The Huron Expositor, 1872-10-04, Page 3Ls 18 2. Ismossossemom STALL sly BUGGY It 4-S t ; ober of handsome ;, all well finished t material. Also, zONS, d ease in running euil eturer in. the 3 on hand, and heap as any other a promptly. 0 -FACTORY ; On. the above: late firm, is new rte of business.. �odrgs rD RDER roe. LNING ON HAND AND a - '!Is BEN~ETT.. II4%,E D FACTORY auk hie nnuzueroaa Maga extended to F ttr Seaforth,, and nth a continuauoe do well to give keep oak hand a TJLDINGS, I, ETC. asfaction to those ttronage, as none ,yea. Custom Planing.. O.ADFOO WORKS.: TIN us customers and .: itronage sincea8- Cs, and begs tom— [flay require any-- list ndlist of prices, at work- of a quality lade. . 5 00. - S 50 7 00 4 75 cl upwards. fNG per 1000-- 4 ae piece or set. NES. repair the wood- raehines, and, in in be mentioned. LKERS, sg to inform Wag- keeps constantly` .citable for their a and the public ie above art -oleo err patronage, as :les for doing this urpassed. MART [N. 228 J Ei 2.24-52 Freaker„ to work Ra eyville._ AL SART, th, erernisee, Seat] to McIntosh le hopes to have d ate many neve size him.. * most reason- aterentee • satis- F: le ettly 011(1 rbegp_ trtd fair dealing„ ,pet( to merit s ge aecorded to Seaforth. LES .ALR e GAXETIES. Why is a newspaper like an army?' Because it has leaders, columns and reviews. ..-These is a town out west call- ed Random. A resident of the place being, asked where he lured, ga tl he lived at :.andor . He was taken up as a vagrant. _-A scholar in one of D:nbtry's his being asked a rather difficult euestion, hammered at it for a while without success, and then pettishly inquired, r Ani. I hot or cold T, A moment later he 'teas quite hot. -e-A. little girl, when her father's table was honored with the presence of at+n esteemed friend, began talking very earnestly at the first parse in, the conversation. Hes` father check- ed ger rather sharply, saving, Why is it that yon always talk so much V ' Tause I've dot somesin to say,' wasthe innocent reply. —A. New Orleans mother was recently questioning her little girl in Geography as follows : ' Who went first through the straits of Maclellan?' Daisy quickly-- answered, c Magellan with his squadron.' 'What do you understand by his squadron, Daisy 1' The question was not m' the book, but Daisy wasreedy for the emergen- cy, ' Oh, I know ;, It's one of those women that ain't quite white.' —At . a certain church fair a set of Cooper's works was promised to the individual who should answer a list of conundrums. A dashing young fellow was pronounced the -- winner, and receiveda, set of wood- en pails. The young man received his award with. a sardonic smile, and would have been angry, but -one of the -sweet-:voiced sisters standing near suggested that they might be useful for housekeeping some day. a:; denly .ud l �lltit0 1S _` Iluo1 suddenly( The conutta � Th discovered -that the lady had .pretty eyes.: —Two young ,nen sailing recent - 1y in Delaware Bay, were overtaken .by a squall. They had been inside a Methodist Church,. and knew something of how religious services were conducted: 'As it appeared that their little boat was capsizing. one said .to the other, ' Bill, this is serious business, can you play 2 ' N o,: I can't. I've heard Joe do it, and I've listened to Post, but I can't do it myself.' `Well, you can sing a hymn, can h 't you `l' Do something! No. 1 can't sing here. Ho r calf. I sing when this boat may at any moment drown us both ?' Wel we must do something religious, If you can't pray and can't sing, let's take up :, collection.' The New York Misers. A mons* the rich men of New pocket he pulled out a silver six- pence, which, falling into the river, went wavering down through the ater. : The glitter attracted a large iickerel, which dashed for the six- pence and swallowed it. The spores - man pondered over the matter, and on his return home e ` confiscated his wife's brass kettle, and cutting a piece out of it soldered it toa book and set out with this new bait.He had not been long on the water be- fore he had a very fierce strike. After a struggle for an