The Huron Expositor, 1873-01-10, Page 3asteets Lat‘,1 1O i873 - ettashalingredieutekteortsvi: fixpa- - - s of greater rawer, and producing eflettewIdhCould f neve reartit front the Ilse of arty„ one of the* Or bi cleft eatabitiations. Thus in tife preparation oils chemical change takte plate, fanning mead which could not by any posaibility be ta any other eombination or pet/ex:UM:le ot tbante ingredients, or any other itimedientee -ireiY different from anything ever betel* ne which predates themost astonishing ree suks and having a wider range of applicatiem Y inedieirat ever before disceiveredn con. aleohol or other volatile hqtz conse- oses nothing by eveporation. Wherever ''OX gU the benefit of even drop, whereat; other preptrationa nearly all the alcohol is in that trey, and yoa get only the small gullet - v dons which they may contain, S. N. THOMAS, Pireartf, N. Y. Aral NORTHROP & LYAIAbl, Newcaltit, Ont., ele Agente for the Dorittnitru. Nore.--Illectrie--Selected and Electrized. Soict in Seaforth 1#y Br rdasen_ kt Co. =dB. medal- tzreat I.Ferittile !tented): eon stories' avationntirs meas. IS invaluable medicine is enfailing In the rof til those painful and dangerous; tllseases: . to- wfrieh the female constitution is subjeet.It moderates all excess and removes all obstruntions, and a speedy cute may be reliett on. t • To married: belles'itis peculiarly mite& It will in a shwa time, Wus; on the monthly Period with ; regaleritta : These Pills should not be taken by Females during the find three Mouths Of PrOgaaCT, FM they are sure to bring on M umgebut any other time they are safe. • In at taw of --hrerverts anti Spinal Affentiong, Pains in the hack and . limbs, fatigne 011 slieht ex- erticu'h PalPitatleat of the heart, hysterics, and whites, thete Villa *will effeet u,cureiiiten all other 'means have failed; and although -a powerful remetly, t1euot eontain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directioue in the paraphtet around each ckage, which should be carefully preserved, ) .It,1 Moses, New Xork, Sole leroptietor. $1.00 and tents forpostagerenciosed toNortirop &Lyman, ewcaatle, Ont. general agentsfor the Dominitai IP iusure s b'ottle, coataining over 50 pills 14 veteran -fail, tan's- Said in. Seaforth by E. Mason & Co., and R.Lumsden, 197 -et CAUTION ;,..Te the Pahlie of the British Provinces of North 3 ihttaiCa. most respectfully to acquaint the pubiie the British North Jimerican. Provinces that 1871,1ea1lted the business at 80 Maiden - ane, New York, for the sttle of Holloway's Pilig "-salit Ointment, which, were up to that time Pre- - [pared by William Brown, new &massed, to be [closed. I'regret to say that I have reason to F.„know thet the manueement of the late Wetness - had for sonte year, 01, nitwv waybeen most cor- rept, anti it utay be that the Po and Ointment were not prepared with the care I have always de - 'sired. .Those, who do not wish to be deceive& by baying aitarietiaxnetlieizies, which are now likely to ; emanate from the States or elsewhere, to posseAs !themselvee of the genuine Holloway's Pills and Ointment, roanutaetured by ine in London, Eng - :land, will do well to Kee that each pot and bect ; bearer. the Britiell GovernIneut storey, on which ig inert -axed the words, Itellowers Pills and °int- -anent, anti that the addrese on the label is 683, Oxford -street, Landoll, where only thettaro mann- - factored, main no other part of the werhl. The retail priees are on the labels la British currency, ;and not in dollars and cents. No representative of naine VI ever travel through any part 'of the British Provinces or the United States'either to sett or to take itniere for nty Pills and Ointment, and as I have reason to belleye tikat attempte will prebabty be made to deceive the public in thbf waY by person% calling -upon medicine verniers, falsely - representing that the3t are tieing for zae and with E my knowledge and consent, I deem it advisable to put the public on their guard againstlany *nett- de- ceptions. I