont:ract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; FLOUR, GAIST, AID 5A.W MILLS ; SAWING MACHINES &c.' On hand—IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS, ewith steel boards ; G A Nd PLOWS,' CULTIVATORS, STRAW-CUTTFaRS- &c SUGAR AND P9TASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, COOKIN4, PARLOR,' AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. IRON AND BRASS -CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORIC..I BOILERS AMY SALT PANS REPAIRED ON -SliCiRT NOTICE. TW.EINTY TO THIRTY -HORSE ,LPOWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. a.s.' All orders addressed to the Corapaily or Secretary Will receive prompt attention. „.-,1 ROBERT RUNCIUAN, , President. Manager Agricultural Department. Sectetary and Treasurer. 248 GARI)..N14,It SEWING MACIIINE is a Strong, EASY ‘RUNNING MACHINE hl.,L ADAPTED FOR FAMILY..SEWING, , Light Manufactur_ing Work. At the F irs held thyoughoui the Dominion, this Machine was put to some 'cry severe tests by tile * BEST ,JUDCES THE .COUNTRY COULD .PRODUCE, AND BY ITHEM AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871 and 26 Prizes in 1872. Its simplicity of constraetion, strength and durability recommend it to all ela es. It has a complete net of attachments, and does all kinds of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL THE ANTALHMENTS eliEE OF CITARGE. Gardner Sewing Machine Company, Hamilton, Ont. 268 CLEAAING SALE . pUNOAN • DUNOANS: IS VITLL GOMG ON And will centiope one month longer, though the Rush aild Demand FOR OODS IS GREAT. Our 'Stock .and Resources . are stgl neater. Fail not to tee the Bargains we offer. PROSPEGTUS FOR I-873.--,SIXTE TZAR. THE ALDI10, An Illustrated Monthly jourtail, iiniversally ad- mitted ao be the hendsoinest•tmiodical in the ity, has none eithe temporary or timely interaste elegant miscellany of pure, light and graceful literatu.reesand a- collection of piiitureal the invest specimens of artistic skill, in blaelc and.white. Al - pleasure to itg friendkthe real value and beauty of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated after it hes been bdund•up at this elosteof the year. Valle ether publications may claira.suprior cheapness, coinpa,red with rivals of a -smillar class, TAR and unapproacheda-absolutely 'without ocunpeti- tion in. priee or character. The possessor of a complete volume eannot duplieate the quantity of gale paper and engravings in sty f5tber shape or num.ber of volumes for tentiraes cok, and then, there are the chromoe, besidesi Every- suberaiberio Tata .ALimeZ, who pays in advance for the year'1873, xeceive without ad- ditional charge, a pair of beautiful oil chromes, after J, rain,,the emineneEnglish painter. The pictures, - entitled " The 'Village Belle and "-Crossing the Moor," are 14 x Mainclies—are printed from -25 different „plates, requiaing20 im- preseamis and tints to perfect each picture. The same chromes me soia. for - $.130 per pair in the cut: dare& it is the cletermitheri" ite tonductors tit keep Tire stamaraeitit of the reach; of sempetitiOn in every departanent, the ehromos, wilt beilound Correspondingly ahead of any that scr• iber will receive, a certificate, over the signature of the publishers, guaranteeing thatahe Chr081014 dellVered ehall he equal to the sampIds furnished the agent; or the money will be rebanded. The • distribution of pictures of this grade free to the sulyesribers to a five 'dollar periodical, -will marks= elm* in the hi4cey at Art and, eoneidering the stantat Abell', the marvel fit1141 little. short of a miratle,ietea to those best 'atquabited with the mec• hanical appliinces. T I-1 let -LITERARY DEPAIITMENT will continue 'under the CILT8 'aft Richard Henry Stoddard, assisted by the bestaniters and. poets a the day, who will strive to have the. literature of chrT0EnaRoMs hS—.ee$:5 per annnmi• in advance, with Oil . AGENTS WANTED.—:Any person Wishing to act permanently as a locaragent, will receive full and prompt infotion by applying to s Pk MRS SUTTON & Co,, Publishers, • 266' , 58 Maiden Lane, New York. To the Public of -theAtiBrietaiscithTrosin'ees of North T BEG most respectfully to acquaint the public, -a- of the British North American Provinces that in May, 1871, I caused. the basiness at 80 afaideri2 Lane, New York, for the gale of Jlelloway's Pills closed. I regret to say tlint I have reason to know that the managemeat of the late businees had for some yews, in many way.s, been most cor- rupt, and it may be that the Pills end. Ointment were not prefted with the care I ladve alwaye de- sired., Thoee Wiz. do not wish io be deceived by buying epunous medicines, which ere now likely to emanate from the States or elsewhere, to possess themselves of the geouine Holloway's Pills and Ointments manufarstured by me in London, Eng- land, will doyfell to see that each pot and box bears the British government stamp, on which is engravdd the weals,'" lielloway's Rills eaul Oint- ment, awl that the address on the label is 5-33, faetureda and in -no neheipart of the men*. The retail prices are on the labeltin British ctareetv, and not indollars cold emits. No representative Br• itieh Provinces or the United. States, either to sell or to take 'orders tdr my Pills and Ointment, and as I have reason to believe that atteinpts will probably herniae to deceiye the publie in this way by persom calling upon medicine vendcas, fasely representing that they axe actin., for me Med with /ay knowledge and consent, I deem it advisable to put the public on theirguavd against my such de - m• ay read this advertisement that. they be pleased, in the public interest, to communicate the import of the Hanle to theix friends that they:may not be defrauded. of their money by purchasing, perhaps, worthless imitations of the gemiine Holloway's Tills and Ointment. I woad nal:, as a great favor, that, Should. it come to th.e knimledge of any per - Mel that sputions medicines -are being imule er sold in my name, he be pleased. to send me all the par- ticulers he can coact respeetbag the same, that is to sky, the name and address of the vendor Nrho is sellhag the spedrions meclieines, and likewise the name and addre . of the House in the United States or el.sewhei „which may have suppliea them so as to enable It , ler the protection of the pub- lic, to institute proeeedings aganst such evil- ly any person who may give me such infonnation the inframenta mine never being divulged! Should any person have reason to believe, that be has been deceived by busing spurious imitations of these medicines, he will do well to send ine, in a letter, to the address at foot ialich he can do et a cost of six centsinposragel, ene of the boob; of- bastraetion 'which are affixed to the Stone. I prom- ise to examine it andsend a reply, Stating whether the.meclicines are genuine or not, so that, if spa - none, he may apply to the person from whop he purchased them to have his money returned. Chemiets and Druggists who desire ie obtain the ' inedicines eau be supplied at the leweet wholesale prices, in quantities of not less than S20 worth— viz., 8s. Zd., 22s.ana 84e. pet dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, net, without discennt, fo - " 'With great respett, THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 553, Oxford street, {late 241 Strand,) London, W.C., Oct. 1,1871. 240-26 'pEMAINING in Seaferth Poet -et -dee en the 4th el -u of Februana 1873. Boxall, Sohn ' Maleolre, Alex. Banie, Jas. Mitchell, 13. A. Brassey, Wm. 31cLaughlin, David Biggins, W. J. McLeod, IL Conway, Thos. AfeDonald, 3Iise J. ,Gammon, Geo. altIItty, 3Iise M. Jackson, J410. Robertson, Geo. S. Kake, Albert Shertill, Miss C.