HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-02-14, Page 6F.p.,.„ 44, , . Parra• NOW�:8,U1 A peacock .. S lately_ ki1e1 Al - accident in England drt the age of 0.6 - years. , Under more favorable aircninitanaes•itviS:telieved"he could - have lived to become an old.„-bitd. li The ..growing wheat ,,.c.rog is aidt-to be Kg Dia 'ainforbmiaing ,ever known in Great Britain. English farm laborers who 'earn 3 50 a wilarcia,94490.11-ipnse1vesi; • re expected to; commencework at five in the mornint—ts!la hours 'be- fortS ,breaktast—aneto work after•. Supper until dark.--Abont these - days many . farms- in *411ag1and go begging for tenants. .In one county •'t is said that b0;000 'Acres are un - i ccupied. The nryage§ of cattle diS- ases, the ilisPatek. about the game laws, and the advance of -laborers' • .rirges are the specified _cause for his condition Of things. --.A. great ' umber of Engliih farni .laborers .. re now looking we,spyard CC1,93S the ocean *_fc;f•-..de.ii:veri.ina .Thic disputes with thoir employers seem, impossible of satisfactory settle- ment, and they_ turn t� Brazil. as their land of promise. Where are our emigration agents ?--• ---A valu- able horse in.Hartfor Oonn.,, had his leg broketi a short time eince. It was cRtatillTset by an, eueri-,. enced surgeon, and covered thickly with plaster, When the Vaster hardened, it kept the limb us im- naevable as -if -easecl4ii.44h.e Thus treated,thebone, it is asseiteid„, knit together, in a shop) ,tiMe„ and be- cam6 ' A'S -good. as • neW.—Mr. :13eecher says it will be better for animal, _bra' better .yet for men, when a g2neration shall be Wight that all living things are the Lord's, • and fthat ' in. their nrarrow .ipli-ere they haverights of happiness which can not be wantonly destroyed - • Without rooral culpability. We • must begin and teach children not to a.blie). insects, *mins and harm- less reptiles. As it is, children are ed neat:WA , digiYea- iilinost ; e 4ry a - ' I - thinin creation that is not g-Oad to , s, Sell or to eat. - Lightning Acids. Although the utility of lightning rods has been demonstrated for nearly a century, there are Many, espepially camong-ifatmers,. who dolibt whether -imela wo-fth. IntViria: And they are not to blame fifgr the'e e raw, for the Scientific principles t1at govern the operation of electri- c , 1 coilucs alai in theniSelves occult, and the woahless wares too often put upon the 'market have, in th2ir results, naturally led iisers to distrust the only data „availlible .49.1 them-Lthat of actual eikperinadni'' The philosophy of -lightning rods is simply this tliat thle electricity i the 'atm() . efe ton t ioitch the e: rth, and will take th easiest way td get there. 7 If this iqtaftotdecl by a line of tinaber .the timber will be • split, perhaps set- on tie; if .by a man or woman, the same will be hurt and Most probably lire killed; if•by,4if skip of 'rata1 too soy! fog - .-11. .,- - „, the I;n-rpose the 'Metal. will be melt: ed;• if t)v an iron or coppei rod of proper diameter, the diseharge ;will , , pass noiselessy • and harmlessly to the groued Nvith-no indication of its presence. It is only when there is some defeat in the rod that the lightningoinalies ArnY manites"tafion WI strilgingi, or passing through.' it; if the point be blunt it may be inelted,.or if at iron clamp lead oft from it the current may be diverted .—hut that a rod has never been 1,is;-- f 'ibly struck is no proof that it his • not saved the building half a dozen fillies. . . It has been found that a flash of • • 1 ygihkin ji 'Catii..14e of dissipating,..,' ilito vapor one hunired ykrils.tf or dinary bell wire,and more than for- , . tyyears ago a suit veyor's chain,- for- ' 1 ty feet long, used as A conductor on ; . a Hudson River packet, was melted':' 4 by a single flash and scattered about ' inl red hot 'fragments. It has been showa, _however, that a dianieter f 1 . . .. - . A' - , , • four-tenthslof anip,...h '-f4:.g:_rsilfikr rod is sufficient to keep the same • frOm becom0 ina red hot under an electric discharge from the clouds, wawithe ready rep At You lie You f I little vi!Iuin,'S,0 t e countryman, still more thget1ihis assurance. "Now, look 'here," said .John, "if You haril takenthe trouble to weigh your nu tmegs,-you would have found that I put in the walnuts gratis." 