The Huron Expositor, 1872-12-27, Page 5_ k72- ibiect of ry_great. , should, . kt make will. not - 'liven by_ n. ince of igs with nr man - molt of ice,- the reso- lie woro: )ec Pa,r- . that if in in a.- given, 9 acres. prepor., bett.er out of !ua. Ita neeia 'L.tin of io ar- ol with att pro. Rte set - rats by tGbe ia res the volition might if the rOvern- , favor - the old a man RS. kt the neared. from - A urg- [-)f the e mat - with The hear, [dre.ss, 4 sec - :9=16r ve are r Coll- ar& al- ity of 7-Car- ormeil Hugh a No. cant a Lt rest oa the the The I. and. riittee f last of the tittee, 'heard 7 Jots ad an - from go. 8, . Mr. 5essed - 1 was Nun- )assed from. No. It he Mr. Joan - DO to etj t Rot 1. that como Te a in o to chool their ,.oada . they te to ese okie tate- era.' lots ed ,tlers e en - hoot., ; the othe tate- nu- are aud our 'd he the . arid otse, sec - ton. le to 'era - ed. the Car- ,. the 311- e), et- - the awl d. at _ res - for The op= ven son eral has Dte. _7, 1R72.. • also been several years Deputy. ' As Councilors the nominations on the whole . are superiorto any_ former year for some _ , time oast , - Dr. Woods, of course is there, •' without him Stanley could rieither live, •Inove„ OT have a being. C. W. _Piekfool is a new Mall in Stanley, but 'an old 1 Councilor, and R,eeve formerly in another , part of the County. He is an intelligent, - active man, and I shotild like to tee him elected. Thos. Keys has been .a few years in the Council and I hear he is an excellent man. Geo. Anderson is -sowed and favorably- known, having, filled, al- most every office in the inumeipality for a number of years, besides other respon- sible and honorable offices, both in this Township and. County, that I think, new that he has.main araiwed himself to be nominated and consented to run the elec- tors to a maroshould vote for him. Mr. Moffat, is II very intelligent looking ' Scotchman, and I have no doubt if elect- ed would make a good Councilor and do his best. But inthe midst of this Rail- way—Haroor Timult, we want the kery best men, with the most experience, and The "Greatest amount of honesty otpur- pose Eleotors of Stanley, look to your own interests, and do your duty at the Polls, ascertain the mind of these 5 Men on the " Railway BOYE11-8„." the "Harbor Bomm" and every other question of Un- portanceto you as ratepayer!! and Vote accordingly. AN ELECTOR. Grey and the Listowel County Sobeme. NORTIE Gary, Dec. 20, -4172. After all, the incorporation of Ainleyville, wider the uncouth natneof "Brus- sels " is a fixed and legal, fact, and, not- withstanding that a number of the in- habitants were displeased - at the abrupt and " impremptu '':way in which it was managed, I believe that -all areno.w satis- fied. So, let the hatchet be buried„ and a united a.ssistarice be given to promote the hest interests of the village. I No doubt one of the first things the 1 new Council will -do is to p'hss a by-lawto restrain within proper limits the 14 -ng-. winded speechifying of its own members, and lay a large tine on any one of them who will repeat the same idea more than nine tunes , during a harangue of fifteen minutes. Last tune I was at the village I was careful not to encounter iny Celtic friend, and. was preparing to start home with a, c Nitrated mind, when accidentally I met with a copy of the EXPOSITOR, and my eye rested on an advertisement, the contents of which. gave my feelings a, very rude shock. It was a. notifiCation that an application was to be made to the Ontario Parliament at its next sit- ting to set aside certain townships in the County of Perth. with Grey and Howick in the County of Huron, and said town- ships to be formed into a new county: -- having Listowel as county town. Now, Sir, I feel strongly when an insult is of- fered to the township of Grey. I was present at its birth, and