The Huron Expositor, 1872-12-27, Page 9f
rangement Boerne to be perfectly simple',
and at the same time Most ingenious arid
effective. The working- of this new spa -
tete has only to be seen to ba at once ap-
preciated for its utility -and economy. .
Masoeree„ -The members of Brithamia
-Bneerrv & (2o -ba received a:large hie; Lodge, A. F. and A. M., Seaforth, are
of the very finest Teas for the Christmas trade. They
am also receiving their new stock of Raisins, Cur-
rants", agd a general stockof fresh Cr pceries, Winos
and Liquors. Their stock of Dry Goods, as usual,
'is well assorted in all departments. arid
exanline. 1.1Earr1 & CO., Carmichael's Dlocik.
Go TO C. ARMST1ON6'15 for your DI -
Ann% for 1878.
TOYS in greet variety at ARMSTRONG'S.
NEW CURRA.NTS and Reasras just re-
coiled at WiLsoN & oexa's Grocery, Seaforth.
Good value. .
HUNT'S flee Diamond Poirr WINE and
requested, to meet at the Lodge room,
this Friday evening, at four clock.w.
m., -not at half -past seven as announced
last week ---for the purpose of installing
offieers.0 A. full attendance of members
is requested.
Se ll 001, EXAMINATIONS. The exam-
inations in th.e,Seaforth common scheol
took place on Thursday and Friday of
last week. The attendance of parents
and others who should have been pr
ent was very small. The pupils, ho
s -
other celebrated brands, In IN ood and Bottles, ever, in the veriotte departments acquit-
warrautedpureAnd fouse einally, a
twits" ted. themselves in such a manner as to
r medi
prove that their interests are being tiler-.
onghly attended to by the teachers in
AMEER mid lioNaaa SYRUP.- Pure and
good, la 40 es. per gallon and upwards, ai
& Younee.
SOCIAL -We 'eerie that there is to be INCORRECT. -We learn that in the
a social in the new Methodist Episcopal statement made last week that all the
1 parsonage, on Monday evening next, merchants summoned before the magis-
.1)ec„ 30. The friends of the church, and tretes for obstructing the street by leav-
ing boxes, barrels, &c.; on the side-wa
hed paid their fines, we were incorre
Mr. Themes Kidd, and Messrs. Killoi
the public in general, are most cordially
- invited. Admission, 15 cants, to com-
mence at 7.,30 o'clock.
STORMY WRA TILER.- tin Saturday
• night last a very heavy enow storm com-
1i:tented, vehicle continued nutil Monday
night, The cold. Was Most intense.
Nearly all the country roads are blocked
- with snow, and traveling hasbecome a
ce, =matter of censidera.ble difficulty M many
CONTRACT AWARDED. -We notice that
•our towneinan, Mr. Robert Fishei . has
received tlee eontract for the carpenter
ete., of a large hotel_ to be erected
next simuner, in the village of Mitchell:
Mr. Fisher has been engaged for some
time in erecting the building for the
High School in Mitchell.
CIIEDITMAS.-Wednesday last being
Christmas day, all stores and other busi-
mess- places in town were dosed. The
• day being so odd and steamy, out -door
aniuseneente were not nmeh indulged in.
Citizens .generally seemed to enjoy them-
selves in making calls and visiting
-friends, and no doubt all spent a " Merry
'Christmas," notwithstanding the severie'
•ty of the mit-door atmoAphere.
ANNUAL 'MEETING. -The eielinel meet-
ing of the South Huron Agricultural So-
ciety will lee held. at Dixou's Hotel,
Brucefield, on Wedneeday, the 15th day
of. Jannary, on whicb occasion the offi-
cers for the coming year will be appoia- who attended some , of the Seaf rth
ated, and the annual report of the society churches on Sunday last can sympathize
will be read. A full attendance of mem- with the London people in their suffer
hers and others interested in the society inns. The Canada Presbyterian Chuech,
is pai-ticularly reqnested. The annual winch, on ordinary occasions, can i be
meeting will commence at 2 o'clock
P. AL, made very comfortable, was se cold that
had the words frozen as they proceeded'
CONFIRMATION. -Ou Sundey priming from the minister's mouth it *mild have
next, the Right Revereud the Bishop of occasioned no surprise.
Huron will hold a .confinnation • in.St.
Thomas' church . Phe service:will com-
mence at 16 o'clock -instead . of 11' o'-
elock, the usuale-hour. The offertory
will. be in aid of the widows' and or-
phante fund of the diocese. The sacra-
ment of Baptism, which is always ad-
ministered on -the 4ast Sunday M the
Month will be deferred until the Sunday
THE COMMEacfm, Hoane.-The ne*
proprietors Messrs. Davidson & Camp-
bell, of die Coinmercial Hotel -a- late
Knox'S - came into plaseeesion- over a
week ago. They have given the house a
thorough- o y erh au ling and repairitig, and
have very materially inereaeed ite com-
fort and convenience. We have no hesi-
tation in recommending- the new firra to
the travelling public as -men who thor-
uhderstand their g business, and
who will keep a hotel eV7hich will be a
• credit alike to themeelvee and to the vil-
• lage.
