HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-12-20, Page 5A and we ,e it. It is ion of lam baraeterize .ts Inert - the excel,. following tVhich to a receive the tacit at its: The Sur- ; to present to jail and clod order ver• express mit., They 1 € jail who lmlesa old f intellect refer to a wer, placed h insanity, eased, pro- ite from a tl old man, we. They -Refuge or. Ere furn sh- atulate the C£ ane, and Conti rlaeto et. All of kt. rorentan. ;«t to settle: at1On from awely pro- 3 distance,. ;mg pumps:: rward- A t roject has t session of kip of Ewa:: '3d inst_, to [omivation,. to question ,y of Perth • unty, with. of Bruce his official v estigatio L f failss and ad by Gov - Linty Gonn- e decidingg.. ;lily Mora e ng with a 'sed in his 13th inst., lman, of a Tuesday, Richard m.. Dec. 9, lonnies of the rest- er,. on the; u Graham, the . town- aret,, eldest. cvrezlce, of .h.. r. T. Sin tee,. oxo the: , of Wing - 01111S014 trf 12th* inst., e's mother,, of St.. ix.. John Itn,, to lsa- iter of the i orth, on BeL- T. Ie, to Miss: if George rslZlitb. end IL t.,: Zed S l l 25 ears. (Centre .arnleen Ctex, c. Se'19th, ism Tt the Sea- ces retrain liv€ries of have been carce and enough leo a deliveries kther-light. the price This will Winging it is a good L but it has it; market. r any price, I hand. anti again. will 15- cents is ins firkins,. be realiz- r io to 1 is r 10 to. 1 l` Flo tr. 4 50 [3a tcy €1- 85 a.t serf 0 67 O 15 O 10 O E 0114. la lie 95 to 000 UO' 14 00 6. Ota 50 to 1 50 Ott to 0 10 UEr to 125. 45 to 0 50 75 to 5 10 O0 to 550 69 to 075 0. to 04i 50 to, 8 00 c_ 19'; la72. ltllrr I1`:' 10 ea 112 38. ea. 0 8:t (ff 050 55tt 055 10 et 0 I 15 et 0 18 00 ea 163 00 30 t1' 4 'f:r 0, 187 2. r. 10 to o ; Spring 20t 1872. _ Wheat pr bush. $1 12 to $ l 18; bar ley, 50c 40e, • peas, 50 to 62c ; ' oats, 340 to ' 5e ; butter .(rolls), 14c 'to 15c butter* (crock) 10c to_ 14c ;• cheese, 9c to 11e; eggs,. 18e tar 22e, potatoes, 50c to 60c apples, 25e -, beesip50 to. 50 ; dressed hogs 50 to $5 25 • live hogs, $4 to .a44 50. THE THE ' HURON EXPOSIT° t :1/1 - Tono5TTO, Dec. 19, 1872. STREET PRICES: Wheat, fall, per bush, Si. 20 to $1 30 ; SpringWheat per ' bush. $1 18 to _01 19 ; Barley, 60c to 450. ; Peas 65e tai. -40e ; Dressed hogs, to 50 ; Beef, hind qrs, per lb, 50 to $6 00 ; Beef, fore-qrs. $3 to a4.; Mutton by carcase, $5 50 to $6 00 ;. batter, rolls, 16c to 20c ; butter tub, 15c to 17c ; Eggs, fresh, 2Sc to 30c ; Eggs, packed, 25e to 26e ; Apples, , per brl. 42' Otl;4to3 00i; Potatoes, per bag, 50c to 60e. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK I A] KET. BuFFXLO, Dec 19 The following shows the receipts and shipments of live stook at East Buffalo for the week thus far, beginning - with Sunday Sunday.... ... onday.- Tuesday .. Wednesday._ Receipt& Cattle, Sheep, head. bead' 901 1,200 1,343 . 1,003. 1,400 2,3SO, 2,000 hogs; Horses. head. head.. 5,700 16 6,700 16 1,6(X). . 9,300 . . Total ..... 5,627 '4,600 23,300 32 Same time last . " - week:.. - -. 5,814 -. 5,200 17,300 _.. . CamrL>;. -Receipts to -day, including seventeen cars reported to arrive, 2,380 bead, making the total supply for the week thus far, 5,627 head, or 331 ears: against 342 cars for the same time last week. The market was- dull this mora.-- ing at about last week's closing rates. There was a fair attendance of buyers,, bat holders were far ahead of their .views of the market for shipping purposes The. large amount of poor fresh beef, slaugh- tered West and forwarded to the East- ern markets, togetherwith the • large 1 quantities of hog offal offering at this. season, - has . seriously diminished the • consumption of good beef ; and when the accumulated receipts of cattle are added to the already glutted. market the .competition is more than the cattle near- ket can. stand Sales to -day comprised about 1,000 head. - & s AND L uss. _ E eeeipts to -day, 2,000 head, making the total supply for'' the week, thus far, 4,600 head, against .5,200 head for the same time last week. The market opened dullatale advance .on _all grades on last week's closing prices.. We note the following sales : . No. of - Average Head. . Weight, lbs. Price: 126 Canada sheep, 14t - $5 8S4 . 