have watched its development with pride. Many of its intelligent yeomanry have been my companions when. in early days we shar- ed all the horrrorsof the middle passage. We have maintained our financial honor from the first till the last, and we stand in a position of being able to say to our fellow-conntrymen, "We don't owe a farthing to your Municipal Loan Fund." We belong to a county whose officers were men of high moral perceptions, and who would. not tolerate any attempts at practical repudiation, such as has been the order of the day in, the County of Perth. Now, I look upon it as an in.sult ola very aggravated nature to attempt to force us into an incorporatinn With any part oroparcel of the County of perth. " Evi1_. communication corrupt lgood manners." and these northern towuships of Perth will carry with them the moral stain of their early training in the sehoel of meanness. We say, therefore, hands off, gentlem n, cleanse your reeords, pay up your debts like honorable 'men. before you ask the township of ct.Griey to enter4nto partnership." In vain I ask myself, what critne we have committecl as a municipality—that Providence-- has allowed. this dreadful humilintiog to come upon us.' I do not believe that any of our municipal officers from the Reeve downwards. has ever connived at any such scheme of incorporation with any part of the County OA Perth, and if my belief is correct, then the _wretch that pennecl the notification must be the for- tunate possessor of a fundi of self-bonfi- deuce and hard cheek that Would not dis- grace the Hon-. William McDougall. ex - Governor of Manitoba,. El ma,. O. --At a regular Meeting of Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 607, held on Thursday evening last. at the Orange Hall, Elmo, the following- officers were appointed for the ensuing year; W. M. —Brother SamuellBothwell, re-eleeted ; D. M.—Brother Jelin G. Alexander, rer elected ; Treaiurer — Brother Williath Coghlan're-,elected; Secretary—Brother E. M. Alexander; ChapIain—Brother R. L. Alexaneer ; Direetor of Ceremon- ies—Brother T. G. Fennel '; Standing Committee— Brothers Wm. Stevenson,_ Thomas Alexander; Jam.es Alexander, H. Riddle, Hugh Dobsoo. Regular night of meetiug Thursday on or before the mocni i3rethren-of other Lodges cordially invited to visit us. The Breth- ern of Elmo District are hereby remind= ed by the District Master that the an- nual meeting of the Elma, District Lodge will be heldon the secoad Tuesday of January, in the Orange Hall, -Moles- - worth, and further that a Convocation of the Royal S. C. may be held. Listowel. _N OMINATION. —At the nominations, Messrs. D. D. Campbell, D. D. Hay, R W. Hermon, and J. A. Halstead, were nominated for the ReeveShip. Ten or fwelve persons were nominated as Coun- cilors, all of whom go to the p 11s. 1Stir- ring times are anticipated or leetion ' TiE'HUOQ.N: -EiP40$TTOlit. inent. The following accounts were Paid, viz., William Henry Cook $6, for use of house for °omen purposes ; Champion $7 50, for atm of house for Council purposes r Thomas B. Stokes $60; for registrations, postage, station- ery, framing and compiling by-laws, ete.o Jaioes Patt,on $10, for extraserviee ; Wra. Sheppercl (Reeve) $45, for services attendiug Council, letting jobs, etc.; David- Patton, (Deputy Reeve) David Oc•ok, John Cox and George Melee, $40 each for services attending -Council, let- tiug jobs, etc.; William VVilson to re- ceive the timber -Ion the side -road run- ning to the lake On the 1st concession, between lots s and 6 for surveying the same. The Council then adjourned. T. B. STOKES Clerk. 41111111=1111 . BIRTHS. 0 PIPE ELL. —In McKillop, 9th .conces- . sion, the wife of Mr. Francis Campbell, of a daughter. ' ALLEN'. Harpurhey, on the 20th inst., the wife of Mr. Charles Allen, of a daughter. CONENTRY.