HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-11-15, Page 5vlonday, (r. John the 4th - Kowayr. ghter. ;th u t. mer, of th irit., saddler, How - D. Me- ow-.DMe- _ to Miss: at the k., ME._ ship. of u istina of El - at., a ier, by Roehh, kungest r Esq. Nov. Dune, public: an the to ain haw wood. arvely, IS 8o ilinost, what n sold Corel., 1 12 1 12 058 €186. 80 a15 0 10 07 0 17- 0 00 14 00 O00 1 10 a l€1 1 25. 0 50 fi 00 a 11) ills 5 50= 0- PO 4 30 1872, 1 14 1 12 e tis 0 57 0 60 015 015 14 00 ;72. s, sales s be - [0t8 of rather fi 35# o de- algin tided Ears f. have with d for G for 14. f- luted ;alien nple. a ins. Stern rans- [2 sibie ess is of tem- 10; em-10 usi- ged, tle , 2; sed- •ere as Pr` 13o The xes, to, 14e. at. ay, vee l.rth 12G fine ow- 6g ixg ars: ni-. adY r fat ' mg re.- i or.. s. da v 15, I8,72. eeeond-class, and $3 to 13 50 for hirdclass. tart Receipts continue about equal tatthe demand, but, owing to the increa8 ea price now paid for skins, quotations ire very first. ' goos-The receipts have been to a fair int, prices remaining steady at 4i for fat, and 4c for store. .UAL0LIVE STOCK MARKET. BurFs1;u, Nov.. 13. The following shows the receipts and Ailments of live stock at East Buffalo ler the week thus far, beginning with ,Sanday Sunday. Monday... Tuesday Wednesday ' Receipts.. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. heal bead. head. ;head. 471 1,200 9,700' 2. 850 , 1,200 4,900 . . 493 3,400 3,200 ,` 1,767 5,600 5-,100 16. Total..... , 3,587 11,400- 22,900 16 Same time last , week..... 1,972 9,400 24,900 16. Shipments. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs,. Horses. head. head. head. head. mindsy . - 680 :...11, 200 32 Monday - _ --- 51 1,000 8,400 .. Tuesday...... 510 .... 4,500 Wednesday .. 1,428 4,000 1,200 Total... :., 2,669:5,000 28,300 32 Same time last • week.. • . • . 1,037.31000 18,100 16 CAT -TLE. _Receipts to' day were, includ • ung two cars reported to arrive, 1768 head., making the total supply for the Week thus far, 3,587 head, or 211 cars, against 116 cars for the same time last week. The market was a little more ac - live than yesterday, good cattle selling at about an is advance en last week's ccs i medium at yesterday's rates. The attendance was fair. Sales compris- ed, about 700 head. Transactions were ss. follows : No. of Average -Head. Weight, lbs.. 90 Ohio steers, 1,523 17 Indiana " 1,059 19 Mich. " 1,108 18 Canada steers, 1,165 • 15 " ' . 933 16 ", " 1,425 22 " " 939 39 `` " 1,233 And 12 other sales. Sm &' AND Lamas. -Receipts to -day, including two cars reported to arrive, 5,600' head, making the -total supply for the week,thus far, 11,400 head, against 9,400 head for the same time last week. The market opened dull and heavy at thee -eighth of a. cent off on all classes from Iast week's eiosing rates. Pens were filled, and buyers hanging off. 'We note the following sales : No. of Average Head. Weight, lbs. 25 Canada sheep, 140 44 "•136 79 « « 128 4 " s• 118 290 Can. sheep&lambs 99 60 Canada lambs 78 40 " 82 96 76 81 . s 82 180 Mich. sheep, 102 Hoes. Receipts for to -day, including 9 cars reported to arrive, 5,100 head, Making the total supply for the week thus far, 22,900 bead, against 24,900 head for the same time last week. The market was at a dead lock- this mord- ing The difficulty in obtaining cars for .shipping and the panic in the Eastern markets caused buyers to be shy. At noon buyers and sellers were standing apart 15e per cwt.. with only about 1,- .590 head sold which had not been weigh- ed or prices reported; GOLD. -The price of gold in New York is quoted. at 113 THE MOST fashionable Clothes, and the best Ready-made Clothing in the County, at Hickson's old. stand, DUNCAN & DUN- -CAN'S. Price. $7 374 5 00 4 25 4 124 4 374 5 374 3 50 5 50 . TUCKER WANTED. lJANTRD; for School Section No. 9, Grey, y T a male or female TEACHER holding a third- class certificate.. Duties commence Jan. 1, 1878. Apply to HARTWELL SPSIRAN or GEORGE McKkY, Grey P. O. TEACHER- WANTED: 'WANTED- for School Section No. 9, McKillop, a male TEACHER holding a first or second' class certificate. Application, accompanied by references, to be•made to eitherof the trustees, addressed Walton P 0, Wst. BELL,A. CAY NADH, WK. Ran, Trustees. 