HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-02-14, Page 2it • • THAWED 0 - A BOY'S STORY. -OF LAKE The scene where iny;adStetiture , Opened was a ,p1rt.. ff some Oiporit-,- ance in those llays .4a the „ 'ff,Almeiii can" Is -here Of - - ke Erie; eilacithe tine waS the beginnini of riedfeni: ber. At sunset, or rather a -little -_ in _advance, perliaps, of the time itilieWlit was S4080 to se ,w was to !Ave net4siiiiiiitaVvf4 fl - trusted with a *pactet,of someim- portance tdene. a AtIffrepart- stormy lake, there was a deep•-ibetut or bay, •some miles in letli via breadth': i;he port I have ';flioiled, being in, the centre Of the bead; and a very long- pier roaming ..oUtintot the lake, on the end of whiela 'stood • it lighthouse. The seivaifir)4). Hay Irish lad named " Dar-eyt,."'ilkas to .t er have Met me at this lightheuse,a so, taking my. skatea, ahdl..ileirap,ping myself well up, for the edlil(Wal ihv tense; I made for' one Kilye: oitif.,?. ot -land in, order ' to 4104e„,airosa.to 'him. Tlae lake waarnotafrozen quite across, there being ayet Many. miles of open water -. iii.; the rce•Rtae i; , bet: 'navigation had :. closed; ah they say% at ,the Baltic and on the West- ern lakes alike, several sAiiing,-vet-- Bela' being firinlyaftozen in. fair ther winter,,and two or three ste4tia8baa locked, in, in a sitnilar icy euderacea at the town end of aheyier. As I reached /the bedch' t'ind chin= meneeil to s.trat °P1,1P-Vals'akitea, the - 04 bore.'stronk!evidence;pf a CO m- ing storm ; in fact a bowling blast hadal ready set in frdni the"%ontiliern Or 'land side. The ie w4.1.4'S:riltiotill',, unbroken and 'freecfrieraleannisaeand . though strew: enoegliefor rania \slaw not safelor horse dr S1eigi0 tli-hattia' I started I perceived; e4iell at ',that • distance, esolifailytkifil•el'OCnahedi along the pier PD.,„41,6 Ace. P-ir, -,. -, de - nation, and thifaprovedato the Darby; himself, as I ttfterwatdi ascettainecli Giving myself.'a . 013,d-:-_," 6thihg,7 qs-, seamen 'might ,terma/-ithat,is., pro- ceeding straight out for aocart a miler - and then turning -to pursue a course parallel with the. shore --on Ti Went, - the gale at every secotictgtherpigi .iil strengtfi and violehM; So.;.-n'ti se:a indeed, that I forted itaaerveryldif.e ficult matter to keepetY,Ifeetka,t:11.11e-'- and, as the bla'st 'beat'S wAll'ailrit fury against mt-aide; f1 10 to‘°..,feu' ia. • .,.... a against it as againsta 4Iing. Fall with all my strength); w,ioh rendeaa I ed ink -progress rathertslow. a leiheie.: perceived, when too late that Vf6h- al I my, el ever:tie:Sail li` ad' iik-ae eriqa/ther I - -' too wide an "'drilla?5'' areit .abeeld - have the greatest difficultyeivareach, - -. ).,...11 • •.*# • lug' the lighthoue at all. t•lo make e. matters still worse, a thin but hArd4 round sleet . begti. ti6j' fall N.41.Ch blinded me, eild eventat that -period flied me *with anxiety, depot alarm. NOV, thitt*I waS. under weigh, hotaa eier, 1bore np against' thd diffieitity as bravely as 1-. cpiild, ancl*liad.gpt,` within, perhaps, three-qnarters ok, K mile Pf th e•.ligh thoi Ike, when .Uper- ceived others moiine; along theller ' towards thti j saineftr,poirte, :qP:-.1'.1 dently with . great ripActilty, and at the amtne time inking: he meat frantic . gestures with their: arunp, plainly indicating calaqer of , hor‘ne- unusual kind,' and, 'alli-4QC); in IliS7: • 1 ' til direction,: although Las.ayeti j,nvaaibla to myself. Dense crowds 'gathered along the bewail, and just as libegalii' to find that With all inf a StreiVa, T was 'being. -bOne, heyontia the,light- house,,at ,terrific sliock„-which*Tfor; .4 mornent nieekedl the JV-eice; of the hurricane; caused the': entire airface, of the ice to quiver as witlilliitaith- quake, ,and h'ung. ' me-77..py9oi; rti.4,-01n.1 I my face, whilst=a,loudpand aeverber- ating .roar echoed in niVefetti, -mid - leaped like " the livenunder ' frotil' point to point, Until it --vYag .fbst in, a the clistatiCe Aicl'wircitualtli!,-!- of the .- I e " i •ae a-. a a stolen. 1,hayie ti.,.avereed;since thew the four. quarters of the- ea I th ',have seen the hickornand'ilie oak, tilik the'pine shivered Autilikiellwitli the lizlitning, .1pefire„ nikaftwee ; have seen the strong masts of:a.ship snapped off like pifieeitertis?'' and ' flung into the surge ' I 'taste sup when an. earthquake ,rdarot, art: ,== soattereil death and ruin above :and; around ; but ne•Yer h 1-.