HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-01-31, Page 3- abliOtkr 1Th by X*. alaCI la -6 JOI-IN S iri,gAiLST AXD DRUCCT$T, full WO sOrtment of all the leadirig meth eft or taedaye comprie- eng„ Dr, Wheeleral co/avowal Piteepheten Ayer's, tul-wity Deneeee sea an tire, etagyarh medial -nee', Thetaae ECR'etrqe Oil Keemedy's alodis ea pre,cal Dianoveree Extrect of ley at f rtgelta.fttIllItt flaX1 Cattle Medi. ; eines, Superior Dye Snare, Perfnmory Combs arca t erewithee Flair Oils faltt PO 'Mt, SCliktIBOOkaana Stetionery. • rs,. At- : leX.C11A1a,,CIE OrFICE. 8114- ; In connection, whore tat atartiee going to the Int'€'11. I United Steens canhe supplied with American our- titior fenei. 'Afanitar to lend, oit cagy terms. Tiekefe - -sued to all paria of Europe and the Wester: States. "1-1111,24 Parties wishing to terhig telt their ftierele from Europe can be supplied with tit...lie:A here to send ; to them. orneya 267 ,TOTIN SKATTEla, veneyi ads to t ayabk rent. KPOSITOR. Viet GRODEIES, CROCKEtV hND -(4I...A.88-IVAT,E. TO. IT had et the FLOUR AND FEED STORE kt the lowc prieee. cell examiee' our well-stlected stoolz - te TEAS, SUGAR'S!, (.10-F.Eri ES, &c. Cle Fruit, Oysters lithium, Lobetere tena Serdinee eiats'aintlY on hand. of , Ma: of alill. plaice t ;Main ! , each 1 EIS% ca• lled sineas n art- : Pro- ; -0 the I AI t :tends T tie see - favoe ; ' Stock =Imre would do well t otry Si treaon's 'fors* and. Cattle Spice, the fictest tine elwepebt Condi- tion IYowder in the world. J. P. KEN-DALT, & Co.'s (late 'W. A.:Shearson a Co.) celebrated FAMILY FLOUR' Delivered cm the shortest notice• - laigheat Mark Price, paid for all kinds ssf Prodace. !ow atLtR POSTS and Slit:COLES still ou haod Wel , ✓ has,ea M ROBE, 'TSON- 5 1 the nerno- Cabinet-reakea and tiudertakor, tivi.117:h4 Hts -wa.re-rooma to ; •aeson. Ct>11-, t ITOTiNg011.11 OLp- STAND, 4 Maiw-street, Searorth, arlder 'otigkr , best intive r THOM AS LEE. REMOVED. eMOVED. Where he ba o lutrafk superior atoek o Furni- tam of every description. CA LL A Ar.i) SEE IT. UNDERTAKING% Haying purchaseel-Mr. Thomas- TIE Ann, : I arn prepared to tette-led tante-els on the shorteat -;aaaaa t ...efotiee, either in town or country.. Good Coffins, -fill Sizes, - louse Kept conetently on hea& talt SHROUDS.? SHROUDS ivLelt013Fettfr-SONs ARINE'T feltiKeR AND; UNDERTAKER, Jaebnaotes Old Stand,Good !. Main ,trot, Settforth, hes now on. hand a good aways ; .. assortment of (ea SIE-I_L-Z,OTTID S. Walch La eau fttrnielr cheaper then they Call ba Ont. t twaya ; with! got elsewhere. 265 Pa of DIE Va,U)slatSIGa; ED, is, tat to furnitth those who will fever him with their mere -nage with Any 1)14t1 -timed of Any Jrak-c. AJbo, Agent for t, f a 0-k Re = .NIA -SON & HA.MLIN'S CkIZGANS, aa -Lich cetereet be excelled on the Continent for fulInt-K4 and licitness of tt_me. C. RAli-i11Z ON G ; Lt `tali graph, Lok Store. ' veer Vet"- I 'PILE anderetiental has $3,000 aria 1.1-pWarcl, Priaak , and. j_ ' fande, to loan, et 8 per centper annum, ow • Faret property. Oherges inotlexate Marriage 1 Licences issued. APPLY to ,f '227-59- W. G. WILSON, Zurich. moNEy TO LOAN. rrliE enbeeriber hae MONEY to, loanto any •*- amount on good