Wilson Shaiitz. and Canapbell: They
are all good men, and well qualified for
the position to which they a,spire '; and
the greet difficulty with the ratepayers
will be to decide which to vote:for. As
there is he question of principle -or policy
involved, the result be decided
mainly on personal preferences and
amination , of Palk) School Teachers
teerninatecli on Saturday last. Seven
• candidates preseuted themselves for sec-
ond clase, and .about fifty-nine for third
clues certificates. The exereination pap-
ers are said. to have been 'en More dif-
ficult at the recent exa,minations then
they have yet been, and the probability
is, that there will be a tolerably large
list of unfortunates. The Board of Ex-
aminers have not yet 'completed their
labors, but we anticipate they will be
through in *time to allow of the publica-
tion of It list of the successful candidates
next week.
• •
The folloWing is the result of the nomi-
nations in the various munimpahtles in
' and within ten miles of Greensborough,
the County of Huron ,
19etiforthe-Reeve---Jas. H. Benson,
elected by acclamation. Councilors -A.
Strong, J. IL Broadfoot, James Beattie,
& Ryan have appealed from the decis on 1?„ Segrniller, D. D. Wilson, 13. Shantz
of the magistrates. .We made the state- arid William 'Campbell. a
ment entirely upon our own responsibili- Clinton. -Reeve -It. Callender and R.
ty and not -upon information received M. Racey. Councilors -William Coats1.
from the presiding magistrates, and now A. S. Fisher, Win. McHaffie, 0. S. -
take the earliest opportunity of correct- Doan, W. C. Searle, J. H. Combe, Silas
ing the error which we, inadyertantly fell Andrews, Henry Stevens, C. Spooner and
into. - .•- McTavish.
Gotterich. - Mayor -Horace Horton.
dteseing the e cetera, Little and. Mo -
Naught retired) as also did Keyes and
Campbell, Pusheibury also retired.
RETt RNED.---ihdr. Nathaniel Cousins
and. his brother returned from. North
Carolina on Tuesday last.. kle.wa,s high-
ly pleased with the appearance of the
country, and especially with the climate.
The weather while he was there, was
very similar to what we nsually have
here about the .1st of .October.
The principal lack in that country, Mr.
Cousins eays, is the scarcity of schools,
rendering it very difficult to obtain the
benefits of education for a family. This
is certainly a serious draw -back, but
will, bethinks., be overcome in the course
of time, as the country becomes better
settled, Mr. Cousins' brother purchased
a farm of 740 acres, 400 of which are
cleared and fit fot immediate cultivation,
the balance being well timliered. The
buildings are all of the very best descrip-
tion, embracing 'dwelling house, bean,
sheds and all other necessary out -build-
ings. For this farm he paid the sum of
$5,000. It is very beautifully situated,
• PERSONAL. -Mr. Williain O'Conn r, It• eeve-,Robert Gibbons. Deputy Reeve
who has oecupied the position of prici- -1-I. Detlor. All elected by acdama-
ple of the Seaforth pubhe school for :lie tion;
past year has aecepted the appointment l'ackersmith,. -- R,eeve - 0-. Edwin
of first English teacher in the London .Cresswell and James Dallas. Deputy
High School. Mr. O'Connor since is Reeve -David Walker and W. Os Fowl
engagement here aas given entire sa is- er. Councilors -David Sproat, N. Cons-
-faction. . In proof of this we may state he tee, J. _Lang Robinson and William
liad been engaged for the cerning 'year, Chesney.
but in view of the excellent appointment :
.11TaKillop.-ReeNe-W. ;J. Shannon,
which he has receiv edin Loudon the True- elected isy acelamation. Deputy. Reeve
tees have fi eed him from his engagement -.les. Rays and Finlay Ross. Council
with them. We regret Mr. O'Conewe's de- ors -Andrew Govenlock, A. Kerr, Wil-
parturit from among us. and we :are 4er- liam Bell, John liOran and Messer
tain that this regret is shared in by our Smith. .
citizens generally. Stanle y. -Reeve - Thornas Simpson,
# elected by acclamation. Deputy, Reeve
MISERY Loves COMPAN Y. -The Lon- ---,Geo.. Castle elected by acclamation.
don AfITertiser of Monday last thus dis- Councilors-th. 'Weeds, Thomas Keys,
courses -: "The intense cold of yesterday
had the effect of coneiderehly thief:1,411g
the .attendance at the various -city chur
•ches, and of those Wherweee present, we
doubt if many received sufficient spi tue
al benefit to compensate for the ea ere
material diecomfort experie-nced," ,TI ose
-•- Itlevisantuans' Count. -The man (Iow-
an, whom we mentioned last week as
having assaulted Kitt on the night of
Wednesday. was arraigned before 'the.
