The Huron Expositor, 1873-01-17, Page 7treeATre eeeesses-e.-e-s- LEET, Solicitor, Winghatn, has been ap e pointed Agent for the Colonial Seettrities Com - Any of England, be is also Agent for aeveml jr Vate Capitalieta of Toronto, who Rim Money at very reaeonable ratee. -Interest payable yearly.. Chargea moderate. Wirtgham, Dec. 15; 1S71. sita CAcUHY & HOLMESTED, Barristers, At- torneys at Law, Solleitors in: Chancery -and Insoiveney Noteriea Public- and Conveyancers. Selicitors for the It.C.Banks Seaforth. Agents for e the Canada. Life Assnrmice Company, - N.13.-$.86,006 to Iota at 8 per eent.. Ferrage. oases arid Lots for sale. 58 - ENSCrN & METER, Barristers and Attorneyes at Lew, Solicitor:: in Qhfamery audit:solvency, •Conveyancers, Notaries Peblie, etc. Ofnees-Sea- forth and Wroxeter. ,$28,000 of Private Funds to. V invest at once, at Eight per out. Int-ere,st, payable- 58- vearte. sas. MU. W. mnyEn.„ BIRD:MAL. TIA•vm miTorfErele AL D., Graduate of Victoe +pa- lie College, PhysiCian, Surgeon, etc.. etc.- ruivsou.N, ONT.-Coroner of the County of Hnron,„ keel! Office and residence, at Thompson & Stanley's. TAMES STEWART, M. 1), C. M., Graduate of t, Universiey, Montreal, Physician, Sur-. cs, gem, ete. Office and Residence-:-Bracefield. O IT L. VERCOE, M D., C. M., Physician, sui- HLL geon, eta,. Mee and Residence, corner ee Market and High street; next to the Planing Mill. fr-Ix thuo,pi.ni-rfr,,. Coroner for the County. Oflits- • and Residence, over Corhy'weerner etore,. Main street„Seeforth. 011e..hour; erora 11 to- 4, °adz days and all day Sattirday, 159 TO the inhibit:tuts. of Seaforth and surrounding country. Dr. J. G. BULL having been called. - through sickness in -his family, tosnapentibueiness for some time in this place, has pleasure in an- nouncing to the public, that through a. kirid Pro- vidence he has been permitted to return to the rooms formerly occupied by hire, ever Mr. -A.' McDougall's Stores Main street, where he intends permanently to remain,. and will be pleased to ses Ins old patrons and as many new ones as may favor him with a cane All operations performed accord- ing to the latest approved style, And fees as low as, to be found else -where. Oftice hourittrom 8 /I. M. to 5 P. M. 221 INOTKES. -paYar, HOTEL, Seaforth, Ontario. SIMON' -1-4 POWELL, Proprietor. The subscriber bast thoroughly renoveted, and newly famished the. above house, so that it now affords good accommo- dation„ or the travelling public. Choice liquors- ; and cigars in the bar. The table is supplied with- , the delicacies in season., Oysters m seaeon. Lerge stabling anti an attentive hostler in con- nection- 25i.1y atnalERCIAL HOTEL, Aiul.eyville, Ont, AecliETT, -Proprietor. This Hotel is under c, entirely new management and has been thorougly renovated. The Der is- supplied with the best Liquors anti Cigare. Good. Stabling and attentiee Headers. A First-claseLiveryin connection. 22f5 pRINCE OF WAT,TS3 HOTEL, Clinton, Ont., , -A- C. J. MeGETTCHEION, Proprietor. First=olaaa accommodation for travellers. The Bur is sup- :- plied with the very best liquors and cigars, Good stabling ettached. The stage leases rhis House I. every day for Wingham. 204-4t te, tS mets. pas - tire. Mit it Mail tor. Livenv. T A. SHARP'S. _WERT AST.141 str4BLES. onise-At Murrayex leetee Sealorth. Good Renee and fiest-elaes Ccateeyances always onhand. frinousoN-s LIVERY, CLINTON. • OFFICE, -AT COMMERCIAt. HOTEL. Good quiet Horse:: and First-Olase Vehicles always eu head, Conveyances furnished to Commercial Travellere on reasonable rates. 221 . JOHN THOMSON. Rimrs LIVERY ST earals, SEA_FORTH, Ont. -1-'• Good Hordes aud. Comfortable Vehicles, always on hand. Favorable Arrangements made with Commercial Travellers. All orders lest at Faeost's ROTEL, will be. pretaptly attended to. MICE AND- STADLES-:-Third door North. of Enox's Hotel, Main Street. 221. THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. .TI*Selk.14.14ANEOIL:14. 'VETERINARY SURGEON. -D. MoNAUGHT, Y V. S., bege tu aunounce 10 the ininabitaute of Seatorth and surrounding country that he has been awartled thadiploma of the Outerio Veterin- „ ary Collef,te, and is now prepared to treat diseases of Horses and Cattle and ail domestic animals. He has opened an office- in connection with his horse - shoeing shop, where he will be found ready to at- tend to calls: Diseases of the feet specialkv at- tended to. Residence, office and shop in the rear - of Killoran .t 1 ian nc.w store. Alt kinds of Yet- erittary Medicine' kept constantly on hand. eltargeN reasonable, 229 STYLISH CUTTERS AND SUBSTANTIAL SLEIGHS At the old and favorably known SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WORKS. W I LLIAM .GRASSIE Rita WAW OD hare' and for sale a number of hand- somely finished a.nd substantially built C UTTER tes Also, a number a CZailiOD E CI US, Both light and heavy, for sale cheap for ready money. s Caters aud eleighe made to order en Eihort no- tice_ • ; Blecksmithing, lierge Slacking and General Job- bing promptly attended to. WILLIAM GEASSIE, Goileriett street, Seaforth. INC MACHINES.: A NEW St-PPLY 01' and the Osbori. SP:47SG JLL ;iij EAS ith all the leteet inaprevements, just received at • NV. N. WATSON'S, SEAFORT1L i Can and FOe them. Their well-established repo.' f Itan reudeis it unnecessary to particularize their superior qmeitiee, further that: that they are th0 beet and el -leafiest made. ,,,,_ _, v Sewing nutehinett of all. kirlds repaired, cleaned [ -,',`.7-,e'a and put in pellet.. t order, at Inv ofnee, by a thorough` .'0A fiEZ: ly praeti,a1 mechanist from ioroutos in i WM. N. WATSON, Seaforth. 11 JAN. 17; 1...F473. STOKES CONVICTED. The Itenutrictibie Midnight Scene tat"- . ter the Deeittration of the Verdiet. - Tram the ..W. Y. World, Jan_5t1i. When the jury went out a email niun- ber of spectatore remained,' together with sottto reporters, ; who were writing oat Iiiheir notes. Ordinai-y chat went On. Ladies ate ice, Counsel and. their cronies tusked jokes ,and laughed aloud at them, ' he place wore the appearance of a court om where one minor -caae of fraud as pending and a verdict of acquittal as expected. 4' . • I The jury wereexpected in at half past 1 o'elock, but 11 came and they were out. Presently there was a murmur that carne then "a noise and hideous hum," - ttia.t seemed li,Ice that heard in the s, red fanes of the Delphian -Apollo so o t n prophetic of Aire fate; It ;came lt s ddenly and sharply as to Seem super - n tural. A chill rarethrough the _ midi - e ce, as wheu evil genii pass by and ' the hair of the flesh stand's up,' or as when an open sepulehre is neared., ! This passed; and there was no sign of the importance a the occasion,' butthe hurry of every one torget a seat.' Pres- ently Stokes came in. He was accoes- .panied by , hirsbrother, sister, and the wife and daughters of -Mr. Townsend. . 1 , •,M yet the jury did not appear, and a the Judge and counsel too. their seat there was a sigh of relief amoneesome o th b spectators, who considered that the verdict of the jury would not be given at that time, and that the Judge was about to dismiss the court. But now the jury' came filing ,in an took their plaze-s ; and the phi1osophicaI began to philosophize upon the clecay of Spartan and Roman justice that was te b exhibited iii the mild verdict about to b . given by those twelve mild -looking nen, arrayed. iis.t the peaceful garb- of erican citiz,ens. The jury answered ir to thenames, and the ptoceedings seemed Very chill common-plaee. A well-known ediL .sat beside Judge Boardman, as it were, in the _Capacity of confidential 0c1.