farm property. Interest,. s1L1 per certtper atmum, when the interest and. prin- . eipre are paicl yearly, and 8 per caut: per 11F1111111.1 when. thr., intere&t. only is paid. A. G. MeDOITGALL, 227-52 At cheap cash Store, sign of the Bear. • The Victoria Chemical Company, SciaProprietora end Manufnettirere of the Cele- brated Victoria Carbolic Preparations, Laboratory anti Works, Victoria liala MeliiabiStreete, Torouto, On,t The following. Gertniue Preparations ere sold by - alt 14ruggists. Bo saire 'ma ask for titlaicronte fateeeueerowar and. /see that yoa Leta them. Victoria Carbolated Glycerine Telly. ThissELLy is highly recommended. to Ladies as 11. moat aget,ea.ble Preparation for the Toilet. For lataittifying tee Complexion. and rendering the Skin Soft, White, Clear, ere!, free front 1.)r3-ness, 11 uerivalled. ft will remove all 1ednes4 Itri.e4linesti, Tau, Frokles aud other ira ,- perfeetione. For Clueppedliands, Froet • Lite- and 'ore Lips, it canuot l. euepaseed. Prine an„. -0 VIerja Carb011e Toilet Soap. 1E1'16 Ti SOU' pOKI,t'S.,<•ti. all the well -knows acttl..'ptL. ar.td th4Lnfe,t1n, propatiee of (;arbolie Avid, i. agreeable st-ented, has a belltity action on. tize. skin, pkeveni-q irrit a Lion, ref() e. es the effects CiIptripiration, and should le: 1 nitrly used. by franilies. Cholera, Smallpox an -ti fever Patiente elicead bewaelted with this Seep ; tied it» nat.: by perions liable to infectiou will materially prevent the epread of dieeriee. Price 15 cent; per Tablet, -Victoria Carbolic salve. MONEY TO LEND. • c • This tave, ie a rapid. cure far all Skin Dieeasee tura. ounda, Bruises, Burns, Stites, Ulcers, Ring.' worm, `letter, Eczema, Scald lit ad, botirvy, Abe- ce.aes, Both:, PiexpIee, &e. It poeseaste, alt the Helm:dug and heating yircuee of Carbolic Acid, v.hich hag been found by Phyeieians everywhere to peatees ettrative temilative not ail-co-we:red in any' other thee:deal p,reptiratiert. 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Gargarysma. ock I TE 50; itt 'Ibis Gil Itar.F. is th& most relit -1)1e and efficacious Rerat dy Le ell caeeitof Sore Tama, Hearsonesa. Diptherite Erma -kit Irritation o -f the Bronchia/ Tubeeso common in this changeable climate, Asthma, Wet -wire Bresth, Ulceraml Gums, and all cliseages of the Mouth. For l'ublie Speakera and Singers it is igraluable. The ingredi-.,t tering into this Gargle are used by all Ian el iniva :aid far the cure of thealweto disorelers are now. Mstottbtedlv. the aloft popular in, the- IfE.E.ica.. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant. Thie DZsrxruCTANT it:- a anre prey -entire of Typhtra and Typhoid Pc.vt rs, Cholera, :irtut1. t:tr wld all 'in-- ftetious dises.-lets, It win pr. -volt Contavion in. Ca.ttlt It is iamittadele for Disinfecting Wa- ter Cloeete, Duane, Stables. S Ittug-hter- houses, ttc., anti f‘.:r dcbtro.,ing nauseous effluvia front whatever causo aridiug. It will drive away Aloquitoes, Motlut, Flies, Cockroaches, ac. Meat, Fiala &e.,can,lairescrcl inert putrefaetion by ite itee. Call:relic Acid watt selected by tier Majesty'e Itoyal Cataraitetioners.jj prefercnee to all other produete, as the best Diainfeetant for the preven- tion of infectious diseeaes; Price 95 cette. Victoria. Slia.z.