258 Price. .-$5 75 5 50 5- 75 5 50 5 75 7 00 6 50 7 00 6 50 5 624 TEACHER WANTED FOR Bar/whey School. Dntiee to commence Jan. 1, 1878. Apply to Francis Soorx, DA- VID MCConnocx or Hues Bonn, Trustees. 6 TEACHER' WANTED. WANTED for School Section No. 10,.Tdwnehip of Grey, a male or female TEACHER holding second or third-class certificate. Duties to com- mence January 1, 1878. Apply to`JOHN LONG, WM. DUKE or. THOMAS 'WHITEFIELD, Grey Post -office. i 255-4* TEACHER WANTED. WANTED,' for School Section No. 1, in, the Township of Morris, a male TEACIiER. Ditties to commence on the lat of January, 1578. Apply to ROBT. B. LAIDLAW, ROBT. SYMONDS, JOHN MaELROY, Trustees, Blyth P. O. 254-4* • TEACHER WANTED. WANTED, a male TEACHER for Union School Section No.1, Hay and Stanley. One quali- fied to teach French preferred. Duties to com- mence on January lst, 1878. Apply to ROBT. DRYSDAT.E and JOS. LAPORTE, 258-8 _ I Berne P. O ST GE DRIVER WANTED. 'WANTED, immediately, a good, steady man to '' drive the Mail Stage from Seaforth to Wrox- eter. To a suuijtable person good wages anda per- manent situation .will be given. References re- quired: JAMES R. ROSS, Seaforth. 257 BLACKSMITH :WANTED. 'ANTED, immediately, a first-class country BLACKSMITH, able to take charge of a shop. None but one proficient in horse shoeing find plow -fixing need apply, to whom a liberal salary - will be given. Single man preferred. Apply to WM. ERWIN, Wagon -maker, Berne. 255 THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. FOR SALE, the thoroughbred 'BULL, !New ' Year's Day," owned by D. Woodriff, of Grey. This animal 'is three years old, and was bred from imported stook by John Millen, of Pickering. In- quire of that owner, on lot No. 16, concession 10, Grey, or if by letter to Grey Post -office. 257-4* D. WOODRIFF, Proprietor, RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Trai$:s leave the Seaforth station as follows :- Express. 1.02 P. M. GOING WEST. Mixed. 3.35 P. M. GOING EAST. Express. Mixed. 10.50 A. M. 2.20 P. M. Mail. 8.45 P. M. 8.00 A. M. CARD. To the Ratepayers of the .Village of Sea- forth ;. Having heard that there is-& report in circula- tion, to the effect that I do not intend to offer myself for re-election as your Reeve at the coming election, I beg to state that I am in the field, seek- ing re- election eek-ingre-election at your hands, feeling that I have done nothing to forfeit the trust reposed in me raring myenure of office. tt TAMES H. BENSON. HORSE FOR SALE. FOR SALE,- cheap, a good DRAFT HORSE, com- ing five years old; sound in wind and limb, and good to -work either double or singie, Apply to J. MoGINNIS, Grocer, Seaforth' 254 OXEN. VOR SALE, a splendid yoke of working OXEN, eight years old. Apply to WM. HOLLINGS- HEAD, IKipiien P. 0. 254 • BREEDING MARE FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP, a good Breeding MARE, can be seen on Lot 18, Con: 4, McKillop. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. 256*4 GEORGE McINTOSH. 11'OTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made at the next seesion of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for an act to incorporate the Townships of Mornington, Elma and Wallace and the Village of Listowel in the County of Perth, Grey and Howick in the County of Huron, andMaryborough in the County of Wellington into a junior County, to be called the County of Mait- land, and attached to the County of Wellington for municipal and judicial purposes, with a Regis- try Office in the village of Listowel for said junior County. Dated at Listowel, this 12th of November, 1872, } TIMBER FOR SALE. VOR SALE, a quantity of hewn TIMBER, most- ly pine, sufficient for the frame of a building 40x60 feet. JAMES R. ROSS, Seaforth. 