HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-11-08, Page 6N EXPOSITOR. TREMENDOUS r (hiring Meat. The Germantown. Telegraphsays: To one gallon of water add one and a half pounds of salt, half a pound of sugar, half an ounce of salt- petre, half an ounce *t/f potash. In this ratio the pickle to be`increased to any quantity desired. Let these be boiled together until all the dirt from the sugar rises to the top and is skimmed off. Then threw it into a tub to cool, and when cold poin it over your beef or -pork, to remain the usual ste, say four or five weeks, t meat mustbe well covered with pickle, and should not he put down for at least two days after kiliinge during which time it should be slightly sierinkled with powdered saltpetre,' which removes all the surface blood, etc., leaving the meat fresh and dean. Some 0113it boiling the Odd% and find it to answer well; though the opera- tion of boiling purifies the pickle by throwing off the clirt always to be found in salt and sugar. If this re- cipe is properly tried it will never be abandoned. -ere ae Disastrous Harvest in Scotland. The harvest in Scotland is, ac- cording to the Scotsman, the wettest and most disastrous that has been known since the year 1816, when what were known as the Meal Riots took place. The heavy and continu- ed fall of rain during the second Week of -SepteMber drenched the sheaves of cut grain through and through, which is, in many cases, an irreparable mischief. Aigood many samples of oats and wheat, as well as of . barley, have been shown in Edinburgh Corn Exchange during the first three weeks, but, when compared with the grain crop of 1871, they exhibie an astonishing and deplorable deterioration, but even that does not 3bdw the full damage done to the crop, because all the grains that had seriously sprout- ed had been taken out of the samples by means of screens and riddles. The wort fears regarding the potato crop have been realized ; and an it: lustration of the extent of the fail. ure of the crop is given. In ordin- ary years a stout mane with thiee . assistants (two women and a boy), could easily raise and weigh ready for market eight bolls, of thirty-two cwt. potatoes every day. For the last forenight it has taken a. very active marr and tinee assistants to one and a. half bolls, or six cwt. of sound, and three bolls, ortwelve cwt of diseased potatoes per day. All thistis bad news for the winter. eiritee Antidote for Polson. We find the following commend- ed If a person swallows any poi- son whatever, or ,has fallen into con- vulsions from having overloaded the stomach, an instantaneous renefdy, more efficient and applicable in a .larger numbet of cases than any half a dozen medicines we can now think of, is a heaping teaspoon of common salt,and is much good mustaid, stirr- ed rapidly in a teacut of water, warm or coldand swallowed instantly. It is scarcely down before it begins to come up, bringing with it the re- maining contents of the stomach, and, lest there be any remant of a poison, however small, let the white of an . egg, or a teacup of strong coffee, be swallowed as soon as the stomach is quiet ; because these very COMMOTI articles nullify a larger number of virulent poisons than any medicines in the shops. es. le • Wintering Vegetables. It is one thingto raise a -good crop of vegetables but quite another ro keep them sefely through winter. It is, doubtless, the fact that more vegetables are injured by heat in the winter than by, weld, because most persons crowd such things together -in large quantities, and then cover deeply to keep out the frost When placed in cellars, the windows' are closed, and in the more northern Statee banked up with, perhaps, fresh-horte manure from the stable. Of ceurse it is necessary to ke.ep potatoes, turnips, beets,and similar roots from freezing; still they vtould be of far better quality if kept as cold as possible and not actually frozen. Turnips and beets in particular are very liable to heat and become spoil- ed if a large quantity is placed to- gether; and potatoes are often in- jured by being stcred in large bins, instead of being put in barrels or spread thinly upon shelves in a dark cellar. When buried in the ground, small heaps, say twenty to thirty bushels in each, are best. Education in Berlin. Nothing more forcibly strikes the foreign sojourners in