HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-12-13, Page 8DISTRICT n MATTERS. BaatTry St Co. have received a large lot of the very finest Teas for the Christmasttade. They sre also receieing their new stock ofataisins Cur- rants, and a general stooltof fresh Gr tkeries, Wines and Liquors, . Their stock of Dry tiocidia as usual, is well assortea u all departments. Call and eXaMitle. -BEATTY & CO., Carmichael's Block. NEW FRUITS -in great abundance at Sraorto 4; FAIRBEVS,- Seaforth, • FINNAN HADDIES good arid cheap at STRONG & Emmet's, Seaforth. . A LARGE lot of Lake Huron Flemings, Trout and 1.Vhite Fish, 0 STRONII & Fs-jar:Ws. EXPECTED TO -DAY, i car load of West- ern Corn, for sale cheap.at STRONG & FAIRLEY'S- . cheap Grocery Store, Seaforth. REmaTANT SALR AT LOGAN & 'TANTE- so' -Owing to the,large amount Of Dry Goods sold by them datingthe last two Months, a great amount of short lengths are now on hand in Dress Goode, Tweeds, ac., and in order to make a thorough clearance they have carefully gone over them and marked, thein at such,prices ' as cannot fail to be &ninth:moment o the closest buyer. Re- member this • Is a genuine clearing gale, to com- mence on Monday, Dec. 16, and will continue until New Year's. * , BUSINESS NOTICE. EXPOSITOR for 1873..... .... . . i 50 EXPOSITOR and „WEEKLY GLOBE for 1873.- .. ........ . .... ... . . 2 75 Several parties having misunderstood the an- nouncement heretofore peblished in this column, nrulei tbe heading "B0.8'11.1068 Notice," we dee91. it necessary- to state that it is the WEEKLY GLOBE we offer to subscribers of the Maim"- EXPOSITOR for al 25, NOT the Expostaon itself. - The EXPOSITOR Office will be removed to-day,-Priday-to the- new premises on John Street, immediately in rear of the old Post Office building. REFORM BAug1..- reat Reform banquet will take place m the Music Hall. Toronto, on Wednesday, the 8th Of January. We have to thank the Central Committee for a complimentaryticket. TEACLEERs' EXAMINATION. -The ex- aminations of Schoo., Teachers for second and , -third-class certi cates commences in Goderich on Monday next. There are as yet no applicants for first-cla.ss cera tificates ; for second-class there are eight, and for third-class 59 - REPAIRING SEWING MacinNEs.-We ar requested by Mr. W. N. Watson to state that he has just now at his office a practical machinist, who will repair sew ing machines of all kinds. Parties hav- ing sewing machines which are out of order should make a note of this. e ILLNESS 'OF Mn. -CAMERON. --We regret to learn that M. C. Cameron, M. P., for Soath liaron, has been suffering severe- ly from ill health from some time. Mr. Cameron started on Friday last- on a tour throngh the Southern States, for the purpoee or recuperating. We trust he may return. thoroughly restored to health. CORRECTION. - We notice that the Signal accredits the Reeve of Goderich with being one of those principally in- strumental in abolishing the Toll Gates. This is not the case. The Reeve -of Grey is entitled to the credit of being the main mover in the reform, he being the *- poser of the resolution which created the discussion: that resulted in the abolition of the tolls. Both the Reeve and Deputy. Reeve of Goderich strenuously opposed the movement until concessions in the interest of their town was made to them. ROPE AND TWINE FACTORY. -We are glad to learn that the required amount of stock to secure the erection of the Rope, Twine and Sack Factory in Seaforth, :has already been subscribed. We presume that the -Company will shortly be formed, and preparations made to go on with the erectibn of the works. We cougrattilate our townspeople on the liberality and public spiritednesa shown in this matter, and feel confident that they will reap their reward in increased business. ' A LOCATED MARKET. -A week or two aga the Town Council applied to Mr. Har- rison of Toronto, for a legal opinion as to whether the niarket could be located Without the collection of fees. We be- lieve that an, affirmative reply has been received, so that hereafter even the grain dealers will have no argurranit to urge in favor of the obnoxious market fees. Al- though the located market may still be continued we think it would not be ad- visable to compel farmers to sell in the market articles other than grain, pork, hay, and perhaps wood. ANNPTERSARY SERVICE, he Anni- versary Services in connection with the Wesleyan Church of this yillage, will be held in the church, on Sunday, the 224 of December, and on Wednesday even- ing, the 25th inst. Oa Sunday sermons will be preached at half -plat ten a. m., by Rev. E. Wood, D. D., and at hill- pasti six p. m., by John McDonald, Eq., of Toronto, Lay Treasurer of the -Wealeyan Missionary Society. On. tbe IVechiesdey evening following the Anni- versary Tea Meeting will take place, on which occasion addresses will be deliver- ed by Revd -s. W. S. Blaekstock, James Graham, and others. The musical part af the entertainment will be furnished by the church