HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-12-20, Page 6THE H.-URON EXPOSITOR. Farm News and Notes. The Geortrit Ansicultural and 6 6 Mechanical College, at Atiinta, has a faculty of ten professors and 126 ntudents-----egaw beef chopped up fine With onions, is a new feed which Germans consider a cure or preventive of dyspepsia, as well as - of lung diseases.—The St. Paul and* Pacific Railroad Company is planting a crop of acorns along its line of road on the prairin, to pro- tect the track from ddving snow- storms. It has adopted this method in lieu of the snow -fences used for that purpose heretofore. The Spring Lake (Mich.) 'independent tells a big story about a citron vine. It says that it was raised in a corn- field s- that it had DO special atten- tion ; yet had a total length of 1,65r) feet, and had on it -360 pounds of citronn—We learn. from the aPractialtFarmer.that at the Worth farm a 'fine porker was cured of pneumonia by a dose consistilk a tablespoonful of carbolic acid. wasalso given to others, mixed the slop, -theugh in mita' am quantities, and soon stopped All .thetnnpread of the disease -es -- Kansas City, Missouti, gives a description of the gain ofnhe Messrs. Blair Bros., near sas City, Lee's Summit. It commenced three years ago fi•fny acres; it now occupies three hundred acres, on •which 000,000 apple trees, 400;000 pe - trees, 25,000 nears, 50@i000 a endlings, 400;000 peach *planti 250,000 evergreens, with car pontling xiumbe.rs f 8,1441 fruits • llowers :are -now growing.- 4.gaistus Whitnaan, of Fitchln 4Mass., In an expertment to eomp sthe value of different ..1'.6eds; fo t that two large COWS -ate raven - eight pounds each of geod, dry 11 per day,1withoat other feed. A L. P. Scott found thatca good si cow belonging to him averag twerty-ftye pounds colgood hay, I day. In another tease a dairy of cows averaged twenty-five pounds per day through the ; profit in farming ix. ,all made frorn.1 growmaelarge crops. A fernier c_ not make any Cideadfl /money out fifteen bushels of wheat to t1ie ac or out of thirty4baehe1s of core the acre; or twenty beshels of oa or a tan of hay; nor from pastni which nifFerd just about enough fe to keep the tutintais from groan poor. , Don't hi g •own experien g of It with idler fur - The neer .sery Kan - was with over 2,- ach pple ngs, res. - and - Au - ran are agenilkedoRinasg Until] und ty- -Al ON that my work is not satisfactory hnt it is the best I could do, for the lath- ing was most miserable. • Such a workman can -never lining me into disgrace again for I will be sure* whIn I amto follow, before 1 take a contract in the futtire." The lath -nailer was called in his -turn and acknowledged his faulty wolsk. Said he : "1 wanted to give up thejob, but I was afraid to give my reesons if I did so. The truth is, the carpenter who set up the frames a relative of mine, and I would save him if I could, but I mast protect :My reputation. The frame, as think he will admit, was neither plumb nor square." "It eerta*nly was not," said the carpenter, f nor was it possible to make it sowithout blocking -up, which word render it unsafe for our good mE n to live in. The ma- sons made a shameful piece of work cif the found tion, and I did . as well as I could o sttch a botched job." - So the ri 11 man found out his whole house was *good for 'nothing after all, 1 - suse the foundation. was bad. 1 we want our houses or our charade to.have true strength and usefula ss, we must -try ti) have a good foundation for them. 23 INSURE OUR PROPERTY AND YOUR LIYES. A.