The Huron Expositor, 1872-12-27, Page 8De eyond the OE R. It descripe A W1)3 He courts iet will be county in 255. RTH, Beaver, t141) - tee opened ilhearson's s Lumber- tod assort- essed and XS, all of fast possi- ir advent - our prieea es position NALD niers. - MIL KER, ;TUFFS, IOLES Money ER, Wtf. ILL DTORY inmexotts 'tended ta rth, and ntinnanee II to give n hand a NGS, n ter those •as none • Marling. 00T. OUT Dentist, se of the martin- of t Square. I, the first n Clinton, g Thurea e time at ed to call, saes of at- tmcted by cee New '2os S I• AKER, . . I a good y Call be 205 TOWN. SAILING -BY land, and •tther ER, etrforth. -County of rte of the TOIL Office rss DEc. 27, 1872. Dancing by Proxy. Among the amusements of Ori- ental natione, dancing is a general favorite. But let not the uninitiat ed suppose that by dances are meant -waltzes o1 cotillions, round dances_ or quadrilles, aft of which involve an amount of museular exertion quite inconsistent with Eastern ideas of pleasure. No, the Oriental has a fashion_ of his own in regard to the dance; and whenever be feels inclined to induloe in Terpsichorean „proclivities, he does so not by danc- ing himself, but by having his slaves ItIodt for him: Kings and princes, lords and ladies, recline at ease upon cushions of velvet, whiling away the lagging hours in sipping sherbert from golden cups, scenting the breath of fragrant flowers, or watching the curling wreaths of smoke from still more fragrant cheroots, while bands of. dancing shives exhibit their grace and dex- terity for the enterta;nment of the august company. 1 remember a ball given by a British merchant at the capital of Siam in honor of his Queen's birthday, when several Si- amese robles were among the guests, and in the early portion of the evening, vied with each other in complimenting, their host onthe brilliancy of his• entertainment. knowing hien to be wealthy, con- vivial and fond of display, they nat- urally expe'eted ,something very fine in tho way of dancing. Their sensations may he imagined when the Scotch bagpipes, played byan old sailor, struck up the only music whim had been found available, and the European members of the company went whirling and whiz- zing past as reel, ju and Highland fling followed eaeh other in qUiek succession, Dumb with • surprise and dismay, the nobles rushed en gnasse from the house, entered their boats and ordered the oarsmen to pull furiously for the mission -houses, situated some two miles lower down the river. It was verging to - want midnight, but some of the missionaries were still busy in. their libraries, and the excited nobles, first knocking furiously at the door, and then entering without waiting fdr a respouse, called clamorously, 4 Help, help for your countrymen ! The foreigners at the British go- (lowns are all gone crazy; they are dancing for themselves r—Lippin- cott's 3fagazine, • Laughter. Why, asked Mr. Macdonald, are we Set unready to -believe that there is anything sacr,1 in humor? If there is no laughter in the Divine mind, whence did we get it ? Did any man say, Go to, let us find out something new,' and then hit upcn laughter, cr do we laugh because we cannot help it Again, are we more or less peevish, more or less gener- ous, more or less inclined to, forgive our enemies after laughing After noticing that laughter is never men- tioned in the Bible except with dis- approbation, Mr. Macdonald ayerr- ed that he 'aelieved we laughed more heartily now than people did then, because our minds were easier-Tsince our Lord came, and also said that he thought we never should be half religious until we laughed without fear in the presence of the Al- mighty.—Report of Lecture by Geo. Maqlonald. d Thankfulness. On one occasion, Charles Dickens was upholding the theory that whst- ever trials and difficulties • might stand in a man's, path, there is al- ways something to be thankful for. Let me, in proof thereof,' said "Dickens, relate a story : Two men were to be hanged at Newgate for murder. The morning arrived ; thehour approached ; the bell of St. Sepulchte's began to toll ; the con; victs were pinioned ; the procesS was formed; it advanced to the fa- tal beam ; the ropes were adjusted round the poor men's necks ; there were th uosands of neatly sightseers of both .sexes, of all ages, men, wo- men ancl Children, in front, of the scaffold—when; just at that second of time, a bull, which was being driven to Smithfield, broke its rope and charged the mob right and left, scattering people everywhere with • its horns. Whereupon one of. the • condemned men turned to his equal- ly unfortunate companion, and quiet- ly observed, "I say, Jack, its a good thing we ain't in that crowd '1" ' -441$ • The Defaulting Municipalities. I see by a late issue of the Globc, that a deputation from Stratford has been down to interview the -Ontario Govern- ment in regard to their indebtedness to the Municipal Loan Fund. From that report