choir. ratepayers c•ni ODD Feei.ows' Soefaia-The third an- niversary of the establishment of Fidelity Lodge, I. 0. of 0. F., Was celebrated in ithe Town Hall, on Tuesday eveninglast, 'by a social. The attendance of membera d others was very large, the hall being mnipletely tilled. The entertainment consisted of vocal. and instrumental Music, readiegs,- &c. Messrs. Cline, Pa,Itridge, Scott and Gibbs, and Misses. Campbell and Scott antl Mrs. Collins -were the principal actors, and their per- formances Were deserving of credit. Miss Jessie Campbell presided 04 the organ. abundance of refreshm.ents 'were also served. The chair was occupied by Brother John Campbell, N. G. At the conclusion of the proceedings A vote o -f thanks, proposed by Rev. Mr; Goldsmith, and seconded by Mr. John. Beattie, was tendered the Odd Fellows for the excel- lent entertainment they had ei vela The evening throughout wasmost agreeably spent, and the members of Fidelity Lodge are well deserving of praise for the man- ner in which their entertainment was projected ,and. carried. out., - 1. - the second prize at the Seaforth Fat Stock Fair, to Mr. F ank Case, for six' cents per ponnd, live 'weight. The cow: weighed 1,640 pounds, thus making the net price $98 40. Christnas Fat Stook Show. 1 The amp a Christmas Fat Stock Show, under the a espices cf the Tuckersmith •Brancli Agri ultural oeiety, was held in .Seaforth, on Tuesda last.. The show was, in every respec , a success. The number of animals e4iibited was not so large- as we have seeh in former years, but the quality was hard to . sur- pass. The first and 4eond prize steers, the property of Mr.thrnea Dickson, Of Tuckerstnith were urchasecl by the Messrs: Case at sevei cents per pound. The first pri e cow, sl own by Mr. Petty, ofalay, was purchase3l by Mr. William Spooner, of Olinton, a$ the second prize cow„the prokerty of Nr. Alexander Mc - Large, of Hi bert, was sold to the 111 essrs. Case, at s centsper pound. There were 14 -sh ep shown, and a finer lot could not b found in the province. There was, so, an excellent show of fowls of all inds. The following is the PRIZE L ST : ,Best Fat Qx or Ste r, eight entries - 1st, James D ckson ; .nd, Jas.. Dickson ; 3rd, Mrs. nn McLean. Best Cow or Heifer, 14 entries -1st, John Petty ; 2ad, Alex. 1% cLaren ; 3rd, Wur Payne. Best pair of at Sheep,- 14 entries-lst, John Petty ;l 2nd, John Petty ; 3rd, C. Dile. Best at Pig, 1 entry -1st, Wm. Charters. B st pair of Fat Geese. 6 en- tries-lst, Gqiorge Wright; 2nd, George Wright. Bet pair of Fat Turkeys, 4 entries -1st, George Wright; 2nd, Ap- pletoiaElcoa. JUDGEST--1, m. Shipley, Hullett ; Mr. 11 n Spoor, Cli to, and. G. E. Cresswell, Tuckersmith. . IC. R. COOPE POSITOIL Newspa THE BALL Pacific Hous a great euece enjoy thems supper was g did great ere Pacific, bons quality. The to supper. an early hour VAL11 A B LE Smith, of the veryali as dr. Smith only b paying for it draft horse as hood. Ififla believewas BRUSSELS'i tion for Reel, village Of Bra take place on HIGH PRIC NO is bE.ing p ers here. tha ilton. Oats cents higher ' FARMERS' i. about to hold sideration th price of wood • , A .] inleyville, Agent for the Ex- er and Job Painting Office iven by Dr. Bailey, of the Friday evening last, was , and eyery one seemed to yes to the utmost. The t up in the best' style, and it to the mana,gers of the in bo'.1, quantity and e were 35 couples sat down ancing was kept up until in the morning. 1 HORSE DIED. - Mr. M. firm of IV . & T. Smith, lost ft horse last week.. Mr. ught th horse last fall, 140. e was as fine a there w4 in the neighbor - elation lof the lungs we e causeof its death. iesT ELcaro.--Nomina- s ._and C uncillors for the sels (tat Ainleyville) will Monday, 23rd inst. 's.--yift cents more per ild for gifeeiJiides by buy - in any p ace *est of Ham- -e three ents arid peas five an in S &forth. EETINGs The farmers are Meetin to take into con - necessity of raising the Fa,rqu har. MAIL hilt GULARITIES.-Our Farqua- har subscrib rs comp auk that for the past three we ks they lave not received their Ex:romans un il Wednesday of • the -week fol owing p blication. The EXPOSITORS a e mailed from the Seaforth office regular y every Friday morning, and should r ach Fa uahar on Satur- day. As the do not o this there must be a, screw lo se some here. We shall direct the at ntion of t e Post Office In- spector to the delay, a d. have the irreg- ularity remov d at on. BONUS GR ing an additio London, Hur carried in Hu. majority of formed that t ment, many n jority of thos township wer the by-law, b be outvoted. b remained at h bound for the Huila t. T ED1-T le by-law grant... al bonu of $10,000 to the n and Brice Railway, was ett, on Tuesday last, by a eventy-n e. We are. in ere was ittle or no excite - t voting at all. The ma - on the east side of the opposecl to the passage of t feeling that they would those o the west side, me. Thins Hullett is now very modest sum of Morris. EETING:-A mass meeting of the ratepay rs of