90u.rwAye:_'Oehijc..7 ie, chd you'?" "Yes, sir. 12 --(1:rew in a handful for the children to. crack," Jolm, laughing at. the same time. " \Veil, now if that ain't ti young scamp I" said the country- man,' this features relaxing into a grin as he saw through the mattei. Much' , hardk talk- ahd bad blood would be se.ved if people would ego"' to weigh things before- they blame others. "Think twice before *13,Pgik , once," is an; excellent motto. Freezing to Death. , . An article by Dr. Fernand Pa pillon, in the Popular Seienti6c reviVes -,spm - c &Anis' facts a*-&iut- the freezing of animals. Many authorities havementioned cases like, that,observed pearly fifty years. ago by DainmaYd, who, d ur ing his yoy,age to 'Iceland, found 'some toads, eppeed to, thq air in a box filled with' earth, to • be frolen hard .ancl.brittle,.yet *expiable. ,of corning to -life, in Tsarni 'water: John Hun- ter, the great 'English surge* rea- soning on such data, fancied .that a man's life ririg4be prolonge0 in- definitely by peri.odical freezing. ,Not that die man wouldiieia en- joy a longereonscianalife but that animation 'mtlit be suspended In him • for, say 'a hundred years, then restored for ten years, .and so on, until he had actuallyiastei, not to say lived, through/ many cent -vies. But on trying ariexperibezit 6-fr the kind with carp, he observed that., after being entirely frozen, they were dead past recovery. It is now known that animals yeep alive while in a state of half - congelation ; but lw hen tilt ,ttlin per- ature afid dirnifation tireStared, the blood -globules of the frozen part, disorganized by cold, are diffused throughput the vessel. If the part frozen is extensive,` this diffusion may :30 poison the I100d as to cause death. F. A. Pouchet has -deduced from -so- me striking experiments this u.sion thattje (iore sudden the entrance of the disorgan- ized blood -globules of a frozen part into the -general system, the more rapidly death .may superxene, and hence that it may be 0644ib1e by re- sisting or delaying this diffusion, to prevent the ,fatal poisoning. The ernptoyrpentligatures, or slow thawina tends to this result. Ac- , 2 b S coRling to ‘Pouchet, the diseased globules which, pouring in a. flood into the, heart .aAdiungs, Nypuld im- peril:lite by the) sudden iteration of the blood, -sill apparently distrab it merely in an unimportant way if they are dropped in by slow degrees. -The Source of a Fashion. •=ft i reported that COra Pearl. boaltgcrone -day at a din ler givnb, to a few intimate friencls, gentlemen Well,tknclarn at the Jockey Club, that she could not wear, the most bizzarre chapeau without having it copied at ORM A bet was made upon this statement, and taking one of the'viSitors' hatkshe smash- ed it, tranirrl',ed.it undektoet, cocked up the brim lnd jammed in the crown, then Axterously trimmed it with riblions, and stuck a white 'eather iu the top. The impro- vised` chapeau WM, worn in the Bois de loulogne, and the next day a similar hat, but made of other ma- terials, was placed in the iwindow of the mbdists who ofhp,pilied the'irfayAn- tor. • A moreHigily" Aooking hattiVas never mounted upon the chignon of a. ady, yet in a week it had I:recome the mode, and for three months the Rabagas " has been all the fa- and this has therefore been a‘lcr'pted shion. Since it must have reached New York ere this, it is well, per - trap, to -give the origin of this mon- st,toaity, born Of -,a convivial dinner a . , , nd a very damaged tile —Paris Correspondent Y. Y. Times' . He has seizechthe-sp*it of the poem with a correctness min fidehty that show, an entir? appreciatioin. He is verPtildridt of his work, and his eyes shone RS praise followed on examination tlf`it4;- , Eras it taken yoir long 1" "Eight months to do what you see there; but I Can only work at Jean hour and a half a day. If I could' *Hut 'give t'w'hole fime to it "—and he turned away to the drudgery of his every day toil. . This man was made for better 'things; but he went wfong, and by his own action made his life a failnre, and to snch rare promise bieualit such sad .t- - . fulfilnient. CARD OVitHANsts. To WM. N. WATSON, Esq., Seaforth, Agent] of the Gore District MutualFire Insurance Co. DEAR SIR,—Oa behalf of , thet patrons of E. HICKSON & Co.'s Cheese :Factory, I beg to tender you nay thanks for the prompt and liberal settle - meant their claims egainst that Company, onse- comiltof. clieeeti.deitroyeti.