HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-10-04, Page 6the New. and No A Florida orange -tree in -A, journey yields 5,000 orapges- a seas n, Five hundred btishels tothe acre is an onion crop in IVIinnesot . A cabbage with ten wil-d veloped heads has been raised in Te nessee. One flash of lightnin killed thirty-two sheep at Barnwell, S. lately.—Australia and N w Zea- land have now about five illions of horned cattle, and fifty illions of sheep . ----The average ield of wheat this year in Minnesoti, so fee as heard from, will be over twenty " bnshels to the, acree—LA Yankee has invented a device fer pr ventind a horse from kicking in arness. The hind-le,ge are sttapped at the knee -joints, with the strap mining througha ring on the °irei gle, so that when one foot aclve ces the slack slips through the ring far en- ough to allow the other le to re- main behind.—In Eula d there are about 40,000 acres o young oaks and other growing timber planted in innlosures by authority of acts of Parliament, of which 10,, 000 were planted this year. Of the trees thus planted for navy pure poses, none have attained ninth mOre than half of their full 100 'year's growth, the thinning necessaay to make room for the ultimate crop to reach maturity produces a 1 rge in the subsoil is clay, unless the land is thoroughly drame ed, it greatly injures the surface soil. it prevents the rain -water from pas- sing oft so that the upper soil is con- stantly- soaked and cannot Ile plow ed or otherwise worked vithout double the dist' required in a loose pulverulent soil. Beeides t is, it is in•a condition unfit for the xertion of its vegetable powers, and in such - a state must always be an uncom- fortable arid unprofitable soi to cul- 1ivate.-31he Michigan entral -Railway Company Is settin it row of American chestnut tree, at all available points along its entre line. --The North -British Agric lturist states that the Clydesdale italliou, Prince of Wales, has just b en sold for £1,500, the highest -pri e ever given for a horse' of his bre d.— In the forty counties in Dngiancl there ate held annually, 1,3 8 fairs for the exhibition of horses, cattle and, agricultural products; in the thirteen counties in Wales, 244; in the- thirty-three connties i Scot- land. 449; and in the thi ty-two counties in Ireland, 93, ma -bag a total -of 2,254. The largest umber held in any one county in ngland is 135, in Cornwall, Carte rthen- shire held the largest nu ber in Wales 43, Aberdeenshire, in Scot- land, 63 ; and Cork, in Ireland, 15. These fairs are held at all seasons of the year when the stock and farm products are in the best possible con- dition for exhibition. ta Food for Dairy Co. es. 6 Piofessor Cook stated before a Pertnsylvania farmers' club, that in Scotland be saw iu their native lo- cality the celebrated Ayrshire COWS. Ithe Devil:R Tower, and facing the He described these as of small size, -Spanish hnes, was .standing at the varying from 600 to 800 lbs., live weight, and milking, on an average, twenty quarts per day. They are fed largely on cabbage, which is considered there the bait food for producing milk. Our dairy farmers here would no doubt find equal ben- efit from feeding cows on cabbages. As with turnips, there will be no taste in the butter from the cabbage, if the cows are milked before feed- ing them. I Another fact stated by Professor are supposed t� be the original cle of the Alderney breed, which hs attained a larger size through a more genial climate and a more generous diet than fell to the lot of the ,Brittanies at home. There are several herds of these cattle in the United Stetes, and we ate informed that they thrive in that country. Growth of Corals. , An interesting fact has recently been observed respecting thegrowth of corals., Somewhat less thanPewit years ago Captain McGregor, of the steamer ,Kilouea, moored a buoy in Kealakekut Bay..., Last week he was ordered to hoist the anohor and examine the condition of the chain. The latter, which is a heavy two- inch cable, was foundcovered with coral and oyster shells, some which: are as large as a man's hand. The larger corals measure four and a half inches in length, which repre- sents their growth. during the period of two years that the anchor and cable bad been subrnerged. The specimen whiciewe have seen shows the nature of its formation by the little coral initects more distinctly then any we hive before examined.. When taken out of the water, it had 81111111 crabs on it. A query arises whether these crabs .live on coral insects,orevhether they simply seek the branches of the coral for protection. The popular supposi- tion is that the corals. are are of ex -d tremely slow , growth. Here We hove a formation equal to lift. in a century.