the township of Mor- rie will be hel in the township hall, this (Friday) even' ng, to afford the: projectors of the London Huron and Bruce Rail- way an opporb mity of explaining their ratepayers prior to taking y -law granting a bonus, On inst. scheme to the A vote on the Tuesday, 17t RETIREMENt OF THE REEVE. - We learn that Dr. IHoiuies, Reeve of Morris,. does not intenl to offer himself for re- election next Year.. The Doctor finds that the atten ion which his position as Reeve require4 him to give to municipal matters, inte eves injuriously with his practice, conscjquently he ha a determined Upon Withdra ing entirely from MUni- eipal affairs, and devoting his whole it- Whis gain, in this respect l tention to the practice of his profession. What will be will be the t wnship's loss. Who the future Reev of Morris will be iS not yet &lint .ly known, we think the d not do better than ele- vate their estleemed Deputy Reeve to the position of Reeve, if he will accept of it. Hibbert. A Goon Cuw.-Mr. Alexander Mc- Laren, of the township ot Hibbert, sold pia Tuesday last, his fat cow, which took' "Zurich. REMOVAL. r. William . Carrick has rented his grit and saw mill, in Zurich, to Messrs. Vanstone & Piper, .1a.te of Wingh am, wijo will hereafter conduct these two est blishtnents: Mr. Carrick has removed td the Fourth Concession of Hay, where e has another saw mill. In losing Mr Carrick, the people of Zurich have lo, t a most enterprising and useful citizen. We trust he may con- tinue to prosp r in his new abode. Pit esErraaa N. -Miss Rath, of this place, who has for some time past acted as organist in the W.. M. Church, was pleasantly surprised last Fridayeven- ing by a visit om a number of friends in the village am vicinity, who presented her with the f Dewing address, accom- panied by the more aubstantial present of a well-filled urse : "Dear Miss iltath :-We the meMbers of the Blnevale W. M. Choir, in connec- tion with othe friends of Bluevale, be- ing desirous of showing our appreciation of your servic a as an organist of said (their ; and also wishing to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for the great services you have raider, d, by being in- strumental in, developin the vocal 'and- instruMental -talent ' of the youth of the place desire by this small token to ac- knowledge the said,. services. Knowing that itis but a small adknowledgment, compared with what we have received from your faithful labors, always so cheerfully petimmed ; and we hope that you niay long be spared tei carry on the good work, so nobly begun among us." The address was read by 'Master Peter J. Cantlon; Miss Bina Farrow presenting the purse. Miss Rath made a short and appropriate reply„expressing her appre- elation of their kindness, and her willing- ness to continue her services. as organist. Exeter. BUSINESS CITA. N GE. -Mr. Harris of Fra,neistown, has recently sold his hOuse and•lot to Mr. Stacey, who. it is believ- ed will occupy the premises soon, and carry on.beth bla.cksmithing and waggon - making. • DEA:MS.-- Mr. Fitton's youngest child, a -daughter of about 1 year and 6 months old, died last week of croup. Also Mr. Ross's daughter of about six or seven years of age, (.lied on the lst inst., after having suffere& from a severe attack of meisels and crottp. Mrs. Bissett, wife of Mr. Richard Bis- sett of Exeter, died on the 7th inst., after a continued illness of two or three months, aged about- 65 years. SCHOOL • INSPECTION. - Mr. Aliller, School Inspector, has been examining the schools in tisborne, during the past few weeks, and completed.his work for the present yeai at Exeter, on Thursday last. He reports the schools to be in tif satisfactory condition. This last ex- amination was conducted chiefly in writ- ing, and it is believed, 'will be product- ive of beneficial results. EXAMINATION. -Mr. T. Blatchford purposes having a publio examination of his school, NO. 5, Usborne, on Friday, 20th inst. Judging from the past, a large attendance of parents and visitors will be present. . HORSE DIED. -A. valuab)e 'horse, • worth about $150 belonging to Mr. James Pickard, of Exeter, dropped dead on the street in Clinton, • one day last week. No cause is assigUecl'for its sud- den death. - Blyth. COMPLIMENTARY. -The friends of Mr. W. T. Hays, Registrar, -entertained him at a complimentary ,supper at Shane's hotel, •Blyth, on the evening of Wednesday last. This compliment was paid Mr. Hays on the occasion of his re- turn from an .extensive- tour ii Europe. Quite a large conipany sat down to sup- per, and a very pleasant time was spent. Tuckersmith, WOOD METING -.