• viser, and, the Judge edged over on the platform toward ', his friend, and took serious counsel with him. , The prisoner is told to stand np. Now the Judge asks the foreman of tile jury : " Have you decided 'tweet a verdict ?" " We have." "What is it ?" , "Murder in the first degree."' - A shudder in every human frame in Court, as if the wine,of Azrael touched_ ea& person ; a stifled cry from §tokes's sister—not the wad, swift -passing cry of the savaige, but the faint outcome of the ‘`groanings that cannot ben ttered" from • a nature that except under the dire stress of such an awful aummeiation, wonld " ie and give no son id" in public places e pressive Of the spirit's wounds: . Some - t ng rises visibly in the throat of the p mien Be has not expected this, nor hs any one outeide of the jury ; but he does not stagger. There are some few of his old motions. 1 il B t there is nothing extraordinary in hisl a pearance except it is a deepening of hi d rk eyes. The Judge looks startled, bi. t his friend is equal to the occasion. -; 11, r. Beach and Mr. Tremain ;..re deeply affected with opposite einations. .., Stokes- turns sharply upon Mr. Beach, and exclaims through his set teeth, "Mr. '13 . w , fo ach, you have done your work pretty ll ; I hope you have been well paid This brought tip Mr. Fellows, Acting D'st ict Attorney, who seemed for once , in his life disconcerted and sorry that he li ever adopted, the legal profession H made 'a long personal, ill-timed sp ech,_ which seemed the merest mock- .er at this crisis 9f one of the most_ ex- ytr ordinary trials of history. He said th Court that its judgment be pronounced Upon this verdict. Tremain ---1 hope this motion Will be suspended -till Monday morning, as we nay have a motion to make in ar- rest of 111dpi:tent: jtatie Boardman -4 think there is no necessity for passing sentence' to -night, and no impropriety in postponing it un- til Monday. The Court then discharged the jury. TU scenes in the court room after the • jury were didmissed were inoit im- pressive. • As Stokes arose, friends cau ght him bythe arms to, support him. He did not reject this aid, seeming un- certain of his strength: One of the jur- ors opproached hitt speaking corniniser- 4mgIy, and murmuring something about " conscience." - Stokes turned toward this mai and said, in a plaintive, reproachful way, • with a touch of curiosity, Will you . tell me whether you actually believed the testimony of Hart?" The juror refused. to answer. New the excited crowd of spectators swayed to and fro. and seemed deter- mined. not to leave the room. The ushers urged -them snit, yet not violently, feel- ingm that on such an occasion any aount olinterest in a prisonerwas excusable. • Mr. Tremain sat as if thunderstruck. Stokes stood beside him. Friends still supported him. Once he laughed in a blood -curdling way. He .nodded his head occasionally in the sudden way that iron -willed in -en have. Mr. Beach fidgeted about. The bustling little As- sistant DistriCt Attorney went hither ancl thither defining his position. Friends gathered around Mr. Tremain, asking for the prospects of a new trial, 'etc- Stokes's4hrother requestsd Mr. Tremain to manage that he should be with his brother as he had been iised-to be, The sister tried. to walk towatd the door, but tottered back to her 'chair with another smothered crY. Her brother looked sadly at her. He had stood by to hear what Mr. Tremain would Say as to hopes for anofher trial or -a -setting aside of the verdict. At last, with an impatient, despairing gesture, he turns toward the door, his escort follow, and the'curtain dropped upon such a scene as has beeti rarely witnessed. — f - er The Dancing Man, _ . Although the summer is the sea- son of the dancing man's lliscontent, he has a few opportunities of conso- lation in those off -hand scratch par- ties which indefatigable mothers are not indifferent to promoting at any time of the year. In fact, he loves the little dance perhaps even more thau. the big ball. "In the crush and polite confusion �f: the large assem, bly there is but one scant room for