75 Canada lambs, 94 6. 62-1- And 2-And 5 other sac -E. . , - Hors. -Receipts for t -day, ineludin 37 cars reported to arra e, 9,300 head, making the total suppl for the week thus far, 23.300 head,. 'against 17,300 head for the same time Iast week. The market was dull tllsmorning with PT' .e- es a shade off. DesiraJt1e weights Jul= ing from $3 85 to $4 ; picked lots. olf .either light or heavy bogs will bring 5c per cwt, more. Supply in excess of de - 1 wand. Sales this morning of 4,500 head Indiana and Ohio hogs, averaging 196 to 228, at $4. A- G..MoDoUGGALL. will offer, MOND_ v net, a lot of ENGLISH BLANKETS and READY-MADE CLoapatio at wholesale prices. -Full particulars next week. DURUM & NCAA S CLEARING SALE OF LADIES' and GENTS' FURS, LY .3II VVii, ERAIINR AJTD SEAL TFT1 RE ARE BARGAINS TO BE HAD BRITANNIA LODGE, A. FF.. and A. hl., No. 170, G. R. C. Regular meeting next FRIDAY evening, Dec.. 27, at 7'30 sharp. 260-1 A. BALLY, Secretary. UNCAP! & DUNCAN. CLEARING SA.LE. i Ok CLOTHING AND • BOOTS'.... AND dHOES. - TIE LARGEST 'STOCK OF CLOTHING To choose front. And a first-class stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, AT PRICES AS T,LOW AS THE VERY LOWEST. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Consistrg of FANCY GOO, STER.EOSCOP C VIE WS, JEWELRY,, JEWEL CASES, • - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MATHAMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. Albums in : eat varieiry. BOOKS, .BIBLES, - A fine assort i ont of Pocket, Family and Church Bibles,. in ' fie Moroco Bindings, Testaments; Prayer Books and Psalm Boo NOTICE. - ALL persons indebted nn to the dersignccd are requested to forward the amount' of their ao counts to him in a letter, REGISTERED. Address BOX 48, STRATFORI). Ali accounts remaining unpaid after the 1st of January next will be placed in Court for collection. JOHN WALSH. Stratford,: Dee. 14,1872.. - 263*2 NOTICE TO DEBTORS. - HOSE indebted to the uudersignodfor uiorethan one year prior to this date axe hereby uottified that, unless their accounts aro settled promptly they will be placed in Court for collection: If. L.VB1IOOE,M.D. Sento/tit, Dec. 12,1872. - 262-4 Shooting Match for Geese and. Turkeys. ASHOOTING 'MATCH will be hold at Richard Berwick's Temperance Hotel, on the Gravel Road, 5 miles north of Seaforth, on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, when a number of Geese and Tur- keys will be shot for. Shooting to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. RICHARD BERWICK. P. S. =There will also be 'a FREE BALL at night. - 263+1 A.RCHITECTITRE. Children's Books, Writing Desks, Work- Bo es, Ladies' Companions. Tait, undersigned is prepared to furnish Plans,, Specifications, &c., of Public and Private, Buildings, and also to superintend the erection of the same. Carpenters., Plasterers' and Maspns' work measured and valued.• ADAM GRAY, 262 Second Conceeei•n,1lfeTtiitop. BOILER FOR SALE. - - FOR SALE, cheap, a Locomotive Boiler, nearly new, and in excellent condition. Capacity, 25 horse power. Apply . to JOHN GOVENLOCK, Seaforth, Out. 257" NOTICE TQ SAW- LOG OWNERS. LL parties desiring to have logs sawn at JOHN A G GVENLOCK'S Saw Mill phortft ' .Using them in at once, as he intends removing his Mill about the lst of March. Until that date parties bringing logs in .can have their lumber sawn so as to take it Rome with them, JOHN GOVENLOCK. I� eXfI'lop, Nov.26,1872. 