The Huron Expositor, 1872-11-22, Page 5e tme L . This ce there a inithe It Brit- exeit- asttreent tk Rail - Erie, a .8riuday ches to A vast the eec- a Sar- , trawl.. broad "- , detail's aa fol- 7ing a Ted at and at mr, em - may in nveyed Waa to .11relay, 1y Mr. formed. s •en. i ren- ew' after- . Fort r the e, the rgh to t ears te the hittery erehy Y from r- Bferieti ' versa t that tie de- rs as ori, 5, nenta. Stret,- 'on, nents,. - !GIL neut.& ithop :01::L Buii- ttentk '- esday, .obert 18, by •1:. Mary John. m the: es. of of Mo- t the reger, relict •er, of 'ad 55: • I p, 011,. aged 872„ ;ss ni have get of mar- t The t old 0;ble frard, r our gthie pent past es for Mere poul- all of '.te 412 52- a 34 57 6 a 11 9 09- E4 04 041 sa 0:10 1 25 at 4 7.5 10 la Is 5 59 ff :0. 4,1 E 00 72. 1 14 1.2 0 35 0 54 56- -0 15 1,8 2 09 day for at ore, ',rent bout [rd at one ange rage unb htly a - liFov 221 1872. favoring buyers, extra on spot sold at from $7 10- to $7 15, ad. to arrive at $7; fanq- pressed sales jt $655 to $6 60 ; 2300 barrels Welland* b an al snper sold et $6; ordinary -Canada ranging from $6 to $6 10; and, medium to choice strong $6 15 to $6. 30. Grain—No repOrtedtransactions, rates nominal. Butter — Nominal in absence of de- pend. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 20. Flour, 298 -6d - red wheat, 1 la to lis ; red winter, lis 4d.; white, 12s 4d to 12s 6a club, m to 138 3d, corn, 288 3d; barley; :31',6d oats, 3s 2d; peas, 39s, pork, 56`fei -lath, 39s. Receipts of wheat for the -last three days, 32,000 ,qrs., of which 22,000 was American. UTICA CHEESE MARKET. UTICA, Nov. 18, 1872. Cheese dull. • Ptices rat!ged- from 131c At Little Falli 'about 1,000 boxes pri- •vate dairy cheeiteliold at. 10c to 14C. .The ruling figures ling 13c to I34c. The offerings of factory reached. 10,000 boxes, of which $7,000 sold- at 1310 to '141c, mostly at at 13ic to 14c • BUFFALO LIVE STOCK MARKET. On account of there being no Buffalo mail to day, our report of the Buffalo. live stock market has not come to hand_ TO RONTO CATTLE MARKET. TonoriTo, Nov. 31. BEEVES—The-receipt,s of cattle during the week have been friir, embracing al better proportion than formerly of • first- elliss animals. Prices for the latter have been firm at from 4c to 4/c, while second- class and inferior have aold at from 3c to 811KEP—Tile supply has been fair-- Taore than were required fortk city con- aumptiori ; .but the surplus found ready buyers for shipment, and prices are well sustained at $5 to $6for first-class, $4 to $5 for second-class, and $3 to $3 50 for third-class. LA.MBS—There has been a good supply in during the week, but nearly all found purchasers at $4 to $5 50 for first-class, :$3 to $3 50.for second-class, and $2 50 st,d, $2 75 for third-class. • - • Iloos—Are easier to buy, receipts hav- ing been large and demand limited. .Sales have been principally at, $4 12i. • NEW YORK HORSE MARKET. ,fTheses, Nov:19, 1872. The salea, effected' (hiring thia week *have beenlimited es to numbers and in- ferior as regards the quality of tire horses indemand.. The has tbeen hardly any business beyond the supplying of city railroad and stage. liares,, andprices rea- lized did not exceed the 'aye:rage of $150 per head. These iyinptonis 'of a revivink trade, however weak, did not .fail to have an encoara,ging effect eupon.the de- pressed. spirits of horse dealers generally, and. the market, if favored by fair wea • ther, is :yet expected to have a brief season of universal -briskness before the gates of this year's trade shall be finally closed with the end of the fr.11 season. The percentage of deaths from the ePidemic has been compasatively small among horses kept for sale, and the ma- joriey of those that have been. attacked by the disease are now in a fair way of convalescence. More than one-half 9f these ranging under' the category of pleasure or fancy horses ore already in fit condition to be offered in the market. Horses from the West are once more ,rapidly arriving. GOLD. —The price of gold ia New York is quoted at 1131. THE QUANTITY of goods sold at DUN- -CA•N & DUNCAN'S proves that is the place iu Seafortb te get the greatest bargains. Hicksou's old stand. 