The Huron Expositor, 1873-01-10, Page 5-c.rning of the fifth of Janneee, causing reat terror to the population. ' The t wind was blowing a gaIeon the fifth, and i enew and sleet falling. The year 1873 f has certainly been ushered in after the very roughest or of fashion. Let us hope that the advent of an early and genial spring will loing hope and conso- lation to VI many hearts and homes , which have been grieved. and desolated i by -the visitations of Old Boreas during ! the winter. Ship Oa/tale. M. De Lesseps, hating cut the Isth- mus of Snez, is already sighing for more i continents to sunder. Ile has fixed his i attentica upon the Isthmus of Corinth, and proposes to nut a canal aeross it ; which will obviate the necessity , of the dangerous circumnevigation of the Met -ea. . ;Ile length of the .contemplated canal will be but five miles t but the teak of cutting, it will be nearly as (=rent as that of cutting the Suez Canal. The latter traversed a nearly level country, where- as the Corinthian Canal will have to be [ carried across a chain of hills, the lowest point of which is more than 300 feet ; above thesea. It might be worth M. De Lesseps' while to visit Central Araeri- ' ea.. There he wield find a dozen differ- ent routes for a (lanai to connect the two occas, and. would thus have sufficient ' steady emt4oymeet in the work of canal. (m*11% to occupy him for the rest of hia ? natural life. Inasmuch ae the Anglo- ' Saxon race has not yet been able to con- struct such a canal, M. De Lesseps mid have & fine opportunity to demon - rate the superiority of the Latins as Ieleeliggers, Tho Georgian By and Lake Ontario Canal might also furnish ' a field for tile exereistrof M. De Lessepa' genius. ---------saisee.--------- Neve Ways of:Kindling Fires The use of kerosene in kindling fires has long been extremely popular. There rarely pasee a week without an attempt Of the kind by souse enterprising persen, I the blaze that ensues is usually of so ir` k te eharaeter that it klefiZ08 not- only the kindling -wood, but upon the and hie house, anti wipee theme y 'out of exiatenee, tereceesfal as S of keifeetai has hitherto been, t uoinlitistible fluid has failed to alto- gether satisfy the wants of two Ken tuoky negroes, who desired a more vigoroweand rapul agent. 'They therefore bethou t -themselves of nitre-g1ycol-114 and a t.Lay Or tWOSitICO etarted a livelto blaze by the . aid of that vigorous explosive. Ni) fault haebeen found with the nitro-glycerine by either of those colored persons ; neither have they themselves reapj eared. since the first flash, of the fire. In fact, _the colored persons and the shanty in . which they lived :vanished with surpris- 1 Mg suddenness ; and. although thez. e ia ' a rumor of the fall ortivo colored aero- lites in the northern part of Mississippi, it is doulatfal whether the least trace of ` them has hem. or ever will be foundt ----a- Tlee Fur Trade. A Maine eewspa.per gives a statement of the present cortdition of the fur trade - ea that State, froii. which it appears that the aggiegate number of furs taken this compares favorably with that of :former years. Otter aml bar skins are somesvtat scarce ;, showing that the vigor with which these animals have been hunted, haS mate.tjally reduced their lathers. On the other hand, sable, mink and fox skins are brought to mar- ket in lancer luantities than they were last winter. That pleasant anima', the Rkietrlk, is very abundant : and as he has been systematically let alone, until late- ly, wheu. his skin first began to have & market value, there ie -no danger of .hia immediate extinetioe. - In time, how- ever, the, far -bearing animals of Maine will be killed off, and it ia therefore worth while to enquire whether they milletbe domesticated and bred for the market. Probably few persons would Emdertake to domesticate the skunk, but the otter, the mink and the sable might be_ easily preservetl, and thus breeding be made a profitable business. —N. Y. nines. - M BErrrat Tk;itr.