HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-11-01, Page 55•. sitssisseassamsm a unladen,, or L ears in order • elev-at- d another Lift the Pail.. of truck Mous through urbed y hay- tr 'e by aged to do at lige junet%ou- �wise be used the ba ;ga e which -woek be spent . in n two of the: itt rail `along broad gauge farrow gain; ;her - than the iith grain u rein. on the side of emp mean of a II be run into .. Lich it will. be s eastern des - 'o being 'con- uoeeasiug or eel to wheel at have been d for either ugc.--8trat- Liven. held a regu= the- Sth and e appeared a Part Albert Messrs. Ge- king that a. ppointed to al congrega- xt meeting, the eonb e - .rt aggregate aym ent of a Leask awl rdoch and inted assess - annon, with [f if it should meeting of ed congrega $500 for the Stipend -Mr. a. A letter vas real,; de .Application 'Ten to Mr. at Bayfield, t. it . befoi reported that a Caithness elected and form. Mr.. is eorrespon- , of Manilla,. claimed by tgregation of the amount wait $5, and Rina. A let ieha1f of the L, giving sat - to how this the services Ler, previous Rev. J. B for a Pres- intended to of the Pres- . loris request If the Com- er rom er the fib air- '. Goldsmith, cth the aver - aber to- the d calling the r those con whose minis - After some chows : Ist.. ;his Presby t minister to and respee- a u the rami - e a ie the clerk liens, whose an. the mini-- l the atten- gregation to the purpose e contribute ices of the :ole for hold ng the win- xsosisticig of 4urdoch,: be t>gements-- That inas e co igrega- Killop, are deputation and Logie, )e appointed. Ls, to confer al of the ar-. ing present, rresponding ,searding to Ped a series e to Chang- ',ins comuii- ibly,; which, re adopted. are as fol- issiEoners to II be chosen sence or ab- r- one chosen .Assembly,. ere the next cry,and in. Y turn back Le ministers I be elected. ors be elect- :ask was ap- Presbytery vi- the ensu- d were ap- meiubers of ;is*e a Sah- cies. The r be at Olin- omary.-A. mossmosimamsis YRIOT'ISM. e in the Town Evening, Nov. arcs` Institute. ity et the Ca- embrace a dis- from a puxely iission,15c. ESS - L a lecture on .o theme was far superior to Each we are ae- rial politicians.. triotisra in the tditions of its apply his prin.- nada. 4 V exeellent, and and striking, a and .elegant volarly, its lan- a striking and oble thoughts, `t$ delivered ered in alentrea1 Wit - 255 -1 ov. it- ov. i .1872 �1 TRE 011 E :SIT: R AUCTION SALES. Friday. Nov. 1, on Lot B0, Con.. 6, )orris, Valnable Farm- Stock. John MoBae, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auc- tioneer. uct oneeer. • Tuesday, Nov. 5, on Lot 4, Con. 13, morillop, Farm Stock and;Implements. Daniel R. Mason,' proprietor ; John Bul- lard, auctioneer. Tuesday, Nov. 5, on -Lot 22, Con. 2, Stephen, Farm Stock and Implements. Win. Hamlin and Wni. Bagshaw, pro- prietors ; A. Bishop, auctioneer. Wednesday, Nov. 6, on Lot.4, Con. 9, - Usborne, Valuable Farm Stock. Wm. Cornish; proprietor ; A. Bishop, acre tioneer, Saturday, Nov. 9, on Lot 19, Con. 1, Stephen, Valuable Farm Stock. Wr. Sweet, proprietor ; A. Bishop, auc- tioneer. Friday, Nov. 15, on Lot 11, Con. 15, -Grey, Valuable Farm Stock. David Logan, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auc- tioneer. . MARRIAGES. MoRR AMEs.-At the residence of the bride's father, ou the 22nd. ult., by Rev. E. Patterson, M. A., Mr. C. Dlohr., salesman, to Elizabeth, eldest • daughter of Mr. James Ames, mer- chant tailor, Stratford. Ittw1LZNs-SI rA v. -In Ailsa Craig, on the 13th inst., by Rev. R. W. Wi- liams, Mr, Robert S. Rawlins, of Widder, to Miss Eliza. C. Shaw, of Seaforth. PICKARD--HARDING.In London, on the 22d inst:, by Rev. W. Jalliffe, Mr. Robert Pickard, eldest Bon of J. Pick- ard, Esq., of Exeter, HuronCounty, Ont., to Miss Margaret. P. Harding, youngest daughter : of Mrs. Hannah Harding, of London, Chit. '$ARais--RQBiNSUN.