Reeve and Justices McDougall and Beat-
tie on quesdayeeveningelast Kirt . ap-
peared in Court and -gave evidence as to
• the manner in which the assault had been
eommitted upon him. This evidence
agreed with the Particulare which: we
publiehed lest week. Dr. CaMpbell, the
medical attendant of Kitt, was also ex-
amined: The doctor could not sWear
positively, from the appearance of; the
wounds, whether they had been i,liele ,
with a knife or by a kick with, a boct, it _Geo. McKay, Jas. itle(Jallum, Jas. 1?ot- He enumerated the qualities of a good
was his opinion however, that theylhad te,r, ltobt, McGowan) Edward james and teachen and testified that Mr. MeAn-
been rnede with some sharp metalic Sub- David Robertson. - drew possessed these qualities, and was
tance. The Magistrates comfmtte4 the- Hoe,..-.1teeve-:-Itobert Brown, elected, horry the section was losing his -services.
prisoher for trial. An application ;was iliy acclamation. jaepii ty .1feeve-Wil- , Mr. Doig then called for smile of the
made for bail, but was refused, !, the -"in elm*" "CI John GOIRIY. C011n-
pupils to present the Teasainut's Pnits-
Magistrates considering that Underthe COOTS -John B. 0 nigher, 'Henry 'Beller, ,ENT. Peter. Robertson and Elijah ' i
Jar -
circumstances it would be iinprudens for David Simmer, Samlle II mulle, nobert
vis, two i n telligent-loo king pupls of ap-
them to accept of bail. Kittle still very Ferguson, Thos. Wilson, Peter S. 0 nighs parently fourteen summers each, came
weak from the effeCts of the iujuries re- er, Wm. Turnbull, Sr., and John C. forward, when the former, in the mune
• of the pupile, presented the teacher with
ceived. , Itialbfleisch, ,
Te,e Meeeneu.-The tea meeting inuleir John Messeie Deputy.. Reeve esWin. him to live a long life to enjoy "the cup
- PROMENADE CONCERT. -We beg to re-
mind our readera of the Promen-
ade Concert to beg iven in the Town Hall
the auspices of the Wesleyen Methadist
to -morrow (Saturday) evening at 8
Church of this village. came off on Wed-
• o'elock. We understand it is the inten-
tion to have the hall so arranged that a .nesday evening last. and. was a great suc-
iess.;-. The church was filled to overfloing
really pleas'int evening May be enjoyed.
Th.e, talAes were set in the School Room
There be good usic-vocal and
of the chureh, and were bountifully! pro -
the capital of Gilford County, where
there is always an excellent market.
The soil, of course, is badly run down,
but with careful cultivation and. liberal
manuring, it can be made abundantly
productive. Mr. Cousins visited a mun-
ber of Canadians who are located in the
-viciniti referred to, and all expressed
themselves highly satisfied with the
ceuntrys • •
Friday evening, 20th. inst., the inhabi-
tants of School Section No. 2, Tucker -
smith, „held a tea -meeting in honor of
their teacher, Mr. McAndrew, who is
leaving • the section. Although the
weather was stormy, there was quite a
number of both children and adults pres-
ent, but wine of the speakers, owing to
the severity of • the weather, did not at-
tend. • The -school -house was. tastefully
decorated for the occasion. Suspended
from the ceiling were branches of ever-
greens, disposed circular wreaths, and
interwoven with tissue paper of various
colors. Within these wreaths lighted
candles were placed. The examination
of the pupils took place in the day time,
and was quite a success. After its close
Rev. Mr. Ross Addressed the purls
Good Shepherd." Mr. Miller, of Bruce -
briefly, taking. for his subject • The
George .Anderson, Wilham Moffett and
C. W. Pickford. sang the hymn " Far, far away."
otoick.- Iteeve-.Tames Perkius elect-
ed by acclamation. Deputy lteeaes-,-
B. MeGuire. David Weir, A. L. Gibson
and Thomas Wallace. Cenneilorset-
Thos. Wilson,' Wiggins, 0 eo..
Greie and Robert pergurioh.
gllett. --Reeve - Thos. Moon and
Htemahr'ey Snell. Deputy Reeve -a -A.
Monteith; :elected by :acclamation. Cone-,
cilors-Ps. Stephenson J. Warwick and,
Francis StiVer, elected' by a,ceJamation.
Stephen. -'n.- Thos. Greenway,
elected by acclamation. Deputy Reeve
-John Parsons and William Fulton.
Couticilors-4. Killen), J. Lewis, J.
Regan, A. O'Leary; N. Fried . and 0,
Mollard. •
Worris.-Iteeve---A.- Brown.. Deputy
Reeve -Donald. Seetta. Councilors -W.
J. -Johneton, John Rs Miller and John
McCrea!' eleeted by aechimation, -
Usborne.-Reeve a-- Archibald Biahop
and Rs D. Bonis. Deputy Reevtee-Geo.
