The Huron Expositor, 1872-11-08, Page 5• 1872. :disaPPea' be consequence of ilits complexions become nearly F so short from Mous mustaches end a perpetual Lot 19, con. 1- n Stock,: Win. sue- on Lot 6, Corr„ 7, ad Implements,. ?r;J.p Bzhie,. L Lot 8, Con. 7,. ad Implements. )r; .A. Bishop, got 11, Con. 15, Stock- David Kruse, auc- Lot 24, Con. 5; ad Implements. r heirs of kleury Lot 13, Con. 1, .d Implements.: or } A. Bishop, EMS. E atondville, • i illiam Gra- o'they, of the te Miss Floc ivnalaip of Grey.._ the residence of `iday, November [ex, Mr; Angus rine McEwen,: ' of Turnberry, LL.—(At the L Wright, Mr. of the township Elizabeth, Mc- fr.. James Mc of Port Albert.; [forth, on Tues- Rev. Thomas :rt H. Young„ Margaret Vic- arth. on Monday,. sidence of his lister, a heart. aaturday morn-- & Dung,wife of L 30 years and LETS. overnber 7, 1872. er considerable *ether it will ares is difficult. lain firm at old uring the past: For lay prices ;ores, but the Beat as it was a is very scarce. tly become; ex- CIy any corning nearly all run, tl�wood would. a sigh figure. ingood de- elity of winter. Log more than t. There is a, , coming into Ether low. and few dressed supply as yet, ices are paid. ..$1 15 to 1 18 115 to 118 055 to 057 0 35 to 0 36 0. 55 to 0 58' 012 to 014 000 to 017 6 00- to 0 Of} ..1200-to1400 5 50 to 608 0 5a to 11.8 Q 69= to 0 1U a 00 to 1 25 -040 to 0:50. . 5 00 to 6 00 4 09 to o- 10 0 15 to 0 18. El 0a to 550 .040th 050 -400to. 450' Nov, 7, 1872: $1 12' cc 1 14 1 10 a C� 1 14 0 80` @ 983. 053@ a57 56 go 060 0 14 (0 015 014 016 11 00 0 13 00 v. 7, 1872. $1 16 to bush. $1 10 busk $1 15 ►c , peas, 60e cattle (live eef, O(} to. 00 ;; dressed butter, 12&e 20e ; eggs, to $18 00 ;: . 7, 1872._ air degree of )0 barrels of The report- () barrels ex- Io at $6 70; ;is—fanny at •e do. at $5 '15;1 100- bar-- arrels spring eat was in- 1, other than te mixed at >ring $1 23, idl for round: q 21 for ear o. 2 samples. and aiotof Leria changed street there is iii,: which Oats were. none offer - which. were .RKET. r. 2, 1872. The ship - with the re - ;one up 6d. mulation of ry,bat we It the make Nov. 84 1.Snn. THE HURON EXPO'S'ITOR. if not so large that it will not be easilydis- posed of before the opening of another season. The receipts at New York, for the week ending Saturday last, were 40,- 603 boxes, and the exports 14,850 boxes. The cable was 63s. 6d. Gold closed at 56s, and the highest quotation for cheese was 14 o. Fer the corresponding week last year, the receipts were 22,860 boxes and the exports were 16,191 boxes. The cable was 56s. Gold closed at 11.34-, and the highest quotation for cheese was 14e. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. MARKET. BUFFALO, Nov. 6. The following shows the receipts and shipments of live stock at East Buffalo for the week thus far, beginning .-with Sunday :: Receipts, Cattle, ' Sheep, Hogs, Horses. head.. head, head. head. Sunday...;.... 170 2,400 3,700 400 Monday .. 374 Tuesday • • . 442 .... 13,200 2,40017,300 . . Total..... -. x986 Same time last L week..... 731 3,800 14,700 .. Shipments. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, -Horses. head. head. •head. head. Sunday ... • .... .. , . -400 3,100 .. Monday........ .... ..... 3,700` . . Tuesday... .... 1,000 3,000 Total.— _ .... .... 1, 400 9,800 .. Same time last. week.- 338 1,40015,500 64 CATTLE.—Receipts to -day, including twenty-six cars reported. to arrive, 442 bead, making the total supply for the week thus far, 986 head,. or 58 cars, against 43 cars for the same or, last week. The election has absorbed all other interests, and there is no market. The only transactions were as follows : No. of Average Head. Weight, lbs. Price. 