HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-12-20, Page 3F�RTh�tY LOTS suit. oatings fe rices, Also, _ 90 -DS, vey. ;Vac r, ".k NGS "cite can al - r the latest Pled cheap. but be increased eatlymade leterrained • under, if ;cafurth. aus. e. 'ntnty of Cs of the be ',enc.- ; Con. 11 iioneer. DE -c. 20„ 1872. •,•••••-•••••- GAARTIts. A western editor says of a neighbor _twit& a quivering eyelid, that he "atutters in the left eye." —A litt1 boy being asked "What is the chief end of man I" replied "The endwhaes got the head on." :roues: what's the matter with your eyes?" "Oh, nothin'7 only , My wife said this morning I'd better get, up and make a in ; I told her to make it herself—that's all:" _A, Western. editor kixrdly says that a politician with whom he does not agree, was made about two days after the old contract for brains had expired and before the new one was Made. __“Who was the meekest _man, my sem'?" said the Superintendent of a boy's Bible class in Hamilton, "Moses, Sif-." (Neilwe1, my boy, and whe was the meekest woman I" "Please, sir, there never was no meekest woman." —The Titusville Press says : Titusville was not the birthplace of 'the father of his country,' but we have a man redding here who slipp- ed up on a muddy crossing this after- noon and sat down on a roll et but- ter which ie was, carrying home, and, instead] of swearing, he simply arose, scraped the butter °This pants into the raper again, and went on again as if nothing had happened." =In Arkansas a man was sentenc- ed to be banged, bat all the carpen- ters in the neighborhood refused to build the scaffold. As the condemn- ed man was hiliself a carpenter by trade, the Sheriff tried to induce him to pat up the gallows, but he steadfastly declared he'd be hangeti if he did. —The patron of a cheap eating - house, who cornplained that they now gave only one potato with his meat. whereas they formerly gave him two was mollified by the wait- er's explanation thitt the last lot of potatoes they purchased was so had that no gentleman could eat more than _one of them. —Two - hoarding -school misses were overheard conversing the other We think less of our merry cotnpan- day "Have you graduated, Jen- ions and the favorable impressions flier "Why, bless you, yes, I grad- we -make than we do of the contem: mated btst seasen." "What did you poraiies who are on after another us; less of our ow tha t smiles sses were then, _tritnite to the building of a new than of same we 1 aVe slighted- in church, pi eniptly aubscribed his that older fimeHave we ever nd- name to the paper in the following &iced, in forming on , of an assembly eccentric manner : John Jones (the of People in our yo ith, how every only place in town where you can one seemed mature compared with get 11 pounds good sugar for, a dol- lar) 25 cents. tucky and Tennessee produce the tallest men in America. A young •boy taken from the city, whoseparents are beloW the usual height, and reared in either of those States, woul4 probably quite overtop any of his family.. The material abounis in gi'ains and meats cf,those . splendid regions for developing the bo es. The Pate e- eonians have lone been- celebrated for ()eine the ta]1ei rice of men in existence. Magellan's associates give their average stature at -seven feet _four inches. ron's officeis seldo seven feet and som measure. At. the Commodore By-. n saw one below e exceeded that polar circles, es- pecially north, the Esquimau rare- ly towers above four feet and a half to five feet. As a hole, the Eng- lish are finely de eloped; tall and energetic.. Ameri ens aie a corn-. pound of all natio son the glebe' varying in size, trength, height, weight,, mental ca acity :Arid energy according to the redmninance of blood from any p rticular source., 'A Inulk diet, of a 1 food, is most favorable for a lar e, tall frame in early life. Growin The departure o youth manifests itself as uniniscakar,ly in the habi- tudes of the mind as in the gray hair and failing St ength.' We see visions and dream clirearns. We build castles of enchantmtnt, whieh we furnish and peoP1 witb. a vivid im- e aeination. We ieture the fairest - bride, the fastest friends, and the most flowery, of pathways. • Alas, ii how does experience disappoint us, and show us the vanity of humank wishes, as we find one idol after an- other rudely shatteied 01% wisely witheld ! Our thoughts are now maiuly in the past,and we are busier with memories than with hopes. We_ dream not !so much of conquests to be ac deved ;IS