most eats:testi-at entreat all those who may read this advertisemeut that Oa& be pleased, ha the public:interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their.friends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purchasing, perhaps, worthless imitatiane of the genuine Hollewafe Pille and Oiutinent. I would itsk,as a great favor/thats should it coate tothe knowledge of any per- son thla tpurioue ineeieir.es are being, made or sold itt nty mete, he he pletreed to send sue all the par- ticulars he ean colleet respeeting the values that is to say„ the name and address of the vendor' who is ;selling the epurione raecileanes, anti likewise the name awl addregg of the House in the United Stateor elsewhere, Whit•it may have supplied them So as to enable me, for the protection of the pub- lic,to institute proreedinge egainst such evil- doers, end I engage to remunerate very handsome- ly any person who may' give me sneh information, the informant's /feria: never being divulged. Should any person have reason to believe that ho hes beext deceived by beving spuriona imitations `of these rueeicinee, be will do well to send rue, in a letter, to the addreseat foot (which he can do at Ek COSt or six cor1 . in_ p(1stage), one of the books of ittsiruction which are affixed to the sante. I prom- ise toexarelpe it tted. sender reply'etating whether the medicinee are genuine or not, sa that, if spu- rious, he lusty apply to the person from -whorfl ho eurchased them to have his mottey returnee. - Chemists and Druggists who desire to obtain the i-tredicines cell be sapplieC at tbe lowest wholesale prices, in quail titiee of not iese than $2.0 worth - tea, 8s. 6d, 22s. and 345. per dozen boxes ; of Pills tr- pets of (hutment, net. without dime:mat, fu ahich remittance tenet be seat iU aavance. I heve the leator to be, With greet reepeet. THOMAS BOI,LOWAY, 53, Ox 1001 etreet, ;late 24/ Stnual,) Ieaulon, Oct. 1, 1871. 240,26 D.,ISERE •YOUR PROPERTY AM) YOUR LIVES. - Strong, Seaforth. AGENT FOR he Se ttish Provincial Insurance Cerapany- Fire arid Life. Western Insurance Company, of Toronto-, Fire and Lite ho Isolated Risk . Insurance Company, of Canada. Torras- as reasonable as offered by an 'other - • scut doing business for reliable Companies. MaNEY T0 LOAN. Also, Agent for the Agricultural Investment ciety, London. Titis Company offers bettor in- tcements to borrowers thae any others- doing -times iu this Proviucte Call end.get circulars ring full particulat'e before pare It erng elsewhere teFFICE--over Strong & Fairlera Grocery ore, Maiu Street. Seeforth. 252 tEMOVED. REMOVED. ROBERTSON, , * eahinet-roaker and Undertakers AS REMOVED hie ware -roe -aye to - JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Mainsstreet, Seaforth, hare he has on haud a enperior stock o- Furni, - tare of evary description. CALI, ff,VD ,SRE IT. twardrr.tcamG. Having purchased Mx, Thomas Dell's ltiPARSE, 'ut prepared, to atteud funerals on the shortest tices either in town or country. tk• aelns, AlISizes, onstantity on hand. rY.Lisu C'UTTERS AND SUBSTANTIAL SLRIGHS At the old and favorahly known EAFORTE1 CARRIAGE WORKS. WILLIAM GRASSIE now on hand nria for ;sale a =ober 01 hand- aely firriebed and subetantially trent uT9r.Exis, aber of (4,0atettle SEE S, ;l1 hht and heavy, fur sale (heap for ready tters' mud sleighs made to enter on short no - e. alacksmithing, Horse Shoeing' and General job- ▪ promptit attended to. WILLIAM GRASSIE, Goderieh street, Seaforth. BOARDENG. " COLLADAY has leased the large and cora- medians horeee, 011 the Salt Werke- Gromule, .oiniug the Railway Station, and has fitted it up a. boardiegshottee. Good table anti eonifortable ▪ letTSOILS ;L pleasant bo 7)50 should apply, as there are at present a tow ancies. Trausient hoarders accommodated at a than hotel rates. 