- ave* heard such a sound as that, nor' shall: I, perhaps,' until a" 'crack o doom!" ° • - In a moment I •was on mya feet,. again; and conlprehentled at last the' danger of my position. The body of ice had yicalded-,-It theeim* manse pressure of the wind (the cen- tre,of- the lake being, es Iihicf, openy and !split along 'the' coast, -cld*Se to rae ; and, should r.pgain. ray = position on We land side:toil the chaam thus made, and f- that, too, 'at once, I should be borne' daross the entire width of Lake Elie ---:at least eighty miles !2—to 6116004:lade, shore; that is to say,aif the field whereon I • stood were not broken up-iitato min- ute fragments by the cotobination of wind and wave. There is no Mis- take about Lake Erie.in, those res- pects ; for I have since discovered • that the storm demons lia,ve made its comparatively small surface a soit of trysting-plape—a -sage..-of rehearsal for their grander perfor- mances ardund the Cape of JGood Hope and Cape Horn. What a prosPect for me, then, on a wild night, with the, frost already ginning. to piesce amy very, max - 40w -V,'. -- •".--: ''''' I :- :Regaintrtg faiy, feet, and'.runnngt before' the.. witil Or.: fifty ,or sixty yardgi -;i:p orde...* gain atailleien t "i re - ' apetlisjahrew iitlonkyoTattg s,,*-ength 'intii the 'Pattie i e\r.t.kre rivith 'death; cleepite the widt ''' _the chasm ; a perilous leap to attempt on any oe 7611.,tblit rISW--IbtfUfr tfo-r*--Itli the tpressure, of a hurricane that thrust • itself int9 my face witli the force of -fallineittoymr4.,;,17.3304;FLawiturratv;ex4- celleiAt ; skater, au.dafellr ,a thrill of pride; tothebia-moinehtl'aBeI &LW 4t -le h aredr-strilkeir . cr6wds. - or - 'strong nlep;;a,r-id,eire.ii radlik''fahi4 ettitildreni gatis4ek. ,A1,, I; 4. 4,9'?., 4: -.* r ,, it'll ))..04...t.sliie,s,s §.us.‘ lie •;That' leap was indeed' an achieve- tnent-iiow::, hut it was °lie, detitio. to lelad .to no practical' reStil.t for good. -. 1 leaped the chaem) and, clgred it and two or threwfee# of 'the edge,: fal ling vioYetitl, baCliavarile as I: „cl id's? ; im no. sone k 1ad.,144r.ipen and , Old t to witlii. great 'difficulty, , than another 'shock, leas loth,- but far:Jndre.dfsafitrbli,S:to me,- tent ?ine• mote as t aide erthe 1-Reat . frozen, ahee ta acad another, and a Niidtir chasm. gaped , between myself and the- sher?.! ,!"',..A.hiq? 1 they cheeibtff• a.nc.11 ki.iped, in, „vain., The eolioed thun- -deredrfor Macs AIongatlie beach, and onhe . more- Lstaggerect,' but did not / • - fall - l'• ' ' . ". 0 ti'w•itr d,..y1,4t iiiwitecl..u!F,Cil I_ reaolc- iecif thet, edge. :ail : the... aeconcl, 'dii aim, d,- hicilfd, 44.6w?'-: -heir,keery,--v#0,st. and saw iliat this tine -the winds ha Th'e 5' !eh = tir? 'diit, . df,ice had par fed' A . '. ,. tk , fir,..9A1 the .4atiolican __ shorel anti. I. was- a apidly -"home Upon it death - chilling eneface toivar4s the @anacla% sVith' nothin4 'btfore ...rote e .i-rtit nigh t, 1 •; - irna .-• - ,and the wayiefa with :tii,e' Ice -King anciathe Storm King fortniy. royal 'cothrpanions. ' : a -.•a'l V. • t '-`3ittigbilizea att?tuile 7,ii3 Int too we',.(l iindershoRd mit,114", end 4atvea, lkiclid, those who caowdett the ;now., ctistailt ,pier,set :about iny rescue. A stlh-leavred...- •boat,Airtit :..-la-tinehecl -.Its Si V ' tt, t: speedily, ,p4; pq§§ ple. llayAng !.?p0-1_ ,lifted byunaia force 41.:0111 - the inner side of the/ pier; I whit* was star tfozeff, tddthe ' OuttregiWe, nd'w free f".6na ice, and "nianned ;With It goodly cre.w. tillitivi IRtimv -11%411-jag of all. this -then. I- new 1 avasitin;great peril )• I -eilleved thalt 1, vas lost; a'n'cl .ye-`alfi:Ii4:,Ing '; 41.9,,v, 11,0, 14.1:1, la ., ha.liettlif4 through' illy:Alto:le, ,Whieli" began; to . 3nak-430111e :Teel indifferem bt to, br ' gtfuleAtriblAliviotig:14lf, , fhb. tno-aortienta plar 1it.whkriitari§4, sititiiiig,' or ' rather ai•CietpivgnigeAtiyidov,,m, I . endeavored akaaaando :with my stiffening finge.rs.Alte-utraps , of the s tesi., akt,..a.vls an pojeetlkss as, svas a..,..4 hopesi:Ask, ,artsia-a,L,leanedf back; atpoir,:anyl elbciwi..andit gazed languidly through thel'alitekn,ess, 1 acttially smiled, with a spedies of, de- light, 'at tyrseniatiOn wl4c11.