—Honoluiet, Gazette. -.soak Sermon to Young Men. Young men, you are the archi- tects of yaue own fortunes. Rely upon your own strength of body and soul. . Take for your star, self- reliance. Subscribe • on your ban- ner, Luck is a- fool, phick is I hero.? Don't take too much advice —keep at you helm and steer your own shift, and remember that the great art of commanding is to take a fair share of the work. Think well of yourself. Strike out. Assume your own position, Put potatoes in in a catt, over a rough road, = and the small ones go to the bottom. ' Rise above the envious and jealous. Fire above themark you intend te hit. Energy, invincible determine: - tion, with a right motive, are the levers that inoye the werld. Don't drink—don't chew—don't smoke-- dori't swear—don't deceive --don't read ticvels—don't marry until you can support a wife. -Be earnest— be ,self-reliant—be genero.us-t-be civil. , Read the papers. Adver- tise Your business. Make money, and do good- with it. Love your God and fellow -men. Love truth and virtue. Love your country and obey its laws. ---Professor _Porter. The Alarmed Sentinel. During the siege of Gibraltar, in the absence of the fleet, and when an attack was daily expected, one dark 'night, asentry,.whose post was near end of hs walk, whistling, looking towards them, his bead filled with nothingibut tire and sword, miners, storming ,and bloodshed. By the side of his box stood a deep -necked earthen! jug, .in ' which WAS the re- mainder of his supper, consisting of boiled peas. A large monkey (of which there were plenty on the top of the rock), encouraged by the man's silence, and allured by the smell of the peas, ,ventured to the jug, and endeavored to get at its Ctothic was, that in the bet dairies in contents, thrust his head so far into England and Scotland ib was eon_ the neck as to be unable to with- sidered most profitable to give the I draw it. At this instant the sol - cows all they could eat, and to dier turned round, and came whist- duceling towards his box. The monkey, them by change of food, etc., to eat all they cotdd. The soi1itg unable to get clear of it, 'started to -system is of course ,practiced_aua run off, with the jug ti ticking on his . he had seen hundi-ed of cows tied up headThis terrible apparition no in stalls, where they are kept front sooner saluted the eyes of the sentry year to year, uo disease or other than his frantic imagination con - drawback resulting- from confine- verted poor jug into a bloodthirsty ment. They were not only healthy, Spanish grenadier, and with a tre- mendous high cap on his head. Full but thrifty—and never leave. the stalls till they go to the buteher.of this dreadful idea, he instantly fired his piece, roaring out that the Breton Cattleenemy had sealed the walls. The This bered of cattle is_attractina guard took the alarm, the drums wei-e beat- artd in less than ten Min: the attention qf stock iaiseee the United States and in England, its utes the Governor and his whole . small size, hardy constitution, and garrison were under armsThe good milk -giving qualities making it supposed grenadier, being very much elesitable for small families. We 'incommoded by his cap, and -almost blinded by the peas, was soon over - find in the Rand AVett, Yorker, a full taken and seized ; and by his cap - account of these animals, from r ture the tranquility of the garrison which we glean the fellowing facts. eels restored, without that slaughter They were introduced into England and bloodshed which every man had about ten years ago, but they have prognosticated in the beginning of not acquired any great popularity as • yet. This is ascribed to.the necessi- the direful 'alarrn. by of importing bulls and cows to- getheras the hitter are so small that it is not safe to let them run with • -- English bulls. 