13 Mich. steers, 1,016 $4 50 49 Ohio " 1, 392 6 874 SHEEP AND L AMBS. -=-Receipts thus far this week 2,400 head. Market not yet opened.: Hoes Receipts for to -day, including 127 cars reported to arrive, 17,300 head, making the total supply for the week thus far, 17,300 head, against 11,700 head for the same time last week. Mar- kel active at a decline of 20c per cwt on the closing rates of last week. We note the following sales No. of Average Head. Weieht, lbs. Price. 251 Mich. hogs, 206 $4 80 95 Ohio " 265 . 4 85 112 `'` " 217 - 4 85 200 " 200 ( 4 90 229 '1 4 85 342 4 85 254 4 85 116 '. " 229 4 85 119 87 54 E - cc TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. -- TORONTO, -Nov. 7, 1872. BEEVES—The supply during the past week has been large of second and third cTass animals, a -good deal in excess of city wants,: but prime fat cattle have been. by no means abundant, and have sold readily at quoted rates, The total offerings since this day week amounted to about twenty carloads, of which half were taken by local butchers, the rest going forward to Montreal and Quebec. We note a recent sale of 14 three:year- old Durham steers, in fine condition, at 4 c live. weight. Two carloads were taken for Quebec at 4c, and some six cars, averaging from 1,000 to 1,200 lbs:, were bought for shipment at $32 to $4-0 each. SH.r.EP.—The supply has beep fair, but the demand continues good, and all off- ering have found buyers at $5 to $6 for first class, $4 to $5 for second class, and $3 to $3 50 for third class.. LAMBS.—The demand has improved somewhat, and, although the receipts have been fair, prices are rather stiffer. We now quote first class $4 to $5, second class,, $3 to $3 50, and third class $2 50 to $2 75. Hogs.—The market has been moder- ately well supplied., with sales principal- ly at tie for fat, and 4c for store. ATlii, McDOUGALL'S Another lot of - • CHEAP - COTTONS, And 100 pairs of BOATS AT Wholesale Prices, AT 777, McDOUGALL'S. SEAFORTH, Nov. 1, 1872. 257 TEACHER WANTED FOR Harpurhey School. Duties to commence Jan. 1,1878: Apply to 'nexcIs SCOTT, DA- VID .-VID MCCUr LOCH or HUGH. Roes, Trustees. 6. TEACHER WANTED. . WANTED for School Section No. 10, Township of Grey, a male or female TEACHER holding second or third-class certificate.. Duties - to com- mence January 1, 1878. Appllyto JOHN LONG, WM. DUKE or THOMAS WHITEFIELD, Grey Post -office. . 255.4* TEACHER WANTED. . . WANTED, for School Section No. d, in the Township • of Morris, I a male TEACHER. Duties to commence on the lst of January, 1873. Apply to ROBT. B. LAIDLAW, ROBT. SYMONDS, JOHN MoELROY, Trustees, Blyth P. 0. •254-4* TEACHER ANTED. WANTED, for School Sdetion No. 8, Tucker - smith, a. male TEACHER. For further par- ticulars apply to J. McGEE or JOHN MODE-- LAND, ODE=LAND, Egmond ille. 1 254; NEW YORK HORSE MARKET TUESDAY, Nov. 5, 1872. The horse market has been completely paralyzed by the epidemic. Although too grave a subject for jest, our attempt to write the usual review of, the.week's trade does remind us forcibly of the famous traveler, who in his book, under the heading, "Snakes in. Ireland," wise- ly observed, " There are no snakes' in Ireland," and so it happens that "there was no horse trade in New York." LIVERPOOL, Nov. 6. Flour, 30s ; red wheat, lis 4d to 12s ; Yeti. winter, lls 6d to lis 8d ; white, 12s 8d ; Club,- las to 13s 3d ; corn, 128s 9d Oats, 3s 2d ; peas, 40s ; pork, 56s ;;bar- ley, Gs 6c1 ;. lard,; 39s. Market dull. GOLD. —The price of gold in New York is quoted at 114. THE Mos'r fashion ble Clothes, and the best Ready-made Clothing in the County, at Hickson's old stand, DurrcAN & DUN -- CAN'S. WANTED, a