- ci'ept over „mei! lit was the MOO; exquisi. ite i prelude to .ft night'restii had,. ot. have,,:. ever , enjOyed. • `Then 1 roused myselfra little, and again, in tit% di ilni lialit, .a.s,--'* thi ;darkening 1 , I:. shore,/ before„ mile. Then, :tee, my eyes, Nandere& farther,tai4 sasv-.a boat latinched fronvtliti piemphich wits now fully two Miles aNOIST, afad maiiict tovi.Wrcis nie.''Iiliiii..1 ieli;not , ; the teat ,interest init move-. Meals. y...prayedimost fervent- ly; ,and then I,thonghticif poor Dar- by. i This was the Imomentaiy re-, acttio frdta the! fifst lantana and )3541# 1?ave rapAly agt dream. . Iavept deeply, hiateely, for 1. TaS enlya -;hoy..adeut„., there . were few tears. 1 lo8t a,il contciousriessa at latt•i;•Ifather;* thether, .botnea: arid - filietiFIS • 'Ariel The. I , ; r ilx.a.e.4‘41orneiand appt ; ,kap-wing; f,941"gp no more:; .1 et, i. ,swept the blast;., onward .swept Ithe hboa.t; and bn; ,rdo,' crept the' ThVisthooth,- 6trincl e11. .3' 1)TSP,19C1 t9 pgrty Cref:69f1 wyps7,- ite'At ibt' glowincflaNier as, _ eyesp,at *air sharp.‘diamonds; over raylep-dosbratee and i --)genseletis forth,' And h6 bcdkelutp`ltead by , C piece arouciflyale ;_ k/1.1„p ,in rnistl . and _sleet and., gatHeringr:d.orknesty bo4t4fter boat, ,with titsatescaing clew, was',borne piistatik ' While the shouts or 'the bigiveuieh Who ma•ir'e.dit' ra were „Ne12 hear', alertly after the shoutst cf other men,; ntr the sharp "chinch," of my own clothes 'as'they wete toi:n from theiy, icy bed, no the rough expletives 'ehat were ber,ne upun the blast front the -lips ofithose.who raised nae up, and con- ve ed. 'me all uncensciorts, into s. "er bed indeed, buanne that was net'half so delicious as that from svhich I had been torn. • Yes; 1 am told that my -Uncle Toby's oath passed through some rough, bearded lips that nigh I was saved ! When. I opened ' my eyes on the return from the land` of spirits, the ftrst object they rested upon was a boy named Lathrop'. Having taken: a fancy to the sea, he had beAn. *ap- prenticed to the captain of a vessel once renowned on the lakes, .but which had long since gone to the last home of all good old ships that have done their duty. 'I mean the Queen Charlotte, at the period ef which I write engaged in the ignoble task of ma staves in their rough ng The lad wasaPlaeFfli-tur, and I bad alwa*sarekpected an, v. n loved him for his 4argela Mental '.'- capacitY, his traithfultieskia; honesty', and ambitionto .iiii*Teift": by, the force of goodness. . ,1 AidIrtiet•-; tiditress him • at., .firai nor Vida Ile . know that I wasliwake; , _Ad' wes:i. carding a smallfieure-heati with a •-eaf---k---) AV -knife out "6-r ----iiiiiertir ti. pine, whistlinx topioakelf vei,!. i go: ft.rt the While. I first endeavore to re- -calf to thyaelfatheeventrof- era -paste reighte and how and:when T hadabeen taken on boaid: But all was blank to ine-. Then came. a dim recollec- tion of the boattiwhieh had h been launched for my- rescne, 'and wOut• dering- in a, .k4i.gtilirial 448; what had beeonie of itheapepple in them, I at last arriyeAgttanyact-n*1 condition-, and turni,ng to the bob!. catiect out h . iis nathe iaerry softly— .i " Lathrop I" , He - started, -. turned - hisii large( brown eyes with pleaattrable sur- prise toward the 'hainmocli inwhich -nay, flung his jack-knife and'fiitire- head; upon a Jecker and jhasiani- ed balmy side.' • :i ,,,,. " go w arye'dp; Lathroje ?" sali-d•I, strethlin.g. forth toy °hand, 'Cs? Iiicirt4: l'a.d..aar‘asPed'.motit wavily. !" \V liere am I at all? ' What kirteNottadoing. liere I T thouglit roti -Were,` in De- -, • ,, : : .9 1,.(- 1 i: vfe 't a t De- troit." • . ' 1' . • " 1 • .1' 411d n thep came aanawer, l'iola- ble as the! questionstit byiBeppo's wirer Whenrher long *Wilt:40a, but nu•ldriger 'Master, had reetliqed'f6- her., - V i lit tf #1 r. ',.: '111,1%ili .t.t."You're on board'. thea,Queeni Charlotte "—ptenourneingAlie woe& with a 'very' str4n4 'accrimat, 1.ron laata. 0,118.1.4 and ist444iPge.P1V .A; lockea, in order tcap.lace liis I head/ in : a level -with the top of my hunitno-ek, and not caring.fu ikifj,e' te',My 'OW s'aihte 'fiLnd'quesfigl as 'tbt tile usig:411 of his . own healthy.... "- Otar chaps *Ikeda yi" 11-.0#;,,,, Right; jet GAerteerr dark., near ‘. fria Io death -Tat least, they said yeti- was . jest geata! off, ,t' sleep: ',How, d'iyeefee1.yotieeelf.?"1- i " I feel—indeed I can't tell yowl how I.-feel,"'-tI replied, ri---•;-`4 I'', feet'. .`e . 