--At the residence of the bride's father, on Friday, 25th October, by Rev: S. Snider, Congre= atiionalisl; Minister, Wroxeter, Mr. John Harris, to Miss Mae • Robin- son, boi:h. of Turnberry, County of ` Huron. • CUTTERS !, CUTTERS I - McINTOSH & MORRISON, Thankful for past favors, would eespeotfally in- timate to the inhabitants of 8 'forth and sur- rounding country that, theyhate o hand and aro manufacturing the BEST T of Gutters, : of all Descriptla s' and Styles Ever before offered to the public. DEATHS. SAUNn:ES-In Mitchell, on the 21st ult., Susan, wife of Mr. Roger Saunders, aged 29 years. - EpDER.--At Burnside, township of Hay, - on Sunday 27th October, . William Janes Elder, only son of James W. and Catherine Elder, aged 4 years and 10 days. THE MARKETSt As we make this class of •workk I a specialty, and employ none but the best mechhtu'es, and tlse only. the boat hickory, we feel confident m sayingthatl we caa give perfect satisfaction to every purchaser. We have on hanks few good PHAETONS, SINGLE B (1GIES CARRIAGES, Which we will sell cheap, in order to make room for winter work. II All work warranted, Cell and .examine. An apprentice 'wanted in the Itvpod-shop. AND' MciNTOSH' & MORRISON, 11Za'n-st;, Seaforth. TEACHER WA TED FOR Harpurkey School: Dir ids to commence Jan. 1, 1878, Apply to Fit ar oJts 'SCOTT, DA- VID MCCtn x,00H er HUGH Rona, Trustees. 6 TEACHER - WANTED. WANTED for School' Section, No. 10, Township of Grey, a male or female TEACHER holding second or third-class certificate: Duties to com- mence January 1, 1873. Apply1 to JOHN LONG, WM. DUKE or THOMAS1 EFIEI , Grey Post -office. BRITAI SEAFORTH. W: DILL IS NOW SHOWING A FULL STOCK OF DRY: COODS, MIL .INERY:, i BOOTS AND SHOES AND GROCERIES SUITABLE FOR THE PRESENT SEASON'S TRADE. And while returning thanks for the patk onago of the pant seven year, desires to notice that the stool: is large enough to, supply the heaviest buyer, choice enough to satisfy the most particular, and as good value as can b,e obtained by any purchaser; that he has had the same ADVANTAGE OF PURCHASING BEFORE. THE RISE As any other house, and will as readily give CUSTOMERS the benefit of it. The following advantages are claimed for the house: I I 1. A long experience in the trade. 2. Personal inspection of all goods bought. 3. One price only, the LOWEST possible. 4, A well -assorted STOCK to select from. TEACHER WANTED. WANTED, for School Section Nb. 1; in the Township of Morris, a male TEACti.ER. Duties to commence on the is of January, 1873. Apply to ROBT. B. LAIDLAW, OBT. SYMOND8, JOHN McELROY, Trustees, B yth P. 0. 2544* TEACHER WAITED. WANTED, fir School Seoti n No. 8, Tucker - smith; a male TEACHER. For farther par- ticulars apply to J. McGEE or JOHN MODE- LAND, Egmondville. 254 ,, SEAFORTH, October 31, 1872. Deliveries on (the market have not beennearly so • good for the past two weeks as they were " the previous two weeks. The horse disease and the fine - weather, no doubt, produce this result to a very considerable extent. Prices for wheat still continue to decline. For course grains prices remain firm with but little variation. Hay continues firm at quoted prices, with light supply. Wood is very scarce` in town just now, and high prices are asked. and paid. A few cords of good hard wood. would meet with ready sale at a high figure. We - quote Fall'Wheat. 41 05 to 1 10 Spring ,Wheat ... .......... .100 to 1 10 Barley..,,. 0 53 to 0 55 Oats.... '0 35 to 0 36 Peas0 55 to 0 57 _ Butter.. 0 12 to 0 18 Eggs... _ 0 00 to 0 16 Flour 625 to 700 $ay........., .. . ... 12 00 to 14 00 Hides.. , . 5 50 to 600 Sheep Skins. 0 50 to 1 10 'Calf Skins, (vee.) per lb., ........ 0 09 to 0 10 Salt (retail) per barrel 0 00 to 1 25 Potatoes, (new) per bushel. 