male TEACHER for Union School Section No. 1, Hay and Stanley. One quali- fied to teach French preferred.. Duties to com- mence on January 1st, 1878. Apply to ROBT. DRYSDALE and JOS. LAPORTE, 253-8 Berne P. 0 TEACHER WANTED. STAGE DRIVER WANTED. WANTED, immediately, a good, steady man to drive the Mail Stage from Seaforth to Wrox- eter. To a suitable person good wages and a per- manent situation will be given. References "re- gnired. -,JAMES R. ROSS, Seaforth. •.257 BLACKSMITH WANTED. WANTED, immediately, a first-class country BLACKSMITH, able tie take charge of a shop. None but one proficient in horse shoeing and plow -fixing need apply, to whom a liberal salary will be given. Single many) preferred. Apply to WM.. ERWIN, Wagon -maker, Berne. - 255 THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. • i • volt SATE, the thoroughbred BULL, "New — -Year's Day," owned by b. Woodriff, of Grey. `This animal is three years old, and was bred from imported stock by John Millen, of Pickering. In- quire of the owner, on lotNo.16, concession 10, Grey, or if :by letter to Grey Post -office. 257.4* D. WOODRII+Y, Proprietor, THE QUANTITY of goods sold at Dux - CAN & DUNTCAN'S proves that is the 'place in Seaforth te get the greatest bargains. Hickson's old stand.. TIMBER FOR SALE. - OR SALE, a quantity of hewn TIMBER, most- ly pine,; snffioient for the frame of a building 40 x 60 feet. JAMES R. ROSS, Seaforth. 257 POULTRY! POULTRY°! The subscriber will pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of fat, well-dressed FOULTRY Delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, Main -street, Seaforth. POULTRY TO BE DRAWN, 227 - D. D. WILSON. HORSE FOR SALE. FNA S'AT,R, cheap, a goodJDAAFT HORSE,'com- ing five years old; sound in -wind and limb, and good to work either double or single. Apply to J. McGINNIS, Grocer, Seaforth. 254 NEW .FRUITS ! NEW FRUITS OXEN. FOR SATE, a splendid pike of working OXEN, eight years old. Apply to WM. HOLLINGGS- HEAD, Kippen P. 0. , BREEDING MARE FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP, a good Breeding MARE, can bo seen on Lot 18, Con. 4, Mcltiliop. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. 256*4 - GEORGE McINTOSH. - STRAYED.. . FROM Lot 9, Concession 10, Grey, in July last, one two-year-old HEIFER, light red and white with a star in her forehead, and short horns. Also, a one -year-old STEER, red and white, and hair m- clined to be wavy, short in f the face. Any parties that will give information that will lead to the re- covery of the above will be suitably Oreewarde . 257-4* ESTRAY STEER. STRAYED into the pre ''ses of the undersigned, Lot 6, Concession 14, Hullett, on or about the 1st of September last, a red STEER, coming two yearsold. The owner is requested- to call at once, 'prove property, pay charges and taeHN �Awaway. Sr. 257-4 C. ¥EO, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, Will attend to all kinds of Sales in the County of Huron, on liberal terms. Particele.r attention aid' to the sale of Farm Stock, &e. 248-26 C. YEO, Auctioneer. BOILER FOR SALE. VOR SATE, cheap, a Locomotive Boiler, •nearly new, and in excellent 'condition. Capacity, 25 horse power. Apply to JOHN GOVENL2 CK, Seaforth, Ont. . • ESTRAY SHEEP. CAME to the premises,lof the undersigned,bLot 15, Concession 11, McKillop, Sept. a EWE and two LAMBS. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. - JAMES FJTT,TEN. - 255-4 4-) First Arrval of the Season. The undersigned has just received and will sell on the most favorable terms RRA ISINS, CANNED FRUITS, - CURRANTS, STRAWBERRIES, PEELS, &c., - - TOMATOES,. JAMS, PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES and BLACK CURRANTS, PURE GRAPE WINE, WARRANTED. U!) O U) Also, a full assortment of GROCERTES. c�am+! GENERAI INSPECTION INVITED.. J. C. LAIDLAW. CASH paid for No. 1 BUTTER. MURDER! MURDER! MURDER! MEDICAL. JAMES STEWART, M. D., C. M., Graduate of McGill, University, Montreal, Physician, Sur- geon, etc. Office and Residence—Brucefield. H. L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur- geon, etc. Office and Residence, corner of HIGH PRICES FOR -FURNITURE !Market and High streets, next to the Planing brill. MURDERED, And those that have kept prices up beyond the bounds of reason are about td COMMIT SUICIDE. Has W. B. PORTER DR. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County. Office and Residence, over Corby's corner store, Main street, Seaforth. Office hours, from 11 to 4, each day, and all day Saturday. - 169 TO the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country. Dr. J. G. BULL having been called through sickness in his family, to suspend business for some time in this place, has pleasure fin an- nouncing to the public, that through a kied Pro- vidence he has been permitted to return to the rooms formerly occupied by him, over Mr. A. G. McDougall's Store, Main street, where he intends permanently to remain, and will be pleased to see his old patrons and as many new ones as may favor him with a call. All operations performed accord- ing to the latest approved style, and fees as low as to be found elsewhere. commenced selling Furniture of all desorip Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. 224 tions in HATT'S OLD STAND, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, At such prices as will astonish a miser. He.courts an inquest and feels certain that a verdict will be returned in his favor, that his prices are THE LOWEST That is and has been in this or any other county in the Province for years. STRAYED COWS. STRAYED from Seaforth, about the first of Octo- ber, two. farrow COWS ; one red and white, crumbly horns; the other dark brown. • Informa- tion respecting them will ibe suitably rewarded by the subscriber. 254 THOMAS DOWNEY. ESTRAY EWES. - - CAmE into Lot 8, Concession 7, Grey, about the 1st of August last, two EWES. The owner is requested to come and prepve property, pay charges• and take them away. HUGH LAMONT. 255- ESTRAY STEER AND RAM: CAME to the premises of the subscriber, Lot 16, Concession 4, Tnckersnmhith, L. R. )9 , a two- year-old STEER. The owner is requested to pay charges, prove propertyand take it away. Also, came to the same premixes, a RAM LAMB, which the owner will please comeafter. 254-4 WM. McRENZIE. • -GIVE HIM A CALL • And be convinced of the fact. W. B. PORTER. Seaforth, Oct. 25,1872. . , 255 ESTRAY PIG. CAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 19, Oon. 10, Grey, about the middle of August last, a black and white Boar PIG, about 1 year oId. The owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take it away. 256t4 WM. W.HELPTON. PUBLIC NOTICE. • - NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have this day entered into ' Partnership as Millers and Produce Commission Merchants in the Village of Seaforth, under the name, style and firm of JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. [Signed,] JAS. P. KENDALL, MARTIN CHARLESWORTH. ESTRAY EWES. CAM1 into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 5, Con. 4, Grey, about theend of September last, two EWES. Owner requested to prove prop- ' erty, pay charges and remove them. 256g4 JAMES TURNBULL. JAS. - P. KENDALL & CO Beg to state to the Farmers, Produce' Merchants and Dealers of the County of Huron that they have purchased from Messrs. SkiEARSON & CO. the Mills known as the Seaforth Milia, and will hereafter carry. on the same. All Binds sf Grain Purchases., , -As formerly, And the Highest CASH PRICE Pccid. FLOUR exchanged for WHEAT. Farmers desiring to exchange can rely upon getting for their Wheat No. 1 Flour. FLOUR DELIVERED in any part of the Vil- lage free of charge. The undersigned, having.had the entire working management of the Mill for the. past ` three years, patrons may rest assured that they I will receive the same satisfactory treatment and 4s good work as formerly. . JAS. P. "KENDALL '& CO. CAUTION. THE_pnblic are hereby cautioned against pur- chasing a note of hand drawn by DANIEL COLLINS. iu favor of DANIEL McKINNON or bearer, for the amount of $30, dated on the first of January, 1873, (and made payable one year after date. The above note has been lost or stolen, and payment of it has been stopped. 257-4* DANIEL COLLINS. CAUTION. Itib;EEBY forbid any person giving my wife or son credit on my account, from this date, with or without my order, e4 I will not fie responsible for the same. WILLIAM SMITH. 6 4 Howick, Oct. 29,1872. LEGAL. M. LEFT, Solicitor, gingham, has been ap- t" • pointed Agent for the Colonial Securities Com- pany of England, he is also Agent for several pri vate Capitalists of Toronto, who loan Mpney at very reasonable rates, Interest payable yearly. Charges moderate. Wingham, Dec. 15, 1871. 213 cCAUGH KY & HOLMESTED, Barristers, At- torneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. Solicitors for the 11. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for the Canada Lif Assurance Company N. B.-480,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Farms, Houses and Lots for sale. 53 BENSON & 'WRYER, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. -Offices—Sea- , forth and Wroxeter. $23,000 of Pri-sate Funds to invest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable yearly. 68 - JAS. H. BENSON. H. W. O. mgEYEB. IN REFERENCE to the above, the; undersigned would beg to thank their numerous customers for the extensive patronage accorded to them for the past four years, and trust that the same lib- eral patronage will be extended to the new firm whom we have pleasure in being able to confidenti- Allbts due de ly recommend to our old patrons. ns, in connection with the Mill must be paid to Jas. P. Kendall & Co., and all debts due by us; in connection with the same, will be settled by the said firm of Jas. P. Kendall & Co. W. A. SHEARSON & - SEAFORTH M Ir1OTIC Whereas, It has pome to our knowl- edge that certain Untruthful and unprin- cipled partiesave stated that since we have purchased the Seaforth MN from W. A. Allearson & Co., we have run down Ode quality of . our Family Flour, in order to make a larger profit, depend- ing on its reputation for its ; sale,—We beg to state that we are now making better Flour than has been made in the Mill since it was built, and the best Family Flour in the Dominion. Messrs. R. FANSON & Co., late W. B. Ward, Bakers, in this Village, use our Flour exclusively in their Bake -souse. We refer partiesdoubting the quality of our Flour to the BrEad manufactured by them, and challenge Ontario to produce better, continuously; for three months. Intending purchasers may rely on get- ting our unrivalled Family Flour from the following dealers, at prices as low as any other Flour WILSON & YOUNG, R. FANSON & CO., STRONG & FAIRLEY, THOMAS LEE, THOMAS KIDD, J. C. LAIDLAW, KILLORAN &`RYAN, H. McGINNIS, WILLIAM AULT, Mrs. AULT, WILLIAM ALLEN, HUGH ROBB, Harpurhey. dville. G. & H, ,TACKSON, Egm WM. THOMSON, Egniondville. L HOTELS. ROYAL, HOTEL, Seaforth, Ontario. SIMON POWELL, Proprietor. The