HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-01-31, Page 22.
. -
hit ttlit lt, il FIR -uillOtItOrEstrttl AGO.ei
Written for the guz•on Expositor.
Jack Relnan waa a -small active fel-
low. He could handle the stick and put
the etone farther than any boy in the, Par -
WI end et ninth ng aed juin 'ing few corild -
equal, ,..him...,,Ele-zaWa3- ,alsov,a -ready wit --
and delighted in irlavieng tanks one any
petsott. he did. ithetIitte," - t above all
Jack was a qreat dancer. It would do your
., heart eorel ti, awe, hieekoletneeia, doable
i hornpipe oathe head of a barrei. Re had
.: had dancing schools in different place
in the Parish, and now that 'the 'season
I WAS drawing to a close his friends MI -Ought
7 it only right to get up a ball 'for' his ben-
efit. So a tera good dela of planning it
was •agreed that it should be held in
Jerry Hinchin's barn, that Wirig the
larertit anel mos-- central place 0'4 -covid
be obtained. -Accordingly, the -thool-
master was applied to, to write tiekets of
invitation, and after a lgoodhleal of cog-
itation, the follbwing; to the member
of two heeared, were written het in -a
god school -boy hand: .
• 1.1Y. -Yon end your peetner (ire
, ... no
: requested to attend a Publio Ball-, tes be given
: on Thureday night of next week in Jerry Uhl-
: chen's Bane the beenellit of Mr. John Hal-
: mm. Refreebrrien.te will he provided.
These rickets Were circulated not only
in our Pariah, but in those adjoining,
and all the boys and colleens were on the
tip -toe of expeetation.
It was known that tbe "refresh-
ments" ou Id consist of shine cakes
and plenty of punch made from the r
potbeen, fig' everyone lulew that J
was coneeeted with one or more sti
but few, coulil tell where they *tete,
cept that it was snmewlidte in the nio
tains back of (finehin's larid. And
such a degree had deitillinth.been cart
on in those places that a guager,
Harvy, had been stationed in the n
This Harvy was a sinister booking m
• of an ekd countenance. Re had made s
eral attempts to fird the eine, and h
tWiee brought out 'apartyofhorsesoldi
fram Mr next town, but was "alwa
baffled. And as soon as saw t
tickets for Jahk's ball, he said to so
of his'croniesthat now he would' sur
catch them bringing the whiskey to
And he, spent every evening till far
in the night watching iri the ditechem
supposed the messenger would come.
; This news wail soon handed to Jac
Hainan, and although he had the wh
key brought fI cross the meuntain at
through Venclien 'A fields, he deteimm
to play it prectical joke on the guag
He filled an old keg that smelled aro
.of Whiskey with tvatter, and having stra.
ped it an a boy's back. and given him his Y,
- lesson, he started- him in the direction °
• where he knew the guager was. The ,
boy had not ptoceeded far when he was °
ordered to stop. attempted to run
awlyt but the guager drawing a pistol
declared be wohld shoot him if he went w
tan -
e I
li ..obtain no -help from the soldiers - he at
•(*hired- a number of scampthe-
vat -te- ho, upon the prom* of all the
took' he still, in addition. to their titt„
the.y could think, when they
-"tilit, . , e
readily.; agi;eed to go with him, swearing
what they would do to the eountrytfel-
re, lows, should they -opposethem. When
h the appointed -night' ari•ived the Bath
et huriters, armed -to theeteeth, met the
4_ guide at the foot of the mpuntain, .and
t, hating received his fifty shillings, he was
p. contpelled to walk -beside - a big fellow
k named Sullivan, a pensioner, who acted
as leader, the guager mounted on a swift
a _horse -bringing up the rear. - The night
ill: . was , dark:And- stormy, and the t party
le moved along in high spirits anticipating
r- the glorious drink they would have when
as they took the still, and the guidequietly
e- led them on till they found themselves
d in a narrOw lane bordered on each side
d with, fuze: Suddenly he made a spring,
n, clea.red the hedge, and gave a loud
whistle, and before they had' Mine to
think, they were literally crashed with a
is I shower of stones from both sides of the
e hedge. besides several shots were fired
d amongst them. On. the first discharge,
k. the guager put "spurs to his horse and fled
y without even firiug his pitiol. Sullivan,
st the leader,- fired off his piece, threw it
at away and ran, but not one of the others
attempted the least resistance, but all
a threw away their arms. Indeed resis-
tance- was out of the question. for Dearly
1, a hunched ' men dashed in among them,
at and though hone of the party Were ,actue
✓ ally killed, not one escaped Without the
s terrible effects of the enraged still owners,
and many months elapsed before some of
u them were ible to leave their beds.
