HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-12-20, Page 8—eseen
r7 -
Attot itgoito-r.
BEXITY & Ca. have received Li large lot
of the very finest Teas for the Christmastrade. The,y
are also reeeiving their new stook of Raisins, Cur-
rants., and a geineralstookof fresh_Groceaiee, Wines
and Liquors. Their stock of Dry Goods, as usual,
is well assorted in all departments. Gall and
examine. BEATTY & Go., Carmiehaers Block..
T. ae. enders= has just received a fine variety of
Rritelataeks m dm Gents' Furniehing line, auitable
for the Holidays. He hag also a very niee stock of
Checked, Tweeds, which ineke the most handsome
snits for -winter wear that QUu be got. In. -Fancy
Testings. and Gettts' Fur G4.00Ele, his stock is hex&
to beet, either as regards quality or price. .
Ilaieius, loose- Muscatel Raisins, blaok Basket
Raisins, Seedless Raisins at STRoNa & Falax.ex's,
Now CURRANTS., Oranges, Lemons,
Cranberries, Peanuts and Chestnuts at STRONG &
suitable for Christmas parties at Saito'. & PAIRz's„.Seaforth.
Si. THOS. KIDD'S Black Grosgrain
Silk; 12 yards for VS, worth $18.
THOMAS KIDD offers Good All -Wool
Canadian Tweeds for 80 cents per yard, worth $1.
EXPOSITOR for 1878.. $1 50
1POSITO11 and wEEsatt naonn
for Ifii78.. - ... . ... . . : . . 2 75
Several parties having .misunderstood the an-
nouncement heretofore published in this column,
Under the heading "Business Notice," we deem
it necessary to state that it is tlae "WEEKLY GLOBE
We offer to subscribers of the Henose Exrcie/ana
for 1 25, NOT the EXPOSITOR itself. •
The ),I.CI'OSITOR Office 4as beeu remoi:ed
to the new Premises on John. Street, ill?,
'mediately itz Tear Of the old Post Office
building. ,
• aceount of a, demand made by the journey-
men shoemakers of this village on their
employers for higher Wages, the Boot
and Shoe dealers have been compelled to.
make a slight riee in the prices of ordered
work of all kinds, also in repairing.
-RETURNED. —Mr. George Jackson, Of
Egenonderille, has returned .from a tour
in 'theBritish Isles. Mr. Jackson, on his
return -vevaat, encountered very stormy
weather, the tearner being nearly twice
the usual time in making the trie. '
ST. Teroaries' CHITROIL—To-day having
been appointed a day of special igter-
cession, throughont the enthe Anglican
Chieride, for the increase of misaionories,
there will be Divine Service in St.
Thomas', Church at 11 a. m., and 7:30
Cercroae SERVICES. —We wbuld Leeman
remind our reader e of the services iu the
Wesleyan Methodist Church of this vil-
lage on Sunday next, in the mornieg and
evening, also of the annual Tea ti eeting
on Christioas evening. Talented'speak-
ors are expected to be presehh on each
MASONIC SOMiL. —The members of
Britannia, Lodge, A. F. and A. M., in-
tend celebrating the anniversary of St.
John the Evangelist, by a social, in the
Lodge Room, on the evening of Friday
neat, An efficient committee has been
appointed to make the necessary ar-
rangements, and. a pleasant time es an-
Mtatimanam—We have been. informed
thot all the members of the present Coun-
, ail intend to stand for re-election. We
also leorn that, at the urgent request of
many ratepayers, Messrs. D. D. Wilson
and B. Shantz have consented to be
placed rn nomination for the position of
Councilors. It is likely that Mr. Ben-
son, Reeve, Will be allowed to occupy his
present position for another year.
TSACHERS' ASSOcaaTION. —The meeting
of tile Teachers' Association of the Coun-
ty of Huron held in the school house on
Satin:clay- lest was very fairly attended.
There was guttein large represeetation of
teachers present from all parte of the
County. Interesting discussions were
had on Albieets of igterest to the profes-
sion. The chair was occupied by Mr.
Dewar, President of the Asseciation.
BEeoem THE BEAK. number of Our
merchants were summoned on Tuesday
_evening Ia,st, by Street Inspector Harris,
th file an appearance before two of Her
Majesty's Justices of the Peace, on the
charge of obstructing the public highways
,by leaving wood, boxes, barrels, &c., on
-the sidewalks. and street sides. Theyac-
knowledgecl the corn, paid_ their fines,
and took the blessing of the " Beak "
with good grace. Hard but honest.
have received the prospectus of the "Out.
tario Teacher" a new educational journal
to be published at Strathroy, Ont., by
Mr. George W. Ross, M. P.and Inspec-
tor of Schools, and Mr. Hugh McColl,
Editormf the Strathroy Age. From the
well known literary ability of the pub-
lishers, and in view of their having had.
considerable practical_ exuerience
teachers, are have no doubt but the " On-
tario Teacher will be all that is promis-
ed in the prospectus. We bespea,k for it a
generous sopport from the school teach-
ers of Ontareo. The subscription price is
.$1.25 per atation.
SERIOU S STeeanDING...A.IeFRAY. -LA serious
otebbing affray took pace in Seafoitli on
the morning of Thursday last. The par-
ticulars are as foliows : Two inen owned
James Katt and Peter Cowan, have been
emploYed in Grey, .Sparliug & Co.'s Salt
Works, the one workirig till twelve
o'elocktat 'sightand the o,ther taking -his
place. Both men lived in ..Eginondville,
and OR the morning in questiou E:itt,
Wi.1.0. WM WOrkinfr the first part of the
night, left for °home about half -pest
twelve. itilien, n early eppos i te the -card-
ing mill he met Cowan going to his winds.