'aaa A MORE THOROUGHBRED STOCK. ' notice that Mr. THOMAS THORP; of Lot 25, Second Concession, Tuckerarnith, H. R. S., is keeping, for the improvement of stock. a tho- roughbred Berkshire BOAR, which took two first prizes and one second prize. . 259,1 PURE BERKSHIRE BOAR.' FIRST CLASS. At Service of Farmers. TERMS—$1; CASH. Privilege of returning daring season. F.-THOMPSON, 259-6 • Huron Road, 31tillett. CHRISTMAS SHOW OF , FAT STOC The Annual Chrietreas Showeof.Pat Steck, under - -the auspices of the Tuckersmith Ilra,neh Agricul- tural Society, will be held in the Village of Sea- lorth, on • ' '1 TUESDAY,DEC • 10 1872 When the following Prizes *ill be Offered for competition: • ' Best fatted Om or Steer. ..... ..............$4 00 " e.....e.. .... . . 3 00 8d, • " ............... 2 00 Best fatted. Cow or Seifer. 4 00 300 ie " -.2 00 Beat pair of fat Sheep............ ..... 8 00 oi ▪ ........... 200 •100 • e Beet fatted Pig.... . ... 3 00 241, " .. 2 00 sd, t{ •... 100 Beeteaix of Turkeys (dressed).— 1 00 21, Best pair of Geese (dressed) 1 00 " ........ 0 so The Exhibition. will ta.ke place on the grounds of the Society. All entries must be made with the Secretary, in the Agricultural Hall, not later than ,eleven o'clock on the day of the show. The judged 'will commence their duties at 12 o'clock, sharp. ' H M. CIIESNEY, Secretary. JAS. BROADFOOT, Jr., President 259 ACKNOWLEDGMENT, To_ THE EDITOR or TTIF EXPOSITOR. DEAR Sin -- I wish to occupy a small space in your widely .eirculated paper, for the purpose of acknowledging the prompt and satisfactory manner in which my chasm; against the Agricultural Insurance Com- pany, of Watertown, New York, on accountof loss eustained by the late fire in Wroxeter, was settled by them. This popular Company are doing a large and increasing business in Canada. Having com- plied with all the demands made by mu Govern- ment upon foreign Companies doing businese in this country. I have every confidence in recommending the Agricultural to the patronage of those requir- ing to effect insurance on their property. S. B. SerAe4E, MB. WROXETER, Nov. 20, 1872. '259 Insolvent Act of 1869. TN the matter of ANNIE A. ERWIN, an In- - -le solvent. A Dividend Sheet has been prepared, open to ob- -jeetion until the lealt day of Deceraber next, after which dividends will be paid. L. R. CORBEY, Assignee. Seaforth, Nov. 21, A. D., 187e. 259-2 GROORIES, CROCKERY AND GLASS.WAltE To be had at the FLOUR AND FEED STORE At the lciwest prices. Call and exareine our TEAS, SUGA 15 well -selected stook of COFFIES, &c. Canned Fruit, *Oyster!, Sardines genet Salmon, Lobsters and tly on. hand. Stock raiee,rs would do , to try Simpson's Hone and Cattle Spice the 11 est and cheapest Condi- tion Powder in the world. J. P. KENDALL & Co. (late W. A. Shearson & Co.) cel brated FAMILY FLOUR Delivered on the shortesi notice. The higheet Market Fr* ea paid for all kinds of CEDAR POSTS and INGLES still on hand. THO AS LEE, NO ICE. The Council of the Corporation of the 'COUNTY • 41 F HURON Will m t in the COURT ROOM, In Gode eh, upon WEDNESDAY, the 4t 'day of December next. PET R ADAMSON, County Clerk. 