I -When they returned and reported the
1 cowaxdide Of the guager, 'there was each .
indignation manifeseed against him that
he left the country, 'arid Hainan and. his
friend e were for a long t:me permitted
to mak e vvhiskey without fear of detech:
tiotitlii;le.thelse things were being (matted
Ned Murphy, after repeated visits to El-
len Dougherty's had obtained her. con-
sent, and that of her father and friends
to their tnaeriagh; but they were obriged to
deter it until atter the Patron at Bally-
langly, for the fa.milies of (Meal and
Murphy being each the. representatives
of a large part3 , had entered warmly in.
to the young men's quarrel, and many
encounters had taken place between the
parties during the yhar, and the O'Neals
had sent the Murphys a regular challenge
to fight it out at the Patron, -which, be.
ing accepted by the aturphys, both par-
ties were mustering all their friends and
well wishers. and preparing for the great
day. On theeve of the Patron, Ned
Murphy visited the Dougherty's and hav-
ing arranged with the men for the coining
fray, was loft a;lone with Ellen, when she.
bhrst into a violent passion of of sobs and
tears, and being asked the cause, answer-
ed, "how -can I help it, Ma' beadle.). ; fry
heart is sore intirely. thinking of what
may happen to morrowit 'there's my
father, an' my two brothers, an' you, an'
all my friends goin' to meet the O'Neals,
the. murtherin' crew, an' oh ! Ned, dear,
- I. have .had bad dreams about it, an' the
raven fled over the house to -day ! worra,
worra, worra !"
" Whist, ma' darlin' dolleen " says
Ned, and don't fear for us. We heve
near ninety good men that knows well
how to handle the shelala, - and Jack
Halna,n himself is goin' to lead us, an'
gith your prayers for us, we'll teach 4he
'Neals to behave themselves- in future,
an' though I don't want to have any of
tem kilt intirely, if I only eau meet that
blaguard rem, that was the cauee of it i
' all, Pll leave him that he won't use a I
.stick for the next six months," and af-
ter further encouragiag her, he kissed.
her good night and parted, with a pro-
mise to bring her to the Patron neat
„ The . Paeroui day arrived, coal and
cloudy, an the whole country side was
astir, as it was known far and near of
-the great battle that was to be fought. -
Each side of the road leading to the Bal-
tylangly -hill was lined with tents, and.
it seemed ahnoet al if all the pipers and
fiddlers fn the coenty were present.
.Early in e c ay min titudes came throng-
ing from all directions, and-frem the hap-
py appearance of everything, no person
not before informed of it, wouid suspect
thateuch dreadful work was sesame to take
place. Vt ithin the tent, deriding, sing-
ing and carensing ; whilst outside, the
usual games were going on, and all ap-
parently in garid hunioa Old women
grinning for tobacco ; old men running
in the tack ; some hunting' the greased
,pig ; others climbing the greaeed . pole
jumping; wrestling and thritwing th
stone ---all continued till near thre
o'clock Suddenly, a man withput coat
vest, or shirt, with, a handkerchief tied
around his heat, jumped ieto the beau-
tifiil plain below the hill and twirling a
huge blackthorn ceiecl out " Hurre, fo
the 3'N eels ! Down with the Murphys
the bia,guatds." .„ 1 . •
Imniediately - Jack Hainan; likewis
prepared, jumped. into the field, cryin
out, " Hurra for the MurphS7e ! The
O'Neals are treacherous dogs" down
with them," . •
He had no time to sayi niore when
both met and crossed stick , _and there
was something grand ai w 11 as terribl
to see those two fine mai men stain
foot to foot-parryiug for ne rly five min
utes before -either durat atter pt to strike
during which time an om nous allelic
prevailed. ' At leneth the. 'Neal leader
blood. The cheers and yell that follow
attempted the first stroke, but - Hale ai
knocked it off, and -brow, it his stick
down on his shoulder, drat) ing the firs
ed can better be imagined th: n described
gingerbread stands and ten s weie up
eet, and hundreds of men, al armee. with 's
- heavy sticks, jumped in t back -each t
leader. From this time forit there w t
from him and said she weuld go Wil
Ned. - At -this O'Neal was very *44,
and told Ned 11fittp41 hnwoulde haaeg
phy#d him h thliali: ready for him' at
settl*ezt ' ' :ii-Milh': r thipt"'hilt %tr-
imly time. So, having eeeti Ellen hoine
and .kissed her rode -night he Was com-
ing Iiiihk; humming a`:jiir, when, sudde
Ly O'Neal jurainxi from` behind a ditc
and *truck at him.with his stick. 13
Ned Murphy • was ready for -him, an
knocked off the stroke, and returned i
and then two oMihree others ,-eoirningeu
on'each side; the blackthorna. flew thic
and faste
. For some timo there was as pretty
,figliteao awfrishnian wouicletairth,Leseeet
at length, battered and well marked, ti
O'Neal party were obliged to run,trwea
ing they Would-- it again. As soon
they got together next morning they b
gen to plan whether by .inventing a goo
story they could not take the law of Ne
Murphy and hive to Much satiefactio
and this plan they at once carried out.
Mr. McHenry had scarcely. entered h
of1;ce Mut day after the deride, when th
door was opened. and Toni O'Neal an
five others very anceremoniously wal
ed in. Most of them, and particularl
O'Neal, bore the marks of' the la
night's work. ' Mr. Mc I 1 entry looked
them in surmise, and asked, - -
" Flow:dare you fellows conae into
gentleman's hem in such a way ?''
O'Neal, with kr6A warmth, answerer
"We're come for a 'warrant again th
spalpeen Ned Murphy. Your Hone
can see how he and his party ivied u
last night." . -
Mr. McHenry-" You look as if yo
had got some rough handling, but
cannot see hi:ivy Edward Murphy coub
use you all ,so had. besides I know hien
to be a decent, quiet young man, and I
shall not grant a warrant for hirn without
further information."