Kitt remarked -to Cowan that he was late,
whereupon the latter rushed at the for--
merastabbing him several times with a
knife, and swearing that he would kill I
in, Kitt, it seem', had. his hands in however, not
ihis pocket e at the tiene. and was unable (..'‘ear creature's
-to defend himself. After being knocked oven her parcel
down, and struck several times with the
knife, he escaped and ran to his house.
Cowen pursued his, way to the salt works
and went to work as if nothing had hap-
pened. The parties are eairl to hdve hacl an
altercation a few days previously, which
was no doubt, the foundation of the pres-
ent =Wilt. 00 -Wall „ has been arrested
and is now in. the lock up awaiting his
trial before the magiatrates. Kitt is an
Englishman, and has only been in this
country a few Weeks, He is said by his
employers to be a quiet, sober, industri-
ous man, while his assailant is said to be,
the very reYerse. Kitt is still confined tc;s
to bedfro the effect of his injuries,
which, altli- ugh very severe, are notcou-
sidered dan erous..
• CONFIR TION. — We learn that On
Sunday mo ing, the 29th inst., the
Right Revel end J. Hellumth, D. D., D:
C. he.- Bisho 'of 'Huron, will hold a con-
fiemation in St. Thomas' Church in this
village, A number of persons are to
receive the holy lite of laying on. of
hands," andthe Bishop will preach on be-
half of the idows' and orphans' fund. of
the diocese. .
PROMENA eE CONCERT. — We , under -
Stand that the - Thomas' Church
:Ladies' 'Aid -Society intend giving a
,Piennenade 'oncert in the Town Hall, on
,6aturday ev niog, the 28th inst. The
,Bishop -of tie diocese will be present and
deliver en a dress. Oyeters will be pro-
vided for th lovers _of thishivaleee and no
pohisSevill b spared to make the evening
thotoughle enjoyable one,
•AcoIDENT.—On Thursday evening of
last week, a atIr. T. K. Anderson mer-
chant tailor, df this village, was alight-
ing from the train at the -water tank, a
short distan e on this. side of the Strat-
ford Static) , his foot slipped, causing
him to fall heavily upon • the frozen
ground and. severely Injure himself in-
ternally. A the time, Mr. Anderson did
not much fest the effect of his fall, and
after transac tine his business in Stratford.
returned ho e by the evening train. On
Friday morn ng, however, he became so
ill that he h. d to retire to bed, where he
has since ben confined, We are elect to
learn, that, . lthough yet unable to be up,
he is recover g.
A' ihrEw Bt
ward Cash,
ter Inspeoto
past, has
closee confine
health. Th
us, is anyth
The farmers
ing too parti
butter, whil
complaio of
as Mr. Cash'.
man in who
have every
ment to the r
of his fitness
THE "Lop
learn that at
Growers' As,
resolution at
sist in the est
and Bag Fag
drawn. The
part of the
company has
to proceed w
pendent of th
aid from it.
`doubt clisap
We anderstaa
of about $18
ott so
be set on foo
irrEB, INaoEcTom—Mr. Ed-
die has been acting as But -
in this village for some time
esigned his positioo. The
ent to the °Mee, we be-
at agree with Mr, Oash's
position, Mr...Cash informs
ng but an agreeable one.
abuse the Inspector for be-
ular asto the quality of the
the -merchants con tinually
his not being particular
Currie has been appointed
• successor. He is a gentle -
the farming community
onfidence, and his appoint-
ffiee is a sufficient guarantee
or the position.
toward the n
aid it, if the
as we have n
FACTORY. —We regret to
the last meeting cif the Flax
oeiation, the offer made by
he pine -ions ineetiag, to as-
blishment of a .Rope, Twine
ory in Seeforth, was with -
cause of this action on the
ssociation. that a private
been formed in St. Marys
ill the work, entirely inde-
Associati on, is and without
This announcement will no
oint many of our citizens.
d that stock to the amount
000 had been subscribed.
n.e other useful enterprize
and the stock subscribed
pe factory lipptopriated to
ubscribers were agreeable,
doubt they would. be ? ,
RUNAWAY. A: runaway which carne
very near ha dug, a serions tetmination
took place:an Wednesday last. A fracti-
rses became frightened on
ilway track, and the driv-
1 control over them; was
e sleigh. The horses kept
reet, and whennearly op-
nsion Hotel overtoek and
her sleigh on the street.
this sleigh did not notice
eam until they were on the
The team ran completely
oyer the sleig i and got mixed up with
the other hors m. 'The two sleighs and
two teams we � thus entangled and. the
man on the rl at sleigh was lying under
the toprnoet s eigh. A crodol soon gath-
ered around, hen the horses were got
apart, and th; sleigh removed from the
top of the ma.. Be was entirely uein-
jorecl, but badly frightened. No further
damage was d ne.
ous team bf h
I crossing -the r
er, , losing a
thrown from t
on up Main s
posite the iltf
ran into ano
The driver in
the runaway
top of him-
Snoo Lame sese-a0n Saturday last a
g from the township of
pedagogue, ha
Hullett, was e ught in the act of pur-
loining a pair f cloth boots at the store
of Messrs. (man & Jamieson. This
ifidividual mit ered the bank store for the
porpose of sel cting for himself a pair of
boots, which e desired to purchase, but
affecting to 1 e hard to please he was
about leaving hi thou t making a purchase
when one of ti e clerks noticed. that his
coat seemed 1, ulged out in the breast,
and. accordnig v called him back into the
store again, atcl pulled .from trader his
coat a I ulettantiail and handsome
pair of cloth s oes. When detected the
teacher of ti e young. idea" offered, to
pay for the hoes, but the rproprietors
speedily sho ed him the door. Had
they given hin into the eharge of a con-
stable it wool . have served him right.
