HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-27, Page 8• _ THE HURON EXPOS:TOR. villa :for the them best dolts by "Sir Archy" Best feel, a sillier cup, value $10, lst Thos. Hill, 2d befit a silver cup, value $7, P.. Carling, 3d. best a silver cup value $5, Geo. Ingram. 'CATTLE -DURIIANS. Thoroughbred mileh cow, let Geo. Chesney, 2d. H. Snell, 3d B. Snell. Two year old. heifer, lst IL Snell, 2d Thies". Grant, 3d. G. E. Cresswell. One year old heifer, ist H. Snell, 2d Robt. Carnoehan. Heifer calf, ist if. Snell, 2d Thos, Grant. Bull celf, ist H. Snell, 2de G. .E, Cress - ADE C,v IA. -Mich cow having raised a calf ir 1872, lst James Dickson, 2d James Dicl son. Two year old heifer, lst Aire. McLean, . 2d Jas. Broadfoot. One year old heifer, 1st Jas. Broadfoot, 2(1 Jas. Brea Ifoot. Heifer, calf, G. E. Cresswell, 2d Wne Charters. Bull calf, 1st Jas. Broadfoot, 2d 8. Careochan, Sr. Two-year old steer, 1st Mrs. McLean, 2de Mrs. McLean. One year old .steen, lst Robert Oarnochan, 2d Robt, Carnochan. Fat ox or steer, lst James Dicason; 2(1 Jas. Dickson. Fat cow; , or heifer, 1st Wm. Payne, 2(1. Geo. Sproat. Special prize of $4 for best milch cow, judged by her Milking quidities, 2d. $3, prizes presented by Messrs. Robertson and Hickson, lst Jas. Broadfoot, 2d Mrs. - McLean. SHEEP.-Aged ram, two 'years oid and over, 1st Hugh Love, 2(1 David Walker. One year old ram, lst Hug1i Love, 2d. H. Shell. Ram lam, lst Hugh lieVO, Sr., 2d Jas. Southconabe. Pair of sves, having -raised lambin 1872, Ist Hugh Love, Sr., 2e1. H. Snell. Pair hearling ewes, Hugh Lose, - Sr., 2(1 C. Dale. Pair Ewe lambs, 1st He Snell, 2d 11." -Love, Sr. COTSWOLD SHEEP.-B,a,rn 2 years old and over, lat Hugh Love. 1 Ram 1 year old and. over, lst Hugh! Love, 2d. H. Snell. Ram lamb, ist He Snell, 2d Jae. Southcombe. Pair of ewes having raised lambs in 1572, 1st H. Snell. Pair sheet - ling ewes, ist Jas. Southcombe. Pair ewe lambs, 1st Hugh Love, 2d James Southcom be. . GRADE SHEEP.- Ram one year eld and over, lst Geo: Chesney. Ram lamb, lst D. Campbell, 2d Mr. McGemniel. Pair shearling ewes, lst D. talker 2d D. Walker. Pair ewe lambs," lst D. Walk- er, 2d Jas. Dickson. Pair fatted ewes or wethers; lst John Cowan, 2d C. Dale. SWINE -LARGE BREED. -Boar one year old and over, 1st J Bailey. Sow one year old.and over, lst Henry Charles- worth. Sow under one year, :it Henry Oharlesworth, 2d Henry Charlesworth. SMA,LL BREED. -Boar one year old and over, 1st Wm. Dixon, 2d Thos. Thorpe. Boar under one year, 1s1; Wm. Dixon, 2d Jas. Landesboro. Sow one year old and - over, 1st Felix Thompson. Sow under one year, _1st Wm, Dixon, 2d J. W. Fowes.-Two black Spanish, 1st J. V. Bailey, 2d J. W. Bailey. Two Doric- lst Jas, McDowell. Two Poland& at J. W. Bailey. Two Game, lst J. W. alley, 2d J. W. Bailey. Pair Geese, 1st eo. Houghton. Pair Ducks, lst J. W. alley, 2d J. W. Bailey. Pair Turkeys, r8 J. W. Bailey. Cochin Chinas, buff,' t J. W. Bailey, 2d J. \V. Bailey. ochin Partridge, lst J. W. Bailey. amburgs, pangled, 1st J. W. Bailey, d J. W. Bailey. Brahmas light, 1st J. T .. Bailey; 2d J. W. Bailey. Brahmas ark, -1st J. Vii. 'Bailey. 2d. J. W. ailey. ' LerremENTs.--Wooden axle waggon, illogerson & Cockerline, 2d Thos. ingle buggy with or without top, lst R. ‘Vhizeley, 2d. Wm. Grassie. Iron ow, 1st -Moue & -Hogan, 2d. Thos. medic. Wooden pion-, lst W. R. ilson. Double mould plow, 1st Monro Hogan. Iron beam plow, lst G. illiamso.n. Scutiler or horse hoe, 1st onro & Hogan. - Gang plow, I s t homeon & Williams. Field roller, let hn M.. Martin. Root cutter, lst Oli v - Wilson. Pump, ist D. Malloy. Fan - ng Mill, lit McTaggart & Co. Set rse shoes, lst T. Watson. . Al AN UFAcrult Ess -Single "mower, .1st rm. G u ire, 2d Thomson & 'William s.bin e reaper, 1st Thomson ,& Williams. raw Cutter; ht Oliver Wilsohe 2d rew Cuttei, lst Oliver lrill, lst Olvcr Wilson. , 1st Hugh .1:lobb. Bar - T. T. Coleen,n. Speci *non txpOoit .r. DISTRICT MATTE S. THE MOST fashionable Clothes, best Ready-made Clothing in the C at Hickson's old stand, DutecAh 'eeeet's. • •NEW FuRNITURE STORE. -W. teris about starting a Furniture Hat's old ,stanch His adverti will appear in future papers. d the unty, DUN- . Por - tore in ement •- SALE POSTPONED. -Mr. Richare Cluff • haa.postponed his auction sale o farm stock until Thursday, the 3rd of Octo- • ber, then to take place at Knox's otel. • A NEW DAILY. -We have just- eceier- -ed. the first nunaller of the Timesa new daily paper published in St. Oath rines, by Mr. R. Matheson, late of the 1 Clinton New Era. It is a large and neatl print- ed sheet, and, if kept up to the st ndard of the first number, ought to ,succe d. •CnICKET. -A cricket matcl tool place at Exeter, on Saturday last, 2Ist inst., between the Ailsa Craig and Bru efield Clubs. Thesgame resulted in a ictory for the Brucelielcl players, with three wickets to go down. •ri MISSIONARY 'MEETINGS. -TheM 'SSiOn- ary Meetings M connection with the M. E. Church, -will be _held oh Seaforth Girona as follows ; M. E. Clureh Sea - forth, Wednesday evening, Oct. 2, Zion Church, Teckerstaith, Thursday even - ng, Oct. 3. Deputation -M. A . Wright, 4. miner, D. Hubbie, and M. B P. E: Meetings to commence o'clock. •THANies.