—In geaforth, on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr. Thomas Coven- try, of a son. # MARRIAGES. lionoro's—Courrnonam.— In SeafOrth,' on Dec. 24, by Rev. IL B. Palmer, at the M. E. Parsonage Mr. James- R.. Hodgins, to Miss Alm, Clutterhano both of Lucan. - J_4COBS—BROWNELL.—BY Rev. Charles Lavell, M. A., on Christmas Day, at the residence of the bride's brother," Mr: Sidney N. Jacobs, to Miss En3ma 0: Brownell, both of Seaforth. Go.00mmon---Conzron. — At McBride's Rotel, Seaforth, on the 17th inst., by Rev. Thomas Goldsmith, Mr. Thomas Gallagher, Of -Stanley, to Miss Mary Ann Crozier, of the seine township. THE MARKETS. SEIFORTH, December 16th, 1872. , There is no change to note in the quo- tations on the Seaforth market this week. Owing to the prevailing, stormy weather and the bad state of the roads deliveries ,of all 'kinds of grain ,have been light. Hay just I1QW is in great' demand, as many of the hotel' keepers have raft out, and the roads are so bad that any quan- tities cannot be brought in. Yesterday two loads were sold on the market at '$16 per ton„ but the prevailing price can- not be quotedhigher than $14. -- The de- mand'. for butter has not yet improved, and merchants are still careless about buying, except for tra,le. Wood is com- ing in in fair quantities, and is bought, up readily. _Prices remain firm at quot- ed figures. We quote : Fal1Wheat...- ... . , .... .$1 10 to 1 18 Spring Wheat 1 10 to 1 12 Barley. . . 0 48 to 050 Oats 0 35 to 086 Peas 0 55 to ,0 57 Butter, No. .... 0 15 No. 2. ......... 0i0 0 7 Eggs NI). 3 * 0 00 to 0 18 Flour . ........ ... 6 25 to 000 .. . ..... ......12 00 to 14 00 Hides - 600 Sheep Skins t- 0 50 to 1 50 Calf Skins, (veal) per lb., 0 09 to, 0 10 Salt (retail) 'per barrel...., .... 0 00 to 1 pr, - Potatoes, per bushel 0 45 to 0 50 Fresh Pork per 4 75 to 5 10 ' 0 00 to '5 50 Oatmeal brl. Apples per bushel......... ..... 0 60 to 0 75 Beef, per quarter, r lb .........,0 08 'to 0 05 Wood 2 50 to 300 "FOREIGN MARKETS. On account of there being no mails either from the east or West yesterday, we are unable this week te give our usual foreign n3arket reports. .We are sorry for this, but can't help it as we have no control over the elements) HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY UITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY surfs, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, HOLIDAY SUITS, NEW YORK HORSE !.MARKET. TUESDAY, Dec.. 23, 1862. There has been but little trade in horses during the week, and the market appears to have settled into that state of sluggish inactivity which usually pre- vails d tiring the severe .part of winter and is espethally characteristie of the Season immediately preceding the holidays and New -year. By simply- stating that there was a moderately active trade in cot& mon draught horses averaging about $165 per head, a limited number of trans- actions in heavy truck horse i at from $300 to $400, and no business. whatever in higher priced stock, We have said all that can be told of the present condition of the market. • . Go TO J. R. Gootwo's Post office Drug. Store, ',Brussels, for everything in Drugs, Books, Stationary. Just received; fresh supply of Fellows' Syrup Ifypophosphites. Cutler's- Pocket Inhaler for Catarrh, Asthma, ete. Toys for the Holidays in great variety. Clocks, a full stock at lowest rates. RAILWAY' TIME TABLE. Trains leave the Seaforth -station as follows GOING WEST. Express. Mile 1. Mail. 1.02 P. M. 3.35 r. at. 8.45F.M. GOING EAST, - Express. : 10.50 M. 8.00 A. M. esazarsars fianomissemmummirama MEN WANTED. ANTED, immedlately, a good steady man as TEAMSTER; also, two or three PACKERS. ' GREY, YOUNG & SPA.RLING, 264 ' Eclipse Salt Works, Seaferth. t Allred. lung. 1 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE Partnership•at present existing between the "1- undersigned