-penint anti Polisliiiig Paste,- Tidg Ptri:PARAritm une%nalled in its rapidig for Sharpening -mad koiielting Cutleiy. Table and Poeket:Kniaetallazors, Surgical Instranumta, Shoe- neekere' Knlece Plaee Bite and 01114(.6,0:e. Noth- ing ham ever le'ceu discovered" rhich has sprung into popularity more quiekly, or 'became of HO Ma& value in every honiehold mid workehop for gentrel ete Price, 25 tents. 230 GAIUTIES. a Excuse haste and a had Ten," said the little pig When he broke out and ran. ----" Well, .Wifte you can't say. I ever contracted bad habits." 44 -:No, sir ; you generally expend them." —What word may De pronounsed quicker by adding a syllable t� it.t (41----dek3iode-1 wive -s f .,nprly 'took t -t tlii "stitch in time ;" n dy, with the' aid of sewing anachines, they takes one in no time. . —There jars matt who keeps a list of all the banks in the country, so as to be able to say that he keeps a bank account. ,- , --A. eertain Mr. David :Fender, popping the qtiestion in a .Iett sr; concluded thus.: " And slould you say 'Yes,' dear Mary, I will truly lee your D. Fender.' - —A. .successful merchant, *Ten being. questioned as to the reason of his saccesa, replied, " At tright I store my mind, and during the day. T mind my stere." --During fhe American war a man out west. in ai, stnall gathering of friendsewat urging. open their minds the importance of enlistiog. d "Go, my brave friend.," said he ; "Tight for your country—diri for it, if it he uecessaly ; for it is'sweet to die for your native land." 4 Unt," said one, "if it is sweet te...elie for one's conntry, why dont you go?" This' was a poser, and fot a moment disconcerted him ; out, rallying, he declared that he, as an individual, " WaS not fond of sweet things." : --A good etor Tits told of the etia- .dentit of a certain institute. - A year or two since, just before Lent, the principal of the school ledured to Ole bort-111)mi Ole iirOpriet.ir of ab- staining from S01130 aCCUStOulg-ta anti - WC of criet during Lent, and desired each one to write the name of the ?) nicie upon a slip •of 'paper, .and hand them to him the next mottling at the opening of the school. The . _ . papere were handed in, and upon every one vas wriutttn the wguilicant word, " Rash." -- An old joker, who was never kuown to yield the' petal tCt , ally antagenist'm reeling a knotty yarn, was put to hie tremps at Ilearjlig. a ' trtveller siqte that he once saw a seized in an iron grasp, betokening rude' health, wenn heart, and dis- tance,from tine:metropolis, but pro- ducing a' strong, sensti.of..relief on your part when you hud lingers unbroken. .--,The,neittottrithis is the retentive shake—one vt—hichl. begin- ning 'with vigor, ,muses as were,, to takees brehth, '4/W1°14410in! welshing his prey, anA, 1,4efore you are aware,. . begins again,. till, eyou feel anximie as to the result, and have no shake left i you: • ImpOrtanee of Reading. No molter how obscure the posi- tion in Ade of an individual, if he can read, be may'at will puttinntelf in the .best society the` world- has ever seen. He may converse with the greatest heroes of the past; with all the writers in proae