Another remai kable case of theft came
under our noti e a day or two ago. A
young lady o rather prepossessing ap-
pearance ente ed the store of Messrs.'
Duncan. & Du can and. purchased a Wed -
„cling dress for herself. She was anemia -
pained. by her betrothed. After she
had made h r purchases, the young
man who deco pained her took the der's'
to the back en 1 of the store to make ar-
rangements fo his wedding coat. While
the clerk was thus engaged the young
lady pickect fr in the counter tivo pieces
of poplin, pla,c d them under her shawl
and lett the sa re, taking with her also
the dress she h id purchased. The youug
man could. in) succeed in making ar-
rangements about t he coat, and shortly
.left the store t o. When the cleric came
back to the Coe uter, he missed the goods
and communet
to Mr. Thomae
ascertaioing t
come infrom ti
had put up at )
paired thither,
the si tt.in g roo
errand to the y
ly protested
tecl the facts of the affair
4V. Doncan. Mr. Duncau
at the toting pair had
e north on the stage, and
rnox's Hotel, at once re
and found them in one of
s. He communicated his
ung lady, but she stroilg.
mocefice. Mr. Diumau,
seing satisfied_ with 'the
irotestations, proceeded to
, She of course demurred
to ebis, and sti niatized the action as ex-
ceed_ingly- rude. Herprotestations were
disregarded, a
wrapped, the
-found nicely r
dress and othe
ehased. The p ospective bride, of course
in tears, pfead d that they bad been
d the parcel being un-
nissing dry goods were
lied up with the new
articles she had ur-
taken in mistake, but' Mr. Dan= is
very .much inclined to think the mistake
was a wilful. one, and he is dcubtlees
correet. The same person also visited.
Mr. Eill's store, where- she putchased a
hat, but here nothing was missed after
she left., Her future husband was stand-
ing by When the stolen goods were taken
from the parcel in the hotel. The- 14-
ing pair took their departure .on the
stage in the afternoon, and Will not
likely honor Seaforth eileth their plies-
ewe for some time to corn.
CHRISTMAS DAL—Wednesday next,
being Christmas day there will be Di vine
Service he St. Thomas' Church'. (Episco-
pal) in the morning at 11 o'clock, and in
the evening at 7:30 o'clock.
ANN I VERSAR Y SERV -1.0 ES . ne anni-
versary services in connection with the
'Wesleyan 'Methodist Church, 0 orrie,
will be held on Sunday, Dec. 29; and
Wednesday, Jan. 1. Ou Sabbath , ser-
mons will be preached morning and
evening, by Rev. 0. Watson, of Simcoe.-
On Wednesday tea will be saved in the
Wesleyan Hall. , *
A Patna FOR' GER atAN8. —The Strat-
ford Canadisches Kolonist has been sold
out by Mf. Teascher 6o Messrs. Schmid.
& Sehereatate of Waterloo Village. The
Ko/onist was started about ten years ago
by Mr. Teuecher and. carried On by him
ever since. We hope that the general
good fortune of Stratford publishers has
been his, and that he retires *With a coin-
fortahle competeney. The KO/Mist is
certainly the. best -looking and most care-
fully got up German paper in Canada,
and Gimans who still retain a love for
the language and. literathre of Father-
land should patronize it.
merits are in progress, we understand,
to have Main street, from the railway
_ .
crossing to Goderich street, fenced. in for
a trotting course during the Iwinter sea-
son. This is a. capital idea. It will give
the drivers of fast horses an opportunity
of pursuing their favorite pastime unin-
terrupted by fatmere sleighs, ancl will,
at the same time,' conduce to the safety
of pedestrious, who will then be compell-
ed. to _take the back streets. It may
prove a slight inconvenience to mer-
chants and business men, but they will
Orobebly get used to it in time, and,
after a while. they may even come to-
likeit. •
SUDDEN DEA TH. —We regret to learn
of the 'sudden death at Sarnia., en 1 -Sun-
day last, of Daniel Moran, Printer, son
of Mr. D. Moran of this village. Yonne
Moran had been employed in the Observer
Office, Sarnia, for smne time. He left
work on Saturday night, in the full en-
joyment of his usual robust health, and.
even on Sunday attended cleurch in the
forenoon, an Sunday School in the
afteruoon., Upon leaving his boarding -
house on Sonday afternoon to go to
school he seemed to be in the best of
spirits and in the enjoyinent of good.
health. On returning from Sunday
echoot he complained ef being vveery, and
lay down upon his bed, a,nd in less than
an hour afterward e he was a 'corpse. ;.He
thed flied without manifOting the slightest
symptoms of pain. 'Medical aid was
summoned, but too late. The Doctors
attribute his sudden death to appoplexy.
Hinmother received the sad intelligenCe
on Mondayforeneon last, and inarnediate-
ly started for Sarnia, where she remain-
ed. entil , after the funeral, which took
place on. Ttteideer and was very largely
attended. seMr.41oran. \vas fermate, eni-
ployed in the EXPOSITOR Office; and was
a most exemplary young Man. He was
pbssessed of more than ordinary
and industry, .rend had his life been spar-
ed he would in:doubted:1y have become a
useful and prosperous citizen. He was
not quite 19 years of age.
