The Huron Expositor, 1872-12-27, Page 31S72 r.essed like h sat 1:01} L its head 'Argo three- ver its fea -- sides and ,son phan-g- art, the ral view of ,ltd its six the light ; complete f its air of to impress orae ; even east taken to marrow Auld a poor y off his; have been 1 have lost Fir%, of irni- e the cur- terinausse }w -penes >pelled the er the way lay -Buie etvanee to - aid seizing the other ice to face; ►nishment,, from her 1 with an I did the -ed mine ;; Leant upon way. ig of this ; it was lent,: road- ween two fins, one of ; and in age. The Lds imitat- rmausse, I my petti- enehfon. of with open round my glittered ming tome; Lility of a Fized. with :ail !" she [ling wild- you`re ae. Suia-- I stooped vigorous. ure, Slip- id hurled. i through :again. ehead. I Tal of an off—the big to the midnight ri urmured Aims are t., had heart. and when ern by the her neck, n project- thrill of and the [have the cold pale Pg. student. ertnausse.. new that It was e Rue des 1 i --Gi�LTF- thorough Ws whit& tion and lication of eel cc oa,. :akfast to beverage f doctors' Made or Milk. Errsc ondon " `e will ss adopt- o , magi.- at their neon:" - 4M ARE S'CO1- OPHOS expend- whish is hl is bal- ive fano- ipator of ' lit to his that sci sire d as - upon his y ,act of e of ner r e magna.- nd since n really. , it must success- ast. . DO: YOU IT IS f medoine d„nlc rut of e One of t prepay- are known. Scientific formed of portions of hick; could hem or in reparation e, forming ssibility be 'roportiona gredenta, ver before: rushing re- pplication d. It con- els, -:°use- Wherever ; - whereas alcohol is a quart - . Ps, I . Y. gado,. Ont.,, zed. Oa and R. DEC. 27, .' x72: GAIETIES. This most striking difference be- tiveen a fool and a looking -glass is, that the fool speaks without reflect- ing, and the looking -glass meets Without }peaking. - " .Don't you remember the ne4t word in your lesson 1 It's the word after cheese. What comes , after cheese `r" "Mouse !" triumphantly exclaimed the puzzled pupil. —A wag, seeing a heavy dooi nearly tiff its hinges, in which con- dition it had hung for some time, ob- served that when it had fallen and killed some one itrwould provably br hung. —A, man recently . broke off a Marriage ltecause the lady did not possess good conversational powers. A friend told-bim he should have married her, and then refused her a new bonnet, to have developed her power of talk. , - -An Iris Dian passing through a -village near'Chester, Penn., saw a crowd approaching, which made him, inquire what was the matter. He was -answered : " A man is going to he buried." " Oh," replied he, "I'll stop to see that, fere we carry them in the oolia try." —A good story is told of a clergy- man in a Massachusetts town, who forgot his notes on a . Sabbath morn - in.; as it was too late to sand for thecal ; he said to'his audience, by way of apology, that this 'morning he should have to depend upon the Lord for what he alight say, but in the afternoon he would come better prepared. —A leap -year proposal was thus made : Mary—" Well, my dear Eli, father thought I had better see you and proposer'" Eli—" Oh, darling one, I am thine ! Take me, never mind father : take me as 1%am ! Take—'? Mary—" But, Eli, let me explain. They wanted me to see you and thank you for your many kindnesses, and propose that you don't come here• any more." Freshest Gleanings. - TH HURON iXPOSITOR. happy day wa's visited by a large chari- varing party, whom he invite house and hospitably entertain kind treatment satisfied the ch for that night, but they very u ly returned the attack on the night. The serenade had not commenced, when one of the tempted. to fire off an old must refused to work. He put a second charge in and again attempte to dis- charge it, when it exploded nd burst the' barrel, tearing his left arm into frag- ments. ' This . unfortunate cir umstance spoiled the sport. - -Mr. Aquilia Walsh, late M. P. for North Noirfolk, and chairm u of the Board of 'the Intercolonial Railway com- missioners, is seriously . ill att Ottawa. His recovery is doubtful. into his d. This rivariers grateful - following long been arty at -- et, but it A lode of cinnabar has been dis- covered is-covered in Washington Territory. —Louisville has a newly *vent- ed steam car on trial upon her stireet rail ways- -A quarrel over a twenty-five cent bet resulted in a nmrder at Richmond, Ky., lately. —The editor of tire` Louisiana Saztr