* Wee. on ,tlie 27th day of bet. last, at Brucefield. 270-1 3. HIG.GINS, Secretary. • .• GARD (iF THANKS. To WM. N. WATgON, f�h, AVIA for the Niagara Dishict Mutnal Fire Insurance Com- . pany : Sin: I•beg to tender you .my ;thanks for .the prqmpt and liberal settlement of my claim against , the Niagara District Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany, on account of my brick dwelling in Eg- mondville, -which was destroyed by firenn the 80th day f 14pember lasb.R • t war., MeD9U.GALL. Seaferth, jan. 26; 1-873. • 269-3 • SUFF6LK BOAR. T.HE proprietor will keep for service during the present season a Arst-claiis• ' SINVOLIC Sired by the Suffolk boar imported from England , by Mr. Fisher, of Colborne. •; during • One tlollar caz14:with privilege of etja Tu scation. S LANDESBO _ IR; g 01 e • smith, Lot 23, Con. 3, H. R. S. - 262' NOTICE.. ALL persons indebted t?ne by,. pook AC- COUNT serioTE will please settle at once • - and save the disagreeable work of the COURT, - which must be resorted to in the event of further delay. Messrs. LOGAN JAMIESON aro author- ized to receive payment and give receipts. r I LAST WAVING. • • 267 NO. LOGAN. CORP WOOD WANTED. PRICES 'ADVANCED ON CORDWOOD, , , , bltIVERED IN-ANY'QtAtiTITIES All along the G. T. R. Railway Track between Stratford, . S • Clinton, • and Goderkli. • Prompt pa.yment monthly /18 wood is received. • Apply to • ALEXANDER NAIRN, 261344Roakfrood. P. G. " A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and '2"As1ruction." IIARPPEg .B4ZAR. - • ZiOTICiS OF THE. PRES. TIJO 13AZAA is.eilitAdWith l 4ntn_butien of tact and talent that we seldom find in auy journal, i and the journal tself is the organ of the great world of fashion.—Boston Traveliei. The BAnAlecommendo itself to every iitelitber of • the honsehold—to the clubh•eu by droll and pretty pictures, to the young .ladies by _ its faihion-platee • 1;atetietitessioWretlifivatrehiefswe7g=" ititi)altoteurfba3;,:tis. 1 his by its tasteful designs for embroidered slippers and Inxtuitint dressing gowns. But thereading inetternf-thOlAtuji nniformly of great excel- lehee. The pater has acquired a wide poPtiltnity for the fireside enjoyment it affords—N. Y. Even- ing Post. , SUBSCRIPTIONS. -1373. TRIMS: s ; HAIIPER'4. one year $4 00. An extra copy of eitherthe 1. zIsE, •or-13AzAit will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subaciabers at $4;eiteti,111 one remittance ; or, Six doplesgor $211, without extra coy. • Subscriptions to HARPER'S MAGAZINE, vi:nEsir and BAZAR.; to Oilh address for one year, $10; or, two of Harper's` retibdieflls, tonne address for one year, 7; l3iumbek:iffn be supplied at any tune. The five volumes of HARPER.S liAzAn, for 'the years 1868, '69., '70, '71, '72, elegtintly bound in green inoracco cloth, will be sent by exprees, freight prepaid, for $7 each. Tho Poatage on HAinat'a BAzAn • is 20 cents a year ',whic'h muet,be 'paid at the fittbkribeTS Post uffice. Address, • • HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT • PAIN. CA.RTWRIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist Venau s;'`tort t Knox's 110'51' -th rs t Tu;s a a Wednesday o each nto); inChnton, at the Commereial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridayo. The remainder of the time at his Stratford ofliec Parties requiring new teeth are requested to call, if at Sedorthra,nd Clinton, oir thefirpt days of at- tendance. •Testimonials of • 'oVei 500 patient who have had their teeth-,N*tracted by the use a the Gas, may be seen at my office in Stratford. - Teeth •inserted in the most snbstantial and ini- ProveU • Filling done in gold, &c., in a manner which can- not Ile surpaiised, •267- 4 The subscribi4 would respectfully announce to the inhabitants of tile ToWn of Seaforth ilnd surronnd- Ing eotintry that he has fittedup the building hereafter to be lmown as the CHEQURED STORE AND TEA D'EPOT3 Situate on Main -street, nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel, where he has Isla ittloo is now opening a 'large and avelbeelected stock Of Teas, Coffees, Sugiiiii?TobaKoes' WINES AND LIQUORS IN WOOD AND BOTTLES, • FRUITS NEARLY ALL KINDS, Comprising Raisins—Layer, l'alentia,'Seedless, &c., Cat -rants, Figs, Dates and Prunes, Lemons and sortedNuts, Sardines, Crosse & Blackwell's mixed Pickles, with a, fall supply of , 8 - GENERAL GROCERIES, And all articles UStkaily kept, in ;a, • FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE, • • Comprising in part • Brooms-, Pails, iTubs, Washboards, Halter Rope and Bed Ropes all lengths, and CHINA, CROCKERY AND a•LASSWAR.Ei, Tea Sets ini plain china,`Tee. at,ts in. gold hand china. Tea Sets in best granite, Tea Cups and Sanwa, Plates, Dishes and Bowls, all sizes HOTEL, 'TAVERN AND SALOON' KEEPERS Will find it to their interest to call at the 61IEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT,. Where they will Ilnd good Wines and Lrepiors at TE R mOIDmit..A:Prn The subscriber having had long experience in the Grocery Trade, and pOssessilig a good knowledge of the Markets, and having bought his Stock for cash and his expenses being 'very light, is able situl de- termined to sell for the smallest possible profit for cash, on which principle he proposes to conduct all his tranaactions, both in buying and selling. Inhabitants of the Town of Seaforth And Countiea of Huron and Perth; yon are cordially invited to give the CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT a trial, where you will be sureto get as good pine for your money as can be got in any Town or City in Ontario. 4T 4 4 osit EME L R TliE PLACE, THE CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT N?ar17 oppolte the. Mansion Hotel, 31a1n-Strfet, Seaforth. JAMF4S,s.MTJRP °. SELLING OFF ! SELLING 0 FF SELLTNG OFF ! ! ! PRICES NO, 014.101. TherPrincipal Object is to ake Room for • SPRING STOOK • E. & J. 1/1•T. SPARLIMG, SEAFORTH. 410 SEAFORTII: C.; Of Guaranteed free, The soul of per fection, J. C. Laidlaw'. Tea These Teas are guaranteed to the public as being Fresh, Perfectly Pure StroN,ri. Rich and Lasting. The demand for this Tea is the best proof that can be given that the pliblie consider Laidlaw's Tea as TEA WORTH Bt THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET PURCHASED IT ARE RECOMMENDED TO GIVE711" A TRIAL. J C. LAIDLA 44- 0 0 z CD )71, 0 .P" t7j --1 .ta4 0: 0 dr.) tya sEwiNg MAOHINES A NEN SUI'PLY IDF The Howe and the C)sborn SEiViIC61- 1.14.CHINES, with all the latest improvements, just received. WATSON'S, ".r SEAPORTIL Callundsme thtimi, Their weil--establithed rept. tation renders it maneeessery to particultufzetheif superior ffirther 'than that they arate best and'eheapebt - • anSdeivimingt tamarerciliihm4e0srdoeftalatlxnlimy.pdois eretepbti).1.raedtho, rough ly practical machinist froui Tinnto. WAL N. 'WATSON, Seafortla. • SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE A Convict Artist. ANTI-COAD31NA.TION sEA.PORTH ONT asa standard size. But in practicel The Boston Post, in the conrse of the rod ° should be made' larger ,an interesting.article on the 'Massa- , - chesetts State Pilsen, 034 describes T keep on the safe side.: The essentials of a'good lightning one of the prisoners. : rod are a suflicient diameteiya good In the Same room is a .inan point kept bright, perfect joints, a the name of Darling, who is also termination in the ground at such serving out a life time sentence for ... depth as will insnre the permanent highway robbery. He has been and continued contact of the; rod here severAl years, anct is yet a with moist, eartn. These\provided young man. He is a fine looking and maintained, will yield in securi. convict,, and yet a young man a ty a full return for the outlay in- genius, and