and poetry. He may learn how to live, how to avoid the errors of hie predn- ceiSors,atud to secure bleshings, pree- '•ent and future, to inmeelf. He may reside in a desert; fat aivay from the habitations of man ; in sore tutle, where no human eye .looks upon him with:affection or interest, where no human voice cheers him with its aniniating tones if he has books to read he can never be alone. He may. choose this company, . and - the subject' of 'conversation, and.' thus hecome contented ani happy, intelligent, wise and good. 'row% people should heed these truths. sreosss Daugtvters. An intelligent *titer says ; is nct possible to over-estinrate ithe auvantages which wotild :eel& friorn men in trades ad professimis allew- ing their daughtets some participa- the') in the. work of their daily rives. What ginle want a huger observa- tion of the _world. aid deeper knowledge of hoeran niiture. There are few of our teerehante and manu- faciturers and professional Men who coold not largely avail themselves of the services of eheir 'educated and! ebnapetent daughters ; and if retch services could be rendered geiterally available, it is not. too inrich to say that a wider end more fertile social life 1..vould arise for mankind.. Alen's occupations would iu no sense' be . . prejudiced, while women would 4t once find that Outlet for their facui Wanted Imradiately 240 GOO)) STROl's:470 WORKING HORSES • TO DRAW WILSON'S SUPERIOR IRON HARROWS AND SEWING. UACHINES. 0. C. VVILSON nati now on hand at his Agrioulbnral Warerooma, Market Street, Sedorth, a number of Colton's wall -known , IRON HARROWS. Partnere who want to get otie shoal] call at once. as they are going off bud, and only a limited num- ber luive been mede for nextseasons sale& SAWING MACHINES. A member of EastWOod & Coaa celebiatcd two - horse Sawing Nachiaes. These Meilhinee will honotrfle40t.t. cords of wood a day, with one span of TO FiE LADIES. 500 Good -Looking Young Women Wanted immediately to hay and work 0. C. Wil- son's Sewing Machines. On Flanda-The Fldrimee, Singer, Raymond, Rowe and Lockman machines. 4All the bent made. A few of Prince & Co.'e ORGANS AND MELODEONS left, which will be sold clioap and warranted to give satisfaction. - Also, on hand, as usual, a large aftttortment of all other kinds of Agricultural Implemente, at 0. C. wiLsoN's 284 Agriculteral Implement EmPorium Market -Street, Seaforth. Iodized Cod Livir dile Pi Big Preparation is a solution of Iodide of Iron A- in perfectly -pure Cod. Liver "Oik- alt. may be used in -all oases where the simple Oil is orders a and NYM 'be- found. greatly itatiperfor to it. 'Thai preparation is highly benefisial in Pulmonary Con- sumption, 8crofnlotot ComplaintsChronic . Skin Diseaaes, and for all chronic disoders arising frora dafectiee digestion, sesunilation nutritima It is also highly tieeful in Chronic Itheuraatism and Gout. Price $1. - • , • Compound Syrup of Itypophoophites. • 1.7-1Is is an arzeable Propferatien,bontaining the Ilypophonp Jen of Lime Soda, Potash and Iron,- with free Hypophonphorous Acid. This Syrup telret,ag r:oelTseli f: DeZttis from any a le s cro Complaints. It DI else highly useful in diiteapeitzf the bones (es ' infants) and InciFient; (-1 ,4111 Consumption. c 1. -The above Prepexationa are of standard Medical reputation, and containing no secret ingredients, may be preecriteel by phyeiebuis without hesita- tion. Prepared. by JO#N WILLI A. to18, London Ontario. For sale by—R. Lnrnatlen, Senfortba .T.R. Grant, Ainleyvelle; G. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and I.)raggiets 285 generally. • I? OR E- CHEAPEST ANL) BEST ruune"ties foe which. many of then. have Steck house. pact d upon I) so long stliving., A eel tin re - and drawn up a, +ill to a "more favor would 111(9 (ss( their I - Nide Jocation some half mile distant. sPiunsi1 i ii:ilitY " What do you think of that, Uncle A en'"wit'Y- for earn - GO TO .1(.;',hiel I" said the Leystandeis. " 0 ing wthlid ret"ve tlfe. se"e °F futige,,,i said tlik.,,, old wan, cc 1 mice IS111(1(:11C0 , it Jefinite occupation . , would Ineng noth health and (heel - saw a two sjtory stone house dowo . JOHN STAUFFER S . ks ( IA w 11 UV OXell, t irtie nt es. .... A dead silence ensiled the did Mil EI Pf lire -would give fore" 'ind c°1111)1ce- , ! WOOLEN - GOODS AT COST, - 0 M 11 0 0 M 71 0 IR, AT SPRING STOCK, HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. NO MARKET FEES IN SEAFORTH, Tgas, . Sugars, Currants, And no trouble to Atm Goods at ALLEN -'S GROCERY, 1.7 t • futness ; end the larger experiecees . FLOTIR, OATMEAL CORNMEAL Which IP, perheps, the beet place in town to. perobase .Spicos, Dried. Apples, canned Peaches, Cannel- Peas, Syrups, Canned Saltnon, Wash T,uba, Wash Boards, Brooms, &c., &c., SH Sit -Water erring Scaled Berring, • Cod Fish, Baskets, evidently had theors-e end .of it, eese.to their mental eharacter." • eud he saw it. Gathering all his , ts-T)orgieF, he biff t oa huge,. pieee of , - pigtail i,y w.ily 01 wiirling time for _ An iowa farmer recm emendstne ,(Th(ty dta-xnm ed the, ,,tee following device for easuring land : • • 'e house " said tl 11 c, - D.vine for Adeauring Land ' , 0,-(• Man ( ,rieenfaktwo slabs about six feet lotto' na a ' titiantity of tobacco j!lic( towards sletrpen one end of each, lay them worst, of flu job, for z.tfter they done passes, S the fireplace.), ''hut that n't the 01'00 ',it'. like a pair -of open cot:a so that the pOdltS hall ire - sn; thee, they went beck and deiwed the ex'actly five feet ix inches apart r. st --te rm. ,.raneer eaveen. • now nail the othur two ends tot,eth- maa A. miler meetiog haliewitted .er and a piece ,across the middlu, so 'that it will look like the letter A, isal one day, said to him, " Well , Toni, does thee know what beest "nd the' ille4sureis ihli'Thecl• To •-- AINLEY V1 LLE. ,• I i.gn of the Two Bureaus. JUNE 18, 1672. 287-52 , CABINET -MAKE WANTED. WANTED area -chow Cabinet-maker, to work e piece -work ; good Wtiff04. - -T. 8T.AUFFER, HARNESS HA RN ESS. GRAHAM leLOUR, BUCK \VHF:VI; FLOUR, POT BARLEY, KlbE, ko. • Best Fresh Ground Coffee only 30 cts. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. COME ..A.T3D SE ALLEN'S GROCERY, Seaforth snow esommanummemormirimmi FARMERS I 1.b in k n' on e To which Tom. re- 'ilea:on-el knit plaoe on prOalt at' the plied, ". I knows what -I know, and . . _ starting' place and the other also on the ground in il straight line for des - stand alonesiche the ma- t. Fla w"e met 1." quoth the other ; tination ; . .