Bowl has started the Louisi- ana Cotton Boll. ` —Abington, Mass., has forbidden more than three; car 4ages in Catholic funeral processions. — brother and sister lately got lost in a snow -storm on a Minnesota prairie and were frozen to death_ -- —iVlr. Shott, of Staunton, Va., was shot at Alauasses, eleven years ago, and has just got the shot out of Lis leg. -A $100 roosterl at - the ,New Haven Poltltry Show, fell dead while the judges were examining his good, points.. ' —Shelbyville, Ky., has citizens who prove thenmselves capable of de- facing monuments in the public cemetery. —An old lady in Boston inquired the other day foi the Congregational Iron Company. Corrugated was the proper word. -A London Coroner says that 3,000 infants are smothered to death in England a` year by sleeping with their rnothets. --Since March 1,209 vessels have. leen stranded on the great lakes, twenty-one have foundered, eighty 11 aye, beer- totally lost. - —A. workman 'at the Howe Sfw ing Machine Company, Bridgeport, the other day stepped into a kettle of boiling sogla. —A guileless Dani)nry man saw a beautiful chromo advertised ' for fay cents,' and -sent on the money, andandreceived the jack of clubs. —A_ Meridian man thanks his ,father forp .lacing $200 in the bank • r . for himirn when he was six yea s old, , the interest how amounting to $1,- 500. - -About 2,000 men and 400 oxen will be em pioped in the Upper Mlssissil.ti pinei•ies this season. It is estimated that 175,000,000 feet of logs will be cut. *a. -- -Flom Mr. A. Dulmage, agent for the Hudson's Bay Company,- a contemporary learns that the hunters' and trappers have, up to date, been more than usually successful. The furs -are quite as thick GROCERIES CROCKER r AND GLASSWARE To be had at the . FLOUR AND FEED STORE At ,the lowest prices. [all and examine our well -selected stook of TEAS, -SUGARS, COFFIES, &c. Canned Fruit, Oysters, Se4lmon, I1ohaters and ' Sardines constanfly,ou hand. - Stook raisers would do well to try Simpson's Horse and Cattle Spice, the finest and cheapest Condi-_ tion Powder in the world. J. P. 1 NDAT:T, & Co.'s (late W. A. Shearson & Co.) celebrated FAMILY FLOUR Delivered on the shortest notice. The highest Market Price paid for all kinds of Produce. CEDAR POSTS !and SHINGLES Mill on hand TB O VIAS LEE. POULTRY! POULTRY ! The a bseriber will pay the HIGHEST CASH. PRICES - Fur any quantity of fat, well-dressed �T .[TRY Fn Delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, Main -street, Seaforth. POULTRY TO BE DRAWN, 227 --- D. D. WILSON. CASH and GRAI N JOHN Jr, OGAN DUNCAN -, & DUNCAN_. CLEARING SALE OF CLOTHING' AND BOOTS AND SHOES. THE !LARGEST STOOK OF' CLOTHfNC To choose from. And a first-class stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, AT PRICES AS LOW AS THE VERY' LOVv EST. - Begs to inform all those indebted to him, either by Note or Book Account, that they must call and settle the same; on or, before the 1st of January next, and save expense or trouble. The accounts and -notes are in the hands of Messrs. Logan & Jaruieson, who are authorized to receive money and grant receipts for me. JOHN LOGAN. ~GRAIN. On and after MONDAY, Sept. 2-, I will be pre - Tared to purchase all kinds of Graiu and other Farm Produce, for which I will pay the highest :market price in cash, with fair play, for any quan- tity delivered' at my Store -house, at the Railway Station. Seaforth. 250 JOHNJOHNLOGAN. - AN TI -COMB [NATION. SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. JOHN M, MARTIN WISHES to return thanks to his customers and friends for their generous patronage since as- .snming charge of the above Works, and begs to re- quest the attention of all who may require any- thing in his line to the following list of prices, at which he is prepared to furnish work of a quality that cannot be surpassed in the trade : HORSE RAKES $ 5 00 FARM GATES. from... 3 50 WAGON RACKS:, - 7 00 WHEELBARROWS. 4 75 LAND ROLLERS ..