AinertEss.—A goodly number of the
friends of Rev. H. B. Palmer, M. E.
Minister, surpritect hins unceremonious-
ly by entering his new -parsonage a -little
after 7 t'clock; on the evening of Mon-
day, 16th inst., taking. possession of the
entire house. After a few minuted de-
lay, order was called by Mr; 0. C. Wil-
son, when Dr. Campbell read the follow-
ing address, 'during which Mrs.' Wilson
and Mrs: W. Porter tiresented the rev-
erend gentlemau. with a puree emitaining
over $30 :
To Rev. H. -13, Palmer Reverend
and Dear Sir—Being desirous of eXpress-
iog our approval of youi conduct as a
faithful expounder of the sublime truths
of that Divine volume, -which is the char-
ter of our liberties here and our only
hope hereafter, your earnest -advocacy of
evader eform whit& is calculated to leave
our earth a little better than you found
it, together' with your pia -4 humble,
unassuming, demeanor, both as .4, man
'and as a minister, we Leek you to accept
of this present as a snialt tokeo pf our
esteem, earnestly hoping that theeehoic-
est blessings • of Divine PrOvidence
may beshowered in rich profusion
upon you and your, estimable lady
until both shall be removed to a higher
The reverend. gentleman made a very.
affecting reply to the address stating
that he had received more kinhness in
Seafortle both in his own church and out
of it, than he had ever received at any
previous station, and concluded by ex-
preseeng the hope that they might all
oneet far above the mists and clouds of
learth in a brighter world than this, and.
be taaghtby the Great Teacher d where
-there is one fold and one shepherd.”
. •
1- ,T.Joborne.
Co'. CERT. —st. Concert Svill he given. in
School House No. 1, Com 2, Usbotne, by
the singing class for some time under the
uition of Mr. J. J. 'Tann, on Friday
vening, Dec. 27, When an excelleint
rograrame of choice pieces will be pre-
exaOnatiOn of the school in Section No.
6, Usborue, took . place on Friday, the
13h inst. There were 115 scholars proso
ent and the attendance of parents and
friends was imusally large. In the
morning the classesin the lower room
were etamined in their several branches
of instruction, while the afternoon was
• occupied with the room under the 8peeia1
-charge of Mr. Halls. The examination
was mainly condusited by strang-
-ers, some of whom. .had a practical ac-
quaintance with school teaching, and
therefore *ere a,ble more thoroughly to
test the efficiency of the various elasses.
The resultwas highly gratifying and
shoived that although during the past
term, (owipg to the prevalence of a large
amount of -sickness In the section) the
school has labored under great disadvan-
tage, it yet sustains its peat reputa-
tion; ,At the close- of the examination
Mr. Halle read thenaraes of 54 scholars
who were recommended by the Inspector
as ready for advancement to higher
classes. The ,school gave some good
singing, some of the gentlemen present
expressed their satisfaction and pleasure
in the examination and gave some sourict
adviee to the scholars, aftOr Which the
gathering broke 'up, teachers, scholars,
and frienCle feeling tolerably well pleased..
with themselves and With each other.—
[O. IL COOPER, AinleYville, Agent fax the
posimon. Newspaper and rob Printing Office.]
A IN LEYVILLE No MORE. —The by-law,
passed by the County Council at itslast
sitting, incorporating. Ainleyville b.s i a
village under the name of Brussels, combe
in _force, to -day, (Fridaye"Dec. 20).
POOR TRAY. —SOMe parties, durieg the
last few days, have taken the law into
their own hands, and have poisoned quite
a number of dogs in the village. Strachan
& Smith have offered a reward of $10 for
Mforraation that Will lead. to the convic-
tion of the person or ?moons who poison-
ed their frog. We think it would be ad-
visable for these canine Borgias • to quit
this business at once, as the law may he
more severe in the matter that they have
any idea of. ,
RAILWAY BY -LAW. —The by-law grant-
ing a bonus to the London, Huron and
Bruce Railway was voted on in Morris,
on Tuesday last, and carried by a ma.
jority of 21,
BRUSSELS Hous.—This is the name
adopted by Mr. Isaad Martin for the
new hotel which he has just completed.
A short description of this house may
not be out of place. The main building
is now -40 x50,. two stories high, 'with
an addition in the rear of 24 x 30, one
story ; high the _whole structure is of
wood. A piazza ruos the whole length
of the building on Turnberry street. The
inside arrangements are very complete,
consisting of a commorlions and well
furnished bar room, three public sitting
rows, two down stairs and one up etairs.
The dining and commercial monis are
both large and. conveniently situated,
and are also connected with folding
doors. The bed rooms in the main build-
ing• are fifteen in number, beino°well
lighted mid ventilated, The furni-
ture is all new and of the best qual-
ity, and the stables, driving house and
sheds are also new, and welliarranged.
"The Village of Ainleyville was incorporated a
few weeks ago. Now soine of its resident mag -
1 notes want its name changed to Brussels."
The Globe, from 'which the above is taken, is in
error. Ainleyville is not incorporated, nor has ale
lication yet been made to Parliament for an met of
incorporation. Steps are only being taken with- a
view to bringing the matter before the Legislature
as soon as the House meets. Mitchell Advocate.
.- Our contemporary is a long way be-
hind the times. The whole thing was
very amicably arranged at the last
meeting of the County Council. The
Ontario Legislature don't meddle with
such email affairs as incorporating yid -
°How TO PRONOUNCE Fr.—Dear Mr.
Editor: Will you be so kind as to let
people -know that the proper way to pro-
nounce the new name of our village is
Brus2te/s—with the accent on the last
syllable -- rhyming with excels -- not
Bruss-ils, which is so like bristles, and
not near _so euphonious as Brus,-sels.