0 40 to 0 45 mesh Pork per 1001bs.......... 5 00 to 6 00 Dried Pork -Bacon 0 09 to .0 10 I3iiedPcrk-Ham..... _ .. 0 15 to 0 18 Oatmeal' brl 0 00 to 5 50 Apples per bushel........... 0 40 to 0 50 TEACHER WANTED. ' WANTED, a male TEACHER for Union School Section No.1, Hay and Stanley. One quali- fied to teach French preferred. Duties to com- mence on January lst,1873. Apply to ROB'. DRYSDALE and JOS. LAPORTE, 258-8 Berne P. O TO SHOEMAKERS. -POUR. SHOEMA1 RS wanted immediately. At SAMUEL STARK'S, Seaforth. BLACKSMITH WANTED. WANTED, immediately, a" first-class country ' r BLACKSMITH, able to take charge of a shop. None but one proficient in horse shoeing and plow -fazing need apply, to whom a liberal salary will be given. Single man preferred. Apply to WM. ERWIN, Wagon -maker. Berne. 255 BRITANNIA e HOUSE, Opposite the Post -office, SEAFORTIl. APPRENTICE WANTED. APPRENTICE wanted to the Blacksmithing business. A. good, stout boy, of 16 or upwards, will have a good opportunity of learning the trade. 254-4 ALEX. STEWART, Seaforth. APPRENTICE WANTED. WANTED Immediately, a GOOD STOUT LAD about sixteen years of ge, as an apprentice -to the Blackemithing busine : s. Apply to 253 - W. e RASSIE, Seaforth. ESTRAY PIG. CAME into the premises o the subscriber, Lot 19, Oon. 10, Grey, about- she middle of August last, a.black and white Boa • PIG,. about 1 year old. The owner is requeste' to prove property par charges and take it sieve.. 1 256t4 �'v m. R'HELPTON. ESTRAY EWES. - - CAI4IE into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 5, Con. 4, Grey, about t e end of September last, two EWES. Owner re nested to prove prop- erty, pay charges and remov them. 256g4 J MES TURNBULL. CLINTON, Oct. 31, 1872. Fall Wheat......:..... . , ...,1 15 (0 1 15 Spring Wheat. ................ . 1 15 0 1 16 Oats.......... .....,..... 0 30 0 0 32 Harpy.. ..... - 0 50 (ct� 0 55 Peas........... .... ........... 0 50 Q 055 Butter. 0 18 j 0 14 Eggs. .. 0 12 (� 0 13 Hay, per tons .. _ ..... ............11 00 d 18 00 LONDON, Ont., Ont., Oct. 31, 1872. White Fall Wheat per bush. $1 15 to $1 20 ; Red Fall Wheat per bush. $1 00 to $1 10 ; Spring Wheat per bush. $1 16 to $1 20' ; barley, 50c to 60c; peas, 50c to 60e ; oats, 35c to 37c ; Butter (rolls) per ib 20c to 25c ; Butter (crock) per Ib Je to 15c ; Cheese, 9c to IOc ; Eggs, 20c to 25c; Potatoes, 50c; Apples, 25c ; Dressed. hogs, $5 50 to' $6 25 ; Live hogs, $4 to $4 25. TORONTO, Oct. 31, 1872: STREET PRioEs.=--Wheat, Fall $1 18 to $I 35 : Spring -11 14 to $L 15 ; Bar- leyfi7c to 72c; Oats 41c to 410. RUFFALC1 LIVE STOCK MARKET. BUFFALU, Oet. 30. Cattle -The receipts for the, market to -day have been 170 head, making the total supply for the week thus far 731 head, or 43 cars, against 85 cars for the ,' same time last week._ The market is. not yet fully opened. Ali stock trains are believed to be on time. The only transactions were 91 I head .Michigan steers, ranging from 769 to 1,028 lbs, at $3 65 to $4 20 ; 58 head Cherokee cows and heifers, ranging- from 951 to 984 lbs.. .. at 3 56 ;. 16 head Indiana cows, averag- ing 104 at $4 101 1872. NOYEMBER, 1872, TI E SARC�rB'ST STOCK, THE CHEAPEST STOCK, , Sheep and Lambs -The receipts for the market to -day have been 2,200 head, making the total receipts thus far 3,800 head, against 5,400 head for the same time last week. The market is not yet opened. Hogs -The receipts of hogs to -day have been 7,000 head, making the total supply for the week thus far 18,700 head, against 18,000 for the same time last week. The market is without any apparent Iife. The over crowded state of Eastern markets, and the large supply in the pens here, has caused buyers to hang off to await more favorable advices from New York. Up tonoon no sales were effected:, and no prospects of any trade. BREEDING MARE FOR SALE. . FOR SALE QHEAP, a .good Breeding MARE, can be seen on Lot 18 Con. 4,•M further particulara applyt the und 2.644 HORSE FOR SALE. - FOR Sp7.E, cheap, a good ;DRAFT HORSE, com- ing five yearn old; sound in wind and,limb, and. good to work Hier double r single. Apply J. McGINNIS,rocer, Seaforth: 254• cliillop. For rsigned. cINTOSH.. . OXEN. FOR SALE, a splendid y e ,of :working. OXEN', .L eight yeapeold.. -Apply to: -Ti M. HOLLINGGS- ARAD, Kippen P. 0. 