'The animals are rit. undersigned has on hand a. eplendid lot of Various in color, are very hardy, thrive on hay and water and ate so Rosewoon AND GILT easily and cheaply kept, that an MOULDING E .. nglish expetimenter calculates that the keep of one Jersey costs as mueh Also, Fine Lot of Straw as that of fou t Brittany cows. - They are very gentle, and give from WRAPPING TPAP.12,1vR, four to twelve quarts of rich milk per day. In size they are mere pigmies, averagiug nom 36 , to 40e inches in height and sometithes be- ing rio more than 32 inches. They MOULDING & PAPER. FOR SALT:, CHEAP. Now is the time to buy as it is on the rise. C. ARMSTRONG 221. Main Street, Scaforth. 4 FLOUR 1, RICH FOUND FLOUR! IJAYING purchased and thoronghly refitted the mills formerly owned by the Meesre. SCOBIE, 1 an now prepared to iurnigh FAMILY FLO Seeofrl to NONE IN SEAFO -And that will Compare favorably with .any yon want A J FLOUR, go t Dealers and sek for MAUSHALL MA.RSHALL'S FLOUR: R, ItTH, in the Do - the folioering 8—Remember W. SCOTT ROBERTSON J. WHITESIDE, SIM6N POWELL, Or at W. MARSHALL'S ills. Ordclis left with W. S. RODER SON _will be promp1y attended to. Parties who wish to • Exchange Wheat for Axe certain to receive proper 'qua• ntitly, and eu ole that will defy competition. 186-tf lour, W. MARSHALL. FARMERS SELL YO, TO WM. Til MS OF T E ECIVIONDV!LL (Logan's Old Who will pay the EIGHE foz• any mut GOOD FREe EGGS "L CRIOCERY Stand?) 'T Pill tity of HE( Delivered at iis store. Groceries& FOR SALE FLOUR Ai of every description, kept c eluding Shearsou in CASE, ro-v[isions CHEAP. D _PjfE_ED, nstantly on hand, in. CO.'S No. 1. • Come One, Conic All, wit the Cash. WM. your Eggs and get OM 'ON, -- gniondv' lc Grooery. HARNESS, ARNESS. Great V AT WI SEAFO rie TRUNKS of all kinds, VALISES—not a fez, . WHIPS—of all sort COLLARS --all Br ttehea, Curry -C All prices --from y izen. gabs,4zrds. 0 cents Bells, Blankets, Circ les, aecuee. And in fact everything usn lly fotu4l in a firet- class 'Saddler's Shop, and at eices ex reniely JAMES WI SON • Taken this opportunity of til nking 14a immerona friendand customers for t e libera support ex- tended toward him for tb iast yeafr and hopes by strict ettention to busincem end n imnfacfriring a firet-class article to nierit a fair slut e of the pet - Faunae of the wally. Remember the Sign. q the " GOLDEN SA ODLE." CAUTION To the Pablic of the British , Provim ee of Norah America. ., IBEG most respectfully to acqmiii e the pablie of the British Northilem eri ea n P :evinces teat in May, 1871, I caused the businese et 80 Midden- Lane, New York, for the salo of _ger ovaiy's Pine and Ointment, which were i p to; that thno rize- pared by William Brown, liow dee eteed, to he. closed. I regret to Hay thaa 1 'hevU reaeoli tn know that the management of the' lac bush:eat.; hen for some years, in many weys, be n most cor- rupt, and it may bo that the Pills a d Ointment were not prepared with the care I ha .0 always de- sired. Those who do not wieh to be deceived by buying spurious medicines, which are ow likely to emanate from the Stays or alsowher e to pewees themselves of the gennine Hello -we\ '14-Fi11s c,nd Ointment, inanufaetured by me in I outlon, Eng landovillelo well to see that each 1 ot and boz beers the British Governmee t stamp on whiela is engraved the warde, " litAlrili AT'S Pii ki Enid Oint- ment, and tithe addreee on the l led is L.:38, Oxford -street, ondon, where only Oa y are mean- t factnred, and i no other part of the world. The retail priers are on the labels in Briti h currency, end not in dollars -and centre No rpresentotia 0 of mine will ever travel thruagY any part of r,he British Frovinces or the Ifni :ed Stet •s'either to sell or to take ordere -for my Pille an Ointment, end -ati I have reason to helieVe thet ttempts will probably be male to deceive the publi • in this -ray- by persons calling upon IllediOille TO dors, felecly representing that they are noting for ne and eeith any knew/edge and consent, I deem it advisable to put the publie on their guard against tiny such ete- eoptions. I moat earnestly entreat all those N'ho may read this advertisement that the • be pleesed, in the public interest, to emu nunicaCi the purport of the name to their friends that thex May not be - del/nailed of their inueey byparchnslinn,e, perhepe, a-orthlese imitations of the geunine liollowey'e 1 an• Pills and Ointmeut. I wonld ask, SS eat favor. that, shenla it come to the knowledg of any per. sun that stmeione medicines are being