259-2 COITNTY CLERICS OFFICE Goderich, Nov. 18, 187 • TEACHER 'WANTED for School • of Turnberry, a TE O88& certideate. Dutie Apply to WM. MOFFAT TON, and WM. RING, T office. WANTED. dime No. 1, Township CHER holding a third- tei begin Jan. 2, 1873. 'DUNCAN McNAUGH- stees, Morrisbank post - 259 TEACHER eiXTANTEDe for Soho • a male or fetnale T class certificate. Dutie ..Apply to HARTWELL SFE Grey P. 0. a WANTED. 1 Section No. 9, Grey, ACHER holding a third - commence Jan. 1, 1878. RAN Or GEORGE MCKAY, 258 TEACHER WANTED., IVANTED for School ection No. 9, MeKillop, Y a male TEACHER le lding a -second or third- class eertificatet Ap tion, accompanied by referenceseto be made ts either of the trustees, addressed Walton P. 0.1 Vet. BELL, A. CAVANAGH, WAL RAE, Trustees. 258 TEACHER 4 *VOR IlarpurheY Schee -2- Jan. 1, 1E113. Apply DAVID McCuLloch or Hugh Robb WANTED . letities to conimenee 0 FRANCIS SCOTT, DA- 11013,?3,, Trustees. 6 Tr4cfniit, witriED. WANTED for School ' of Grey, a male or f second or third-class c,e mence January 1, 18734 Wel. DUKE or THO Post -office. ection No. 10, Township male TEACH.ER holding tificate. Duties to corn - Apply to JOHN LONG, S WHITEFIELD, Grey 255-4* TEACHER WANTED, for Schee " Township of MO Duties to commence on Apply to ROBT:BiLAID JOHN MoELROY, Traet • TEACH ER WANTED, a male le " Section No.1, flay fied te teach Frenclistp7 ille41°?,-172.13j.11alrtYYSDAL 253-8; WANTED. Section No. 1, in the 's, a male TEACHER. he 1st of January, 1873. AW, ROBT: ifirMOND 3, es, Blyth P. 0. 2544* WANTED. CHER for Union School ILd Stanley. One gush - erred. Duties to corn - 3. Apply to and JOS. LAPORTE, - - Berne P. 0 • STAPE AATANTED,,imiieediate y, a good, steady man to r drive the Msil St Seaforth to Wrox- eter. To a suitable pere*n good wages and a per- manent situation will e given. References re - quieted. JAMES R. OSS, Seaforth. 257 vairrED. THOROUGHBRED ' HAM BUIL FOR r VOR SALE, tha, titer ughbrea BULL, i "Neat -1: 'Year's Day," owned De-'Woodelffe of Grey. This animal is three 1eas old, and was bred from imported stook by John' 1iUen, of Pickering. In- quire of the owner, on lot No. 16, concession 10, Grey, Or if by letter to 6 ey Post -office. 257-4* D. Q0D1IFF, Proprietor, "- 'HORSEF -PPR SALE, cheap, a g ing five years old; so good to work either eon)) McGINNIS, Grocer, Sea R SALE. DRAFT HORSE, com- d in wind and limb, and e or single. Apply to J. orth. 254 nisEpmG roll- SALE CHEAP., can be seen on Lot 1 further particnears appl 256*4 RE. FOB. SALE. good Breeding MARE, , Con. 4, MeKillop. For to the undersigned. EORGE McINTOSH. • TIMBER VOR -SALE, a' qiianiitly -e- ly pine, sufficient fp 40 x 60 feet. JAMES OR SALE. , of lievin TIMBER, most - the frame of a building . ROSS, Seaforth. 257 BOILER. VOR SALE, cheap; it new, and in excellen horse power. Apply t Seaforth, Ont. it -BALE. comotive Boiler, nearly condition. Capacity, 25 JOHN GOVENLOCK, _257 THRESHING MA VOR SALE, cheap, iteg -2- Machine and Horse working order. Apply t 250 HINE FOR SALE: -Iod Separator Threshing power, new and in good CAMPleELL, Seaforth. CAU 10P1.- Trim publie are herele, cautioned against pur- e chasing or negotiating a note of hand drawn by David Campbell, in WO of John. H. Somerville, for the sum of forty -t+ dolliirs and fifty cents,' and bearing date about tie 14th of April, 1872, and payable on or before tie 1st of January. The above note has been lost, and payment of the same has been stopped. J0IN H. SOMERVILLE. yorris, Nov. 14, 1872. 259-4 CAU THI4' public are hereb cautioned against pur- chasing a Note of and, drawn by ANTONY TYNDEL, in favor of Pia R GrEASSIE or bearer for the amount of $16, date Jan. 5, 1871, and made payable one year from d te. The above note has been lost, and payment s beenettopped. 