YoUrs ever, POLLY..
x -
CutuaANA.—Ar elating club has been
organieed in this place. otilte. -A. Hoed is
t'residente*ond*Mn John Inglis Secre-
tary onadTreasurer. A rink leas bseu
erected., and several -good games have
been played already. Those who love
the "reining game" would de wellEto join
at OnOP.
CoRpwooD, —A meetMgof farmers and
othersimtersted in the sale of cordwood
was held last week, and -after due dis-
cussioo the following prices were adopt-
ed, some thirty or forty binding them-
selves to the arrangement :
.Greent stove -wood .$1 00 per cord.,
Dry stove -wood 1 25 "
Greeu , cord wood . . . , 1 75
Dior cordwood 2 00
ANNevemsona §ERVICES. — Anniver-
sary services are do be held in. the Wesley-
an Methodist Church in this place next
Sabbath. TheRea. C. *Watson, of Sim-
coe, will preochat 10:30 o'clock a, in.,
and, 6:30 p.. On Monday evening a.
tea meeting will he -held in the church,
at which addressee will be delivered, by ,
Rev. George Brown, and other clergy-
M-o-stc Cooss.—A daaS -for inetntetion
in vocal eitisic will he opened in the old
school house. Wroxeter, on Thursday
evening, January 2d, 1873 by Mr. J. J.
Tann, teacher of inueic. Tickets for the
course may be obtained from Mr. G. A.
Powell • .
mENT.e—The entertainment held here on
Wednesday evening, llth inst., under
the auspices of Wroxeter school, was a
complete success, both in point of attend-
ance and the excellence of the programme.
The house was crowded to its utmost ca-
pacity and many were unable to obtain
seats. Quite a number were present from
Harriston, Wingham, Bluevale, fAinley-
ville and other places. The chair was
taken at -about 8- p. nt. by Mr. Alex. L.
Gibson, who admirably performed his
duties. The Wroxeter Glee Club gave
some very fine pieces of music, instru-
mental and vocal ; anhong the latter we
may mention, "Lottie Lee", "Lora Vale",
"Ella Rhee"t "Annie o' the, Banks o'
Dee", ,"Mollie Darling" and "Beautiful
Days of the Past ;" they were loudly ap-
plauded. Miss Lawrie eang "Tyrol's
Lovely Dell" and "Under the Daisies"
and by the sweet and unaffected manner
in which she rendered them, drew an en-
thusiastic and hearty encore. Miss
Knuteson sang and played two songs,
and was as usual a favorite with the
audience, being louc1132 encored. Besides
the instrumental music giyen by the Glee
Club. Miss Knerteson and Messrs. Mc-
Donnell and Snider gave some very nice
pieces, which were well received. In
another Part of the programnie, hl r. J.
B. Vogt gave a German song with guitar
'accompaniment, the WOMS df which
though imintelligitOe to most of- the audi-
ence, were accomiimaied by music the
pathos and sweethess of NV111 C fl were ap-
preciated by all. Mr. Mumford, of Ai1a
Craig' who .was in the audience, was
calledon. for a song, and „ gave two or
three so irresistibly comic, that he fairly
"brought down the house." his imita-
tion of the modern "agonized" style of
singing was received with roars of laugh-
ter, that testified that the caricature,
tlibugh perhaps a little highly-coloredo
was true, not to nature,- but to the origi-
nal. His rendering of "Herne cam', our
Guidman" was also capital. We have to
thank Mr. Minieford for aetreat not often
enjoyed by the people of Wroxeter, and
for the good-natured way in which he
complied with the expressed. wishes of
the audience. Miss Ada Alexouder, of
Thirriston, sang."0,it in the Cold" in
first class style. In the literary part of
the entertainment, we may -mention
"The Annuity", a reading given by Mr.
James Young, of the Harriston Tribune,
whols an excellent reader,' and did the
pieces full justice. He was loudly ap-
plauded. Mr. _Charles T. Doyle gave
recitation in pod style, entitled "Roger
and I." Readings were also given by Mr.
Campbell of Ilarriston, Mr. Henderson,
of Wingham, and Messrs. D: Walker,
W. Lawrie and G. EyveI of Wioxeter.
A number of Dialogues, Recitations
&co were given by the pupil* but as we
have already drawn our report beyond
intended bounds, we cannot particulvize,
suffice it to say, that,_ this part Of the
entertainment was fully sustained. ' Al-
together the entertainment was one of
the most successful ever held in Wroxe-
ly attended meeting of the farmers of the
toimship of Colborne was held at Mar-
tin's Hotel, Goderich, on Friday of last
week, for the purpuse of taking into con-
sideration the "propriety of Coming an
amalgamation to raise the price of cord-
wood. After considerable discussion the
price was fixed at $3 25 per cord. An
agreement was drown up and signed by a
number present, binding themselves un
dee a penalty of $50, not to sell IS at
a lower figure. Severalat the meeting.
however, refused to eign this agreement,
on the ground that the price fixed was
too high,
petitive examination of the schools in the
township of Colborne was held in the
&hoot House near Smith's Hill, on Fri-
day last, for a number of 'prizes give` la by
Wine Young,. Esq., Reeve of the town-
ship, and also a couple of special prizes
by II. I. Strang, head master of God-
erich High School. Every school in the
township was represented and the pupils
made a creditable display. This is a
step in the right direction, and one
winch should be followed in other town-
ships. Competitihe examinatious of this
sort must be productive of much benefilt.