-Our thanks are du David Dorrence, of McKillop, for ket of very fine Apples and Pears. Dorrence is on.e of the best fruit g in this section. He thoroughly etands fruit raising M all its bra and thehipecimens presented us -d no discredit nson, at 7 has. Mr. owers ncler- ches, him FOR. CALIFORNIA. -Mr. Jou than second son of John Hugill, sq., of the Huron Road, Tuckersmith left on Monday morning for California. Mr. Hugill's eldest son has been in Cali ornia for some time, and is doing well. • The younger son goes to join his brother. We wish him well, and trust he may 1 e as prosperous in the United States a MS esteemed father has been in the unty of Huron. Mr, Hugill was accom alli- ed by Mr. JohnItosey. of Egm.ond MINERAL LANDS. -We , direct tten- tion to the advertisement of Mi eral Lands in North Carolina in -this hisue. The lands are offered for sele by th late &Ate treasurer, whose name we b is D. W. Courtes, but although we received two letters from him his ' is so illegibly written that We e decipher it His references, how ver, are unexceptionable. lieve 1 ave I • ame 1 nnot BA•CK AGAIN. -Mr. Samuel Harmah, for some years the Reeve Of the Town- ship of McKillop, and •now residing in • Rousevilie, Penn., has been on a vis t to his friends here for the past week. Mr. Hannah seems to be Much pleased rith his adopted country. and has no ii ten - tion, at the present time at least, of gain taking up his residence in Canada. He looks well, and we are glad to leae ti, is prospering In business. FALL. WHEAT AND GRASS. -The Fail Wheat in this and surrounding neig bor- hoods never looked better at this se -eon of the year, than it does at the pr sent time. The fields where . it has KM sown are now quite green and the gr und is nicely covered. The blade also 1 fresh and healthy. The late heavy have had a most refreshing e upon the grass fields. Pastures, w a few weeks ago were burned br with the sun, and almost as bare board, are now covered with a In. un- - ant and beautiful coating of grass. IThe. consequence is that stock has very rapidly Unproved M condition, and will • be much better prepared for the svi tee than they were last season. The ex- scellent pasturage WhiGh is now ens( red throughout the fall will do much t lieve the minds of stock owners wh scarce of winter fodder, and will ten MCI -ease the value of stock, as ther many who, had things remained as were last fall, would Ire compelled to off their stock at a sacrifice, but now be able to keep them through winter. • THE ROYAL CANADIAN BANK.- he following table, which we have cons" iled e • from a recent Parliamentary _ret shows the member of shareholders in the Royal Canadian Bank, resident in the County of Huron, and the amount of capital invested in shares in that tutionby residents of the county. .It will be seen that Clinton and vicinity has the largest number of sheress Seaforth ranking second and Goderich - third. A majority of the villages in the County • are represented. We alio notice in the list. of shareholders, the names o_ number of our 'nose prominent and 14j01 - to -:to farmers. The value of ca.ch e'lare is forty dollars. The folloe-ing is he toble referred to: No. of(,,. Shares.' Clintan . . .. 550 $22;000 .Seaforth...... 333 Goderich13,529 • Goderich 9•h4 Bayfield, ....... 97 '4.3,98g(0) Holmesville 48 1,920 Kippen 45 1,800 3 ) ( Winghern- 34 Rodgerville25 1: (040) Bracelield• 18 Varna9 37-(100 Noeyale. 280 Londesboro7 280 Exeter 4 . • 160 t McCallum had sent to look after him. This person 'ohased the thief up street to opposite Knox's Hotel, where be lost his shoe, and. M stopping to get it was overtaken and recognized. by his pursuer, but -esceped without being captured. From the description given of him, he was recognized by Mr: McCallum to be one of the attaches of the circus. Mr. McCallum •ftillowed him to Alitchell on Monday morning, and finding him there, got the consent of the manager of the circus to bring, him back again to Sea - forth, which he did. Being unable, how- ever'to definitely prove him guilty of the theft - w he was alloed his liberty again, when he left by first train to re- join the circus at Mitchell. • BILLIARDS. --Mr. Joseph Dion, • the celebrated billiard expert, gave an ex- hibition of his skill in the rooms ettaele. ed to Currie'S saloon. He made 'eoine excellent pray, and executed many diffie cult slide e his largest run was 1'64. The atteudance of spectators was not very large, owing no -doubt to the high admission fee. Those who Witnessed the play where highly pleased with the enhibition of skill given: VILLAGE CometeL.-A meeting of Council was held on Wednesday even- ing la,st. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: W. Robertson & Co., $1 05 for bell rope, etc: ; T. Darwin, $1 25 for work on streets; J. Wisson, 50c. posting ; E. Cash, for polling booth on two occasions $4, and R. W. Adams, $120 on • account for lumber. Moved, seconded and carried, that the petition of W. Malcom• and others be received, and that a two plank sidewalk m be laid (lin from the confer of market to connect with the sidewalk at Strong's corner on the south side of Market street. Moved, 'selcohded and Carried that the petition of Aferchant's Salt Co. be re- ceived and laid over until some future time on account of want of money, the rate being struck for 1873. • Moved, seconded and carried, that the • clerk draft a By-law to raise by way of taxes, the sum • of •4,568 75, for School, County and Sinking Fund purposes for 1872, and to levy • the sum of twenty-five • mills ion the dol-lar ou all the rateable propeity