260 A,1so, jus arrived, SA LA NTA C -TEACHER WANTED. - W4N1LD D for School Section No. 1, Township ! T of `.rurnberry, a TEACHER holding a third- -class certificate. " Duties to begin Jan, 2, 1878. Apply to WM. MOFFA-T, DUNCAN McNAlIGH- TON, and ; E. KING, Trustees, Morrisbank post - 259 'With lots of Toys f r Girls and Boys, at R. LU ISDEN'S, Come Drag Store, Seaforth. CHRI TMAS NEW o EAR'S. CHEAPEN BAN EVER. TUFTS & HAMILTON. Are giying gr: • t bargains in GR•OC RIES, CR OC :ERY, Glassware and China. Be sure and buy yom hristmas and New Year's Groceries, Win s and Liquors at TUFTS' & A fILT01'V'S Cheap Grocery, _ . Brussels, (Late Aiuleyville,) Where you will find` e • kop t FIRST -CLAS And of th Cheap for Cash ery thing that`is ina . .GROCERY, . best quality, r Far��iz .Produce. nsnaly XMAS IS COMING!, 1O! TO C. BOOK AND ARMSTRONG'S TOY STORE, OR . Christmas and 11 ew Year's Presents, Where you will find. a Toys, Bookstia Of all d more than nstfally lame ek of • td Fancy Goods, scriptions. • TREMEXDOfTS DOWNFALL IN THE - PRICES OF DRY GOODS. E. & J. W. , SPARLING Will offer the balance of their Winter Stock at price% thnt'will as oeish the public for cheapness. STAVE BO THE undersigned wi of ST'AV-B BOLTS cords HEADING BO long, and any quantity of barrel hoops, delivered at his Stave Factory, Seaforth.' 262*9 - JOHN G. AMENT. TS WANTED 'fray CASH for 1,200 cords 34 inches lung ; also, 500 TS. basswood, 38 inches Tins IS GENUINE. EXA-MINE AND - BE CONVINCED. WE HAVE -A BEAUTIFUL STOCK_ OF HAIR GOODS CHEAP. SEWING zl° N W The Howe SEWING With all the latest W.T. ACHINES. SUPPLY OF • nd the Osborn MACHINES, rrovements, just received at ATSON'S, CALL. EARLY AND ' SECURE) BARGAINS. DUNOAN DUNCAN. CLEARING - SALE OF Dress Goods and Woolens, Before the end of the PRESENT MONTH. W,e ca11 special attention to this Department. tItt4 Received A Fresh Lot of Goods, bought cheap. JUST RECEIVED AT HILL'S BRITANNIA HOUSE, Seaforth, A choice lot of those very fashionable GRAY CLOUDS. Price 85c. and 55e., worth 70c. and $1. •. These are not waterejoaked damaged goods, but WARRANTED PERFECT. STRAYED 11EIFF,RS. , STRAYED from Lot 24, Con: 8, Movie, about the 1st of -May last, a white Heifer, with a little red about head and neck, rising two years. Also, about lst September Iast, a red. Heifer', with a little white scruff about eyes and nose, rising two years. Any person giving information , that will leatl to the recovery of the above animals will be suitably rewarded: - WM. KELLY, 263-4e Morris. ESTRAY STEER. - ETRAY COW. CAME to Lot 20, Con. 9, McKillop, on Nov. 24 last, a spotted red and white•COW. The owner will please proye property, pay expenses and take it away. WILLT A li GAL73RAITH. - 261*4 ESTRAY STEER. CA:.ME to Lot 6, Con. 6, Hallett, about Nov. 12, a black and white STEER corning two years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. 261e4 - SHADILACH M. ABBEY. ' . • ESTRAY CATTLE. Alia to -the premises of the undersigned, Mill. Road, Tuckersmith, on Out. 20, last, a STEER and a HEIFER, rising two years old; steer mixed black and white; 'heifer white and red mixed. The - owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take them away. WM. COOPER. 261*4 'ESTRAY HEIFER: CAME into the enclosu'•e of the subscriber about the 1st of October last, a red i•tatIPEIt, with two � white stripes, rising two years old. The owner is requested to pay charges and take her away, or she will be sold as -the law directs. ROBT. REID, Lot 12, B. R. p., Stanley. 261n4 ' ESTRAY STEER. CA,1fE into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 4,'Con. 18, Tuckersmith, on or about the 1st of Angust last, one yearling STEER. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. - ' JOHN SHEPHERD, 261*4 - - Rodgerville P. 0. ESTRAY CALF. - CAME to the premises of the undersigned, Lot 1, Con. 8, L. 5. S., Tuckersmith, a last spring's CALF, of red color mixed with white. - The owner will please prove property, pay charges and take it away. ALEX. McDONAT.D. 261*4 .STRAY .PIG. CAuE into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 18; Con. 3aTuckersmith, H. R. S., on or about the 1st of September last, a sow PIG. .The owner is requested to prove .property, pay charges and take it away. Wet. MoCONNELL. • 261-4 STRAYED HEIFER. STRAYED from Lot 37, Con. 8, Tuekersmith, L. boat the last of 1t. 8., on ora July, a year-old HEIFER of red roan color. A zinc ear mark with the proprietor's name stamped in full. Any person giving such information to the nndersiogrd as will lead to its recovery will be suitably reward- ed. . JOHN KEMP. Brucefield. - 261-4 ESTRAY HEIFER. C&ME into the premises of the undersigned Lob ], Coir. 7, Grey, on or about the 1st of Septern- ber last, a red and white HEIFER, one year old. .; The oWaer is 'requested to Provo property. Pay charges and take it away. D.MoLAUGHLIN . CAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 20, Con. 3, Stephen, abort Nov.1, a reit STEER one year old.• The owner is requested' to prove property, pay charges and take it away. 263-4°* RICHARD S, ET. ESTRAY SHEEP. j CAME into the premises of the snbsvrieer Lot 15, Con. 5, Stephen, about the middl of Sep- tember last, one EWE and one EWE LA11IB. The owner is requested to prove property,epay, charges and take them away. , 268*4 WM. MITCHELL. +ORTH. Call and see.them.' Their well-established repu• tationrenders it unne ssary to particularize their superior qualities, further , than that they are the best'and,ehearest made• ll es o - all kind repaired, cleaned Sewing ruaclun audput in perfect order, stray office, by athorough_ ly practical machinist from Toronto. W'1f: N. :WATSON, Seaforth. ESTRAY HEIFER. .' CAME into Lot 25, Con. 8, Usborne; on or about l the . middle of November last, a reel year-old HEIFER. The owner is requested to prove prop- erty pay charges and take it away. 263-4* - , - JOHN FOSTER.. ESTRAY STEER. CAME to the premises of .the subscriber; Lot 2, Con. 14, Tuckersmith, in Aay last, a one -year- old STEER, red and white calor. .Th¢ owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and263*4k it away. WM. LATTA. ESTRAY STEER. - C AME to Lot 22, Con. 8, McKillop, on Nov.18, lath, a white spotted -STEER ; head and neck brindle; star on forehead; rising two years o1(1. The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take it away. MOSES HANNAH. •263*4 STRAYED HEIFER. BOUT the 1st of Jane hist, from Lot 22, Con. 9, Morris, a red and white ritaFEll, with a light colored spot near end of nose.. Any person giving such information as will lead to the recovery of the above heifer will be suitably rewarded. _ Y, 262c4 ESTRAY STEER: CAIM into the premises of the subscriber, Lot_ •2, Con. 9, Howick, about the 1st ofAngustlast, a STEER about 8 mouths old. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses end tato iit away. WM. EVANS. - ESTRAY STEEP, CAME into the premises of the undersigned, - Lot 15, Con. 8, Stanley, on or about Sept. 1, a white SHEEP. The owner is requested to prove property, paycharges and tike it away'. 262-4 GEORGE STEVENSON. ESTRAY STEER. CAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 80, Con. 2, Township of Morris, about the 20th of June, one STEER coming two years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take the animal away. 262*4 - THOMAS BROW11 REMNANT - 'SALTi AT LOCAN & JAMIESON 'S. • Owing to the large amount of DRQ( GOODS Sold by them during the last two month%'a great amount of short lengths are now on hand' in Dress Goods, Tweeds, &c., And, in order to make a thorough clearance, they have carefully gone over them and marked them at such prices as cannot fail to be an INDUCEMENT. TO THE CLOSEST BUYER , EST -RAY HEIFERS. CAME into the premises of the snbscriber, Lot 30, Con. 2, Morris,;abeut the 10th of November, four red and two white an, one blue yearling HEIFERS. The owner is rocjuested to prove pro- perty; pay charges and take diem away, - 260-4* WM. WHITE74 OR D. - ESTRAY RAM. ri AWI into the,precuises of the subscriber, Lot 4, -' Con. 4, Usborne, about the middle of June last, a year-old RAM. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges aucl take it away. 260 LEONARD HUNTER. ESTRAY COW. CAVE into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 20, Con. 8, g6Killop, about Nov.16, a red COW, with white face. 'The owner is, requested to prove - property, pay charges and take it JOHN way ADAM.260 4 ESTRAY STEERS CAME to the premises of the undersigned, Con. l� 2, McKillop, in August last, two yearling STEERS,' red in color. The owner is requested to move property, pay expenses and take them assay. prove JOHN DAVIS. ESTRAY HEIFERS theist CAME to Lot 4, Con. 6, :McKillop, about of September, a. yearling,BELFER, greyish color. The owner is requested to prone property, pay expenses and takel it away. - 262'4 I- THOMAS BOURRF;. ESTRAY CALVES. Lot 24,South Bayfield -Road, Stanley, CAME to about the 21st November, four. Spring Calves. The owner is requested to prove property pay ex- penses and take them away. JOHN FOOTE. 262*11 _ --- ESTRAY BULL. TE into the premises of the subscriber, Lot C�6, nor th half Con. 2, Morris, about the lit of October last a red and white yearling oar es .., 1 BULL. ESTRAY HEIFER OA' YE to the subscriber, Toll Gate No. 17, near 3 ror:etor,' in August last, a yearling HEIFER. The caner will please prove property, pay charges and akeit away. 261-e CHRISTINA DOUGLAS. YOUNG CATTLE ESTRAY. pAikrE to Lot 13, Con. 1, McKillop, about Nov. V I5; two STEERS and a. HEIFER ; the steers red in color, the heifer white. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. THOMAS FOX. - 261'4 The ESTRAY'"STEER AND PIGS. CAME to Lot 29, Con. 8, Hibbert, about Nov. 18, v a ted and white year-old STEER. Also, two PIGS abont five months old_ ; one white, the other spotted. The owners will please pay charges and take them away. JAMES Tari'LLS. 261*4 REMEMBER THIS IS A - GENUINE CLEARING SALE, To commence on MONID.A=, - DEC_. 1e, And will continue until New Year' CHRISTMAS IS .AT HAND And now is the time to SECURE BARGAINS. THOS. KIDD 'S (/ 1� . E .lJ.EMPORIUM .�ENO Offers great inducement's. Beautiful Silk Figured POPT.TNS for 88, worth $10. Beautiful Black GROS GRAIN SILT{, 12 yards for $13, Worth $18. Beautiful Grebe and Mink FURS verypheap. All Wool CANADIAN TWEEDS ler 80 cts. per yard, worth $1. A epecial line of OVERCOATS from $3 50 to, $10. Don't fail to see our MILLINERY, comprising the "latest and most Select, Styles o the Season. - I only ask youto call and examine the above, and be convinced of the foregoing facts. . CASH, AND ONLY ONE PRICE. THOMAS KIDD. ESTRAY HETI ER. C,tiM1 into Lot_ 28, Con. 5, Morris, about the lst September last, a red and white HEIFER, two years old. The owner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay charges and take it away. 261-4c JAMES CHEWINGS. ESTRAY STEER. CAi1IE into Lot 21, Con. 5, Grey, on or about the v Int of August last, a red STEER coming three years oltl. The owner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay charges and take it away. 261-40 THOMAS GATENDY. ESTRAY- CATTLE. - CAME into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 8, North Boundary Liue of Hay, about Sept. 18, one Steer corning 2, red; one Bull, coming 2, red; t.ne spotted red aucl white Steyr, homing 8. The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay charges and take there away. 260*4 • JAMES cOCHRAN . ESTRAY CATTLE. CAME to Lot 9, Con. 2, Hnllett, on Nov. 21, five young Cattle -4 steers anrl,l heifi:r; marked on the bottom of both ears- The oer is re- quested to prove property, pay expen. es and take them away. • 26114 JOSEPH BRaNPITLD. STRAYED D PIG. STRATED from the premises of the subscriber, about the 10th of November, a large sow PIG, color nearly black, with a few white spots. Any person giving information which will lead to its recovery will be suitably xewnrded. - ROBEP,T SCOTT. Roxburgh, Nov. 26, 18 72.. 