228 • ,•=4•0•0 - H1711 OSITO GAlpirixos. If tweAty grains make a scrupte,, liaw many will be required to make , , a doubt 'I •-srWhy is a philanthropiet likean old horse 1—Because he always stops at the sound of woe. —Love iz sed to be blind, but know lot•s of phellows in love whn can see Wice as mild) in their Os as 1 kan,—Jagh Billing's. • _ . . —"Ton say," , said a judge to a, 'witness, " t ha t the plaintiff resorted • ef to an inenious use of Circumstan,. ciai evidence ; state just exactly what you mean by that."—Well," said the witness, "my -exact mean- ing as that he lied."- —A fatherliving in Titotrille, who has twcor three very couttAible girls, placed a notice on his .front - door . one night, -which read : 41 Shut down for thirty days. No stove in the parlor, andbut one lamp." • —An aurist was- so remarkably clever, that having exercised his skill on a very- deaf lady,., indeed who, had hitherto lieen insensible tp the" nearest and loudest, noises, she had the happiness next day of hear- ing from heuhusbanci in South Aus- tralia. ..'43 --A gran() -jury ignored a. %ill against a huge negro for stealing chickens, -and Before dischargingli fm from custody, the judge made him' stand reprimanciedi and 02i:winded thus : "Yon may go •nok John, (shaking his finger at him), and let me warn you never to appear thei'e again." John, with -delight beam- ing in his eyes, and a broad grin dis-. playing ri beautifulrow of ivory, re- plied : "1 wouldn't - bin here & tI- time, judge, only de cpstable totch me." i —The English mania for betting is illustrated by the story of a young Biiton. , Fl$ wagered tliat a sl)ider which,he would produco, would cross a plate quieker than a spider to be produced by a friend.- Etch spider, was to brave is own plate. His spider, boi.vevor, on being started, would not stir, *hilst its rival rap with immense speed. The bet WAS conseineutly lost, and the loser soon found out , the ,3 eason why—his friend had a hot plate. —We call the following Positive Philosophy. Will our " Medicine Ilen"take notice. " One 'of the Pi Um medicine then," says a Dakota papev, " lately - told his fellow Indi- ans that when he died. if the' Auld cut Mut to pieces,' his body would unite and he ascend to' Heaven Pa a cloud Of smoke. An- experimen41 savage idlled him at once and the crowd cut him up, departing th dis• gust at the fallability of science when the ;parts lay as they - were - left." --This is the way they do up an Enoch Arden romance in Qshkosh, Wis.: The Westerner ilid not come back and gaze ithropgh the window at the felicity of the reconstructed- he ousehold and then go into the gren and Melancholy 'in mesa : not any. He kicked the' ner husband out, sorted over the children and sent his brats after hiin, and then after thrash- ing his wife, settled down. into a peaceful and happy , head of „the family. 114 - Striking for- iiigher-WaOssi. A gentleman ot the German Per- suasimr, called Jacob, wlio had late: ly arrived in this country, got a sit- uation in a planing -mill, at a salary of ten dollars per w•l/ek. Returning home one evening with one of the younger hands of tbe mill (whom we will ctill John), be told him he (tot fifteen 'dollars per week. "'Vet !" iCrie1 .faeon ; you vas gotten fifteen tollars a veek ? run - der un blitz -en ! 1 yes so olt•like you a couple of dirties, *4n1 got me ten tollars. flow flat vos?" " replied 'John, "if you don't get enough, you should strike for more." . _ Vot you say ft Stake ter poss for more You dinkl vos got more hier vages Id I VOS strike ter poss, ain't it ?" " Yes," - replied John ; " I think you would." All reid," said Jacob. So on Monday Jacob went to wotk as usual, but, instead of entering the shop, he tobk up his station by the office -door, and, aa the proprietor come down the street, Jacob stepped oat in fimit of him, and struck him with all his force, felling him to the gr °uric], saying at the same time _ " _Dare I 1 vos strike you for more higher vages, don't id ir The pt opr]ctor bawled "Yolice ?" with all his might, which:: 1.ad tbd effect of bringing an officer on the ground, and Jacob was arraigned for assault and battery: When the mayor asked him what be had to say, be replied . • "Vell, 1 tcn't VOS could' find me 1 out vot der 'natter vos icL I go me home mit a man yot work by me to I got some more vages bier I vos pet, I ter go strike tel poss ; so von ter poss he vos come dis morning, I striken him for slot va,ges hier, und now I vost got here for salt aend bat- tery ; I tou't quite understand me dot."