Willis and L. Hunter, CouncilorseaL,
Hunter, Win. Brooke David Mill, Jos,
Hackney, Robert Creery, Thee. Case
and Samhel Cornieh, •-
Bast Wasounoeh,--Recee-David Seott
and Thomas H. Taylor. Councilors -
I receive the fareirell tardress, your af-
fection prompts you to present While the
severance of the ties which formore than
two years have united us, onuses me un-
feigned regret, the assnratice of your love
and kind wishes, your appreeiation. of My
humble efforts to aid you in etotir educa-
tion give peculiar pletteure, ant am am-
ply repaid for every endeavor, if I have
instilled into the minds. of any, the love
of learning. Though no longer your
teacher, though you kirdly expressed wish
that I may yet resume _charge of you,
naey never be realized, I.shall always
take in your welfare, the deep interest of
a sincere friend. Let me in partingfrom
you, earnestly advise you, to improve
every opportunity to o.cquire a good edtp
cation. To educate your mind as your
sacred duty -your highest privilege.
'With every advantage for improvkinent
regard ignorance as a disgrace- a crime• .
Strive to fit yourselves for life's battle,
and be heroes in the strife.
Now dear pupils farewell, --rest assur
ed that though we all may never meet
a ain ma,ny pleasant recollections associ-
Tea and eatables were then served first •
to the -pupils and then to their seniors,
and truly it was a pleasant sight to see
so many children supping and eating so
good.humoredly. Reepectingsthe viands
previded, the ladies of the section deserve
the -greatest praise for the quality, quan-
tity, taste, variety and decorative beauty
which their cookery displayed. After
tea the pupile' commenced to recite pieces
of poetry, which were diversified by mus-
ic. Among the pieces of poetry recited,
and which 'deserve particular credit were
" The child's first grief," by a little girl
in the Second. book, " Twenty Years
-Ago,"_ by a pupil in the Third book,-
" Enoch walked with God and " The
Old Woman's lansent for her Teapart,"
by pupils in the Fourth and Fifth classes
reepectively. The teacher and his pu-
pih sang "Rest for the Weary," " Mari-
ners of England " and " Hail to the
Lord's Anointed." _ The pupils sang
" The Sunday school army,' and one girl
sang "The Young- 8bstainer," &e.
Both recitations 'and singing were fre-
quently applauded by the audienee.
-When 'these were finished, Mr, John
Doig, senior, was appointed chairman.
Tarnberell.-Reeve-B. • Wilson and a valuable set of china dishes. and .wished
_instrinnerita, plenty of
who are fond Of them,
etunity for promenade eg -and friendly •
„ sodaA. %term:nine. Th Bishop's address -
will be a prominent feature in the enter-
_ tainment-in fact we: believe it has been
-placed Mt a ;.iiituneliiy _ evening because
the Bishop could net be present .on any
other day, to lend to it the chisam of his
-geuial.inanner and: gifted -tengue. The
adartiesion fee will. be 25 cents. .1.aysters,
-of entersa. extia.
oysters for those
nd ample oppor-
Doinda,s .James Hoeg, W. H. Leach and. that cheers, but not inebriates." Mr.
Wilhem Thomson. Councilore-al ewe. t McAndrew thanked the pupils for the
:McKee, Lovell, 'Jennings; Kyle, Griffin S valuable present they had prepared- so . Dean STB. : Tei our villageofBrussels,.
.. . I Secretly and presented so kindly. - It just about entering units first municipal
and Robinson.
A8kfieki. -Reeve-George Armstrong I was indeed 'a surprise. He did not year and having its first election, I Mae
and telex, Fraser. Deputy Reeve -John 1 know until that moment with what they sorry to say there are indicatiOns of a
vided with all the delicacies of the sea-. Andrews, Maurice Dalton and *John were going to present him. He thanked
son, The proceedings of thee evening Crawford. Comicilorse-Jas. Mullen, Jas.. them too, on behalf of Mrs. McAndrew,
who was prevented by illness in their fa -
were opened by prayer by Rev. - Mr. Hackett, John Andrews and P. Clare.
Lavell. liev. Mr.-- Kellum,- of Lucknow,• . W .?at Ilratvanosh.-4tdeve--o-Chas. (air- mily from being . present These gifts
wiis the first speaker, and delivered a vin, elected by acclamation. Deputy weuld be means of encouragement to
very interesting. addreSe and was toa. • Reeve -Edwin (aunt, elected by accia- him in the future, and would. stir him
lowed by Rev. Mr. Carroll, of Ansley- nation.' Couneilors-David Mellwain, op to renewed diligence in the discharge
ville, in. i brief, but interesting speech. Wm. Keenahan, C. Durnin, Duncan Me- of his duties, 'and they would often re-
lieve Mr. Neel:stock, of Goderich, next- Pherson, J, Craig and J. English. ' call the many happy days he spent in
spoke of his trip to the United Sy:tee, Brassels.--lieeve.-john Leckie and School Section No. 2, Trickersmith , He
contrasting the character and- habits of N. M. Livingstone. Conneikirs 7---- R. then bade thein an affectionate ferewell.