- Stro g, eaforth. GENT vinoial InsuriMbe Company— The Scottish Pr 1t4 re and Life. The Western. Ins ence CornpanY, of -Toronto— Eire and Life. 1 The Isolated isk Insurance eqmpany, of Canada, able as offekd .by any other s for reliable Crompanies. Y TO LOAN. ex_ IocieyouAlso, Agent for the Accnicultural Investment St, Ldon. his Comp**. 43lIers better in- ir.d o "owers than Jany-othere doing zed 1 t.usiness in thitl Pr( vince. - Call !and get eirculars gi,V132,q full partteull rs before purchasing elsewhere ea OEFICE--lover " trong & Fairley's Grocery )er -.Store, Main Street, ,:eaforth. .252 REMOVE REMOVED. M. E IB1ETSoN, Cabinet-na ker and Undo:Linker, '9- I HAS REMOVED his ware-roome to of I reJOHNSON'S OLD STAND, , ; Mabe-Iitrect, Seaforth,• t -n 1 Where he has cm hand a superior stock of Farni tire of every descnfilon. CALL AND SE IT. •es i ed 1 1 ng , uNDZRTAxINrI. ce 1 Having -purchased Mr. Thomas ell's HEARSE. I am prepared to attend itinerate on the shortest prove it to himself beyond a clues- 1 sane, either mtown or countrs. . A ton S — An - Englishman w tites 1 " . nonnis, All Sizes, from Somersetshine to a Minnesota I Kept e"stantlY on hand- papet• that a grausl.exodus ot Britieh i SHROUD'1 SH01JDS 1 Lone and sinew in to occur in the * spring. The Eagilish agent who is : . , , charged with the sillily of organizing, li , M. RO ERTSON, new colonies of fivrtners is reported 1 CABINET MARE to be overrun . with applications. Mins° One thousand etnigeanta are atrwad prepared for departure ; the agen says he has been 44iterally_astottiah. ed' at the :Timber of fa Linens far risers' sous and wealthy people stall intend to go with hint, and beds al ready sure of capital to the anion:a of 8,250,900., avliinh will , probably be multiplied 'by our at the openiag of the spring emigration. - Thesnare temarkable asccuunences, and ,When taken into coannection With the re ducting' of ii6ty per eent. in diet Clu a- ard Companes rateaf fare or emi- grants, and xilso with the recent:fu- tile attecaptactif thd Kaiser's "ov ern nient to *taw the ;tide of-0,erman emigration, itisey ipoiot to ad nimar- alleled movett-se •cif ;the foreign element in _A merica during the coming taanlyeat oath. — In Sweden the rfe.ctory klytern, bastbeen. applied to btattner-natking, withegrafying resek-s, Creams cassied il wagons La. 3htartt,ed sheet -ii ,. earS in 'w.f.:star from .11%y to severity - SEWING five miles:. Int summer nream conveyed Li nksiips =in refrigeratore, The capital nfttlecaompanv 000 in our anonnn. It:sends halter to Iondota, Patin and St. Peters - burgh for ecounsuiptiort, and is now doing- a latge Laciness.-- An .Eng-. lish gentler -Lissa., ho is, a- Duke, has a little lawn n boat his modest d w l- ing width needs; os walil .17 miles long, to surratanat anti ten feet high to preew th4,060 deer which feed apart it irom nrespassing upon his neigh bars. AND UNDERTAIIER, 's Old -Stand, y Main street, Seafort has now on hand a good t ' ass &tweet of - - r I SPI .1 I °Tins they. _ Which he can furnis cheaper than can be got elsewhere. 205 0 ; : L 1 isruisli CUT ERS t ' - AND SUBS ANTIAL , SLEIGHS At the old g d favorably known SEAFORTH C RRLACI WORKS. .1 wIT4raA GRASSIE IHas now on hand and or sale a number of ' somely finished and su sytantiall.y haat Icc' irsiats, Also, a munber of Ca, OD LEJECAIIS, Both light and. heavy ttor sale cheap for ready meney. ke. Cutts -re and sleighs ade ..ta order on short.110- Blaeksmithing, Hors( Shoeing.tand General Job-. bing promptly attended to. / WIT, AM i'GRASSIE, G deficit street, Seaforth. , B MACHINE PRIZE LIS UR 1872. VICTORIOUS EVERYWHERE asToRiv Fl 1511.7 .1)11IZES --.AT-- (ltiel ph, Prescott. Hamilton., 'Ottawa, Cisisshill, .Fort Garry, l'eterboro, W•ooil ridg-k, TorontoGore .,,') .St. Catharines,Cofk town., ;Kene, tOrangeville,. Ahooifte, Takenhaw., Welland, Norsv'chmib14_liainsay, rapanee, ClairvaIle, Mull -any. Newl-fambur R g, oseniont, Mono Mille. ',This company has Tetio.; this 401, taken the The HOUSE, rtat wan Wrong btans for thest golhe perfection. of their reacitines, • irgd Medal at the Lyons, Frenee, frorn Top to Bottom. I A. CALDER, Seafoinit There ws.s once a licit .nant who I Agenz for tans Cornjrniy.N. •on -r store is too small to display all our goods, we would take it as a kneedfi-Li.a lane holt Re, AO he teegployed .; favor, if custormeratlettet see what th:ey want; to ask for it. DEC. 201 1872. _ —OF— Dry Gopds and Small Ware. Now is the time to get Good Bargains for Holiday Presents. Just received a good assortment of the following articles, which will be sold cheap: LADIES and CHILDREN'S. WOOL JACKETS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, SONTA:GS, CLOUDS .SCARFS, W001, - AND _KID .111its, Gloies, Hosiery CHILDREN'S MERINO CLOAKS AND MERINO BRAIDED DRESSES, FURS!, CHIGNONS, MILLINERY &c. HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE. FUR GOODS. 'DARK MINK SETS IN LARGE VARIETY. GRA IAM SETS Black Lamb Sets; South Sea Seal Sets, White Pnr.Jackets, in all sizes, Black Astrican Jackets, • South Sea Sea2 Mtuttles ' MADE TO ORDER. Grebe Sets always on hand and made to order. Ladies' Furs Repaired and Altered. The Fittest and Best GENTS' FUR CAPS OF ALL KINDS. Buffalo Robes, Wolf Robes, Coen Robes. All Fur Goods made to order. Highest Price paid for Raw F117.8. NOTICE THE PLACE. N. B. POINTER, Market Square, 255 STRATFORD. WHERE IS IT? NEXT _DOOR NORTH OF THE MONTREAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE ' IS THE PLACE TO FIND *SaritONC, ttc FAIRLEY'S 1 CHEAP GROCERY. STORE. A PULL STOCK ale FAMILY -GROCERIES Mort constantly on hand, and will he -sold CHEAP for CASH and cash only. Jas. P. Kendall & Co..'s (late W. A. Shearson & Co.'s) Best Family Flour always in stock. We keep no other. Oustotuers are sure to get what they ask for pure and unadulterated. Oatmeal„ ,Oorienied, Chopped Stqr, Aonts, B an, Pea8, Oa 18, Barley, &e., alway8 to be had at 'Sl'ROy G & PA IR Y '8. 1-Toosakeepor5, 4eave your orders for ycnr Tea, Sugar, Currents, Raisins, Apples, Potatoes, Cabbage, :anything- ehayou.wieh, and have them delivered for you free of charge. REFINED PETROLEUM Just receine/1.30iharre1s of the best wbit s oil and for .sale wholesale and retail. 'SALT' SALT? SALT' A large stock caf .121,11.. kept constantly on hitrtd. If you don't see it at tho. door, ask -fo'r it. 0 ICSTERAL. Fresh oyster.e ateedivel daily and will be kept dariug the season. Try them—they are delicious. swot -It -inert to dig the cellartaise the • TO THE .PUBLIC AT LARUE- Call and be eetreilatekl that this is theright plaee to buy cheap' Groceries. STRONG & F.A.IRLEY. walls. and finish the building, When Lt was completed. he made ,a estreful Ws IC .texasninzoion of the latest work done; 1 Harness, Sadd nwhielt was the wad pe= aperinbefore -• s .acceptuns; the nouse. He. found to I .his seri-nese that the p tper was not SMOGai, ttici the .paper -hanger wss .questioned about it. " irott know, good sir," Sniti the Paperer, " my rep; ration is ex eel - ;lent as z hanger, and, 1.0 tell you the tun -An this is by far the pooreq work- 1terve done in. years. Bat Sir no week:man, however Li1ted,c could do n nice job of hangiug over suds plaateniag." The plasteser was ealled in, and Ken OF 'THE SCO' 011 COLL'Afl. asked write a nersott of ills ztbility ; had =failed to dijt5 wolis completely. 1 on hatid. Renairing amen , Tfn • r charges moderate, „liffene/al ticd pies P, r tho soutrh canal.; LIVER, _ e and Trunk- NIANUFA LAT -S7'., .t.1/7'0R27/. - and heavy Harness, , &a., kept constantly 1 tly 21 ttendecl , to, and er the place sirm of W. H. OLIVill: NT! GMAT CaRISTVAS SALE AT DENT'S. ..2,000 LADIES' DRESSES; (every lsind.) 