--Itis ftaly to be ex- tected that the New Brunsevickers will laortly lay eeige for "better terms." rhe sadeels of Nova Scotia in that direc- tion inspires tkent with hope, and they ire making up e statement of their case. rhey doubtless have never ceased to re - vet that they did not take up, at the uttset. the bel lieerent attitude of Joe p 'towe andhis friends, that they might meet " better terms " as the price of heir reconciliation. As it is, they will equire a strew, -case to gain for them the ympathy the House. And the Gov- rament had Dater- beware of this de - amid lest they con -Trait theraselvs to the ireakers„ Oppositien on 'constitutional rounds to the demand for better ternas, rill not of Coarse hold water '- but there re few, withhout those wo in New eunawick are striving by this means to sake a little local popularity, who, will elieve ifi the absence of the strongest eideuee that .New Brunswiek is not a tighy favored partner in the British ;orth American Coatederation.----Come att Freeholder.. — —Last Friday while four brothers,. &reed Lyons, were in thelvoods getting ot square timber on their fartn in Dan- nelly near Iona, Comity of Elgin, Ed- tcard„ the ynangest, aged about sixteen, -ras instantly killed by a. limb that was. rawa beets bv the falling tree striking ,gantet & standing one. .„ — A eorrespandeut at Ste Johns, IL, writes that the Iutereolonial ,ailway is snowed up, and that no ntails lave been received from Halifax for Ore than a Areek. The difficulties oCe asioned, by natural causes a.ppeax to be ,ggravated by a defichnicy of rolling toek upon the line, for which the Do- o in ion f Z, over u ment is responsibl e. --A female music teacher in Kingston vas arrested on charge of stealieg a small_ ear, o ioney fromthe keei_ae of the ,oartling house where alie lived. She kaded gailtyy, but was acquitted on. the Inual of extreme destitution. ' —Eight frolicksorne young Dutchmen ere fined the other day- $2,:.). 52 by the 'tratford magistrates for ellarivaring a espectabIe Teaton, in the township of I)ossaile, who had taken to. himself a —The St. Thotnaa Jcoirzkal finds fault With some of the papers given at the re- ead teachers' examination, and thinks Phat arithmetichl problems, not puzzles, ilight to have been, employed to test the .-tiowledge 01 thoeh examined. _ t, --elm old man whose case was referred t.o in the report of the December meet- 'titg of the County Ceencil, Also in the Vresentnient of the Grand, &ley at the December Sessions died ie the `ail on Nees -Lar (. ear8s , AN. 10,1878. TaZ BIRTHS. Hibbert, en Dee. 14, tli wife of Mr. James Holding, of a son. STRONG.= -In Teckersmith, pOn ifan. -3, the wife of Mr.- George Strong, of a on. jletekesott.—In Seaforth, on Jan. 7, the wife of Mr. William Henderson, of a son. WRIGHT. Merris, on D4 30, the -wife of Mr. James Wright, of twins, daughters. H• uecimisose---In Galt, on NeW Years Day- . the wife -of Mr. §:Hutehinson, of daughter. H)1Deesoe..---At the Wesleyan Parson- age, Stratford, on Dec. 28, the wife of Rev. W. 0. Henderson, M. A., of a daughter,- . H , • uu —In Tuckersinith, on Dec. 28,. 