the proper exercise of waltzing as a fine art: To be num the. occasion -may be seized in order to exhibit the gifts of pilotage and steering, but these are only the Minor nice: ties of the danciiig man's craft.' There is nothing he likes better than an improvised affair; when at some one's suggestion middle -floor furni- ture is thrust into eurners, a centre space is established under the gase- lier, tind the piano is made to give tongue- to a quadrille. For the genuine dancing man does not ignore quadrilles. The figures enable,him to develOp latent capacities of fasci- nating movement which contrast re, maikably with*the sort of planta- tion walk in which an ordinarv prac- titioner endeavors to do v. hat is ex- pected of him. There is an air of assurance and of certainty.about his manners Which is imposing. In Lancers or Caledonians he is as com- pletely at h9rne ' as a chill sergeant among raw recruits. He is master of every perplexity, and by his dis- creet management will extricate puzzled performers from the miseries of that ridiculous dead -lock which at intervals will occur in qiuldrilles of a semi -domestic kind. But, of course, it is in the round rather than the square dance that your rigadoon- ing expert chiefly triumphs. The whirling dervish wonldnot get the better of him in wind. His. head is equal to -the most limited circle of revolution. His • shoes flash sirnul- t.n4ous1y with the gleam of his part- ner's white boots. Contrast hip per- fect composure to the rapid- finish of A gallop with, the discomfiture, to say the least of it, visible on the countenances and the neckties of commOn-place guests. • One has been hauling a blonde against the music until every step was tortur3 to toth. Another is obliged t� stagger tis sofa with a general appearane of having had the boxing gloves on with a friend. A third has been compelledto stop after.a single turn, in order to make the reqUisite apolo- g,ies for a torn dress and a disturbed temper., A fourth, who has uon- trived to keep up like it man in a lream, when the reprieve of a halt. comes, drops to a crisis of vertigo, nto the bosOrn of au indigsnant wali- flower. Our dancing man serenely witis through it t he had positively refused to go on h the case unless Mr. Beach and Mr. Berton were associated with him, and th t they had unwillingly consented to try the case with hiiii at the request of Dietriet Attorney Garvin, and without any fee from any member of Fisk's fam- ily. At this point wrath overcame the pr soner, and. raising himself from his 1. se, t, and swinging his right arm wildly, he shouted. "Not from Jay Gould !" 'here was silence in curt for the sp ceof a minute. while at that mid- ni ht hour the wild, fierce, ironical, de- sp ring words of the prisoner went out th ough the open doors, -echoing ancl-re: echoing through the 1ialf4it corridors, T e reverberating walls eaught up the Cr upj amohg the bare recesses and mazes of br wn beams , and rafters. of the roof in eking golthus seemed. to take up the reftrarn, which was still "Jay Gould ! Jay Gould !" ' ut the prisoner's friends caught him ba k among the preprieties, and the ap- pa led attorney continued in a stenimer- in , -apologetic tone. He went on at length, thanking the counsel for the de- fence and his isssociates, and. the court and. jury, and concluded by congratulat- ing himself that his three years' endur- ance of mall scenes as he now saw could nets- cease, and. he would become a pri- va e citiien. . eanwhile, Mr. Beach sat there with hi large -eyes dilating With horror-, and is amed. as if with tearslie seemed ch king. He gazed intently ab the east winlows which he was facies:. Again ; hi- burning eyes wandered from face to 11 fa*e, as if seeking sympathy and support. Hi look tarried long upon a gentleman we o wore a clerical vest, as if he was ! an ious for "benefit of clergy." ' he lines deepened upon the fase