250 LAI:)IEe 0 -ACK ET'S. (newest patterns.) 199 SET8 LADIES' FURS—Cheapest to be had. A Magnificent Display of Ladies' Hats and General Millinery Goods. 300 1VEBS OF CLOTHS' AND TWEEDS, --bought 12 naontlis ago -- .co advanee on :41..terai. The whale of -these goods will be run oft' this month wit'h out reserve. DON'T FAIL TO CA LI AT DENT'S. THE BEST ORGAN'S. AND ',MELODEONS ALWAYS ON HAND. 64- 2-4 4.1 'STQvg:s1 sTo-yssl- :STOVES.. COOKING, ..:rARt.bR, •PARLOR TPOOK„ AND BOX - STOVES IN GREAT VARIETY, FROM THE, BEST MANUFACTURERS IN THE DOMINION, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. EVERY- STOVE FURNISHED, WITH SUPERIOR FURNITURE OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. JOHNSON BRQS , MYERS' BLOCK, 777. ON MONDAY, DEOEMBER 1872, The following lot of DAMAGED GOODS Will be offered for sale at McDOITG-ALL'S. CHEAP CASH STORE 777 Main -street, Seaforth, Five hundred and six yards TAPESTRY CARPET at from 15 to 25 ate., worth 90 etsper yard. Three hundred and ten yards BRUSSELS CARPET at 55 cts., worth $1 25. One thousand and four yards French all wool PLAIDS at 25 to 80 cts., 'worth 60e. Nine hundred and nine yards FANCY DRESS GOODS at 20 ets„ worth 40e. Six thousand and forty yards WHITE COTTON'S et 11 ets., worth 17e. • Forty-five dozen pair Men's Braces at 10 ets„ worth 80e. These goods were damaged by fresh water on board the barge "Q elope" in the River St " . Lawrence, and when dry 'will be as good as new. Also, on Manufacturers' account, 50 pieces of all wool TWEEDS at 20 per cent. below the regular trade prices, to clear them out. Twenty-four sets of Alsike Mink Muffs and Boas from 31 25 to 36 per set. Call and see for yourselves zuid be convinced that this is no puff, but a bona fide sale at the sign of 777. Main -street, Seaforth, _ A. G. McDOUGALL. FALL GOOD CAMPBELL S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. • - A COMPLETE STOOK OF WOOLEN GOODS, Embracing Every article required for a FIRST-CLASS MER- CHANT TAILOR'S business is now ready. I would now inform my numerous customer • that I am ready to show them A STOCK Ole' 0001)5 THAT CANNOT FAIL TO SUIT THEM And get them up SUITS in first-class style, On short notice. FLOIIR! FLOUR! TTAYING purehased and'" thoreughly refitted the -1-1-111i11-4 formerly owned by the Messrs. SCOBIE, . I am now prepared to banish FAMILY FLOUR, Setond to NONE IN SEAFORTH, And that will Compare favorably with any in the Do-- . If you. want A 1 36`1.0 CR , go to the following Dealers and ask for MARSH A rais—Remember MARSITAT,TeS FLOUR W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, J. WHITESIDE, 8IM0.1. POWELL, Or at W. MARSHALL'S Mills, Orden -left with W. S. ROBERTSON will be promptly attended to. Parties who wish to Exchange Wheat for Flour, Are certain to receive proper quantity, and an arti- cle that will defy competition. W. MARSH A 1-,L. 18641 PUBLIC NOTICE. moTicE is hereby 'given that the undersigned -LI have this day entered into Partnership as Millers and Produce ConunissionMerthants in the Village of Seaforth, under the name, style and firru ot JAS. P. XENDALL & CO. [Signed,) JAS. P. RENDALL, ]11" A RTIN 011ALIESW0RTIL JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. Beg to state to the Farmers, Produce Merthants and Dealers of the Connty of Huron that they have purchased from Messrs. SHEARSON & CO. the Mills known as the Seaforth Mills, and will hereafter carry on the same. - All Rinds of Grain Purchased, As formerly, And the Ilitikest CASI1 PRICE Paid. FLOUR. exchanged for WHEAT. Farmers desiring -to exchange can rely upon getting for their Wheat No. 1 Flour. 