258-4 PETE,R, GRASSIE. CAU public are here chasing .a note of COLLINS. in favor of bearer, for the amount 0 January, 1873, and m date. The above note payment of it has been a 2574* ION. cautioned against rm. and draien by DANIEL ANIEL McKINNON or $30, dated on the first of e 7payab1e one year after s been lost or stolen, and opped. • DANIEL COLLINS. CAU ION. T HEREBY forbid any person giving my wife or -I- son credit on nay aceount, from this date, with or without my order, as I will not fie responsible for the same. WILLIAM LAMB Howiek, Oct. 29,1872. • at 256-4 COOPEZELS, T NOTICE. TEM Master Coopers, .1 the Village of Seaforth hating joined togetlizr for the purpose of re- ducing the -wages of the ourneymen, a meeting of the parties interested,w s held on Monretv, llth 'net., for the purpose Of aldng into consideration what was best to be do se, and it was unanimous- ly resolved that the jos *eymen would not submit to have their wages low ed at this season of the year, as they have been rorking all summer two cents a barrel less than what was paid in Goder- ich, London read other ia ighboring places. Seaforth, Nov. 12, 187i. By order of the President of tlae Coopers' Union. N. B.—All Coopers pie se give us a wide berth. - —se STRAYED CATTLE, QTRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, Lot 10, Con. 4, MoKillop, on or about the last of Alienist, three yearling cattle, two eiteers and a Heifer. One steer was red and white, the other was all red, with tip of tall white. The heifer wits the smallest of the three and is -of black color.- ley pereon giving such in1ormation to the Undentigned as will lead to the reepreery of the above animals will be suitably rewarded, and any person found haxboeting them after the publication of this notice will be prosecuted according to 'CORNELIUS DELANEY, Seaforth P. 0. 2e9-4* ESTRAY CATTLE. reAME into the premises of the undersigned, Lot Nee 82, Con. 5, McKillop, on or about the 15th of November, two yearling cattle—a STEER aid HEIFER, red and white. Ths owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take them awaY• CABLES DODDS. - 259-4* STRAYED HEIFERS. . STRAYED from the premises alba undersigned, Lot 1, Con 18, Grey, some, time (luting August last, two HEIFERS, coming two. One was spot- ted red and white, the other was whiteewieh head and neck inixed red and white. Any person' giving such information as willlead to the recovery of the above animals will be suitably rewarded, and ane person found harboring them. after the publication of this notice will be prosecuted according to law. 259-4* JOHN HEWITT, Walton P. O. ESTRAY ST/IR. CAME to the premises of the undeisigrted I4ot 82, Con. 18, Grey, on or about the 1st of October last, a red and white two-year-pld STEER. The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay charges, and take him away. 259-4 JOHN MoNAUG4IT4 l'ESTRAY ,HEIVER. peelelE to Lot 26, pop. 9, north hall, Merles; e -e about the middle of August, a red HEIFEIR, two -years old. Thei owner will please prove pro- perty, pay expenses and take it away. 2594* - - JONATHAN M00Rt ESTRAY STEER. feAME into the premises of the undersigned, Lot e -e 2, Con. 7, Hullett, on or about the 15th of No- vember se red and white STEER coming three years old. The owner is equested to call, prove property, pay charges and take the animal away. 259-4* JOHN HINCKLEY. • • TAXES—COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. -NToTicE is hereby given that all those who hare -LI not yet paid in their taxes, must do so im- mediately, and save further trouble. 