Berlin than the universal intelligence of the lower classes of that city. Your cabman speaks to you --if you can but comprehend him—in perfectly correct and gramma tieal German; your washerwoman's bill is a model of neat and handsome penmanship and correct spelling, your wife's seamstress is able to discuss -the late est publications, the view & in the political and fashionable world, and examines the, books on the table with a critically expetienced eye. To be sure/ i 1 this. universal ntern- 1 , geece has a, tendeney to ro ke the cheviers of wood and' dra ers of water' somew, hat arrogant; and, by the law of eompensatiot, the cabby and the waSherwoman make up for the absence of ignorance by a pert - nese and independence of manner which aro to be met with, to an equal degree in no other European capital. Yet the fact that they can all read, write and cipher. brings the results of the Prussian .educa- tiOnal systeni more vividly to the mind than any other fact could— unless it were the effect of it seen in the army. The Prussian state has long made equality of intelli- gencea-es far as schoolMg can effect it—a compulsory matter. All chil- dren, at soon As they get ou% of theirs frocks, must go to school; and the State prescribes -when-that shall be.—Lonelhn Standard. RUSSELL WATCHES I -AMERICAN WATCHGS, SWISS WA'IlCHES, ENGLISH JEWELRY, 'AMERICAN JEWELRY, FRENCH JEWELRY, JET JEWELRY, CONCERTINAS, VIOLINS, MEERCHAUN AND BRIAR PIPES, Jaist Received at M. R. COUNTER'S. • Repairing in 91 the 'thatches as usual. 252 Main-atret, SEAFORTH. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR LIVES. A. Strong, Seaforth. AGENT FOR The 'Scottish Provincial Insurance Company - Fire and Life. The Western Insurance Company, of Toronto - Fire and Life. ° The Isolated Risk Insurance Company, of Canada. Terms as reasonable as offered by any other agent doing liusinese for reliable Companies. MONEY TO LOAN. Also, Agent for the Agricultural Investment Society,' London. 'This Company offers better in- ducements to borrbwers than any others doing bueiness in this Province. Call and got circulars giving full partioulars before purchasing elsewhere Ora:ICE-over Strong & Fairley's Grocery Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 252 EDWARD CASH Will .pay the highest PRICE IN MONEY •For Good FALL MADE DAIRY BUTTER. Also, for Sheep Skins and Eurs Of all kinds. GODERICH STREET. Siraforth, Oct. 14, 1872. Seaforth Agricultural IlliPLLMENT WAREROOMS. O C WILSON, Agricultural Im_plement Agent, Seaforth, has at his Wareroorns a numbered aftlxwell's celebrated STRAW C UTTERS A.ruo GRAIN CRUSHERS. These Implements have given such universal satisfaction to all who have used thorn that it is unnecessary to say anything in th.eir praiee. Also, on hand at all time, a full assortment of Agricultural Iraplemeets of every clemoription, with all the bleat improtements and from the best inanufactarers. IMPLEMENTS AIADE TO ORDER IF REQUIRED. SEWING MACHINES. Mr. 'Wilson has also on hand the ler/gest stook of Sewing Machines west of Toronto, of the following manufacture : Florence, Singer; Lockman, and others. - The Florence being the only machine making four different stitches, -with reversible feed, is perfectly noiseless, and in every case where tried has given PERFECT 4ATIePACTION, As it will sew from the lightest Cambric to the heaviest Leather. aVarerooms immediately in -rear of T. KIDD'S Store, on Market -street, Seaforth. O. C. WILSON. Seaforth, Oct. 3, 187a. 252 • Tile Ronson 'Wily DR' et e;ELER'S COaLPOUND Elixir of Phos- phates and Calisaya ia called a Chemical Food. and Nutriti-ve Tonic, because Phosphates consti- tute more than half the materiel- of the htuonn body, sant are absolutely °est:nil-Init.