hour, he succeeded in. landing the largest fish he had evercaught, a rnuscalonge weighing forty-eight pounds. A Woman's Ingenuity. There is in Iowa; a gentlemanly woman whose . strength of mind might put many a man to blush, and even make Miss Anthony her- self meek. It was the building of a new railroad which discovered the extraordinary being, who is of an .age passing the limits of uncertainty, and who possesses ingenuity of the most diabolical and unearthly kind. It was necessary that the road should pass through part of her property, t . . proceeding which she objected to ab violently that the authorities could only assess the regnlar damages and assume' ,the right of way willy-nil- ' ly. The thunderoustornado of her wrath was raised, but not until the trains began to run did she com- nience active wile. Then, when A locomotive canie up one day, it •found'a iail feace built across the Toad, and the venei•able.daune seated on top, in the centre of the track, with determination and defiance bllzin ; in her eyes. Would she get off`] No she wouldn't. The engin- eer and conductor exhaustedthem- selves in allreats: and co.Rlwands, bait all in •vain—like Napoleon at St. Hefei, a she sat firmly. and sur- veyed the sce tie with vociferous (HE - approbation. The train 'nest go on —there -was nothing to be done but go. Not until the engine began to male the rails fly die) the gentle 1, dy hasten frorii het perch, and as the train disappeared she executed a ON E XPOSIr. O' ALL CASI-I_ NO MORE CR IIT AT T. K. ANDERSO S. feeing purchased a large stock fashionable, handsome ani, substenti Clcths, Hats and Caps, - a"hd Gents' Suitable for the Fall Trade, F T. K. ANDER Will sell at 10 PER CENT. Lower than . For Cash and Ca.sl Some of the latest noreltiee in HA. GREAT :ATTRACTIONS IN FRESH GROCERIES CHEAP " the most shinga, ON Formerly, -Only.999- S and (,AI's At THOS. LEE'S LOUR & FEED' STORE® Don't forget that THOS. LEE'S is the place for THE BEST TEAS AT THE LOWEST PRICE: Dent forget to try THOS. LEE'S eb cent Tea. There is nothing to equal it at the price. XXX FLOUR, FRUIT of all kinds, fresh and cheap. Don't forget that THOS. LEE keeps Shearson'■ ATMEAT, CORNMEAL, CRACKED GRAH4M FLOUR, COARSE GRAINS, and Feed of every tined. WHEAT, VIOLET INK. J. SEATTER $ EXCHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure PRUCS CHEMICALS AHC DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, FANCY AN D TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines. Money to lend on easy terms. J. SEA.TTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870... 59-tf. HURRAH FQ1 18721 - TWO AND A FrIALF TQNS OF THE CHOICEST BACON, With P. S.—Lots o NE DOZEN BARRELS. MESS PORK, full stock of everything in the general provision line No. 1 5 HINGLES and CEDAR POSTS Constantly on hand at the lowest prices. wild dance, of 1•:-lge, on bel' tiereaerated of which he has the 1argesit, cheer mit and best land. Some time alter that_ her stock int&' -n - geilla]it, and the t,�vc,citlit`sy .lilt] lrltt •Some Very Fine Scotch ant TWEEDS, ,.EDS + , English t.f leer naturE;=uspl•et1 her to oil the , roti Z track . before the advent of a lone f Which, when well in.ule rip, look sup'rb. ,r wood train. Of course the car wheels Clothing made to order, as rtial, turbine but a spun about helplessly. (inti the train was indefinitely delayed, while lt'Ia- dani, with fol,led arras, stqod on a lofty: hill top neer, and, like the eaeles of the republic, laughed out in score. What she will du next none can guess, and the railway people, who have a deadly fear of her, are recommended to sa.v their prayers regularly when ` they ap- York few are richer than wasliTitcla. P•roach that pert of the road. ell Hart, the Chatham street broker. Many live in finely frescoed houses, furnished with all that wealth can Procure, who will leave far less be- hind than did Mitchell Hart; who hardly slept a night out of the dingy garret above his office, lived on thirty cents a day and for thirty years has not left the city of N w York. Many year ago the fat,] of Mitchell and Henry Hart hn out the money -broker's sign near opposite the station, afterwards er g ly )c- clpied by his sons. and when he was gathered to his fathers he left an immense fortnae. The father's fortune multiplied until the combin- ed assets were estimated at St2,000.