HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-12-13, Page 3e , - HOW GOODS. !CAN'S esse$, at Ex -- Tires,. PUNS , &C. - Sias, P S. -CAN. Beit-utifttl. CAN. lan,22619 at ES. TNCAN. CES. NCAN. (tress Variety SASHES, UNCAN tantle.s. Shapes_ NOAN. retic Good.. TTNCAN. at Variety, ENS, &C,. NCAN ratian, Scotch, MIMS, offered, NOAN7 Stytiak and Frit, NCAN. iLarae Stock- of SWTS made on the, tO ' NCAN qui Best Stock ItOZtitty, : tt.X, Men's Kip town's wear ia •-.N (IAN :tad Ca1is, &c.., fINGS, s,. tn. A early ail 1-ehased by E. 4f.ka cif die [N. PRICE .0, alai will sell CES _ ti'r best class of WS(' in ti trade. LitalGANI OLD STAND. DEO. 13, 1.872. CiaLtEihR.S.. : The Cincinnati Enl.ftirer has re (laced itemizing :to a scleriPP, Here ja a late example : Henry Laytnan, shoemaker,- Terre Ilaute—bed-cord. Jealousy. —A Pennsylvania farmer at an auction bought an old hearse because he'd been wanting a rig -of some kind to take Marian and the children to circuses and fairs, and haul pota- toes in.' —It, requires more delicacy of touch, better. acquaintance with the inner emotions of the heart, and gander pathos of sentiment to make a declaration of love than it does to put up a stove. —A suburban correspondentsays, that the real estate reporters* of -some of the dailies are so sharp after items now that he hesitates about having his trowsers repaired, for fear; that it will be reported that he has bought 'a new country seat.' —An editor in Victoria, A ustra iia, says : The people of this region have become so virttnus and well. behaved that it is impossible for us to make an interesting daily paper. We hear that a ship load of convicts is on the way to our .virtuous port, and we look for a greater activity in our local news department as soon as its passengers shall get fairly ashore.' -L--A young lady who was recently out driving, became alarmed when the horse began to kick, and naively requested her beau to get out and hold the animal's leg. counEry girl earning from a morning walk was told she looked as fresh as a daisy kissed by deW, to whish she innocently replied, 'Yonlee get my name right—Daisy, but his ;su't Dew.' lift' The Influence of RaOways on English Estats. Railways have had an immepse influence upon the estates of Great Britain ; they have made the rural districts much less agreeable to live in, by enabliug people so easily and cheaply to leave home that thou- sands who never thought of visiting London more than ten times in their lives, now take a house foe the sea- son and come to the country .to ecouoruise. This has induced those who can- only a fford one residence to choose a town life, and numbers of persons with limited means have sold their few hundred acres and re- paired to the metropolis, whereby they have in many cases consider- ably imicroved their, circumstances. There are almost, always wealthy persons in lin English neighborhood able and willing to add house to house and field to field, and to give hands -rue prices and small people find their income much improved by putting ieto railway debentures or the Indian loan, at four to five per .cent.; Money frorn \V while in- vested in land, they only derived, from twe and a half to three per cent. In this way the commercial magnates are gin dually becoming the large landowners of the country. The sons of the merOant million- aires of George time are the, first squires of to day. Lord Over - atone, formerly Jones Lloyd, the "London and Manchester banker, -drives eighteen miles, from North- ampton to Fotheringay Castle—the scene of Mary Queen of Scot's last hours, which now belongs to him— through his own domains. - This nobleman is reputed the wealthiest man. so far as an immediate cora mand of money goes, in England, and is commonly reported to live on the interest of his -interest. His only child is married, but childless ; and what will be the eventual des- tination of a property estimated at $70,000,000, is a subject of frequent conjecture. Lord Overstone has a costly hobby — fine china. His beautiful mansion on Carlton House Terrace is tilled with the choicest, specimens of oera tar ic art. The Rothschilds reign at Gunnersbury andIllentrrwre'rod are powers in Bucks and Heris. In the beautiftd park where once was the home of the ,Guises, Sir Francis Goldsmid, another child of Israel, has "reared a palace. The three sons of Mir. Brassey, the con- tractor, are -all %country gentlemen already with great estate, the young- est lhtving reeemblY purchased the ancestral properey of the Talbots, earls of Shrewsbury, .which, with kis little fortune $18,000,000 he will probably ads;to on all sides.