it seems they were unable to furn- ish satisfactory information, as to • what had been done with the money, and it certainly does seem rather remarkable that, after borrowing and spending $100,- 000, they were unable to inform. the Treasurer of the Province what they had done with it. Living in the adjoining County of Huron, we, who for these by- gone years, have been, paying up our in- debtedness, have often in our unsophicat- ed innocence wondered why it was, and what kind of government We lived under that would demand and take our money for the same debt that our neighbors in the County of Perth, were never asked to pay. The explanation always used to THE HURON EXPOSITOR. be, at firit, Why, PertI34lways dends Toni Daly to • support the Macd nald Cartier, or Cartier -McDonald regime and we were doing. the reverse, and no af- ter nearly paying up all our debt, and having a goVernment in power lwith which we are in= -accord, we think it stranger still, that the County of Pe thkis not called upon to pay its just dues into the. Provincial Exchequer, but is ow- ed in the face of a Statute to the con- trary, to contract heavy debts in the orm of the Railway Bothises or a Bonus for Grand Trunk wOrkshops. as the ton of • Stratford did when the Grand Trunre- pairing shopa were built there, wit tout their doing so ever being called in ques- tion, and, what maks the case still ore unjust to us, the County of Perth no on- ly got $200.000, for railways, but hey i got $88,000 for Gravel Roads'upon w "ich was due (as see Hon. E. B. Wood's dile statement of a year , ago) on the 1st of January, 1871, over $28,900_ for intereRt . which will have increased some $10 000 • more. by the _1st of January, 1873, w ile we have had to build sad pay for our • Gravel Roads out of our own pockets. The Town of Stratford built a ma ket house, constructed a 'road to Millbapk, and improvedthe streets of the tiwn with( the money of the Province, an , af- ter all the increase of property and p pu- lation, the annual value of the town has decreased from $58,913 in 1858 to $.)4,- 367 in 1871, so as not to go beyond the payment which 1859 requires. The on- ly arrangement that is just to the coun- try, is for the people of Perth, ' and Ithe • town of Stratford to_do the same as the town of Paris, and the people of Hu on have done, viz.: put their hands in t eir pockets ,and pay up. 1 hoe that i ow that we have a Reform Government, and a strong one, that they, will be made to do so .--Communicatec/. • AXES. Chopper's Trust, Forest King, • Wobdman's Friend, • Doniinion, • Ontario Champion, Altona, Welland Vale, &c. SLEIGH BELL Neck, Back, Body an Open. COW TIES, Close and Open, Ring and TVaito With snap and hook. FLINT'S CROSSCUT SAWS, Improved Champion, Liyhtning, Dominion, , COM:1110n. and Machine Drag Sa 8. • Witlathe best stock of GENERAL HARD WARE In the County, at • WM. ROBERTSON & = CO.'S, Sign of the Circular Saw. THE LOST IS FOUND! The Dead- Come tp • Lifea.. EATJIrN,. • WROXETER, Having reopened business in his new stand, posite the Post Office, is prepared to fill all ord and do businees with neatness and despatch. He has also on hand a large stock of STOVES, which will be sold cheap for cash. N. B.—The sirbscriber, having lost his books y the late fire, would feel thankful to those indeb ed to him, if they would call and settle accounts as soon as possible, so as to enable him to carry .n business. R.. PAULIN. Wroxeter, Oct. 22, 1872. • ' 2 EASE AND COMFORT. • THE BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGH There is nothing so valuable n PERFECT SIG• T, . and Perfect -Sight Can only be obtained by using • PERFECT SPECTICLES, Tho difficulty of procuring which is well kno n MESSRS., LAZARUS MOIMIS & Have, lifter years of experience and .experime and the erection of costly niachinery, been enabl A to produce that grand desideratum, PERFECT SPECTACLES Which never'tire the eye, and last many years without change. . •247 The Great Female •Itemedy. • JOB MOSESPERIODICAL PILLS. THIS invaluable medicine is turfailing in t- e cure of all those painful tinddengerouti diseas s to which the female constitution is subject. 4 moderaa s all exeess and removes all obstructio Is, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To married ladies it is peculiarly suited. It w 1 in a short time, bring on. the monthly period wi regularity. - These Pills should' not be° taken by Fenial s during the first three mouths of Pregnacy; as th y are sure to bring on. Miscarriage, but at any oth r tirne they are safe: In all cases of Nervone and Spinal Affection , pains in the back and Iinibs, fatigue on slight e ert•ion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will affect a -cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution: Full direetions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be earefully preserved. •Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1.00 and 12i cants for postage, enclosed to Northop ee Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills ,by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co.1,974 R. Lumsden. A:VOID Q S.