in the muni- cipality of Seaforth be read a secoiad and third time and passed• Council adjourn- ed until Tuesday, Oct. 8. A HORSE TRADE. -Some amusement was caused on Main Street on Tuesday last by a horse trade between a wander- ing peddler or tinker and 'a farmer from McKillop. The tinker -came to town with his team early in the forenoon, and left it standing on the street, arid went to 'look for a trade. He "stumped" several whom he thought might be will- ing to swap, but without being able to come to terms. At length he came acrose thesfarinerreferred to, and struck a trade. The harness was stripped from the horses and they were exehanged from one Wago to the other. In re•hitelling his horses, was noticed that the tinker was 'in con idera.ble haste, but the farmer either did a tot notice this, or if he noticed it paid no heed, At length the tinker, through the ctive assistance of his wife, who accem- allied him, got his nags harnessed in and hove off at full speed, and was soon lest o view. The -farmer, after getting his orses properly hitched, and duly admir- ng his newly -acquired steed, and bem- ratulatieg himself on the fine bargain e had made, took up the reins, and cona- laisantly steppiug into his vehicle, toak is seat, and called on his horses to ad- ance. While he was mounting into the ,agon and. 'preparing his seat -hie new arse turned round his head. and silently bserved proceeding& When the word o'advanee was given. however, he was ot prepared to comply, • but manifested is desire to proceed. backwards. After onsiderable coaxing -he allowed himself eluctantly to be dragged off by his mate, he farmer walking alongside the wagon, igorously plying -tile whip, and, no oubt, inwardly • vowing vengeance on he cunning tinker who had so neatly aimed off upon him a baulky horse. . I • - • • Ainleyville. [C. R. Cooku, Ainleyville, Agent for the Ex- kostrou Newspaper and Sob Printing Office.] OuR COMMON' SCHOOL. --Air. ‘Dewar, Tnspeetor of Schools, spent Several days. last week examining the school in this village. Mr. Dewar expressed himself ell satished with the :efficiency • olf the upils; and alio said that the system of caching was sound, but thought a little lore display on the part of the teachers, rouldsbe advantageous to the scholar& lle ofthe greatest. drawbacks to the ehool and -a great disadvantaee to both oholars and teachers, was neglect on the art of the parents in- not keeping their hilcren regidarly at school, but he hoped le attendance .wculd be more regular in he futare. li 11 , .c oks r ins t hot e ich d wn t S 8. , 0 re - are w to p Are t hey -11 selil M ill 0 the s 0 " N . of Value. Shareh( 'dm 44 16 8 3 6 - 0 5 a 2 2 e Total. - - -1,406 $.56,240103 -_,,-- - ROBBERY. -On F4aturday night lst, during the circus perforniallee, a an entered' the bar -Iowa • in AleCallu n's Hotel in this village, during the tempor- ary absence of the bar -keeper, and t ok from a drawer the cash -box, which c n- tained a number of valuable papers anc1 about four dollars in rnoeey. He t ok i the box out behind the stable, brok4 it npeu, took the motley out and fled, le e-- mg the box and papers. A woman who I was in the house at the tizrie,', noticed tbe 1 man hurriedly- leave the bar -room aid 4 pass the window towards the stable, and told Mrs. McCallum. Just as the an was leaving the yard, after takieg the money from the cash box. he Was poticed by the person whom M. RAILWAY. --Mr. Helldrie, the con- tractor on the southern extension of the Wellington Railway brought a large force of men from the main line line last week to work .on this section. They are now pushing the work with all pos- sible speed. - The ties are being left alone the road in great quantities, ready for laying. GIiiii rEICED STOCK. -M. Wm. Arm- strong, hf Ainleyville, sold a fine Dur- ham cow to a party from Tavistock for $175. .• .b'ATIAT FOR SALE. Thos. Walker, proprietor of the farm known as. the "Sheridan farm," adjoining the village of Ainleyvillea offers it for sale. Advertisement in this issue. • NEW GOODS.e-Swewaa•t, Thompson & Co., are receiving their fall stock daily. See advertisement • - EXTRA PRI -M. -Isaac Martie, . hotel keeper, offers a • special' prize ler grade bull calves of 2 and $1 50, exhibited at the fair to be held ou Tuesday next, Oc- tober 1st A IN I, EYVIL E MA N UFA crt- 13 Es. R. Wilson, of the Dingle .Fotneley car- ried ffthe lst prize for Wooden • plows, and.Thomas Watsoe the first priee for • the best setof horse shoes, at the Fair • held in Seaforth lest week. _HORSE KILLED, -.Tarne.s Davidson, cf liullet had a velnable horse struck by lightning and killed on • Saturday•last. The horse was with other two in a field adjoining Mr. Davidson's house, when found he was lying quite dead, ami strange o say there m as not a single mark. or scar apparent on him, except a sniall singed spot underneath his lower jaw. • The other animals in the field at the time were uninjured. THE TWEEDS:, Flannels, Blankets and Wince -s soul recjuire to bo seee. to bo b apprecieted, for their' quality and cheap - t It DUNcAN'S. ness, at Hickson'e old stand, Dceehte & IIR - THE TUCKERSNUTH SHOW. • The Fall Show of the Tuckersmith Branch Agricultural Society was held in Seaforth on Thursday and 'Friday of last week. The show was eminently successful in every respect, Owing to the wet weather • on the first day, the entries for the: indoor department were not so large as they otherwise would have been. On Friday he weather was delightful, consequentle was very Wee, and the would have done credit ciety. Of the large nu present, some estimate when we say, that in 'al bership tickets, nearly $ ed at the gate. • ' et.r THE HA. as we have before sta was not what might be large. The quality Of hibited, hotrever, fully deficiency in quantity. grainalthoughnot large _ quality, Wheat, both " was 'especially svorthy Oats there were Some • mons, and some very same may be said !Peas'. The Barley generally • was • ,good; a though. not so plump and white as last the display was very were first!class, large a • Turnips, as is -general'. year, were small. Can the average. - There Wer mangolds and beets, Cabbage, squashes. mel The • display of •small, but the quality o was good. The:apples, seemed to be reore than was a very nice disple Produce Depertment. and loll butter there wa efrentries, and the quali lent. There was not --eheese, but what there vas, was of good ent of ladies' sotevell pattern - former years. time very hand - e, counterpanes • fancy netting, Berlin -wool work, eeocheting, &c,- The dis- play of -home-made Ha nele -and cloths was also very fair.- There were a few the attendance shoiv- in the field to a county w- ilier of visitors may be formed Idition to mem- 300 were, collect- ed., the display considered very the articles ex - ads up for any The display of was of Very good fall and spring, f mention. ii ery fine. speci middling. The year. '11.1 roots good. Potatoes d clean looking. the case this ots were about e some very fine Ise sense good 8 ni and pump- frnit was very that exhibited hurls and grapes • verage. • There in the Dairy In both firkin a large number looked excel - great deal of quality. The depart work did not seem to be ized as we have seen it There were, however, some specimens of quil and coverlets ; also som well executed peucil s oue of which, that draw Charlesworth, attracted tion. • Mr. Frank Pal cases of well executed p sewing machines there play. Mr. 0. C. Wilson Grassie had on exhibitim which seemed to do good tracted considerable att etch drawings, by Mr. Henry much admire - ridge had two otographs. In as a -good :Hs - and Mr. Peter two machines work, and at: tion. TH.E FI EL ). The display f -Stoe Implemetts, • Vehicles, &c., was fully iMif not superi- or to former; years. f horses. there were a, large number, d the excellent quality of the young sto k exhibited in this departnient shows ti e commendable attention which Our farm rssare now pay- ing to the improvement of their horses. A finer let of young ho ses and spring -colts tham were shoWir es: Friday, . could not be found at any •simi 'al. show in the country. For MTh Belle., 's special prize there was a very large nu ber of entries, we believe -over twenty, nd more. hand- somehnimalelthan the co tis exhibited for this prize we have never seen. In fact,. there were so many, and hey were all so good, that the Judges met have had • very great difficulty in de erminiug which were really most worth of premiums. As will. be seen by the prize het, Mr. Thomas.11111, of Egmond eine, carried off the first The one, two • nd three yeee old colts, were also fine a *ids, and .the several classes embraced • - large -number of entries. Of farm- hoz, es there were but three entries ; three ( f carriage hors- es, and seven or eight buggy horse's. The display of cattle was arge and good. Theline thoroughbred min ehown were a credit to, their own see The dis- play of sheep was also •rood. • Messrs. Love, Snell and Sonthc be were the thoroughbred. pley .was not in the class principal exhibitors in tb classes. pigs the di very large, but there wit a number of very sm. erier amine's. .Theke was quite a good display. of fowls, Mr.. 'Bailey, of Egmondvi le, being the • principal exhibitor in hie class. Of implements there was a very geed dis- • play. Mr. 0. 0: Wilson. had a lumber • of plows, a straw cutter, other arti- cles. • . Mr. . had a yoryi handsomely, finished iron )(tem plow an& . an •. iron plow. Alciis Metro • & Hogan had an iron plow which • they took -the first iirize, also hump drill and other implement& • ' here:WM alSo another very - handsome n plow, which had conic from Stratford, tit we (lid not lea= the maker s name plows. Mr. W W 110011, foundry, curie(' of • th Thomson & Williams, of A a reaping and mowing variety of other impliment Li • wooden of the Dingle first prize. litchi', had a nachine, • and , ae had • also Messrs. Pette rs (»I Broth er. . 1 here wore two very good looking lin iber waggons. „In buggies there was a •fine • display. Mr. Whiteley, of Goderich had two very g'°VeS' 18b tSaini handsome phaetons • Mr. G • dress shirt, is % ii 1 B G B 1 Is 0 H 2 IN d B is 4 J. pi 0 AV & NV Ai T 'JO e,r ni ho , NI ,g1 '8t Wm Guire. S Wilson. Seed. Venetian Blind rel fine salt, ist Mens of leather,Ist Geo. Jackson. Three pieces of coop r's work, ist John _ G. A in en t. NV o ve home-made quilt, lst - John G. Annint 2d Alex Breadloots Ten yaiels satitett, st Jas Scott. Ten yards cotton and, wool lst Mrs -John Gemmell, 2d Airs. Grey. P.air blankets, all wool, lst Stewart Al Dougall. 2d Mrs. Grey. ' LADIES' WOR .