- 000. In the little `house, No. _ 1, 1 undersigned as mealier't. th +. 4111111111.011.1.1,73.111111112, O. YEO. O. - Auctioneer and Commission - Merchant, M -SIN STREET, SEA.FORTII, Will attend to al!'kinds of Sales in the County of Huron, on liberal terms. .Particular attention paid to the sale of Farm Stock, &e. 248-26 C. YEO, Auetiofieer. J. P. BRINE, good flit alloWPdto leave the store. Remember the spot, Dnncau's 01 Stand, Main - street, Seaforth. T. K... A.N D B. -here are a. number of counts, a .settlement r f which appreciated. D. STEWART'S LICE) SED AUCTIONEER for the Comity of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the Country. All orders left at. Tins Exroserols. Office •� will be promptly attended to. 1911 JOHN BULLARD, LIGG_'CEU .AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at this office will be punc- tually attended to, or et roll place Lot 11, Con. 11, Mcg llop. JOHN BULLARD, Anetiati DISSOLUTION O ', PARTNERSHIP. SHE Partnership heretofore existing between; the 5 )n to clay e of (yeti- }, mntrttl con- . .t + forth has this da} been 1 y Sett - dissolved Chatham ltatllaln Street, for half a centu 'yy sent. All debts andliabilrtics of the late firm will e nes and be paid`by A. C. AIci)ongall, who will collect all, r6 accounts due the late arra. the brothers received pledges filled out duplicates, and the-. maining six hours sought their sleep in thea garret. The deceased Was the younger, and for that ,•ea on was the one to tale down the shut- ters. hath remained bac] el - tors.. They �. Dated at Seeforth_ this first day of September, A. D.1872. ) ADAM G. Mol)OUGALL, T,, R. 0011BEY. ;Witness : D.D. Ross. With reference to the Aliore, the under - to state that Ire will hereaf- ter csrry on the business of signed dewires . the abort. filen su Ins Ors. The Harts were adept' 111 teal own name,( aso stock•and o improved the Unglues(+, hopes of estate speculations, and everything to receive a continuance and i re j`D013C LI, they bought seemed to acquire 1lli- 250-4 - Meuse- value. Ten years ago they resolved to give up the business, and invest their superfluous irol eys - in the Third Avenue Railroad, ithe shares of which were then going for a sone. But from the moment the - Hartbrothers became the prin.cipal:l• stockholders, all New York took to patronizing the_ro.tel, and not with- standing the original stock wasp re- peatediy ' watered,' the shares ever after commanded a premium. Al- though they took down the signs of the three balls, the old shop even now has the aspect of their former calling. Mr. Hart has done but lit- tle business for the pass, year, and months ago gave up hie reFrh• iucreastrl the ILTJSIC'. EAC11ING :NIBS C. B.• PRITCIIAR D, PI1OFESFOR of 3tU 1O, PEGS to inform the inhabitants of afo to that Bshe hes settled here, mud is prepared instr+tcticninvocal and instrumntittx nsilaptebre g- ing high testimonials as to ability in teaching. MISS PBITCHAltD, Teacher of oil painting, l,eueilrirg, erayon and (rater colors. Resnassea—'rain-st., over Mr. Griffith Davies' N. old stand second door south of the Post -Office.. - IRON. o tstanding ac- onid bo duly PHOTOGRAPH G • L-LERY Is removed to 'William street, Near the New Presbyteria ' -Church. .1 ATTER MONDAY, 11th of Aug et, this Gallery will be closed on '.l ueadays an' Fridays until further notice, those two dais of +ach week being employed in taking views of ho iesteads,. farm building', scenery, &e. All pantie wanting such work done please call and leave th •ir orders. Clocks carefully cleaned and rep trod. 243-13 TO THE PUBLIC A LARGE. W. H. OL1,~ ER, Harness, -Saddle a d Trunk rY>, M -ST., SE',lI'�B1RTH. 239-13 The Wonder of the World ---Good News PROF. HERMAN'S P DESTROYER VERMIN D for' All. �ti ouLD-ILE'NoWNED 1F1ich is known to be fir superior. to anything yet Insects on I'Onl- for ]filling Rats, Mice, I e . , s