1 FLOUR DELIVERED in any part of tbe vil- lage free of charge. The undersigned, having had the entire working management of the Mill for the -past three years, patrons may rest tiesured that they will receive the same satisfaetory treatment and as good work as formerly. .LIS. P. KENDALL & CO. JN REFERENCE- to the above, the undersigned ' would beg to thenk their numerous customers for the extensive patronage accorded to them for ithe past four years, and trust that the same lib- , e ' ' eral patrontige -vrill be extended to the new firth whom we have pleasnre in being able to confident - Assuring, them, at thesamtime, of \my gratitude 13recommend- 10 our sure its continuance.us, Innst be paid to old patrone. All -debts due for past favors and eipry effort on my part to enr in connection with the Mill Jas. P. Eenclall & Co., and all debts due by us, in connection with the same, will be settled by the 1 W. A. SHEARSON & CO. said tirm of Jas. P. Kendall & co. WM. CAMPBELL"- Merehant Tailor, , SEAFORTH. TEETff EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. ri CARTWRIGHT. L. D. S, Surgeon Dentist, extracts teeth without pain by the use of the Nitrous -Oxide Gas. Office—Oyer the Fountain of Fashion,. Mr. Powter's store, on the Market Square. Attendance in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesday andWednesday of each month ; Clinton, at the OminnerciaI Hotel on the following nr1,- days and bnclitys. The remainder of the time at his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to call, if at Seeforth and Clinton, on tne first days of at- tendance. Over 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by 15, Broadway, N. Y., or the nee of the Gas. at Dr. Colton's offices, New / York. SE.A,TTER, 203 4230 EASE AND COMFORT. . . THE BLESSING OF PERFECT SICHT. IThere is nothing so velnable as PERFECT SIGHT, ' and Perfect Sight Can only be obtained by using PERFECT SPECTACLES, The difficulty of procuring which is well known 1Messrs. LAZARUS, MOMS & Co. Have, after years of expelienee and experiment, 1 and the erection of eostly machinem- been enabled I to produce that grand desideratum PERFECT SPECTACTES Which never tire the eye, end last many years without &tinge. 247 FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TNMAN LINE OF MAIL STEMERS SAILING- -1- from New York, EVERY TRURSDAY AND EVERY SAT URDAY, , Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, and the Cntit.t,et as low rates as by any other line. JOHN G.. DALE, Agent, ;Seeforth. EC; ° E BRIM —SIDE There is many :a rest in the .road of life If we only would stop to take it, - And man3r a tone from the better land, If the querulous heart would wake it To the sunny soul that is hill of hope, And whose beautiful trust nae'er fail . eth, 'The grass is green and the floweis a/1 bright, Though the wintry storm prevaileth. Better to hope though the clouds hani And to keep the eyes „still lifted ; For the sweet bine sky will SOOD i)eel the rr ug thehornitious clouds are riftt.4 There was never a night without a davi Or an evening without a morning ; And the darkest hour, as the provell: goes, Is the iour before the dawning, There is many a gem in the path of life, Which we pass in our idle pleasure, That is richer far than the jewellederownj Or the miser's hoarded treasure, - it may be the love of a little child, Or a mother's prayers fo heaven, Or only a beggar's grateful thanks For a cup of Water 1,tiven. Better to weave in the web of life A bright and golden Andtodo God's will with a ready b.elkrt,1 And hands that are swift and willing. Then to snap thedeileate, slender threads Of our curious lives asunder, And then blame heaven for the tangle4 ends, And sit, and