259-1 GEORGE -W. SPARLING. STRAYED CATTLE. SPRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, Lot 9, Con. 5, McKillop, during the past sum- mer, seven yearling CATTLE, coming two, that is to say, four heifer; and three steers. Teed of the heifers are white and one of the steers grey, the others red and white. The tipsof. the tails of all have been clipped. For each information as will lead to their recovery a liberal reward will be paid. 258*4 JOSEPH EVANS. ESTRAY STEER. ("JAME into the enclosure of the undersigned, eee Lot 16eCon. 6. Stanley, on or about the lst of September last, a whitish STEER, with short horns, coming 3 years old. The Owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. 2581 , THOMAS JOIINSTON. ESTRAY HEIFER. CAME into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 16, Con. 4, Usborue, OD or 'about June 1, 1872 a dark fed HEIFER, one year old. 'Tho owner is re qu.dsted to prove property, pay expenses and take it away. 258*4 GEORGE BURWELL. • ESTRAY SHEEP. (ThiAME to Lot 13, Con. 10, MoKillop, about two e -I months ago, a EWE and a LAMB, both long tailed, the ewe marked on both ears. The owner will please pay expenses and take them away. 258*5 • HENRY HART. ESTRAY STEER. flAME to Lot 12, Con. 2, Tuckersmith, about eel Sept. 1, a two-year-old STEER, white and rod. The owner will please prove propeety, pay ehargees, and take it away. 258*4 MICHAEL HEFFERNAN. ESTRAY STEER: CAME intb the premises of the subscriber, Jot \--1 2, Con. 14, Hullette on or about Sept. 4 a ezeyish-eolored STEER -rising three years old. The owner is requested to prove property, Pay charges and take him away. ' 258-4 FRANCIS NOBLE. • ESTRAY EWE. CAME into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 29, Con. 1, McKillop, &bent Oct. 15, a white ewe SHEEP. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it [may. 258-4 . DAVID DORRENCE. ESTRAY STEER. STRAYED into the premises of the subscriber, Let 19, Con. 3, etrey, about the middle of Aug- ust last, a brindle and white STEER coming two. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. 25804 • HUGH eleCATITNEY. STRAYED. FROM Lot 9, Concession 10, Grey, in July last, one two-year-old HEIre.IR, light red and white with a star in her forehead. and short horns. Also, a one -year-old STEER, red and white, and hair in- clined to be wavy, short in the face. Any parties that will give information that will lead to the re- covery of the above will be suitably rewarded. 257-4* JOHN JONES: ESTRAY SHEEP. CAME to the premises of the undersigned, Lot •-/ 15, Concession 11, McKillop, about Sept. 27, a EWE and two LAMBS. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. JAMES HILLEN. 255-4 STRAYED Cows. STRAYED from Seaforth, about the first of Ode - bei• two farrow COWS; one red and white, crumbly home: the other dark brown. Informa- tion respecting them will be suitably rewarded by the subscriber. 254 - THOMAS DOWNEY. ..,ESTRAY PIG:. Cinto the premlees of the subscriber, Lot 19, Cron. lee Grey, about the middle of August last, a black and white Boar PIG, about 1 year old. The owner is requested to prove preperty pay charges -and take it away. 25614 WM. WHELPTON. ESTRAY EWES. CAWE into'the premises of the subscribee, Lot Nee 5, Con. 4, Grey, about the end of September last, two EWES. Owner requested to prove prop- erty, paycharges and remove them. 256g4 JAMES TURNBULL. THE SEA.FORTH .LUMBER YARD. M.A.BEE & MACDON ALD BBEG to inform the tenbeic that they have opened a Lumber Yard be Seaforth, near Shearsott's Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber • Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on hand a good assort- ment of ALL KINDS 01' L1TMBER, dressed find undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which tbey are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prises, for Cash. Builders and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices before purchasingeleewhere, as we are in a position to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. 