. • the Ammiean people with those (If the Geary, ' P. Thomson N\ . It. Wilson, The language of a tear in more than one
:VOTE roes Tire MoserPorersau MAN.- Canadians, and was listened. to vein, at- Marsdlen Smith, Ls Thomson,
J. G. pupil's eye told more than words could
• The ladies.of St. James' Catholic eisurch, tentively throughout.- The lectuee oc- Holliday,' J. W. Kerr, J. Watson, D: tell the feelings with which they were
-cupied about an hour in- delivery, The Ross, . McIntosh, .3. N.' Knechtel„ .1'. aniniated.-Com. .
Choir rendered some choice selections of Somei et and Charles Wright
Isacred music, appropriate to th oc- - GreA-Reeve-Archibajd. McDonald, EGMONDVILtE SCHOOL EXAMINATION.
casion. After 'a vote. of thanks was elected! by Acclamation. DeputY li epee e -The examination of the Egmondville
g ,
ated with the well-known faces before
me will long retain a plaee the mind
and heart of your sincere friend,
[C. it 000ree, Brussels for the Ex -
roman Newspaper and ,Tob 'Printing Oillee.3
19th, a public examination was held. in
the Union School lionise, (If the schdars
in the second and junior divisions of the
school. • The forenoon was allowed to the
second division, ef which Miss Smith is
teacher. The scholars • in the different
classes conducted themselves remarkably
well, and appeared to be very well -ap
the different branches. The different
classes were examined by the trustees
and other gentlemen present. The trus-
tees said they were veny much pleased
with the examination, and congratulat-
ed Miss Smith on the greetimprovement
in her division during' the dast term.
After the examination the scholars pre-
sented Miss Smith with a china tea ser-
vice. The afternoon was cleinited to the
junior division, Miss.Londeebury is the
teacher in this (hymen, and we must say
she has certainly the hardest of the cii- Polling to take place at the school, sec -
visions leaving no less than 65 or 70 tion Noe 7, lot 26, con. 12. Richard.
DEC. 27 1872,
terest in the matter of bonus to the Lon.
don Railway. as yet No doubt a great
excitement will epring up shantly mnong
them and their friends east of them, as
the Bayfiehhans are sure they will re.
ceive little or no benefit by such a meve-
inent as aranting a bonus to a railroad
to be runr"lten miles from their market. -
CONTRADICTION. - A "Subscriber '?
writes us to say that the paragraph from.
a eorrespoudent of the London Adrertiser
which was copied in this paper a few
weeks ago, in reference to an auction sale
where 'cider with a stick in it" WaS
dealt out to such an extent that o- num-
ber of the bidders became -unwittingly
" perplexed," was incorrect, and that the
allusion of the writer to a minister of the
Gospel was a gross slander, which the
consistent walk fold coeversation. Of the
gentleman in question, together with hie .
sobriety and integrity, and the zeal and
ability With which he discharges hie
diities, should have protected him from.
lowing list shows the sub -divisions and -
polling places in the township of Mc
Killen : Division No. le -From lot a to
14, inclusive, fro tt the 1st to the 9th
concession, inclusive ; from lot 1 to 11,
Mclasive, on the 10th coneession ; from.
1ot 1 to 10, inclusive, mi the lith con-
cession. Polling to take place at the
soiled house, section No. 5, lot 10, eon.
6; Wm. Evans, Retummg Officer. Di-
vision No. 2 -From lot 15 to 25, inclu-
sive, from the ist to the 9th concessions,
inclusive. Polling to take place at the
tfehool house, section No. 4,. lot 21, con.
4. John O'Sullivan, Returning Officer.
Division NO. 3 -From lot 27 to 85, inclu-
sive, from the 1st to the 7th concession,
inclusive. Paling to take place at the
_school House, section No. 2, lot 30, con.
3. Charles Dickson, Returning Officer.
DivisionNte 4 -7 -From kt 1 to 35, inclusive,
on the 12th) 13th and, 14th concessions,
from lot 11 to 35, inclusive, on. the ilth
concession, from lot 12 to 35, inclusive,
on 10th concession, from lot 26 to 35,
inclusive, On 8th and 9tle concessions.
scholars from 5 to 8 years old. A num-
ber of the parents and. others were pres-
ent during the afternoou. The scholars
were also examined by the trustees, who
were well satisfied with the progress of
the little ones. Friday forenoon the
Eenior division was examined. This di-
vision is presided over by the principal
of the school, Mr. J. Hamilton. The
examination in this division had to be
cut short on account of arrangements
having beenmade to give the children
attending the school a sleigh ride, which
was to start at 1 o'clock El the three
or four branches taken un in this division
the pupils did remarkably well. Mr.
Hamilton was also made the _recipient of
several very nice presents by the schol-
ars. Shortly after the tune appointed
33 sleighs loaded with the scholars start-
ed for the Town Plot of Grey, taking
with them a large. qiilentity of candies,
etc. which were duo,riliutede to them on
reacling their destination. The after-
noon was none of the pleasantest, but
they all seemed to enjoy themselves very
much and returned home about 4 P. M.