—A VICTIM OF EAR - 4 ---1y indiscretion, causing nervonedebility,prema- ture decay,&c.,having tried in vain every advertised remedy, lute discovered u simple means of self -cure. which he will scud free tp his fellow-sufferere. Ad- dress J. H. Reeves, 78 Nassau -Bt., New York. '48 XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. The Hearts of the Young Made Glad. $200 WORTH= OF TOYS TO BE GIVEN AWAY. IVI. = R. 'COUNTER, WATCHMAKE_R AAD JEWELER, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, WILL, FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE, TILL 1st OF JANUARY, 1873. GIVE A 'TOY for each DOLLAR'S WORTH -OF *GOODS Prirchaeed at his store. The Toys will bePlaced so that customers can select what may snit them. Over $200 worth of Toys will be given in this way. Mr. Counter has on hand a firstklties Stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, JET AND RUBBER GOODS, Plated and Nickel Spoons and Forks, no/ins, Music BoteS, Concertinas., llteerschaunt and Briar Pipes, PortMonnaies,- WORKBOXES.AND WRITING DESKS. Beads, Combs and Brushes, and, in fact, all kinds of Fancy Goods- usually limpid = in a first-class Jew- elry ! tore. Particular attention paid to repairing and regulating . Watches. Old Gold and Silver bou t n REMNANT SALE AT LOGAN & JAMIESON S. Owing to the largo amount of DRY GOODS Sold by them during the last two months a great amount of short lengths are now on hand in Dress Goods, Tweeds, &c., And, in order to make a thorough Clearance, they have carefully gone over them and marked them at • such prices as cannot fail to be an • IND UCEME T TO THE CLOSEST BUYER. REMEMBER THIS IS A GENUINE CLEARING SALE, To commence on M01\1-1:), And will continue, until New Year's 16, CHRISTMAS IS AT HAND, And now is the time to SECURE BARGAINS. THOS. KIDD'S • RENOWNED EMPORIUM • Offers great inducements. Beautiful Silk Figured POPLINS for $8, worth $10. Beautiful Black GROS GRAIN SILK, '12 yards for $13, worth $18: Beantiful Grebe and Mink FURS very cheap. All Wool CANADIAN TWEEDS for 80 cts. per yard, worth $1. A epecial line of OVERCOATS ,from $3 50 to $10. Don't fail to see our MILLINERY, comprising the latest and most Select Styles of the Season. • I only ask you to call and examine the above, and be oonvinced of the foregoing facts. C SH, AND ONLY ONE PRICE. THOMAS KIDD. NEW STORE B SEAFORTH. The subscriber wonld respectfully announce to the inhabitants of the Town of Seaforth and surround- ing country that he has fitted up the building hereafter to be known as the CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, Situate on Blain -Street, nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel, where he has laid in and Is now opening a large and well selected stock of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Tobaccoes, WINES AND LIQUORS IN WOOD AND BOTTLES, FRUITS NEARLY ALL KINDS, Comprising Raisins—Layer, Valeutia, Seedless, &c., Currants, Figs, Dates and Prunes, Lemons and as- sorted Nuts, Sardines, Crosse & Blackwell's mixed Pickles, with a full supply of GENE RAL GROCERIES, And all articles usually kept iu a • • FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE, Comprising in part Tubs, Washboards, Halter Rope and Bed ,Ropes all lengths, = and CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASSWAREJ Brootcts Pails, Tea Sets in plain china, Tea Sets iri gold band china. Tea Sets in best granite, Tea Cups and Saucers, Plates, Dishes and Bowls, an :ling OTEL, TAVERN AND SALOON KEEPERS 1 = Will find it to their interest to call at the CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, . Where they will find good Wines and Liquors at TEZ .molDmit.A_r= The ubscriber having had long experience in the Grocery Trade, and possessing a good knowledge of the Mar ets, and having bought his Stoek for cash and his expenses being very light, is able and de- termine to sell for the smallest possible profit for cash, on which principle he proposes to conduct all his transactions, both in buyingaud selling. Inha 'tants of the Town of Skaforth and Counties of Huron and Perth, you are cordially invited to give the CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT a trial, where you will be sure to get as good value for yourmoney as eau be got in any Town or City in Ontario. RETNIEMBER THE PLACE, TH CHEQUERED STORE AND TEA DEPOT, Nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel, Alain -Street, Seaforth. JAMES MURPHY. • 11 0 0 w CD 0 n 0 at? >4 CD 0) CR? CD P‘; 0 CD Ci) CD CD HARNESS, HARNESST Great Variety • AT WILSON'S SEAFORT14. TRUNKS of all kinds, VALISES—not a few, WHIPS—of all sorte, COLLARS-ealbsizes. Brushes, C'ttrry- Combs, Cards. All prices—from 10 cents up. Bells, Blankets, Clcingles, Saddles, And in fact everythhig usually found in a first- class Saddler's Shop, and at prices extremely low. JAMES WILSON Takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends and customers for the liberal support ex- tended toward him for the past ;star and hopes by strict attention to business and manufacturing a first-class article to merit a fair share of the pat- ronage of the many. Rententber the Sign of the "GOLDEN SADDLE." 