° the growth of Bone, alUsele, and Nerae, which gannet attain fall development without them. They promote a good appetite, Perfeet digestion, create pare, healthy, vitalizing blood, and supply the waste consta ntiy going on in the system is the result of niental and physical exertion. Being combined with Calistlytt, the Peruvian Bark, the only specific, for Chills and Eever, and thet eoud i tion of Nerveas Prostration and General Debility arising from low vitality and exlaauetive disease% it terms an'elegant and agree- able, invigorating Tome purely playeiologieal in its action. that may be taken safely nuder all ojr. curastaneett and all diseased conditionof aite body, as it builds eip the constitution in the tame manlier as our daiay food. Sold by all Druggiete at $1. • • GOODS CAMPBELL'S CLOTIONG MPOR1UM. A COMPLETE STOCE OF WOOLEN GOODS, Embracing Every article required for a FIRST-CLASS MER- CHANT TAILOR'S business is now ready-. I would now inform my numerous elastomers ,that I am ready to show them . A STOCK OF GOO_DS THAT CANNOT FAIL TIO SUIT THEM And get them up SUITS in first-class style, On short notice. Assuring them, at the same time; of my gratitude for past favoreand every effort; on my part to en- sure its continuance. WM. CAMPBELL, Merchant Tailor, SEAFORTH. MICANIIIIMR111111_11111111nEttt, 1111,11iiii;.i1111111 11111 III - •0 ri,i1 I 1;;Y! IF 3:0U WANT A IGOOD Organ or Melodeon, CALL ON FRANK PALTRIDGE, Photographer, 1 Agent for Bell & Co., GuelKwho take ALL 'ME FIRST iiisites. Don't buy a poor ORGAN. If yu want a cheap nitteloaa inartunent, buy a JE HARP, but if you want a first-class one,' buy n Organ from Frank paltridtle, Photographer. Not bailie, at any expense, Frt4 Paltridge can sell you an organ from the hest flst.prize maker, on better omen dons than any oftze man. - SEWING IA/WHINES. A NEW SUPPLY OF The Howe and the Osborn SEWING MACHIKES, With all the latest improvements, ja]st received at •W. N. WATSON'S, SEAFOR TH. 'Call and see them, Their well-establishea reputa- tion renderit unneeemary to partieularize their superior qualities, further than that they ere the best and cheapest made. 228 - WM. N. WATS0aT' Seaforth. 1 CASH and GRAIN. JON LOGAN Begs to inform all those indebted, to him, either by. Note or Bea Account, that they must eall and settle the same, on or before the 1st of January next, and save expense or trouble. The net:omits and notes are in the hands of Messrs. Logan & Jamieson, who are authorized to receive money and grant receipts for me. JOHN LOGAN. GRAiN. On and after :MONDAY, Sept. 2:), I will be pre- pared to purchaee all kinds of Grain and otber Palm Produce for which I will piy the highest market price in calth, -with fair pin r any quan- tity delivered at Dry Store -house, he Railway Station. Seaford'. 230 o -o...:44.4•••.• JOE. LOGAN.. • -AT- HOFFMAN BROTHERS' Cheap Cash Store. • CATeela AND 2C-A.IVII:L\TM GOODS AND PRICES BEFORE PU RCHASING ELSEWHERE, • FULL STOCK • MILLINERY AND MANTLES, SEC. AIMWOMEMOMMos., 44, sonewww....*Fmr.romerrmunomminiumum.............mwame GREAT ATTRACTIONS IN FRESH GRQCERIES At THOS. LEE'S CHEAP FLOUR & FEED STORES Don't forget that THOS. LEE'S is the place for THE BEST TEAS AT THE LOWEST PRICE. Alim..••••m..o•••••gt ,Don't forget to try THOS. LEE'S 60 cent Tea. There le nothing to equal it at the price. FRITIT of all kinds, fruit and cheap. Don't aarget that THOS. IME keeps Sheartean's *XX FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, CRACKED GRAHAM FLOUR, COARSE GRAINS and Feed of every kind. WHEAT, TWO -AND A HALF TONS OF THE CHOICEST BACON, ONE DOZEN BARRELS MESS PORK, With a full stock of everything in the general provision line P. S.—Lots of No. 1 SHINGLES and CEDAR POSTS Constantly on hand at the lowest prices. 1 LARGER PItEMISES AND INCREASED -BUSINESS. /THANKS for past liberal patronage, and a continu- ance of similar favors so- licited. eINTYRE & WILLIS' business has grown Bo rapidly that they have been compelletl to remove into larger nremises. They will now be found; in Thema Bell's old stand, next door South of their former shop. Custom work receives cureful attention. A good Ilt and good stock is their motto. Boots and ellooe of all kinds, either me or factory -made, in great variety. Just eall and see. . 11IcINTYRE & WILLIS, Boot and Shoe Store, Main -street, Seafoit . The Victoria Chemical Company, Bolo Proprietors and Mattulaeturers of the Cele. brated 'Victoria Catbolic Preparations. Laboratory and Works, 'Victoria MelindaStreet, Toronto, Ont. The following Genuine Preparetions are sold by all Druggists. Bo sure and ask for the VicTODIA. PREPAnavrorm, and see that you get them. Victoria Carbolated Glycerine Jelly, This Jrata,'Y is highly recommended to Ladies as a attest agreeable Preparation for the Toilet. For Beautifying he Complexion, and rendering the Skin Soft, White, Clear, and free from Dryness, it ill unrivalled. It will quickly remove all Rednees, Roughness, Tan, Freckles, Pimples, and