257 258-6 Millinery and Dress- making, iilg, BOILER FOR SALE. FOR SALE, cheap; a Locomotive Boiler, nearly new, and in excellent condition: Capacity, 25 horse power. _Apply to ' JOHN GOVENLOCK, Seaforth, Ont. 257 THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE FOB SALE,: cheap, a good Separator Threshing Machine and Horse -power, new and in good working order. Apply to 250 - WM. CAMPBELL, Seaforth. E 11 T}, 11 EXPOSITORr • NKRUPT STOCK IN SEAFORTH, (vItOHN LOGAN'S OLD STAND) Consisting of SILKS, 6 MANTLES, MILLLINERY, GLOVES, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, LINENS : CAUTION. THE public are hereby captioned against pur- ehasing, a- Note of Hand, drawn by ANTONY TYNDEL, in favor of PETER GRAss1 or bearer for the amount of $16, dated Jan. 5, 1871, and made payable one year from date. The above note has Been lost, and payment has been PETER Geed. E. 258-4 MRS_ GREY Begs to intimate to the ladies of Seaforth and vi- cinity that she has just opened a Millinery and Dressmaking Establishment in Seaforth, in the premises on Main -street opposite the Farmers' Store. She has also engaged a first-class Milliner and will be prepared to execute in the neatest and most fashionable styles all work entrusted to her. Stamping for Braiding and Embroidery. 258*8 SEAronTH, Nor. 9,1872. J. WILTON KERR, TWEEDS, UNDERCLOTHING, FLANNELS, CARPETS,`; GENTS' •FU:RNISHIIIIGS, And a full assortment of FIRST-CLASS DRY GOOD The Stook having been purchased for cash at a tremendous sacrifice must be sold within a limited period, and consequently will be sold, cheap. CAUTION. THE public- are hereby cautioned against par - chasing a note of hand drawn by DANIEL COLLINS. in favor of DANIEL McKINNON or bearer, for the amount of $30, Bale on the first of tof January, 1873, and made pay date. The above note has been lost or stolen, and payment of it has been stopped. 2674* DANIEL COLLIN'S. AGENT, AINLEYVILLE• Inn -ranee effected on all descriptions of property. MONEY- Obtainable on Real Estate security at reduced rates. • MRs KERR NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS A,T THE MANCHESTER HOUSE Wholesale CAUTION. \ THEREBY forbid any person giving my wife or son credit on nay account, from this date, with or without my order, as I will not fie responsible for theeame. WTT,T TAM LAMB. Howiek, Oct. 29,1872. ' 256-4 Is always found at his old stand as Conveyancer, Commissioner in B. R., ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENCES, and Coroner for the County of Huron, &c. Ainleyville, Oct., 1872. 254-3 COOPERS, TAKE NOTICE. THE Master Coopers of the Village of Seaforth having joined together' for the purpose of re- ducing the wages of the journeymen, a meeting of the parties interested was held on M0to NDA , llth inst., for the purpose of taking m on what was best to be done, and it was unanimous- ly resolved!, that the journeymen would not submit to have their wages lowered at this Cason of the r two year, as they have been working all cents a bel less than what was paid in Goder- leh, Londo i and other neighboring places. Seaforth, Nova 12, 1872. By order f the President of the Coopers' Union. N.B. - All Coopers please give us a wide berth. EDWARD CAS H Will pay TORONTO PRICES For any quantity of RAW FURS At the Butter Inspector's Office, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, Coon, Qtter, Bat, Bear, Wolf, Beaver, Marteui and Paries -of all kinds. DYE STUFFS. FOR TBE BEST MADDER, INDIGO, LOGW9OD, COCHINEAL, MAGENTA, And all other genuine NEW FRUITS NEW. FRUITS First Arrival of the Season. The undersigned has jest received- and will sell on then lest favorable terms •j RAISINS, . CANNED 1+'ktUITS, _ CURRANTS, STRAWBERRIES, PEELS, &c., TOMATOES, JAMS, PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES and BLACK CURRANTS, PURE GRAPE WINE, WARRANTED.. Also, a full assortment of GENERAL INSPECTION INVITED. J. C. LAIDLAW. CASH paid for No. 1 BUTTER. 4sjaisi.p xxx pure- aresalotim PCI CD Szo ARRIVE AT 777, McDOUGALL' DYE STUFFS, R Producing rich and durable colors, go to LUMSDEN'S, Corner Drag Store, Seaforth. ` Another lot of CHEAP ;COTTONS, And 100 pairs of MEN'S BOOTS AT Wholesale Prices, AT 777, 1 i McDOUGALL'S. SEA!OBTH, Nov. 7, 1872. 