of i Ly an Tremain, which was flushed with ! ( .emtion He was terribli shaken. Even ! on. the smooth cool passionless face of : i M4. Townsend there was a look of grief. an4l the heavy circles around his eyes t gr w heavier. The central figure, the strong man in hi agony, ,hels.1 himself well m hand Ca I the self-eontrol ex reised by a per- i so of iron will a “ ti. or faculty;" the re 'alt of brute force, o • inertia, or ob, tu eness, or what you will, it must al- wa s elicit a certain aehniration ; es- ially when the person shows a cer- . "Jay Gould ! Jay Gould !" ancl . pe tai t rehnement and delicacy of organize- Vhile Mr. Fellows was setting him se straight before the listening nation, a? lass of water_ and another of wine we e handed to thb prisoner and his sis-• te by the attentive and distressed door- ke per, who was so long interested him- sel in their affairs. The ladies strove to comfort the weeping sister, and - St kes once looked-, frowningly at her as f to inspire her with some of his for- titt he closing proceedings in the court we e as follows : • Fellows --It becomes my painful hut1imperative duty now to move the EDWARD CASH PAYS THE I GHEST FOR - RAW PT...IP, S, 171:110171Y and ,GILOVER SEED. • GODERICH-STREET, SEAFORTH. HurtoN EXPOSITOR. PROILIPEOTIIS FOR .1873.-.._ SIXTH YEAR. THE ALDINE, AnIllustrated Monthly Jourtail, univereally ad- mitted to he the hendsomest periodical in the world. ' A repreeentative and, champ ion of Ameri- Can taste, Not for sale in' Book. or Netos Stores. Tnn ALDINE, while issued with all the regular- ' ity, has none of the temporary or timely interests characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elegant .miseelleary of pure, light and graceful -literature eeand a collection of pictures, the rarest apecinneas of artistic ekill, in black and white. Al- though each . succeeding number affords a d'resh pleasure to ite -Weeds, the real value and bpeuty hes. la ile of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated ail it as been bund up at the cloe of the year other publications may elaim superior chenpnese, ae qomparedwith rivets of a ahnilar class, Tien Arenas: is a unique and original conception -alone and unapproached-absolutely without competi- tion in price or cheracters The possessor.of a complete volume cannot duplicate the quantity of fine paper and mgraeinga. in any other shape or number of volumes for ten -times its cost, and then, • there are the chromos,. besides! PREMIUM OHROMOS FOR 1873. Every subscriber to 'kHz ALDINE, who pays in advance for the year 1873, will receive Without ad- ditional cletrges a pair Of beautiful oil chromes; after J. s. Hill, the orninlent English painter. The pictures, entitled "The Village Belle," and "Crossing the Moor," sire 14 x 20 inches --are pr iuted front 25 differeet plates, requiring 25 ira- pr essious and tints to perfect each picture. The same chromes are sold for $30 per pair in the art stores. As it is the determination of its conductorto keop Tem ALDINE out of the reach of competition in every department, the chromes will be found correspondingly ahead of any that can be offered by -other periodicals. Every sub- seriber will receive a eertmeate, over the signature of the publishers, guaranteeing that the chromes delivered shall be equal to the sample' s furnished the agent, or the money _ will be refunded. The distribution of pictures, of this grade free to the subseribere to a five dollar periodical, will mark an epoch in the history of Art; and, considering the unprecedented cheapnessl of the price for THE ALDINE it$011, the' marvel fails little short of a mire tile, Oen to those best, acquainted with the achieliements of inventive genius and improved mechanical appliances. THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT I will continue under the care of Mr. Richard Henry Stoddard, assisted by the beet writers and