A gra.nt from the township Councils. for
prizes would lie money profitably spent
annual meeting of the Patrons of the
Rodgerville cheese factory will be laelcl
at the factory. on Th ursclay next the 26th
inst., at -which time a statement of the
past season's transactions will be given,
and arrangements will be ma.cle for the
corning season.
FAR1VERS1 CLUB. —We learn that a
number of the farmers of Tuckersmith
and Usborne, in the vicinity of Rodger-
ville, intend establishing a Farmers' Club.
The idea is a good one, and we wish
them every success, and much profit from
the social intercourse the meetings of the
Club will afford. .
IMPROVED PIGS. —Mr. Jaiues ransom
of the 8th concession, Tackersmith, has
a very fine Yorkshire and Suffolk boar
pig, which he keeps for the improvement
of stock. Mr. J. Landesborough, of the
the 2c1 concession, has also every superior
boar. Mr. Landesborough's pig is a pure
bred Suffolk, and ie a remarkably hand-
some Wraith We refer our readers to
his advertisement for particulars,
TEA MEternea.-eA tea meeting will
'be held in Se.hool Seetion No. ,15. -Tucker,-
smith, this (Friday) evenings. ltddresses
will be delivered by several speakers,
and appropriate music will be furnished.
The meeting is being held in honor of
Mr. McAndrew, tlae teacher of the sec-
tion. who is about leaving. We believe
the occasion will also be taken ad vantage;
of to make a presentation to Mr. Mc-
Andrew, as a mark of the esteem in
which he is held. by the people of the
A CHANGE OF aeASE.-1 vre learn that
Mr. McAndrew, teacher in SectiomNo. 2,
intends removing after the holidays, to
take charge of the school lately taught by
Mr. Thomas Young, in Stephen. Mr.
Young has been eugaged by the Trustees
of No. 2, and will sucoe.ed. Mr. McAn-
drew in the schoal.
• McKillop:
days'aao a hotel keeper onthe northern
gravel road, named Leslie, was summon-
ed before two magistrates in Seaforth, to
answer to the charge of selling liquor on
Sunday, and allowing men to become in-
toxicated on his premises, and to dis-
turb the public peace. The charge was
preferred. by Mr. Andrew Gevenlock and.
eonclusively pewee. Leslie was lined
$20 and costs, amounting in all to some
pute about the side road. in NI cKillop, of
which so much appeared a few -months
ago in the EXPOSITOR, has at length been
settled. The sentence was that defend-
ant be fined one shilling for obstructing
the highway, and that he immediately
remove said obstructions. Each • party
concerned will have to pay his own
MILL SOLD,—Mr. john Dickson, of
Lonclesboro, has sold his gristing and
flouring mill, situated in Hullett, neat
the above named_ village, to Messrs. Hu-
ber Brothers, of Waterloo. Mr. Dick- .
son, we believe, intends shortly to re-
move from this section of the county.
NOMINATIO.N.—The nomination foe the
township of Hullett will take place at
Burnsdenti wagon shop, in the Village of
Londesboro. if there should be an elec-
tion the polling places will be as for-
merly, at Londesboro and Kinburn.
perance Societe.- was organized,under the
auspices of the Independent Order of
Good Templars, on Tuesday,. Dec. 10, at
Union School House Hibbert and Dietz
when quite a number interested in. the
establishment of the new lodge evere pres-
ent. After appointing officers to fill the
various °item, it was resolved, that the
name of the lodge should be the "'Chive.
Star," and that the time for meeting
should be Tuesday nights.—Com.
NEW CHEESE FAVTORY. —A general de-
sire heving been expressed by the farm-
ers: in the vicinity of Carronbrook to
have a cheese factory established in that
village, Messrs. Mathew Dorsey and
W. Scott Robertson have resolved. to
hold a meeting at Nevin's Hotel,. Carron -
brook, on Monday, Dec. 30, at 2 o'clock
p. nie, to ascertain what support would
be given to a factory. If sufficient en-
'!couragement be given at the prnposed
meeting, Messrs. Dorsey angl. Roberton
will „proceed at once with arrangements
for the erection of the factory, and have
it in .working order before the dairying
season opens in the spring. Theipro-
posed site of the new factory, we under-
stand, is on Mr. Kiild's property, near
the railway station.
FATAL ACCIDENT. -4 fatal accident
mimed on Friday, 13th inst., in the
ownship of Hay, at .Thomas Wilson's
awmill. Mr. James Bengough, a resi-
dent of the townshrp for about twenty
years was suddenly killed while tenses,-
ing the sawdust from about the
saw.' It appears he had been in a stoop-
ing posture m front of the saw, which
was in motion, busily engaged, and Un-
thinkingly attempted to stood erect,
and by this act broeght his head in con-
tact with the semi which inflicted a ter-
rible ,wound, doubtlese calming" instant
death. Hie funeral took place on htun-
day last, when a large number- of his
friends and 'acquaintances accpmpanied
his remains to the silent grave. He
leaves a wife and nine children to mourn
their sudden bereavement. He was an
inoffensive and honest man, who it might
weli be said had no enemies.
versary -of the Bible Christian church, ---
Exeter; will be celebrated on Wed-
nesday, January 1, 1873.i A sermon
will be preached at 10.30, A. Al.
by Mr. W. Paste, of Bowinanville.
'public dinner Will be served at 12:30
o'clock; Tickets' 40 cents. Children
half price. At- 3o'elock speeches will
be delivered by Messts. Lund and Beer.
A public meeting will.cominence at 6.30.
to be addressed by Messrs. W. Jolliffe, of
London, and W. Pascoe,.