1872, the wife Of Mr. John Garry, of a son. MeCuieo9tr.1e-In Seaforth,- on Jae. 3, the wife of Mr. Jaines IV, McCulloch, of a sOn. BELL—In Hilbert, on Friday, Jan. 3, • Mrs. .Alexander Bell, of a daughter. gA.RRI AGE'S- OLIVER--7111141GART. —On Dec. 25, at the residence of the bride'slatlier, by Bev, 11, Moodie, Mr. Francis 'Qijver, of Hibbert, to Maggie, eldest dattghter of Mr. Robert Huggart of North. Dor- chester. Divrnao:e—Siettre. —On Deq. 26, at the residence of the bride's father, town, ship of Usborne, Rev.! W.- Beer, Mr. Wm. H. Davidson, eldest son ef Ilev: Mr. Davidson,4 of Elimville; to 'Helen Jane, third daughter of Thomas Shute, Esq., of Usborne. I ' • Feettowe-Renee-At the residence of the bride's father, in the township of Clarke, on Monday, Jan.! 6, by lice. Mr. 111eDonogh, Mr. Asher Farrow, of Bluevale, to Miss, Elio, Ann, second daughter of. SVilliain Reid, ,Eeq. DEATHS, ;fro, 2, at' her son's reiehleuee, Egelsondville, Mts. Robett Sutherland, widow' of the late llobert Sutherland, Land Survoor, Cape Becton, N. S. - • THENIARKETS4 ' SlaFORTII, limitary 0, 1870, The deliveries on the Sealorth market - for the past week have peen larger than dm -ng aey other week -, thls season. Tuesday Was the best daY. On that day and frequently since, as high as $1.20 and $1.22 has_ been pakr for wheat. The: prevailing price now, however, as aboat frem $1.15,to S1.18: Oats remain firm at o‘ld pikes with but light deliv- eries. A very large amount of York Jos . been delivered on the market during the ' past week. Prices are changeable, and are q oted slightly lower. this week. 1,1, Duri yesterday $5 per hundred was • paid m one or two instances for extra hei-vy specimens, -lint the prevailng price is as quoted. Butter has mat yet 'coin rneneed to move, and the deniand has not improved. Hay remains firm at old quotations, with but light deliveries. Wood sells readily at quoted prices, with lighter deliveries than usual at this time of the year. We quote : FallWheat..... . . .... .. ...$1 15 to 1 18 Spring -Wheat. `-....-115 to 1 18 Barley, ....... ...... 0 48 to 0 50 Oats 0 35 to 0 87 Peait.. ....... ..... 0 55 to 0 60 Butter, No 1,o11b 0 14 No. 2. ' 0 9 No. .... . .. 0 6 Eggs.... ..... ........... 0 00 to 0 18 Flour ....-.......................6 50 to 0 00 Hay. ..1.2 00 to 1500 Hides. . 6 00 Sheep Skins... . .. 0 50 to 1 50 Calf Skins, (veal) pekqb., 6 69 to 0 10 Salt (retail) per barrel,. .... r0 00 to 1 25 Potatoes, per hush.el 0 45 to (1 50 Fresh. Pork Rpr 100 4 50 to 400 Oatmeal 14 Sal 0110 to 5 50 Apples per huge -I... .. . . 0 60 to 0 75 Beef, per quarter, r . . ... 0 031to 0 05 Wood 2 50 to 300. Fall•Wheat. . Spring Wheat., it. Oats ..... ....... . Barley........ .. . . Peas............ . . Butter......... .. . Eggs. . Hay, per ton, ....... ... . • CLINTON, jan..9, 1872. 11596 117 114Y0 1 IS . . . . ... . 0 33 se e 435 .. ....... 0 45 g' 050 . . ..... 057 0 059 ........ 0 10 (i# 014 016- @ 018 ....... .} 12 00 0 14 00 .. 480 of, 475 TOP..ONTO, Jan . 1873. 'Wheat seld at $1.38, for No. 1 fall, and $1.13 for _rejected, and $1.23 to $1.24 for spring. Oaes were firm at 39e to 40e. Barley advanced to 660 to 68e. Three hundred bushels of spring peas sold at 65c to 67e, and. one load ot rye at 65c. Hay Was abupdhat, and ranked from $20 to $26, with the average 'about $24. Hogs were in fair supply, and soIbl at$5 to $5.25, with $5.50- in a few case. MONTREAL, Jan. S. 1873. '• Floar--Market it -motive. , end \littie business to eote. Small sales super. and -strongat late rates. . Grain—No transaction to note , and rates purely nominal. Porks-Unchanged. Hogs --Sales of heavy tt $'5.50 ; light commands rather more, according to quahty Butter—go reported sales ; offered at all prices from ic to 15c. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK MARKET. ‘kii Buie `Le, Jan. 8. The following shows thil, r eceipts awl shipments of hate stock at East -Buffalo for the week thus far, beginning with Sunday: t Sunday. .... Monday...... Tuesday .... Total.... Same time la week : . /?eeeip's. _ Cattle, 1ieep Hogs, Hones. head. 1+ad. head. head. . 799 1,200 6,800 64 . 1,309 3,400 5,200 16 . 1,020 400 2,100 32 .. 3,128 -5,000-14,100 112 st . 3,335 3,800 8,300 80 Shipmentzz. Catt-le, Sheep, 4ogs, Horses. head. head, head. head. Sunday.... . . 400 2,800 32 Monday . 15-3- 1, 400 5,100 64 Teetray.680 .. . 4,500 . Total.. 833 1,800 12,400 96 .Same thee last 1 3 week.... 1,921 2,600 7,600 48 CATTLE.Receipts to -day, including .39 cars reported to arrive, 1,020 head, making the total supply for the week thus far, 3,128 head, or 181 cars, against 198 cars for the same time last week. The market opened slow •at about a to Advance on last 'Week's elfne ing prices, with a prose ect of all offer- ings being disposed of before night. Sales up to noon comprised about 600 head, Teausaction were as follows : No. of Average s Head. Weight, lbs. „e96 Illinois steers, 1,374 2-1 1,033 22 Ittleh. stockers, 965 17 Ohio steers, - 1,105 -- 20 " heifers 930 75 Illinois -steers, 1,131 And 5 other sales.; • SHEEP AND LAMBS. — Receipts for to-dey 400 head, makingthe total supply for theweek, thus far, 5,000 bead, against 3,800 head for the same time last week. Holders are stiff in price* ; but ,the mar- ket is not yet fairly opened. HOGS.—Receipts to -day, 2,100 head, making the total supply for the week thus far, 14.,160 head, against 8,300 head for the seine time last,week. The Market was fairly active this morning, at .$4 20 to $4 50 Light hogs being in greatest demand and bringing highest figures, Sales yesterday 4,738 head Ohio, Indiana and Michigan hogs, aver aging 110 to 380 at $4 20 to 4 50. Sales this morning : No. of Average Head, Weight, lbs. Pelee. 20)0 Ohio hop, 230 $4 424 6(0 , 230 4 30 109 Indiana 217- 4 50 And 3 other sales. ---• Livestroore Jen, q, 1873. 'Breadstuffs dull,. Wheat 12s7d/to 12s 9d for average ; Alf° 13s d td 13s 4d for club do.; Ile 6a to 12s 3d for red westere spring • 12s to 12s 2d for red winter. Corn 2i1a6d to 28s 9d. ----- Price. • $6( 30 3 50 3 50 4 90 4 65 Is 550 ` Gm). —The prid50 of gold in New York is quoted at 112. 80110014 TRACKER WANTED, A neeTeeefeel holding pi tirateilaas 00114(100 " and otherwise seltoldo 014 Alodetant, Toeulter In tee ruble Helioels eit PUti0Ii#h A ditinate, t ating palm required, to ;fehn Tregy, Smeltery, isesolle, - • 40 feel siOAO'lf,, -D1,1110LUTI0N- OF PARTNERSHIP. $ THE • rtirtmorfthip lgketofore existiva between '6" MOM /4 -II /MTsuniir worse teems, of tho Township of Illithort, Threshers aneltieed Sow; yettiir le nose diteadVed es mutual tiOnseet. All ear -- flea indebted will plume, take notleo and pay up itt 01100 to fatiled0HtS. OliOAGE PEAHT. THOMAS' PEARt ilibbeit, Doc. 27, 1872, 200-3 WANTED. AN energetic DM to canvage certain township; shi in Huron and Perth, as Assistant Agent for. the Agricultural Mutual Assurance Assouiation Of London. The most popular farm company doing business. Apply, stating past and preaent employ- ment, with references, to • CHARLES T. DOYLE, 266 Agent, Clinton. LIST 0/ /OTTERS EMA.INING in Scala& Post ()face on Jan. .LIi 7,1878. Arbuckle, Jae. A.rinstrong, J. D. Bowman, J. W. Ceanon, Edward Dwyer, John Fligg, Ben. Heprin, Hewitt, Wm. lintehenson, Wm. Hewett, J. C: Jackson & Holliday• Jackeon, Wm. . Malcolm, S. H. 266-4 Mulhellaitd, Jas. Mk°, J. M. laffatt, It. Mudge, E. C. Murphy, Mr. 1510011.11.0n, Sohn McKay, Isaac Seig, Edward Sturdy, J. J. rik