notwithstandina the volved in putting up the rod and fact of his imprisonment, he asserts taking care of it. his determination that the world •••41. shall yet acknowledge his nower. Stop and NiVeigh. e rs'a remarkably good artist, and , . One Limiting an enraged country- l 1e shpwed, at thc request: of the of - man came into Mr. M.'s store -with cer, a piece of work on which. he Very angry looks. He left a team as engaged, and. which he intend - in the street, a.ncl had a good stick in his baud. " Mr. M.," says the angt'y count4wman, "I bought a pa- him. It is an illustrated copy of per of nntrhe'g.:., here in your store,. Gray's Elegy, which he is making, turd when I got home they were printing and all, with , pen and inote.than bait wAinuts ;- and that's brush. The title page is exquisitely I' b be yowl." villaan that 1 beoght 'ern illustrated .and all the illuatrations of," pointing . to John. "John," are as carefully finished as steel en - said Mr. Al., " did You eel this man gravings. The drawing is spirited urralnuts for Datme.gsr -"No, sir," and the • ,shole conception good. 6cl for a pLesent to a la• dy in- Cam- bridge, who has been very kind to SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS THOMSON & 1WILLI• AM8' • !AIR. THOMAS STEPHENS Takes ninth pleasure in informing his numeretff c ng usfness is- • - MILL AND ENGINE WORKQ Kstkoirner: that- he Lass trommenced the Perk. _ a • JOITN- M, MARTIN M . WISHES tO return thanke to his evistoniers and " triendsl'or their generous patronage in co as- sumin,g charge of the above Works, and begs to re- quest the attention of all who may require any- thing in his Inc to the following list Of prices, at whiekbe is prepared to furnish work of a quality that cannot be surpassed the trade : HORSE RAKES $ 5 00 • FARM GATES, from 8 50 • WAGON RACKS• 7 00 • WHEELBARROWS.. 4 75 LAND ROLLERS . . $1.5 and upwards. SURFACE DRESSING, per 1000.. FLOORING and beveled BOARDING per 1000.. 4 SCROLL SAWING done by the piece or set 'REPAID.L.NG MACHINES. I am prepared tit all times to repair the wood- -work of reaping and mowing. machines, and, in fat, every other machine that cab be mentioned. _Boxes balibited. $.; 9 . TO WAGON MAKERS. The undersigned would also beg to infer% Wag - On an turbine Makers. that he keeps constantly .on hand, all Units of Bent Stuff suitable for their work. • Carpenters, 13*h:tem, Fermiers, and the public generally in need of any of the above artiel ea would do well to faxor me with their patronage, as in my new premises, I haveklacilities fur doing this branch of work which cannot be surpassed • JOHN- M. MARTEN. Seaforth Novelty Goderich Street. ' 228 . Ofri &Miff, _ICOrth lifain-streef. ITCHELL ONT . . Having secured the services el.?, Practical SO . sAGE-Am.ram, the publie can rely on getthiIN gs F. Burnham's Patent Turbine Water Wheel. ThS.A.USAGES Ore St7t4AR-CURED HAMS. ose in need ot audi would do won to give hina - call before pnrchtuing elsewhere. An ordei* FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE tither IXTE have now thoroughly testel d the above wheel and guarantee it equal or superior to the best wheels now in -use, while strongeilind more dureble. References to well-known and reliable inill ownels ho have them in use, given on application. We build all sizes and kinds of STEAM Engines thes.celebrated Stationary, Portulk and Upright, and guarantee then) unstupwa,sesenirlebivzyarienautsocc..0 onr JUDSON GOVERNOR. 2.1-"tl:Ree.lit8foerotnhae tion of all leinds of Grist, Flour aut1Saw-mills, with all the latest improvements. . Lath Mills, Bolters, Shingle Milis, Double and Single Jointers Heading llachines &tiding, Tu ers' and. Planers' Stave Machines, and all kinds of Flax Machinery, &e., &e., intmufact'ured largely. Gar 13piler Shop is in full blast, and we have as foreman of this important department, Xi. ZORN WRIGHT, who, for 20 years was foreman of the Br mil° •d Thiilei• W tiNing a good force of ex- perienced boiler makers, we ;are prepared to attend to boiler repairs either at the shop or at mills premptly. GIVE I'S A CALL. We have found out what every Farmer wants. It is THE TWO -HORSE 'POWER. SAWING MACHINE, The power of whieh is supplied with strong 11."