-A meeting of the Nvitiod sellers of Tuckersmith was held at Cox's Hotel, on the Kippen road, on Thursday evening last, for the purpose of making arrangements for regulating the prices of wood. We have not been able to learn the conclusion arrived at. CHEESE FACTORY CHANGED HANDS. - Mr. A. Malcolm, of the Rodgerville Cheese Factory, has leased from, WiUiam 0:"Fowler his factory; known as the ,West End Cheese Factory, for a term of ten years. The factory is to be refit• ted anew on the latest and most improv- ed principles, and will be carried on un -- der the management of Mr. Malcolm. This should give encouragement to far- mers in that locality wishing to,go into the business, as Mr. Malcolm- is a man of experience, and orie who will give general satisfaction. . _ Correa -3E Coun ell met on Tuesday, Dec. 3, ;pursuant to --adjourn- ment. All the Members present. The minutes of last meeting were -1'.ead and approved. A number of accounts were pessed tled orUnd to be -13fi1di. Moved by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mt. Sprat, that AleXander Kennedy, Tavern Im spector, receive $2 in addition to his sal- ary for extra trouble he has had in his duty -Carried. Moved by Mr. Sproat, seconded by Mr. Walker, that E. Lusby, constable, be paid - the sum of $2O for services rendered in the case of Hugh McKay. a lunatic, of this township -- Carried. Moved by Mr.. Walket, sec- onded by, Mr. Sproat, that William Kyle be refunded the sum of $3, asovercha, g - ed, for statute labor in 1871 -Carried: Moved by- Mr. Walker, seConded by Mr. Sproat, that W. Sproat be authorized to inspect the road near Mr. Pickard's, and award such sum of money to Mr. Pick- ard as he may deem fit.' in compensation for work done on said road by Mr. Pick- ard -Carried. By-laws 3 and 4 were read a third time and finally pissed. • Moved by Mr. Cousins, seconded by. Mr. Sproat, that a by-law be passed fixing the place for the nomination of Reeve, Dep- uty Reeve and Councillors for the ensu- ing year, in the School House, Village of Egmondville, on Monday, the 23rd of December, instant, at thehour of lt o'clock, noon--LUarried: Moved by Mr. Sproat, seconded by Mr. Walker, that the submitting of a by-lawto the rate- payers for their votes to grant a bonus to the London, Huron- and Bruce Railway Company, lay over for the consideration of a new Council in the year 1S73 -Car- ried. Meved by Mr. Lang, seconded by Mr. Cousins, that Thomas Downey be al- lowed the fium of $15 for gravelling part of job No. 5. the remaining part to be finished early next spring:L.-Carried. Moved by Mr. Cousins, secOnded by Mr. Lana, that the following- • amounts lie pad in charity: Orernut.4, $4; Mr. Twist, $7; Michael McNamara, $10 • Mrs. McCosh, $10 ; Mrs. CatherinE; Smith, .$8 ; Mrs. McKay, $4. Mrs. Q. .smitb's to be Okpended for her benefit by Mr. John Beattie, Harpurhey-Car- ried. Moved by N r. .Sproat, seconded by'IN Ir. Walker, that the Reeve, Deputy ; Reeve. and Councillors be paid the suen of $30 each for their services as Come. I cillors ahd road Inspectors for the year 1872 -Carried. By-laws 5 and 6 were I read and passed.. The Council. then ad- .journed. • Howick. IINICIPAL ELECTIONS. -The nomina- tion of Reeves. and Councilors- in the township of Ho wick will take place this yeat at the village of Gorrie, on the day appointed by Statute. The following is a list of the polling places, together with the names of the Returning 'Officers : Subdivision No. 1, to vote at Mr. Thomas K. Body's, lot 15, Concession 13, 1.1.al the Township Clerk be the Returning Officer; Subdivision No. 2, to vote at Mr. Ezekiel Phair's, and Ezekiel Phair to be the Re- turning . Off; c er ; Polling sub -division No, 3, to vote in the village of Pordwich, aud Mr. John Corbett to be Returning _ Officer e Polling division.No.,4, te vote in the Orange Hall, Gorrie vlllagb, Mill- ard Robinson he Returning . Officer ; Polling division No. 5, to vote in Mr. Lavvrie s Office, Wroxeter, and Mr. William Lawrie to be the Returning .Offirr.. MoKiliop CoRDwoom-The wood combination has ,caused quite an excitement about big prices for wood, and the choppers are governing themselves aceordingly. They ask 75 cents per cord and board for chop - IN law CHEESE FACTORY. -Mr. John Morrison proposes going into the cheese business at Winthrop, and, has already the timber on the ground for his new factory. Mr. 'Morrison has engaggd the services of An experienced dheese maker, who, for the past two years, has been em- ployed with Mr. Malcolm, of Rodger- ville, • -There are now five newepapers pub- lished in the town of Winnipeg, Manito- ba, a place containing about 1,500 inhabi- tants, all told. Newspaper publishing in such a Waco' must bell, fat ;business. Itis:bad enough, goodness knows, in On- tario; but we cannot equal Manitoba yet. -The Air line of the Great Western Railway was formally opened for freight - traffic on Tuesday last. -Mr. Brydges has given orders for the construction in Brantfordof 220 new pa,s- senger cars tor use on the Grand Trunk. The cost of construction of these cars will bein the neighborhood of $1,- 400,000. READ Duncan & Dunean's new adver- tisement, and. see if you can detect the mistake. STRAYED HEIFER. A BOUT the 1st of Rine last, from Lot 22, Con.9, aaa- Morris, a red and white 13DEIFE1ta with a light colored spot near end of nose. Ani person giving each information as will lead to the recovery of the above heifer will be suitably rewarded. 