mule or sold m my name, he be pleased to send nue all the par - Healers he cu n collect reepecting the Name, that ia - to say, the name and address of the vendor who is selling the Fpurions medicines, and likewise ths name: and teldresn of the Douse in the United States or eleewhere,which may have enippliediaent so as to -enable ine; for the pi otection , of the pub- lic, to institute proceedings against sucli evil- -doers, and I engage to remuuerate yeei haudsome- ly any person a ho may give me stub itiformati•ei. the informant'n name never being divulged. Shoeld aur person have reitsoa to believe that lie has been deceived bv buying spin:jowl imitatiene of these medicines, be will do well to Lend me, in a letter, to the addrese at foo (which e can do et, 5 coat of six cents ill postage) one of be boolee uf instruction which are affixed to the san e. I prom- ise to examine it and send a reUy, ely star g whether the medicines are geunine or lot, so, Ikjhat, if pen- nons, he may apply to the pc' •son fro; - whom he purchased them to -have his in me- retUrned. Chennets audDruggists win desire to obtain Qin rnedieines can be supplied at the lowe. t wholesale prices, in quantities of not le. a than 2O worth,- Eis. tide 228. and 84s. per t ozen bo. e.s of Pine - or pots of Ointraeut, ewt. without descount, tor which remittance inust be sen . in advance. I have the honor to be; With gTrEteitot.Artiie 4, 'litOLLOITAI, - 553, Oxford street, (lute 241 Stiand,)Lo elon, W.* . . . Oct. 1, 1871. ' 2.10-23 , 111111111110118 p 1111111111111.10 MiliM111111111111111111111111.1•11111P allIffk. a MINI 11111111Malla PO 11110111.1111111.11111.11111111M MI110111111111116. NMI 1•111111111•111111 • "Fr f Y. THE undersi ed, having field the Ouron Foundry property and stook to the " Goderich Foundry and Man featuring Conipaiy,1 begs to thank the public for their liberal Empport during the past nineteen year, and truets that they will continue to send their orders to the now Company. Goderich, 1 th *Tune, 1872. B. RUNCIMAI4. Referring to the Above notice, The G derich Foundry & Manufacturing Co. STEAM E On hand ST.TGAR COOKING, Beg to Worm the public that they are prepared to con*aet for 'GINES AND BOILERS; FLOUR, GRIST,. AND SAW MILLS; SAWING MACHINES, Ste. IRON AND. WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards, G.A.G. PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW-CUTTMS, &o ND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON PDXES, &c. pARLoE, AND. BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO. ORDER. ALSO, IRON 4 D BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK. BOX ERS AND SALT, PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO TEIRTY-HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. Fa' All orders addreseed to the Company Co Secretary wffl receive prompt attention. ROBERT RUNCIMAN, HORACE HORTON, General Manager. Presidfint. GEORGIC NIEBERGALL. ARCHIBALD HODGE, Manager Agricultural Department. Secretary and Treasurer. Goderieh, Ontario, June 10, 1872: 248 THOMSON & WILLIAMS' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT t, AND ENGINE WORKS. MIT 01-1=_JD, ONT.A.R10.. JOHN TON'S SELF -RAKING SINGLE., REAPER. -LATE recomnnttnd the above celebrated self -rating Reaper -and the CA.YUGA CHIEF, Jn., MOWER, as the best vesting initabinea now inanufactura We guarantee these two single machines, costing but $200, to outwear any two combined machines, costing $300, and with less than one qnarter the cost na repairs. We also guarantee each machine to do its work better, faster, and with much lighter draught than any combined machine, These two naachines have not only a peffect lifting ap- paratus for thcl table and bar, but have Melee the only perfeet tilting table and bar. We offer any trial thl purchaser may desire of either or both thesa machines. We ado bnildihe 01-1 0 , C01\,133I1NT11:33D MA.C1-111\TM, WITH JOHNSTON'S SELF-RAirje, ' • t • Which we guarantee equal to the best combined machines made in Canada, and we offer a, trial 16 in- tending purcharrs. We alSo build • TW?