as general merchants in the Vil- lage of 13.1U7SSLS (late Ainleyville,) expires on the 31st int. All debts due the retiring firin must be paid forthwith, either to 1. Leekie, or j. Stewart at their- Office. , [Sif„Yned0 j. STEWART, JOHN LECKIE;- _ S. T 1:103IPS 01s1 With reference to the above, notice is hereby day. (riven that on and after the 1st dcy of Jarma13, - Goderich Township. COUN CIL ME ETIN G. —The Council met Dec. 9, pursuant to adjournment. • The members all present_ The minutes of last regular and special meeting were read and passed. It was moved by David Patton, seconded by George Mc- Keethat the members of this Council cordially arid deeply sympathise with Dr. Stokes, their respected clerk, in the sad bereavement which he has sustained in the loss by death of his affectionate wife—Carried. The sum of $20 to be paid to C. Crabb, Esq., in payment for one acre of land, being part of lot 24, in the 2d concession, which he purchased at the sale of lands for arrears -of taxes, it being a mistake elf the Assessor's for the year 1866. The sum of $9 63 was re- funded Joseph Driver for wrong assess- ] I873, the business will be concluded by the under- signed, and all tights due him or the retiring firni must be paid forthwith, pending a Settlement. JOHN LECICT11. Brussels, Dec. 26, 1872. 264 STOVES, TINWARE AND COAL OIL. AptS. WHITNEY has just received a large stock of Cooking Parlor and Bok StoA-es, of the best manufacture, which she can 411 as cheap as any in the trade. TINWARE, ofver description, kept constantly on handandreade to order,: Also, Stove Pipes, Ea.ve troughing, etc. Customawork promptly attended to, and outside work will receive every attention. • COAL Olt,. A large stoek of the very best Coal Oil kept eon- •stantly on hand, and will be iold wholesale and retail. , -1111,1,111 - ESTRAY STEER 0A31-2into the premises Of the undersigned, tot No 12, concession 7, South boundary Stanley, on or about the middle of November hist, a year old Steer, red_and white. The Owner is requested to prove pronertv nos cliergeS and take the anim el away. 'JOSEF* HUDSON.. -4 2604 . ESTRAY STEEL CI to Lot 9, Con. 18, McKillop, about the AI‘In I ' 3nd of September last, a year-old past white and red STEER. The owner is requested to Prove property, pay expenses aud tale it away. , 64*4 WM. DYNES. :• 2 A'T T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T.,. K. ANDERSON'S - T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S T. K. ANDERSON'S CLOTHING STORE, CLOTHING STORE, 1 OLOTHING STORE, MIX -STREET, SEAFORTII. JUST RECEIVED A NICE .ASSORTMENT OF Scotch Check Tvveeds Which Make the nicest snits for winter wear that can be got. STRAYED HEIFERS. CZTRAYED froin Lot, 24„ Con.8, Monis, about the 1 l'-' lst of May last, a white Heifer, with a little req about beadand neck, rising two years. . Also, - about lst September last, a red Heifer, with a little white scruff about eyes and nose, risiug two years. Any person giving infonnation that will lead to the reGevery of the above animals m ill -be snitably rewarded. _ WM. KELLY, . 268-40 ' Morris. _ GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND KNICKNACK Suitable for Holiday Presents, in great variety. CALL AND SEE THE*. CALL AND SEE THEIR .CALL AND SEE THEM. HORSES WANTED, Wanted Immediately 240 GOOD STRONG WORKING HORSES • TO DRA.W 0. C. WILSON'S • SUPERIOR IRON. HARROWS AND SEWING M.ACHINES. Q. C. WILON Ila,4 now on hand at his Agricultural Warerooms, Market Street, Seaforth, a number 'of Colton's well-known IRON HARROWS. Farmers who want to get one should call at once. as they are going off fast, and only a limited num- ber have been rued° for next season's sales. • SAWING MACHINES. A number of Eastwood •& Co.'s celebrattl. two - ti 40 cords of wood a day, with one sp In of horses. •TO THE LADIES. 