SCHOOL MEETING. -1Thder the present
school law, when a section in Which a
school is situated becomes incorporeted,
the rcturning,sofficer appointed to hold
the first municipal election is required to
call a meeting of the ratepayers of the
section, to appoint aa boaid of six trus. Jr; Vnellea OUTBURST, -The Teachers
tees, and arrange -other business of the and Trusteee of Brussels School treated
section. The above Meeting will tae the impils to drive to this village on
place at the school house, in Brussels, on Eriday last Eleven teallIS were enga,g-
1Vednesday, San. 8, 1873, at 10 o'clock, aedrrtnivedeararty3tlii,e. imprecoivoeu; 2foroeisgthrto,ngT1cy,
A. M.
Tim sommATIoN passed- off eery were mustered in Mr, Tuck's large hall,
where they were treated by their teacher
quietly on Monday last. No less than
tosa bountiful supply of fruit, confection -
16 candidates were nOliiin ate& Speeches
ery, etc. Among those present we no -
were made (heevy ones, some of them)
ticed our old friend Mr. J, Herr, Rev,
by most of the candidates in the short
John Ferguson, Mr. W. Ilingston and.
space of two hours. several other warm hearted. friends of
education. We understand that the
Sound. Doctrine. , school at Brussels is in a flourishing con -
To the :Editor of the Huron Expoaitor. claim
Enuonoa.-The election for the town-
ship el Grey will take place on Monday,
Jan. 6. There will be five polling places
in the township.
course being adopted, which, if carried. LumnEniN G. -The lumbermen of this
section intend commencine operations
out by either party, will be the greatest
Pollard, Returning Officer.
NOMINATIONS. - A t the nomin ation in
-the village of Mitchell the following
gentlemen were proposed, and stand
for municipal honors : Reeve -Thomas
Matheson, elected by acclomation.'
Councillors - Robert Thomeon, J. H.
Flagg, Thomas Babb, 'W. Davis,
James Thom and Jerry Robinson, The
two latter are new men, and:being. very
popular, both as private citizens and
busines5. men, will no doubt make the
dd stagers work for their majorities, if
they preserve their laurels,
Luoknoisr, ,
CT -Innen °BENING. -On Sabbath, 1st
inst , a new Presbyterian church was
opened at Lucknow, by Rev. D. Career -
on, minister of the church. The new
building is frame aud will seat 350-. At
the opening the collection amounted_ to
$71. Minister and. people deserve great
credit fol, the energy displayed M so
quickly completing their new place of
worship, as it was only eommenced two
mouths ago. .A pleasing, feeture of the
affair is that the debt is only, $200 --
&tad, American Presbyterian.
• Seaforth, have a, beautiful gold headed
.0=e =eta musical album), which be
en by vote to the tft and second
most pop,ular men. These articles are of
:great vain, end require to be seen to. be passed. to the Chaim -man choir and 8
.appr eciated. Canvassers are already at ers, a yery interesting evening
woik.' The, final voting Will take ,place brought to a close by the benedicti
the Toesen Hall, on the afternoon and pronounCed by Bev. Mr. Leven.
evening of Thursday, Jan. 2, la73. The amount realized was $70, which is
;proceeds to .be applied to the .ehurch devoted to assist in paying off I he d
.fiend. The following are the names of the Chuenh„
-the candidates spoken of: Meson. J. H.
,Benson, Reeve Seaforth ; tareswell,
_Reeve of Tuckersruith, Dr. Coleman,
MeLean. H. W. G. Meyer, Shantz and
_D. D.' Wilson.
NEW SA.LT The new salt 1.
block erected :by the Merchants Salt i
:Company, of thissiellage,is now in ;811C-
.cessful r_fliis block has been
nom nation for Reeve and Couneilo
the coining year for the village o
forth was held in the Council Ro
.Monclay- last. The; Attendance o
payers-, as ii usual on such occasion
not very large. The following .no
-lamas were then made s For 1
Messrs: J. H. Benson and D. -D.
eak- • --Sitinuel Slemmen. Tnemas. Strachan ached took place on Friday, Dec._ 20.
was and Wm. Elliott. coeueuors-William There was a good. turn out of visitors and
n be- Elliott, John Strachan, Thomas William- parents, not however, as many- as there
The son, Selland Slemmon,, Adam Turnbull ought to have been on such an occasion.
to be and Lewis McDonald. • ,
r The'nchool room Was beautifully decorated
bt of
n for
m on:
rate -
with • evergreen evergreen . rosettes and erablems.
--Colborne and.. Goderieh Township.
The junior cies es were exaMined the day
not officially heard Irene but we believe
giving tunple timeto pot the senior
that /n the former, Mr.' Young has been prier,
elected lteeve by acclamation, and in the classes throneh a severe test of their
latter the late Deputy - Reeve, Mr. 1
„ton, has been elected Reeve. .Who
drawback to its welfare and peogress.