- H 0)Ft E WOOD -SAWING MACHINES, And all kinds of ARICUUTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND- MACHINERY FOR MILLS AND FACTORIES. STEAM E.N.GTNES A SPECIALITY. THOMSON & WILLIAMS, ' Mitchell, Ontario. Address 235 JUST RECEIVED BY WM, ROBERTSON &CO. A • SIC4-1\T (DP TI -1 Splendid Assortment of Plated Ware, DIRECT FROM SHEFFIELD. LARD, ELEPHANy, STOCK'S AND OTHER MAOHINE OILS. BUILDERS' HARDWARE, -OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, which we can sell at less than PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES ELEPHANT AND JAMES' BRANDS WHITE LEAD. RAW AND PALE BOILED OIL, GLASS, PUTTY, (6c. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CARRIAGE -MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' HARDWARE In the County. Best AMERICAN WATERLIME and CALCINED PLASTER, Fresh and Dry, And warranted good. WM. ROBERTSON & CO.'S. ORGANS AND MELODEONS, At Dent's Cheap Dry Goods Store, Seafortha 1111111MEMMN.IMPIIIMMINICIIIMINIIMEGsgmegmeg. M. DENT i understand =lent at any pri now agent foe two of the best makers in the Dominion, in a praotical musician, these inatruments thoroughly, and wont sella poor one. - He can sell yen an instill- , from the lowest to the highest, and on the very best terms. He keeps a, good variety on hand to select from, at his Cheap D y Goods and Millinery Establishment, Seafor' th. That is the place if you Want a good instrnment cheap. . Every ..instrnment warranted by the maker for fire years. EAS AND COMFORT. THE !ILES INC OF PERFECT SICHT. There is nothing so valuable as PERFECT SIGHT, . and Perfect Sight Can only be obtained by using PERFECT SPECTACLES, 1 he difficulty of procuring which is well known. Messrs. LAZARUS, MORRIS & Co. 'gave, after years of experience and experiment, Itrid the erection of costly machinery, been enabled to produce that grand cleidderatinn, PERFECT SPECTACLES Which .*vertire the eye, and last many yenrs without,change. 247 FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TNMAN LINE OF MAIL STE-AMES SAILING -'- from New Tork, EVERY THURSDAY AND EVERY SATURDAY, Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, and the Continent, at as low rates as by any other line. JOHN 0. DALE; Agent, . 15, Broadway, N. Y., or JOHN SEATTER, 30 Beaforth, H. MUSTARD'S KING OF OILS, The best external rem- edy for Rheumatism, Sprains, Wounds, Bruis. eis es and every conceivable eaas it trial. Also, try the sore, old or new. Give it PALA- VICTOR Fonru-ainile internal pains, &e.; and if you want a ge Ye:GI:TABLES PILL To remove all obstruc- thins of the Liver Stom- ach and Bowels, Dyspepsia, Headache, Costfveness, Mustard's Anti -Bilious PHIS, Or if you require it safe and sure remedy for Wofrne USE MUSTARD'S nountIoN WORM CANDY. If you have Catarrh, Cold in the Head, Neuralgia, orNervons Headeche, use .111a8tard'8 Catarrh, Specific, Which will secure relief at °nee. Full directions accompany each of the above pr2eedi3p4ac-riu2a6toiogneszo ..erSoly,tmari 1 by ditagetginiateaaabnyd, dealers in in MUSTARD, Ingersoll, Ont. 6:c., try otia,a1- OCT. 4, 1872. FALL GOODS CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING EM PORIUMI A COMPLETE STOCK OF WOOLEN - GOODS, Embracing Every article required/or a FIRST-CLASS MER- CHANT TAILOR'S business is now ready. I would now inform my numerous customers that I am ready to show them A STOCK OF GOODS TIE.Al' CANNOT FAIL TO SUIT . THEN. And get thennup SUITS in first-elass style, On short flatlet. Assuring them, at the same time, df my 'gratitude for Net favors and every effort on iny part to en- sure its continuance. WM. CAMPBELL, Merchant Tailor, SEIFORTH. IP YOU WANT A GOOD Organ or Melodeon, -ceme. -- FRANK PA LTRIDGE, Photographer, Agent for Bell k.Co., Guelph, who take ALL THE -FIRST PRIZES. Don't-bny a poOr 0itGAN1 If you want a cheap musieal instrtunent, buy a JEWSHARP, but i1. you want ts first-class one, buy an Organ from Frank Paltrialp, Photographer. Notabeing at any expense, Fronk Palbidge cnn sell you en organ from the Vest first -prize maker, on better conditions than Any other man. SEWING MACHINES. A NEW SUPPLY OF The Howe and the Osborn sE mix .11,167./ITATES, With all the latest improvements, just received at W. N. WATSON'S, SEAFORTII. Call and see them, Theif well-established reputa- tion renders it unnecessary to partieularize their superior qualities, further than that they are the hest and cheapest meile. '123 WM. N. WATSON, Seaforth. DYE STUFFS THE very best quality of all kinds of DYE -L STUFFS, at R. LITMSDEN S Corner Drug Store. OW. ROOMS TO LET. EVERAL GOOD ROOMS in Meyer 'S BIoct ti kJ let on reasonable terms. Apply to 227 BENSON 