HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-11-15, Page 372. kni GDS. t4 Ex - &G. LN LIN& at UV. Se ES, 0 'he $! tl t • Nov. io, 1872. • • • THE HURON 3. ROME WASN'T BUILT IN A DAY. BY ALICE CARL The boy who cloes a stroke and stops Will neer a great man be ; 'Tis the aggregatenf single drops That makes the se% the sea. The mountsas not at its birth A mountain, so to speak; The littleatoms of sand and earth Have made its peak a peak. Not all at once the mornin&streams Tile gold above the grar ; 'Tis a: thousand little yellow gleams That make the day the day. - Not from the snow -drift May- awakes, In, purples, reds and greens ; Spring's whole bright retinue it takes To makeher queen of queens. Upon the orchard rain must fall And soak from branch to root, And blossoms blooi and fade withal Before the fruit iS fruit. The farmer needs must, sow and till, And wait the wheaten ,bread , Then cradle, thresh, and go to riii1, Before .the bread is bread. Swift lbes4 ls may get the early shout, But spite of all the din, It is the patient holding out That makes the winner with. lives in a cabin not far from the spot and obtained from the .melting of the honey by the sun's heat more than enough for his family require- ments, All through that region im- mense stores of wild honey are found in tree, in the rocks, in near- ly every place where its indust!ious manufacturers think—for bees seem to think—that it will be secure. They consume a very small propor- tion, as the climate enables thein to keep up operations nearly every day in the year, and fl6wers of 'some :sort are nearly always in bloom. It must be a very severe season indeed when. the little fellows are not seen abroad in vast numbers, busily -en- gaged in their mellifluous work. ' I Douguld's iPiret Voyage. A man from, die North, who had never seen either ship or sea in his life,. had to cro3s from Kinghorn to !Leith on a very stormy day. The [vessel rolled greatly, and the poor frightened Highlander ran to the cords, and -held them- down with his whole vigor, to keep, hS he thought, the boat from upsetting. 'For te Make this your motto, then, at -start, sake of.our lives, shentles, come and 'Twill help to smooth the way ; And steady up both haaid and heart, " Rome wasn't built in a day !"- ** • The Taking of the Child. We heard. no voice within the room, Nor saw a stranger's face; And yet a trembling and a glom Crept over us apace. ,- • As on his mother's breast reclined Nestling his flaxen head— His little hands in her's entwined— In quick surprise he said : " Say, mother, what is that I see ?" He pointed. to the dim, Sure something in the vacancy Was beckoning to him. * Between the going out of night And coming in of day, His spirit, like a meteof light, Stole suddenly away., 1 —Thomas MacKellfar. rill • 111.` If a toper and a quart of whiskey' were left together, which should be drunk first? —A little four-year old ot Bristol went to Providence the other day, . and in the depot was accosted "oy Quaker lady,, who asked: 'How old art thou, little girl T She looked up in the face of the Quakeress, and replied : fI am not art thou ; I'm little Jennie.' - —Tracts designed to meet tlie special requirements of people who are putting up' stoves would have a good run just now. —To the anxious enquiry, ' How shall we keep our boys in nights ?' we would rest)ectfully suggest a total abstinence from unripe. fruits. iz a grate deal eazier tew be a philosopher after a man haz had hiz dinner, thau it iz whenl he don't. know where he iz agoing i'ew get it. hold clown ! he cried ; or, if ye will not be helping me, I'll let you all to the bottom in one moment. And you ploughman there,' he con- tinued, turning to the man at the helni, 'cannot you keep the howe of te furr, and no gang ower te crown of te riggs ,avaw ? Heidi The steersman laughed at him, and the Highlander becoming irritated, seiz- ed a handspike and knocked him down. 'Now ! laugh younow, you route 1' said he, and you weel de- serve it all, for it was you made all the too-koo, kittling the boatie's tail with tat pin !' INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR LIVES. A Strong, Seaforth. - AGENT FOR The Scottish Provincial Fire and Life. The Western Insurance Company, of Toronto— Fire and Life. The Isolated Risk .Insurance Company, di Canada. Terms as reasonable as offered by any other agent doing business for reliable Companies. Insurance Company— THE REASON WHY THE OSBORN,SEWING MACHINE MONEY TO JOAN. - Also, Agent for the Agricultural Investment Society, London. This, Company offers better in- ducements to borrowers than any others doing business in this Province. Call and,get circulars giving full particulars before purchasing elsewhere OFFICE—over Strong & Fairley's Grocery St -ore, Main Street, Seaforth. 