— Lippia tcot t's 41f,agazibite. Buried by's, Bear.: The following is from the Omaha Trib a Ile : A. gentleman who arriv- ,ed a few days ago ham the lower ,eoantry, where grizzly bears hep the herders to take care,. of tl1 e .sheep, relates a ctizious bear adven- ture w I) nth occurred to an Indian herdnian in his employ. Ile sent the man to a distant part of a large , ranch to look after a herd of sheep. The Iedian at nightfall got tinder a shed with a roof of branches, brit i -open on all sidee,tuned lay down in his blankets. After a few hours' sleep he w;:s a wakened byifeeling the hot breath of some animal on his face. .He moved his arms, and • at -once underStoo the sit uation , huge bear was stItuffing him. The man, With great presence of mind, idetertnined to keep perfectly still, for he .knew if be moved or cried out, one blow of these huge paws- woilid break his still like a walnut. Bruin seratchedo the blankets and seized the Indian y the leg. Though suffering terribly, the brave fellow did not allow a groan or cry to escape him. The Lear dragged hirn [' from the hut. for ome distance and then commenced to dig a hole to lay the Indian in a o d cover him up from the coyotes. Aftei the grave had been dug deei enough, the bear contenting hims.lf with about a pound of flesh min the victim's thigh, moved the body to the hole and covered it up. The Indian managed to keep the earth on his face loose' enough to' allow, him to breathe, and whe i the bear retired he.crawled out to ard the mustang, which was pickete some fifty yards' outside the hut. With great diffi- culty he mounted and then road to- wards the ranch ouse. A doctor was sent for, an pronounced the wonnds, though se ere and painful, not likely to pricer fatal. The next day a hunt was o ganized, and the grizzly hear was k lled in the neigh- borhood of the Es. ot where he had stowed away his i tended med. Gel-harm:1 Prejudi e against Po - tat 0 es. In Germany thle dinner is from 11 to 12 for students, mercantile men, and persons who are actively employed. The d uner begins with soup, followed by one or two. courses of meat, with a vegetable and a pudding, set Ved ,usually with a compote of fru t. If astry is eaten, it is taken t a confectioner's afterward, with co ee. It is nuneces- sary to statethateer is the bever- age. The nolAit dine, later, but there is never in a German dinner the same variety 4f vegetables as in America. In Ger carry there exists a -decided prejudi4 Against pota toes, because uhey are c m posed of three- fourths watee wi h but 10 to 15. per cent. starcn, c ntaiued in indi- gestible cells. he French, who make a perfect sci, nee of the whole business of nourishment and cook- ery, rarely eat potatoes, except oc casionallv fried for the second break fast. • They cons ruse beans more then any other vegetables, end with reason, for dried ceans contain 22 per cent. albumen and 50 of starch and the common lentils, 26 ' of al:sun:en and 56. t,f starch. In the monasteries of France. aed Italy great quantities of beans ttl' used, especially during the Lenten season. German naturalists are now, searching all over the world for a substitute for nottoes, and this is believed to have been found in China in .the di,)$corea, japonica, which endures theCfreateA cold, and, r'T is more nourishin Ind better flavor- ed than the potato r In the Museum of Natural Hist ryat- Paris, a specimen three fee long, and weigh- ing three pounds, was exhibited.— Galaxy. Do Climate Change 7 Old people corn! lain +hat the sea sons are warmer, colder, or more rainy than v. hen hey, were young. Their comments re ridiculed, be - cense most purser s believe that no very marked chants have or ever will take place . in a section ot country where stet ility in nature ih a settled . fact—that is, it snows in Winter, showers iri April, and trees 1p have leaves in the Spring. Atmospheric alt ,ration is certain- ly going on from age to age, more strongly evident in soineparts of a country than in otirera. Here are ilh‘trations. •Two thousand years agro the climate of Italy was far colde .,than now. The Loire and Rhone, n ancient Gaul, used to freeze over ann trolly. Juve- nal says that the lieer froze so titan- ly in hisday the i e had to be cut to get at the water. f Horace indicates the pesence of ice and snow in the streets of Rome, nd Ovid asserts the Brack Sea limb over every year. So extreme was the cOld at that far off lottri*d ii) history, it standi chronicled by the ancients that in Gaul, Germany, Ftatinonia, Thraue, snow positively ce ered theground so long as to preveint the