254 THOROUGH -BRED ]j ERKSHIRE PIGS FOR SALE AT REASONABLE RATES. . TNF subscriber offers for sale a number of thorough -bred Berks e PIGS.. Two of the sows took the first andse ed phzea' at the South Riding CountyShow, at E eter, also at the Zurich Show in the Township of Hay this fall. For fur- ther particulars apply to the undersigned on lot No. 4, 2nd concession, Township of Stanley. WM. GLAIR, ; 253-4 Kippen P. O., Ont. it .AND . THE GREATEST VARIETY IS TO BE HAD FOR CASH CR APPROVED CREDIT AT LIVINGSTONE'S DOMINION HOUSEr AINLEYVILIE A NEW FIRM lNHAN OLD$TAND. WILSO\ &YOU\G, Having purchased the Grocery aad Liquor Business of Mr. JOHN WALSH, have removed " the stock" of Mr. CHARLES WILSON to the premises lately occupied by Mr. Walsh, where they will hereafter carry on business, The .have added a large stock of NEW 'GOODS, Teas, PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE`• is hereby given that the undersigned have this day entered into Partnership as Millers and Produce Commission Merchants in the Village of Seaforth, under the name, style and firm of JAS. P. KENDALL & 00. [Signed,) JAS. P. RENDALL, MARTIN CUAie ''SWORTH. RAM LAMBS FOR SALE. i N, undersigned has 1 rpm concession s, Tucker JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. Beg to state to the Farmers, Produce Merchants and Dealers of the County of Huron that they have purchased from Messrs. SAF,ARSON & CO. the Mills known as the Seaforth. Mills, toad will hereafter carry on the same. All Kinds of Grain Purchased, As formers, dud the Highest GASH PRICE Paid. FLOUR exchanged for WHEAT. - Farmers desiring to exchange can rely upon getting for their Wheat No. 1 Flour. - FLOUR DELIVERED in any part of the Vil- lage free of charge. - The undersigned, having had the entire working management 'of the Mill for the past; three years, patrons may rest assured that they will receive the same satisfactory treatments and is good work as formerly. JAS P. KENDALLI& CO. TN REFERE1;WE to the above, the undersigned 1 would beg to, thank their, nume}ous customers for the extensive patronage accorded to them for the past four yearsi and trust that the same lib- 'eral patronage will be extended to the twee fume whom we have pleasure in being able to confident- ly recommend to our old patrons. All debts duo us, in connection with the Mill ;must be tpaici, to Jas. P. Kendall & Co., and all debts edue by by the us, in connection with the same, will said firm of Jas..P. Kendall & Co. - W. A. SHEA ,SON & CO. or Sale on Lot No., 8, smith, eight well-bred Ram Lambs. WILLIAM " STONEMAN. 253-4 ESTRAY SHEEP. CAME to -the premises of the undersigned, Lot 15, Conceseiotr 11, McXilIoP, a 'bout Sept. 27; a EWEand two LAMBS.. The owner is requested to" prove property, pay zpenses end take them away. JAES HILLFN. 255-4 Liv.ERP00L BUTTER MARK ET. -Latest Liverpool circulars quote Conaria butter at a very wide range according eat to quality, viz: From 38s to 105s, eq to a value inUanada of 64c to 20,c, the outside price, however, being for extra chcice, f which the amount exported. from very trifling, and none of -it being the western portion of Ontario• CAUTION. wife or JAEREBY forbid any person giving my son credit on my account, from this date, with or without my order, as I will nILot- fie Siresponsible 25G 4 nsi le for the same. owlek, Oct. `20,1872. STRAYS STRAYED from Seafor bei, two farrow CO COWS. about the first of Octo- S ; one red - and white; crumbly horns; the o dark brown. Informa- tion respecting them will be suitably rewarded by the subscriber. 