ot' the golden opportunitie nor passed be- yond recall„of the ich treasures of time and talents a e have wasted, graduate in 7" '"In the sweetest sky- blue silk you ever saw:" --A grocer being solicited to con - passing away from conquests in love, are scarcer than k Insurance Agents. It is with atter. amazement that we read the, other day, in a morning journal& an advertisement requesting an agent of some reliable life insur- ance company to call on the adver- tiser. as he desired to take out a - policy. Did that man realize what the cOnsequences willl- be? Vast hordes of life ins- ranee agents will immediately swc.,.t down upon that man. They willsurround him at his meals ; they will bore hini in church ; they will, -ouilst into the parlor while he is courting; they will shake him ap and wake him, and pull. the covers off him while he is in bed ; they will force, themselves inte the carriage- with him when he goes to funerals • thev 'will break m upon him at 'fitirily prayers. If he closes and locks his doors, they will slide down the thininey with mor- tality tables ; they will -come up through the drain -pipe with expla- natious of the ten-year plan, they will wrench off, the window -plates so as to read death,. rates to hint ; they. Will shin up the water -spouts, and souse do w a through ' toe trapdoor in the roof with documentary evidence thaf the endow tne It plan • is the best one. If he shou id seclude himself on a.desert Wand he would hardly step ashore before he would see fl- teE n ot- sixtee h indeed lift -insurance agents puddling through the break- ers al canes. If he should buV a suit of submarine arntor and sirlk himself two miles deep in the middle of the A tlantic ocean,- he wouldn't touch bottom before an insurance agent would be down there in a diving bell with a doetar, asking questions about the disease his grandinothee died With and wanting to sound his liver. if, ID sheer despair, he slaould blow ont his brains, we actually believe that half the, insurance agents in the conntry would: commit .;tticide, in order to e..7.-,:plaiu the tontine, systew to him as soon ,-9s Ile sgat "over the ' rivet." The rban has evidently mai.ie a mistake. Tall Men. A s a country becomessettled, and -especially in, cities where great 'num hers of h apan beings itte crowd- ed into a comilaratively small place, men degenerate in height and- the women arenot only proN'7erbially shorter than in the countkrk, but they are less muscular. As there o.1.6 thought to lie exceptions to all rules, there are 4oth tall .gentIetuan And Iadiks in old cities. m ajar- ity of them, however, if traced to their birthplace, will be found to have fr9.11-1 the country. Ken- .. ourselves? Now, 1 when we look around us, how grettl do the young seem to preponderate .-"ri When we remember the rose -tint of romance with whichthe freshness and viyicl- . . .ness of every new imprdssion tinged our early days, and now find that existence is no long ;i: a dream, 'but a reality, and that t tere is so little to look forward to, i it any wonder that we cast a liu ering look be- hind? The characc r of our life is fixed, and our owe mtions and as- sociations premise te be in the future very much what the i now -are. Do we notice how mu& more rapidly each succeeding ye r seems to pass away 7 Carnot we remember how, in our childhood, ti e term of a year appeared' interminable, and • we thought we could eo great space almost work And play? older, how, i4 that, dustrv, time seems t work We take in ha so engrossed, that holidays are . alike after all is done, h iinfinished, how nut Main untried " thought connected life,"'sys the late 0 0 press into that amountiny Ot ut as we izet . out in - o short for the d ? We become holy -days and invaded and -much is left y sehemes re- t is the solemn with middle lognent F. W. Roherason, " that life's lost business is t)egno in earnest and it is then, midway between th cradle and the grave, that a mau iegins to marvel that he let tlie day. f youth go by so half enjoyed. it is the pensive autumn fk eing, it is the sensation of half sadness that we experience when the longest dt y of the year is past, mid every dayl that follows is shorter, and the Ii4ht fainter, and the feebler shadows tell that nature is hastening with so e gigantic foot- steps to her winter jgrave. So does inan look hack ui on his youth.. • When-the.,first grily hairs become visible, when tlie ujn welcomi truth ie mind that a fastens itself npon t man is no longer goibg 60 hill, but down, and that the sun is always westering, be looks back on things ibehind. When we were children, we thought as children. But now there lies before us manhood, a ith its earnest work, athl then old age, and then the grave, tnd then home. There is a second outh for mall, better ?int] honer than his first, if he wil look ou,. aid uo1 back."