160 - MABEE & MACDONALD. G. F. THOMPSON, Carpenter and Builder, Is prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Work in his line. He is also prepared to remove houses or other buildings. Work done promptly and in the best and most workmanlike manner. 226*4 G. F. THOMPSON, . Seaforth. J. P. BRINE, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the Country. All orders left at Tan Exelosrron Office will be promptle attended to. 198 • • C. YEO. Auctioneer and Commission Blerohant VA TN STREET, SEAFORTS, Will attend to all kinds of Sales in the County of Huron, on liberal terms. Particular attentiott paid to the sale of Fenn Stock, &o. 248-26 C. YEO, Auctioneer. • 111C11.4.Cle. Ty&VID MITCHEL-leM. D, .Graduate of Viceo- -Le ea 'College, Phesician, Surgeon, etc.. etc., Kineetrite, ONT.—Coroner of the Copnty of Huron. Office and residence, at Thompson & Stanley's. TAMES STEWART, M. D., C. M., Graduate of ee McGill, University, Montreal, Physician, Sur- geon, etc. Office and Residence—Brucefield. 1.1- L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician; Sur- geon, etc. Office and Residence, corner of Market and High streets, next to the Planing Mill. IDR. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County. Office antitleasidence, over Corby's corner store, Main street, Seitforth. Office hours', from 11 to 4, 'each day, and 0. day Saturday. 159 TO the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding comitty. Dr. 3'. G. BULL having been dolled through aiekness in his family, to suspend business for Home time in this plac,e, has pleasure in an- nouncing to the public, tluite through a kind Pro- vidence he has been permitted to return to the rooms formerly occupied by him, over Mr. A. G. McDougall's Store, Mahe street, where he intends permanently to remain, and will be pleased to see his old patronit and as many new ones as may favor him with a call. All operations performed 'accord- ing, to the latest approved style, and feesets low as L ie lee foiled elsewhere. • Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. 224 L E GAL . J' M. TMET, Solicitor, Wingham, has been en • pointed Agent for the Colonial Sectirities Com pany of England, he is also Agent for several pri vate Capitalists of Toronto, who loan Money at very reasonable rates. Interest payable yearly. Charges moderate. Whightian, Dec. 15,1871. ittjcCAIIGHEY & HOLMESTED, Barristers, At- torneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancers Solleitote for the R. 0. Bank, Sea -forth. Agents for the Canada Life Assurance Company, N. B.—i30;000 to lend at 8 per cent. Farms, Horses and Lots for sale. 53 BENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chaueery and Insolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea- forth and1Wroxeter. ,$23,000 of Private Funds to invest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable yearly. 63 ILI BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. UOTE L ROYAL HOTEL, Seaforth, Ontario. SIMON PO -WELL, Proprietor. The eubseriber has thoroughly renovated and newly furnished the above house, so that it now affords good aCCOM3210- dation fer the trawelling public. Choice liquors and ciente in the bar. The table is snpplied with the delieacies in seasiet. Large stabling and an attentivehostler in conulection. 