cultivation of olives, grapes lams other fruits which are raised t.1ere at the present titne,in abundance Ice or snow to any consilerable a count would now b6:t phenomenon ini taly. STYLSSII CUTTE S AND SUBSTA -TIAL SLEIGHS deo old and 1 vorably known ' SEAFORTH CAR IACE WORKS. WILLIAM Ba . now on hated and for somely,- finished And eubst (UTT Also, a number of GOOD SI Both light and heavy, fo money. Cutters and sleighs mai tice. Mit-km/tithing, Horse S iiivg promptly attended to WILLI GRASSIE ale a number of hand- intially built 13IGDS, 8ale cheep for ready e to order on short no- oeing and General Job - M GRASSIE, God rich street, Seaforth. the ViOori,a Chemioal Company, Sole Proprietora and Manufacturers of the Cele- brated Victoria Carbolic Preparationa. Laboratory and 'Works, VitOriaiIu1i Melinda S Wets., Toronto, Ont. • The following Genuine Preparatione are Sold by all Druggists Be sure and ask for the VIO'VORIA PREPARATIONS, and see that you get -them. victoria.carboiated esitcerine This JELL is highly recommended to Ladies as a , most taretiabte Preparationfor the Toilet. For Beautifying the Complexion and rendering the Skin Soft, White, Clean -and iree froth Dryness, it, is nruivalled. It will,quickly remover all Ite4nesin• Roughness, Tan, Freckles, Pimples; and 'other im- perfections. For Chapped Halide, Ohilblains,-Frost Bites and Sore Lips, it canuot-be surpassed. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Toilet Soap. This TOILET So& possesees, all the well-known 4anctid,av ieeipstioeened disinfeeting. properties of Carbolic/teid, ably scented, has a healthy action on the skin, plevents irritation, removes the effects of perspiration and should bo regularly used by families. • Cholera, Smallpox and Fever Patients shoeld be washed with this Soap ; 'and its use by persons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of disease. Price 15 centa per Tablet. . victoriacarbolic.saive: This SALVE is a rapid cure for all Skin Dioceses, Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Ring- worm, Tetter, Eczema, Scald Head, Scurvy, Abs- cesses, Boils, Pimples, &c. It possesSes all the cleatising and healing virtues of Carbolic Acid, which has-been found by Physicians everywhere to possess curative qualities not discovered in any other chemical preparation. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Gargarysma. - This GARGLE is the most reliable and efficacious • Remedy iu all oases of Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Diptheria, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Bronchial Tube.so common in this changeable climate, ASthnia, Offensive Breath, tricorn ted Gums, and all diseases of the Mouth. For Public Speakers and Singers it is invaluable. The ingredients tering into this Gargle are used by all Physicians, and for the cure of the above disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the MATERIA MEDICA; Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant, This-DISLNITOTANT l a sure preventive of Typhus and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and all in- fectious dieen,see. It will prevent Contagion in Cattle. It is also invaluable for Disinfecting Wa- ter CloSete, Drains, Cesapools, Stables, • Slaughter- houses; tte., and for destroying nauseous effluvia from whatever ianse arising. It will drive away Mosquitoes, Moths, Flies'Clockroachos, &c. Meat, tish, &c,., can be nreserved from putrefaction by its nee. Carbolic Acid was selected by Her Majesty's Royal Commissioners, iu preference to all other products, as the best Disinfectant for the 'preven- tion of infectious diseases. Price 25 cents. Victoria sharpening and Polishing Paste This PREPARATI•IN is unequalled in its rapidity for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table and Pocket Knives, Razors, Surgical Instnirnents, Shoe - makers' Knives, Plane Bits and,Chisels, Nothn- ing has ever been discovered which has sprang into popularity more quickly, or aiecerne of so ranch value in every honiehold and workehop for general usefrilness. Price 25 cents. - 230. MURDER ! MURDER!' MUIIKR! -HIGH PRICES FOR, FURNITURE MURDERED, And those that have kept prices up beyond the bounds ef reason are about to ' COMMIT SUICIDE W. B. PORTER Has commenced selling Furniture of all descrip- tions in H ATT' OLD STAND, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH; , At such prices as will astonish annieer. He courts an impieet and feels certain that a .vertlict will be returned in his fateor, that his prices are THE LOWEST That is and has been in this or any other county in the Province for yeere. GIVE HIM A CALL And be eonviuced of the fact. W. B. PORTER. Seaforth, Oct. 25,1872. 