$15 and upwards. SURFACE DRESSING, per 1000 $ 2 FLOORING and beveled BOARDING per10004 SCROLL SAWING done by the piece or set. The Victoria Chemical Company, Sole Proprietors and Ma'nufactnrers of the Cele- brated Victoria Carbolic Preparatiots. Laboratory and Warks, Victoria Hall, Melinda Streets, Toronto, Ont. The following Genuine Propnratibns are sold by all Drnggista. Be sure and ask for the VICTORIA PREP_utAn:ONs, and see that you get them. - Victoria Carbolated Glycerine Jelly. This JELLY is highly recommended to Ladies as a most agreeable Preparation for the Toilet. For -Beautifying the Complexion, and rendering the Skin Soft, White, Clear, and free from Dryness, it is unrivalled. it will quickly remove all Redness, Roughness, Tan, Freckles, Pimples, and other im- perfections. For Chapped Hand i, Chilblains, Frost Bites and Sore Lips, it cannot be surpassed. Price 2i cents. - Victoria Carbolic Toilet Soap. REPAIRING MACHINES. CODERICH FOUNDRY: THE undersigned, having sold the Huron Foundry, property and stock to and Manufacturing Con}pany," begs to thank the public for their lib nineteen years, and trusts that they will continue to send their orders to tbl Goderich,10th June,1872. h a Goderich Foundry al support during the past new Company. B. BUNCIMAM Referring to the above notice, The Goderich Foundry & Manufacturing Co. Bog to inform the public that they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS ; SAWING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IROS: AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards; GANG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER,. ALSO, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITU WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. All orders addressed to the Company or. Secretary will receive prompt attention. -1 ROBERT RUNCIMM , HORACE HORTON, General Manager. President. ARCHIBALD HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. I am prepared at all times to repair the wood- y .rk . of reaping and mowing machines, and, in fact, every other machine that can bo mentioned. ` Boxes babbited. TO WAGON MAKERS'. The undersigned would also beg to inform Wag- on and Carriage Makers that -he keeps constantly on hand, all kinds of Bent Stuff suitable for their work. - Carpenters, Builders, Farmers, and the public generally in need - of any of the above articles would do well to favor me with their patronage, as in my new premises, I have facilities for doing this branch of work which cannot be surpassed. JOHN M. M ART EN. - -Seaforth Novelty Works, Goderich Street. 228 AINLEYVILLE PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY The snbseriber having bought gut tine above Mill, also the good -will of the late firm, is now prepared to fill all orders in his line of business. This TOILET So tP possesses all the well-known antiseptic and 'disinfecting properties of Carbolic Acid, is agreeably -scented, has a healthy action on the skin, pievents irritation, .rernoves the effects, of porspiration4 and should be regn]arly used by families. Cholera, Smallpox find Fever Patients shoxld be washed with this Soap ; and its use by persona liable to infection will materially - prevent the spread of dsease. Price 15 cents per Tablet. Victoria Carbolic Salve. This SALVE is a rapid cure for all, Skin Diseases, Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burus, Sorea, Ulcers, Ring- worm, 'fetter; Eczema, Scald Head, Scurvy, Abs- COHses, Boils, Pimples, &c. It p;ossesseS all. the cleansing 'and.. healing virtnes of Carbolic Acid, which has been found by Physicians everywhere to possess curative qualities not diacoverecl in any other chemical preparation. Price 25 Cents. Victoria Carbolic Gargarysma. This GArt;L-E is the most reliable and efficacious Remedy in all cases of Sore Throat, Profuseness, Diptheria, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Bronchial Tubes so common in this eharigeable climate, ',Asthma, Offensive Breath, Ulcerated Gnms, and all diseases of the Mouth. For Public Speakers and Singers it is invaluable. The ingrredierts en- tering into this Gargle are used by all Physicians, and for the euro of the -above disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most popular ;in the MATERIA Mn-rcA. Prij;e 25 cents. 4 Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant. This 1ISINFECTANT is a sure preventive of Typhus and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, a'nd.all in- fections diseases. It will prevent Contagion in Cattle., It is also invaluable for Disinfecting Wa- ter Closets, Drains, Cesspools-, Stables, Slaughter- houses; &c., and for destroying nauseous effluvia from whatever cause arising. It will- drive away Mosquitoes, Moths, Flies, CoekroeChea, &c. Meat, Fish, &e., can be preserved from ptitrefaetiori by its use. Carbolic Acid was selected by Her Majesty's Royal Commissioners, in preference to all other products. as. the best Disinfectant for the preven- tion efinfections diseases. Price25 cents. Victoria Sharpening and Polishing Paste This PREPARATION is unequalled in its rapidity as those.Of last season, denoting the pro- for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table 13,h,hf of a severe and long winter.:PocketKnives,Razors, Su'rgiCalInstruments., Shoe - y mai:ors' Knives, Plane Bits and Chisels, fie. Noth- ing has ever been. discovered which has sprung into popularity- more quickly, or, becsro of s-• much value in every household and workshop for general usefulness. Price 25 cents. 