‘ 1 never li-ceed of a men as know'd ehiiie, with 4114' h'ind on top of it ; what ho (Edict; knovi.e....e: oh,s, -re. take One Stele fot ward, tip up the lit4 Ttith, !, ice; ali rit,ht i point that ispehind, gwing it at on k..--.,„.„,-0.. ILL" a many flit -ili('f4 4tAt --froth yetis -ems the other point, " b ..v ti 1" D. 9 -t (inane know whoe6 corn yon feed and set it in line 'ilii°' - A Person in - A ,5,000 Farmers Sons and -Daughters Wan know -what 1 (Juana know." 'ten JOhn smith." Jolui 3()lin Smith-- . ,) :LS 10t very high soth u -ling it uoes itot oggt.st ; it is not mone of any hero in die-awav eevele.: and yeoit is geed, strange ;ted lee-oset. Transferred to othee eangesgee, tt, S'wqrS to ChM') I,he lad- der "tif respt.et:tlyiLlkity. To use it ill. 1.--tt ill it ieljohanties ; th it then smoothes' it offinto Giovanni can.ni , the ,vautart.s render it Smithus the Dutchman -..elopte it 11- ill is Schniitt ; the , . Vreoch flatten it Cat, into° JCall t t „t11(1 t ,-111 :,11.-le7f):8 barks Jon 'off .Stui ttowski. Whha' John 8un.th ,2,-hts info tho te;-1 tnttie in Clanton hi liecomos ; i lit) clitalbers lieck the feelendere e4y no Jone / • I Smithson ;. if le tr:ides omongtla Tost::tror:!-1.„ h-° hpoomes Teal Qi Snit jt ; in Poland. he is known ;IS hall 1,S4111,1tiliwciak ; ttltit21' among the NVelch mountains, they ,tkdk of .Jihr.n Schmid ; when he gof.:, to Alexieo is booked as jontli F'Smith ; if, of Massie turn, he lingere among Greek:ruins, he turns to Ion Smikten ; end in Turkey he is utterly disguised as A: oe Self. Shaking Hands.- TilfTe is nothing mo -re (ihatacter- kie-..s3v:-: Sp:lney Smith --than in Qrti. tkeg of the IntnhaNTi ehissiti- ell them. l'hora is the high oflicial Ow body et.,( -t. and;t rapid shot- stetke, 'neat. t -he elrin. There is the. -tho tlat lond introduced Iwo your palm, and filo dly_eonpciotts s ittt. ni Ly The. digital -,--one 1,tiger li.1r1 out, much used by all ROOMS TO LET. conemodi on ritn:t jous_. iland 1,R.5cioir s on t.ho aeeend flat. A.pply to .."`"" MeCAUerlIEY HOLMSTED. ill:2; wanner Can tilt:88111'0 COITeetly ,4 . as fqn st as he cawalk—three spaces '• . make a rod—walk straight without SEAFORTH. i stopping, count_ tho spaces: divide i these by three, and you have the i . , rods. I--.......----------- 1 An Ingenious Instrument. I Great Variet:y T LSON'S "Data, a mechanic cifGenova, pro- !' d need clock . se excel led all Iothers in ingenuity. On it was I seated a negro, a shepherd and a dog. 1 When the clock struck, the shep- herd played six tunes on his flute, I and the dog approached and !awned 1 upon him. Thi* wonderful machine was ex.