255 HURRAH FOR 1872. WM. AULT, MAIN ETRES1', SEATORTH, HAM ON HAND it" eriperior stock 'of FAMILY OrROCERIES, embraeing Teas of the hest brands, Sugars, Raising, ete. Alen, Crockery mad Glassware, and every other *dicta aerially kept In a firmt-class Gregory Snore. rneeTtooteNs, Snchu Flenr, Oet,and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, every' description of trirsEn, Snch as Oats, Pee,Bran and Shorto, all of which will be sold cheaper than the ehoapest. PlIODITCE. . . Tho highest market price paid- for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the piece, Main street, East side, opposite Coventry'a•Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 213 WM. AULT. o • - THE SEAPORTH LUMBER YARD. MAI3EE & MACDONALD BEG tp inform the public that they have opened a Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Sheargon's Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. - They willkeen constantly on hand a good eesort- ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and uudreetted. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES,,all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cloth. • Builders and others -will find it to- their Julvanit- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices before purchaming elsewhere, as we are in a position to offer good induceinents-to cash purchasers. 160 - '. MABEE & MACDONALD. EDWARD CASH - . Will pay TORONTO PRICES For any quantity of RAW FU1TS At the Butter Inspector's Office, MAIN -STREET) SEAFOPTH ' Mink, Coon, Otter, Rat, Bear, Wolf, Beavegl •nit: Marten, and Peltries of all kinds. MONEY TO LOAN. THE subscriber has MONEY • to loan to any amount on good farm property. Interest, SIX per cent. per annnm, when the interest and prin- ciple are paid yenr]y, and 8 per cent. per annum when the interest only is paid.- - A G. McDOUGALL, 227-52 At cheap cash Store, sign of the Bear. MONEY TO LEND.. THE tindersigned has $3,0110 and upward., private funds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per annum, on Farm property. Charges moderate. Marriage Lieences issued. Apply to 227-52- V. G. WILSON, Zarieh. IN SEAFORTH, (JOHN LOGAN'S OLD STAND) STOCK SILKS, MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Consisting MANTLES, GLO VES, HOSIERY, LINENS of TWEEDS, UNDER,C'LOTHING, FLANNELS, CARPETS, NEW WOOL GOODS, - And a full assortment of IRST-CLASS DRY GOODS. CIITUP SALE FOR 10 DAYS. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT THE an=nommesp.,,,,m,~ MANCHESTER TIOUSE. 1872, NOVEMBER, 1872. TE Tee_ARO-EST STOCIC, THE C,HEAPEST STOCK, AND THE GREATEST VARIETY IS TO BE HAD FOR CASH CR APPROVED CREDIT AT LIVINGSTON E'S DOMINION HOUSE, AINLEYVILLE HILL'S BRITANNIA HOUSE, W. HILL IS NOW SHOWING A FULL STOCK OF DRY COODS, lillILLI.NERY, BOOTS AND SHOES AND GROCERIES SUITABLE FOR THE PRESENT SEASON'S TRADE And while returning thanks for the patronage of the past seven years, desires to notice that the stock is large enough to supply the heaviest buyer, choice enough to satisfy this most particular, and as good • value as can be obtained by any purchaser; that he his had the same ADVANTAG:E OF PURCHASING BEFORE THE RISE As any other hone°, and will as readily give GUSTO/WEBS the benefit of it. The following advantages aro olaimed for the howee: 1. A long experience in the trade. 2. Peritonea inspection of all goods bought. 8 One priee only, the LOWEST possible. 4. A well -assorted STOCJ to select from. BRITANNIA HOUSE, Opposite the Pest -office, SEAFOBTH. LARGER PREMISES AND INCREASED BUSINESS. 1 ‘17.4,A r HANKS for past liberal patronage, and a contimi, ance of similar favors so. iicited. a AfeINTYRE 4 bnsiness has grown so rapidly that they have been compelled to remove a- into larger premises. They will now be found in Thomas Bell's old stand, next door South of their former shop. Custom work receives careful attention. A good fit and good stock is their motto. Boots and shoes of till kinds, either home or factory -made, in great variety. Just call and see. McINTYliE & WILLIS, Boot and Shoe Store, Main-street;Seaforth. YE STUFFS. FOR TEE BEST - MADDER, • INDIGO, L&GWOOD, COCHINEAL, • MAGENTA, And all other genuine STOVES, TI WARE AND COAL OIL. Air RS. WHITNEY has just received a large stock "LA" of Cooking, Parlor and Box Stoves, of the best manufactnrc, which she can sell as cheap as any in the trade. TINWADF, of every description, kept eonstan tly on hand and madeto order. Also, Stove Pipes, Eaves Trougiiing, etc. Custom -work promptly attended to, and outside work will receive every attention. COAL OIL. A large stock of the very best Coal Oil kept con- stantl) on hand, and will he sold wholesale and retail. Remember the place, Carmichael's Block, Main street, Seaforth. Parties indebted by note or book account are re- quested to settle 'immediately. Rags, wool -pickings, old iron, brass, copper, etc., taken in evcitenge for goods. 