4 " J, e ie I very strangely '1, ove, eap,opaally, about the hips, ankles,'a itn*cf,sligailaa dere; •where thereare skid/mains •and aches."' ' " • ' °I ' '. . it1 once Ate' a; Irc,z ii!, hie ' .." ... • a . 11 # . . s Li .saicfj .(1e sklgq„,oxner,pf the -,)tic ,.. knife, and,Congressman iriprossicta- lie his rOundaliont . Wity :of -intik:bag ;A rein ark,. 0ant'i it ardictit't ' taste onions, cos'4,The spaces 4wiat„, the; layers had ;somethincuriods cltweena 'era ; but yea seek WAS thawed'out an' tasted .as 4 iT to- it I 1;eeii !nfigetl-,11 ablest '. I '.0',pose. iy,c;i; te91 ,jpst ilice`. that frozen onion -41 thawecii out And "_thaVed out" it seeds that I cdrtainly was r•th8 -i'layeizk.'itlxmt My,potir bollestilinge. latat.fq co4ain`kcl., something fakiai :ice:that; ttetayeen the layers of the onion. That nigha II I -was in a high ilia tie,. :Jtf del,iiirtini. i:F• reinember tlie.scenes I WItiniese.ae.daki that spate 'eve- ,to fins clay: -7-00w.,1 :t ,.. thirty-five years a oe--and,fdr-fife*, teen montich'I nev, • stO1.1 iloaect ' was in a 'colishin'in Ifevera but,that,1 left, me atlast, and ; now *arn as. strong as though .1 had never palisect' through that!, dr, It; score ' of Ordeals'- . . since. .r1 ' 1 have but, little; to ,aeld.feca they foiegoing, and .whatnlittle there belpnga ipy4lea 11. It will' collected 'that' I 114 apiinint.Oto' Meet the lrish!' titd, 41.)y, to; receive from him a letter anil a little.parceL I was qiliteltiih# in lily stippesition that it wet' he, Whoni411 Ifild'aeeni the distanee on the pier ; lu f af-• terwartis learned that in the ruidit. of the confusion attending t legannoh- ofa the exteinporigecl life- olt, 'and' .•• 14 t ' a just as the men/ wetet royfi,ng Darby rushed 41,5 ifast ear thel winds and slippery ice would allowL him; :shouting, "Royal'. lfaliid yes 1 Stop ret'141 in - Share I've: i letthen. and -a bundle for 'him I" ,We can altheven to poor Darby hinis1f Affbrcl td ltiali atat that in the, hipse,t4ear4; 'It'latave,neveel hIld skates on illy, feet since that, period, :and, in all. arcibability, nei,er Olen' again. "I, haV'e leaped evealj;einabitioti. ic144.re2' gards the ice in .,that respect,: Arid: have been quite satisfied- with the sighf of an icebeit 'in IsTewfrinfl laud. 38”.ters, spce, in the: hot Tenth, of 'Tune., or tbeatnell of the cohlmiatt whieh prevailwhtin they arethick - on a dark thh Southern! Ocean.—CZosell's. No Change. Some days ago a man accustomed to travel) ' and, one who understands how to g,et out of a tight place, took the train at Detroit for Rochester. His pohket book \ VhS, %pretty fiat— nothing in it to defray expenses for some days to come, bane, ten dollar bill. , He must keep moving, or else he would find himself ba-nkrupt in a strange•city. Standing in the de- pot and. looking at the train which was about leaving, his eye fell on the placard, " This car for Bnchester without change." An idea which never occurred to him before, al- though he had seen the same pla- card a thousand times, came into his head. He stepped on boa.rcl the car, took a seat and bustained hirn- 401f.ida)-teost upright and dignified „Ai; signal was given for t tOrafeep*agttra Out of the depot ih a few moments along oftt al of thecity, and then .,the4ondudtor announced- his ap- ratfi:e bv the word " tickets !!! passengers began fumbling for their' ittle pieces of paper or overhauling their wallets for the fare.. ..Qyr, catfrTirscrimwewt: --never mach; a .416: cOliclectot jappiOachcd, and said shortly and quinkly,."Tick- -etS..!!!? attention gieen by cool • ptiasengee• e-eCondoctor :with a sharp look-- YOur -tibieta sir ! .Cool GentfAlane—Have none. •et CI r, Qon.—Then'I'llatake your fare. .-Coot1 Gent ---Can't pay it. Com -a -Do 'you 'erxpeet to ride. N4theut paa hag for . Cool Gent---Yes, sir. Con.—Tell rhe, why. Cool Geri t—Your advertise latent says so. OQ0,--Whege , • :CJoolaCent—That placiad on the t . raityn:9 Ro,che.ster. '11ef,09nciuctoril with a look. Of astonishment at the. individual's assurahhe cheek,'phssett hit& 3i},Tieii it himself, a This is/ a new fw rink le in the cenfidence•dodge."—Rochester Vent- 0,Crett. • )1 Milkill1111.11011.61•111.1111.111.• _ • - :t - • _ -13.1;14,icieAkT.--tppo poca.--C4gATE-- F,111, Aa„./ n'Oemeolarahe.—!.: By a,!thortfraeh I4Roiv1'edt6 of)ll nate'ral 1MVS •WhIC11, ,p9.1,0VeraATIS „of. , ,tictt *mid carattl applipgion of the hue properties of weAlityle0ed. eodoa, NTT%) tpps has proNiiledvic,breakfgst.til, be vo,th•-!i, c1i1itittelx.ftaycn9res17 beyerao whi clibip4y save 'us AR4ny' heavy sketore 807'llee Sazetie, '• Made scIppli' with Bpiling iWater,, or Wilk: C%". 