O'Nesel—" CV o are ready to give your
Honor all the informatron you want, and
to swear to it too."
Ir. Mr. Mcfienry-" Then take. the
exe Book," and aftet -swearing, let me hear
the whole_ of bow this affair ha.pened."
O'Neai having sworn to tell the truth,
ev- the whale teeth. etc., commenced :
ad " We everh at a dance last night; an'.
ere as I Was 6railli back after seein' one of
ys the colleens home,•when the blaguard,
he Ned Murphy, juniped from behind a
me ditch an: knocked me down with his
eig blaakthirtn, au' heat' tne in this way be
it. fere I could recover myself, an' if my
on friends hadn't heard my call for help. an",
come up in time, I believe he Would have
killed me." -• • •
k And all the others boie witness to the
ee truth of his statement, which the =gig -
el trate perceiving was but orie-sided, said
ed "And h )w does it happen that most o
you show marks of violence. Murphy,
surely Was net able to beat you all, and
if' he was you ought to lbe ashamed of
ourselves. I see that you are keeping-
ack something.", • '
i" 0, your honor," said O'Neal, "he
ad others with him."
• " Ah," said the magistrate, "I find it
was a faction fight. I shall net send a
arrant for Murphy, but shall write to
him. to say that such heavy chatges are
laid against him, and to come here and
disproite them, whicir•I am sui•e; he will
be able to-do."
"So you won't give us thewarrant."
says O'Neal, impudently.
" No," said Mi. McHenry, " Murphy
will come without one."
"There here" says 'O'Neal, "you
see the• kind of justice we're likely te
get, so we may as well be goint but I
ell you Mr. McHenry we'll have satis-
tction, for we'll take the law into our
a stet) furl -het. t Upon hearing' this the
, began to wring his hands and, cry,
Worra; worra, what for you'd shoot
me, sir, an' I doin' no- harm ?"
" Stop -yeur noist; you dog," said. the
ginger, " laid tell me what you have got.
hi that keg." .
" Faix, it's enrus can't carry what
I like along the road ail'ont tellin' every-
body what I have." said the boy.
"Ha, I keow 'tis whiskey by the
smell, mill yoh won't tell me where
you're going with it ill take you to-
Bridevhell,"" says the tguager in great '0
Wirra, wirra," says the boy, "if
I'd tell anybody, (lad 'rid rnurther me."
"Never fear." `• he shan't know( that
you told Me," ((aid the guager kindly • •
"Well thin, sir," said the boy, I'm
goin' wid it to -Mit. flaray'a. p
" Do you know Mr. Heavy," said the h
wri hands.
They were then ordered to leave the
haime, Which'they did, vowing vengeance
upon the Murphies, the magistrate, and
all their eeeraies„
. •
" Sorrow a one of me do, sir, but dad tl
The guager. smarting under the trielt
layed on hiln by Jack 'Hainan, had
had several persons t� prowl around the
ouoteins, hoping in this way to ethic],
le ^stills, and more than (nee or the spies
• tould me he livee -in the white house be- h
yant the bridge," says,- the boy, appear- d
• tag quite simple. .• • f r
Very a -ell then, nowetell me who st
your dad. for f am Mr. flarvy.
" No sir, Inan't do that, for dad said
that Mr. Heavy hid know.",
Well then," said the guiger, "give
this key to Mrs. Heavy When you leave cit
the keg,tand tell her to give you a shilen
ling." if
h than'ee sir," said the gossoon, w
" an I'll Make dad send you another cat- et
And off he WeDt, la,ugliing at his suc-
°ewe, whilst the guager, not wiehing to:be
seen with hint. eauntered carelessly•into
one of the houses, and in a short time .h
went home to tap his treasure. re
Meanwhile; the by had:gone .,to the Ja
*ruse, and having seTen the mistress- w
" fiefe, ma'am," says he, " is a cag w
.Mr. Harry bid me, lave here. anl more, ge
be token, he give me this keg for you th
and you're,to give me half a -crown."
Mrs. Harvy, without asking any.gues. to
Mons, hid 'him bring the keg, and if
handed him the money, and off he went
tajiricing at how the. guaget would feel "
when he found bow he had been fooled. lik
-It was net loug till that worthy got
home, anxiciusao try the strength of his
liquor, and whethe,found what the keg
ecintainol. his rage knew no bounds. lie
cursed and sw-ore, and vowed he'd be
reveneed on :rack Hainan for he knew it th
wasr is work. an
But, without caring for hiewrath, the th
(lancers began to assemble, and; each a 'of
nurther Was never seen at a danee in that lin
part of the,:country. Before the regular in
dan (hug coeimenced, Jack Hainan de- no
lighted them with his. performances, and tel
then •the ouanuglis and colleens ehose ar
their partners, and then the tattering do
and tearing at jigs, reels, and country
dances wee kept up untilemany of them ma
had to give. up from down -right " fit- yo
ague" •
In the meantime all the pots in Jerry his
Hinchin's were engaged boiling water Wa
for punch, tvhich wentereund and round
without stint, and so did the 'hat for the.
collection for Jack. And then Jack
publicly. told of the trick he played on
the guager, which created a great deal of
mirth, bat some said it w,ould not
end there. .