262c4 GEO. KELLY, ESTRAY STEER. - (NAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 2, Con. 9, Howick, about the 1st of August last, a STEER about 8 months old. The owner is re- quested to prove property,. pay expenses and take it away. WM. EVANS. 262e4 ESTRAY SHEEP, CAME into the premises of the .undersigned, Lot 15, Con. 8, Stanley, on or about Sept. 1, - A white SHEEP. The owner is regoested to prove property, pay charges andlake it away. 262-4 GEORGE' STEVENSON. ESTRAY EiTEER. (-NAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot ai 30, Con. 2. Townfihip of Morris, about the 20th of .Tnne, one STEER coming two years. old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take the animal away. 262+4 T1101L&S zBROWN. ESTRAY fiTEERS. CAATE to the premises of the undersigned, on. 2, McKillop, in August lest, two yearling STEERS, red in color.: The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. 2624 JOHN DAVIS. ESTRAY HEIFER. (JAME to Lot 4, Con. 6, McKillop, about the 1st ai of September, a yearling HEIFER, greyieh color: The owner is requested to trove property, pay expenees and take it away. 262+4 THOMAS ROITRKE. ESTRAY CALVE& CAME to Lot 24, South Hayfield Abed, Stanley, about the 21st November, four Spring Calves. The owner is requested to prove property pay ex- penses and take them away. 262+8 JOHN FOOTE. ESTRAY BULL (NAME -into the premises of the subscriber, Lot C 26, north half, Con. 2, Morris, about the lst of October hist, a red and white yearling BULL., The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges arl take it away. SIMEON EAKET. 26104 ESTRAY STEER. CANE 4 to Lot 6, Con. 5, Mullett, about Nov. 12,a bleck and white STEER coming two years old. The Owner is regneated to prove property, pay charges and take ft away. 26114 SHADRACH M. ABBEY. ESTRAY CATTLE. CE to the prebtises of the undersigned, Mill R ad, Tuckersmith, on Oct. 20; last, a STEER and a FIEIFEI4, rising two years old; steer mixed blaelt end white ; heifer white and rod mixed. The owner will pleatie prove property, pay expenses and take them avney. W*. COOPER. 261+4 ESTRAY HEIFER. CAi into the enclosure of the eubsctiber about th let of October last, a red HEIFER, with two w ite stripes, rising two years old. The ownerl is requested to pay charges and take her away, or she will be sold as the law directs. ROBT. REID1 Lot 12, B. R. N., Stanley. 261114 ESTRAY COW. C(NAME to Lot 20, Con. 9, McKillop, on Nov. 24 last, a spotted red and white COW. The owner will please prow) property, pay expenses and take It away. , WILLIAM GALBRAITH. - • .201*4 ESTRAYSTEER FCinto tbe premises of the endersigned, Lot 4, Con. 13, Tuckersmith, m or about the 1st of lAtiguet last, one yearling STE IL The earner is erequeated to prove property, p y charges end take .at away. JOHN SHEPHERD, - 2614 - Rodgerville P. 0. ESTRAY CALF. it-IAME to the preinises of the undersigned, Lot 1, Cop. 8, L. II. S., Tuckersmith, a, last spring's CALF,, of red. color mixed with white. The owner please prove property, pay charges andiake it away. ALEX. MoDONALD. 2614 .ESTI1AY PIG. O(NAME into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 13, Con. 3. Tuckersmith, 11. 11. S., on or about the let of September last, a sow PIG. The owner is regtaisted to prove property, pay charges and take it, away. WM. MeCONNELL. • 281-4 STIIAYED HEIFER. QTRAYED from Lot 87, Con. 8, Tnekersinith, L. kJ R. S., on or about the last of Ally, a year-old HEIFER of red roith color. A zinc ear mark with tie proprietor's aame stamped in full. Any person giving euch information to the undersigned as will lead to its reedvery will be suitably reward- ed. JOHN KEMP, 13rucelield, 2614 ESTRAY HEIFER. cumE into the preinises of the undersigned Lot aa 1, Con. 7, Grey, on or abbat the let of Septem- ber last, a red and white HEIFER, one year old. The oWner is rep -milted to prove property pay cha.rgeo and take it away. , 29064 I D. Mr:LAUGHLIN. _ ESTRAY HEIFERS. CIAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot Con. 2, Morris, nboat the 10th of November, font- red aud two white end one blue yearling HEIFERS. The owner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay charges -and take them away, 2604* WM. WHTTEFOR D. ESTRAY RAM. 1 CAME into the premises of the sulteriber, Lot 4, Cop. 4, Usborne, about the whittle of June last, a year-old RAM. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. 260 1 LEONARD 1I1,7NTER. : ESTRAY cow, riAmE into the premises of the nudersigned, Lot. a -a20, Con. 8, McKilloa, about or. i0 a red COW, with white face. The owner ie requestea to prove property, pay charges and take it away. 260+4 JOHN ADAM. • ESTRAY HEIFER (IAMB to the subscriber, Toll Gate No. 17, near Wroxeter, in august last, a yearling HEIFER. The owner will please prove property, pity charges and to ke it away. 261-0 CHRISTINA DOUGLAS. A WHAT NE DEC. n, 1872. it Alien's Grocery and Provision Store, Opposite Powell's Hotel, Seaforth, is about the beet place in Town to get CHOICE TEA.S, BRIGHT SUGARS, NEV RAISINS, I- CLEAN CURRANTS, CANDIED PEELS, 'FRESH SPICES, BEST PICKLES, Or anithing to make a -good. NEW BISCUIT, CANNED- PEACHES, CANNED TOMATOES„ CANNED PEAS, _ CANNED SALMON, CANNED LOBSTERS/. CIIRISTMAS ISUDDING Flour, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Rice, Pot Barley, Graham Flour, Potatoes, Beets. C`arrots, arca CHOICE ROLL SUTTER. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTL,Y. ' 00,1\11M .A.1•\TZ) SMM WM. ALLEN. XMAS NEW . YEAR'S GIFTS. The Hearts of the 1-9ung Made Glad„ $200 WORTH. OF TOYS TO BE GIVEN AWAY. M. R. COUNTER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, MAIX-STREET, SEAFORTH, WILL, FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE, TILL lst OF JANUARY, 18731 GIVE A TOYfor eaeh DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GOODS Purchased at his stere. The Toys will be placed so that customers can select what may suit them. . Over $200 -worth of Toys will be given in this way. • Mr. Counter as on hand a first-elass stock of - JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, JET AND RUBBER GOODS, Plated and Nickel Spoons and Farks, Ilfasie Boxes, Concertinas, !Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, .Portmonnaies, ' WORKBOXES AND WRITING DESKS. Beads, Combs and Bro.shos, and, in fact, all kind' of Fancy Goods tumidly found in a first-class Jew- elry Store. Particular attention paid to repairing and regulating Watches. Old Gold and. Silver bought as usual. . YOUNG CATTLE ESTRAY. C(NAME to Lot 13, Con. 1, MoKillop, about Nov. 15, two STEERS and a HEVER ; the steers red in color, the heifer white. The own ea is re- quested to prove property, pay charges and take ahem away. THOMAS FOX. , 261+4 ESTRAY STEERAND PIGS. 'flAME to Lot 29, on. 8,111bbert, about Nov. 18, a led and white year-old STEER. Also, two ,PIGS about five months old ; one white, the other spotted. The owners pill please pay charges and take them away. JAMES HILLS. ' 261*4 ES,TRAY HEIM. C.4ME into Lot 28, Con. 5, Morris, ebout the 1st TR-FSeptember last, a red and white IVEtt, two years old. The owner is reqnested to prove pro- perty, pay charges and take it away. 261-4e jaaralS ,CHEWINGS. ESTRAY STEER. CAME into Lot 21, Con. 5, Grey, on or abctnt the . lst of August last, a red STEER Coming three 1 years old. The owner is requested to prove pro - party, IAy charges and take it away. 261-4e THOMAS GATENBY. ESTRAY CATTLE. CAME into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 8, North Boundary Lino of Hay, about Sept. 18, one Steer coming 2, red; one Bull, coming 2, red; one spotted red and white Steer, coming 8. The owner is requested to call, prove ,proPeata pay charges and take them away. 260+4 JAMES COCHRANE. =TRAY CATTLE. OAHE to Lot 9, Con. 2, Ilullett, on Nov. 21, five al young Oattle-4 steers and 1 heifer; marked on the bottom of both ears. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. 200*4 JOSEPH 1311INFIELD. • • STRAYED PIG. STRAYED from the premises of the 'subscriber about the 10th of November, a large sow PIG, dolor nearly black, with a few 'white spots. Any person hiving information which will lead to its recovery will be suitably reitarded. ROBERT SCOTT. Roxburgh, Nov. 26, 1872. 260 ESTRAY CATTLE. CAlinto the premises tilt, undersigned, Lot aam a 81, Con. 14, MeKillop, about Sept. 10, last, a small red Heifer coming two yesrs old; also, a grey steer with a red neck, of the same age. The owner is requested' to call, prove property pay charges Ana. take them away. • 260*4 RICHARD RYAN. ESTRAY ,CATTLE. CAME into the premises of the undereigned, Lot 32, Con. 5, McKillop, on or about the 15th of November, two yearling cattle -a STEER and HEIFER, red and:white. The owner is requested to prove property, pay Charges, and take them away. CHARLIIIS D,ODDS. 259-4* ESTRAi STEER. (NAME to the premises ni the undersignedLot - a' 82, Con.18, Grey, on or About the 1st of October las2t5,9a4 red and white two-year-old STEER. The cobwanre6Tesi,eatequattakatestedhintoalle,taialy: prove protterty, pay J0111•7 gar.a.usaRT ; ESTRAY HEIFER. /NAME to Tait 26, Con. 9, north half, Monis, abont the niiildle of August, 'a red HEIFER, two years old. The owner will please prove pro- perty,41*), expenses and tajkoiieituruawayN. • 3100.RE. ESTRAY STEER. CAM into the premiees of the undersigned, Lot 2, Con. 7, Iinllett, on or about the 15th of No- vember, a red and white STEER coming three years old. The owner is requested to call, 'wove Property, pay charges and take the animal away. 259-4*. JOHN HINCHLEY- STRAYED HEWERS. c.,ITRATED'froin the premises of the undersigned, '•-) Lot 1, Con, 18, (-trey, Scene, time during August boa, two HEIFERS, coming two. One was spot- ted red and white, the other was white, With head and nook /Ideal red itna white. Any person giving such information as willlena to the recovery of the above nuirnals will be suitably rewarded, and nny person found. harboring them after the publication of this notice will be prosocuted according to law. JOHN HEWITT, Walton P. 0. TEACHER WANTED. WANTED for Scheel Section No. 1, Township TEACHER WANTED. \ATANTED for -School Section No. 9, alerallop, " male TEACHER holding a second or third- class certificate. Application, .aecontpanied by references, to be made to either of the trustees, addressed Walton P. 0. Wu. Baia, A. CAVANAGITI WM. RAA, Trustees. 