Billing, Mlis Mime Sanderson, John Sanders, R. S. Watson, Mrs. S. S. DICKSON,'P. M. • • REE MARKETS, ,NO TOLLS. HURRAH FOR KIDD'S EMPOitipil. You will come to town without a frown, At T. Kidd's Emporium purchase free, Where the largest stock to be found Is kept by him, for Seventy-threeo Ladies' Silks and Poplins, WEDDING DRESSES IN GREAT VARIETY, : FLOOR GENTS' OVER,GOATS AT COST, OIL CLOTHS' CUT TO FIT A or SIZE,. $1 PER S_QUAI?E YARD. A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS, ALL QUALITIES. Pay me all you owe before you go To other shops, to buy for cash, Then better friends we'll be, you know, For in my stock there is no trash. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. THOMAS KIDD. S1AFORTN PACKING HOUSE, SHAFORTIi, • - MR. TO -MAS sT-Ermiltq s Takes ;mush *moire in informing hie mitherone engtorners 'that be lete recommenced the Pork- Packlug bushuois in his • Old Stand, North, iliaht-street. Hay* Heenred the HerYieefl of. it Practical SAT% SAGS:MAXIM, the public cue tole on getting 4 rzroet-CIJAHH Alerleldi in either HAUsAons on 811(1A1.yCU-11E)) HAMS. Timm; in need Of }Melt would do well to give him a eir1)11111)%71titi 014titp:Ialrcillt ehilio011ie Oe Where, All 0010re p( THOMAS STEPHENS, 204 Me IiltititllIt, Monfort 11, D A INT I L MoGi,EGO1t, Bookbinder, Harptivhey, Soolorth, HA' Just rented a largo Steak of the Mai tortilla inied III the htiailielet and la now folly proper. ea to exeeute, bu,the et:erteet Rettee and in the ,„litteet tasks, all orderhe outy he favourod with, REGISTERS, LEDGERS as BLANK BOOKS or .4.;.4-r kixn, Holed, Printed and made to order; on the shortest notice, and at prim; which defy eompetition, Ladies' Work Boxes (.6 Fancy Cases nuto to order, OLD AND -NEW BOOKS Bound and repaired at city prices. All communications addressed to the andersign- ed, will receive prompt attention. ' f DANIEL lfcGlIEGOR, Seaforth, (Harpurhey. PitospEctirs FOR 1073.--sIXTII YEAR. THE ALDINE/ An Illuetrated :Monthly jourua), univereally ad- mitted to bp the handsomest .periodical in the World. A -representative and champion of Ameri- can taste,. Not for sale in Book or News Stores. THE ALDINE, -while issued with all the regular- ity, has none of the temporary or timely interests characteristie'of ordinary periodicals. It is an BRITANNIA LODGE, A. F. elegant miscellany of pure, hght and gracefnl - and. A. M.o 170, G. R. C. Regular meeting 'next MONDAY evenin*, Jan.' -13,. at 7:30 sharp. 266-1 A. ILA141,Y, Seeretary. Insolvent Act of 18694 In the matter of jolty, Grits, an, Insolvent, A. Dividend Sheet has been prepared, open to ob- jection until the -twenty-seventh day of January, after which dividends svillhupaid. TMS:. KIDD, Assignee. Seaforth, ;Tan. 9, 1873. 266-3 ' EDWARD CASH PANS TH.& t G 1-l1E S T PRICES- willbe .fbund correspondingly ahead of Ray that eau be Offered by other _periodicals. Every sub- scriber *ill receive it certificate, over the signature of the pUblish.ers, enutranteeing that, the chromes delivered shall be equal to the Fitimples furnished , the agent, or the money will bevrefunded. The distributtgin of pictures, of this grade free to the subscrib is to a five dollar periodical, will mark an epcieh in the history of Art ;- and, considering the untfie' cedented elmiipikedk of the price ftir THE ALDINE itself, the marvel falls little short of a iniracle;leven to those best aequaantedavith _the 6,ch1evements of inventive genius and improved inechnuical appliances. THE {J!FELUY DEPARTMENT will Continue uNd e care of Mr. Richard Henry Stoddard, assisfed hy the best writers and poets of the day, who will strivia to have the litemture of , THE Amnia always iik keeping. with its artistie THE HOLIDAYS OVER attrileti°118—. . XERMS-$5 per anniun,-in advance, with Oil Monk ow'free. AGENTS WANTED. -Any person wishing to get permanently as a' local agent, will teceive full and. prompt information by applYing to . JAMES SUTTON & Co., Publishers. 