257 MURDER! MURDER,! MURDER HIGH PRICES FOR FURNITURE MURDERED, WILLIAM ALLEN, (Late at ;Hickson's), Has much pleasure in stating that he bas opened a GROCERY; FES AT'TD PROVISION STORE STRAYED CATTLE. STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, Lot 9, Con. 5, McKillop, during the past sum- mer, seven yearling CATTLE, coming two, that is to say, four heifers and three steers. ' Two of the heifers•are white, and one'of the steers grey, the others red and white. The tips of the tails of ;all have been clipped. For such information as spill lead to their res very a liberal reward will be paid. 258*4 JOSEPH EVANS. And thea unhfvbeyond the bbounds reason are about toil COMMIT SUICIDE. W. B. PORTER Opposite Powell's Hotel, Seaforth. The Stock is -all FRESH, and was purchased on the best terms for CASH and will be told at a small ESTRAY STEER. CAME into the enclosure of the undersigned, v Lot 16, Con. 6. Stanley,, on or about the 1st of September last, a whitish STEER, with short horns, coming 8 years old: The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. 258'4 THOMAS THOMAS JOHNSTON. Has commenced selling Furniture of all descrip- tions in IATT'S- OLD STAND, THE ESTRAY HEIFER. CAMEinto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 15, Con. 4, Usborne, on or about June 1, 1872 a dark red HEIFER, one year old. The owner is re qudsted to prove property, pay expenses and take it away. 258*4 GEORGE BURWELL. ADVANCE ON THE COST PATRONAGE OF HIS MANY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. SEAFOBTH, November, 1872. 257 NEW t1RRIVALS THIS WEEK AT ESTRAY SHEEP. CAME to Lot 18, Con. 10, McKillop, about two months ago, a EWE and a ;LAMB, both long tailed, the ewe marked on botij ears. The owner will please pay expenses and take them away. 258*5 HENRY HART. MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, At each prices as will astonish a miser. ;He courts an inquest and feels certain that a verdict will be returned in his favor, that hie prices are ESTRAY STEER. CAME to Lot 12, Con. 2, Tnokersmith, about Sept. 1, a two-year-old STEER, white and red. The owner will, please prove property, pay charges, and takeit away. 25844 MICR - MICRAFL HEFFERNAN. THE LOWEST That is and has beenin•this or any other county in the Previa - eke ye GIVE HIM A CALL And be convinced of the fact. W. B. PORTER. I 255 Seaforth, Oot. 25,1872. 1`7 the Connty Court of the County o Huron.- ICanada, Province of Ontario, County of Huron. .Insolvent Act of 1869. -In the matter of JOHN GRITS, an Insolvent. --The undersigned has filed in the office of this Court a deed of composition and discharge, executed by his creditgrs, and on Monday, the sixteenth day of December next, he will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a con firmation of the discharge thereby effected. Dated at Seaforth this 18t11 day of NoveJOHN MTS. 258 ESTRAY STEER: CAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 2, Con. 14, Hallett, on or about Sept. 1, a greyish -colored STEER rising three years ! old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. 258-4 FRANCIS 'NOBLE. ESTRAY EWE. ° CAME into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 29, Con. 1y McKillop, about Oct. 15, a white ewe SHEEP. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. 258-4 DAVID DORRENCE. ESTRAY STEER. STRAYED into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 19, Con. 8, Grey, about the middle of Aug- ust last, a brindle and white STEER coming two. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. 258.*4 HUGH MoCARRTNEY. STRAYED. FROM Lot 9, Concession 10, Grey, in July last, one two-year-old HEIFER, light red and white with a star in her forehead. and short horns. Also, a one -year-old STEER, red and white, and hair in- clined to be wavy, short in the face. Any parties that will give information that will lead to the re- ' covery of the above will be snitably rewarded. 