252 Is taking the lead over n.11 other Sewing Machines is because it is the beat. At the Provincial Exhibition in Hamilton in 1872 it took the first prize for the best finished machine and the first prize for the best sewing, there being 48 entries. At Guelph Central Fair, the Company carried off the first prize for the best family machine. Parties wanting a, machine should call on our agent and see the Osborn tried before they pur- chase. A trial in light and heavy cloth will convince you to purchase none other than the Osborn. Ostioru needles and', machine oil kept on hand. A. CALDER, Agent, opposite Coventry's Shale Store, Main -Bt., Seaforth. LONDON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE AND • Telegraphic Institute, PUBLIC NOTIpE., NOTICE is hereby -given that the undersigned have this day, entered into Partnership as Millers and Produce Commission Merchants in the Village of Seaforth, under the name, style and firm of JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. • The foremost practical business school of the Do- minion. Our plan of actual business transactions bas not yet been excelled in British America. Our graduates are largely sought after by business men. Our course is a real business experience, introduce —Josh. B. . ing the student to a miniature or1& of trade, and Nroltaire was asked what he ateatichinn g hpirhn Phonography overcome the most difficult -trans- -'au 3? tsa. ugh t o. osgtra iehnytand s eTelegraphynaoeaa maonsyt cwaereek- t h o h t was the ag,e of the world. I studentdieydeinnt the year. No vacations. The intending don't know he said ; but I regard the world as an old coquette who greta" conceals her age. —The few lines received on the death of several individuals, in the past week, are respectfully declined. We don't like this kind of poetry. We receive a great deal of it, but we don't seem to harden under it. Nov if the authors of these affecti ing stanzas would only try to cote!, trol their feelings and not give way so_ to the bitterness of their grief, it [Signed,] JAS. ,p. KENDALL, MARTIN CHABLESWORTH. JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. Beg to state to the Farmers, Produce Merchants and. Dealers of the County of Huron that they have purchased from Messrs. SHEARSON & CO. the Mills known as the Seaforth Mills, and will hereafter carry on the same. - All Kinds of Grain.Pnrchased, would be much better for them and for. those depending upon them. They would find the world to be brighter ; they would grow put er and nobler themselves, and might in. time, and we don't think it is too much to expect --might learn to spell. The Biggest 'Beehive in the World. The following is from the San Franeisco Commercial Herald: In Los Angelos County, on. the eastern' slope of tne Saa Fernando range of mountains, and in the immediate vicinity of the Learning Petroleum Company's oil region, there is the most wonderful collection of wild honey in existence. The hive is located in a rift, which penetrates therock to the depth of probably 160 feet. The orifice is thirty feet long and seventeen feet wide; four passages. This rift was discovered to be the abiding place of a swarm of bees, that is represented as coming out in nearly a solid column one foot in diameter. Certain parties have endeavored to descend to the immense store of honey collected by these bees, but were invariably driven back, and,one man lost his life in the effort. Others have, at the expeuse of n4uch labor and money, built a scaffold,125 feet high, in the hope of reaching a place whence they could run a drift into the rock, and extract its well -hoard- ed sweets, but finally ceased their work. Within four years the bees have added not less than fifteen feet of depth to their trey as ascer- tained by actual Measurement, and it is thouebt that at the present time time there cannot be less than eight or ten tons of honey in the rock. A man nany.-:d B. Brophy should enter at once, or write for to JONES & CO., 251-8 Proprietors, London, Ont. HARNESS, HARNESS. Great Variety AT WILSON'S SEAFORTH. As formerly, And the Highest CASH PRICE, Paid. FLOUR, exchanged for WHEAT. Farmers desiring to exchange can rely upon getting for their Wheat No. 1 Flour. FLOUR DELIVERED in any part of the Vil- lage free of charge. The undersigned, having had the entire working management of the Mill for the :past three years, patrons may rest assured that they will receive the satisfactory treatment and as good work as formerly. JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. N RJEFERENCE to the above, the undersigned would beg to thank their numerous customers for the exteneive patronage accorded to them for the past four years, and trust that the same lib- eral patronage will bo extended to the new firm whom we' have pleasnre in being able to confident- ly recommend to our old patrons. All debt a due us, in connection with the Mill must be paid to Jas. P. Kendall & Co., and all debts due by u,in connection with the, same, will be settled by the Vaid firm of Jas. P. Kendall & Co. W. A. SHEARSON & CO. TRUNKS of all kinds, VALISES—not a few, WHIPS—of all sorts, COLLARS—all sizes. Brushes, Curry -Combs, Cards. All prices—from 10 cents up. Bells, BIanketti, Circingles, Saddles, And in fact everything usually found in a first- class Saddler's Shop, and at Prices extremely low. - JAMES WILSON Takes thie opportunity of thanking his numerous friends and customers for the liberal support ex- tended toward him for the past year and hopes by striet attention to business and manufacturing a firet-class &Aisle to merit a fair share of the pat- ronage of the ninny. Remember the Sign of the "GOLDEN SADDLE." 