---Loaf of home-made bread, lst Jas 6 ott,2d. 8. Clarnochan,ter. Quilt, in patch- ork, ist E.. Nichol, 2d Miss Barbour. • Quilt raised or sewed oh iund work, lst John Beattie, 2d Jas. ground Broadfoot, Sr. Crochet wOrk. 1st Jas. Su then:Ind; 21 Miss Barbour. Embrei- dery neAluslue 181; Thos. McMichael, 2(1 Richard Thom son. . Worsted work, raieed, lst D011i ld Joss: -Braiding, 1st C. Dale, 2d C. ale. Fancy knitting, lstThosi. AlcAl'ehael, 2d 'Jas. Somer- ville. . Two pairs of, woolen .stockings. lst Jive' Broadfo t, 21 Allan Ross. Pair mitis, lst amu4l Lendesboio. Pair of el Landesboro. Gent's -Thos. McMichael, 2d and • A. leesrs. McIntosh Se. Morrison ha( each vehicles on the- grou -which fo workmanship and app creditable to their establ • equal to anything that cou from the large city inauu I teteries. 'Malloy, of Clinton, and WIliams, of Sea forth, had a good. (heed, y of pumps There were many other rticles whiel were w( rthy of notice did space -permit The show throegliont was 'e grand sue cese and the Directore arid • officers have -good reason to congratulate themselves upon the suceese which has attendet their efforts. The following is the • PRIZE MST. , HEAVY DRAFT HoesEs.- -Brood. Mare (foal to be prodticed,) 1st A. McGregor, 2dGeo. Ingrain. Foal, lst A. McGregor, 2d A. Storey. Two year old filly, 1st John Lent, 2d J. McMillan. Two -veal old 'gelding, 1st, Thomas McMichael 2d John Avery. One year olit filly, 1st 6 McDongall, 2a Peter AlcTavishh One • year 014 gelding, Win. Wilson. Span. horses, ist11 enry Chits eY, -).d- CI co. FAII:if AND CARRIAGE HORsES.---131.00(.1 Af are ( foal to be produced, ) lst George ieeney, _el A. htoyese lied, lst C. Dale, 211 ,Jatnes Sutherland. Two year old filly. lst A „fend esun, 211 ,T. Two year old gelding, Wm, Cash, 2(1 R. , Lairdesboro. One year old filly, 1st '1'. I McMichael, 2d J. McMichael.. Span I farin horses, Jas. White, 2d H. Chesney. 'pan 'carriage horses, lst John Trott, 2d obt. McMichael. Buggy horse, 1st J. athwell, 2d Dr. Stemeirt S I , prime by W. J. Bailey, Esq.., Eguiond- Robt lienderso Wax -flowers, let I • ' Alex IVileen, 2d Richard Thompson. • Bread 1st Andrew. Storey. Ouilt 1 t arance were shments, ant Ros,s. Socks. lilt Allan Itosis, 2d -Alex.. John Stoddard. Baised quilt, 1st Allan d be produces .-- ' Wilsom Wool, flowers, tst Richard - Thompson', 2d 'Theis 0 eit mill. - Sofa cushion, • let F. Holmestedt Wool em- ''. breidery in frames, ist E. Nichol, 2d Jas 1 Scott. Hair flowers, 1st John Stoddard. • Timothy seed, let Wm Cooper, 2d Wm. Armstrong, Bushel flax seed, let Mrs Gray. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES.- TWO kinds of potatoes, named, half bushel. of each, let Allen Hobson, 2d. Jas Landesboro. Nine blood beak 1st Allan Hoheon, 2d Jas Broadfoot. Nine long naangolds, 1st &LS.' McDowell, 2d Wm Charters. Nine globe mangolds, 1st Jas. Scott, 2d Jas. McDowell. • Nine Swedish turnips, lst Jas Scott; 2d Thos Thorpe, Nine early horn. carrots, lst John Walker, t2d Allan Hobson. Nine long orange or red carrots, 1st Samuel Landes%ore, Nine w,hite Belgian carrots, lst Robert Scott, jr.. 2(1 Henry Chesney Four heads of winter cabbage named, 1st Allan Hobson, 2d Allanlio'beet. Four heads of cauliflower, 1st Allan Hobson, 2d John Hugill. Peck of white or yel- low onions, 1st Jacob McGee. • Peck of tomatoes, ist Jobn Walker; 2d Allan Hobson. • Three water melons, ist Al- lan Hobson, 2c1 Win. Murray. Three musk melees; let Jas. Scott, 2(1 John Zimmer, Twelve ears of Indian corn, 1st Frank Fowler, 2d Jas. Scott. , •'HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS. - Four :named varieties winter apples, 6 of each, lst Jas. McDowell, 2d Hugh Grieves, Four named, varieties fall apples 6 of each, ist John- McMillan, 2d 'Hugh Grieves. - Three named varieties of Win- ter pears, 6. of each, lst Alex. Ramsay. Threb named varieties of fall pears, 6 of each, ist Ilugh Grieve, • 2nd Alex. Ramsay. Three mined varieties plums, 6 pf each. ist John Hugill, 2d James Scott. • Three named varieties grapes, three clusters of each, 1st Jan Zimmer. Three clusters of grapes of one variety, et S. Carnochen. • Twelve yel- low crab apples, lst Alex. Ramsay. Twelve red. crab apples, lestflugh Grieve. Twelve peaches, lst JohnZimmer. Roney in comb, 6 pounds, 1st John Zimmer. Honey, strained, 6 pounds, 1st ;William Armstrong, 2d Robte Henderson. Col- lection of house plants and _ flowers, ist T. T. Coleman. EXTRAS. -Winter apples, 1st James Scott.. Plums, lst John Logan. Red crab apples, lst James 'Kerr. Wine, 1st John ThOmpson. Wine, 1st John Zim- mer. Corer, 1st John Thompson. White turnips, lst Thos. Thorpe. Winter cab- bages, 1st Jas. Scott. Squash, 1st Al- lan Hobson. Potatoes, lst John Thomp- son. Parsnips, 1st Allan Hobson. Celery. 1st ,Allan Hobson. .DAInv PRoDuerre.-Best keg of butter not less than 50 pounds, $12 presented by Thomas Kidd, Esq, Seaforth, 2d1 , by A. G. MeDougall, .Esq.', Seaforth, lst Robt Hendereon, 2d Wee Armstrong. Ten pounds. butter, sufficiently salted for immediate use, $5 presented by T. Kidd, Esq., 2nd (by the Societ)) $1, lst Jacob McGee, 2d Jas. 13roadfoot Best Cheese, 50 pounds, or over, made on the factory principle, since May I, 1872, •-•• SErr. 27, 1872, toseineeteirreashe see-este:se no serious consequences were apprehend.. ed, but it subsennently turned out that the shock was too great for the lady to. withstand at her advanced age, and she rapidly sunk and expired on baturday laSkLT the American du* has been partially removed from salt. the Canadian salt trade has greatly retrived. In Goderich the salt business is quite - brisk. Already large amount hah been sleipped to the United States, and the American trade is continually in- creasing. Within the past week or two several large cargoeshave been shipped to Western American •• . Goderich Township, CHURCH SERvecEs.