• During the laugh which followed, tbe Gelman was informed by the mayor that When he wanted to strike again, not, to make such a striking demand, and his employer with- drawing the charge, her was dis- charged. Bachelor's Woes. What a pitiful thing an old bach- elor is, with his cheerless house and rueful phiz, on a bitter cold night, when the tierce wigds blow,. when the earth is cover& a foot Nth snow ; when the fire is out, and in shivelint dread, he slips 'math the sheets of his lonely bed. How he draws up,his toes, eneetied in yarn hose, an& buries his nose beneath his chilly lied • clothes; that his nese and .his toes; still eased in yarn hose, may not .chance to get froze. Then be puffs and he blows, and he. swears he knows no mortal on earth i ever suffered, such woes, and with ,ahs ! and with ohs ! and with limbs . so disposed, thitt neither his toes nor his nose' may be froze, to his slumber hepes. In the morn when the cock crows, , and the /sun just rose, from beneath the bed clothe. -pops the batlieldr's nose ; and you may suppose, when ne hears the wind blows, and sees the win- dow all froze, whf-, back 'xiettth the cover pops the poor fellow's nose'; for full well he Enows`,. if nom the bed be rose? to put on his clothes, that he'd. surely be froze. 1 • a YATRIARCHAL YEARS.—In an at - tide on the lona vity of'the Patri- archs, in. Frazer's (min.', an at- - tenipt ia made to show at- e yegrs given as the ages of ti e Ptii1rQbs , were in reality wont s.In suP-$ port 8t this hypothesis the author cites the fact that the most, ancient Egyptians reckoned time by months and not by years ;,and it must be admitted that this was; ,py far the most natural way for our taneestors uo measure time. Taking the Sep-' tuagint version Of the !Ages of Adam . and others, at the time ‘of.the birth of their first sons, the hypothesis be- comes exceedingly plausible. . DIJI1ICAN 8t IDUNCitiN. CLEARING SALE -CLOTHING AND BO V , S AND 'SHOES. !THE LARGEST STOCK OF CLOTHINC TO ehlose front. Airita first-clase stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, AT PRICES AS LOW AS THE VERY NN LUEST. 1 HORSES WANTED. Wanted Immediately 240 GOOD STRONG WORKING- HORSES , TO DRAW 0. C. WILSON'S SUPERIOR IRON HARROWS AND SiWI.4G,AIACHINES. o. c. wiLsord Has now on hand at his Agriculteral Warerooms, Meaket Street, Seaforth, a number, of Colton's well -blown I,',RON HARROWS. Fermin who want to •get one should call at once. as they, are going off fast, and only a limited num- ber have been nettle for next season's.selee. -SAWING MACFIINES. A number of Eastwood & Co.'s cdsbrated two - horse Sawing Machines. These lifechinee will out 40 cords of wood a day, with one span of horses. • - TO THE LADIES. • 500 Good -Looking Young Women Wanted immediately to buy and work 0. C. Wil- son's Sewing Machines. 'On Hand -The Florence, Sinearr, Raymond, Howe and Lockman machines. All the best made. A few of Prince 4, Co.'s ' 011GANS, AND MELODEONS lett, wiiiehwiU bo seta cheap and. warranted to give satisfaction. - Also, on hand, as usual, tt large assortment of all other kinds of Agricultural Implements, nt, 0. C. WILSON'S • ' Agricultural Implement Emporium, 204 . Ma.rket-Street, Seaforth. STOVES TINWAR.E AND OOAL OIL. ivrn S. WHITNEY has justrecetvecl a large stock -13-1- of Cooking, Parlor anti Box Stoves, of the best manufacture, which she can sell as cheap as any iu the trade. T !tirA • of ever- descripti on , kepi constantly on hand find made to order. Alsb, Stove Pipes, Eave Iroughing,.etc. Custom -work promptly attended to, and °aside work will raceive every attention. colti, • A 1 nage stock -of the very best Coal Oil kept con- stantly on hand, and will be sold wholesale and retell. • . • Parties indebted by note or book account are re- quested to settle immediately. Pegs, wool -pickings, Ohl fret", brass, copper, etc, te.ken in exam/age for goods. 