grieve, and wonder. Strange- A/Innis:Ian of Australia; Natimlists are perplexed in rel gard to the manner la which the quadrupeds in A.ustratia differ so ev sentially from those on other coati nents, Pussibly. they sre reinnantl representatil es of races belonging to a primev41 condition of the earth be -1 fore those more common came intoi existence. For example, the kanga roo' is a wonder when its strueture is examined in detail. It has enorm-- ou hind legs, which are mov.e ed by muscular cordage of such strength that it tan leap twenty feet at a' spring, and in that way outrun a. fleet Worse. Its four kgs are only miniature limbs, half developed as it were. Then its fur linect pocket for .earry- ing the young, and a huge tail on the piinciple of a pOwerful spring, by which it throws 'itself rapidly- for- ward, are singular deviations from - the normal forT of quadrupeds'. Lastly, it clrews the'cud. Next among the animated anom- alies of Australia is the ornithorync- hus paradoxus, the size of a rabbit with webbed feet, covered with fur, having a bill like a duck and actual- ly lays eggs. The amounts given o its organic form were at first ques- tioned. Naturalists could not cred- it such incongruities or believe quadruped could propagate its young as With, do; from the ineubation of eaus. Therefore3 and without en- tering upon the peculiarities of oth- er aniimds of Australia, it is quito possible in the refolations to which this globe has been subject,- they are true types of races thlit were not de- I strayed wle-n the fossil animals disji - appeared from the earth, 130-w- a Farmer P. Floored two Cabinet Minist Ers. One qf the most entertatning in- cidents of the trip to Renfrew yes- terday was an impromptu political discussien which took place in the. Ottawa car on the return journey betvfeen. Hon. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Gallmaith, M. P. for North Lanark, and in which Sn. .erantis Hinck e ul- timately joined. The politic41 sit- uation was fully reviewed. Both parties claimed to be Reformers and distinctly disavowed Conservative sympath'ies. Tne themnstances which led. to Confederation; the sinking of party limps ; Mr. Brown's withdrawal, from the Government en the question of legislative reciproci- ty, which action was defended wit micommon ability by Mr. Galbraith ; the es'a-angement of Howland, Mt - Dougall, and Sandfield Macdonald from the Reform party in '37, and all the other points down to the sig- nal triumph of Reform principles in :Ontario at the recant elections, were ably and with the best of humour Aebated. Thepassengers croA-Yrted aound the point of attraction, some sitting, some. standing, while others mounted the backs of seats and took =up all sorts of attitudes, that in the -din of the rushing train thefmight I hear the ar_,<Yument. It is no mere flattery of kr. Galbraithlo say that iroved a match for both the Min- ister of Risance and he of the Mar- :LnaeintaasrynkdhQ.cFltit:isesh(tewr hen thawenhdielan.gl ttlhan:lleungtti iwtr veteran representative of North as and at ere trying to be heard at once) de- clare that it was hardly fair that two Ministers of the Crown .?hould be pitted against an humble farmer 4 (great langiner), yet it was only by iivay of a joke, for, if he aid not fee isl I own ability to -cope with .his op- Ponents, theie were few within hear- ing who did not The honoraisle gentleman, it is no disparagement to others to savmade the speech of the day at the Sanquet, and ereate an imd. pression among distinguished gentlemen with whom he had never before met of the most favourable I character. The arrival of the train at .Almonte *broke Op the discusGion above described, much to the regret 3