2574* JOHN JONES. • L. & LADIES' FUR SETS, $1 50 and upwards. LADIES' CLOUDS, 30 cents and upwards. LADIES', MISSES' and 'CHILD'S HOODS, any price. LADIES' Full Range of. SHAWLS. LADIES' Full Range of DRESS GOODS. LADIES' Full Range of SHOES and RUBBERS. LADIES' Full Range of .HOSIERY. FANCY and PLAIN FLANNELS, 30 cent's and upwards. FANCY and PLAIN FIN(-ER1NG YARNS. MEN'S and BOYS' MUFFLERS. - Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps and hill line of Furnishings. MEN'S and BOYS' BOOTS, all kinds. NEW CURRANTS, this year's. NEW • VALENTIA RASINS, this year's. NEW SUGARS, 84, 9, 10 and 11 pounds for $1, NEW TEAS, warranted, at $1 per pound. All at Lowest Prices. LOGAN & JAMIESONa ESTRAY STEER. L TRAYED into the premises of the undersigned, " Lot 6, Concession 14, Hallett, on or shoot the lst of September last, a red -STEER, coming two years old. The owner is requested to call at once, prove property, pay charges and take it away. 257-4 JOHN WATT, Sr. ESTRAY SHEEP. !`1 AME to the premises of the undersigned, Lot L 15, Concession 11, McKillop, about Sept. 27, a E WE and two LAMBS. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. ; JAMES HILLEN. 255-4 • 1872. NOVEMBER, 1872. TI3E =,AP PST STOCK; THE CHEAPEST- 'STOCK STRAYED COWS. STRAYED from Seaforth, about the first of Octo- ber, two farrow COWS; one red and 'white, crumbly horns; the other dark brown. Informa- tion respecting them will be suitably rewariled by the subscriber. 254 ; THOMAS DOWNEY. ESTRAY EWES. CAME into Lob 8, Concession 7, Grey, about the lst of August last, two EWES. The ownerie requested to come and prove: property, pay charges and takethem away. HUGH LAMONT. 255 -*4 ESTRAY; PIG. (•1AME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot J 19, Oon. J0, Grey, about the middle of _August last, a black and white Boar PIG, about 1 year old. The owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take it away. ; 256t4 - - WM. WBELPTON. AND ` THE GREATEST VARIETY IS TO BE HAD FOB CASH CR APPROVED CREDIT AT LIVIIqGSTONE'S DOMINON HOUSE, AINLEYVILLE HILL'S BRITAMA HOUSE, SEAFORTH. ESTRAY EWES. CAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 5, Oon. 4, Grey, about the end of September last, two EWES. Owner requested to prose prop- erty, pay ;charges and remove them. 25684 JAMES TURNBITLL. W. HILL IS NOW SHOWING A FULL STOCK OF DRY. COODS, MILL111itERl�, BOOTS AND SHOES AND GROGERTFS SUITABLE FOR THE PRESENT -SEASON'S TRADE. And' while returning thanks for the patronage of the past seven years, desires to notice that the stock is large enough to supply -the heaviest buyer, choice enough to satisfy the most particular, and as :good value as can be obtained by any purchaser; that he has had the same - ADVANTAGE OF PURCHASING BEFORE THE RISE As any other house, and will as readily give CUSTOMERS the benefit of it. The following advantages are claimed for the house: 1. A Iong experience in the trade. 2. Personal inspection of all goods bought. - 8. One price only, the LOWEST possible. 4. A well -assorted STOCK to select from. BRITANNIA HOUSE, Opposite the Post -office, SEAFORTH. NOTICE IS hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township -of Grey will pass a bylaw at their next meeting of Council, to be held at Oran - brook, 25th November next, for opening up a public read, four rodswide, between Lots 84 and 35, Concessions 8 and 9, and also a iroad between Lots 22 and 28, Concessions 8 and 9; - By order. J. B. GRANT, Township Clerk. Township Clerk's Mee, 1.2 Ainieyville, Oct. 8, 1872. TAAYID MITCHELL, M. D., Graduate of Vieto- ria College, Physician, Surgeon, eta.. etc., Km -sown Owr.-Coroner of the County of Huron. Office and residence, at Thompson dt Stanley's. MONEY TO LOAN. THE subscriber has MONEY .to loan to a� amount on good farm property. Interest, i31Z per cent. per annum, when the interest and prim ciple are paid yearly, and 8 per cent. per annum when the interest only is paid. A. G. McDOiTGAIL, 227-52 M cheap cash Store, sign of the/Sean • MONEY TO LEND. TnICE undersigned has $3,000 and upward, privatefunds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per Ann tom On Farm property. Charges moderate. ldanW� Licences issued. Apply to -521' W. (i. ` ULSON, Zurieb. 1' 1 •