Plows t.r . Ants, Bugs, Cockroaches,, Bleck Lr et try, Ants, lght and Iusect4 on Plants, Moths in on Dogs, Blight • CTomt:s also on Cat - about twelve ]lion is gave loClgings at the oicl shop, and rented Fars `]`ick or Scab on. Sheep or , 0., . - SOLD I PACKETS,, tickets for $1 2.3. picket • or, six p 1.' Si ace resided. His . At 2,", cents per plc ; frail from all bad smell A-other where �,,�a 11rO.tlnel' did MAN UFACTUR 1 99J_ CHEAP TEAS_ CHARLES- WILSON, TBE MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, SIGN OF TB E 999, Has just received • F A FINE STOCK o TEAS, WM. AULT, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, HAS ON HAND a superior stock of FAMILY - GROCERIES, embracing Teas of the best brands, Sugars, Raisins, ete. Also, Crockery and Glassware, and every other article usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. - PHO ViMiO1 , - Such ae Flour, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, every description of FIRED, Such as Oats, Peas, Bran and Shorts, all of whie>t - will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. FARM PRODUCE. • The highest market pries paid .for all kinds of Farm Prodvrco. - Remember the 'place, Hain street, East side, opposite Cgventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 213 WM. AULT. DANIEL McGREGOR, 'Bookbinder, Harpurhey,'Seaforth, Which he will sell for one month at REDUCED PRICES. $1 Tea for 7Sete., 75ct. Tea for 50cts. Spleadid Young Hy son Tea at 40ets. Remember this is genuine, and now is the time to get CHEAP TBA. SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. - 1 ehoiea:+esorttncnt of light al 5l holey Harness, ! Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, &c , kept constantly 1 on hand. Repairing promptly '.tteuded to, end charges moderate. Remember heIIpla�l }til of the Scotch Collor. -1 —�– REMOVED. R ETON E D. M. RO•BEl , i SON, Cabinet-maker and lint ertaker, JJAS REMOVED his ware-roo ns to JOHNSON'S OLD ' TAND, Main -street, Seafo t -h, Where he has on hand a snperio stock of Furni• tare of every descri itiort. CALL AVD SE IT. UN'3ERTAKIN 'sed Mr. Thoma. Bel▪ l's HEARSE; RayinR'pnrch I am prepared' to attend funeral -• on the shortest notice, either in town or count Coffins, All Si Kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS ! SHROUDS ! \I. I,OBEI;, SOFT, CABINET -MAKER AND $DERTASEP., Johnson's Old 't8,nd, ' Man street, ,Seaforth, has no ' on hand a good assortment, 0 A large stock of Light and Preserving Sugars cheap and god. _ • all kinds and fresh. Groc�erres of a , LIQUORS. The best in the mar} et, Wholesale and Retail. In bottles and on dra SIRO D Scan b. Which he can famish eheapt. than they205 got ele;ewher .- him Il] � The Powder is warranted be `P and will keep in any climate Imre may to it i q T liETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. 11()t i1eGOnlpiLny � `*741 ris`ems Y street still contented Rill]. anywhere N'tdhoti,s �'. (Fill not oat it. Chatham S -ref. - Cats and Dogs, kot, _ ► Manufactory ---Gravel Lane, Houndslitch, City SpoOIl l� ishin . The inventoi o sp Directions for use on each p, - of London, England. has aired for Professor hlng The above discovery �j,•igat the Intercoloninl � pure nun G6 b 1 : • been lock master on the canal Agent�V. l .as LIVING e Herman a silver ria Australia, of 16 , eSicles be an old man n�t1ne l D Exhibition of Victo , C said to who for twentv-t%VO years nnmerons testimo Ili 1s. Castle, h for Seaf or ROBERTSON tui CO. _N. M. L STONE. 24Q_I2 -around the Mori isl )u1'a rapids ola. Ai to illi SMITH. R• He had the St. Lawrence River. BOARDING. one. of the islandshas leased the lame a been. fishing Off COLL`ADA•Y e Salt Works and cow - and, TT on the Grounds, . belo1Y the town with little succeSS, menses house, Station and has fitted it up looking clown from his boat t o g q wishing P t a few into the clear, green - water, could Fee the fish moving lazily abou j taking a pinch of snnfffrom hid vest adjoining the Belle ay + , -as a hoarding -house. Good table and comforts e n a pleasant boarding- ro uie Person' as there are at preSerr house should eppl3`, accommodated at iacanaies. Transient boarders aecomm 2`13 less than hotel rates. ' apaa. Sara 1 ALE AND PORTER gilt, always puce and fresh. Highest prices in /ski paid for Butter end Eggs, at HAS just reeeised a large Stock; of the materials -used in the business, and ie'uow fully prepar- ed to execute, on the shortest notice and in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured witk. REGISTERS, LEDGERS Z BLANK 'BOOKS, OP ANY KIND, Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, andatprices which defy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes .& Fancy Cases IiTWRIGHT. L. D. S,, Surgeon Dentist CA n the nse. • hon t by it hw p teeth 1 ise o C. exer tracts in eztr Fountain a Nitrous -Oxide Gns. Offlee-0 `the Market Square. Fashion, Mr. Powter's store, Attendance in Seaforth, e ilex's o x' nHotell,, the Clinton, t Tuesday andWednesdaS of at the Commercial Hotel, on t • e following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remai der of the time at his Stratford office new teeth : re requested to call, Parties requiring sot -at, if at Seaforth and Clinton, on he first day tendance. patients have h d teeth extracted by Over 64,000 the nse of the Gas. at Dr. lton's offices, New York. 203 THAT'S POR, EVER,_ THE PLACE--REMEMPER GROCERIES, FRESH—LIIRIVING DAILY, AND FOR BALI, WHOLESALE AN TEAS, FOR 50 GENTS AND UPWARD, WARRANTED. - RETAIL,• Made to order. OLD1 AND NEW BOOKS Dsusnd and repaired at city prices. Persons residing ais a distance by leaving their books at tho "Signal" Book Store, Goderich, or, at the "Expositor" office, Seaforth, or at J. R. Grant's - Ainloyville, stating style, may rely upon them being well bound. All communications addressed to the undersign- ed, will receive prompt attention. - DANIEL`MeGREGO1 Seaforth. (Harpnrhey.) THE SEAPORTS LUMBER YARD. MABEE d l ACDO•N ALD Ee to inform the public that they have opened B is Lumber 'Yard in 'Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on hand a good assort- ment et ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and - undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, au of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- _ ble prices, for Cash. Builders and others will And it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices before pnrchasingelsewhere, as we are in a position to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. 1ee0 YAUBE s )MACDONALD. IT. en . Pqu • nds Good Sugar for One Dollar. �• FLOUR, GRAIN nd all kinds of PROVISIONS and FEED delivered in itown free of charge. MEAT_ Yet remaining a j ew hundred pounds of fore it is all gone. EGG The Victoria Chemical Company, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the Cele- brated Victoria Carbolic Preparations. Laboratory and Works, Victoria Hall, Melinda Street, Toronto, Ont. • The following Genuine Preparations are sold by all Druggists. Be sure and ask for the VIcuoliis PREPARATIONS, and see that you get them. Victoria Carbolated Glycerine Jelly. This JSLL! is highly recommended to Ladies as a most agreeable Preparation for the Toilet. For Beautifying the Complexion, and rendering the Skin Soft, White, Char, and free from Dryness, it ie nirrinlled. It will quickly remove all P.edness, Roughness, 'Tan, Freckles, Yirnplea, sea other im- Yerfections. For Cheeped Heade Chillae ins, Frost Bites and Sore Lips, it cannot be surpassed. Price 2a ceute. . VictoriaCil►rbolic Toilet Soap. This ToiLz r So4P possesses all the well-known antiseptic and disinfecting properties of Carbolic Acid, is agreeably scented, has a healthy action on the akin, prevents irritation, removes the effects of perspiration, and should be regularly used by families. Cholera, Sinsiipoz and Ferer Patient& shoxld be washed with this Soap ; and its use by persons liable to :infection will materially prevent the spread ofelisesse. Price 15 cents per Tablet. Victoria Carbolic Salve. This SALvie is a rapid cure for all Skin Diseases, Cuts, IYouutls, Bruises, Burns, Sores, Ulcera, Ring- worm, `fetter, .Eczema, Scald Head, Scurvy, Atte- cosecs, Boils, Pimples, ttc. It possesses all the cleansing and healing-irtnes of Carbolic Acid, which has been found by Physicians everywhere to possess curative qualities not tliseorered in any other chemical preparation. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Gargarysma. This G eor N is the most reliable and efficacious Remedy in all cusell of Sore Throat, Hoarseness., Diptheria, 13rouchitie, Irriitation of the Bronchial Tube,' so common in this changeable climate, Asthma, Offensive Breath, Ulcerated. Gums, and all diseases of the Mouth. For Public Speakers and Singers it is invaluable. The ingredients en- . tering into this Gargle are used by all Physieians, and for the cure of the above disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the MATS$Ie Hammel, Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant. This DISIMPYCTANT 15 a mire prerenti'se of Typhus; and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and all in- fectious diseases. It will prevent Contagion .t Cattle. It is also invaluable for Disinfecting Wa- ter Closets, Drains, CesspoolsStables, Slaughter- houses, ,to., and for destroying nauseous effluvia from whatever cause arising. It will drive away Mosquitoes, Moths, Flies, Cookroaches, &c, Meat, Fish, dee., can be preserved from putrefaction by its use. Carbolic Acid was selected by Her Majesty's Royal Commissioners, in preference to all other products. as the best Disinfectant foe the preven- tion of infections diseases. Price 25 cents. Victoria Sharpening and Polishing Paste This PREPARATION is nnegnalled in its rapidity for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. -Table and PocketKnires;Razors, Surgical Instruments, Shoe- makers' Knrres, Plane Bits and Chisels, &.c. Nall - that delicious Side Meat and Smoked Herne. Call early be- ing has ever been discovered which has sprung into popularity more gnickiyy, or become of se mach value in every honeehold and workshop for STRONG & FA i R L E Y, general usefulness. Price 25 cents. 280 3IAIi'-STREET, SEAFORTH. 11IAI.COM'S IUM. E1�IPOR GREAT EGG DEPOT E SEAFORTH. MARKET SQUAiL , TH1*. subseriber hereby thanks his nnmerons friends in town and country for their liberal patronage during the past five years, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit their con- fidence and trade in the future. He also fishes to announce that he is still prepaeed to pay THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good -FRESH EGGS Delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, MAIN STREET, SEAPORTS. 227 D. D. WILSON. The subscriber begs to inform the public that he has greatly extended his premises and is pre- pared as hitherto to pay the highesl: price for any quantity of 4 00-D FRESH EGGS, Delivered at his place of business. No Market Fees on EGGS. - WM. IMIALCOM, Seaforth, March 25, 1872. 225 A Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonle. ) - —Without phosphorus no thought, say the Germans, and they might add, no action, since phosphorus and its compounds are known to be , the motitepower of the nervone and muscular flys- .. tem. They constitute more than ball the mater- ial o1 the human body, being found in every tis- sue, and their presence is absolutely essential to nntntion, se they 'promote the conversion of the albumen in the'food into tibrine, which is the vit- alizing agent o1 pure, healthy blood. They ars now coining into universal time in- Europe and. Awicrice, in the treatment of scrofulous, consump- tive and venereal diseases, which are caused by andin -diseases i oned blood impoverished ff ri s ' "ties abstruse - tionsof women suffering from irregniari , tions and exhanstite discharges, in pale, puny cl'tii- dren, and that condition of nervoas and physical prostration resulting from bad habits, excessive use of stimulants :and tobacco, and all that train of evils known as a fast life. The great reliability and promptness in its effects in immediately and permanently restoring the devitalized eons tiitntioa has =sae Dn. WHEELER'S COMPOUND ELIX- IR OF PHOSPHATES AND CALISAYA a great favorite with the phyaicianiand public. Sold at $1. f,.