The Huron Expositor, 1873-01-10, Page 6oney *age by Panning - s . • Muchlabor is dene•on farms that is not farming in its • true- Sense. By , such labor no Money is 'Lever mad ma*! support him- self and his , fatnily,keep dirt of debt, and have 4 few dollars in his pocket, by practicing the most stringent economy. If he is _other- wise than industriowil and sober, be is on the down grade with loose ,brakes and the end is not reached. But fat ming in its true aense, is a profession equal in dignity to, that of law or medicine, and needs equal study, mental capacity and intelli -gently directed laborto command suces in hi, ! The principle which underlies the ipractice of the true farmer, must be !understood' well; and a steady, coisistent _course of operation must be followed. ,Hav- ing thoroughly leainied the nature and capacity of the soil be possesses, .and chosen the rotation most suit- able, and the stock most profitable to be kept, limn it, be does .not swerve from his chosen course, but • lin good and bad 'markets i'aises his ;regular crops,; and keeps his land in a regular increasing fertility. No !special cry tempts or frigirt ens him. He does not talk dairy this season- ; and crops the next, but doubtless, if any particular proclii,ct be ii de- mand, and brings a grl price, be has some of it to sell, and rep S his share of .the advantage. He paves as much money as sOme men make, by care and e.conom'y in purchaSing and preserving tools, seeds, nianure and machines.; and his business habits and constant readinessi.a. for all occasions, gives him reasonable security against .the effects of ad- verse seasons and bac( -Weather. Al- ways prepared, he is Dever _too late; always cabal, he is never toot. soon, and thlie "taking Tin3e by the fore- lock," he has the stern old tyrant at his cumtnand, and turns him at - hiaawill. He has no lesses, and his gins are steady.. • Dairy Cows. is this: the Vermont judge char m near Nananee, says, he_liad thoroughbred w Of breel, who flourishesng stock for the dairy, Mr. Nim - drunkards, and a drunken na • aCantabothruf .14e: donetoarres actirseil evil, whichis one of greatest curses on the earth I not go on to enumerate the n evils that arise from the drinki intoxicating liquor, it is the fo ation of nearly all the crm ime _comit- ted,in the Dominion. I• have been teettatler kr nearly thirty years, and am now passing' eighty years of age, and if I aoiald see the end of this cursed traffic, I would say with good old Sitneon, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace." Our Government have been trying to lop and prune, and patch this tipas tree for many years, and what have they. done? Nothing. This old monster drops his dew 'drops of poison on all • who come in contact with it. a Ii am a Son of Tempera.nce, we had circu- lars sent us to get signatures foe a. Prohibitory Liqnor LaW. I took thoee'papers and went through Main .streetzin Seaforth on one side. lind with some- outsiders, I got about, sixty signatures, only three refused to sign. think if we all. go at it, Cornish men like, one and all, we may succeed. I would suagest a proposition that GovernmenCbuy all the traffic, just as the British Government bought up the Slave traffici:afivigh. -cost them. I belkeve i20,000,000.• Suprose we 'Were to add one quarter or one half a cent on the assessment to the dollar all through the Dominion, it would buy it all up, and then we could do by it as the King of the Sandvvich Islands did when he became 4 Christian +d rriet-Otaler -; be hid all the _liquor taken,. up out of his cellar, and had the head of each eask.knocked in and let the evil spirits run down into the sea and were choked., ---John Andrew in the Observer. • The Law of Courtship. A case was recently tried in Rut•-• landa-iTermont, whiCh a Miss tunaon recovered $1,425 of a Atisttiags for breach of marri ontiatct. The curiosity of the th .T HE H UBQN EXPOSITOR,' ion. weig,bed 180 ppunds, and tho deceas- the ett'clitidt;eri Tonged in weight -froth the 180 to 225 pounds each. 