251-ly OOMMERCLeL HOTEL, Ainleyville, Ont., WM. ANNETT, Proprietor, This Hotel is under entirely fiew management and has been thorongly renovated. The Bar is supplied with the best Liquors and Cigars. 'Good Stabling and attentive Hostlers, A First-class Livery in connection. 228 PRINCE OE WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont., i" C. J. McCUT01TEON, Proprietor. First-class accommedation for ,travellers. The Bar is sup- plied with the very best liquors and cigars. Good stabling ettached. The stage leaves this House everyday for Wingham. 204-41 LINE ety. TA. SHARP'S LI VERY AND SALE STABLES. • Offiee--At Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good Horses andefirst-class Conveyances always on hand. THOMSON'S LiVERY, CLINTON. OFFICE,—AT COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Good quiet Horses and First -Class 'Vehicles always on hand.; Conveyances furnished to Commercial Travellets on reasonable rates. 221 JOHN THOMSON. -ptELL'S LIVERY•STA IMES, SEAPORTS, Ont. 41L° 0004 Scillies and Comfortable Vehicles always on hand. Favorable Arrangements made with Commercial Travellers: All orders left at Knox's HOTEL, will be promptly attended to. OFFICE AND STABLES :2 -Third door North of Knox's Hotel, Main Street. 221 THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. sptscELL ANE is us. -J. CHURCHILL, VETERMARY-SURG-EON "IL • (Member of the Ontario VeterinaryCollege,) begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country, that he has opened an Office in Seaforth, where he may be collimated per. or by letter, on the Diseases of Horses, Cat- tle, eta. ' Having received a regular and practical education `a,ndhaving been awarded the Diploma of the Veterinary College of Ontario, T. J. Churchill has every confidence of giving satisfaction to all who may employthim. REFERENCES—A: Smith, V. S., Principal Onta- rio Veterinary College; Professor Buckland, Dr. Thorbunn Dr. Rowel, and —Wells, M. D., & V. S. Veterinary Medieinestonstantly on hand. All calls promptly attended to. Office—Carmichael's Hot.1, Seaforth. 182-2m VETERINARY SURGEON.—D. McNIUGHT, V. 8:, begs to announce to the inhabitants of Seatorth and am -founding country that he has been awarded the diploma of the Ontario Veterin- ary College, and is now prepared to treat diseases of Horses and Cattle and all domestic animals. He has opened an office in connection witb his horse - shoeing shop, where he will be found feady to at- tend to calls. Diseeses of the feet specially at- teneed to. Residenee, office and shop in the rear of Billet= & Ryan's new store. All kinds of Vet- erinary Medicines kept constantly on hand. Charges reasonable. 229 0 R. COOPER, Conveyancer, Commissioner in e -e• Queen's Bench, Insurance and General -Agent, Agent for the Freehold Permanent Building and Savings Society of Toronto, whose rates are as low as any Company doing business in Canada. Appli- cations for Loans promptly attended to. OFFICE.—Opposite Rost' Tailor Shen, 186-tf - AINLEYVILLE. HURRAH FOR WM. AULT, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, TT AS ON HAND a superior stock of FAMILY -I-2- GROCERIES, embracing Teas of the belie brands, Sugars, Raisine, ,etc. Alsee Crockery and Glassware, and every other article usually kept in a first -elites Grocery Store. PROVISIONIr4, Such as Plottr, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoee, Perk, etc., also, everviescription of FEED, • Such as @ate, Peaselimn and Shortie all of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. FARM PRODUCE. = The highest market price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main. street, East side, opposite Coe -entrees Boot and Shoe State, Seaforth. 