215 CUTTERS! CUTTERS! McINTOSH & MORRISON, Thankful for past favors, would respectfully in- timate to the inhabitants of Sea forth and sur- rounding country that they have on hand and are manufacturing the BEST LOT of Cutters of all Descriptions and Styles Ever before offered to the public. As we make this class of work ft specialty, and employ none but the best mechanics, and Use only the best hiekory, we feel confident in saying that Ove caa give perfect satisfaction to every purchaser. We have on hand a few good PHAETONS, SINGLE BUG G IES AND CARRIAGES, Which we will sell cheap, in order to make room for Winter work. All work warranted, - Call and examine. An apprentice wanted in the wood -shop. McINTOSH & MORRISON, Main -et., Seaforth. LEGALL• y M. LEET, Solicitor, Wingham, has been ap " pointed Agent for the Colonial Securities Cow - party of Englund, he is also Agent for several prii nate Capitalists of Toronto, who loan Money at very reasonable rates Interest payable yearly.. Charges moderate. Winghani, Dec. 15, 1871. 213 V1c0nIG:4-114T & IIOLIVTISTED, Barristers, At - LVL tomeys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency'Notaries Public and Conveyancers. Solicitors fax the 11. 0. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for the Canada Life- Assurance Company, • N. B. -00,00a to lend at 8 per cent. FILMS, Houses and Lots for Sale. • 53 BENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Conveytmcera, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea- forth and Wroxeter. $23,000 of Private, Francis to invest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable yearly: 53 JAS. K. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. MEDICAL. D AVID MITCITELL, M. D., Graduate of Victo. ria College *Physician, Surgeon, .etc., etc.- KINBURN, ONT-2-Coroner of the County of Huron, Office and residence, at Thompson& Stanley's. _TAMES STEWART, M. D., C. M., Grating te of McGill, University, Montreal, Physician, Sur- geon, etc. Office aad Ilesidence—Brucefield. LT L. VERCOE, 31. D., C. Al., Physician, Sur- fseon, etc ss Office and Residence, corner of Market and High streets, next to the Planing Mill. - ' f 111. CAMPI3ELL, Coroner fax the Ceiunty. Office and Rosideuce, over Corby's corner store, Mein street, Seaforth. Office hours, from 1.1 to 4, each day, and all day Saturdny. 159 TO the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country. Dr. J. .+. BULL having been called through siekness in his family, to suspend business for some, time iu this place, has pleasure in an- nounein,g to the public, that through a kiud Pro- vidence he has been permitted to return to the rooms -formerly occupied by him, over Mr. A. G. AlcDougall's Store, Main street, where he intends permanently to remain, and will be pleased to see his old patrons and as many new ones as may favor hint with a call. All operations performed accord- ing to the latestaipproved style, and fees as low as to be found elsewhere. Office hours from 8 A. 31. to 5 P. M. VA IL 0 TV ra R°-" HOTJIL, Seaforth, Ontario. SIMON POWELL, roprietor. The subscriber has thoroughly reuovated and newly furnished the above house, so that it now affords good accommo- dation for the travelling public. Choice liquors and cigars in the bar. The table is eupplied with the delicacies in season. Oysters in season.. Large stabling and au attentive = hostler in. con- nection. 251-ly ( IUMMERCIAL HOTEL, Ainleyville, Ont., W3I, ANNETT, Proprietor. This Hotel is imder entirely new numegement and has been thorougly renovated. The Bar is supplied with the best Liquors and Cigars. Good Stabliug and attentive Flostlers. A First-class Livery in connection. 228 JORESTE OF WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont., -1- C. J. McCUTOTTEON, Proprietor. First-class accommodation for travellers. The 13ar :is sup- plied With the very best liquors and cigars. Good stabling attached. The stage icaves this House every day for Wingham. 204-4t LIVE KV. T A. SITAIIPS LIVERY AND SALE STABLES: -1- a Office—At Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good Horses and first -claw Conveyances always on hand.. THOMSON'S LIVEItY, CLINTON. -1- OFFICE,—AT COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Good quiet Horses and First -Class Vehicles elwayte on hand. Conveyances famished to Connnercial Travellers on reasonable rates. 221 = JOHN THOMSON. pELL'S LIVERY STABLES, SEAFOIITH, Ont. -1-1' Good Horses and Comfortable 'Vehicles, always on. hand. Fins:treble Arrangements made with Commercial Travellers. All orders left at KNOX'S 'HOTEL, will be promptly attended to. Oerice AND STABLES°:—Third door North of. Knox's Hotel, Main Street. 