'If any- eed body 'can beat this let Min rise and any speak•. a of Peter Troutman, son of Joseph, md- weighs about 200 pounds. Seale time 'since, he and bis father .were out hunting, amd shot a large buck. • At the crack of the rifle the beck fell to the ground, and Peter ran up to it, supposing ft dead, got astride of it, and was an the acit of catti.ng its throat. when it sprang' up and attacked him; be grabbed it by the horns and held on to them. Then ensued . desperate struggle. The father, who was not at this time • near enough to assie, his son, could not shoot the ibuck for fear of shoot- ing his 6011 to. He hurried to the scene, leveled his gun across his son's breast and fired, killing %the buck initantly. He then found that the buck had gored Peter through the causing a very,severe and ugly wound, which has caused him to keep hi a bed ever sinee.—Bed- ford (Penn') Inquirer, Dec. 20. • sissies , A writer in 4the Poultry World says his plan for cm•ing hens of a desire to sit, is to put -them in an open yard, where there are no nests or roosting places, and differing as much as possible in appearance from their regular quarters, and feed them liberatly with soft feed, made rather hot with cayenne; give them plenty of cooked meat and all the milk they will drink.''' A farmer whose cribs were full of Corn, was accustomed to pray that the wants of the poor and needy alight be supplieal ; but, when any one in needy cicumstances asked for a little of his corn, he said he had spare, none to One day, after hear- ing his, father pray for the poor and needy, his little son said to him : " Father, I wish had your corn." M"-Whaei my son what could you do r. • ao with it ? asked the: father. The „age child replied, " I would answer your ing , aed prayer". he ipry thatcno exifticit prom _Ayrshires and short -horns, but he a • believed the best breed for tile dairy ew was obtained by crossing: common of • Canadian cows with thoroughbred co D u rh a m s. Ile deprecates purebred • for the dairy, and recommends di croses of thoroughbreds of good d() milking families, or the best milkers si of commoit Canadian cows. Mr. di Nimmo has bad much -experience in a raising stock. A. cross between a w good native cow and a Purebred Durham, and then crossed a ith an Ayrshire produced excellent, milk- ers. • He had seven cows which pro- • duced 7,800 pounds of milk during 1870. Cows must 11aVe plenty of good food and an abundance of good water. One cow AT1I fed and cared for, is • better that, three poorly treated. ise Smuts hay* long been given in as necessary to bind the parties marriage cantraa, but that lo ontinued attentions or maim itti female was as good evide Intended matrimony as a sper ntract. - The principle of the c ndoubtedly that if Masan d not promise,, he ought to ha ne so—the law holds him resp ble for the nonperformance of I ity. A- most excellent decisio most righteous judge,. compar ith whom Daniel would appe it a cemmon squire ! We ha idea f young fellows daneli Out af r girls for a year or ta d then going 'off, leaving the eethearts half courted ; walla is everlasting nibble and never e, this beating the bush mid nev rtiog the game, it is one of t ing, sins of .the age. There t one • girl. in twenty. can te whether she is courted or not. N to Europe to Constimptives. They are taken • boiled in milk, and are nutri• icy uce dal kt,e jes 8 or.liS • ed ar Grafting Wax. • This is an article that every farm- cot er Should keep on hand, ready for cot uee :whenever needed, kr it is valukn - • able for various other pti•poses be- ara side, that of grafting. Wounds .no made in pruniiig large trees will of heal over March sooner if eoated sot with this Airax, !Ind if a piece of bark- the is aceiden tally stripped from a tree, Nvi • the place should be covered over say no ab 13 W tilt ata cry El 0 awls and fattening. They were a luxury among the Romans. This was, however, not our garden snail, but a larger mernifer of the same family, of a reddish brown color, marked with pale bands, which is still found in the, vineyards of Italy. The !maims of their delicious flavor have been written by Pliny and sung by Horace. The Chinese, who eat. them, are astonished that we. ve who are fend of ovsters should re- cr fuse them. '0) te er he is 111 o wonder that when Betty Simper's 't re tt Dress Goode and isin asked • if Billy Doubtfi irt,ed her, she replied, :if don ow exactly—he's a sortel4cotirti 1 a not sorter courtin'.7 We hay doubt that this Hastings is on these 'sorter not courtin' ' fellow 1 most heartily do we rejoice th: judge has In t him to ' boo r -i THE ONLY 1ECONOMiicAL STOR LV .8B FORTH 18 AT I, Ali D L A W'S. Xezo Sea8on'8 Tea! .New Bed.sole.9,'Tea! 1871 and 1872. THESE _ARE1 SPLENDID TS. Beet ,B Aals," TEA, Importeq, Neu" Season, 75c t 90f. Per pound. , N. B.