280 . Deer have also been unU-Stjally plentrtul, and of game generally th-e same may be said. The market is lower than last year, with little prospects of a rise at present. ree nt. � BOA RD 1 NG. —The Manitoba Free Piens says : As 'COLL4p�.Y has leased. the large sna cog one result of the rapid grove �t growth of in:ni- H• ruodhous honsc, on thou . t� Works fitted itunp ds peg the Presbyterian (Church has had to adjoining cl ue Railway Good table,nd ba comfortable j Y as a.b r he nlarQecl. An addition of eighteen rooms. Persons wishing a pleasant boarding- feet has been made to its length. An- house should apply, as there are at present a few other fact -m this connection, is that this sacaneies hot 1 na t boarders geccomruodat2 d atI 28 rich, fromhello.}mission,' has re- less Sash,' Doors and Mouldings ON HAND AND - MADE TO ORDER On the shortest notice. _ _ than e e4 _._ -- fess th- _-• — iiE undersigned has $$,000 al n upward, private Tfunds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per annum, on Farm property. Charge* moderate. Dl,uringe Licenc5s issued. Apply to 227-52 W. G. WILSON, Zurich. act ved upon becoming self-supporting and MONEY :TO LE Lei D. PLANING .� Strictly attended to.. HOUSE BLOCKING ALWAYS ON HAND AND .Promptly supplied. JA1r 1 S BENNETT. Aiuleysille, May 16, 1872. 232-47 paying a minister ;2,-000. —It is. stated that the Globe has i•e- • ceived private, but positive information that Mr. Brvdges' engagement as Manag- ing Director of the Grand Trunk, which terminates on the 31st of December, will not be` renewed. - The truth of this we doubt. al ao ". d to are incline • . —A young farther in the township of Southaold, County of Elgin, got married .a .few days ago, and on the evening of the 227-52 - - MONEY TO LOAN. THE subscriber has MONEY to loan to any amount on good farm property. Interest, SIX - and t " teresprin- ciple I the interest ' R I cent. annum, per per aa•e paid yearly, and 8 per cent. per annum when the interest only is paid. A. G. MCDOUGALL, At cheap cash Store, sign of the Bear. uwn-evOrm.e SEWING MACHINES. GEORGE NIEBERGALL: Manager Agricultural Department. Goderich, Ontario, Jnne 10, 1872. 243 S1OYE,STOVES, STOVES. 'COOKING, PARLOR, PARLOR 000K, AND BOX STOVES IN GREAT VARIETY, FROM THE BE ST MANTTFACTTTRERS - A NEW SUPPLY OF - Th Howe and the Osborn ,SE JPIK& MACHINES, 1 - , With all the latest improvements, just received at W. N. WATSON'S, SEAFORTH.' d the repu- tation e Call and see them. Their well-established pu - tation renders it unpecessary to particularize their superior qualities, fnrther than that they are the best and cheapest made. - Sewing machines of nll kinds repaired, cleaned and put in perfect order, at my office, by a thorough- ly practical machinist from Toronto. WM. N. WATSON, Seaforth. Z -i c giiitron 0, 1w itoi IS PP.DLISHEn • EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN SEAFORTH TERMS. --$l.50 per year in advance, or $2 at the and of the year. Advertising Rates. TRANSIIiNT. First insertion, per line, 8 cents subsequent in- sertions, 2 cents each time, per line. CONTRACT RATE. One column one year " " half " 3 months Hnlf " one year - << t° half " .4 " 3,mon .the •One-fourth one year s, " half 8 " " months •- One-eighth one year' „ - „ half " " 3 months One -twelfth one year „ " half " " " ` 3 months IN TITE DOMINION, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. EVERY STOVE _ FURNISHED WITH SUPERIOR FURNITURE OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. JOHNSON BROS., MYERS' BLOCK, A/IATN-ST_, SEAFORTH_ DUNCAN & DUNCAI!'S CLEARING SALE OF { LADIES' and GENTS' FTJRS, IN MINK, ERMINE AND SEAL THERE ARE BARGAINS TO BE HAD. WHAT 1 EXT? Allen's Grocery and Provision Store, Opposite Powell's Hotel, Seaforth, is about the best place in Town to get CIHOICE TEAS, BRIGHT SUGARS, .NEW