197 ROSS'S STAGE LINE. WE ATE much pleasure in announcing to " Hthe public Oita Mr. Rosa has at greatexpense, fitted up his stage in a manner which secures the greatest comfort and convenience of passengene A stove has-been fitted up in the stage sand pas- sengers are as wenn RS if sitting at their own lire -t side. All wishing to go ;north by stage will find It to be to their advantage to go on Ross's NMI Stage, tLow fate and fast horses. 2654 J. R. ROSS, Proprietor. L. GOOD AMPBELL' CLOTHING .EMPORIU M. COMPLETE STOCK OF WOOLEN GOODS, Embracing " Every article required for a FIRST-CLASS .MER- CIIIANT TAILOR'S businesiisnow ready. I woald now inform my num3rous customer that I am natty tolhow them • A STOCK OF Gpops THAT CANNOT FAIL TO SUIT THEM And get them up SUITS in first-Olass Style, On -short notice. Assuring theip, at the same time, of my gratitude for past favors and every effort on My part to enr sureits continuance. WM CAMPBELL, Merchant Tailor, SEAFOIITH. OSBORN" SEWING MACHINE PRIZE. LIST FOR 1872. VICTORIOUS:EVERYWHERE 0#5113ORN FIRST PRIZES -AT-r- Guelph, • Prescott: Hamilton, Ottawa. i-osshill, Fort4Garry, Peterlx;ro, WAtodblidge, Toronto Gore St."Catharines,Coo"kstomrn Kene, Orangeville, A lmonte; Pakenham, Welland, NorWich vi Ile, Ramsay, Napanee, Clair ville, Muhnu r. NewHamburglItosenOt, MOio Mills. This Vompany hats also, this fall, taken the highest gold Medal at the Lyons, France, Exhibt- Mon, for the perfection of their machines. - A. CALDER Seaforth • Is Agent for this Company. PUE!ILIO NOTICE. XOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned .1- have this day entered into Partnership as Millers and Prodace Commission Merchants in the Village of Seefoilth, under the name, style and firm of JAS. P. KENDALI., & 00. 4. [Signed,1 JAS. P, KENDALL, MARTIN CHILESWORTIf. JAS P KENDALL & Beeto state' to the Fanners, Produce Merchants CO • • • . • aria' Deelere of the County_ of Huron that they have purchased from Messrs. SHEARSON CO. the Mills known as the Soaforth Mille, and will hereafter carry op the same. ; All Kinds of Grain Purchased, As formerly,' And the Highest CASH PRICE Paid.. FLOUR exchanged for WHEAT. Farmers desiring te _exchange can 'rely uptin getting for their \Squint No. 1 Flour. FLOUR DELIVERED ia any part of the Vil- lage free of charge. The untlersigised, having had the entire working management of the Mill for the past three years, patrons may rest assured that they will receive = the same staisfactony tivatmeut and as good work as formerly. JASc P. KENDALL &, WSTORE IN SEIM The subecrlber would reepeetfully announce to the inlutbitants of the Tewn of Seaforth and stitrOund- lug country that he haa fittea.up the buildinghereafter to be 'mown. as the CjiEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, Situate on Alain -street, irenrly opposite the Mansion Hotel, where he has laid in and is nowcopening a large and well seleeted stock of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Tobaccoes, ,WINES AND LIQUORS IN WOOD AND'BOTTLES, : FR.UITS NEARLY ALL KINDS, - , , . i Comprising Rinsing -Layer, Valentin, Seedless, &e. Currants, Figt, Daten and Prunes, Leinetts and as- sOrted Nets, Sardines, Orme & Blaeltivell's mixed P ckles, with a full supply of e 0.1\TE-RAL- And all articles usually kept i a FIRSy-CLASS GROCEI STORE) Comprising in part BrooMs, Pails, Tubs, Washboards, Halter lengths, and bROCKERY AND Tea Sets in plain ehina, Tea Sets in gold band china, Tea Sets Plates, Dishes and Bowls all Rope and Bed tAlopes all GLASSWAlti n best granite, Tee Cups and Strueers, 3izes Of , HOTEL, TAVERN AND ,SALOON. KEEPERS "Will find it to their interest to call at the CHEQUERED STORE AND Where they willjfind good Wines an TEA DEPOT, Liquors at ErcZ' MOIDMEL..A.'t PRICMS., The subscriber haviit had long experience