--Iny pay 60e, to 700. for Tea You can get for 50c. per peund ? COFFEE, 1OFFEE, COFFEE, The Finest in th 'ON 6a►:J AI [Oa LLS1.L.1: bee+. t`l Province 35c: per lb. ,2 Sugars and Soaps at Wholesale Prices. FRUITS, SPICES, &e, OF THE FINEST QUALITY. • ' sTAMES 0. LAIDLAW, - Next door to the Post 011ie& TitEMENDO-!1§ DOWNFALL INT THE PRICES, 0 DRY.G901)S. E. (Fit J. 1.)Ail,LING Will offer the balance of their Winter Stock • t juices that will astonish the pritblic for cheapness. „, *I HIS I GENUI4A". EXAM1N.E AND BE CONWN ED: 1 WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL' STOCK OF HAIR GOODS CHEAP. CALL EARLY AN SECURE BA.Rgli.INS. BANKRIT *"'"""41"1""'""1"1""mara" SILKS, MILLINERY, DUNCAN with it, and theiwood will remain or sound and healtlrk underneath. jairs. :There are several receipes for pre - win paring this Wax, and I found the oot .followibg hetaer than any other one stip tried : .Melt in a basin one pound aaa of tallow, two pouncis of beeswax esti and four pouuds of rosin • stir well together and keep in a cool place in a do the dish in which it was melietedt.lsecIlf. beewa ax is very costly item, one- him third' less quantity can i This wax is most excellent for seal- • ing the cork of bottles whose con- IT: • tents are desired to be air -tight, and don • for covering cloths to tie over _pre -1 servedjars. It can be Melted over A G when required for lise, and it will spread with a knife upon bandages, 1 ,B Asc.; is the best sealing wax that can man be usect.for many purposes. coun eigh Olct John Andrew on- Total, Ab- the stinence. hot, r • Waling through Main street. Sea- turn forth, being a resident therein, ,1 seve ntact with some- upwa & DUNCAN. CLEARING SALE OF k h a $1,425 -verdict. • The jUdge s that long -continued attention§ ntimacy is just as good as a regu promise. • Now, we do not kno% it would pass fecr intimacy ic dibg to the laws of Vermont, bu posing -attentions to consist, o ting a girl twice a week, on mating the time wasted by Mis Munson at each visit to be worth llat•--wbich is too cl.eap--, 'Mr Wigs. hag been making -4 fool of self fornteen years adsome odd wee] This decision makes a new in the law of love, and we make. doubt, will toad to-thejarinino- of matrimony and morality. ,1 iant has an Encounth er vIt a Back: enjainin and Catharine Tront- , of Londonderry Township, this ty, had sons; and daughters teen. The-fatittrr.taftl 'eight of children havv gGue that ne froni wKribe no tra-Veler ie - .s. The mother, who is about nty-five years of :Lae, and weighs irds of 230 pounds avordupois, lives with her son George, in onderry Township. The ten ren DOW living tip the beam of "airbanks " to the- tune of 2,215 ds. The • respective foice of ty of each, according to their ensus, is as follows: orge, who livea in Londonderry ship; 245 pou" nds; c.)seph, who forth at, Fair Hope, Somerset ty, 220 pounds ; John, alio re- in tha :State of, Indiana, 265 Is in his shirt -sleeves ; Daniel, ives in Kansas, 225 pounds ; Adam, who- is: a resident of the " Smoky City," Pittsburgh, 240 pounds; Sarah Etnd -Polly, who re- . V • _ spVid ati,ention to this s Woolens, _ Beforp the end of the PRESENT MON'TH. . • have often came in c poor staggering sot, and being iostl- still ed off the side walk r nearly popped Lond _ into some persOn's window by some child drunken loafer, m have been brought a to a stand with others higher iu life, poun •and sometimes seen them wallowing 'gravi in the mire. On looking round and last p seeing so many places licensed to gall Ge this "distilled damnation ;" sueh as Town tavelais, saloons, result -LI -ant% and holds grocerie's, besidesother private places Conn ' where the liquor may be had. I sides thonght to myself, is there nothing poum ean be done to put an end to this wioa I degrading, monster evil ? .1 thought if all the