-hildted to the Kin° of, Spain, who was greatly delighted with it. "Thr' gentleness of my dog," said 1)1'07, " IS ieaSt Mtil it. If yout Alajesty tonch orte of the apples which you see in the shepherd's has- ; you will adinitv tile a e nimal's . fidt°1itv." The. ging took an apple, and the dog flew at his bend, bark- ' ing leudly th;,)t the. Eeing's dog, which was 10 the. room, began to Ait th.is, the courtier.s, not eouetine-tnet itewas effair of %vitae -raft, hastily , lef'G the room, crof.sing themselver s as they depated. Having • desired, the Minister of .Alatine (the only one who ventured to itanain) to ask the negro what o'clock it was, theAlinister did 60 • . TM -NES of all 'hinds, YAWS ES. -not a few, Wirip8—of all sorts, CGLLAIAS—all Riw e,p,,carry •007,Lb...., . All oricee —front 10 ceuts up. - BeLls, Blankets, Carcingles, Saddles, And in feet everything nenelly forma in n urea, (ease Sada it Fa; Shop, and at pi Wart:tried). low, JAMES WILSON . Tekta (his tipper:Away thanking hie nezmaceis frienae and customers for the liberal support.ex.- ! tended tow:: rd him for the past yt.ur will hopes : by strict al tao:W.)734n Imeineee and manntacturinn rtm iele to erit fair :.hart, of 11>.'11>.'pat': rena fi. of the realty. • TO PURCHASE WILSON '& YOUiNG'S CROCKERY. JUST RECEIVED r. • A LARcE 'CONSIGNMENT OFl iConsisting of Tea and Mailer Sete eomplete, Chamber Sets, in a, zreat variety of patterns. . very complete Fit ock CIII.NA AND GLA,SSW AR.Ie AXES. Chopper's Trust, Forest King, Woodman's -• Dominion, Ontario ClIrripiob., Altona, Weliaiid Vale, &e. SLEIGH BELLS Neck, Back, Body and Open. COW TIES, Close and Open, Ring and Walton, With snap and hook. FLINT'S CROSSCUT SAWS, improved Champion., LiyhtnIng, Dominiog, COMMOre Tooth, a*.1 Machine Drad Salm With tbe beet atock. of GENERALHARDWARE In the County, at .• WM. ROURTSON & CO:S, sign u: the Circular Saw. PUBLIC NOTICE. INToTicE is hereby given th.at the undereigned have thin arty eater -ea Mkt Partnership is Millers and Produce Commission Merchants in the Village of O'peforih, utider the name, st;ele and firm ol JAS.?. KENDAllar & CO. [Signed,) Leta V. KENDALL, MARTIN CliAaeLESWORTH. JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. A Beg to state to the Farnacee, Produce Mare/tants and Dealere of tho Ootinty of Huron that thev luive puechased from hioxers, 811EARSOli the Mills knurl am the Seeferth Mille, and win hereafter carty on the mane. AltICInds of orain?arclased, As formerly, 11* " And the ifighANt C,4811 PRICE Perid. FLOUR exchanged for WEITUT. Fermers destring exchenge lean rely tipou getting for their Wheat No, 1 Flour. - FLOUR DELMIIY.I) in any pitzt of the Vil- lage free of,charg.e. • The -undo-sighed, herieg bad the entire welting management of the Mill for the past thretJyeara, patrons Mal' rest assured that they will rceeiye tile same ::atisfartory treatmcnt and as good work as formerly. JAB, 'P. R.-ENDA:LI, co. TN BliFERENCIt tile above, the undersigned A- would beg to thank their munorona cust.eruers for the extensive patronage, accorded to them for ted the past four years', and truift that the mune lib - oral patronage will be extended to the new fIrrn VillOnl -we have ',beaten) in being able to confident- ly recommend to our obi patron». All debts due us, in connection -with the !dill must be paid to .1,,.. P. Kendall Co., and all debts due by us, in tionnactien with the mule, will be beetled- by the gala lirrn of aloe P. liradall & Co.tl W. A. SEARSene & CO. OSBORN. SEWING. . k leo a :PRIZE :UST FOR 1872. eAll their Omelet:7 ie of the bet. neoond Cr third w•tee kept. lade Crocacry line be. nieno.