At length, having danoed,_dranke,and
'carrousel. until near day -light; the lads
prepared to see the colleens home. Nov;
there was a boy from the next Parish,
named. Tom O'Neal, an overbearing,
quarrelsome, „though good 'poking fel-
low-, who was. very much laken up with
pretty Ellen Dougherty, and he at once
*aid he wtritld go with bert but Ned Attur-
pky, who was his match in everything
tAlictI,Ow she came veith , and would
retum wikh him also, and,when O'Neal
put his hand on Ellen, she pulled away
ad been -ea -Oa and soundly beaten by
isguised nien, but --Reinert and his
iendse fearing that by some chanceethe.
ill might befound, determined to bring
matters to a crisis, which they did as fel-
loWS ,
A man, well muffiedi. up, entered the
gilageee holise late one night, and on bein
iestioned as to hitt . businees, said he had
me to give information about two stills
Me. ifs.rt-y would make it worth his
hile. The guager." much. pleated, ask -
1 him how he knew where the' still
were, and why he 1 ad come to give him
the information.
" You see, sir," aaid the man,- " I
ought to know altaboutthe stills, for
av-e worked An theme an' I have two
asons for comin' to you, one is -that
ck Hainan didn't do fair wirll me, but
Longed me out of my 'money, an' I
ant es have iny revegge on him, an' to
t my money from you by showing you
e still."
"But," said the guag,er, "how am I
know thatevou will prove true to me,
I give you the money."
" Very easy, sir." said the fellow,
l'll meet you on the road any night you
e, an' you'll give me half what well
agree upon, and. I'll keep in the middle
of your men till show you the still,
then I'll slip eff an' crime here for the
rest." ;
The guager thought for a while, and
en said that the plan seemed feasible,
d finally agreed to meet the man on
e following Tuesday night at thel foot
the mountain, to give hira fifty shil-
gs then, and as much more afteritak-
g the still, and promised that he should
t be known, but; "look ye, my good
low," said he, if we find that; you
o deceiving ns, we'll shoot you like a
g. ))
Troth, thin you • may, sir, said the
n, " an' sure I'm puttin' my life in
ur hands.intirely."
They Mimi peeved. the nian to prepare
friends to gi-ee the guager's party a
rne reception, and the guager to go to
the next town to -engage a party of horse
soldiers for the expedition. But when
he applied to the ca,ptatn, that officer
swore that he wowid not have his men
and horses *fatigued riding on a wilcl-
goose chase every night for his whims.,
The pager tried to reason with hinitInit
it Was useless, the captain said he would
take the responsibility of refusing, and
added, "If the poor devils are trying to
earn little money by making whiskey
they are hurting nobody."
When Jack Hainan heard what the
captain had said, " By my soul," says
he, " buthe's a -gentleman, and I'll send
him a keg of kood stuff for that seine,"
and he kept his word, for shortly after a
keg was quietly brought4o the captain's
:When the pager found that he coild
1 • •
O'Nealsaran in every direction. Then
the cliehring and hurraying were altDOSt
Welling. led, with hand-shakingtitnd
some more deinking, ended thehPat n of
Brillythinely Hill. .
The day after the fight Ned. Yor-Ph-
visitel the Doughertyst - well
marked on the head andShicet, but Other.
mise not inueh hurt in Ihe 'scrimmage,
amt. was received with open arms by all
thelamily for the part he toek it, all
declaring that next to Jack Hainan, he
wafthe heritIliathittthe flight Abd ris
nothing gaiusthe admiration of an -Irish
girl so macil as tn know that her sweet-
heart is possessed of manly courage, Elt
len' openly avowed- her adinitatihneof -his
ci-naluct, " But,". aaid she, " I could not
stand. Jooking at the fight. Myself an'
some other colleens went te the rine of
_the Patron, an' staid there prayint till
we heard the shout for the Murphys."
Didn't I tell ye," says Ned, "that
I. was sure we'd beat that (limy creth
'specially sou'd pray for- us. And
now good people," says be, tarriing to
the rest of the family, "as all the'
trouble is over, 1m come to get Ellen
for m37 own, accerding to 3 our promise.
1 124- eente ter pottage, ene.losed. toNOrthop
rNeetarnwolifinuutigs It -t general agents for the 7,niinioh,
will Insure a bftiftle, containing over DO pille by
Seafortity trieteon tto., end
R. Lnntedon. . - 19 -6
- • •
r 7ttt- LEETe Scrieltor, Ni-ghene; hat been up-
• pointed Agent for the coronal Securities Com-
pany of Englantl, be is ales) Agent foe several pri-
vet° Capital:Mtn of Toronto, 'whe 10 „Meney itt
very reasonable rates Intereet pa ahle yearly
k „11, moderate.
AViirglirun; Dec. 15,18Ti 9418
cCAIJG11:EY & HOLMESTED, Barristent, ,ekt.
L torneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and
Cnsolvenev, Notariea Peiblic and Conveyancers.
olleitortheittlie R. C. Bank, Seaferth.. Agents for
ho Cauada Life Assurance Company,
N. -B.-$130,000 tii7 lend at 8 per cent. Farms,
/Lemma and Lots tor sale.