Christia_n! Churches, with all the Temperanceorganizations, and the outsiders, would get up a side 1 petition to Parliament, for a . Pro- I pound hibitory Liquor Law, for without,' lives i this, as long as we have laws hcens- sy,w i ing to make and sell intoxicating the la liquors as a. beverage, we shall have. west," n this county, 240 and 200 - respectively ,• Nancy, who n Maryland, 200 pounds; Bet - bo has followed the 'advice. of • merited .Greeley, and . "gone 200 pounds. . The father • LAW Received : Depariment, A'Fresh Lot pf Goods, bought cheap. . HURIlid%H FOR 1873. • WM. AU:LT, - MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, HAS ON HAND ie superior stock of FAXILY GROCERIES., embracing Teas of the best brands, Sneers, Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery fled Glassware, and every other article usually kept in a lirst-elase Grocery Stoke. P nth as Flour, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, °vete- description of • • Such necetts, Pens, Bran line Shorts, all of which • will be sold chenper than the ehoapest. VA RAI P ROO UCE. . The hiehest market price paid' for all kinds of Farm Prod n ce em ember the place, Main street, East side, T STOCK IN S FORM, (JOHN LOGA DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, /s man STAND) Cons sting of MANTLES GLOVES, HOSIERY, LINENS TITEEDS, -UNDERCLOTHING-, FLANNELS, CARPETS, NEW WO.L GOOPS, Anil a assortment of 1FIRST-CLASS DRY GOOD CHEAP SALE FOR 10 DAYS. NO TROUBLE TO sTrow GOODS AT THE -ANC:HES:: ER 110 S GREAT CHRISTM.A4 SALE AT DENYS. 3,000 LADIES' DRESSES, (ev 250 LADIES'7ACKETS. (new 199 SETS LADIES' FURS—ch • A Magnifice Ladies' 11..ts and Ge eral Millinery _Goods. 300 WEBS OF 'CLOTHS AN TWEtliS----bolitt 12 months ago no advance on them.. st patterns.) apest to be had. t Display of- -The whole of these. goods will be run o DON'T FAIL TO • THE BEST ODGANS AND ME opposite Coven try's Boot end Shcte S tore, Seaforth. EDWARD CASH. • 213 - WM. AULT. - / - • SHROUDS I- SHROUDS ! _ Will in v TORONTO ipRicEs. i For any quantity of • M. ROBERTSON CiU3INET MAKER _AiND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has new on hrind a good • assortment of SHROTTID Which he eini furnish chenper than they can be got elsewhere. 203 FOR LIVERPOOL klO QUEENSTOWN. TNXIAN LLNE OF MAIL &FEMMES SAILING -1- front New York, . EVERY THURSDAY AND EVERY SATURDAY, • Tickets sold to and from Englaml, Ireland, Shil the Continent, et as low rates as by any °thee line. JOHN 0. DALE, Agent, 230 le, oath tie , N. j.r.oro..uN • SEATs1c'EafR0,rth. J. 'P. BRINE, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. - Sales atteuded in all parte of the _ Country. 'All orders left at Tire Exeosieon Office will be "froniptly attended to • • 198 RA W FURS • At the Butter Inspector's Office, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, Mink, Coon, Otter, lint, Beer, Wolf,- Beireer, Marten, and Peltries �f all kinds. THE SEAFORTH LUMBER YvARD. .„ MABEE & MACDON ALD -REG to inform the public that they have opened -e-e a Lumber Yard in Senforth, near Shearson's Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. • They will keep constantly on hand a gone assort- ment of A LT, KENDS OF LUMBER, dreseea and ' undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- bleBilideeeis,afaonrde Oltshhers will find it .to 'their. Advant- age to inspect onr stock, and ascertain our prices before purchnsingelsewhere, as we are kin a position to offer goad inducements to cash purchasers. - let) ; MABEE it MACDONALD. this month Without reserve. ALL AT DENT'S. ODEONS ALWAYS ON HAND. IOLET INK. - JAN. 10, 1871 LEGAL. :r M. LEET, Solicitor, Winglenra, has been -lips ee • pointedAgent for the Colonial Securities Core puny of England, bels also Agent for several pee Vete Capitiiliste of Toronto, who loan Meneee vent reaeonable. rates. Interest payable yeerly. Charges moderate. Wingham, Dec. 15, 1871. 413 jfcCAUGHEY HOLMESTED, Barristers, At. torneys at TAC. W, DOCILOrS enaucery and Insolvency, Notaries Public- and Conveynneers. Solicitors for the 11. C. Bunk, Seaforth. Agents for the Canada Life Assurence Company, - N. B.