500 Good:Looking Young Women Wanted immediately to buy and work O. C. Wil- son's Sewiqg Machines. On Hand -The Florence, Singer, Raymond, Howe and Lockman machines. All the best made. A few of Prince & Co.'s - ORGANS AND MELODEONS left, which will be sold tdreap and warranted to give satisfaction. „ Also, on hand, as "nand, a large assortment of all other kinds of ,Agricultru-al Implements, at • O. C. WILSQN'S • Agricultural Implement Erriporium, Market -Street, Seaforth. ESTRAY STEER. CAMrt, into the premises of the subscriber, Lot Con. 8, Stephen, about Nov.1, a red STE34.1R one year old. The owner is requested to prove Property, pay charges and take it away. 263-4* . RICHARD S.WEET. ESTRAY SHEEP. _ '11E into the premises of the subscrieer, Lot • 15, Con. 5, Stephen, about the middle of Sep- tember last, one EWE and one EWE - LA1133. The owner is requested to prove property, pli,y .charges and take them away. 26341 . • WM. MITCHELL. ESTRAY HEIFER. • CA" into Lot 25, Con. 3, 'Osborne, on or about the middle of November last, a red year-old HEIFER.i The Owner is requested to prove prop- erty pay charges. and take it away. 263-4* JOHN FOSTER. horse Sawing Machines. These Maehine. will. 264 f 1 r ; SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE, SEAFORTH, ONT.. I ESTRAY STEER. 'TREMENDOUS DOWNFALL IN THE PRICES OF DRY GOODS. E. & J. W. SPARLING Will offer the balance of their Winter Stock at mices that -will astonish the palate for cheapness. • TIIIS IS GENUINE. EXAMIN.E AND' BE CONVINCED. WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF HAIR GOODS CHEA.P. CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. rn: CAMEto the premisee of the subscriber, Lot 2, Con. 14, 14, Tnekennuith, in May last, a one-year- old STEER, red and white color.. The owner is p requested to prove property, pay charges and take 0 it away. WM. LATTA.. . , 266*4 ESTRAY SEER. coomE to Lot 22, Con. 8, MoKillop, on Nov.18, • last, a white spotted STEER; bead: and neck' brindle; star on forehead; rising two years old. .The owner will,pletthe prove property, pay expenses and take it away. MOSES HANNAH. - 26;P4 STRAYED HEIFER. A BOUT the 1st of June last, from Lot 22, Con. 9, -L.k.„Morris, a red and -white HEIFER, -with a light colored spot near end of nose. Any person givine such information as will lead to the recovery of ta above heifer will be suitably rewarded. • 26204 . • GEO. KELLY, ESTRAY STEER. CAME into the p remises of fin Subscriber. Lot 2, Con. 9, Howick, about the 1st of Augustlast, a STEER about 8 mouths old. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses and take it away. WM. EVANS. , • 262e4 • ESTRAY SHEEP, riAME into the premises of the undersig,ned, • Lot. 15 Con. 8, Stanley, on or about Sept. 1, 'a white SHEEP. The owner is requestet1 to prove property, Rey charges and take it away. 262-4 ' . GEORG-E STEVENSON. • ESTRAY STEER. p_AAIE into the premises of the subscriber, Lot N-1 30, Con. 2,,Township of Morris, about the 20th of June, one STEER eeming two years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take the animal away. 262'4 THOMAS BROWN. 0 E-1 THE ONLY ECONOMICAL STORE IN SEAFORTH 1S AT LAIDLAW'S. New Season's Tea! New Season's Tea! 1871 and 1872. THESE ARE SPLENDID TEAS. z Best BLAdK TEA, Imported, New Season, 75c. t) 90e. per pouml. 1_4 P.4 - N. B. -Why pay 60e. to 70e. for Tea you can get for 50e. per pound? COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, 0 'The Finest in the Province 35c. per ib.:o o g• •t Sugars and Soaps at Wholesale Prices. ., C/) H 0 • FRUITS, SPICES, &c., OF THE FINEST QUALITY, . Ci = 1-D JAMES C. LAIDL&W, Next door to tbe Post Ofilce. ESTRAY STEERS; 1_872. ' NOVEMBER 187:2. 2, McKillop, in August last, two yearling - - i ..a._ I / CAME 4 to the premises of the undersigned, Con. - _ STEERS, red in color. ' The owlrer is requested to prove propeity, pay enlarges and take them away. JOHN DAVIS". 