other nn perfections. VorChappedllands, Chilblains, Prost Bites and Sore Lipa, it; cannot be surpassed. Prick 25 cents. • Victoria Carbolic Toilet Soap. This ToiLzT So IP pbsseeses all the well-ialOwA antiseptic and disinfecting properties of Carbone Acid, is agreea.bly scented, has a healthy adieu on. the skin, la:events irritation,- removes the effects of perspiration, and should be regularly need by families. Cholera, Smallpox and Fever Patients should be washed with this Soap; and its useby persons liable to infection will materially prevent the pread of disease. Price 15 cents per Tablet. Victoria Carbolic Salve. That; SALVx Is a rapid cure for all Skin Diseases, Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Itbag- worm, Totter, Eczema, Scald Head, Scurvy, Abs- ceases,Boils, Pimples, fx. It possesses all tbe cleansing and healing virtues of Carbolic Acid, which has been found by Physiciatur everywhere - to possess curative qualities not diseotered in any other chemical preparation. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic oaxicaiysnia. This GAneLE is the most reliable and efficacioue Remedy in all casee of Sore Throat, Hoarseness • Diptheria, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Bronchial Tubes so common in this changeable climate, Asthma, Offensive Breath, Ulcerated &tune, au& all diseases of the Mouth. For Public Speakers and Singers it is invalunble. The ingredients ene tering into this Gargle are used by all Physicians, and for the cure of the above di% orders are now, rindoubtedly, the most popular in the MAMMA, •11==A.. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant. This DISINSECTANT is a sure preventive of Typhus; and Typhoid Fever, Cholera, Smallpox, and all in- fectious aiseases. It will prevent Contagion in Cattle. It is also invaluable for Disinfecting Wa- ter Closets, Drains, Cesspools, Stables, Slaughter- houses, &c., and for deetroying nauseous effluvia from whatever cause arising. It will drive away Mosquitoes, Moths, Flies, Cockroaches, &e. Meat, Fish, &c ,can be preserved from putrefaction by its use. Carbolic Acid was selected. by Her Majesty% Royal Commissioners, in preference to all other products, as the best Disinfectant for the preven- tion Of infectious &treaties. Prick:25 cents. Victoria Sharpening and Polishing Paste This PitEPARA.1102i Is unequalled in its rapidity for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table and Pocketlinives,Razors, Surgical Instrument., Shoe- makers' lanives, Plane Bits and Chisels, &c. Noth. ing • has ever been discovere,1 which has sprang into pepularity more quickly, or becorae of se much value in every horteehold ana workshop for general usefidness. Price 25 cents. 230 CAUTION To the Public of the British Provinces of North _America. T BEG most respectfully to acquaint the pilaf° -a- of the British North American Provinces that In May, 1871,1 caused the business at 80 Maidene Lane, New York, for the sale of Holloway's Pills. and Ointment, -which were up to that time -pree pared by William Brown, now demised, to be. closed. I regret to say that I have reason to know that the management of the late business had for some years, in zany ways, been most cor- rupt, anti it may, be that the rine and Ointment were not prepared with the care I have elways de- sired. .aLliose who do not wish to be deceived by braying spurious medicines, whieh are now likely to emanate from the State; or elsewhere, to possess• themselves of the genuine Holloway's Pills and Ointment, meamfacturea hymn) in: London, Eng- landovall do well to see that each pot and box bears the British. Government stamp, on which le engraved the -words, Holloway% Pills and °int-- inent„ anti that the address on the label is 588, Oa/Ord-street, lionden, where only they are mann- lectured, and in no other part -of the world. The retail prices are on the labelin British currency, and not in dollars end cents. No representatite raine will ever travel through any part of the British Provinces or the 'United States'either to Hell or to take orders for my Pills and Ointment, and as I have reason to believe that attempts will probably be mule to deceive the public in thie way by persons calling upon medicine vendors, falsely representing that they are acting for me and with my knowledge and consent, I deem it advisable to - put the,peblie