—Tins- leg's Jfagazine,. NOT' -L.PTICE is hereby.given t application will be .matle ub the next sessi n of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for -a. Silt to incorporate the low/n:11qm of Morniagto i, Elina and Wallace and the Village. of Listow 1 in the County of Perth, Grey and I owiek ii t e 'Comity of Huron, Maryborough in the-Cou • tv of Wellington into juniof County, to be called the County of Malt - laud, and attached to the- ounty of Welling,ton for munieipal and judieitil p1 rposes, with a Regis- trj Office in. the village of L- •tow.el for said faMor County. at Listowel, . 1 this la_th of Noveather,1872 j 258-6 •,. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. HIGH PRICES FOR • FURNITURE MURDERED -And those that have kept prices up beyond the bounds of reason are about to • COMMIT SUICIDE. W. 14. PORTER Has commenced selling Furniture of all descrip- tions in .KATT S OLD STAND, SEAFORTH, At such prices as will astonish a raiser: He courts an inquest and feels certain that a verdict Will be returned in his faun! that his prices are .THE LOWEST That is and has beenin this or any other county in the Province for years. GIVE HIM A CALL And be convinced of the fact. W. B. PORTER. Seaiorth, Oct. 25,1872. 255 HURRAH FOR urn. WM.-- ATILT, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, WS ON HAND a superior _stook of FAMILY GROCERIES, embraeing Teas Of the best. _brands, Sugars, Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery told Glassware, and every, other article usually kept in a first-elasa Grocery Store: Such as Flour, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, every description of Such. as Oats, Peas, Bran and Shorts, all of which will be sold cheaper then the choapost. FAC.191( PRODUCE. The highest market priee paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main street, East side, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 213 WM. AULT. , EDWARD CASH Will pay TORONTO PRICES For any quantity of RAW FUR At the Butter InspeLtor s Office, MAIN7STREET, SEAFORTH, Mink, Coon, Otter, Rat, Bear, Wolf, Beaver, Marten; and Peltries of all kinds. THE SEAFORTH LTJMBER YARD. •MABEE & MACDON ALD BEG to inform the public that they have operield a Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, on the gtound formerliy uaet1 as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thonme Lee. They will keep constantly on hand la good assort- ment of ALL KENDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLI.408, all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- Me prices, for Cash. Builders aneothers will find it to their advant- age to inapect prir stock, and ascertain our prices before purchasingelsewhere, as we are iva positiqn to offer good inducements to cash purchasera., 160 :NIABEE & MACDONALD.' -The Victoria Chemical Compe,ny; Sole Proprieitors and Manhfacturers'of the Cele: butted 'Victoria Carbolic Preparations. Laboratory and Works, Victoria Hull, MelindeStreets, Torouto, Ont. The following Genuine Preparations are sold by all Druggists. 130 sure and ask for theAlcrount PitioanuntrioNs, and see that you get them, Victoria Carbolated Glycerine Jelly, This Jr.rmy is highly recommended to Ladies as a Welt'tifarineegab4PCmolitiPletxt°ioninfoarndtheniTutiria.g 1 ;hoer - Skin Soft, Mate, Clear, and free front Dryness, it. is enlivened. It will quickly remove all Beauties,' Bouglaness, Tan, Freeklea, Pimples, and other im4 perfections. For Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Frost 'Sites and Sore -Lips, it cannot be surpassed.. Price 25 cents. • victoria Carbolic Toilet' Soap. , This TOILET SOU' possesses all the well-known antiseptic and disinfecting properties of Catholic Aeid, ia agreeably scented, has a healthy action on I the skin, pievents irritation'names the .effects of perspiration., mud ahould be. regu1ar1y4used bf families: Cholera, Smallpox ami Fever Patients • shoald be washed with this- Soap; and it useby' persons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of disease. Price,15 mite per Tablet. victoria. Carbolic Salve. . 