1 ZENSON & .11EYER. BarriStere and Attorneys
" at Law, Solicitore in Chancery It7aCk Insolvency,
Conveyencere, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Sea -
forth and Wroxeter. $28,000 of Privete Funds to
invest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable
. ,
yearly. 53
JAS. H. BENSON. 1T. 'W. C. 31ETEB..
— • • • • -- ---
111.E IDICAI, .
have a snug place to bring her to, an' DAVID MITCHrI,L, M. D. Graduate of Viet°.
I know you'll do right for her„ an We'll
be happy together.''
"Take Take her, Ned, alarm," sahl her
mother, "an' our blessin'an' the blessin'
of the saints be- wid ye."
As Ellen was nothing loth, it was
agreed that the matriage should take
place in a we,ek. anu the greatest prepar-
ations were made to have a rousing wed -
dine' All who had takeh an active part
in the fight were invited, with their
families. The barn and the out-house,s
were cleared out for the occasion, and
when the day arrived, it woilld seem as if
half the Parish had assembled at Dough-
ertys. Twenty couples, well mounte I,
headed by two pipers, accompanied the
happy pair to the priests' hbuse, where
they were won made one, and baying
atopped for some tiuie at the (-jell of the
" Harp," they returned in triemph to his old patrons and airmany new ones as may favor
ous friends at home. Then, after kis-rs- him with a call. All operations performed accord-
ing, and blessines, and hand -shaking, as
many of the company as could find roo
Sat dowq to enjoy the rousing cheer pre
pared far their'. The tables groaned un
der the weight of good things of every
kind which had been prepared. Tea and
punch flowed in riv'ers and as soon as
room could be made •for dancing, the
pipers struck up every quarter.; and
whilst the elder men drank and. carous-
ed, and told of their exploits in their
young da,ye, the young people disp1ayea
befme the admiring crowds, the know
ledge they had acquired at Jack Hal
nan's schnols, who, himself, was formes
in all the fun. At length, toward niorn
ing, man), frohe clown-rieht fatigue
ria Colleue Physician 13urgeon etc etc .»
- , e •
Or.--COP00er 01 the Cennty of Huron,
°thee and resilience, at .Thempson at Stanley's.
Ueiversitv Afontreal, Physician, Stir-
AMIN STEWART, M. D., C. M.; Graduate of
eon, et°. Office ainatesidento-13rucetield.
1 L. VERCOE, M. D., G. M., Phyuician, Seri
L-1-• geon, etc. Oniee and Reeitlenee, corner of
Ilarket and High atreets, next to the Planing Mill.
I)1:- CAMPBELL, Coroner fur the County. Unice
and Iteeidence, ever Corby's corner etore, Alain
4treet, Seaforth. Office hours, from 11 to 4, each
lay, and all day Saturday. 1. 159
the inhabitants of Seaforth and etaromeling
country. 1.ir. J. U. BULL having been called
theough aickness in his fluidly, to suspend busineee
for some time in this plitee, has pleasure in alie
-notnicing to the public that through a kind Pro-
vidence he has been permitted to return to the
rooms formerly occupied by him, over Mr.
lIcDougulre Store, Main street, where he intends
permanently to reruaio, and will be pleased to see
receive the congratulationtiof the paine
in to the latest approved style, and feed as low as
to be found elsewhere.
Office holm from 8 AM. td 5 P. X. 224
were obliged to desist from dancing, an
then the •singing and toaering grew trui
boisterous, till many, oeterdome with th
weight of potheen, were seen lying in
everY nook and corner, but so great was
the number present that many remained
until the third day, when fairly worn ou
with ;eating and drinking they retuene -
to their hornese And it is allowed- b
all parties that from that day to this
Paris , aud all hhppened from Ja.ck
narils•Beirefit Ball. J. A. -
• BREAKFAST. --tEnre's Cocoa:. -GRATE
FUL ComPuRtrzio.--" By a thorough
knowledge a the natural laws which
govern the operations of digestion am.
nutrition, and. by alcareful application p
.11-0TELS., •
pOYAL Holum, seaterth, Ontario. SIMON
" POWELL, Proprietor. The subscriber hes
thoroughly renovated and newly furnished th
ebove house, so that it now affords gocid /11;COIll
dation for the travelling -public. Choice liquoi.
and tigers in the bar. The table is supplied with
the delicacies in season. Oysters season.
Lerge stabling and an attentive hostler iu con-
nection. 251-ly
cOMALERCIAL OTEL; Aiuleyville, Ont., WM.
