HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-02-14, Page 3on h entef df th Dr. Wheel Elixir. WI'hee` A 'er' elwaye. wee medicine ketrrc f?r1. Ise cal Discovery, Extinct of i Bztehu, Horse and Cattle Medi- einee. Superior Dye : tufi:s,Perfumery Combs and B.rneliesteie d eeWfer :Seh Stationery. Excux" K f ,E..:'. In commotion, where - ferttelf g&i§e oto t United States can be oupplied with Amer -ken ma,: teney. gone' to lend cm essy-terms. Tick suetlto all parts of Enropc and the�` eeterneStates Parties ;wis4iug tie bring- on ehar f dB''•from Eur- pe can be stz11p11ied With -tickets 1146 to wend to therm., 67 MATTER, CRO€EIEC ANDi GLASSW. vE` s .lit the Iowestpriees. Call ad: 'ivrp-1t o'Uwell-itgeokte4 iStooi of .EA`,_ S. alkS, E1OFfIESS ctC„ Gamed Fruit,. (}ysters, `8 heon; ,I;obeters to Sardines tit'onstaieti *:iiiz hind,: • `'�: s d ti . , S'to ,13li8ekt OttitiAalie trYrrrliS571 jj 6:0791 $flrgA awl Cattle Spree•,,: the finest } espdsi Cone tion Powder in theworld.. ks €lr a. 1. p. h KM) A tir ' VAtl bl A. Shearson - Co.k celebreted [FA FLOUR ehvered on the shortest notice. The highest Malt+ Iofor allkin:dl of CEDAR PASTS and SBElms still on hand .e1.1itoM L R !qt. E HOLIDAY 'OV leTeT Tate Teet r Fh ys ph JEWELR: `- t• nee. yet ended -at p.'1 1.1 • ,,,tt M. ..COTT E f Y fi JUST RECEIVE1• 3., `.;yo CAS9 oF= ri1osE .F t eIebrated '4 •atches, anL*fget L' , ��cpxe`s • Y COLI.111- RI 'E.t is! E.r f � ' lO� LI Sr' i u s i! t' SONS :1;011 0.1Nt 11..1 IAN 'ERPOOL ' . L 1 EPAI LN Iio i 04 -VAT, :. es a rea Personal a; teiztisn paid to rejmtring and regulate 04;77.11 e � y azo .76 £ km s,' tzvroi- a `l-.4 tuss itte EY CA -813,.1 re 1111' tr, agent forkTtazernk Menie 433 I'&rfettea t- i% IN U U iL 1 11 O1 Ij1C1-rl, AND : TO B troxXg,; Seaforth.. The, Seettish, Provmcia , Ineuranee. Company Erre and Life.,„ ¢ is an `LE Tha Western Ins:tranee= Company, tiaeToronto=- Fire encu,T,ifo.. - let! • TheIsdlatee' RrsI I'dfi raleeo o pR of Terme as reasonable as offered by any other agent doing basin e, for reliable C anises.. 07 Toa rasa. MONEY TO LO=AN." Also, Agent for the Agteultura1 Investment Socipiy, London: 2hia.4le*rpany ffeeabettef n dneementr to borrowers` thanes *others: doing brz:smness a ,th-iP 1Wzc . Call snit: getao:f[ou1ars. az\:mug!ul partietiClar7bet ere pl shagelsewhexe, o I —over Strong & F irl 'e Otocerf Sttree4dStreeteSeaforth. 258- fi t. t L` 44 RRA DOOR AND 8UIND FACTORY, IIE'sneseneerbegalee a to thunk is uumergnss clrstomeiee er theeliberel pat onaae extende&to hires ince Cemme lelng busilze.s,xII _S.eaiorth,, and trusts that lie ma tb vorc4 it -h, a continuance of tee same., <Partfss inte`rzcdrng to build would dc} well to .give Mires csii ashc.'will continue to keep on hand. a large atoll xsf all kifLL.s of l51? -1Y- PINE` Lti 1 BERT r t `: S DO i L D (M0ULDD' 9, SHINGLES, JEJA.T.111,i ETO. He feolsconfrdent of giving satisfa cele to those ,uhornay favour hint with theirp;rtrone, as none , •• but first-class wor-lenre Bare erd 10 c1;' Particuleratterticnt aid to CustanlPlaning. 2,01- JOHN $.ROADFOOT. PD LT Y OPTIC ,_ 1 1 The sttbscrine .will lfy the HIGHEST CASIF PRICES Fos any quantity of fat,: well-dressed - `Delivered at the EGA- .EMPORIUM, Main -street, Seelorth. --f PO`€ LTItY TO BE DRAWN, 221 ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sale& atteneee in all parts of the Comttry. All orders lefteat Tim EXI'GrfOlt- Office will he promptly attended to. 198 COLLADA.Y has leased the largeand corn- ' reedit:Ma house, on the Salt Works Groimds, adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it up as a boarding-house. Good tale 43.a. conifortable house should apply, as there are at present a few VealfUlCiCii. Transient boardere accommodated at than hotel rates. 