poets of the day, who will strive to have the literature of THE Armen always in keeping with its artistic efts= Hons. TERMS-$5l)°rannum, in advance, with Oil Chromes -free. . AGENTS WANTED. -An _ ae person wishing to net permanently as a local 'agent, will receive full and promptinfetion bei applying to ;JAMES SUTTON & Co., Pabliehers, 266 ' 58 Maiden Lane, New York. • AXES. Chopper's Trust, Forest King, Woodman's Friend, Dominion, 'Ontario Champion, Altona, Welland Vale, &e. SLEIGH BELLS ;Neck Back, Body and - Open. Cow TIES, Close and Open, Ring and Walton, With snap and hook. FLINT'S CROSSCUT .SAWS, imp:ored •champion, Liyhtning, Dominion, CommoiL Tooth, and Mac/tine Drag Saws. With the beat stock of QrENERALHARDWAR In the Count, at WM. ROBERTSON & Q0.'S, Sign of the Circular Saw. GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND • GLASSWAP.E To be had at the FLOUR AND FEED STORE At the lowest prices. Call and examine! our wen-gelected !stook of TEAS, SUGARS, COFFIES: &e. Canned Fruit Oysters, ahnon'Lobsters and Sardines conetantly ou hand. Stock raisers -would do well to try Simpson's Horse and Cattle Spice, the finest and cheapest Condi- tion Powder in the world. J. P. KENDALL & Co.'s (late W. A. Shearson & Co.) celebrated - FAMILY FLOUR Delivered on the shortest notice. ! The hipest Market Price paid for ell kinds of Produces CEDAR POSTS and SIIIN'GLES still on hand PRICES THOMAS LEE. 777. ANOTHER SALE, CH AT McDOUGA FOR JANUARY 0 Wincies from 9c. to 25e., worth 12c. to 40.cts. • Flannel Shirtings at 25 ets., worth 40e, Black Giacie Silk at 75c., worth S$1. Black Glade Silk at $1, worth $1 50. Black Gros Grain Silk at $1 75, -worth $2 50: Japanese .Silk Dresses at $7, worth -$9 lith .Silver-Grity Silk Poplin at 65 cts. per yard, w Riese Silk Poplin at 65c., worth 90e. - Union Carpet, yard width, 65c., worth $1. All -Wool Carpet, yard width, at $1, worth $1 Lnelies' Fancy Wool C1011it8 At 50c., worth 80e Ladies' Breakfast Shawls,3 an wool, at 25e., w Ladies' Breakfaet Shawls, all wool, at 85c., w All Wool Blankets at $2-75, Worth $5. • Men's Indio, Rubber Shoes at 55e., worth 75e. Women's Balmoral Flannel -Lined Boots at $1 25 worth $1 50. A lot of Alen's Overcoats, Undercoats, Pants and 'esIs at astonishingly low prices, for this month only. I guarantee' these Goods' to be in Sto(-1,-.. I guarantee Orme Goods to be point. I _guarantee to Sell them at the low prices nanted, call for them, as they do in, some towns. sell exactly .A.SH _.Arl\TID 01\T AP GOODS, L'S, 1873. .th 90 ets. 50. rth 50c. rth $1 25. A_. G nd not to ask- more when you as advertmed. Pa=zacP_ AlcI) 0 UGALL. CODERICH FOUNDRY. 'TEMundersigned, having sold the Huron Foundry property an 1 stock- to the " GoderIch Foundry and Manufacturing Company," begs to thank the imblie f -their liberal eupport during the past nineteeh years, and trusts that they will continue to send their oi ders to the new Company. - Groderich, 10th June, 1872.• R. RUNCIMIN. , Referring to the abeve notice The Goderiph Foundry 4. M1 nufa.cturing Co. Beg to inform the public that they are prepa ed to contradt for - STEAM .ENGINES AND •BOILERS, FLOL11,, RIST, AND SAW MILLS, • SAWING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IRON AND WOODEN PLOW GANG PLOWS, CULTIVATO 1 with steel boards; S, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES GR TE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING; PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of va ions kinds. 4 SALT PANS MADE T ORDER. ALSO, IRON 'AND BRASS CASTINGS, AND LACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED N SHORT NOTICE. • s TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULAR 1101 ERS generally on hand Ler sale. 411 orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention. „.5--1 ROBERT RUNCIMAN, . • General Blanager. • GEORGE NIEBERGALL. Manager Agricultural Department. Goderich, Ontario, June 10, 1872. ORACE HORTON, President. RCHIBALD HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. 