subscriber has thoroughly renovated and newly Ifnrnished the above house, so that it now affords good accommo- dation for the travelling public 1Choice liquors and cigars in the bar.: The table iS supplied with the delicacies in season. Large stabling and an attentive hostler in connection. + 251-ly WILLIAlI ALLE: (Late at Hickson's), Has much pleasure in stating that he has opened a GROCERY, FEED ;ATSD PROVISION. STORE' cOMMERCIAL HOTEL, Ainleyvi ie, Ont., WM. ANNETT, Proprietor. This Hotel is under entirely new management and has been thorougly renovated. The Bar is supplied with the best Liquors and Cigars. Good Stabling acrd attentive Hostiers.. A First-class Livery in connection. 228 PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont., 0. J. McCUTCH MON, Proprietor. First-class accommodation for travellers. The Bar is sup- plied with the very best liquors and cigars. Good stabling attached. The stage leaves this House every day for Wingham. ' 1 204-41 L I'VE RY. Opposite Powell's Hotel, Seaforth. The Stock is all FRESH, and was purchased on the best terms for CASH and will be sold at a smalls ADVANCE ON THE COST THE PATRONAGE OF HIS MANY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. TA. SHARP'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. • Office—At Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good Horses and first-class Conveyances alway•s on hand. 1- TIIOMSON'S LiVi RY, CLINTON. - OFFICE,—AT COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Good quiet Horses and First -Class Vehicles always on hand. Conveyances furnished, to Commercial Travellers on reasonab],e rates. •- 221 JOHN THOMSON. BELL'S LIVERY STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. Good Horses and Comfortable Vehicles, always on hand. avorable Arrangements made with Comme ral Travellers. AR orders left at KNox's 'attended ' HOT will be Promptly pp P y to. S FICE AND TABLES :—Third door North of ox's Hotel, 'Main Street. 221 . THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. 11IISCELLANEOIJS. SEAFORTH, November, 1872. 2557 NEW AItRIti7ALS THIS WEEK. T. J. CHURCHILL, VETERINARY SURGEON (Meinber of the Ontario Veterinary College,) begs tocnti.mate to the inhabitants' of Seaforth and surrounding country, that he has opened an Office in Seaforth, where he may be consulted per- sonally or by letter, on the Diseases of Horses, Cat- tle, eto. Having received a regular and practical education; and having been awarded the Diploma of the Veterinary College of Ontario,'T. J. Churchill has every confidence of giving satisfaction to all who may employ him. REFERENCES—A. Smith, V. S., Principal Onta- rio Veterinary College; Professor Buckland, Dr. Thorburn, Dr. Rowel, and — Wells, M. D., & V. S. Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. All calls promptly attended to. Office-Carmichael's Hotel, Seaforth. 182-2m Farmers may Exchange their Wheat for our best Flour, 40 pounds per bushel for good Wheat,, -Spring or Fall. JAS. P. KENDALL & CO., Seaforth Mills, Ont. L. AT J. LADIES' FUR SETS, $1 50 and upwards. LADIES' CLOUDS, 30 cents and upwards. LADIES', MISSES' and CHILD'S HOODS, any price. LADIES' Full Range of SHA.VY LS. LADIES' Full Range of DRESS GOODS. LADIES' Full Range of SHOES and RUBBERS. LADIES' Full Range of HOSIERY. FANCY and PLAIN FLANNELS, 30 cents and upwards. FANCY and PLAIN FINGERING YARNS. MEN'S and BOYS' MUFFLERS. Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps and full line of Furnishings. MEN'S and BOYS' BOOTS, all kinds. . NEW CURRANTS, this year's. NEW VALENTIA RASINS, this year's. NEW SUGARS, 8i, 9, 10 and 11 pounds for $1, NEW TEAS, warranted, at $1 per pound. All at Lowest Prices. LOGAN & JAMIESON1 TTETERINARY SURGEON.