'Ilk' POLC k0 3%.1i8thiCidebtilileelt"TiStrrtsQ8k1.210rn8."4.t .litaefrhacrhael 0r-4bOca4..---e`‘ We Wifl w giVerantacou at of .the prOpess'adoPt- e h3;lifessrs. 'James kpps & (2o. nifacttlireis of: di4t*ic. affiiplies, at thi workis in the ,pustoli. Lonaoo grAtt'S .Acoseliptcl gjide. LAGFIN.Q. _organ, of ithought:etraetion can, be enjoyed without ,the atisistapee of the; blood, and no organ can be employed' safely or with im Vuriiikwrithout a supply ot healthy, With -healthy ibboad timexereised organsthectomeri well devel- oped, -whether they be muscular ermtel- lectuak ,LE.r. the user ,of F4tlows' Com- pounaw Syrup HypophoSphites the blood is speedilyoritafized and puirified, and so 5aade ep,1,1)e . of prodvcing a, soun d ?mind '4,1i4.1 Sonhd bOdy. rii'dns Stifferlitefroiif ihIpnreibleloa, or whil.se-hdalth s 4'gfririk TNT, 'either as niinistdri or thou WM!) -stAdy closely,' will find in the Syrup the material to - build, them up .fitur" ti tonic to keep theni there." : ' TEfil STOMACH:AND ITS •DEBANGEMENTS -la are the esamintin cause of !nest of the Chrome Wiisting DiseaileS for which mvqlids tire constant- 1/ligi":1=gail)defettei:fi1atentir Peverishedsiana all the •organs *and tiLues of the bodrdebilitated by want of ,nouriahment. Th4s, general dep•railty of the's3tste:m-manifests Itself in 1/iovmdie, oc:nktitituetionas bay idnicoatshee oaf: .btsheser177.1" , heart, _ lapgement Yegie ;lands, eruptions. of 101cm:441(.41: ulcers of lone and ileah, spinal weakness, discharges, nervous proatFpti ' m• ental anxiety, neuralgic and rhennaatIc pamsooll of which arise from :depraved, natiitione Te • the Stornach 113111 eft IOU 0 he h3i 0 . 13- OM- pouud Elixir If Pt/psi/hates arid Cantina -it is of great efficacy and reliability, being harmless to infant or adult, and prompt and permanent in its effects. Seld by .1;o1n1Seattpli Lumsden, draggists, Seaforth. , , - 267, Thoma Eelectrie Oil, WORTH TEN Trims ITs1WEIG1IT IN Gold). • Do You t KNOW ANYTHING OF IT ?• IF"....,t0T, IT IS • •TnitE YO1J pro-The.re are but fe* preparetionb :of me eine 'which have withstood the impartkai ,judgMent of the people.* any great length of time. One of •: these is TI/TONAs' IgLECTUIc Oiki purely a prepar-t` • Oue lit/gain nig ifitues of/ its own'.. Selentifie physicians know that medicines may be formed of several iogr • ts ,in certain fixed proportions, of gret1,ter , /id nifoducin•g, effects which could . never result: * the use of auv one of theni, oi ill dillrpr.ent caanbinations. Thtuildn. -the preparatiOn of lIns oil a chemical ehange place, a ,opmpoand whichmuld not by any possibilitY be iiiedefrora any other' coMbination or pitportiens of the same ingredients, or any othertingredients, and , entirely "diffeient -1 -bp anything ever before made, one which produces the most astonishing re- sults, and having. a wider range, of application than illy medicine eVei beferediacovered. con- tains no alcohol or other volatile liquids,. cense- quentity leses noynngby evaporation. ,Iyherever applied. you get the benefit of every droP ; Whereas with llother'-prePaiainliis nearly all the alcohol is lost in that vaty, and/you get Only tho:snual quan- tity of oiltwhich they may, eentain., S. N. TH031.A.S,PnaLrs, N. Y. And NOATHROP & LYAUN, Newcastle, Ont., Sete Agents for theDominion, /- //1 . NoTs..--Blectrie--Seleetednnd E1ectrise4; • Sold. in. Stsafortll_ by E. Riekaoni 0b. and it. L-uinsden: 11 ,i„:• a G•trat p.t.inate Jon HOSES' PERIonicAL T-1-11g.puSreillofvflltahlt'sempaeinfaieuinl ane-idsdlainglifactilpignsgdlinscatsileas to v3hieh the feiniiie constitution is hubject. It moderates glee/mess tind reinoves all obstruction, and a speedy cure may be relied on. • To married ladies, it is peeuliarly suited. It will in a short bring on /the nfonthly period with arity. , , flieSe PillS ehould not be 'taken by Females during the ffislethree months of Pregniicy, as they are -sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other ationioi six of /rue of the best eats that are known,' time_.they e..ra,safe. * In au cases of •.'rervolis and Spinal Affections, puns in the *hack and limbh, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the . heart, hysterics, and whAtes, these pills will effeet a. cure when all other means . have failed.; . and althougli a pawerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. job 11foses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1.00 and 12,1 cents forpostage, enclosed. toNorthop &Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will. insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills by rctuin . • Sokl in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., and R. lamisden. 