266 68 Midden Lane, New York. literature ; and a collection of pictures, the rarest speCiIn)313I4 ef artistic: skill, in black and, white. Al- though each succeeding hinnber affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated after it has been bound up attbe elose of the year. While Ober publiestiOns in -ay ehthn superior cheapness, is compared with rivals oL &;similar class, THE ALDINE is it unique and original conception -alone and enapproaehod-absolutely -without competi- tiou in price or character. The poeeessor of a -complete v'ohrme cannot duplicate the quantity -of Inc paper and engravings any other shape or number of volumes for ten tinfes its cost, and then,' there are the chromes, besideel -PREMIUM OHROMOS FOR 1873. Every subscriber to THE Ar.,ortm, who pays in advance for the year 1873, will receive without. ad- ditional charge, a pair of beautgul oil chromes, after J. J. Hill, the eminent English painter. The pictures, entitled "The Village Belle," and "Crossing the Moor," are 14 x 20 inches -ere printed from 25 different ,plates, requiring 95 int- , pressions and tints to perfett each picture. The sone &roams are.4o1d. r $430 per pair in the art stores. As it is the determination of its concluders to keep THE ALDINE out of the reach of competition in every department, the ehreeme ESTRAY HEIFER. j TWO-Y1i1A11-OLD Montle Heifer, about the - ltith of November, on lot 10, concession 4, Kay, The °maw is requeeted to prove property, pay ellargeN and take her aWey. 2004 TORN LAING, Roden -vino, I** EST RAY DOG/. ,k BLACK AN I) TAN TERRIER DOG followed -4*-1- the undereigned -from Varea, on MONDAY, Dee, 30, 1879. The owner can have Che Name by PILYIUg the expellee of thie advertiaelnentilKnOt elalmed within ano Month, the dOg will lie ahld to pay expenses, eeleele e0(+AN, 2054 Lot 5, 00165, Stanley, FOR 'TIMOTHY and CLOrEltS'-E.EiD. GODERICH-STREET, SEAFORTIL ESTRAY STIER. 0,0114 to Lot 9, (km, If), MeKillop, ebont the ‘-d end of Rott man». het, 11selosold emit white and eel 'filo owner la retoleatod to prey° property, pay expeneue a tel take it await ,A6-04 WU, DYN,104, rem-, STRAYED KEIFER& 44 TRAY:Eli trOla Let 24, tIi. 0,1‘forrIo, iteeet tee I'd let of 1\1ay lamb, a white liolfer, with a little red alma t toad and neat, tieing two yeare. Alen, about let feeeetneor hue, a red liulferrwith IL little white acrei? about (Wu and ROM!, riming two yeara, Atty. person giving Information that will lead to the fecovery of the above aiihiiitJ t11i be enitably rewarded. WM. KELLY, 203-4e Morrie. BUT THE TIME POR :CHEAP JEWELRY Is not yet ended at M. R. COUNTER'S. JUST RECEIVED, TWO CASES OFTHOSE TF YOU HAVE .BEEN AN INVALID F011. yearewith some Chronic wasting Diseaeeef the Lungs, Heart, Liver or Kidneys, you need not flat- ter youreelf that medieine ia gAing to cure you im- mediately. Repair goes on elowly, and tune 18 necessary to build rip a broken-tlown constitution. Do not take every nostrum yon read about, nor follow the advice of every friend who has a specific to offer you. Procure a remedy- ecientificelly pre- pared; that is the result of experience, thnt has a large aniount of evidence of sensible people in fa- vor of its reliability, and persevere in its usc until the whole sytem undergoes a radical improvemeut and health is reStored. Dr. -1VD.EELER13 COM- pouND ELIXIR 