213 -4 WM. AULT. J. WILTON KERR, AGENT, AINLEYVILLE Insurance effected on all deseriptione of property. MONEY Obtainable on Real Estate security at reduced rates. MR. KERR Is always forme at his old stand as donveyancer, Commissioner in B. R., ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENCES, and Coroner for the County of Huron, ece, Ainleyville, Oct., 1872. 254-3 BOARDING. COLLADAY has leased the large and corn- modious house, on the Salt Works Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it up as a boarding-house. Good table and comfoetable rooms. Persons wishing a pleasant bearding - house should apply, as there are at present a few vacancies. Transient boarders accommodated at less than hotel rates. 228 XXX OYS TE.RS. CLEARING SALE OF TEAS AT LAIDLAW'S. TEN POUNDS,*OF .EXTRA BRIGBT FOR ONE DOLLAR. INSPECTION INVITED. J. C. LAIDLAW. BANKRUPT IN SEAFORTII, STOCK (JOHN LOGAN'& OLD STAND) Consisting of SILKS, MANTLES, - lel ILLLINERY, GLOVES, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, LINENS TWEEDS, UNDERCLOTHING, FLANNELS, CARPETS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, 11 s FIRST—CLASS Sa ftl as oprtmeRnt ofY GOODS. The Stock having been purchased for cash at a tremendous sacrifice must be sold within a litnited period, and consequently will be sold cheap. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT THE MANCHESTER HOUSE: LLIAM ALLEN, (Late at Hickson's), Has much pleasure in stating that he has opened a GROCERY, PMPT:) ADPI:LCYNTISIOI\TSTCP Opposite Powell's Hotel, Se,aforth. The Stock is all PB.ESH, and wits parehased,on the best terms for CASH and will be sold at a ADVANCE ON ON THE COST 0 - THE PATRONAGE OF -HIS MANY FRIENDS AND TSB PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. SEAPORTS, November, 1872. -257 ARRIVED AT 777, McDOUGALL'S Another lot of CHEAP COTTON, And 100 pairs of MEN'S BOOTS AT Wholesale Prices, AT 777, McDOUGALL'$. SEAFORTH, Nov. 7, 1872. 257 NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given that application will be -el made at the next session of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for an act to incorporate - the Townships of Mornington, Elma and Wallet:0 and the Village of Listowel in the County of Perth, Grey and Howick in the County of Enrou, and Maryborough in the County of Wellington into a junior County, to be called the County of yalf,- land, and attached to the County of 'Wellington for municipal and judieia1 purposea, with a Regis- try Office in the village of Listowel 101 Said. junior County. Dated at Listowel, this 12th of November,1872 258-6 1MONEY TO LEND len:— at demilleied has $8,000 and upward, private r 1 funds, to loan, at 8 -per cent. per annum, 031 ! Farm property. Charges moderate. - Marriage. 1 i Licences issued, Apply to 2a7-52'. ' - W... G. wrizoN, Zurich, ... • MURDER! MURDER! MURDER! HIGH PRICES FOR FURNITURE MURDERED, And those that have kept prices up beyond the bounds of reason are about to , COMMIT W. B. PORTER Has commenced selling Furniture of all descrip- tions in HATT S OLD STAND, MAIN -STREET, SEAPORTS, At such prices as will astonish a miser. • Heeourts an inquest and feels certain that a verdict will be returned in his favor, that his prices are THE LOWEST That is and has been in. this or any other county the Province for years. eee GIVE HIM A CALL. And be convinced of the fact. W. B. PORTER. Seaforth, Oct. 25, 1872, . 255 MONEY TO LOAN. trEtE Bubseliber has MONEY to loan to ally amotmt on good farm property. Interest, SIX par cent. per RI11111112, when the int.erest and pen- ciple are paid yearly, and 8 per cent. per annum when the interest only is paid. A. G. MoDOUGALL, 227-52 At °heap cash Store, sign of the Bear.