`-/ eCNNETTi Proprietor. This, Hotel le under
entirely new management and has been therougly
renovated. The liar is supplied With the best
Liquors and Cigars. Good Stabling and eattentive
Hostler. A First:class Livery ill connection. 228
4:1 -
praNcs OF WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont.,
Y 0 s. McCUTCHKONe PrePrietor. l'irst-cless
e Accommodation for travellers. The Bar is sup-
plied with the very best liquors and cigars. Good
stabling attaehed. _The stage lelees this 'louse
every day for Wingham. 204-4t
JAN. 311 1871
CITEAII,ST A .:trj) U667,5777
es now on hand a fun iv, -
sortie en t of ell the leadieg
. /eel jelees of the day, compeie-
-gee, • r. D y r
boel.er's Conapceind
Elixir of Plioephttes; Drs. '
Avvee, Rade ite'e l'epetv's and
7i:tigers-Pe moslietues, Thee:Ise'
telectrie Oil. Kennedeee Af-edi, •
Diseovery, Extreet
Pei elm. Horse and Cattle Medi-
cines, Superior Dye Stuffs, Perfomory.:Coinhs
Bereshos, Hair Oils and Pornadca, School Booksatul
In eonneetioo, where ell parties going to tem
UniteeiSte,tes eanhe supplied with ,tinericau cur-
renCY. Monee- to lend on flow terms. Ti.fkets
smed to peria of Europe and the Weeteen fseee,
Parties wiehing to bring mit iluir friends from
Enrope can eupplied with tieliets here to send
to them.
257 TWIN SEATTlen,
To 'lye had Tat the
At the lowest priees.
Call and examine' OUP Wt:E-iitlected leek of
TEAS, ,,S1 CO FP LER, ko,
Canned Fruit, Oysters, Selnion, Lobsters arel
Sardines e0Initnotly off hand.
Stockndserstwould do well to try Siinpeon Horse
and Cattle Spice, the finest anet elfoapest Condi-
tion Powder in tlieworld.
J. P. RENDILLL & (late W. Sliegmon &
Co.) eeiabrated
Delivertld en the ehortest notice.
c. higheet MaaletprIaliactee,paid forall tinde e•f
CEDA.lt POSTS and SIIINGIXS still on hand
TH 0111.AS LEE.
Cabinet-meker and Undertaker,
AS REMOVED his ware-roOme to
lisle -street, Seaforth,
Where he has on a superior Idea of Furni..,
ture ef every description,
Having purchaeed MT. Thomas Ben =Ann:
am prepared to attend fume -els on the shortest
notice, either in town or country.
Coffins, All Sizes,
Kept constantly on heed.
• . - • -
therelanever was such a. wedding in the
Office --;-At 37urray'e Hotel, Seaforth. Good
Horses and firet-claes Conveyances always Outten de
-thio.ustiel's LIVERY, CLLNTON.
0.14,10--.K4 COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Good
quiet Horses aud First -Class Vehicles always
on hand. Conve,vanteet furnished to CoMmercial
-1.`ravellerti ou reasonable rates.
Johnson's Old Stand
Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a
assortment of
SiraPt OT_Tr) S
• ie can. furnish cheaner than they can lee
got elsewhere. 205
1.ZELL S LIN ElrY STA.BLES, SLAYOUTH, Ont. __.___..___________
" Good Horsesand Comfortable Vehicles, always
on hula. Faeotable Arrang,eznents made with MUSIC•MUSIC!
1 Commercial Travellers. All orders left at Knox's 3 .
f EloTsn, will be promptly attended to.
OFFICF. AND STAIi1418 I-Tbird. door North of
the titre properties of well-selected,coeoa
Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast ta-
bles with a delicately fiavoe red. beverage
which may sahre Us many heavy doctors'
8ervicc Gazette. hiade
simply with Boffin°. Water or MiIk.
Each packet is labelled-Jamos Erns &
Coe_ Hongeopathic Chemists, London.'
:11.1.A.N I:FACTURE OF COCOA.- 6 N'145 -e Wil
now give an account of the process adopt-
ed by Messrs. James Epps & eo., man
ufactitrers of dietetic articles, at th.eir
works in the Eusteri" Road, London" -
Casseirs House/141d Guide.
,C. Barnes, Junction City, Kan -
pas, writes that Fellows' Compound Sy-
i:up of Hypophosphites is selling rapidly
and creating great excitement- on ac-
count of the curesit is effecting.
Knox's*otel, Mane Street.
221 THOMAS BELL, Proprietor.
- • -
THE L"NDERSIGNED is able to furnitth -thole
who will laver him -with thein pate with
SCE.1.1..ANIE0 II S. Any int:trim-ea of Any ...1Toke.
Alec, Agent for
V. S., begs to announce to the inhabitants of M ilSON & HAAILIN'S ORGANS,
Seatorth and surround trig country that he has NVIlich cannot be excelled en the Coutittent for
bedii awarled the -di -plains, of the Ontario Veterin-
1 try College, and ie now prepared to treat diseases falb3efel and richness i)f tone.
oil:Ionics and Cattle and all dornextic auimals. lie
shoeing shop. where he will be found reedy to at- C. .A stUm.
hes opened all office int -connection with .his horse -
i -pi Book
tend to calla. Diseasee of the feet epeciall at _
tended to. liesidence,'eflice and shop in the rear
of fiilloran & Ryan's new store. AD kinde of Vet-
Annary Medicines kept constantly on hand -
Charges reasotable. „ • 229
"L are the common cause -of most of the Chrenie
Wasting Diseaeos f or which invalids are constant-
ly seeking specifics. 'When the food is imperfectly
digested and assimilated the blood becomes nu-
po% erished, and all the orgatut and tissues of the
; body debilitated by want of nourishment. This
e general depravity of the system innoilests itself in
some constitutions by disease of the lungs, heart,
liver nr kidneys and others by scrofulous en-
, largement of ihie glands, ernptione of the skin.
ulcers of bone and flesh, aphis' wealtnese heegula-
ritnee exhausting discharges, nervous prostrate on,
mental anxiety, neuralgic anti rheumatie pains all
of which arise from depraved nutrition. To in -.r vigorate the Stomach and perfect digestion, and
the formation of healthy blciod Dr. Whealer's COM.-
, pound Elixir Phosphatetemul Ca lisava is of great
efficacy and relis,bility, being harmlees Lo iufant or
o Welt, and prompt and permanent in its effeets.