-The Wesleyan of Cole's neighborhood have •just erected a nerd little country ohureh. On the morning of last Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Lavelle, of Seaforth, Chairman of the District, performed the dedicatory eervices 'bade a very. appropriate sermon to the occasion, while Rev. Mr. Crane, of Londesborough, in the after- noon, and Rev. Mr. Graham of Clinton, in the evening, likewise delivered excel- lent sermons to very large congreeations. A tea meeting was held lir the cairch on the following evening to which. the above reverend gentlemen gave their services. Mr. Crane delivering a short speech, Mr. - Graham a witty one, and Mr. Lavelle a .finahciai one, The collection on Sabbath. and the admission to the tea brought $60, while the remaining $200 debt on the church, was completely wiped off by an additional and special Eubscription--the offepring of Mr. Lavelle's financial speech. The friends of the church -had thus the satisfaction of seeine their church. dedi- cated cate free of debt. May many churches have the same fate meted them. • Tnekersinith. $1.,, 2d. ;e1 W. 0. Iowler, 2d Wm Fowler. Dairy cheese, not less than" 50 pounds, made in 1872, lst Robt McMi- chael, Sr, 2d F. Fowler, Sr. t EXTRAS. -Cooper's work, let P. Vol - mar. White wove home-made quilt, 1st -Jas. Carnochan. Case Aldred birds, lst Geo, Forsyth, 2d john Walker. ue o a te rateable proper - be authorized to collect said taxes ae- scordingly - Carried. Aloved by Mr Walker, seconded hy .hlr Lang, that the following sums be levied and col - looted On the assessed value of all Teal and personal poperty in the Municipal- ity of Tuckerselith, for Cqunty perposes the sum Of $2,099.53 at the rate of 3, 4 and 10 mills in the dollar. and for Townehip purpo t8 the slim of $1,400 at at the rate of 4 and 10 mills ha the dollar, and that ae further SUM of 986.90 be leviee and collected On .the assessed vel f 11 ty in the several School Sectiens the said mun'cipality in accordance with the requisitione of the Trustees of said School bections foltows Sehool Section No. 1 $350. School Section No. 2 5400 School Section No. 3 $310, School Sec tion No. 4 $270, School Section No. 6 $290,•School Section .No. 7 $228, School Section No. 8 $310, School Section No. 9 $320, S'chool Section, No. 11 230,- Upson McKillop, No. 1 198.90, and that the Clerk be direct d to prepare a, hyhlaw to be.. passed next leetime of the Council to authorize the ollection of the aforesaid sums- Carried. loved by Mr. Sproat, seconded- by Mr Lang, thitt the following accoutts be : • Printing, etc. $'11.40 ; Robert hiltore. repairing scraper, $2.38 ; John fcCame gravel for Stetnte labor on H. oad, $6.00 ; Wm. 'Townsend, gravel for tatute labour $5.60 ; Francis Po -Wier ravel for Statute labour, $4.02 ; rown gravel for .8 tateto labour, $3.60 lex iroadfoot, gravel for Statute labour, 8.70 ; Daniel Clark gravel for Statute abOur, $6 George :Nett, gishrel and. FARM LEASED.-Mra. Burton, of the Huron Road, Tuckersmith, has leased her farm to Mr. • Williem Fowler, the owner of the adjoining farm, who intends to work it in connection with his own. Mrs. Barton has advertised. to sell her stock- by auct:on. CoutechL MEETING. -The Council met on Friday, 13th September, in the vil- lage of Harpurhey, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. me • pursuant to notice frere the Reeve. Present, the _Reeve and. all the memhers. Minutes of last meeting • Were • read and approved. Moved by Mr. Walker,e seconded by Mr. Sproat that the hond of John Young. .Collector of Taxes, for the town- ship fl(Pir the present year be. eccepted, the security being sufficient and that he Hayfield. PRESENTATIO -On Saturday evening last, Mr. 8, T. Church, singing ma.ster, formerly precentor for the choir in St. Andrews Church, Bayfield, • received a handsome donation from the members of that church as an expression. of esteem and gratitude for the energetic trimmer in which he organized and conducted the said' choir fel- the last year. The Misses $ Wilson and Gardiner, accompanied by • $ Mr. D. H. Ritchie, made the presentee e tion. Stanley. e Smith, the young man • who a short thne ago got both legs brok- en with the horse power of a 'threshing A machine, on the farm of Mr. Reid, r Stanley, died on Monday the lfith inst., s live weeks after the injuries were receiv- g ed. He had never been removed from the farm where the accident occurred,' A until his death. $ • Clinton. - damages, $'22.70 ; George \Vetere re- ' A CIRCUS Row. -Unfortunately for the good name of the village, and the comfort of two or three parties, the circus WAS not permitted to corim and go without a serious fight. The facts ap- pear to be these :--It has been the custom of thecircuscompany to pay off any employee on getting eb•unk. isnd the paymaster was nettling with a few such men when a misunderstandin arose ! which led some disturbance whichwould have been confined to the parties. above I interested, had not some over -zealous officials interfered.