228 Sprif AV though be looked de auelied and low ' owl ever pos ssed." At this mot, ment the stu ed bird raied one foot and. scilemnlit- blinked at Ifs critic, , " Wall, my dear, spme-people have Deacon -Jobe' niffin, whose maliin' thought be f,s'perienced !a changeapf heart, bit he didn't, Ny„,ant io 'speri- So- he thcygtt. he'd copSult with 'kept a stole, and dila up the sugar and whiskey' over .pight. ' Now,. er TWeedie,'..he said, drawing his words throtigh his hose, --!you don't &pose them little stlries, ort iti lie's like that yoti and .1 `tell in the Way of trade:Will bp reckoned up S-,Areirmstaubed as we are , we' ean't s'pose it,,will Make to sort o' differ- ence at 'all in the. sigh t of the Lord, lopg's -the heart's. all tight -, now. -Mite ways -6' hiiair.i'• "'When flue- the -bank liatfirit .1 came; woe fair-and_ispottess then,. trow Aft soon Iletirited the triekaut-tratte,I1 An' sooti itcsinitei4 was Made; Attpaill ten i' the pound, 1, Adulterate goods atsctint'; per emitii: IT -fen. servailt lassies* haid Foihted his trash: 'and. Snitched a' nie, I Her seanty hatfd-w4n penny -fee, •,- A -nice yotint man, an' Otte genteel, • it( 'iliatVin become demoralitedi.1 *I Wi' tavern lite 14i aeqtiazit, -Aft drenclild whifskey, .vile and AnLblaokened tobacco reek ; swells' upon the ',course ihimbleriggers I have ',been, Diapliyed to catch the 'covey' geben garablin' 'hells' I've staked; His4-blood:is still -upon nty face. 4' Within iny lady's reticuleit An' whiles, like. pritsoper0 „the ,st On chasitig.pb/deeds intent. Though often. far pay the score And. hear inysel' assailed "mash— Tliough nape 'noir lo,ve.to-seelpy face ,often,fs41 to reach the goal -5,-, Veatined. and/ hindered on my way Einhey `let slip.'the (tilts 6'f- war.: TiiiserVe him -is _my proper end ; 131.4,.. though 'his !lien's:1; still let him I -yet may be bis direht foe, . An'in4' "tie his Divinity, To serve -his pri'de And Ribt.into-his;sonl like rust, - Olina taNy-t, fey "dile :early morn - up(* it .tb mysterious. legend.: Bob 13,irnivn, did you sty that - my &the?: hail not 6S"iipirch wise nas .Snaith's ,Yeillo,,V dog 1" as well you didn't say the:other,' I shiftless- ." „farnier quentl y he .is anndyeEP IT- frequent One mor),Iing, after the' _de- parture Of, a citditor, who had per- sisted immedik0 payment, he sat by the fire tome time inlIsiienbe. • At spring if I have to borrgyir the money found hiniSelf,lecWediTout by a_1311111- -beriof the 'scholars who N ere inside. He got a ladder, alcende the roof, andlaid a.board oyer the top Of the chimney to smokethern out. They took away his ladder and left,hiM sitting on the ridge. pole froze his ears and fingers and agreed - to yield to _ their. demands. Then they let Ida) down-. School dici- plipe is ithperfect out that way: —Dr. Will et, le&aring in. 'Boston the otb.er night, told a droll story Of himself. He said that at one time, when he was at* connoisseur in bird - stuffing, be wed to - diticise other people's bird stuffing severely. 