197-6 • _ DANIEL McGREGOR Bookbinder, Hafpur ey, Seats:nth, HAS just received a large S ock of the materials used in the business andis now fully prepar- ed to execute, on the Shortest, notice and in the latest styles, all orders he may be favourad with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOKS OP ANY laND, Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prices which defy, competition. _Ladies' Work _Boxes (-6 Fancy Gases Made to order. . -OLD AND NEW BOOJK_S Bound and repaired at city prices. All communications addressed to the undersign,. ed, will reeeive prompt attention. DANIEL McGREGOR, Seaforth, (Harptuthey. , viT R. StYCIEW Daattistera torney 1Ch.J.ne- " erStA‘•1 der14i1.0at. 011iee-•-•oyer J. C. Donor & CO. s Emporifpn, 31164(3t Souare. 269 - • M. LEET, hag been 11b - LI • pointed Agentior the Colonial Securities Com- pany of England, leds also Agent for several.pri- vate Canitallats . of Toronto who loan Money at •vei.7 rekitonable' rates. - Intprett paYkble yeplf Charges moderate. • ".• Winghain, Dee. 15, 1871. ut4445.#- cci.V,pArIX__1%,111:11ST14.11), Barri §ters A t- , torneys at-Maw;-S-0710i6ra- Cherie -try anal 1i/solvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. Solicitors for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for the Canada Life Assurance Company, N. B.--$80,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Farms, [louses and Lotalersabla.--_*,-. - 58 r PEN S01,si tifFsP,Ilta liarristeis and. Attorneys lit Law, Solicitors„in„ Chancery and Insolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. • OfneeS—Sea• forth and. Wroxoter. $18,000.of Private Funds to invest at 4.11Ce, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable yearly. . JAS. :BENSON. it.W. • C. IIRTElf,.. • flAVID MITCHELL, 111..D.,- Graduate of Vieto. ria College, Physician, Surgeon, etc., etc.- Kinientat t, 0/vr.-Coroner of the 'County of Huron, °Moo and residence, at Thompson & Stanley's. : TAMES STEWART, M. 1J., C. M., Graduate 'of McGill, University, Montreal, Physician, Sur- geon, ate. Office sad Residence-.---Anneeheld. 11 L. VERCOE, M. D.!,t C M, Physigiau, Sur - •" -I- • goon, etc:1 Wilco and Residence, Omer of Market and High street next tonhe*Planing Dit. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County. °Ince ,•and Residents/over Corby's corner store, Main street, Seaforth. Office hours, from 11 to., each day,,and day Saturday. • .* 1-10 • J. G. BULL, UD.S., . Dentist, ac.,* Seaforth, 0.utarip. Lir Plate work, latest styles, neatly executed.. All, surgical limrations verb:timid 'with care and. pralptitatie. Fies mine* s eau be obtainell. else- where. •Oflice hews froni, 8 A. Mato 5 1 M.: Rooms over Mr. A. G. AleDougall's Stork, Mairest. 274 • ; i a • A ilrfnilElki:". • - P 6611.1 kothii, Seaforth, Onthrto. SIMON "LW POWELL, troprietbr. `. The suliscriber has, therofighly renevatecl and' newly/ furnished tit!) above honse3s4-,t1iat it now affordesoodmecommo; dation -for the .travelling pnblic. Choice liquors and cigars in thh bar. The table is suppled with the &lief/eke in! season: , ' Oysters in seasiiii. Large stabling and an attentive -hostler .in con- nection. '251-1 7 • 00141MERCIAT.;110TEL, Aitileyville, Out., whi; ANNETT, Proprietor. T1Li Hotel is uniler entirely new mantigeand4and bas betna therouglf renovated. The' Bar is sill/plied with the best Tiiquois and Cigars: tided StAllnedAtl attentive Itostlers. Atlirst-Class:Liversain connection: 28 - - •-•,z • :-• -poRnadmoie WA1.1":8 HOTEL, iclinton, Ont., "I"c, J McCIITCHIION yroprietor; tint -class accommodatien for travellers. The -Bar is stip- pliefirwith the,very best- liquors andleigars. Good stabling attached. The -,stage leayea, this House every day for Winghiun.' 