--$80,000 to lend at el per cent. Farms. Houses and Lots for sale. ea - iptbzicsoX MEteeit, Barristers and Attorneye at Law, Si.dicitors in Chancery and Insolveney, Coneeyanceilf, Notaries Public, etc. Ofileete-Seg. forth and Wroxeter. $23,000 of Private Funds to invest n.t once, id Eight per cent. Interest, payable yearly. • • eg JAS. li. IMNSON. • IL. 'W. C. ISIXYDS.-. MEDICAL.; reAVID MITCHELL, M. D., Graduate of Victo. ria College, Physicinn, Surgeon, etc.. eee,„ KeNnunet, Gea.--Coroner of the County of Tftiro-ii, Office and residence, at Thompson se titanley'e. TAXES STEWART, M. D., C. M., Graduate Of v McGill, University, Ilentreal; Physician, Stir- geon, ete. OltICS andelleighlenee—Brueelield. TT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. Me, Physician, Sur- geon, ete. Ofece and Residence, corner of Market and High streets, next to the Planing Irill. DB CAMPBELL, Coroner for the 'County. 13111.06 and Residence, -ever-Corby's-corner store, Main street, •Seaforth. Office hours, from 11 to 4, ;each day, and all day Saturday. TO the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding cotintry. Dr. J. BULL having been ealled through eiekness in his family, to suspend business for sonic time in this place, has pleasure in an- nouncing to the Public, that through a. lend Pro- vidence he hns been permitted to return to the rooms formerly occupied by him, over Mr. A. G.- MeDeagall's Store, Main street, where he. intends permanently to remain, and will be pka.sed to see his old patrons and as many new ones as may laver - him with a call. All operations performed, ward- ing teethe latest approved etyle, and „fees as low as. to lie -Viand elsewhere. Office hours frorn 8 A. X. to 5 P. M. 224- 'MOTELS. -^ OYAL HOTEL, Seaforth, Ontario. SIMON -e-y POWELL, Proprietor. The subscriber has thoroughly renovated and newly furnished the - above houssKso that it no allot -cis gat azeininno- dation for the tiavelling public. Choice liquor& and cigars in the liar. The table is supplied with the delicacies in season. Oysters in season.. • Large stabling and an attentive hostler in con - nee don.•251-ly 0031MERCIAL HOTEL, kinleyville, Ont., WM.. e-1 ANNETT, Proprietor. This Hotel is under - entirely new management and has been tiaorougty renovated: The Bar is supplied with the best -Liquors and Cigars. Good enabling maa attentive. Hostler& A First-elass Livery in coneection. 22/3 . - - plIINCE OF WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont.,. C. Z. McCUTCIIEON, Proprietor. Firet-clase accommodation for travelkrs. The Bar is sup- plied with the Tery beet liquors attil cigars. Good stabling -attached. The stage leaves this House every day for Whetham. • 204-4t • LIVE WV. rr "A.. SHARP'S LIVERY AND SALle, STABLES. 01ce—At Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. GOIA Horses and first-class Conveyances always onhand; fruoalsows LpiERY, CleLNTON- OFFICE,-e-AT COMellialCIAr. HOTEL. Goo quiet Horses and First -Claes ehieles always - on hand. Con -3 ances furnished to Commercial Teavellers on reasonable rates. 221 1 ZORN THOMSON. pELL'S LIVERY STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. _ -A--• Good Horses and Comfortable l'ellieles,alevievs - on hand. Favorable Arrangements made with Commercial Travellers. All orders left at KNOX'S ' HOTEL, Will be pronaptly attended to. Orrice AND STADVES4—T.hird. door North of Knox's Hotel, Main Street. 221 - THOMAS BELL, Propeietor. illISCIELLANEOCIe. ATEMPRINAllY MeWAI;GIIT, Y V. S., begs to aunotince to the hilmbitente of Seatorth and sin -rounding country that he lies been *worded the diplotna of the Ontaelo Veterin- ary College, and Is now prepared to treat diseases of Horses and Cat1e and ell domestic Animals. He has opened an office int connection witit his horse - shoeing shop, where he will be found ready to at- tend to calle. Diseases of the feet specially at- tended to. Resident°, °Bice and shop in the rear of Killoran Ryan's new stoze. AB kinds of Vet- erinary Medicines kept constantly on hand. Charges reasonable. •229 MURDER,1 MURDER! MURDEil, HIGH PRICES FOR FURNITURE MURDERED, And those that have kept prices up beyond the bounds of reason ere about to :COMMIT SUICIDE W. B. PORTER Has tommenced sefling Furniture of ali 'dons in HATT'S OLD STA ND, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, ; At