254 THOMAS DOWNEY. WILLIAM STRAYED COLT. CTR1SED or stolen /tom the premises of the ^' undersigned, on the8th of July last, ark brown HORSE COLT rimg three years old, with black mane and tail, and a White face. Any person returning to the owner aid colt shall have rich ward of $5. RICHARD ROCKING, Township, Lot 13, North Huron Road. - 253-4* ESTRAY ,PIG. CF, AMinto Lot 26, Concession 6, north half, Township of Morris, on or about the 20th day of September, a black and white SOW PIG, about 18 months old. The owner is requested to come and pay charges and take it away. CHARLES HARRIS. -Morris, Oct. 9, 1972. 253-4 ESTRAY HEIFER. SEAFORTH MILLS NOTICE, ALI.IEN (Late at Hickson's), Coffees, EMBRACING Sugars. Tobaccos, &c. IP WIIES AND LIQUORS.. Walker's Superior Rye and Malt WHISKY, warranted. not jadulterated. - ALE and PORTER in endless variety, bottled and on draught. None but the" best and purest kept on hand. HALF AND QUARTER BARRELS, for family use, warranted good or no pay asked. Ow. Goods- are all 1Vevi, Freely and Well, Kept. WEGUARANTEE SATISFACTION FOR PRIC�Sr IN ALL BRANCHES. - INTENDS OPENING A GROCERY, Feed and Provision Whereas, It has come to our `knowl- edge that certain untruthful and unprin- cipled •parties havestated that since we have purchased the Seaforth Mills from W. A. Shearson & Co., we have run down the, quality of. our Family Flour, in order to make a larger profit, depend- ingon its reputation for its sale, -We beg to state that we are now making better Flour than has - been made in the Mill since it was built, and the best Family Flour in the Dominion. Messrs. R. FAtrsoN' & (;o., late W. B. Ward, Bakers, in this Village, use our 'Flour exclusively in them 'Bake -House. t e :We, referparf ies doubting trig q Y. f our Flour to the 3riad inanefa.ctu educe `them, and challenge Ontario to pr better, continuously, for three months. Intending purchasers may rely on get- ting our unrivalled Family Flour from the following dealers, at prices as low as any: other Flour : WILSON & YOUNG, R.'FANSON & CO., - • STRONG & FAIRLEV, THOMAS LEE, THOMAS K11)D, • J. C. LAIDLAW, KILLORAN & RYAN, g, McGINNIS, WILLIAM AULT, Mrs. AULT, WILLIAM ALLEN, 1111GH ROBB, Harpurheonclville. G. & Ii. JACKSON, Egm moil . WM. THOMSON, Egin CAME irito the premises_of the subscriber, Lot tb No. 9, concession ,5, oid Tuckersmith, onor about The the first of June last, year property, pay owner is .regaested to call, proveP charges and: take her away. MATTHEW WARD. 253-4* ' ESTRAY EWES. a A E into Lot 8, Concession 7, Grey, about the Clot of August last, two EWES. The owner is provereqproperty, pay ebarges and take them o comae . HUGH LAMONT. 255-44 and take away. • ESTRAY STEER AND RAM: AME to the premises of the subscriber, S t1a Concession 4, Tnckersmith, L. R. S., ,year -cid STEER. The owner is requested to Also,p charges, prove property andake t away.AMB, Which came to the same premises, a the owner will please eomeafter. - 254-4 WM. MCELNZIFr. STORE FLOUR AND FEED No. 1 Flour, Oatmeal and Cornmeal, and Feed of every description always for Bale. - Goods Delivered in any Part of the.Village Free of Charge. TO FARMERS. -:Butter . and Eggs bought for CASH and the hh- est Price always }laid. IN THE SHOP NOW OCCUPIED BY LEE & ` SWITZER, About the WILSON & YOUNG. TO OLD CUSTOMERS. IN connection with the above, the undersigned would return thanks to his' old patrons• for their lib - oral patronage in his former . stand, end trusts they will accord to the new firm of which ho is a member a continuance of former favors. Having larger premises, larger stock, better and cheaper goods, the above firm is enabled to do• even better for their customers than I have heretofore done. CHARLES WILSON. IST OF NOVEMBER. • SEAFORTH, 0 ot. 25, 1872. 