262'4 ESTRAY HEIFER. brikmE to Lot 4, Con. 6, McKillop, about the 1st k-/ of September( a yearling HEIFER, greyish color. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expensee and take it away. 262*4 • THOMAS ROURKE. ESTRAY CALVES. AME to Lot 24, South Bayfield Road, Stanley, ••-) about the 21st November, four Spring Calves. The owner is 'requested to prove property pay ex- •perlses ake,thern away. 262*3 , • ' JOHN FOOTE. ESTRAY BULL. 01111E into the premises of the subscriber, Lot • 1)6 north half, Con. 2, Morris, about the l'st of t•-• October last, a red and white yearling BULL. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. SIMEON EAKET. 261e4 -. ESTRAY COW. flamE to Lot 20, Con. 9. Mellillop,-on Nov. 24 N-1 laeto, spotted red and white COW. The owner will pleas' prove property, pay ex-penses and take it away. .1 WILLIAM .GALBRAITH. . 261*4 ESTRAY STEER. (--iamE to Lot 6, on. 5, Hullett, abtmt Nov. 12,a `---) blear and white STEER corning two years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay • charges and take it away. SHA.DRACH M. ABBEY. 261*4 • ESTRAY CA.TTLE. • CAMF to the premises of the undersigned, Mill' Road, 'racket:smith, on Oct. 20, hist, a STEER and a HEIFER, rising two years old; steer mixed blackund white ;, heifer white and red mixed. The owner please prove property, pay expenses and takethein away.. WM. COOPER. 261*4 • ESTRAY HEIFER. into the enclosure of the subscriber about theist of October last, a red. HEIFER, with two white stripes, rising two years old. The - owner is requested to pay charges and take her away, or she willbe sold as the law directs. ROBT. REIL, Lot 12, R. 11. N., Stanley. • 261114 • ESTRAY . STEER. OIME into"tbeprernises of the runlersigned, Lot' 4, Con. 13, Tuekersmith, on or about the 1st of August last, one yearling STEER. The owner is requested to prove property, pay °barges and take It away. . JOHN SHEPHERD, • 261*4 - Rodgerville P. 0., „. ESTRAY CALF. CAmE, to the premises of the undersigned, Lot 1, Con. 5, L. R. S.., Tuekersmith, a, last spring's CALF, of red color mixed with white. The owner will please prove property, pay charges and take it away. ALEX. MeDONALD. -• 261_44 ESTRAY PAME into the premises of thd nndersigned, Lot ‘-1 13, Con. 3. Vrekersmith, H. R. S., on or about the 1st of September last, a sow PIG. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. WALMeCONNELL. • 261-4 STRAYED HEIFER. QTRAYED from Lot 37, Con. 8, Tuckersinith, L. 11/4-3 R. S., on or about the last of julv a year-old HEIFER of red roan color. A zinc ear mirk with the proprietor's mune stamped in full. Any person giving such information to the undersigned as will lead. to its recovery will be suitably reward- ed. JOHN KEMP, Brucefield. 261-4 • :YOUNG CATTLE ESTRAY. OAME to Lot 13, Con. 1, MaKillop, about Nov. 15, two STEERS and a HEIFER; the steers red in color, the heifer white. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay charges and take .1.11.N... -i -1. -EU J-2 ' -....-a-s..--r-xx.a.1.1-1,1 .ci...1.1 hem away. THOM.ALS FOX. 261*4 5 Will find it to their ' . ESTRAY STEER AND PIGS. - to Lot 29, Con. 8, Hibbert, about Nov. 18, CHEQUERED STORCAltE . a red and white year-old STEElt. Also, two / . PIGS about five months old; one white the otlaer • . Where they . will find gGt4apkoetttehde;niTahweayg.NvuEtsmEwills 1H)1IeLltsLesp. ay char26geis*aind ; I. ; -7-1RP-7*. MO ID MI ESTRAY S'I'EER. 1 i • into Lot 21, Con. 5, Grey, on or about the 1st of August last, a red STEER eoming ,three The subscriber baying had long experience in th the Markets, and. having bought his Stock for ORE ye02,r6S1.4oeld. The owner is requested to prove pro- tern:Lined to sell for the smallest possible profit to Perty, pay charges and takTeHitomewAasy. "s transactions,fboth in buyingarid selling. GATENBY. r ESTRAY STEER. SUFORTH-STECIDEfics-rtywrrrci:Tz7-:--1 nAME into the premises of the undersigned, Lot THE Semi-Annuall General Meeting of the Sea- -"-- forth Mechanics' Insi,itute win be held at the N--/ 2, Con. 7, Hullett, on or abont the 15th of No- Oilide of the Librarian, on Tuesday, . 