such prices as$1 aetonieh a miser. He courts • au inquest and feel certain that a eiterdiet will bo returned in his favo that his prices are • THE LOW -EST , - That is and has beenin this or any other -county in the Province for yearse GIVE HIM A GALL And be convinced of the feet: W. B. PORTER Seaforth, Oct. 25, 1872: 255 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL: SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY FTTIE subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous customers for the liberal nett -onus% extendeti Bini since commencing business intieaforth, and trusts that he inay be favored with it continuance of the sume. - Parties intending to build evonld do well to give hint it cell, as be will continne to keep on band a, large stock of all kilnkisof DRY PME LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confieent of giving satiefaction to those J SEATTER ,..ubo may fevotir him with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are enne_oyed. XCHANGE BROKER - And dealer in Pure RUCS CHEMICALS AND DYESTUFFS, PERFUMERY, ANCYAND TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines. Money o lend. On easy terms: - • J. SEATTER, ' ; Seaforth, Nov. 2, 1870. Z9-tf. TAVE .BOLTSWANTED HE undersigned will pay CASH for 1,200 cords of STAVE BOLTS, 34 inches lung; also, 500 1 ;mil and any quantity of ham]. hoopse.delivered a his Stave Factory, Seaforth. 262e9 rds HEADING BOLTS,aboaHsNswod oo.AxE38 N. s Particular attention paid. to Custom Planing.. 201 JOHN II. BROADFOOT. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT AIN. (1_ CART-WRIGHT. L. D. S,, Surgeon Dentist,. extratts teeth without pain by the use of the - Nitrone-Oxide teas. Oflice-e0ver the Fountain of Fashion Mr. Powtfir's store, the Market SquareAttenilan cen Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel; the fuse Tuesday and "Wednesday *of each month; in Clinton, at the e; ormucreial Hotel, en the following Thurs- days end Frienyi. The remainder of the time at his' Stratford office. Parties irequiring new teeth aye requesteii to call,. tendanee. - if at Se:forth and Clieton, on the first tlavs of ate Ovee 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by York. the eee nf the Gas. ae. Dr. Coheres ofdees, New 203 . 1 A. New In 1 King As spirt 680 y era. This . can be attes ments and r -.Of the mythil Ina of the . Monarchs b in qnestion had sometlr .aboua thena, history they N-0 parchma bark forme _Mew who z - years befov was the coot, hing of ju and Habalal Most High,. , tabkts, and I these letters1 stead of the 1 his re3ord fri dais, instead] trent or blot Together i winged Ass] MODS ters, ea from the lila pal to the ill time the vol to the eaMani characters were not lilt history whos But, by -and - one of the en -anseum4, wit and describe brought Web eultute °flop arship. He ' his enquiry tablets forin covery in 4 archwology,`J than a •klinti iuge, assumb by an Assyr from an orig been inscrJ • MIIII:Ott in t The similarit is sufficientf from the fAli “ The work the people we flood reached to a waste w 'the earth was life." a I ent ship and shut of -the storm= mankind who their corpes ft of Nizar (ATI and to pa.ss oil sent forth a del went and sear could not fin sent for kh a searched., a , find, and it ret and it lefts ti corpses on the, eat. it swain, i not return." 1 and -brought iri bring my wife country, be es " They took n liver they seat The accot with that statur- t , asph ail e, ' w equivalent ti sion, however, in $ as broad as it theistic settu- • course,a nota " in the heav tempest and descended te The gods, i it den, couchei tesquene, s of peculiarly • the halfsuppl manity for ti pol ytheistic ' &:holarsar the antiquity• the discover there has , amou at of in • tablets it fil Oti well AS 41110 What their p upon the, erit: Testament b seen. This ' will intetpos the way of t inquiries tin Pentateuch t lar myths. - history a 00 the stone boo would be Intl perhaps too hypercritical ply to the 'Sae they would regard to the •Ctsar, win 11 alielism of ti Deluge. • It item to tke .scaie fres! away% A vi eedo A eorrosp eansarereittl soldier of the am acquain honor, who as, Vialsburg Place.s, tells of a lientena his back., Among others