221 THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. AIISCELLANE0 U$. ATEMBINARY SURGEON.—D. McNAUGHT,. v Ye S., begs to announce to the inhabitants of Seatorth and surrounding conutry that he has been awarded the diploma of the Ontario Veterin- ary College, and is now prepared to treat diseases of Horses and Cattle and all domestic animals. He. has. opened au office iu connection with his horse - shoeing shop, where he will bo found ready to at- tend to calls. Diseases of the feet specially at- temled to. Residence, office and shop in the rear of Killoran & Ryan's new stove. All kinds of Vet- erinary Medicines kept constantly on hand. Charges reasonable. 229 sow CAUTION To the Public of the British. Provinces of North - America. JBEG Most respectfully to acquaint the Public of, the ltritish North American Provinces that in May, 18U, 1 winged the business; at 80 Maiden- Lane- Now York, for the sale of Holloway's Pills and Ointment, which Were up to that time pre- pared William Brown, now deceased, `to be closed. I regret to say that I have reason to know that the nemegeruent of the late business had fax some years, in runny ways,been moat cor- rupt, and it may be that the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with the care I helve always de- sired. Those who do not wish to be deceived by buying spurious medicines, which are now likely to emanate from the States or elsewhere, to possess themselves of the genuine Holloway's Pills and Ointment, immufatitured by rue in Louden, Eng- land, will do well to see that each pot and box bears the British Governinent stamp, on which is engraved the words, 11,1loway's Pills and Oint- ment, and that the address on the label is 588, Oxford -street, Londonewhere only they are manu- factured, and in no other part of the world. The retail prices ere on the labels in British zunericy, and not in dollars awl (tents. No representative of mine will -ever travel through nuy part of the Britimh Provinces or the United. States, either to Hell or to take orders for my PEN and Ointment, and as I have reasou to believe that attempts will probably be made tadeceive the public; in this way by portions calling upon medicine vendor, falsely representing that, they an. acting fax me and with my knowledge and consent, I deem it advisable ter put the public on their guard agtliDat any ench de-. ceptione. I most earnestly eetreat all those who may read this adeertiseinent that they be pleased, in the public interest, to einuninnieate the purport of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their wormy by purehasing, perhaps, worthless imitations of the genuine Holloway's. Pills and Ointment. I would ask,as a great laver, that, should it come to the knowledge of any per - sun that spurious medicines are being made or sold in my name, he be pleased to send me all the par- ticular -1i he can collect respecting the tonne, that is to fifty, the name and address of the vendee- who is selling the spurious medicines, and likewise the name and address. of the House in the United States or elsewhere; which rimy have supplied theni so as to enable ine,, for the protection of the pub- lic, to institute preceedings against such evil- --. doere, and I engage to remunerate very handsome- ly any pergola who may give mc. such information, • the informant'sname never being dirulged. Should any person have reason to believe that he has hecuLdeceived by buying spurious imitations of these medic -hoe, he will do Well to. send in, in • a letter, to the address tit hart (-which be can do at a cost of six cente in postage), one of the books of instruction which are affixed to the same. I prom- ise to examine it and send a reply, stating whether the medicines are genuine or not, so that, if syn. rious, may apply to the person from whom be purchased them to have his money returned. Chemists and Druggists who desire to obtain the medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale Prices, in quantities of not less than $20 worth -- viz., 8s. ca., 22s. and 848. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, net. without discount, fo which remittance muse be sent in a.dvanee. . I have the honor te be, With great respect, THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 558, Oxford street, (late 211trand,)Londown, Oct. 1, 1871. Millinery and Dress- making Begs to intinutte to the ladies of Seaforth and vi- cinity that he has just opened a Millinery and Dressmaking Establishment in Seaforth, in the premises on Main -street opposite the Fanners' Store. She has ale° engaged n first-class Milliner and will be prepared to exeeute in the neatest and most fashionable stylealt work entrusted to her. Stamping 1or Braiding and Embroidery. SEA:FORTH, Nov. 9, 1872. 248t8 • - ; 5 4 4 • 4 1 4 $ 1 44 rg