--,lat ebeap and will be seal ceoea, TEAS. 3-n3t remivodi another ccrhignment of that superior Tea, at from 40 eta, to .,71 per pound. other kindsC • ri '1 al Reniembf•r WILSON & TOUNG'S tbe place to gat ehoiee Liquors and Ales, and the only pluee where Carling's, oelebratt,d XIX Ale ill quarter barreln for family use ia kept. WILSON & YOUNG- . St 1310111H 61y11 tlf iaismostummowommammumwommer.yee.... " Gok,unN Smcim.r.." _ _ 'r - 1 • 1 -111 1) F1,1( ! ikt1') 1)144 -) k, 701111)141JP..! ^ 11 1(:11 L'it I FOIZ. IVIUR • 1-TIIN1TUJE ER eaa e. thilF4 tItat 111tV4' 1-4 pr!e---, up 1)e:.,-catt: the .""•-• ' rals of net - b on urki aout. to CO WI MIT SUICIDE. c?7-: • W. B. PORTER ; - hut Obtained nO 11- ply. Droz then Ilea commenced selling Fnruiture of all ta ecri 'cc tame in 1: observed that the negro bad not yet Jearned Spanish, upon which the tittestion was repeated in Fi.encle when the negro immediate:Iv answer- ed him. At this ieouig,y, the firm- , ness of the 1.Vlinniter also for:•ook him, and be re reiited enecipitately, de- claring tha t must be the work of a supernatural king. ihe itigli eli.rgy. There is the she- T' LET, in Scott's Block, two ••••, HATT'S OLD STA ND eele MAIN -STREET, S1AY011.T11, , - 114 V.1.11 aqtroili h a miser. Tic corats , I :V inift:i -* leek ce rade tbat 1111.110. Will be 1'et.11:11Ctl.in ha- raver, that his prieca art* THE LOWEST That is and has beat in this or aely othee eomay in the Novi ace for yeere, GIVE HIM A, °ALL And be_ convinced of the fact. W. B. PORTER. Sca'orth, Oct. 95,1872. 255 •=116111/1MINIMININION/ ./111•1/11••••• Main-eireet, Pea/fn.:I. • HERE WE ARE AGAIN- _ . CROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. .1.Ci an,; 1-1.4.1. tnti icc” eon.. ri 1. let THE Pke.70PLE'3 ( heap ( vixen: Ft.ed. ;ilia Provision ,tor. _vo (//3) .crooK. vicToRIous EVERYWHERE OSBOleS PIRST Pla --AT-- Z uelph,1 Prescott. Hamilton, en, Ottawa, Crossihill„ Fort -Garry, Peterhof°, Woodbridge, TorontoGere $t Gatharincs,Cnakstouu, Rem', 0 e, A t e, Pakenham, \‘'elland, Norwieliville,R;nnday, Napanee. Clairvilir, _Nit:Omni% Ne H ainbu rg, (1st ntowt , ono Alms, This Company hill :Ilse, ,t11 -Lt fan, team tao lebeet tea 1 Medal nt th-1 n Lynne, Frace, Exhibi- t! -a, for the perftetion of t-eir machines_ A. CALDER Seaford] ' Ag -u.. fo: thia Compan: 1 TO THE PUBLIC: AT LARGE. W a H OLIVER larm•ss,4.`4 .•a.c1alle and Trunk f•••"" c •S'if AI- 0 12711. I,' I "211 • e'W 11»A /// /.; • r 7,••• . 0 • 1.12...11 TEAS e.sesse."-e) (LENT. -4. se. TEN Ll'. Goon SI.:(;A.1-", FOR JJ !>t/( Peans. Thient Ceifitqate,./ Whevi. P;CCEIV I Mull. P. t't .LN.1) PEED kt pt core•tant- ly on no POOR COPY STRO C & FAIRLEY. See. -1••• len\ eesornet et (1 11.1 awl leen y • ;1,Vh pr.. Belle, !Lee • Clot Mee:, emistautle . 1:sl1d. Re•osivin5t promptly :Att. mleti to, and clang, s modem` le. lltiotrober the place, sign of the S.r.teh anntr. W. lf, OLIVER. tIJ I STAVE BOLTS VdANTED cic rpaB toidvi.i4notxrnipoey CASH for 3,2IX/ txr. ' • of STAN E BOLTS, 34 inebee awe; a.ao, ftiQ oorls HE 1D1-4(4 1101-.19. aneevama. "SA inel-eo ; long, and any quantity of berrel hoops, delivered. I at his Stave Pool or, gasforth. j JOBN 0. AM:ENT- GN or T1i1 1-TOTCI1