010 PHOSPHATES AND C ALT- SAYA, a Chemical Food end Ntriritive Tonic, will meet your tenet sang,nine expectations, as it cent- biues everything neceseay to perfect 'digestion, Nutritiou, and the formation of Healthy Blood, and to vitalize all the orgens and tissues of the body. Sold at $1 per bottle. STYLISH CUTTERS ' ESTRAY STEER. ((AVE into the premiees of gee subscriber, Lot Con. 8, Stephen, about Novi, tared STEER one year old. The owner ie requested to 'prove property, pay charges aud take it away. 268-4* RICHARD SWEET. ESTRAY fiREEP• m (IAMB into the promisee of the subscrieer, Lot ‘--/ 15, Con -5, Stephen, about the middle of Sep- tember last, one EWE and one EWE LAMB. The owner is requested to prove property, pay elukrges and take them away. 263*4 , WM. MITCHELL. ESTRAY HEIFER. (1 &ME into Lot 25, Con. 3, tisborne, on or abent , the middle of NoTember last, a red year-old TIMPER. The owner is requested to prove prop- erty pay clutrges and take it away. 263-4* awns FOSTER.' - EST RAY STEER'. CAmE to the prettlises of the subscriber, Lot 2, Con. 14, Tuckersmith, in May last, a one -year- old, STEER, red and white color. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. WM. LATTA.. 263'04 ESTRAY STEER. A.ME to Lot 22, Con. 8,11e1illop, on Nov, 18, \-/ last, a white spotted STEER; head and neck brindle; star on ferehead; rising two seals old. The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take it away. MOSES feeNNAH. 263*4 ESTRAY STEER. oxmal into the premises of the malersigued, Lot 2, Con. 7, Hullett, on or Iowa the 15th of No- vember, a red and white STEER coming three years old. The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay charges and take the animal away. 259-8 • JOHN etteOHLEir. SUFFOLK BOAR. r HE undersigned has a full -bred Snffolk BOAR, ' on Lot No. 16, COn. 9, Maintop, which he svill keep for the service of Sows duriug the present season. Ternis, $1, payable at the time of ser- vice, with the privilege Of returning during the season, if ucCesSitry. 265-4 S. SMITH. BERKSHIRE BOAR. A T Seafortli New Dominiou House, an excellent, Berleddre Boar will be kept -for the service of Sows. ' Terme, $1 cash. 269-4 JOHN OBITS. SUFFOLK *BOAR. THE proprietor will keep for service during the Present swum a first-elame , Sired by the Stir/kik boiiir imported from England by Mr. Fisher, of Colborne. TER4S. One dollar cash, with privilege of returning Luring season. TAMES LANDESBOROrGII, Tneker- smith, Lot 23, Con. 8, IL 11. S. 262 — PURE BERKSHIRE BOAR. rr al111111111M11111111110111111M111, „ WOOLEN GOODS AT COST, 0 IN/I Ir M IR, 0 -QM XI 0 13,- SYRING STOCK, HiOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH sroRE, SEAFORTIL 4 7 , ATOTHER SALE, CHEAP GOODS, AT 1VIeDOUGALL'S, FOR JANUARY, 1873. Winces from 9c. to 25c., worth 12v. to 40 ets. Flaamel Shictingit at 25 cte., worth 40e. Black Glacie Silk. at 75e., worth $1. 13Iaek Glade Silk. at $1, worth $1 50. Black Gros Grain Silk et $1 75, worth $2 50. Japanese Silk Dresses at $7, worth $9 50. Silver -Gray Silk Poplin at 65 cts. per yard, worth -90 ets. Rose Silk Poplin at 650,, worth 90e. *Union Carpet, yard width, 65c., worth $L All -Wool Carpet, yard width, itt Al, worth $1 50. Ladies' Fancy Wool Clouds at 50c., worth 80e. Ladies' Breakfast Slurwls, all wool, at 25c., worth 50e. . Ladies' Breakfast Shawl:es. all wool, at 85c., worth $1 25. All Wool Blankets at $2 '75, worth $5. • Men's India Rubber Shoes at 55e., 'worth 715e. Women's Bahnoral Flannel -Lined Boots at $1 25, worth $1 50. .A.lot of Men's Overcoats, Undercoats, Pants and Vests at astonishingly low pricee, for this month only. gu Tantee these Goods to be in Stockgucragtee these Goods to be perfect. /* guarantee to sell them at the low prices named, and not to ask more whea you, call for them, as they do in SO' tOW12-8. I sell exactly cts advertised. CAST -I A_1\TD or: 1:111,ICM_ N. G. McDOTTGALL. NO MARKET FEES IN SEAFORTH, And no trouble to show Goods ,at ALLEN'S GROCERY, Teas, i Sugars, ! Itaisinsly Currants, Syrupsr, 1 !FIIIST CLASS. . At Service of Farmers. - Timus-$1, CASH• __ Privilege of retain; bog during season. 