Sold by John ,i'texteer and R. Lumsdon, druggists,
g Seaforth. . 267
Thom—as' Eeree—tric 04,
ittiow ANYTITINO- OF IT / IF NOT, 118
TIME YOU tan -
There are but few preparations of medicine
w axe withstood the inmartml judgment of
C the people fin, any great length of time. One of
1 these is THObLkS' Era:mule Om, pinnly a proper-
. atifin of six of sonto of the best oils that are known,
each one possessing virtnea of its own. Scientific
physicians know that medic:Wen may be formed of
e several ingredients in cortaiu fixed proportions of
en•ettter power, and producing effects -which could
never resnit from the use of any one of them, or in
eifteront canabinations. Thus in the preparation
. .
a c °timid chatege .takes piece, forming
t a compound which eould not by any possibility be
. raade from any other combinalion or proportions
aof th o mune ingredients, or any other ingredients,
nd entirely different from anything ever before
- made, one which produces the most tostonishing re-
ults, and having a wider range of appli-ation
han any xnedicine ever before discovered. It con -
anis no alcohol or other volatile liquids conse-
quently loses nothing by evaporation. Wherever
applied you get the benefit of every drop; whereas
„ with other preparations nearly all the alcohol is
lost in that way, and youget only the small quan-
tity al ells which they may contain. -
S. N. THOMAS, Pimeos, N. Y.
And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont.,
Sole Agents for the Dominion.
Nore.-Electric-Selected and Electrized.
amBOIstlaeinn. Seaforth by E. Itickeon St Co. and 11..
The C;rent Female Remedy.
J-013 MOSES' PratIODICA.T. P1.148.
THIS invaluable medicine is unfailing in the
2- cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases
to which the female constitution is subject. It
moderat s ail excess awl removes all obstructions,
and a speedy cure may be' rolled on.
To mareted ladies it is peculiarly anited. It will
in a short time, bring on the jnouthly period with
These Pills ahould not be taken by Females
during the first three months of Pregnacy, as they
are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any' other
time they are safme
In all eases of N'orvous and Spinal ttAffections,
painein the hick and limbs, fatigae on slight ex-
ertion; palpitatidn ofthe heart, hysterics, and
vvhites, these pills willeffect a cure vrheir all other
means leave failed; and although a powerful
remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or
anything hurtful to the constitution.
directions in .the pamphlet listotuld each
peakage, 'Which should be eare.fully preserve&
Job Moses, New York, Solt Proprietor. $1.00 and
of th h
very little fe.ncing, the par ice swayed
back and forward, as some ittle advan
tage was gained by either party, and
little else could be seen by t e spectators
but a forest of blackthorn st'cks in per-
petual motion, and in the midst of all
were two women with stce es in their
stockings, hammering away. unmerciful.L
ly. . The men deemed g to 'avoid
theta, one -fellow, havii g received a
em, struck
-flocked all
er was soon
severe stroke from one of t
her across the shins which
the fight out of her. The ot
served the same way. The fight wen
on this way for near'y two hours, h
ewhich time numbers withe broken heads,
and broken arms, all covered with blood,
were seen leaving the field, and some
had to be carried from it, a ong whom
was Tom O'Neal, for he and Ned Mur-
nd Murphy
him a ter -
time it was
re getting
more men
ys, which
phy had met in the melee,
had. kept his word, and give
rible thrashing. But by this
evident that the w
the worat of it, when a doze
jumped in to back the Mur
quickly put an end to the battle, as the
TEM nridersigned hae $13,000 and upward, .private
"-funds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per annum? on
Farm property. Charges moderate. Marriage
Liconcesissuod: Apply to
227-52- W. G. WILSON, Zurieh.
TRE ammeter has MONEY to loan to any
amount on good farm property. Interest, SIX
per tent. per annum, when the interest and priu-
ciple are Imo' yearly, and 8 per cent. per annum
At the old and favorably known
• . when the interest only is paid,
2-27-,52 At cheap rash Store, sign of the Bear.
• The Victoria. Chemical Company,
Sole Proprietors and Mamitacturers of the CeleWILL1 GRASSIE brate,d Victoria Carbolic Preparetions. Laboratory
and Works, Victoria Hall, Melinda treete, Toi•onte,
Has now: on hand and for sale a warnher of hand- The following Genuine Preparations are sold by
• somely nuis,hed and substantially ' all Druggiets. Do sure and. ask for the Vicronia
PREPARATIONS, and see that you get them.
Victoria. Carbolated Glycerine Jelly_.