-•vhe 4, auitcd to drirLg a . dew Cutter, Groan Crusher and other 'Machinery, with no extra charge, except for the belt. This machine is well suited to every fernier's own use, ashe can with two horses and from three to four 1111:D.01' boys eat from 20 to 80 cord's of wood per day. Our machine has been thoroughV tested, and is strong enough to do all we recom- mend it to do. It is supplied with fiction flanges, by which the saw is stopped, when Caught or pinched, before it would be possible to stop the horses. • A TRIAL OFFERED. We are building great 'numbers of the Currneirtros Straw. Cutter, Ior h 1.1 or horse paw. Also, ain Crushers, with iron and wood fraroes, Panning i3lills1 Horse Powers of all kinds, Gang Plows, Steel Plowsiwith wrought iron bearns, wood beams andicast iron_beams, Horse Hoes, Weeders, Culti- vators, &., &c. Repairs of all kinds done proin.ptly. Orders by mail or otherwise solicited. Address, • 267 THOMSON & WILT.TAMS, Mitchell, Ont. THOMAS STEPHENS, 264 i.MahiL-stre jet, Seaforth. AINLE1.VILE PLANING MILL, SASN NOB AND BLIam ND FAGfORY The subscriber having bought anit the aber- , also the good -will of t'ne late firm, 18 ROI , prepared to fill all orders in his line of business. Sash, Doors and Alouldin ON HAND AlCD MADE TO ()ROE On the shortest notiee. C EST 01M PLANING Strietly attended to. HOUSE BLocitixa ALWAYS ON IIAND ATTP Promptly supplied. JAMES BENNETT. Abaleyville, May 16, 1872. • 232e 11. The. senn-an of the 1. .Jan. 30. was, Good Tem. The chair 1., the oponin Beroatthtieer. Yates prayer,. Wm. tary, pro tem, B chester. Wroxe -tHioillTafne):waptillenastihrld.:a:1, btrtofd Fortress of the ports of Tempi er Yates, of ib huisin12°dfoge t(Ib nbero Brother Thomp ave an epee tiold Water T 108. bienhe r se sa. staeobrultet - reported his condition, he al Brother Forsyt Cwoitldh.WBatteorthTzn Temple, repo lately Yt started,proects b seoon Fortress Temple be added to th.e at this meeting. tlli:ionthan i 8allieatC# be ii at hi present member l aBurrclooiliti 11 ie;Tem rp Brother Beattie stat,ement,&iv* 1fiiiiainma,ie gooctst 1,sfn Temple Ni). 15, inHgurNOvnalTehmavplIe, ng vention thenAfadtei. RcpoiLs tontit enloek, of Win!. thibe saz Br to inot Hill Temple, stai had many? discon contend with, in to Meet in, Spe., 3 Temple was doi exzrsantt eeted,hrattbraig y S:oriddgTetsei mo 1 anlo: -ewr s. eg Boat Temple, g L The first ,que aisTeinIeb c7si°1;it c, ed. Also reiolY be discussed at t to all members p - two, viz.: the es Temple and the meetnitY, these t gates ally. The first quest the time arrived question should. test? Brother speaker stated th had arrivetl, 11 ferent temperal greater influence and urged all te to work unitedly of this purpose. been ably disehs Brother Yates, btiii0oenn, tlahhaoet‘a, .iimnthe hu 374 ld that this eonventi all honorable ine men to fill both o lianaenary ofiites Carried. Moved 1)37 Brot Brother GovenIo chairman lie Instr. mittee of three, to appoint a co they should see _ ;question more Sit -appointed were. and Govenlock.„ Th 4 next que County Temple our Order more Yentions ? -.After warmly discussed, it was moVecl by waded by Brother yention heren County Temples, meeting. Move J. Thompson, lock, that,it is inc 'organize a County question be ,agit two months, and the Convention, as may be appoin submit at the n scheme covering necessary a Cons . Temple, and that each Lodge for th jeet. Amendinen -Committee appo tee on political which were unan -Convention, viz. Leech,onstitaDco:.g. laTs, Cluffi ek Wym and Dobie- ineTbirile,attheibrde qmnoess lvlovecl by Broth Brother Thompso ,Cessful way to a enactanapunorolisbilyto wasim lisemna:seiso:rising governing the liqu. making the sent Fourth question • ttihnieer itva es\tioris hall. 1 SOTI, seconded by this Convention wonaen cannot cio -legislation on this pr.Troiilvnetti, itn) the next •County the Good Templar cominence on the INIarek. at 10:30, Fifth question, semeguarneizattlia.oenseo;lit perance reforms had been Slll)1n.tt moved by Broth Brother Thhomps