243 STOVES, STOVE' STOVES. COOKINC, P RLOR, PARLOR COOK, AND :OX STOVES IN GREAT VARIETY, FRO d THE BEST MANUF CTURERS IN THE DOMINION, AT THE LOWEST1PRICES. EVERY STOVE FURNISHED WITH SUPERIOR. FURNI URE OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE JOHNSON BilOS., EVIYERSI' BLOCK, MA.IT _, THE HOLIDAYS OVER,IDUNCAN BUT THE TIME FOR CHEAP JEWELRY Is not yet ended at M. R.,COUNTER'S. JUST RECEIVED, TWO CASES OF THOSE Celebrated Watches, Manufactured expressly for M R. COUNTER, raoNEir TO LEND. THE undersigned has $3,000 and apward, private 227-52-- W. G. WILSON, Zur/ TH OITAS fundES s, to loan, at per cent. per anunin, on Farm properte Charges' raederate. Marriage Licences issued. Apply to ch. . i MONEY TO LOAN. THE subscriber has MONEY to loan to any -A- amount on good farm property. interest, SIV I per cent. per annum, when the interest and prin. I eiple are paid yearly, and 8 per cent. per Annum when the interest only is paid. I G. McDOUGALL, 227-52 At cheap cash Store, sign of the Bear. BY 1?USSELL (C; SONS, LONDON 'AND LIVERPOOL. REPAIRING DONE AS -USUAL. M. R. COUNTER. CL Dress PR DUNCAN. ARING SALE OF 100d8 and Woolens, Befordthe end of the sEi!sTr MONTH. , We tall ape' ial attention to this Department. A Fresh. Just Received : ot of Goods, bought cheap, ent Act of 1869, Insol In the matt( A Dividend jection until after which di Seaforth, 1* of John Crib?, an Insolrent. beet has beenprepated, open to teb- the twenty-seventh day of January, idends will be paid. T1108. KIDD, Asalgiee. n. 9, 1873. 66-8 HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SLTITS, AT T. K. ANDERSON'S T K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T K. ANDERSON'S CLOTHING STORE, MUIR STORE, tCLOTHING STORE, 2141K-S7R-EBT, SE4PORTIL JUST RECEIVED A NICE ASSORTMENT OF Scotch Check Tweeds Whirh make the nicest suits for winter wear that ecu be got. • GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND KNICKNACKS Suitable for Holiday Presents, in great varietY. CALL AND SEE THEM. CALL AND SEE THEM. CALL AND SEE THEM 'ANTI --COMBINATION. SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. JOHN M, MA MN wisTrrs to return thanks to his customers and friends for their generous patronage since as- suirting charge of the above Work; and begs to re- quest the attention of alt who limy require any- thing in his line to the following list of prices, at which he is prepared to furnish work of it quality that cannot -be surpassed in the trade: • HORSE RAKES $ 5 00 FAR51 GATES. from... . 8 50 WAGON RACKS, 7 1/0 WHEELBARROWS 4 75 LAND ROLLER5..$15 and upwards. SURFACE DRESSING, per 1000.. - - FLOORING- and beveled. BOARDING per 1000- 4 SCROLL SAWING done_ by the piece or set. REPAIRING MACHINES. I am prepared at all times to repair the wood- work of reaping and mowing inaehines, and, in fact, every other machine that can be mentioned. Boxes babbited. TO WAGON MAKERS. The undersigned would also beg to inform Wag. on and Carriage Makers that he keeps Constantly on hand, all kinds of Bent Stuff suitable for their work. ' Carpenters, Builders, Fanners, and the public generally in need 'of any of the above articles wonld do well to favor me with their patronage, as in my new premises, I have facilities for doing this branch of work which cannot be surpassed. _ JOHN M. MARTIN. Seaforth ?Covelty Works, Goderich Street. 228 . AINLEYVILLE PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY The subscriber having bought ent Inc aboire Mill, also the good -will of the late firm, is now prepared to fillail orders in his line of business. Sash, Doors and -.Mouldings ON HAND '.AND MADE TO ORDER On the shintest notice.. CUSTOM PLANING Strictly attended to. HOUSE BLOCKING ALIVATS ON HAND A2ilt Promptly supplied. ZAVES BENNETT.. Ainleyville, May 16, 1872. 232-47