'Walking with a gentleman one day, Le stopped at a 'window' where a gi- gantic p‘Vi Was exhibited. " You !see," said the Doctor to his friend, " that there is a magnificent bird utterly' I tuned by unskilful stuffing.. Notice the mounting ! Execrable, isn't -it 7 No living owl, ever roost - was goingi,homi3 at a life hour, ,fthrste 6pposed- to 'be, music, but that- seemed to come froln a bosom' racked with= Aavish,'or :na stomach overladen ivhb.fteeif frtiiti Softly the Neporter. drew neareAnd ,,at last discovered fmni whence' -the sounds upperYipi.the tar,liler Could not have slipped ,the back- 91, his ratOr moke. than twitef stood- leaning ligainstya whieh he picked with the ait -Of; orie whdp not certain- he is, on the lips came the following song.: . Wa-ivarhas.sualimishine all the ivii4dle. the street to.see that, no p6liceinan pithotiqe. sound into his voice, he sling': Ilere,..V.ne front /door suddenly ,and out ibounded iind with 'algood,set of natural- teeth. The singer turned a pack somersault o'vt -of the Ater, and, with the dog coattail pt every' juinp, arspeppeared' down toward the heart,. of the city. The reporter turned and the spot; bift, not until he. had. seen a. middle-aged abbreviated narrativev dyer in - the: hall;wayh•ConvUlsed with • mirth and Savinw whenever be stop- ped laughing lung eudiigli-, to *ary anything4--" Oh the -hen; I'll think • -Mb *centric Awrican 'who -died talk Trying ,,ta.Ove for eight Shillings and Sixpence a Week AlOcander 'Itobertf,:, born in' De- troit a2 years' age, died lately in: Leeds; England. His father todk , him to'Englando-when but a boy, - and soon atter set hinii,up, in ness with the positive inlunction never to spend 'in9,re than eight shil- Vs adhered closely to his instruc- tin& from that -time until 't death. He construed., thei. rule involve ness made him 'enlaicre his store lie cravd'uti, ttie'.outSide home, and lived and slept ,there: As re its rose, and his bligmess—seepud I and clothes increa.sed, he had to cut crown his food expenses still quarters. This he ,did 'time and twain. until, at -the- close of last summer, he was nearfy starved to death. His acquaintances finally. one day found him prostrated en- tirely the *overwhelming filth of his narrow home, and the lack of all nouriAing food. They persuad- ed hirn to buy some medidine, but when. he got it, it only gave lijin an appe6te. He could not afford to buy any food after paying for the medicine, so be wandei.ed to a horse- chesnut tree, and filled himSelf with its luscious fruits: He returned to his home, and died Iere.- This is his brief story. He was reputed ,to be w`orth at least 0900;000, but his early vovt was kept to the end, and so long. as he existed it was never linos and sixpence a week. His in- structions were to live for that sum, and he thought he obeyed. Yet living for that sum caused his death, ed in that position, And the eyes and it becomes a question of the lo - are fully a third larger than any gician whether the man did not, by dying, .,disobey ,orders. ,But what will be df *mort;IneereA% the' wise is 09440 Apkert4 left no heirs;lexcept sucfi, wild is- somewhere Seafontle THE SUBSORIBEIVOffeliefetteelpringteowing 600 -I- bushels of RUSSIA RIGA FLAX SEED Screened and guaranteed perfee—tly clean, -at $1:75 i)er Bushel on Credit, •Until the Flax is delivered. lias been proved to be much superior to the done - mon Canada,Flax Seed, and will .grow fully ninv to twelve:iftehee longer; then the leftmon Flak Seed_ hitherto' sown. in this eenntry,„ yielding e,H high „as three tons ta the on geodeilean geoend. Printed PamPhkete. yi-thlfull instructions how to raise *lax, and when taharvest, &c., will befunaish- NO MARKET FEtS • .To rent, 200 acres of- good (dealt land, in fields fioni 10 to 2(4 stares, suitable for sewing Flax, for which the highest priee will be peid. Farmees having the undersignede,that early arrangements may be B. SHANTZ. 