- • Two or three vllage constables, thinking to preserye the peace, stepped forward. to quell the melee, ' but made matters worse, and one of them got such a clubbing on the head as to stretch him out msensible. To save theineelves from further injury one party beat a hasty retreat which put a stop to further fighting. . We are hdppy to say the injuries inflicted are not as seri- ous as at first supposed—Neu, Era. airing culvel•t on 2d con„ 51.50: ban. Bell, 1300 feet of lumber, ;5.'5.46 ; David ! Wanless, lumber, $2.76 ; 'Donald Mc- onald, x•epairing 'bridge, 10th con., $6 ; emy • Chesney, building culvert 5th I con., $12 ; James Kyle, repairing cul- vert, $5 ; Edward. Devereux, gravel for Statute labour $9-Cerried Moved b Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr Lang, that thie Council agree to paes a by-law au- thorizing the Trustees of the Union School Section No. 1, Township of Mc- Killop to borrow the sum of $260 to be levied and collected in the Tuckeremith P01 of the said Union School Sehtion in four years commencing in December 1872, providing that. the said trusteeS present a proper requisition for said by- law to be passedr-Carded. Moved by Mr Sproat, seconded by Mr kValker, that James Lang be instructed to let by • tender or otherwise the aravelling of 23 rods on the Kippen road near McGre- gors-Carried• Moved by Mr Cousins seconded by Mr Lang that Frederick Dremus receive the sum of $2 charity - Moved. by Mr Walker, seconded by Mr Cousin, that widow Al cliay receive the sum of $6, and widow • Ohlborn $4 as -charity-Carried. lioved by Mr Laug, seconded by Mr Cousins, that the Reeve be instructed to correspond with the Clerks of Waterloo, Dumfriee, &c., and such othes parties as may be in a posi- tion to furnish. •information, requesting them to send such official information in regard to the working of i township in- surance companies, as it limy be in their power to afford -Carried. Council ad- journed to meet in the house of Mrs. Bobinson, 4ln on yin e,on Tuesday,Dec. , next, at 10 o'clock, a. m. 1Vei. Alum, Clerk. • Godench. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. -Mr. Th om- its Dark,. long and favorably known as ploprietor of Dark's Hotel, Goderich, has disposed of his interest in that establish- ment, to a Captain West, late of Eng - and, and intends retiring from the hotel u Ain es s. NEW APPOINTMENT. -Mr. Johnston, late Deputy Clerk of the Crown a-nd Clerk of the -'ounty Court for the Coun- y of Huron, haying, been dismissed by he Gorernmenefor some official irre- ularities, John E. Elwood, barris- ter, has hen appointed as his succeesor. Whe appointment of Air. Elwood sem= to give general satisfaction. I/Rowe-ED. - On Saturday, the 7th nst., two men named Williara Warwick nd Malcolm McKay, residents of Goder- ch were drowned by falling from the chewier Tecumseh, in the upper part of Jake Huron. The facts of the melan- holy affein nearly as can be learned re, that they with another man fell over- oard, and before assistance eould be' 1 NN. lute quilt, ist John • MeIyer. Fancy et stockings, lst John McIver. Rag Mat, lst Mise Barbour, I E ARTS, EV AeherEutis.-Crayon drawhig, lst Henry CharlesWorth. Peu- oil Sketch drawing, bit Richard Thomp- son. Collective of of photographs, lst J. Paltridge. NOTE: -Th iJrize given above for crayon drawing sketch drawing. • by the Judges. EXTRAS. - Pin tridge- • icha rd Thom ps .3 as. Carnochare (Adored crayme S. r Dickson. Fancy wood -cutting, Alex. Iv Ramsay. Two bushels offal" wheat, lst a IZOSS, 2d J.5. Sutherland. Two a bushele of Sprite wheat, lat prize, one- g sented by Aendall & t Alex Ramsay, 2(1 'we bushelslarge. oats, II 2(1 Alex Rainsay. Two a oats, r 1st, 100 pounds et y Chesney,', 2d. Janice R -o bushels large peas, m Jas Dickson. Two 8 ,Ist S. Landesboro, 2d fr In a should be for pencil 1 The mistake was made ' 8 tographs, ht J. Pal- 0 sketch drawing, 1st a n. Colored crayon,lst b eadered them the two above mentioned ere drowned. Mrs. Warwick reeseived letter froni her husband last Thursday, rid about half an hour afterwards a tele - ram came announcing his death. He 'as a steady industrous man. SAD ACCIDENT.- The Sly nal retiretS to car of a sad ateideut which occurred bout a week ago, and. which has result - 1 in the death of Mrs. Padfield, wife of ev. J. Padfield, Rector of Burford, and other of Airs. J. 8, Sinclair and lir& eager of this town. The deceased rose 0111. her bed to put down a window dur- g the night, and missing her footing in . barrel flour pre , tharlesworth, 1 ' Jacob McGee. lst Geo. NV/ ight, bushels common oatmeal, lst Tien 8uthetlend T ist Win Charters I buithels small pe J d. s oro. Two bushels 2 -row- ed barley, let Wm Charters. . Bushel of the dark fell down a stairway. At first rArasi Eyrifa ). -Mr. John Homier - San, of McKillop, -has rented his farm, Lot 24, Concession 4, to Mr. George eickharf, also of .'AlcKillop, for a term of five years. Mr. Henderson intends selling off his farm stock and. implements by auction. -' The date of the sale will be found in our sale register. MRS. CA ME R ON 'S SALE. Mrs. 7Thr cron's sale of farm stock, which took place on Tuesday last, was one of the most successful which his been held this season. The most of the stock was good and brought fair prices. Cows averaged about thirty-five dollars. One eow,-a very good animal, -brought forty dollars. Mrs. Cameron has leased her farm to Mr, William Fowler, her neighbor. e— A BICE assortment of gents' Furnish- ings. Also, Hats and Caps and Under- clothing cheap at DUNCAN & DC:WAN/S, ANIME"21/12r,r_rt-214 YoLIU34E • IIV11011.E NO ;MEDI CA. L. re AVID NITC.113.11LL. D., Gnarl:11 1J eel coileee Phyeichte, Sueeerat. JliNstit Olei.