4.S; MEYER. OcT. At 1871 rni nP,nadi rn; this nd re h each 'I-1-------111ejtedavn.r:aesdd:ransokfiwe:"--°aaitltb:uhixeesujiolhHeonor,usaitnntostghraooTrianfangfrie vellinmvbeareykgt°rayHuitnngttaroyfd look- amHtold, but has still his for - .g7 sonS ly of te-tvities:vrvga°,otj oath eipveor and frenrioe;fst:itil 1,msee:rreie siiittYrthyt:711—etirte.il iritotlinuleeierb ewnoand llto :r ith t1141;eleieRlityoetl-t:elinireeosef yfHaearairnsPsbstalirgine:1; tHheIetl: st ones of his voice were heard on the eastern border of his country, in one of his impassioned appeals to his icontintry thonninsaend, abuotthey f cottagvibte cottages on ettbitel grixette. The old name hes a halo lOglory aboat it to the Batten who owe their liberty to hitc. It is e4tiall5 hated by some of the arie- encracy who lost their unjust feddat eiliehts through him. The great asses of the disfranchised look to as to an emancipator. Were 4efaitnarigisaaTnosrpteatorga iints:dise;couthusal.btryZtcilwulh,itlasititir be e - was during my first visit. Then he Vas prophet, reformer and states- man. Now a new - generation bae grown up, who never listened to the most inagieal voice ev-hich mod- ern pedpie have heard—an orator not surpassed in. personal- power in modern times. They know him only by tradition. It is true, Kos suth holds him& in oorrespon dence with the leaders of the Left but his utteranees to, them are not always wise or profoun-d. • He hal been absent too long to understani all the new questions, and new rela tions of things. He can see la justification for the 'Right Wing He has even broken friendship wit personal friends, like Piilesky, cansetof the latter's adherence the Dea,k party. The halo is faxlin about his name. His absence see an eccentricity, or a piece of pe sonal vanity, when his voice in* win such hosts to the Republica wing. Still, nearly all admit th he is honest and consistent, 4 MA not a statesman,' they ay. T objects of the extreme Left, wh ther they be wise or unwise, ca evidently only be attained by wa A republic m Hungary means eiv war, and a -ear with the Enapir Complete independence le only po sible to Hurigary through the swor And even if it were attained, it is matter of great doubt if it could b preserved with united. Germany o one side and Russia on the othet Certainly it will be many elecatic yet before the 'Russian Empie allows a republic so near its borderi —Letter from iltazgary. Ellb *Or - The Old Catholic Cortgress Cologne. For a time it seemed as thoug the old Catlaolie niovement, whie showed so many symptoms of vig and vitality in Germany and An tria a twelvententh ago, Was dYilfi out, and the Usltramontane °eve in those two countries began I abound in sneers atwhat they callE the abortive movement of a fe renegade soreheads The Congre of the Old Catholics at =Coiogni -which has just adjourned, Calaeli bet put a stop to these prems.tei boastings and sneers. of the Ultt. montane journals. Not only wa.s largely attended by delegates fr all parts of Germany and Austre but sympathizing friends were pre ent from all parts of the woti The debates were both harmonic), and of the highest importanc That which had hitherto, above things, been wanting to the Catholic movement, a thorough e ganization, was successfully effect? Au executive committee, ittr.ot whose leatling members are Do linger,Friedrichs, and other emine theologians- 'distinguished alike their learning and their coura was appointed, and will sit alti nately at Muni& and Cologt This committee, furthermore, expressly entrusted with the task, promoting united action- on the pt of all Christians in the reform moi ment: In other words, et was structed to lay the foundation fo newechurch organization, to whi Christians' of all denominations W areciarNaVolninogf toacceptfaithpastsile b edat Mu Mu in October last, and reath.rmed t year at Cologne, may belong. That the exertions of • the naittee, headed by theeminent D linger, will ecteet with considera success, admits of no doubt w ever. The conflict between the tramontane bishops and the Ger government has become so bi that the latter will have to le nothing undone te assist' the Catholics in. their struggle fo organization of A, new church, it is well known how powerf imperial government is in t rection. It has the power tc the Is e taht? c huoartchl ea and oomfich e kiermany, a majority of whose m