960 THE ONLY ECONO_l7ICAL STORE I SEAFORT.H IS AT LAIDLAWS. .Yew ,Season's Tea! New Season's 7Teal. 187I and 1872. THESE ARE :SPLENDID TEAS. y CD H z Best BLACK TEA, Intported, New Season, 75c. t) 90e. per 'pound. y 4 JUST RECEIVED N. B. -Why pay 60c. to 70e. for Tea you can get for -50e. per pound ? COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, The Finest in the Province 35c. per lb. o Sugars and Soaps at Wholesale Prices. FRUITS,. SPICES, &e., OF Via, FINEST QUALITY. JAMES C. LAIDLA.W, Next door to •the Post Office. ESTRAY CATTLE. C1ME into the premisee of the undersigned, Lot 31, Con. 14, Mcl itlop, about Sept. 10, last, a - small red Heifer coining two years old; also, a grey steer with a red neck, of the same age. The owner is requested to call, prove property pay charges and take them away. 260*4 RICHARD RYAN. ESTRAY STEER. CAaIE into the Premises of the nndersigued, Lot 2, Con. 7, Hallett, oir or xabout the 15th of No- vember, a reel and white ST3ilER_eoining throe years old. The owner is regirested to call, prove rt pay c property, pay charges and take the animal away. h • owner18 it ed to prove grope y, 261c4 . 259-8 JOHN HINCHLE1. and take it away. SIMEON iET, WHAT NEXT? Allen's Grocery and Provision Store, Opposite Poweil's Hotel, Seaforth, is about the best place in Town to get CHOICE TEAS, - BRIGHT SUGARS, NEW RAISINS, CLEAN CURRANTS, CANDIED PEELS, FRESH SPICES, BEST PICRI=ES, Or anything to make a goo. NEW BISCUIT, CANNED PEACHES, I CANNED TOMATOES, CANNED PEAS, CANNED SALMON, • CANNED LOBSTERS, CIiRIS'I'M.1S I'tiDDING, Flour, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Rice, Pot Barley, Graham Flour, Potatoes, Beets.. Carrots, &c., CHOICE ROLL BUTTER. GOODS DRLTVERED PROMPTLY. O AstiE .A=te ] S WM. ALLEN. BERKSHIRE BOAR.= T Seaforth New Dominion House, an excellent Berkshire Boar will be kept for the service of "Sows. Terms, $1 cash. JOHN• GRITS, 262-4 . SUFFOLK BOAR. pHE proprietor will keep for service during the t present season a first-class SUFFOLK BOAR,. Sired by the Suffolk boar imported from. England by Mr. Fisher, of Colborne. TERMS. One dollar cash, with privilege of returning :luring season: - JAMES L ANDESBOIIOUGH, Tucker - smith, Lot 28, Con. 8, H. R. S. 262 PURE BERKSHIRE BOAR. FIRST CLASS. At Service of Farmers. Casa. Privilege of returning during season. . -n F. THOMPSON, 25.9.6 - Huron Road, Hriliett, • BLACKSMITH WANTED. JANTED immediately, a fust -class ex/entry BLACKSIITH,.able to take charge of a shop. Nene but one praticient in horse shoeing and plow -fixing need apply, to whoel a liberalsalary will be given. Single man preferred. Apply to WM. ERWIN, Wagon -maker, Berne. 261. AGENTS WANTED. GENTS wanted. $150 per month. To sell the TrsK ,R, the most useful household article ever inventtai. Address H. K. ANDERSON, P. 0. Box 860, Montreal, P. Q. 262`4 - CARD. To the Ratepayers of the Village of Sea- forth : Having heard that there is a report in circula- tion, to the effect that I do not intend to offer myself for re-election as your Reeve at the corning election, I beg to state that I am in the field eeek- ing re-election at your hands, feeling that I have done nothing to forfeit the trust reposed in met during my tenure of office. JAMES H. BENSON, :a