-Leortteer of the Cemity Office and remitlente, at Thompson .ve. Ste TAMES STEWART, 11,, D., C. IT, 1„.? MeGill, iTuiversity, Montreal, Phy.,ti germ, etc, Vele° mei Resident:A-Brewed -Tr L. VERCOE, M. D., C,M phydi • geon, ete. °like and Reeidenee, Market read Hig)i streets, next to the 1.)h CAMPBELL, Coroner for the Coe ▪ and Itesidence. over Corby's tereer-s eared, Seaforth. Oce hours, from. 31 •day, and ell day Saturday. • /10 the inhabitants of Seaforth and Fit -I- country. l)r. 3'. G. BULL having through sickness in his fatnily, gasper for some time in gais plaea, has plea% flouncing to the public, that through a vidence he has been permitted to reit rooms formerly occupied by hira, over McDougall'sStore, 'Naha street, i,vhere permanently to reirain, a.n.a winbe plea • his old patrons and as ninny new ones AS him With a call. A31 opamtions perfolan ing to the latest approved style, ana fee to be fouud elsewhere. Oftioe haul's from 8 A... M. to 51'., rsessetenee. :r M. LBET, Solicitor, Win. "In, laa • pointed Agent for the Colonial Seen parry of Eni.;land, be is also .Ageut for si vale Cr.pitalists of Toronto, who loan -very reasonable. rates. Interest pa* Charges moderate. Wingham, Dec. 15, I137L IVfcCAUGNEYl'hTED, _earl £LLteeeeye at taw, Sol cittrs an Ch.( Insolvtmcy, Notaries Pa gie and. Cot Solieitors for the It C. Ban1-1`. Seafortle. the Canada Life Assurance 4opnny, to lend nf S per ete liouses and Lots for sale, 11q7..NS0IC" st MEYER, Barristers arid • at _Law, Solicitors in Chaneerynnd .00rieeyencttrs, ;Notaries Public, etre 0 forth and Wroxeter. V.l."3.1i0a of Prirat.t invest at once, at Eight per cent. Intere - -eAs. U. 33EXSON. er. et. c XAeh'=Lt OYAL HOTEL, Seaforth, Ontari. -IA' POWELL, Proprietor. The t.,4 thoroughly renovated and newly figr above home, so th.(t it now fig(.7tis gen, dation for the travelling itablie, Chi antrcigars it the her.. Tho . to is se the delicacies in season. Large stab -attentive hostler in connection. • reOMMERCIeL 110TBL, AinleyVa' Propeieror. This Aott entirely new 41 fart gement end hs e be'l renoyated. The Bar is supplied 'wit Ligeors and Ci -ars. Good. Srablieg itt Ilestle* A Eirst-elass Livery in corm, 131.INC1?. 01? WALES ROTEL, Ciii -1- O. MeerTallEON, Propri etne aseenamattion for travellers. The 1 plied with the very best ?Loom arteecie stabling ettsebed. The stage leavee every da y for %%Ingham. • STIA.IIP'S LIVERY AND,,SALE • .0ftiee-At -3Ittrrav's IloteL Sealti Ilorses and rive -class donveyances TPIIOMSON'S LIVERY, CLINTON. OFFICE, --AT COIIMeal0LIL 110T quiet Ileeses end First -Class Teldel on liana. Conveyances furnished to < Travellers oe reasonable rates. 221 .10EIS"trii -PELL'SLIVE1l 9TA.13LES, SAP Good Tiorste ond Comfortable on hand. Paw:Table Arrangements Commercial Travellers. Ali orders .14 ilOTL, will be 1-1-tromptly attended to. , Orrice AND SeAnee:.s aoo niox'x Had, 'Jain Street. 221 THO.IIAS BELL, Pi 31 I T. 3, criur.cHILL, YETERTNARY . • Member of the Ontario Veterith 'bogs to intimate to the inhabitants and STUToUnaing COM3t17. thilt he hal: Office in Seatorth, where he may be eof serially or by letter, en the Diseases of ; tle1et . Having TeedTed it regr,lar ir Jedatestion, and)Lnying been awarded of the Yeterinezy College of Ontario, T., has eyery eonfidenee of giving satishul who may employ -him. • '• linezeset ES—A.Snntb, V 8 Prin tie Veterinary College- Professor Thoeburn, Dr. newel, Led -2- 'Wells, M.. Veterinary Medicines tonstantly oia b All en Ils promptly attended e Ofttee-Ceriniebeel'slleteliSeaforth.. ATETERINART $UR GEON.--,-D; S., begs to announce to the Seatorth smd surrounding -country t been awarded the diploren of the.0 ars College, and is now prepared te tr of Horses Rua cattle andall tlomrstie has epcned an elliee itt connection witf shoeing -shop, Where he will be found ° tend to calls., Diseafms of the feet . tended to, Besidence, oftlee and shop el rse'Boren 11:."101313 rteW store. All 1 erinary Meditines kept constantly'. Ciharges reasonable. • A LEXANDER RUNTEI1, Lieenset Cranin.00le Grey P. 0. Sales moderate terms, Commissioner in tn Coneeyenter, Land, Loon and Gene., Also, Agent for the following. -Com; H uron and Erie 141411 Society Lona° nd meebsafice .savings Loan Cowl to 'Royal Insurance Coropsnv of Li Loildmn, Fire and Life; Ontaiio Mut surante Company end the :seriatim Company. Any amount ef money to rates -of. interest. Several good. Fall cheap. • R. COOPER, -Conveyancer, Co Qnn ueen's Bench, Insurance DMA GO Agent for the Freehold Permanent Savings Society of Toronto, whnse rat4 as any. Company doing birsintss in (.4i cations 1.1r eetetue promptly rttended Oresere-Opnoeito. Boss' TaPor 1Se-tf AINLETKILLE. TOT1X Evettenge Bre . way .Asfent, Roughtoes G. T. Railway Station, Settfoith, Tickets issue ; fili prints in the 1-N*e.-21 -California awl Red River, at re(lueel tal the greatest Utilities to Emigrants. information„.„..iven respecting Lana A /Greenbacks. Bons, Coupons and =fen Bolii and Silver Coin, loSught and sold - E D WARD 0 Is buying ami %:iy1flgr.411 GOOD DAIRY BU-,, In any quantities. AL3,J: AY ODD LOTS OF, DrOlIght tO PUT., F311 ONE MONTI 1, fiederiebest., Stele:eh, Zane