RAISINS, CLEAN CURRANTS, CANDIED PEELS, FRESH' SPICES, BEST PICKLES, $60 00 35 00 -i 20 00 85 00 20 00 12 W 20 00 I 1300 008 12 00 8 00 5 00 8 00 500 8 00 Business Carols+, (6 lines and under, V- year.. 400 Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, etc., not exceeding 10 lines—first month, $1; after first mouth, 51) cents eaeh mouth. Advertisements of FABMIS and -REAL ESTATE for sale, not exceeding 15 lines—first month, $1 50; each subsequent month, 75 eents. Births, Marriage,, Deaths—Gratis. .Advertisement;; without specific directions will be inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. McLE AN BROTHERS. ROOMS ,TO LET; TO LET, in Scott's Block, two com.nodion 1 Rooms on the M`CAUOHEYApply OLMSTED.' 195 NEW BISCUIT, CANNED PEACBB1sS, - CANNED TOMATOES, CANNED PEAS, CANNED SALMON, CANNED LOBSTERS, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Consisting of FANCY 000.DS, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, JE WELI-R Y, JEWEL CASES, MUSICAL I ii STR UMEHTS, MATHAMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. Albums in great variety. BOOKS, BIBLES} A fine assortment of Pocket, Family and Church Bibles, in fine Moroco Bindings, Testaments, - Prayer Books and Psalm Books, Or anything to make a good dIRISTMAS runniNG. Floor, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Rice, Pot Barley, Graham Flour, Potatoes, Beets. Carrots, &c., CHOICE ROLL BUTTER. . GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. Q AND SEE_ WM. ALLEN. Children's Books, Writi g Desks, Work Boxes, Ladies' Companions. BANKR1JPT STOCK IN SEAFORTH, (JOHN LdGAN'S OLD STAND) SILKS, MILLINERY, DRESS • GOODS, SHAWLS, Consisting MANTLES, - GLOVES, HOSIERY, - LINENS of Also, just arrived, SANTA OT A D S, With lots of Toys for Girls and Boys, at R. LUMSDEN'S, Corner Drug Store. Seaforth. FOIL THE CHEAPEST- - AND BEST FURNITURE, TWEEDS, UNDERCLOTHING, FLANNELS, CARPETS, - NEW WOOL GOODS, And a full assortment of IRST1iLASS -lGOODS �( � SALEDAYS. IFA FOR 10 d• NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT THE • MAXCHESTER HOTJSE. GO TO JOHN STAUFFER'S AINLEYVILLE .. Sign of the Two Bureaus. JUNE 18, 1872. 237-52 CABINET-MAKER WANTED, - WANTED a first-class Cabinet-maker, to work. - at piece -work; -good wages. J. STAUFFEIR, Ainleyville. -- CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S. OIDEAP.TR TILLY EVER. TUFTS & HAMILTON Are giving great bargains in GPOCh;TtIES, CROCKERY, Glassware and China. Be sure and buy your Christmas and New Year's Groceries, Wines and Liquors at - TUFTS & IIAJIILTOiY'S Cheap Grocery, Brussels, (Late Ainleyvjlle,) :!Where you will find every thing that. is usnaly kept in a FIRST-CLASS GROCE1tY., And of the best quality, Cheap for Cash or Farm Produce. XMAS IS COMING! 110 ! TO C. ARMSTRONG'S BOOK AND TOY STORE, FOR Christmas meal .Yew Year's Presents, Where yon will find a more than usually large stock of - Toyi, Book and Fancy Goods, ' Of all descriptions. iodized Cod Liver Olt. THIS Preparation is a solution of Iodide of Iron ere the simple Ori rs orderedl used in. all cases ah _ , and will be found greatly amerior to it. This preparation is highly beneficial in Pulmonary Con- snmption, Scrofulous Complaints, Chronic Skin Dices;ses, and foe all chrome disorders arising from defective digestion, assimilation or nutrition. It is also highly useful in Chronic Rheumatism and Gout. Price $1. - Coinpound Syrup of Ilypophosp lite•. ,etion eontainingthe TePlro rr agreeable is an, HI S1> Potash and of time, , Soda, Iron, with free Hypophosphorons Acid. This Syrupis a certain remedy for General Debility from any cause, Nervous Diseases and Scrofulous Complaints. It is also highly useful in diseases of the bones (especially in infants) and Incipient C,onsunrption. Price 81. The above Preparations are of standard medical reputation, and containing no secret ingredients, may be prescribed by physicians w ithont hesita- tion. Pr opared by JOHN '<r ILLIAMS, - London, Ontario. Far sal,, by -11. LnmFdprr. Seaforth; J.R. Grant, Ainley vide; G. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and Druggists 235 generxtlly . JOHN BULLARD, • LICENCED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. ' Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at this office will he plum - Wally �' attended to, or at Tar place Lot o 11, Con. 11 McKillop. JOHN BULLARD, Auctioneer. in perfectly pure Cod. Liver Oil. It may be 1 �-