I refer to t -lie introduction of politics at
our municipal elections. I am a man,
who, when politics. are. the question, al -
immediately with larger forces than
usual, in expectation of a brisk market.
ways vote with my own party, but, if Goon -STASILING.-The Cromarty con -
politics are to be brought into the firet gregation of the Canada Presbyterian
election of our newly -incorporated climch has just completed one of the
laee, I say it is wrong, and I, for one, largest and best buildings in the Connty
will not indorse even my own party in
so doing. It is the best men to manage
onr pelitical affairs we want, not men be-
longing to one particular party or an-
other. - A CoNSE,RVATIVE •
BitussEr.s, Dee. 25, 1872.
Council met on the 9th inst. pursuant to
adjournment. • Preseut-Hohnes, Mil-
ler, and Johnston. Minutes of last meet-
ing read and confirmed. Moved by 3.
R. Miller, seconded by Johnston,
thot the clerk be instructed to insure the
town hall and furniture for $500 in the
Canada Fermers' Mutual-Cerried The class certificates for those holdeng only
clerk was instructed to write to the third. , The new incumbents may be
aat- efficiency. Ile result was highly grati- ' ' ' - •
the faillgy They were examined in the sev-
County Treasurer to cancel the taxes for
e (rood teachers but the policy is a retro-
ieturnes agamet north half of lot 9, , -
b, t r e a 5 i v e one .' -Co,. Beacon.
candidates axe for the Deputy lieeveships, et branches by their pi esent teacher,
1871 • 1 • -
-and Councilors we have not leaened. Mr. Stoddart, Mr Jamieson. teacher of
. concession 6. Moved. by J. R Miner, Perth Teachers' Examination.
for the accommodation ;of the horses of
those attending the sereices, there being
37 stalls. The building is 126 feet long
and is finished in a yeey,complete and.
satisfactory manner.
GOOD SCHOOL-FLO USE. -The trustees in
school section 5 have- erected :a fine new
brick school house which is au Ornament
to the section, and a credit to the con-
tractor. But while the trustees deserve
credit for this stroke of enterprise it is to
be regretted. that they, and also the trus-
tees of section 6, for the sake of the pal,.
try saving of forty or fifty dollars, should
have exchanged teachers holding first -
school No. 11, Teickersmith, and Mr.
seconded by W. J. gOhnston, that the
G. Jackson. The :writing We publish below the lint of success -
inspected by the trustees, ass's_
was closely followinee accounts b paid, viz.: E Bos-
ilson ful candidates at the examination Itield
+ed -
eeve,- Nome:, arions.-Wim Davidson, Reeve 3' man $9, for repairing:bridge on 2d con.;
Mr. Wm. Charters, Mill Road, and more Stratford last week :
A. Brown $5, for repealing Parker's ,
• .constructed on an entirely new and ina. For leatincilors, Messrs. A.. S rong )y ace anis, ion. p y beautiful specimens could not be pros
ames - Beattie .Tolen If. BroadiVot, 1-1'. Francis is opposed by .Tames Moore', e;-
,proved -plan, under, the immediate super- ,T, , councillm. Councillors - Mi. Bjehara ducea in the Conuty of Heron, particu-
larly that of the girls, and we Would, in -
, nasion of Mr. M. P. li,ay es, to WhOna ie Seegmiller, p. p. Wilson B. Shantz, Bain -NicholOs Roaeh, Edward Roes, side road, R. A. :Harrison $10, -*lewd
' 'den the eredat of 'inventing and introdne William Campbell, and. Dr. Goixidock. , friendly way, ch an y school in -we - e' ,
•Ciller these new land valuable, improve- Mr, . WI 8 „ g
e idate Richard Gill, Francis Standev en, Win. the County to produce as (seed, taltirk 'idvice -
a lvice in the: matter of London neuron -
7'.1 on declined being a °and
the scholars as e whole or 1K the half-
, e as and. Bruce Railway • George Forbes $o;
. 7
- limper, Edwiri Oliver and Michael Ar -
bridge ; Arnel $1, for repairing cul- SECOND CLASS -GRADE B.
vert • NV. Hoes, $8, for work. on centre T. C. Shipley, ,t Mary's
J. W. Laird, Stratford.
John Anderson, Poole.
•Magei, e Campbell, St. MaryS.
Emil Dittmers Bornholm.
Margai•et Jane Gilles, Avoirton.
S. 11. Jameson, Blaushaaal.
David Kirk, Kiritton,
Alicia 8. Martin, Listowel,
unente. In oedinary Weeks there are -two for the Reeveship, and with the censent bagost. . dozen. At the close of the e min t: for insuring town -ball • Robert lemus
pane, one for heating the brine and the of his mover and seemeler, had hiel name
eithei.• .for eveeoration. In this block withdrawn. Dr. Goundock also deelin-
a 1011 -
fo•r watchine fire • „4,. McCall]. $2!)