270.18 Sea.forth Flax Milt #AM !WET(' it Having on hand a very large stock of EXCELLENT TEAS), 11 • For one month. All parties wanting a choice article oe Tee; and tap to give them a call. They have glee on hand a very large stock of • ' GENERAL GROCI1RIES,, Crepkery, Glassware, Winos and. Liquors. Flonte Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Like, Huron 'Hefting; &e„ whichehey will sell very cheap/or *ciieheor -flora TUFTS) 4. litAMIBLETON, , Brussels, Out. 'PAYS THE. II EST PRIC FOR T1110 THY aind- CL0.1111R-S14.D. GODERICH-STREFIle SIM -FORTH. LUMBER YARD. . ReEG to inform tiv public that ihey have peened on the grotind formerly need as a Lumber They will.keep constantly on hand a good aseort- ment of Att, KINDS OF LUMBER, dr esee _011(k undresgee. Ale(); LATH AND SIIINp-L 8; all •Of whieh they tiee ptePered to sell at. the 'Wind Posei- age fa kiect Onr stock, Red ascertain our peicet ethers will find it to their advent- befoniel. tehasingeleewhete, as Are are in a position' to offer geed ieducements to, ceele urchasers. IS, etittauswert EVERY FRIDAY' MORNING SEAFORTII TERMS.—$1..50 per ybitrin advance, or $2 at the end ef the year. , First insertion, per line, 8 cents subsequent in. sertions; cents each tinfeeperline. One colunin one year e hell Half one year -85 00 One-fouith one yeee 20 00 One-eighth one year 12 00 t eau 8 00 Ono -twelfth one year 8 00 Business Cards, (6 lines and under, V year.. 4 00 Advertisements of Strayed, lost, Found, &c., not exceeding 10 lines—first month, $1 ; after first month:50 ceuts each month. Adeertieements of FARMS and BEAL ESTATE for sale, not exceeding 151ines —first month , $1 50; each subsequ eve month, 75 cents. be interted till forbid, and charged aecordingly. _Advertisements measured by a scale of* solid STAVE BOLTS WANTED. THE subscriber will pay the highest eash price fer WHITE ASH and WHITE OAK 8TAVE BOLTS or ' Legs, delivered at his yard, near the Reilway, Depot, Seaforth. The Bolts should be 17; 25, 38 er 37 inches in length. Also, 1,Sstritecl large quantity of ,good heavy BUTTER TUB - HOOPS, five feet in lemeth. ROOMS TO LET. To LET, in Seott's Bleck, two comraodion -a- Rooms on the second flat. Apply to 14 fr 1 OOL AP COST, SPRIVr STO 2,73 HOFFIVIAN EIROTAERS' ,Ciii.A.13 CASH STORE, • MARKET SEA*011.T1-1,, And no trouble to show Goode se ,,, I 8 D E gleiv %so; p Which s, perhaps, the best pla.6131in tio'wn to pu'rchase-'' HOUSES WANTED., Wanted Immediately 240 GOOD STRONG WORKING HORSES TO DRAW SUPERIOR IiION HARROWS AND SEWING MACHINES. 6.'6. WILSON Mark 'Street, gaaforth, a number of Coltmes well-known IRON HARROWS. • Farmers who want to get one should call at once. as they are going off fast, and only a limited num- ber have been made fornext season's sales. horse Sawing Machines. ' These Machines -will cut 40 cords of Wood a day, with one span of TO THE LADIES. 500 Gooa-Looking Young Women Wiktited to buy and'kvork O. C. Wil- son's Sewing Machines. Op..* Hauff—The Florence, Singer, Barton% Howe and Linkmen machines. All the best made. ORGANS: ANA MELODEOVS left, Which vdll be sold cheap atia warranted to give satisfaction. Also,- on hand, as 'dwell, large assortment ef all other kinds of Agricultural. Implements, at 264- Market -Street, Seaforth. HARNESS HARNESS. - Great Variety AT 'WILSON'S TRUNKS Of all kind.; VALISES --not ew, WHIPS-eof all salts, COLLALS-eall sizes. Bre4e84.0urry-Combs, Cards. And hi feet everyillinginsruilly found in a. first - °lass Saddler's Shop, and at prices extremely low. Sealed lierrini,Y, ' Takes this opportneiteeef thanking his numerous .. friends -and culitorneiefor. the liberal summt ex- tended toward, hhu .