—D. McNAUGHT, V V. S., begs to announce to the inhabitants of Seatorth and surrounding country that he has been awarded the diploma of the Ontario Veterin- ary College, and is -now prepared to treat diseases of Horses and Cattle and all domestic animals. Ho has opened an office in connection with his herse- shoeing shop, where he will be found ready to at- tend to calls. Diseases of the feet specially at- tended to. Residence, office and shop in the rear of Killoran & Ryan's new: store. All kinds of Vet- erinary Medicines kept constantly on hand. Charges reasonable. • C. R. COOPER, Conveyancer, Commissioner in Queen's Bench,. Insurance and General Agent, Agent for the Freehold Permanent Building and -Savings Society of Toronto, whose rates are as low as any Company doing business in Canada: Appli- cations for Loans promptly attended to. ° OFFICE. =Opposite Ross' Tailor Shop, 186-tf • AINTIRYV1LTFi. FRUIT TREES, &C. 1872. KOVEMBER, 1872. THE L-A.Tt -EST STOCK, THE CHEAPEST SST O.CK,, I HAVEJUST RECEIVED at my Garden, East street, Goderich, a very superior stock of Plum T rees, Pears, Cherries, Crab Apples, Apricots, P eaches, Apples, Dwarf Pears, Dwarf Apples, Grapes, &e., which I am offering for sale at LOW PRICES, considering quality of stook, being the finest ever brought into Huron. , Intending planters, should give me a call at euro. W. CAMPBELL, Tree Dealer, 255-2 East -street, Goderich. J. P. BRINE, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sales attended in all p of the Country. All orders left at TILE EXYOSI Office will be promptly attended tn. -- AND THE GREATEST VARIETY IS TO- BE HAD FOR. CASH CR APPROVED CREDIT AT LIVINGSTONE'S DOMINION. HOUSE, AINLEYVILLE HILL'S BRITAYMA HOUSE, SEAFORTH. W.. HILL. IS NOW SHOWING A ii'ULL STOCK OF DRY QOODS, IVI-ILLINERY, AND SHOES AND GR . BOOTSGROCERIES SUITABLE SUITABLE FOR THE PRESENT SEASON'S TRADE:. And while returning thanks for the patronage of the past seven years, desires to notice that the steak is large enough to supply the heaviest buyer, choice enough to satisfy the Inostrpartionlar, and as- good vain as can be obtained by any purchaser; that helms had.the same ADVANTAGE OF PURCHASING BEFORE THE RISE As any other house, and will as readily give CUSTOMEB.E the benefit of it.. The following advantages are claimed for the house: 1. A long experience otf traebought. 2. Personal inspectiongoods 8. One price only, the LOWEST possible. 4. A well assorted STOCK to select Ecom, . BRI.TANNIA DOUSE,, Opposite the Post-office,BEAFOBTH. NOTICE IS hereby given that the Municipal Connell of the Township of Grey will pass a by-law at thea next meeting of Council, to be held at Oran - brook, 25th November next, for opening up a public read, four rods wide, between Lots 84 - and 35, Concessions 8 and 9, and also a road between. Lots 22 and 23, Concessions 8 and 9. By order. J. R. GRANT, Township Clerk. Township Clerk's Office, 256-4Ainleyville, Oat. 8, 1872. DAVID MITCHELL, M. D., Graduate of Victo- ria College, Physician, Surgeon, etc., etc., SINBVBN, ONT.—Coroner of the County of Huron. Offioe and residemo% at Thompson & Eitcalers. MONEY TO LOAN. - TIM subscriber has MONEY to loan to any 1 amount on good farm property. Interest, SIX per cent. per annum, whey the interest and prirl siple are paid yearly, and. S per cent. per annum. when the interest only in pard: A, G,1SODOUGAT.T,, 227-52 At clump east Store, sign of the Fear.. MONEY TO LEND. undersigned las $8,000 and upward, Y e funds, 'to loan, at 8 per cert. per annum, eat Farm property. Charges mod227-to. manisge Licences issued. Apply to Z11 -6r. W. G. W L Q Ob.