197 C. YEO. Auetioneer and Commission Merchant MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, Will attend to all kinds of Sales in the County of DyE sTuFFs Hunon, on liberal terms. Particular attention ofF paid to the saleion Stock, &c. . 248-26 •••• C. YEO, Auctioneer. Producing rich aud dnrable dblors, go to J. P. BRINE, R. LUMS.D.EN'S T ICENSED AUCTIONEER ifor the Cotuity J-4 Huron. Sales attended n all parts of the I Country. All orders left at TUE Exa)osIrou Office Corner Drug Store, Seaforth. will be promptly attended to. 198 POULTRY1 POULTRY! The subscriber will pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity; of fat, well-dressed pouLTRy Deliveied at the EMPORIUM, - Main -street, Seaforth. POULTRY TO BE DRAWN, 227 • D. D. WILSON. MALCOM'S GREAT ECC DEPOT, MARKET SQUARE, SEAFORTH. The subscriber begs to inform the public that he has greatly extended his premises and Is Pre- pared a8 hitherto to pay the highest price for any quantity of GOOD FRESH _EGGS, Delivered at his place of business. No Market Fees on EGGS. WM. MALCOM. Seaforth, March 25, 1872. * 225 NK. J. SEATTER, EXCHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYE STUFFS, .PERFUMERY, FANCYAND TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Maehines. Money to lend on easy terms. - J. SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 59-tf. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THEsubscriber begs leave to thank his numerous customers for the liberatpatronage extended to him since commencing business in Seaforth, and • trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the stone. Parties intending to build worild do well to give him a cell, as he will continue to keep on hand large stock of all kinds of ' DRY PINE LUMBER, SA MIKES, DOORS, BLINI)8, MOULDINGS, 8H1NGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those eiho may favour him with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed. i. Particular attention paid to eastom Planing. 201 JOHN 11. BROADFOOT. iodized Cod _Liver oil. THIS Preparation is a solution of Iodide of Iron iu perfectly pure Coil Liver Oil. It may be used ill all cases where the simple Oil is ordered, and will be found greatly ettperior to it. This preparation is highly beneficial in Pulmonary Con- sumption, Scrofulous Complaintte Chronic Skin Diseases, and for ell chronic disorders arising from defectivedigestion, assimilation or nutrition. It is also highly useful iu Chronic Rheumatism and Gout. Price $1. Compound Syrup of Ifypophosphites. THIS is an agreeable Preparation, containing the Ilypophosphites of Lime Soda, Potash and Iron, with free HypophosphorousiAcid. This Syrup is a certain remedy for General Debility, from any canoe, Nervous Diseases and Scrofuloua Complaints. Ib is also highly useful in diseases of the bones (especially in infants) and Incipient Consumption. Price *1. The above Preparations are of standard medical reputation, and eonteining no secret ingredients, may be prescribed by physicians without heaita- tion. Prepared by JOHN WILLIAkIS, London,Ontario. For sale by—R. Lumsden, Seaforth; J.R. Grant, Ainleyville; G. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and Druggists generally. 285 TUFTS & HAMILTON'S CHEAP. GROCERY, AINLEYV1LLE, IS THE PLACE TO BUY THE BEST AHD CHEAPEST Teas, Sugars, Raisins and Currants—all new fruits, Crocker, Earthenware & GlaRsware Also, the best bralid2 of RYE AND COMMON WHISKY Brandy, Sherry and Port Wines. ALE AND PORTER Always on handl • FLOUR, OAT AND CORN MEAL, LAKE' HURON FISH, Wholesale and retail. FRESH OYSTERS received daily. 3.8 Arennvvreei4, Nov. 29, 1872. G OCERI ESI CROOKE Y AND GLASSWAP.E To be had &kale' FLOUR AND FAD STORE At the lowest prices. Call and examine our w$11 -selected stook of TEAS,. SUGARS, (OFFIES, &c. Canned gfAit, Oysters, Stdmon Lobsters and '.Sardines constantly on hand. Stock raisers would do well to try Simpaon's Horse and Cattle Spice, the finest and cheapest Condi- tion Powder in the world. J. P. KENDALL foo.) ee.'sieb(liaattede W. A: Shearson & FAMILY !FLOUR Delivered on the shiartest notice. The highest Market Price; pitid for all kinds Product. CEDAR POSTS and SHINGLES stili on hand - THOMAS LEE. At 4 1 10 1 4 A A