258 BOLLER FOR SALE VCR SALE, cheap, a Locomotive 13oller, nearly new, and in excellent condition. Capacity, 25 horse ,power. Apply to JOHN GOVENLOCK, Seaforth, Ont. 257 . NOTICE TO SAW LOG OWNERS. A LL parties desiring to have logs sawn at XOHN GOVENLOCK6 Saw atilt should bring them in at once, as he intends removing his mill about the let of March. Until that a:deputies bringing logs in can have their lfmtber *MR RO as to tnke it h'ome with them. JOHN GOVENLOCK. McKillop, Nov. '16, 1872. 260 • OSBORN SEWING MACHINE .PRIZE LIST FOR 1872.1 VICTORIOUS EVERYWHERE OSBORN FIRST Pl?IZES -AT- Guelph, Prescott, Hamilton, Ottawa, Crosshill, Fort Garry, Peterboro, Woodbridge, Toronto Gore St. Catharines,Cookstown, Kene, Orangeville, Almonte, Pakenham, Welland, Norwichville, Ramsay, ,Napanee, Clairville, Mulmur. NewHamburg,Rosemont, Mono Mills. This Company has also, this fall, taken the highest gold Medal at the Lyons, France, Exhibi- tion, for the perfection of their machines. A. CALDER, Seaford], Is Agent for tbis Company. BOARDING.. 'LT COLLADAY has leased the large and censt•T AL. inlOdi011B hOtIfie, on the Salt Works Groins, adjoining the Railway Stationareadhas fitted it p as a boarding-house. Good tare and comforts le rooms. Portions wiehing a pleasant boarding, house should apply, as there are at present e fel< vacanciee, Transient boarders accommodeted at less than hotel rates.. 228 Zhe gum &voila PIIIILISIEED EVERY AIDA/ MORNING IN SEAFORTH Teasts.--$1.50 per year in adatmce, or a2 at the end of the year. A4vertishms Rates. TRANSIENT. First insertion, per line, 8 cents subsequent in. sertiona 2 cents each time, per line. C4ONTRACT NATES. One column one year . $60 oa " " half 85 00 months ....- .............. 20 00 Half " one year . . 85 00 half " - ..... 20 00 8 months . 12 00 One-fourth one year 20 00 " " half " .....-...... ... . , 12 00' " • 1' 3 months ... . . .... ,- .. 8 OW One-eighth one year ' 12 co it it boil it " 8 months ... . One -twelfth one year... 4. tt haat tt " " months Business Cards, (6 lines and under,)year.. 4 130 Advertisements of Stra3-ea,, Lost, Found, &ea not exceeding 10 lines -first month, el; after first month, 60 cents each month. Advertisements of FARMS and 11EAL ESTATE tor sale, not aiceeding 15 lines -first month, $1 50; each subsequent month, 75 cents. Births, Meninges, Deaths -Gratis. Advertisements without specific directions will be msertea till forbid, and charged accordingly. ' 800 5:00 8 Oa' 5 00' ROI class certiacitte. Ditties to begin Jan. 2, 1873. 3IeLEAN BROTHERS. of Turnberry, a TEACHER holding a third - 259 fellows kave the Seafoath station ass RILWAY TIME i ABLE. Apply to WM. MOYFAT;DUNCAN MeNARGE- TON, and WM. KING, Trustees, Morrisbank post - TEACHER WANTED. WANTED, for School Section • No. 9, Grev. I a male or female TEACHER holding a third- class certificate. Duties commence ;Jen. 1, 1673. Apply to ILUITWELL SPEIRANor GEORGE' MCKAY, Grey P. O. , 258 Express. 1.02 P. M. Express. 10:50 A. M. GOING WEST, Mixed. 3;435 P. M. ;8.45P. M1 GOING EAST. Mixed. 2.20 P. M. •Mail. 8.00 A. Ma • eletrearaataamt a,eiteaptareereasea OlarA la 6, No. Wallaaarli: NO 263. 11111.11111111110:=111ThientilalgalMalalli NOTEL FOR SALE OR TO Rziti VOR taaaa'a on reasonable -terns. that -I-- known HOTEL on the Gravel trail, 5 north of Seaforth, at present occupied by Montgomery. If not Sold, it will be liaised term of years, possession Oven ma Jan. for further pa.rtieulars, apply to 263 HANNAH, Wird* FOR &Aix,. JTN the Tillage of Delmore, Township of ik in a good stand, a good War.Ton and two Dwelling Houses will be soli on re able terms. For further particulars apply to LurroN, proprietor, Bel -more Pot,t-oftice.. Pasties int.:A:bled to the proprietor are eara requested to tall and Satie Ali A:TAMILS lief< by Jan. 15, 1z373. 1t.11IN LITXT0N. FARM FOR SALE. OT 11, Con. 15, Grey, 10..) aeras,60 aeres -Li good log barn wadi log house, and small Ara. A good Lim Terni g and prices madelit hy applving to DAVID LOGAN, the mow Seafiath, or to Ifc0.11.10HEY & 110LAILS Solieitors, Seaforth. FARM 'FOR, SALT: IN ItleICILLOR. 