ItEmovens.—Mr. David Johns, of Exe-
ter, 'has removed. to the residence of
A. D. Freeman, which he purchase4
sometime ago. ellso, Dr. Moore has pur-
chased and now occunies Mr. Johns's
fernier residence.
ber of men in a sleigh -were being driven
from Mrs. Callum's house to the barn,
on Thursday, 12th theta ashere an auc-
tion sale was going on, an old man nam-
ed. Francis Martin was ruirover, and,
sad to relate, he died wirhin two hours
thereafter. Mr. Martin was very dull of
hearfng and the driver is said to have had
no bells on his horses.
ORANGE. —At the regular meeting of
L. 0. L. Nn. 767, held- in their Lodge
room, Gerrie, on Monday, the 2d, the
following officere were elected for the
forthcoming, year: Brother H. Perkins,
(1 -elected) W. M.; Brother J. Ma-
tt ade, (re-elected) D. M.; Brother A. -
M chl ichael, (re-elected) Chap. ; Brother
J. Donley, (re-elected) Treas.; Brother
B. S. Cook, Secy. ; Brother It Ross, (re -
I elected) Sen. Com.; Mother James Per -
hies, (reeelected) 2d Com. ; Brother G.
Ellis, 3d Com.; Brother de Stinson, (re-
elected) 4t1i Com.; Brother J. Reheats,
The Brussels-cuelitscioorpueoration Dis-
To the Editor of 014 Ritrou ExpoOtor.
DEAR STR,—I observe in your last is-
sue that our worthy friend, Mr. John
Leckie, has. been treating you to one of
his long winded effasions. Surely the
garment moat have fitted well when' he
was so eager to assume it. Truth gener-
ally strikes home more forcioly than fie -
tion, and this forme no exception, judg-
ing by the multitudinous mid profligate
display of language brought to lear
against the supposed author, and. not on
the subject. I shall not bore yon with A
long gaseous article on what would now
become a very.profitless discussion, but
merely advert to one or two pohats 111
his letter mid then. drop the subject.
Your verbose correspoll d mit is anything
bet a close- reader, but his deficiency in
that is compensathi by a lively imagina-
tion, ability to draw far fetched infer-
ences and a proneness to jump at conclu-
sione. He has understood me to gay
that' the meetings were held in a store or
bar -room, on a more careful perusal he
will find it stated that the "scheme was
concocted there," but that is one of his.
long drawn inferences. Again, he ac-
cuses me of considering myself a para-
gon of perfection. I merely stated there
were respectable ratepayers in the village,
without' laying any claims of identifica-
tion with that class. Indeed, it -puzzles
me -to know where he finds the egotism,
excepting in his own production and lin-
agioation. Next he measures inc v'ith
his own yard Aide and coucludies Lam
manning the same pliaodem. 4.8
namely, notoriety; Men *Ito have ;al-
ready become notorious foi,tatteetising an
inordinate love of coiniodafy
should keep quiet As for the Main
point it is not my intention to retract
one iota from what I have already stated,
and Mr. 'Leckie's asserting they are
falsehoods does not by any means
prove they are so, in fact he partially
admits the truth of them by the 'eery ex-
cusable word 'impromptu." I would
here state that neither malice nor love_
of notoriety prompted the article ri
question, but a desire to correct the very
informal method in which such business
is sometimes conducted here. 'Before
closing, I would suggest to your corres-
pondent itt future to be lees economical
of &nth and mare economical of language
wiictn h� attempts to inake use of print-
ers' ink.
In order to escapethat notoriety of
which. Mr. Leckie claims 1 am desirous,
allow me to subscribe. . Vanroos.
Ainleyville, Dec. r, 1872
—Two sub -contractors on the section
of :the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Rail-
-way through the township of Howick
left, infew days ago for parts unknown..
and took with them about ae2,800 of
their employers' money, besides teeming
their hands unpaid.
—The farmers of the townships of
Huron and Kincardine, in the County of
Bruce, h aye entered into a combination
to hold. back their produce from market,
with the view of raising the price to a
figure in keeping withthe wages paid to
laborers andemechanice of every ()lase.
—A large black bear, weighing 300
pounds was killed in the township of
Olden, County of Lanark, near the town
of Perth, a few days ago; He was ship-
ped to Odgensburg, 0;5., by his captor,
there to be boiled down. Quite a num-
ber of these animals have been killed in
the same neighborhood, this season.
VOLY1U f, IVO, 4.
WiILE P410 964.
Atilt te „ftir
TrOlt 'ALL, on reasonable terms, that
known HOTEL on the Gravel Read, 5 la
Inerth of Seaforth, at present occupied by
Montgomery. If not sohl, it will be lea.eeal.
tern/ of a.ears ; pgsession given an Jim, 3, 1.
for further partienlare, apply to
268*2 BORT.. HANNAH, Winthro
IN the Tillage of Belli:tore, Township of How
▪ in a good SIal3a, a pod 'Wagon Shop, two
and. two Dwelling Holmes will be Sail on reas
able terms. For fuether particrdarsapply to43-0
LUXTON, proprietor, 33elmore Poet -office, it
Parties indebted to the proprietor are einem
regnestea to call awl settle all accounts befell
by Jan. 15, 11573. JOJINLUXT�N. 261 -
latEING Dot 84, -COIL 7, MeRillop,tontainingi
• acres, -cleared, with good batne and stah
two good orchards in full bearing; two never.
ing swings which amply the mitt Also, lot
Con. 9, containing 48 acres of bosh, The pm
is eittieted 6 miles from teefertle with a g
vel road thereto. For anther particulars a
on the premises. If by post, to .10320.1. THO
SON, Constance P. 0., ninburn, Ont.