1 F. THOMPSON, 956-6 Huron Road, Hullett. _au 0,t;•x1105itor pentasneh EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN SEAM:MTH _ . * 1Vhielk is, perhaps, the best plate in town to purehase .Spices, Dried Apples, Canned Rettehes, Catmed Peas, Canned Salmon, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Brooms, Pails, &c., Salt -Water Herring, Sealed. Herring, Cod Fish, Baskets, ;FLOUR, OATMEAL; CORNMEAL, GRAHAM FLOUR, BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, POT BARLEY, RICE, & Best Fresh Ground Coffee only 30 cts. -1 Trarkis.-$1.50 per year in advance, or $2 at the ' end of the year. ' 1 Advertising lin les. • First insertion, per line, 8 .cents subsequent in- I eertions, 2 cents each time, per line. . . CONTRACT RATES . One column oue year $60 00 1 : 44 14 hal .. 85 00 I 3 months ...... .... '20 00 I Half " one. :‘. ea r I ilr 00 ' " " half " 8 months One-fourth one year - I{ 11 half as 44 It • ODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, CO1VI ALLEN'S GROCERY, Seaforth. 20 00 12-00 20 00 7- Q 00 - . " " 8 months 8 00 One-eighth one year 12 00 8 00 500 800 500 " " half II Celebr4ted Watches'', AND SUBSTANTIAL SLEIGHS On': - thahoanillell7e,t,ahr8 13:sines's' Ca1311s11,°(261tlhsiues and iinder,14 4 00 At the old and favorably known A.civertieements of Strayed, Lost, Found, &c., SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WORKS.. not Feceeding 10 lines-lb:et month, $1; after first month, 50 cents each mouth. 44 Manufactured expreesl) for M. R. COUNTER, THOMAS RUSSELL (C: ,501.1A LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. REPAIRING DONE AS USUAL. M. R. COUNTER. WILLIAM GRA SSPE Has now on hand. and for sale a number of hand- somely finished and subStantially built _ C UT TE • Also, a number of GOOD SLEIGIIS, Both light and. heavy, for sale cheap for ready money. Cutters and. sleighs made to order on sh.oi.% no- tice. . Blacksmithing:Horse Shoeing and General Job - ng asenetly attended to. . • 'WILLIAM GRASSIE, Goderieh street , Seaforth. 1 Advertisements of FAll-MS and BEAL ESTATE for sale, not exceeding 15 lin ee-iirst month, $1 50; Ieach snimetinei!t niontb,15 cents. 1- Births, 3Iarrmges, Deaths ---Gratia m . Advertiseents without specific directions will .-be inserted till forbid-, and. charged accordiirgliy., 1 . .11cLEAN BROTHERS. I 1 -ROSS'S STAG -E 1,INE. 1 . I WE HAVE much pleasure in announcing to Ty the public that Mr. Ross has, at great expense, fitted up his stage in a :thinner which secures the greatest coinfort and conveuience of passengers. A. stove has been fitted up- in. the stage, and pas- sengers are as warm as if sitting at their own fire - Iside. All wishing to go north by stage will find it to be .to their advantiege to go on Ross's Mai/ Stage. Low fare and fast horses. . .... J. R. ROSS, Propriebt4. 265-4 With . 11 PHOWTER:,_ 'SELLING STRATFORD, OUT FURS AT COST PRICES, BUFFALO ROBES AT FOUR DOLLARS, LADIES', 'FURS AT 50 PER SET, MEN'S FUR CAPS $1 50 AND UPWARDS. llrE ABE BOUND TO .CLEAR 0 U7' TO MAKE R0031 F01? SPRING STOCK. thanks for your large patronage, we -Isiah yon all th4 compliirtent of the season. N. B. POWTER, •