215 TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. W. H. OLIVER' Harness, Saddle and Trunk MANUFACTURER, SEAT L CODERICH FOUNDRY.. TIIE undersiitned, having sold the Huron Foundry property 'and stock to the " Goderich Foundry and Manu acturing Company," begs to thank the ptiblic for their liberal support during the past nineteen years and trusts that they will continue to send ,their orders to the new Company. Goderich, 10 h Ante, 1872— ' R. RIJN CIMAN. 1 Referring to the abovenotice, The Goderich Foundry St Manufacturing Co. Beg to inform the public that thetiiee prepared to contract for – STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS ; SAWING MACHINES, &C. On hand—IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards ; GANG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE-BA.RS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, PARLOR AND, BOX STOVES, of various kinds. ALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, A_ND BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PAN§ REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. All orders address6d to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention. ROBERT RUNCIMAN, General Manager. GEORGE NIEBERGALL. Manager Agricultural Department. Goderich, Ontario, June 10, 1872. SEAFORTH — MILLC, NOTICE. Whereas, It has come to our knowl- edge that certain untruthful and unprin- cipled parties have stated that since we have purchased the Seaforth Mills from W. A. Shearson & Co., we have run down- the -quality of our - Family Flour, in order to make a .larger profit, depend- ing on its reputation for'its sale,—We beg to state that we are now making better Flour than has been made in the Mill since it was built, and the best Family Flour in the Dominion. Messrs, R. FANSON & Co., late W. B. Ward. Bakers, in this Village, use our Flour exclusively in their 'Bake-HOuEe..- We refer partieadoubting the quality of our Flour to the Braad manufactured by them, and challenge Ontario to produce better, continuansly, for three.months. Intending putchasers may rely on get- ting our unrivalled Family Flour front the following delalers, at prices as low as any other Flour WILSON & YOUNG, R. FANSON & CO., STRONG & FAIRLEY, THOMAS LEE, THOMAS KIDD, . J. C. LAIDLAW, KILLORAN & RYAN, H. McGINNIS, WILLIAM AULT, Mrs. AULT,- W I LLI A M ALLEN, HUGH ROBB, Harpurhey. HORACE HORTON, President. ARCHIBALD HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. 243 THOMSON & WILLIAMS' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND ENGINE WORKS. ONTARIO JOHNSTON'S SELF -RAKING SINGLE REAPER. .G. & H. JACKSON, Egmondville. WM. THOMSON, Egmondville. Farmers may _Exchange their Wheat Jr our best Flour, 40 poitnelv per bushel for good Wheat, Spring or Fall. JAS. P. KENDALL &CO.; Seaforth Mills, Ont. SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells,Horse Clothing, &c., kept constantly on hand Repairing promptly attended to, and charges moderate. F.emember the place, sign of the Scotch Collar. , W. H. OLIVER. ROOMS TO LET. - SEVERAL GOOD BOOMS in Meyer s Bleck- to let on reasonable tones, Apply to 247 BEN SON & MEYER. WE recommend the above oelebrated self -raking Reaper and the CA.YUGA CHIEF, TB., MOWER, as the best harvesting machines now manufactured. We gnarantee these two single machines, costing but 3200, to outwear any two combined machine!, 'costing 3800, and with less than one quarter the cost in repairs. We also guarantee each machine to do its work better, faster, and with much lighter draught, than any combined machine. These two machines have not only a perfect lifting ap- paratus for the table and bar, but have also the only perfect tilting table and bar. We offer any trial the purchaser may desire of either or both these machines. We also build the 01-1I0 C6NIJE3IT27133.D FLOUR! FLOUR! WITH JOHNSTON'S SELF -RAKE, Which we guarantee eqnal to the best -combined machines made in Canada, and we offer a trial to in- tending purchasers. We also build TWO-HORSEWOOD-SAWINCI MACHINES, And all kinds of ARICLJLTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND MACHINERY THE TIME HAS NOW ARRIVED WHEN ALL SHOULD BE WARMLY AND COMFORTABLY T_TAVING purchased and thoroughly refitted the tnills formerly owned by the Messrs. S COBLE, I am now prepared to iurnish FAMILY FLOUR, Second to NONE IN SEAFORTH, And that will Compare favorably with any in the Do- minion, If you want A 1. FL01111, go to the following Dealers and ask for MARSHALL'S—Remember MARSIIALL'S FLOUR: W. SCOTT =ROBERTSON, J. ;WHITESIDE, SIMON POWELL, Or at W. IvIARSHA.LL'S Mills. Orders left 'with W. S. ROBERT SON will be promptly attended to. Parties who wish to . Exchange Wheat for Flour, Are certain to receive proper. quantity, and anarti- cle that will defy competition. . W. MARSHALL. Address 285 FOR MILLS AND FACTORIES. STAM ENGINES A SPECIALITY. THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ontario. JUST RECEIVED BY -Ma .11.11•1111 WM. ROBERTSON & CO. 18C -if EASE AND COMFORT. THE BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT. There is nothing so valuable as PERFECT SIGHT, and Perfect Sight Can only be obtained by using PERFECT SPECTACLES, stQN OF rrIE 4 1 T. K. ANI)E1SON A Splendid 4ssortrnent of Plated Ware, DIRECT FROM STIEFtEgi4D. LARD, ELEPHANT, STOCK'' AND OTHER, MACHINE OILS. BUILDERS' HARDWARE, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, which we can sell at less than PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES ELEPHANT AND JAMES' BRANDS WHITE LEAD. .RAW AND PALE BOILED OIL, GLASS, PUTTY, &G.. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF The difficulty of procuring which is well known Messrs. LAZARUS, MORRIS & Co. Have, after years of experience and experiment, and the erection of costly machinery, been enabled to produce that grand desideratum, PERFECT SPECTACLES Which never tire the eye, and last many years without change. 247 MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, SIGN OF THE BIG Main -street, Seaforth. 12 now prepared to warmly and com- fortably clothe all who furnish him with their orders. JUST RECEIVED A very nice stock of FANCY CHEVIOTS Which make a very handsome suit. French Diagonal Coatings CARRIAGE -MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITFIS' HARDWARE In the County. Best AMERICAN W,ATERLIME and CALCINED PLASTER, Fresh and Dry, And warranted good. WM. ROBERTSON & CO.'S. • THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE The nicest ever offered in Seaforth. FANCY VESTINGS Of various patterns and at various prices. Also, - -a very nice stock of ARM PAIVTALOON GOODS, DECLARES THAT THE GARDNER SEWING MACHINE Is superior to any To correspond 'with the above, All of which will be neatly Made Up and Sold now in the Market. CHEAP FOR CASH. HATS. AND CAPS, of the ',latest and every Style, always on Inn& GENTS' FURNISHINGS Anything in the Gents' Furnishing Line can al- ways be had at Ts K. Anderson's. glim•••••••••••••• GENTS' FURS. A very handsome stock of Gents' Furs of the latest styles and best quality. Full sets furnished eheap. Call and ace them, and you cannot help but be satisfied. READYMADE CLiTHINO AT COST. 31y enatom trade having so rapidly increased leaves me no time to attend to the Readymade Clothing Department, I have therefore determined. to clear out my whole stock, at cost, or under, if necessary. T. K. ANDERSON, Sign of the Big Hat, Main-strest, Seaforth. Having been examined and tried by the most skilful mechanics and best juidgea the country can produce, -and by them awnrded Prizes at all the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year; and although all the leading Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDNER PATENT has been declared -VICTORIOUS OYER ALL COMPETITOR, upon every test, and now stands foremost in the tank of sewers. SEE TIME LIST OF PRIZES FOR IS71; First Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London—the great Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph—the great Central Fair. First Prizc at St. Cathmines, County of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, Connty of Kent. First Prize at Waterloo, County of 'Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Simcoe. First Prize in Mono, County of Peel. First Prize in Caledon, County of Simcoe. First Prize at Wel- landport, County of 'Welland. First Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair, Kingston, Diploma at Hamilton, and various County Shows. This beautiful specimen of mechanical ability is a purely Canadian invention, surpassing in simplicity, durability, and usefulness any other Sewing Machine now in the market whether of Canadian, American, or English manufacture. It, will hem, cord, braid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind of Family Sewing and light Manufacturing Work, using all kinds of thread. It has a most complete SET OF A.TTACHMENTS. BUY NO OTRE11. If the price is a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Circulars and Saniples. GA_RDNE11, SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. Call and examine the Gardner before purchasing any other, at WILLIAM GEASSIE'S 1Narerootos, Goderich-street, Seaforth. Agents wanted. P. S.—Intending purchasers should not be misled by unscrupulous agents of other Companies, who keep Machines they do not sell, in a damaged state, to make capital for themselves. PETER GRASSIE, 179-52 Seaforth. FOlt THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FURN ITURE, GO TO JOHN STAUFFER'S AINLEYVILLE. Sign of the Two Bureaus. JUNE 18, 1872. 237-52 CABINET-filAKER WANTED. UTANTED a first-class Cabinet-maker, to work- I at piece -work; good -wages. J. STAUFF,ER, Ainleyville. JOHN BULLARD, LICENCED AUCTIONEER for the County o Huron. Bales • attended - in. all parts of t County. All orders left at this Deice will be pune. Welly attended to, or atany place Lot 11, Can. 1.71, McKillop. JOHN BULLARD, Auctioneer.