-for the past. year 'and hopes ronage of tne inane.. #emintberthe Sign- of tht FLOeR, OAtgEAL, co-v,NAr-- GRAHAM FLOUR, BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, POT !BARLEY, RICE, &c. • test Fresh Gibund Coffde only 30 ets. 0:0 RS-,i1).R.I.4-I-VE B,JO-P ALLEN'S Sea&th. YARINIERi 0 Farmers Sons and Daughters Wanted a. TO PURCHASEJ . 1. ,4., LARGE CONSIGNXENT CROCKEItyl Consisting df Tea imd Dinner Sete complete, Chamber Sets, in a' great yariety Of istittcins. Also, a very complete stock of, . HIGH IppIcEs fon FURNITURE MURDERED, And those that have kept prices rip beyond tire -5; beim& of -reason are about to Hai cornett* ene-ed selling 'Furniture of all descrip- tunas m A.t Such prices AS well astonish a miner. He co an ingriest nue :feelti certain that a verdict wi be retnrued in his favor, that Ids prime are THE LOWEST That is and has been in this or etty other county in the Province for :years. GIME +UM A GALL And lie convinced -of the fact. Seaforth, Oct. 25, 1872. 255 CHINA AtD GLASSWARE. *F R All their Crockery is of the best. No secone or third ware kept.. This arockeie- has been bought cheap . and will be sold ceeep. TEAS. C.-REA:PEST ABE) BEST kinds of „Groceries es usual. Just receivedeanether consignment of that.superior Tea, at from 40, ets. to $1 pen pennel. Ail other iTuRE Reiiiaaber WILSON & YOUNG'S is the elect) io gie choice Liquors ahd Ales, and the onlyapinee r where Carling's celeliratcd XX.X Ale in (enexter biurels for family use is kept. 41 WILSON & YOUNG,. 0 0 HERE WE- ARE' AGIAI.N.- CROURIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. Call and examine our stock and prices and be convinced that this is THE PEOPLE'S Cheap Grocery, Feed and Provision Store. Ivo OLD STOCK. Weekly Arrivals of Fresh Groceries. TEAS FROM- 50 CENTS UP. TEN LBS. GOOD SUGAR FOR $ White Beans. Patent Granulated 'Wheat. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR and 3. P. Kendall & Co.'s FLOOR AND FEED kept constant- ly on hand. STRONC CAWLEY. GO TO :JOHN S:TAUFF,FR'S Sign of theTwo Bureaus. t:ri JUNE 18, 1872. 174 CABINET -YAM WANTED. WANTED a erst-eless Cabinet-maker, to work v• at piece -work; good. vtages. tit 1-1 287-52 Iodized cod -)Liver OIL 'rrIT-IS Preparation Le solntion -of Iodide of 'ton 1-1- perfeetly coa. Liver Oil. It may be nsedin eafieS where the simple Oil is ordered, and will be found greatly superior to it. This preparation is highly beueficial in Pulmonary Con - Lee sumption, Serofulone.Complaints, Chronic 'Skin "-Le- Diseases, and for all ehronie disoreees arising from )--1 defective digestion, assimilation or nntritien. rev Demo highly useful in Chronic Rhetunatism and Ilypophosphitee of Lime, Soda, Potash. and 1.4 Syrup is a certain remed* for General Debility from any cause, Nervous Dieesses and Scroluletes , Complaints. It is Also highly neeful he diseases of . the hones (especially in infants) and Incipient t:r1 G°Tnshneinabi)otivTirePprairceet$Ions are of standard medical -/;"et reputatien, and centaining no secret irtgreFeents, ge may be preecribed by physicians without hesiea. Mom Prepared by JOHN eeiLLIAMS, For sale by—R. Lmnsden, Seeforth; 3.R. Grant, Ainleyville; G. A. Powell, Wr4:11.eter, and Druggists