FOI)RfSLALot E2,67coreau.soila,bmiecicillitermors,,
cultivation, aua 'well fenced, the -balance
acres, 90 of which am eleared, hie good sta
timber land; this lot adjoins the village of V
ton, and is well situated; there is en the prem,
o frame house and barn. Also, fax sale, a
containing 25 atees of land, on the Gravel
four miles north of Seaforthi this lot is aR
land, and is well timbered with hardwood;
land -ie of excellent finality end dry, Fax lan
partientars,"epply to the undersigned, if by let
afilldr5fiess Seafp.-10
rth 13.
11. TOV.7:11(
.TORE A.Nb DWELLING in the rifla
Thapurhey. at present occupied by 111
ROBB, Esq. Fax particularsapply to RILL°
& RYAN, lieaforth.
von SALE, on easy terms, north bell of Lot
12 -Coneession -6, Township qf Mortis,"Con.
ing 1-013 noes'50 of which are cleared, well feu
and in a good state of cultivation. There ie
the premises a good log house and barte
farm is situated within two milee half,
good gravel road, and four miles and a hall'
the village „of Am' leyville, at which plaee _
-will be a station of the Wellington Grey
Brite Railway this fall; it is wateredby ne
failing stream mining througli it; there
waste land, and the uncleared portion is
timbered with hardwood; It is one of the n
choke lots in the township. Fax further
tieulars apply to J.. It. GRANT, An1e' 11e, T
HOLMES, Myth, or to the undersignedpropri
Mimeo Post-offite.
251 ROBERT MeM011
0 UTE( HAT,F of the South hell of Lot No
kJ Fifth. Concession of the township of Me
tontainbag 50 acres, 35 cleared; well enterea
spring creek; good log bouse and frame sta
The tboe berm is only a toile and a half on a
road from the rising -village of Aiolerrille, vrhe
station of the Wellington, 6"-rey and. Bruee
way will be o,pened this fall,, For price anal le
ingefire 111 loyietter, prepwid) af
285 Ainleyville Tee dAgeney, Dingle P.
THosE iudebtea to thetimiersignearot more t)
one year prior to this {late are hereby noti
that-, m3ess their accounts are settled prowl
they will be placed in Court fax eollection.
31. L. TERCOE, 3t.
Seaforth, Dec. 19, 1872. 262 -
x---0T1cE is hernby girenthat allptrties in&
ed to the undersigned. fax Subsexelutiel
.Job Printing or ..iledwerdainge for EDI
year- or -over, are reqUirod to settle the amo
tkeir indebtedness before the 611a laissus
1./itf3, otherwise the actoents WO1 positly
be SUED, -without respect to per.sons.
Exeosrrou OFFICE,
Seafertli, Dec.10, 1872.1
A LL persons indebted to the unaersionea
-e-a _requested to forward the amount of their 1
counts to hien in n letter, ItErrISTERED. I
Aibliess /4() 48. STRATFORD.
All accoiniti reinaining unpaid after the isi
January iiet will be. placed in Court for tollecti
101:Z; WALSH
Stratford, Dec 14, 3872. 268't
- -
suaevigned is prepared to furnish Pia
Specifications, &v., of -Plabiie and Priv
Buildings, and also.to superintend the erection
the same. Carpenters-, Plasterers' and 11£11,,
work measured and valued.
262 Second .fioncession,
rOR SALE, -cheap, aL000rnotive Boiler: bell
new, and in ,excellent conifltion.
horse power.. Apply to JOHN G0VEN1.4(
Smforth, Out.
A LL parties desirinf,,to have logs sawn at 40l
G-' OTENLOCIi'S Saw kill Should bring th
in at onee, tra he intends reermeing his mill abi
the 1st of Mardi. rntil that -date parties briiw,
logs in e luive their hiniber sawn. 'so AS tOtE11,1
borne with them. :MID; O0c-ENL0Ch
NOV. 26, 1872. 011
I- hereby cantion a persons arot to give my AI
Mary A.nn Berry, anything -on my aeoorint,
-will not pay hr aellowledge .austhing Whatevei
connection with an debts ,he may tentmet,
c.he has lelt my bed and board without tOTISN
Hay, Dee. b,b72 202 -3
A LL persons are lierely e.autiened against givi
uiy nelson or prisons .relit on my aenot
-without m3- written, order -or pass -book, as 11
-not-be responsible fax the same.
wxttiia NENICrl, 1
afor.illop, pat 1. Con- -2., Dec. 4,172.
BLAermum wAsrED.
INTAxrE1) 3n110ediai4-1,-y„ 5 first -4118s cone
' ATACKSMITH. able to take charge of a et.
WODe ;b1t one proficient in -horse shoeing e
xlow--fizzing need apply, to whoni a liberal einii
-will be Oren. el/late man preforrea- App!'
3r1. 1.IRWiN, Wagon -maker, Berne-. - 201
-0ENT6 'if*anted. $159 permonth, To ee?..1
• TINE.ER., the most useful househeld fled
eYor incentea. Alhirt'ss 11 rt- ANDETiNtIn
BOX :PA llonireal, P. Q.
WANTED tor School Section No. 1, Towns
of Tatextlifirey, a TEACHER holding thi
class eera fit ate. Duties to begin dam ea) LS
TON, and WV- Itre:G, Trustees, Morrisbauk po
.ollice. 259
The .Exrosrron Office ;am been remor
to the, nay Premises on John Street,
ntediately in rear of thP phi Post Offi