on. their guard against any sueh de - captions. I meet earnestly entreat all those who may read this'advertieement that they be pleased, in the public interent, to wren-Inuit:0,e the purport of the saane to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their MOPC7 bY purthesing, perhaps,. worthless imitators of the - gamine Holloway's Pills and Ointment, I woul1 ask, as a greaefavor, that, should it conie to the knowledge of any per.. seri that spuribus medicines are being made or sold in ray name, lie be pleased to send ine all the par- ticulars he can collect respecting the same, that is to say, the name and addrees of ibe -vendor who is selling the spurious medicines, and likewise the name and address of the House in the United. State e or elsewhere, which may haye supplied them BO as to enable me, for the protection of the pub- lic, to institute proceedings against such evil- doers, and I engage to remunerate very handsome-- ly any person who may ..give me sucb information,• the informant's name never being divulged. Should any person have reason to believe that he has been tleacived by buying spurious indtatione of these mellicinea, he wili do well to send me, in a letter, to the eddrees at feet (which he can do at a cost of six cents in postage), one -of the books of ' instruction -Which are affixed to the same. I ',rem- ise to examine it and semi a reply, stating -whether' The medicines are genrtine or Aat, so that, if spu- ' rious he may apply to the person from whom he prtreleseed them to have his money returned. Chemists andDruggiets who desire to obtain the medicines tan be supplied at the lowest wholesale prices, in quantities of not less than. $20 worth - viz., 8s. 64., 22s. and 84s. per dozen boxes of Pills - or pots of Ointment, netwithout diseount, for -- which remittance must be sent in advance. • I have thehonor tobe, With great rempect, THOMAS liormowxy, 553, Oxford atreet, (late 244 Strand,) Londoe, Oct. 1,1871. 240-26 1 DANIEL McGREGOR Bookbinder, ilarpurhey, Seaferth, T_TA8 just received a large Stook of the materials - need in the business , and is now fully prepar- ed to execete, on the shortest notice end in the latest axles, all orders he may be favoured. with, REGISTIBS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOKS, lawn, Baled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prices which defy competition. Ladies' Work Axes th _Fancy Case• s Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS Beene and repaired at city pikes. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the "Signal" Book Store, Godmich, or, at the "Expositor" office, Seaforth, or at J. It. Grunt's. Ainleyville, stating style, ratty rely upon them being well bound. .All communications addressed to the undersign - ea, will receive prompt attention. DANIEL IfeGREGOR, &acorn,. (Harpuehey.) THE SEAFORTH LUMBE'R YARD. 31 BEE & MACDON ALD -REG tc inform the public that they have opened. a Lu iher "Yard in Seaforth, near Shearson's- Will, on the ground formerly need as a Lturdier Yard, by Mr. Tbonaas Lee. They will keen constantly on hand ft. good assort- ment of ALL ICINDti OP LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND filLINGLES, all of' which they are prepared to sell at the lowest posSi- hie prices; fur Clash.. Builders and others 'will find it to their advant- age tO inspect onr stock, and ascertain our prices before pnrchasingelsewhere, as we are in a position. to offer good inducements to efts)). purchasers. • 160 MABEE & 31.1CDONALD. D. STEWART'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Is removed to William street, Near the Ne* Presbyterian Church. 1iFTE R MONDAY, lithof Aultust, this Gallery' will be closed on Tuesdays and Fridays until further notice, those two days of each week being employed in, takine viea, of hozneuteads, farm- bnildings, scenery, 7&c. All parties *wanting suck work dove pleat call and leave their orders. Clocks carefully cleaned ant xepaiked. 1.413-18 lourninctaiwmmi memnei ove. 81, 1872. 