'This Sax.vris a vivid euro for all Skin Diseases, Outs, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Sores; 'Ulcers, Ring- - worm, Tater, Eczema, Seald Head, Scurvy, Abs- cesaea,oBoils Pimples, &e. possesses all the • cleansing and healing virtues of karbolie Aeid, which hes been found. by Physicians everywhere to posseas Curative qualities not discovered in any otherelemiettl pieparation. Price 25 cents. • : • Victoria Carbolic Gargarysita. This Gallen): is the most reliable and efficap-iotie Remedy in all eases of Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Diptheria Bronehitis, Irritation Of the Bronchial Tubes sti common in this changeable clinette, - Asthma, Offeusive Breath, Ulcerated GUMS, and. all diaettaea of the Mouth. .For Public Speakers and Sinners it is invaluable. The ingredients .en- tering into this Gargle are uaecl by ell Physicians, and for the cure of the, above disorders A.erteniu,?:ow, .undoubt edly, the most popular in the LwE MEnica. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant. This DISINFECTANT ia.a awe pr. eveutive of" Typhus Lnedtilo)ur diseases. It tOliwoilplrap,rSelyneirditl pt(!jv.(;natniidgi anon lin; Cattle. It is also invaluable for Disinfecting . Wa- ter Closets, Drains; Cesspools, .Stables, Slaughter- houses, &e., and for destroying, nauseous effluvia from whatever causeaarisiiig. It -will drive away Mosquitoes, Moths, Flies, Coekroaeh.es,. etc. Meat, Fish, &c„ can be preserved from putrefaction by its use. Carbolic Aeid was selected by Her Majesty's ltoyal Comunssioners, in preference to all other products, as thebest Disinfeetant for the preven- tion of infections4lisea3es. Price 25 cents. Victoria Sharpening and Polishing Paste -Thi S PREPARATIoN 'is me:quelled in its rapidity for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table and P(,okutI,nives, Bnzors, Surgieal Instruments, Shoe - in rakers' Knives, Plane )it s and Chisels, tte. Noth- ing has over boon discoveret1 winch hats sprang int -fl' popularity more • quiekly, or become of at, much value in every hon ;thorn and worksh6p for general naefulness. Price 25 cents. 230 MONEY TO LOAN. 11-`13,E subseriber has MONET to loan to any 1- amount on good farm property. Interest, SIX per cent. per 'annum, when the intereat and prin- ciple are paid yearly, and $ per centper annum when the intereat only is paid. A G. AleDOUGALL, 227-52 At cb.eap cash. Store, sign of the Bear. MONEY TO LEND.' . rilLE undersigned has $8,000 .and upward, private funds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per annunT! on Farui property. Charges moderate. Marriage Licences isseea. Apply to • - 227-5s- • w. a. WILSON; Zurich. -(•••• BRITANNIA. 11.0.US.E, SEAFORT.H. W. mu IS NOW SHOWING A FULL STOCK OF DRY GOODS; MILLIN,ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES AND GROCERIES. SUITABLE FOR THE PRESENT SEASON'S TRADE. And While returning thanks for the patronage of the past seven aoars, desires to notice that the stock - is large enough to supply the heaviest buyer'choice enough to satisfy the most particular, and as good value as can be obtained by any purchaser; that he has had the same ADVANTAGE OF PURCHASING BEFORE THE RISE As any other house, and will as readily give CUSTOMERS the benefit of it. The following advantages are claimed for the house: — 1. K long experience in the trade. 2..Peraonal inspection of all goods bought. 8. Onelorice only, theLOVirEST possible. • \ • 4. A well STOCK to seleet from. BRITANNA HOUSE Opposite the Post -office, SEAFORTH. 1872. NOVEMBER, •1812. TIB 1.a-A..1:Z.0-S'T STOCK, THE CHEAPEST STOCK, AND THE .:GREATEST VARIETY. IS TO BE HAD FOR CASH CR APPROVED CREDIT AP I LIVINGSTONE'S DOMINION HOUSE, AINLEYVILLE BANKRUPT IN SEAFORTH, STOCK (JOHN LOGAN'S OLD STAND) SILKS, MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Consisting of MANTLES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, LINENS TWEEDS, UNDERCLOTHING, FLANNELS, CARPETS, NEW ..WOOL GOODS, And a fall assortment of FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS. CHEAP SALE FOR 10 DAYS. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT THE NCHESTER HOUSE. fo? - • r "Money Saved is Money Earned. YOU GAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR feCE 1ES tt) LictUre —AT— WILSON & YOUNC'S, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. JUST RECEIVED, PER. STEAMER, DIRECT FROM CHINA, A LARGE' CONSICNMENT OF TEA, Consisting of the folio wing kinds FINE YOUNG HYSON, PING &MY, MOYTJNE, GUNPOWDER, 00N(30, SOUCIONG, ORANGE PEKOU and other tirst-elass brands. As a very large stock of these Teas has been received, they will be sold very cheap. FRUITS. BAISINS—New Va1entia„ Layer, Sultana and Mousquetel, fresh and new. CURRANTS—In great quantity and surprisingly cheap. ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON PEELS. PRUNES—Very nice, and good value. LIQUQRS Of all kinds, and of the best brands, wholesale and retail. WINES AND BRANDIES, for medicinal purposes, -warranted pure. ALES AND PORTER, in bottles or on draft, warranted good. • ]?LO UR A .LY D FEED. All kinds, delivered promptly in any part of Seaforth, Egmondville and flarpurhey. POULTRY. CASH paid for any quantity of well-dressed Poultry. All kinds of FARM PRODUCE taken at the highest market prices. 300, Packages No. 1 BUTTER wanted. WILSON & _YOUNG, Scott's Block, Seaforth. — GROCERIES, CR.POKERY AND GLASSWARE ballad at the FLOUR AND FEED STORE At the lowest prices. Call and exami.ue our . well -selected stook of SUgARS, CO:FPI-ES, &c. Canned Fruit, Oyatert, Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines constantly oa Stock-raisersvould do well totry SimPson'sHorse and Cattle Spica the finest and cheapot Condi- tion Powder in tlirworld. T. P. KENDALL & Co.'s ante W. A. Shearson & Co.) celebrated FAMILY FLOUR • Delivered on the shortest netice. The highest Market Price paid for all kinds of 'Produce. CEDAR POSTS and SliffirGLES still on hand THOMAS LEE. E STUFFS. FOR TRE BEST MADDER, • INDIGO, LO.GVVOOD; 'COCHINEAL, MAGENTA, And all other genuine DYE STUFFS, R Producing rich and durable colors, go. to LUMSDEN'S Corner Drug Store, Seaforth. POULTRY! POULTRy! a The subscriber will pay the HI HEST CASH PRICES For any quantity of fat, well-dressed P 0 131,1T-RY Delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, Main -street, Solorth. POULTRY TO BE DRAWN, 227 D. D. WILSON. MALCOM'S GREAT ECC DEPOT, MARKET SQUARE, SEAFORTH, The subscriber begs to inform th4 public that he has greatly extended his premises and is pre- pared as hitherto to pay the highest price for any quantity of GOOD PREAS7I EGGS, Deliveredat his place of business. No Market Fees on EGGS. W M. MALCOM. Seaforth, March 25,1872. 225 INK. J. SEATTER, •EXCHANGE . BROKER, And dealer in Pere • DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYESTUFFS, -PERFUMERY, FAIWYAND TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines. , Money telend on easy terms. SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1879. 59-tf. SEAFOBTII PLANING MILL. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY subscriber begs leave to thank hie numerous' customers for the liberal patronage extended to him since conunencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may he favored with a continuance of the aame. Pasties intending_to build would do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand s large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, • DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. Be feels confident of giving satialaetion to those ntho may favour him with their patronage, as none but first:class worknlen are employed. r..:e• Particular attention paid to Custom P ning. 201 JOHN ft. BROADFO iodized Cod Liver Oii. THIS Preparation's a solution of Iodide of Iron in perfectly puke Cod Liver Oil. It may be 'used in all cases where the shaple 011 is ordered, and will be found greitly superior to it. This preparation is highly beneficial in Painonat7Con- sumption, -Scrofulous Complaints, Chronie .Skin Diseases, and for all chronic disorders arising from defective digestion assimilation or nutrition. It is also highly usel;il in. Chronic llhetunatism and Gout.p 1.1 e $ lle dg rl.Syrupeft e; or ep aira tli_oppo,peoih ni nie. T gt t:eA-H1HyS‘sanpiophosaphites of -Lime, Soda, Potash and Iron, with free Hypephosphorous Acid. This Syrup is a certain remedy for .General from any cause, Nervints Diseases and Scrofulous Complaints. It is also highly metal in diseases of the bones (especially in infants) and Incipient Consumption. Price $1. The above Preparations are of standard medical reputation, and containing no seeret ingredients, 7312.11 be prescribed by physicians without hesita- tion. Prepared by JOEMWndIoLn,LXoidtali Loo. For sale by -11. Lumsden, Seaforth; X.11. Grant, Ainleyville; G. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and Druggists generally. 235 J. P. BRIINIE, 'LICENSED A.IJOTIONEER for the County of A-1 Huron. Sales attended 'in all parts of the Country. All orders left at TIM EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. 198