This JELLY is highly recommended to Ladies as 'a
• most agreeable Preparation for the Toilet. For
• Beautifying the Complexiou. Ana rendering the
Also, a number of
Both light and heavy, lor sale cheap fax ready
Cutters and sleielie made to order on abort no-
Blacksmithing, Horse Shoeing and General Job-
bing promptly attended to4
n oft, White, Ckar, and free from Dryoese,
is unrivalled. It will -quickly remove all Rechaese,
Roughness, Tau, Freckles, Pouples, and other nn-
perfections. For Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Proet
Bites and Sore Lips, it cannot be suipassed. Price
25 cente.
victoria, Carbolic Toilet Soap.
IV ILLT GRA.SSIE, This Toiene So en poseesses all tht• well-keows
antiseptie and disinfecting prorerties of Carbolic
0 oderieh street, Seaforth. A cid. is g.greeablze scented; him a healthy action. on.
the skin, nLevonts irritation, reumeee the eireets
Nitrou Oxpoitor
Cbokra, Smallpox mid e'over Patieute
of perepiration, and should be regUltriy used. by
should be washed with this Soap ; and its ime
persone liable to infection will materially prevent
EVERY FRI• DAY MORNLNG the spread ef disemee. Price 15 cents per Tablet.
- IN SEAFORTH Victoria Carbolic Salve
pcir year in advance, or 1,1t2 at ti'le This flitivs. 15 a rapid cure fax all -Skin Diksises,
and of the yettr.
worm, !letter, Eczema, Scald Head, S rye*, Alm -
Cuts, Wounda, Bruises, Burns Sort"; Uilitere, Ring*
eesses, Boils, Pimples, &-e, It poesessee all the
c taming and healing virtuee of Carbolic Aci,i,
which has been found by Phyeieians everywhere
to poeeess cnrative teialitieS not diecovered in au
othex. chemical peeparation. Priee 25 cents.
Victoria Carbolic Gargarysma.
This GA.1:01,E is the most reliable and ellicatious
Aalvertising 'latex.
First insertion, per line, 8 ciente subsequent in-
sertions, 2 cents each tinie, pet niie
One column one year - ...... • ..... • $60 00
cc hal 41
85 00
Si it Q
Ain/Ma= ...ex. • • •-• • • •••,„•,7 . • • 20 00
Half " otic year ....... 85 00
20 00
" 8 Months . .. 12
One-fourth one year
.‘ half 4,
Remedy ie all caeee of Sore Throat, Roareauess,
. ..... 12 00
Asthma, Offensive Breath, Ulcerate4 Gums, and,
Diptberia, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Broncbia/
Tubes so toramon tn this ehangeable elimate,
, .
w all diseases of the Mouth. For Public Speakers
and Singent it is invaluable.. The ingeteliente en-
,, ', tering into thie Gargle sic used by all Phyeienit' ne,
, .. ........ 8 and for the cure of the 'Reno disorders are now,
• • .- • • i ee L',"
6 ;co' nndoubtedly, the nicet popular in the M.ITEW.A.
One-eighth one year
cc .4 bail c.
" " 8 months
One -twelfth one yoga -
cc hon. /.
.. 44
Business Cards, (6 lines 1111d. under, r year.. 4 00
Advertifiemente of Streyed, Lost, Pound, &c.,
not exceeding 10 lines-firet 'month, $1; s.fter first
month, 50 cents each month.
Advertieements of FARMS and REAL ESTATE
for sale, not exceeding 15 lines -first month, $1 50;
each subsequent month, 75 cents.
Births, Marriages, Deaths-Gratie.
Advertisemente. without specific direetions will
be inserted till forbid, and charged aecordingly.
f COLLADAY haeleaseit the /live and com-
•L'a'• raodious-hottse, en the Salt Works Grounde,
adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it up
as ab0ding.louse. Good table and comfortable
Persons wielting a Vessel* boarding-
house should apply, as there are at in'earait a Sew
vikeancies. Transient tear -den saeommodated at
less than hotel rates. •
IlutacA. Price 25 cents.
Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant
This D1811431EcTANT is Imre peeventive of Typhae
-and. Typhoid revers, Cholera, Smallpox, and ell in-,
feetions di/Tat:et:. It will preveet -Contagion In
Cati,-. It is also invaluable for 1)isinfecting We -
ter Closete, Drain% Cesspools, Stables, Slaughter-
house% tte., and for deetroying nauseous effluvia.
from whatever cause arising. It INill drive _away
![oiq1ito,s, Mothi, Flies, Cockroaches, 4:c. treat,
Phil, &v., can be preserved from putrefeetion by its
1180. Carbolic Acid was selected by Her Majesty'
Royal Counniegionere,in preference to all other
products, as the beat Diainfectant for the preven-
tion of infectious diseases. Prie,e 25 cents.
Victoria Sharpening and Polishing Paste
mit; pRErkaagitovit; mutlimBed hi ii}/ rapidit
for Sharpening atid*011elling Ciitlery. Table a
Pocket liniVee, Razors, Surgical Instramenta, Shoo -
makers' Enives, Plane Bits and Chi4e1s, &c. .?,i'cith-
ing has ever been discovered" ishich has sprung
Into popularity more qttickly,, or ibeen, e of se
=eh value in every honmbold and werkehop for
general ueefulness. Price 25 cent -a. 230
Over ,contr.
—What t.
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(Nnielndect ti
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