01.0111011"1111""g_Mrard11611"n121914143"211112,10neaglial - snow outside, putting up the win. a 1 0 b:tial ge II IF i ;Lila vight, and while standing in the I ihe tete was about closing up for the , orekeeper in the Green Mountain One winter evening a eountry "A Melting §tory. worthless fellew within, ! fresh bntter from t ,dow shatters, saw through the glaes c'efo' meal it ha his lett li The act was no sooner detecitnedd !.11 tbviienrythte.e,,rvevzite7fsouhnitditlir .,;,,,e. onntain storekeeper at once intlel- ' eine his appetite for fun to the &H- ie n nst extent, and. paying off the thief 1 with e. facetious scat of terture;for 1 bich he would letve gained a pretni- J oldsling theitssittioorn;keeper, v r fe, Ifromsay Seth,'t lie , awning in and closing the door after tam, slapping his hand over his , his feet. ehoulders and stamping the snow off 1 ter in his hat, auxieue to make his hat on his head, and the roll of but Seth had Ms hand on the door, is .exit as soou as possible. 4 1 say Seth, sit down, I reckon, now, on such a told night as this a ttle somethino warm would not . 0 . hurt a fellow.' Seth felt very uncertain, he had -the butter, and was exeeedinglytan xioue to be off; but the temptation of - .something warm sadly interfered with his, resolution to go. This hesitation, howeverawas soon settled by the right owner of the butter taking Seth by the shoulders and planting him in a seat close to the 1 .stove, where he was in such a man- ner cornered in by the boxes and barrels :that, while the grocer stood before Mita, there was no possibility .of getting out, and right in this very place sure enough the storekeeper sat down. , 4 Seth, well have a, little warm Santa Cruz,' said the Green Moun- tain grocer, so he opened the stove - door and stiffed in as irtany sticks As the place would admit; 'without it you'd freeze going home such a. night -AS thts." Seth already felt the putter se fling down closer tod his hair, an he jumped up, deckling he must go, 'Not till you. have something warm, Seth, Seth, come, I' ve got a story to tell you,' and Seth was ..gain rushed into hs seat by his eun- anng tormentor, 'Ohl it's so hot here,' said the pet- ty thief, attempting to rise. 'Sit down—don't be in such a hurry,' retorted the grocer, pushing him back into his chair. ' 'But I've got the cows to fodder, And the wood to split, and I must be goino,' said the persecuted chap. But you musn't tear yourself away, Seth, jA this manner. Sit --down, let the cows take care o themselves, and keep yourself cool; you appear to be a little fidgety,' said the rogueish grocer with a wiek- -ed leer. . . The next thing was the production of two smoking glasses of hot toddy, the very%Sight of whhich, in Beth's present situation, would have made the hair stand erect upon. Ms head had it not been well oiled and kept ' down by the butter. , 'Seth, I will give you a toad, now, and you can butter ityoureelf, -said the grocer, with an air of such consummate simplititv, that p6or Beth believed himself unsuspected. 'Seth, here's—here's a Christmas goose, well roasted; Al I tell you its the greatest eating in tireaton. And. Seth, don't you never use hogs fat, or common eooking butter, to haste it with; come, take.your but- -tor --1 mean, Seth, take your toddy. , Poor Seth now began to seuolle, as -Well as melt, and his meuth was her- metically sealed up, as though he had i been born dmnb. Streak after steak I of the butter came pouring from un- der his hat, and his handerchief was already soaked with the greasy over- _ 'while poor Seth sat upright, with his back agi tow. Talking away, as if nothing inst the counter, and his knees touching the red hot furnace before. kept steffing wood into the stove, was the matter, the fun -loving grocer 'Cold night, this,' said the grocer. per - Spire as if you were warm 1 why -Why Seth, you seem to per- elon't you take your hat off I Here, let rae put your hat away 1 I o,exclaimed poor Seth; at las . 'No, I must go, let me out, I ain well ;let me go: A greasycataract was now pouring • 4lown trickling down his body inth his i pedeet bath of oil. boots, so that he was literally in a ' the poor man's face and neck, and soaking into his clothes, and 'Well, good night, Seth, said the 'tumorous Vermonter,' if you will! go,' and adding, as he darted out of the door, 4 / say, Seth, I reckon the fuU I have had out of you is worth ninepence, so I shan't charge you for that pound of butter in. your hat. • st. A- despatch has been received by rresident 'Grant, Thiers from President congratulating him on the , PitifrQgrest of Republicanism m f'fallee, as Elowp by the recent lections for vacancies in the Nite °nal Aeserably. to—