11 f Vember, a red and white S'rEER coming' three 1 January, at half -past seven o'clock, p. in. ! A lull years o& Thoowner is requested to call, prove attendance is required. -. property, pay ebsrges and. take the animal away. 4 -W11. O'CONNOR, Secretary. JOHN HINCKLEY. o 'TT= 1,..A_P,C3I-MST • srrogir, E CHEAPPS STOCK, AND THF, GREATEST VARIETY _ IS TO BE HAD FOR CASH CR A_PPROTED CREDIT AT LIVINGSTONE'S DOMINION HOUSE, AINLEYVILLE _ DUNCAN & DUNCAN. CLEARING SALE Dress Goods and Woolens, Before the end of the PRESENT MONTH. We eall special attention to this Department. Just Received A Fresh Lot of Goods, 1?ought cheap. JITST RECEIVED 11 -1 , HILL'S BRITANNIA HOUSE, Seaforth, A choice lot of those very fashionable GRAY CLOUDS. "Price 35c. and 55c., worth 70c. and $1. "A llepository of Fashion; Pleasure, and instruction." HA RPER'A.5 BAZAR. NOTIegS or TUB PliESS. Thel3AZAlt is edi ted -with a contributidn of tact and talent that we seldom find in any journal, and the journal ittNelf is the organ of the great world of fashion.-13osten Traveller. • The BAPAR commends itself to every member of tire household -to the children by droll and pretty pictures, te the young bidiea by its fashion -plates in endless variety, to the provident matron by its patterns for the children:s clothes, to paterfamil- ias by its tasteful designs for embroidered slippers and luxuriant dressing gowns. But the reading - matter of the BAZAR is uniformly of great excel- lence. The paper bag acquired a wide popularity for the firadde enjoyment it affords -N. Y. Even - g Post; SUBSC1iIPTION8.-1873.- • TralITS: HARPER'S BAZAR, one year .1k4 00.. • An extra copy of either tbelI,LtoAzisTE,WErninv,, or nAZAII will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 each, in one rep:Litt:ince or. Six Copies for .$20, without extra copy. Subscriptions to HARPER'S ALA zE4r., WEEEL'r • and 131.zart, to one address for one yea; siu; or,. two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one Year, $7 - Back numbers Gan be supplied at any time. The five volumes of ILunren's liszArt, for the. Teft.313 1868, '69, '70,„ 171, '72, elegantly botuid in green morocco cloth, will be sent by. express* freight prepaid, for $7 each. The Postage on HATIV}In's BokZ.111. is 20 cents a year, which lona be paid at tile subscribers Post. • Office. Address, HARPER &BROTHEP.S, New York. BERKSHIRE BOAR. A T Seaforth New Dominion House an excellent -LI -1- Berkshire Boar will be kept. for the service or Sows. Terms,$1 cash. 262-4 • JOHN cRrrs. SUFFOLK_ BOAR. 'rib proprietor will keep for serviee -during the. -1- present season a Bret -class • SUFFOLK BOAR, Sired by the Suffolk boar imported, from England by Mr. Fisher, of Colborne, , TERMS. One dollar cash, -with privilege of returning -luring - season. -JAMES LANDESBOMOUGH, Tucker - smith, Lot 28, Con. 3, H. R. S. 26a These are not water -soaked damaged goods, but WARRANTED PERFECT. STAVE BOLTS WANTED 1 undemigned willpay C.A.S11 for 1,200 cords of STATE BOLTS, 84 inches lung; also. 500 cords HEADING BOLTS. basswood, 38 inches long, and any quantity of barrel hoops, delivered at his Stave Factory, Seaforth. 262*9 • JOHN G. AMENT., .( • PURE BERKSHIRE BOAR. FIRST CLAf38. At Service of Farmers. -• 4TERUS-$1, COM, Privilege of returning during season. F. T11031PBON, 259-6 Huron Itoad, Hullett. F.STILAY HEWER. PAME inte Lot 23, Con. 5, Morris, sboutthe Ist Septeruber last, a red and whits -HEIFER, two years old. The owner is requested to prove pro- perty-, PaY charges toil jeAmEitowraimmail. 201-40 •, 1