255 MURDER ! MUR=DER! MURDER! - HIGH PRICES FOR FURNITURE MURDERED, And those that have kept prices ap beyond the - bounds of reason are about to Farmers may Exchange their. Wheat b for our Fest Flour, 40 poufiids per for good Wheat, Spring o3• 'Tall. JAS. P. KENDAL L & 00., Seaforth Mills, Ont. COMMIT SUICIDE. W. B. i O RT E R Has convinced selling Furniture of all descrip- tions in _ NOTICE that the, Municipal Council of ISthe hereby the Township of Grey will pass a by-law -at their nettt meeting of Council, to be held up a brook, 25th November nest, for op public read, four rods wide, betwelso an Lotoad between and 35, Concessions 8 and 9, Lots 22 and 23, Concessions 8 and 9. By order. J. R. GRANT, Clerk. Township Township Clerk's Office, l Ainleyville, Oct. 8, 1372. J 256-4 HATT'" OLD STAND, MAIN -SKEET, SEAFORTH, At such prices as will astonish a miter. He courts an inquest and feels certain that a verdict will be returned in his favor, that his prices are THE LOWEST That is and bus beenin this or P evince for aany yother county in theGIVE HIM A CALL And be convinced of the fact. FTJR GOODS. DARK MINK SETS IN LARGE VARIETY. • GRAY L.MB SETS, Tack Lamb Sets, South Sea Seal Sets, White Fur Jackets, in all sizes, Black Astrican Ji ckets,. South Sea Seal Mantles MADE TO ORDER. Grebe Sets always on hand end made to order. Ladies' . Fors Repaired and Altere& 255 The Finest and Best GENTS' FUR CAPS OF ALL FINDS. Buffalo Robes, Wolf Robes, Coon Roues. All Fur Gbods made to order. Higltest •Price paid for ,Raw Furs. 'NOTICE 1 THE PLACE. Market Square N. B. POINTER, STRATFORD. W. B. PORTER. Seaforth, Oct. 25,1872. 255 WHERE IS IT? .- NEXT DOOR NORTH " OF THE MONTREAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE IS THE PLACE ' TO FIND STRONG_ & FAIRLEY'S CHEAP GROCERY STORE. A . UL.L STOCK OF FAMILY GROCFRI_ES Kept constantly on hand, and will be sold CHEAP for CASH and cash only. Jas. P. Keud'slate W. A. Shearson & Co.'s) Best Family Flour always in stook. We keep - C. no other. Customers are sure to get what they ask for pure and unadulterated. Z Chopped d Stuff, Shorts, Bran, Peas, Oats, Barley, &c., always Oatmeal, C to be hod at STRONG & FAIREEY'S. Housekeepers, leave your orders for your Tea, Sugar, Currants, Raisins, Apples, Potatoes, Cabbages or anything else you wish, and have them delivered for you free of charge. REFINED PETROLEUM, Just received ,90 barrels of the best white oil and for sale wholesale and retail, SALT ! SALT !' -SALT A large stock of Salt kept constantly on band. 11 you don't see it at the door, ask for it. O V$TERS. Fresh oysters received daily andwill be kept during the season. Try them -they are delicious. N. B. --.As our store is too smalltodiisplay all our goods, we would take,it , as a favor, if customers don't see what they want, , o ask for Call and be convinced that this is theright place tobny cheap Groceries: STRONG & FAO .LEY. REMOVED. MRS. LAIVIONT, MILLINER AND DRESSMAKER, Has removed to neat door south of J. Logan's old stand. All work in her line done in the newest and most FASHIONABLE STYLESS On the shortest notice, and at reasonable terms. FRU:I r TREES ,, &C T HAVE .NST RECEIVJSD at any Garden, East- street, Goderich, a very superior stock of Plum Trees, Pears, Cherries, Crab A pples, Apricots, a Peaches, Apples, Dwarf Pears. Dwarf App Grapes, &c., which i am *fierily g for sale aef4 PRICES,, considering quality o f stock, being tb finest ever brought into Huron .. intending planters should► give are a eau at once. W. CAMPBELL, Tree Dealer, 255-2 Mast -street, Goderieb.