204-4t JIALVERY. Ts: A. SHARP'S INERTAND S 11'1' STABLES. / Office—AI, MarraVa,Hote), 1eafpi., 40:04- Hor'ses and first-elass Conveyances always ou 4 , r -a. J4 54 • 1— rillI0341910N'S lailiRVICfARTONI C0MMT11101,AniliOTEL. i Good. quiet • Hoes and. First-CU:as IfTeMeles . always on hand. •;Conveyitnees, furnishea to Cominercial. Travellers on Teas/m/181e rates. " * ' • " 221 • JOliN THOISISONi # 4 ilk/ ;ELL'S LIVERY STA BLE§, SEAVRTH, Ont. - .-"' Good Horses and Qoinfertable Ye 'des,. always on hand. Favorable!-Arrinagereinta inii4e with Commercial Tn.vellerii. All orders left- ittKnox's liornp; -svill be promptly ptteinlektea. °Melt; :AND STABLES-Thirt..1 door ,North of. Knox's Feta, Main Street. , ° 22; .3' THOMAS BELLI Proplietbr. 101.134340EULLAINUEOU-04.1- ETERINA11Y -SUIIGEON.—D., MeNAUGHT, V. 5., begs to announce to the inhabitants of Seatoith and surroundink -Wrintry that he' has been awarded the diplpma oft the Ontario Veterin- ary College, and 4- 110W prepared -tanireat diseaaps ofHorses and Cattle,and all domestic animal:4. ,He has opened an olliceln colihectide\vithhis hei-se-_ shoeingthopaivbere he will -be found ready to at- tend to calls. Diseases of the feet epeetally at- tended to. Residenpe, cane and shop in the rear of ICilloran & Ryan's new Atore. AL1.1 leincis of Tqt- er.liiarS, Medicines Crept " conettintly- en 'band. Charges reasonable. *- 229 • ' STYLt CliiTTERS- 314. AND ISUNSTANTI.Pal ,srsicat, ".. '** atete'aela and•lavoribIliknown P/' I c- . • 4 —• SFAFORTH CARRIAC,E WORKS * i h l'q11-1/14M "GRASSIE ,T - „ Etas now on Iuand al foy toile a number of hand- somely finish?[ and SubWtrititially bruit • '• 44* -euTTAgs,- Also, a ntialibk;f; G 05IID TrrE GIRLS, .t. , < Both light itild'heavy•-, for sale cheap for leirly Money: - • - ;• - :Cutters and sleighs Ando to order on short no , "•- • Blacksniithing,:Horse Shiming and genera' job- ' bing priimptly attended to. ' ,/ : "44 'AVTTIVIAMJA14ASSIE4 Godericia.etreetiaSeafoglia/. • QVE b. R givtair ED--; M.- r•ROBEftiTSONi. _ t • Cabinet:n'utker and lindertaier,,' ;../ }JAS RimOTED his ware -rooms to o:•//t- -;' • - • JOTINSOli, S OLD writ:we _ - .513.9a-stroet,pqafort4 Where he has on hand. a .snti(' eeock of *.eurni. • i ture of every.despription. .1 .• I GALL' AND SEE TT. - !}.. MatirrAffitta. Having purchased.111r. Thomas Bell's HEARSE. I am prepared to attend funerals on the shoatest notice, e,ithe ,; in, toszni or country. , •COftintl AB. Sizes Kept constantly op, hand. 4 74 SEeitotTDM..., ROTIDS M. tRpBERTSON„ CABINET' MAtillt AND pliDERTAKER, • Johnson's .pld •Stalltt, Brain street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good ' assortment of S-11-11=t0T.TID 11 hich he can furaisla elmaPer than they eau be • got elsewhere. 205 TO—DAIR,YMEN. MILK CANS AND PAILS. MRS. WHITNEY Would state to Dairymen that she has commeneed to manufaeture Milk Cans and Pails, Of all kinds, and can supply them AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. Stores and Tinwartf on hand 4Z.8 usital. • COAL 011.. for sale Wholesale and Retail. Repairing and Eave Toughingpromptly- attend- ed to. MSS. WHITNEY, • Main -street, Seaforth. JOHNS• a1fEifItS7 JUV 3DRUV-G.IS:41 11-111ChW boa a tuft• s.. raent of illthe I zncclk4ncrt/f thoffay, co lug Dr. :Wbeeleirk, Com d Elixiri gilosplatA, at, Ayerll/tab's Depew'clanid HagYalarsitandictnale Eeleclaic Oil. KelifitsiVs Medi - eel Discovery. Extract of 13n eiro,Horseand tle. Medi - -, eines, SupeHor Dye Stuffs, Perfume** Combs aria 13 hita OilaamdPoinaailes hooll3 _ _ °Wu/44 Stationery. EXCHANGE - ,, B..1 #4 - In connection, where MI arti ft gbind 'id t i Unite.d Sta.tem eau be ituppliell with American -CM. tency, •Meney to lend on easy terms.' Ticiretif-W • sued to all pilytS of Fairope andth/0"eatern States. Parties ..sviithingi te bring .-out Oh= fribiull/ *from Europe can be supplied with Jkets htre to send to them. 267 - .TifittagEATTER. RC)CERIES CROO1tE11:17. ,AND11 GLABSW.0% idbe had at l'im* fLoug*AND .'FEE' STORI • •• - • At the towestgicea. ' Call and - examine well-ieleated • 'took of TEAS; 8.6.7651.17, banned ! Fruit, •Oysters; Sibmon; Lobsters anti 3.• Sirriliniit.stinstati: tied:. hnd. StOeilitiSOKEttlYOUI.51A6iiel1i0iS,impUen/siforNbi and Cafitle %nee, the finest an chef/pest tion Powder in theworld. • - J. P. kENDALL ,a4Olii(hIPiNt". A. Shearson a 0o.) celebrated -!.*" •*_ : '17 • - - : * s•- • • • Welnered on the shortest notice. The biped MAO Irrfee Vipr talleoduzi • „.1 -1 ' ``• CEDAR POSTS Dna SHMOLLTS still on hand. a*T1tOMAS LB. ; -et - r THE 1-191,IDAY'S OVER BUT TR& TiAllil*Fda tl. JE • CHAP: 11,4t3--ei end. eil" M. CO. 1,•11S4T3HtR -12 1 . 