91H v. undersigned. offers for sale his farm 1j - c 02 arePs,"meotir°efLot st'CD,olnk ; elaSKTia°111r1-e' s are el, well Ala.:tea, ana in a good. state of cultive the balance, is timbered with hard wooih 14 on the premises s.good frame house and bar; all necessary sheds and other out buildings. an orchard of bearing fruit -trees, and Oulu of living water, Tbis farm is situated withi miles and a half of tb.e Village of Seaforth, anal a half from a good gravel read. For ft particulars apply to the pwrorimugetor onittilexpNreut: 250-1 STEAM SAW iv,TIT-T. AND l'ARISI POR --pt.L.;,' ENG Lot 24, Con. 7, BleXillop, eamtarmi •I'" acres, all deem', with good barns anti st two gooa orebaras in full laming; two nere nag spinrt,s which Lsopply the mad. Also, 4. -Con. 2, containing 48 acres of bosh. The pa< is situated ti miles from Beaft.7th, a -- gravel road thereto. For further pa/titulars; 011 the.premises. If by post, to JOHN TH SON, Constance O., Einburn, Out. FARM FOR'SALE. NTORTa half of Lot 13, Gen. 7, Morris, in. of 100 aeres, 150 cleared, well feneei in a good state of 'cultivation; 15 acres of _ pate and ecaar in front, the rest of bush hara- one mile and a half Jima a saw -mill; Irani 66 x 28, log barn. 52 x 98; goodaeg house: - thriving orchard. Terms easy. For furthe *Wars itiquire on the premises, or address 3tetA.RTli.U.11, Busatield P. O. • VORFARS.ALF15, 07:rReaonAllEableiNte-Vm21::R.T1 theT111::: • of Let 26, Cote 14, aleKillop, zontaini acres, 2t; of whith sse eleared, in a good st, cultivatien, and -well fented, the hula" timber land; this lot adjoins the villa,ge of ton, and is well situated; there is on the pat a frame boast, nua barn, _ Also, for sale, a tontaining 25 acres of land, on the GrAvtl four miles nortli of Seaforth; this lot itsall land, and 3., well limbered -with hardwott. land is of extellent -quality and dry. For 1 partieubus, apply to the undersigned, if by, address Seaforth P0. 256 N. II. TOIT STO11,E AND PAR LOTS PO?, Et '740X.ETER. I arh toibstriber offers for sale the building village of Wkouter now temoio:1 n5 a Si MY. A. .doo.1 iso, '601 1fene village, containing in 411 about ten acres, hr state of...cultivation, The store and lots w sold jointiv or semaratelv anal on eur.- tet the subscriber is about to leave this Count* JOHN MOORE, Turnberi Within a mile of Wroxeter, on the &taforth Wroxeter, Oet. 08, 1871 ,FOR SALE. TORE AND DWELLING in the "vil s'^-) IlttnuarheY4 at present ocenpied 11013B, Esq. For particulars apply te & RYAN, Seaford". FARM FOR SALE IN NORRIS. , pOR SALE, on easy terms, north half of T.4" • 12, Concession 6, Township of lloniA, eta ing 100 acres, 50 of whieh are cleared, wen It and in a good state of cultivation. ',17here the premises a good log house antl barn.: IS situated -within two miles and a bea good gravel road, and four miles and a hall the village of Ainleyville, at which place will be A. station of the weningtnn, thn Brace BailwAy this foil; it is watered by A failing stream miming through it; theta . waste anal, ana the uncleared pori m timberea with hardwood; It is one of the ehoice lots in the township,. For fartb.er titulars apply to J 11 GILN.NT., HOLMES, Blyth, or to the uudereignea prop. Kippen Pesteotice. 231 ROBERT aleMORT _ -FARIVI fon SALg. gOUTII. HALF of the aouth leaf of Lot Fifth, Conteseion el the, townabip of containing 59 pros, 35 cleared; well watere spring, caeeke good log house and frame i The above farm is only A mile aria a bale ea road frora the rising village of Ainleyville, station of the Wellington. Grey and Dance way will be eternal this fall. For price una..- inquire (if by letter, prepaia) of 0. 11. COOPER.' 235 Ainleaville Lana Agency, Dinginq HOUSE .& LOT FOR SATY, in ELAPTJ% VOR SALL', in the Village of Harpurhe • Seaforth, a owelling-house mad lotal on the premises A good bearing Orchard, a: failing well of AN'ater; also a good work-shi stables, tot.;(>.ther with all other netess0 buildings,. The house is frame, well finish pleasantly located. For terms and other p anply to PETL'Il IL:CONNELL, Harp or to ihe imam -sigma preprietor, limped Seaforth Post-Oillee. 248+1;; JOHN It7ni iirlswavsrma.P CAUTION. 1 hereby -caution all persons not to Mar3- Ann Berry, fillY thieseen will noa pas- -or ecklem:ledge, any thaw, nbaal oonnoction with ony debts she may coal.; she has left my bed and board without eaar*A AD.AM BEItU Hav. 3)er.4,1S72._ 2f CAU LL persons itte hereby cautioned sgainit -`..."" any person or persons credit cm my In without my 'written -order or pass-laGok, it not be responsible for the sem:. WI1,1,1A31 KENNY. MeKillop, Lot I, eon, 2, Dec. 4. '72. :NOTICE. NOTia: is nereby given that I 'nn 11 spume:kat Tor 1013dehtscontrat1:21 aix ham this date, without my writteo ertlea. LOG - AN, late of t;rey Township. Soaforae Nea 23, 142. NOTE LOST. T OST, a Note of liana, beariag date SI] 1€72, made ba Hugh aleE'wen, in fa of Patrick Merphy, fur the sum of atea ari1 able teo month i after aate, The publie :la by cateitnied tesainst purchasing, or 11eg.4 the above note, as payilltant of the stone la; stopped. • ,4'.' - - - - - - - NOTICE. TO DEBTOR* 1\ "a0TICE is hereby given thet all prrtiea i ed to the undersianea ler ;alibi:meta Job "Prio1144 er Ailvertising, for Tear or ever, are required -to settle the a of their indebtedness before the 6th Sara 1873, otherwisathe accennts will post be SUED, without respect ta.persons. MaLBAN JIROTHg Exposrron Ornet, I ' Seaforth, Dee, 10, 1872.1