. sever 1 recitations • intermixed with
- Exeter. •
for cutting hill on con. 8 ; 8tar oftee
choice singing, were well perforu.ed. As
Were ,i,e but one pan, the entire length eel to run .or the position of Coumilor. . •
CORREUTION. - Mr. George Brooks Mr. Stoddart is leaviue the school a fare- 515 50, for printing ; T. .I. Moorhouse
- 0 f the dock, in the whole.of which salt Mter the hour alotted by law for making $17 10,. for stationery, etc. ; . J. J. Bell
writes to inform us that we were in error well address *as preeenfed to bins. The
es%wbe„,m.ade. Te farnaee.. extends un- amminatieee had expired., each of the $17 60, fOr printing ; A. BrOWn $133 35,
in stating some weekS ago that Mr. Ste; p y iereto:
following is the aadrese and ieply tl
pa. tition.extendiug through ahe centre, cousinet of the old Council wag seveiely cher . 1 ve as bala,nee on hall ; A. Brown $5. plat- Eliaa jane Meigbeu, St. Maus.
Forainrind, Merner, Tavistock.
de T. the ;whole of the pan, nth a zigzag candidates earessed the electors: - The
cey hed pnrchased Mr. _Harris' house in[
ADDRESS- '' Dear fl'ea • , form. The Council ad journed to' meet
Francistown. It is Mr. Brooks, of the
fro. It the roar end to within ten or' twelve aritici.sed by Air. Thomas-Kiad. and Mr.
firm of Brooks-tt: Dnw, of Mitchell. who „
feet of the front. Tine Prevents the Ryan, nod itias defended by Rh%
has purchased it. We have nleasure in
heat from nushing to ake back elf the Jima John Beattie and others. It• seen ed to
ho ever, recommending Mr. Brooks to the people
too r epidly, and casseta the 'Whole sun. , be the prevailing opinion,
of Ftancistown as a good meehanic, and
face tes heat gradually. The .00ltl beine ; among the dectore present; that t e old
a, gentleman who will make a mgast nse -
enters a tube at the bade of the pane 1 Council had anted generally M the niter -
ful _citizen.
z_l'hie tube en re. along the eid? of the fur -.1 ests of the village, and that they bad asie
nace, and t 'e lain e from the tank is for- I ministered. its affairs with pradeuee and.
, .
- ced through ' to a pan ettaated beleW ; economy. . At the condusion of proceed -
the furnace.- awl from theme to a tulle ; hags, there being no opposition to Mr. u
at the opposite side of the furnane whieh - Benson, he'was declared elected Reeve
empties into the front of the pan. By for the year 1873, and a poll was ordered
the time the brine- re:saes the pan, it is for the Councilors. The candidates,,
sa hot that the hand can hardly be hAld therefore, for municipal honoin at the An-
' M it The surplus heat is time made to proaching el etion will be, Meets,
Ao the work of the heating pan. The ar. 'Strong, Seegroiller, Broadfoote Beattie,
scholmn or the Egmon d ville school, hav- twain, ose the '06th inst.
Mg le.arned; some tune age of yaur inten- Wr . CLEGG, Clerk.
tion of leaving the school at the end of
the year, were tilled with sorrow. 1We
/ iN ANION. --z,t Thirteen candidates
have nothing to render you nt your de- :Robert Hritchieon Robertson, Poole,
parture but our love and kind Wishes, Fisirteen-The fishermen of this place Charlofe L. Rodeers- Pahnereton
trustine in Providence that you may low, -0
anticipate an abundant40- Fdizabth Stevensen
harvest, on 0, Gawanstown
, - -
be spared your useful. life. Believe es, count of the great amount of ice accumn--
Bea -bora Taylor. Listowel. .
lilted already on the Lake. The. Lake
dear teacher, the effeCt of your exemp- Isabella H. Thomson, on Av t
lary care over as will_never be obliterat- is frozen about three miles out. This
Andrew- McCulloch, Harmony.
Archibald McGallea Zorra.
William McKenzie, Mitchell.
Isabella -S. Potts, Avonton.
supposed. to be the result of continual
Reevie, Meesrs. Etty, Keyes,. Campbell. pleasure than occasional
giving the ice no opportunity to separate. received. second and third class certiti-
The names of several candidates, who
were nominated. . For. Reeve, -Messrs. ed. We would also beg to remind is suppose
west and north-west winds, which haVe
Jones, Little, McNaught. For Deputy- that nothing would. give us greater
visits from you frequented. this shore for the last month,
For: Councilors, Messrs. .'Alex. Stewart, to our school."
Arthur Stewart, Thompson, . Rock, . ItErLy-- i ' Dear Pupil'. : 1 can but feels- Res Levey Bon us. -The leading men
Pnslielbury, Robb, Sheen. After ad- ly express the deep emotions with whieh of this place seem to take little or no he-
. 4-
'William Waddle Wellesley.
cates at previous examinations, but who
failed at the present examination to raise
the en, (made of their certificates, do not ap-.
pear in the present list. r