3 .1 UST RECEIVED 5 (t TWO CASES OF- plOSE h • elebra'te'd Watches 11'.1 TrAt-1 ! litanufaettlet tkpiS4'feri' M . 13 COU.NtER # ' . .3Y • .- .;. • TirairAS R ma'• rf SONS; - 011,1 —MT IlamoYogA93.14:70boi 7-4 •I REP,wzi.M.'354B :461UAL Personal atteutisnpaiil to repairing andregulat- )31‘1.T.4715 ..74t13 -DT Z.41.0Ta !TERMStrz'STRir0TLYCLASH,1 /11 „le Also, agent forilLazarnit; Merris fzep;'s P&ated " SI/ebtatileS:',„( vomproinow-- /*- IN§V.1)11-3t3 VT-t*OPRTaY - AND SOIX1eLIVEgv; ,f J. Qg Seaforth The. Scottish Provicieial, Inettlan.go Cempany7- •'Fire anilLife,13 TTlille4131r)*5'19:51811Ria:elsrlif&IThavalil°1t;'k' e!`tfe;°C°4:1ra-- :3:117e3: te7t:a;.1.121701 93-118#* '• _ * 1.Kerma. as reastma.ble as offered by any other tvgent d•oin,g business for reliable Coinnanies. ";•-14-43 •_'44 _•4 • 1 i• .1,10.14EY TO LOAN,' ti Also, TV; stigeat ..for tue Agrieultural Investment Soeiply, Lawlor,- Thia.0i/tiapanS =offers Dettet I ' # 0.11Cerrlent.4J to boixenvea:g.thaniatuyaothers aohla business t sPiuvJie. ai1 and"getaeireulars ng 61'IfICISIE--ilalostiTerilinarl)oneig14*&1311112'salzionlYg'selalacterYw Store/• lpip/Streshgeaforth. 252 here SEAF011311411,AIWt;eiiIILL,- SASH;000RANDilitIND fACTORY. T" .a - subseribet bealeaye. to thankbis munerOna customenalor theliberai patronage extended4o • - him since commencing bustopaain Seaforth, and , trusts that he may.lAvoi.4..avith.- a continuance of the same„ "'"'" •PartieSviteoaing to .tond wobla do,,,,as*ell to Igivti hiin'a call -11,aherwill tontinne to keeff on haul large stai:Rf uii kinas of 4 fITIZBER, • DOStriacin —412.1=, GIOULDMft, -SHINGLES, LATH,1 ETC He teela-confident of'givinktiatisfdetidii. to these ailio.may favour hint With. their plitrondtp, as none , but first-class worktrien-'aire entployed:' 1....Bart4eularatteritidn paid. to Custom Planing. JOHN- E. I3ROADFOOT. • POULTI :f‘ LTRY 4 1 s 74, • lb I!, 34 r • .4 1 The sitliseriber.will atay the a IIIMIPST* °ASTI PRICES For any q entity of fat, well-dressed 0 TT 1-4 traRo '13elivered at the EGG- EMPORIUM. Main -street, Seaforth. POULTRY TO BE DRAWN, • 227 D. D. WILSON. • J:‘, P. BRINE, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of RuroCountry.n.SnesttL:;inallpartoU:luoAers2EEoii4nc will be promptly attended to. 198 130ARDI 11 COLLADAY has leased the large and tem- • mod:ions house, on the Salt Works Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, and bas fitted it up as a boarding-hqnse. Gbod table And comfortable rooms ersoils wishing a pleasant boardmig- house iihould apply, as there are at present a, few iveaeass tnchaiesu ,hoTterlratansiees.nt boarders accommodated -at 228 WATAAh'iiete'iliiiillie::!°teYnau,willtte: Ill-teented, .. , , !h:e *t tp 0;et1wheb :eImpressed eir's1.1 legbatyu; The;.11.s,.0) TA.h.ssitiernz tilt ek-lp: o..eeme As\V:iltfamir3ra: • AAlar'o,„,Str°u7 4aff$el AreBittNTAAvh, i .?1 1 1 :upaidsslfaceovs oayi 3 : 7( qt:t ten Ill lp Atreedyetr.el al*Akod'ulsilleeed::11mPe41 tirst taught] "• Wheal fra I bike nae ro My face, -sae Nae thoeht FUoll°istell da sheirysta , wIrell:icrolassies' scanty 3ons,iestt)i A ! i A. flittin mat INAPT? to000iBkyMber And thus tia TNANh1.1:ttlar!nroilnbe w An! = ble:ekl ken' Wi' raein' 4 A;:vnal:tee2'lan7debbnliaTtra":4,4 By illimbleri Displayed to An'1u hzina rdhil , ' 11-11;ib-t117inci:Y oiA:nfte'cilivnflumees, 4 Crannned inl I somiti ' ofTholuntab4r . 1%liftilt eein haun 1 h W-ifile An' lvhsitst.1 And. hear InS, IA !,1.10,411;iglti ahutlii. Than reverer SI it )thf ts ectri i 1)vdfail . t 't, i DEerst.Ili they1now wi ‘a: en ' it The home ea "No royal k Is e'er a '4o -V,4 rep kings ini III1, T�ot:i i ita ., servetn anb_ aoiyiliTh , be For,. if-lieiliJCt An' Male ine Iluggin me To serve his rll sair*diS And eat inte' :tltileialinhs 'ihuisfei An.' dryih ffi' i lquist like 2., -I A you ing lottea upon it "Gone to, Bob my father Billy Smit No 3.1 All I said hAd roofe that's all 1- as well you tell yon." —We b shiftless, ho is, als. gliently be duns; -(h) partare Of -aisted in ii: by the fire last he ei wife, T -spi'ing if : to Ad it !" —AnI to zehool found hill) ber'-of the He got I and laid a chimney to took away: eitting o11. froze his ea to 'yield they let pliee is it the °tea himself_ when he St uffing, 1)eople's Walking is‘ he stopped guptie :see," said ti " that th utterly iun Notice the isn't it ? d in. that are ly