in the Grocery Tru le, a,nd possessing a. good knowledge of the Markets, and having bought his Stoek for dash and his exp nses being very light, is able and de- termined to sell for the smalleat 'possible profit for cash; on whi 11 principle he proposes to conduct all his transactions, both in buying and selling. . Inhabitants of the Tar% of Seaforth and Comities of Huron give the CHEQUEltED" STORE AND TEA DEPOT it trial, wh for your money as can be got in any Town or Cityin Ontario. REMEMI3E4. THE PL THE CHEQUERED STORE Nearly Opposite the'Mnaision Ho I, M V IN REFERENCE to the above, the amdeveigned, JN would beg to thank their numerouse customers ' for the extensive patronage accorded to them for the past iglu years, and trust that the /fame lib- eral patronage . will be extended to the new firm whom we have pleasure in being able to'confident- ly recommend to our old petrons. All debts due DST 'donneetion with the Mill must be paid to Jas. P. Kendall &Co., and 011.debts due by us, in conneetion with ther ;wee, will be settled by the said fir•ni of Jas. P. & Co. W. A. SHEARStIN & CO. TO nig PUBLIC AT LARGE. W. ;H. IVER) Harness, Saddle and Trunk MANUFACTURER, ilfAhrST., SEAFORTie SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A. choice assortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Belle, Horse Clothing, &c., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges -moderate. Remember the place, sign of the Scotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER. JMES nd Perth, you are codJ To you will be sure to ge CE,' ND TEA DEPOT, Street, Seneth. Mt RPHY. y iueited to a good value' CHRISTMAS IS A • Andnow is _the time to SECURE BA THOS. RAND, D'S in • ENOWNED EMPORIUM - Offers great inducements Beautiful Silk Figured POPLINS for $8, worth $10. Beautiful Black GROS GRAIN SILK,'12 yards for $18, worth $18. Beautiful Grebe Ilea Mink FURS yerycheap. All Wool CANADIAN TWEEDS for 80 eta. per yard, Worth $1. A rpecial line. of OVERCOATS from -$8 50 to $10., • Don't fail to Bee our MILLINERY, compiling the latest afd most Select Styles Of the Season. ( I only ask you to. cad and examine the above, and,be °minced a the foregoing facts. CSHI AND ONLY' ONE PRICE. THCIRAS KIDD. WitiRE IS It? ••• • sTRoNc 1873. eifit*ITA • FAWLEY. TI I4ARGST THE- C APES AND THE GREATEST VA IS TO BE HAD FOR CASH CR APP Y, '1873. ST OIC IETY VED CREDIT AT LIVINGSTONL'S DOMINION 140USEI 4 • AINLEYVILLE 11 - r=4 ,0 QaAO TdWI ••4 cri • ALSO,' « FOREST KING" trq 4)1 1)4 CD r.n 2.4 , -.... , -,1 ...,... --., . CUTTERS!- CUTTERS!H. • McINTOS11 it MORRISON, Thankful for peat favors, would respectfully in- t,irnate to the hilutbitnnts of Senforth and SOT - rounding country that they hey° on hand arid are manufacturing the BEST LOT of Cutters of all Descriptions and Styles 'fver before offered. to the public. As we make_ this class of work, a -specialty, and employ none hut the best mechanics, and use only tbe best hickory, lye lea confident In saying that we cite give perfect satisfaction to every purchaser, We have on band a few good PHAETONS, ,SINGLE BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, 1 Which -we will sell cheap, in order to make room for winter work. . I All work warrantedit Cell and examine. An apprentice wanted hi the wood -shop. MeINTOSH Sr, moRmsoN, . Mahnet, Seaforth. 1 IIAIZNESS HARNESS. Great Variety AT WILSON'S SEAFORTH. TRUNKS of all kinde, VALISES -not a few, WHIPS -of all sorts, COLLARS -all sizes. Brushe_s, Carry -Cambs, Cards. a All pricene-from 10 cents up, Bells, Blankets, Oircingles, Saddles, And in fact everything 11st/11113', found in .a -first. class Saddler's Shop, and at prices -extremely low. JAMES WILSON Takes this opportunity of thanking bis numerous friends and customers for the liberal. support ex- tended tolearil him for the past year and hopes by strict atiention to business and snannfaeturing a firsteelase ;trade to merit a fair phare of the patt renege of the many. - , Remember the Sign of the " GOLDEN Sannee." 215