HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-27, Page 527 of very stperior Or the daiiarroan, eps a CaVit to the Ayrshire is ,ough small, they of food, and ad& the quantity breed except the and btst otaplay y Mr. j. L. Gibla tey are all import - =I are the, voy reed that can he buil `Ware is a S oaid to be the he continent. lass only makes a linikc)f these by itOne-t of Gue1p], a animal& are fewer of these d is avail repre. n are many fine breeder here is G. wlio ah,owa particularly fine and the herd is i.uada. h not numerous J. S. Thomp- a grade Shalt- %-ioa lbs. each, "Cd finest show of stera and 00`taa out. The =- very pen is filled Most noticeable s to this depart- Nlaler-,Brougharn, 4-cl of Cotawolds rs, of these nine 'even ewes, were pad were among of the Royal f England last ono shwa- forty cl Cotswold, of 'ported. R W. ,e Cotswold and i-wns. H. H. Southdowas and i.ns. IL ('ibson, area and twelve e4. and five Lei - john Repo, a awl fourteen naported. aa,.Peter fries, has three cerebrated Mel - Stark, Scotland. same flock, and They are known Adam Oliver, Leicesters, three and extra- fine ;Ray township, icestersof which tation, and are There are also 'close worthy of ker and quality-, ear is far bevoad wkalaires. roaster ee, and seem to th our farmers, ecimens of this George Roach, -gilt, Sandwich, D. Foley, Bow- ewa, Bea- Park, ;on and Joseph. In Saffolks, the principal contri- to. Roach, Win. e, and J. Main, 'there are some :pens of Georg Thos. MeCrae, tone P16-} a of the County LI prizes at the Colborne, four Mason, Stamley, Dale, Tucker- 'wden, one prize • Hallett, one Hay, two for -eafertla two for Seaforth,one for Sa-lt Butter ;I ,o., Clinton, one and Switzer for )etition in stock Alrli at ally c4 16, Con. 14, id Implements. ; P. Brine, Lot -29, Con. 1, -Stock and Im- proprietor ; T. Lot 19, Con. 14, te. Wm. Bell, imetioneer. "aot Itt: Con. 1 Stock., Wm. Me, auctioneer. ot 10,. Con. 4, Cornelius De - Me, auctioneer. et 1, Con. 7, d Implements. T. Playford, Lot Ia. Con. 4, 'arm Stook and [ey„ proprietor ; t 32, Com 2-, Lnn Stoetc and th, proprietor; at 21, Con. I, al Implements. ;j. J Briae, 5, OM% Grey, Me -Naughton, aictieneer. ot 10, Con. 2, Implements. ; A. Bishop, (.4- 30, eon. 7, I Implexneats. rmiy, propriet- t's Hotel, Wal- tements. P. Brine,. atic- Lot 19, Con. 9, d Implements. ietor ; J. P. t 4,. Con. 15, - John Sillers, aetioneer. ot 8,. Con. 10, plements and 0. Reeser, a, auctioneer. tm, Con. 4, V SEPT. 27) .”472. MoKilloprFarnt Stook and Implements, j-ohnHentlerson, proprietor, J. P. Brine, Aietioneet. Monday, Oct 21, on the Huron Road, two miles west of Seaforth, Farm Stoek and Implements, Ann Burton, proprie- tress ; j„_ P. Brine, auctioneer. RIMS Bi RT McKiliop, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr. :William Moore of a daughter. MARRIA.GES. , STEWART-IRELAND.-On the 7th inst., at Kincardine, by Rev. J. Fraser, Mr. William Stew;Irt, ot the Wingham nines, to Miss. Mary L. Ireland, of Wingham. SWAN-DRYSDALE.- At London, Ont., on, the 10th inst„ by Rev. John acott, Thomas Swan, of Hibbert, t Marion M. Drysdale, second daughte of the late Drysdale„ farmer Aitkenhead, Clackmannanshire, Scot- land. Tann-HILL. -On the 17th inst., at the pain Hotel, Kincardine, by Rev. 0% Clark; Mr. Samuel Barr, of Hullett, County Huron, to .Miss Jane Hill, township of Aaron. Ross--HotatEs.- At the St Lawrence Hotel, Pictou, N. S. =Thursday, the 29th nit, by Rev.'IS. C. Moore. Rec- tor of St. James' Church, Fictou, Christina Ross, to A. M. Holmes Esq., third son of Hon. John Holmes, Senator, both of New Glasgow. • DEATHS. f/ATE•a: -Ili Stanley, on Friday, 6th inst., of fever,, after three days' illness, John Bates, aged nine years; also, on the 10th inst., James Nathaniel Bates, aged seven year. Both the beloved sons of George and Margaret Bates. Buenatatta-In Colborne, on the 12th inst , Colin, second son of Mr. John Buchanan, aged 24 years and 8 months. McDotatan.-On Friday morning, Sept. 20th, on Lot No. 4, Sixth Concession, Township of Grey. Margaret, the be- loved child of William and Janet Mc- Donald, aged 2 years and 6 months. 1111.1111111.1111 THE MARKETk) SEAFORTII, Sept. 23; 1872. An immense amount of wheat -bath Fall and Spring -has been delivered- at the Seaforth market during the past week a It would almost seem that far- mers generally had made up their minds to deliver their entire fall stock during one week. Those who sold the previous week were considerably more fortunate, as since Monday last the price has grad- ually cleelin_ed, until now it has reached $1 21 On Friday last as high as $1 30 was paid for several loads. The present decline in price is owing principally to a decline in Liverpool prices, and a fear on the part of buyers occasioned by the unsaeady condition of Englishmarkets. There has as yet been a very light de- . *livery of coarse graMs. Oats and Bar- ley are particularly in demand, and would be bought readily at good prices. Peas remain, firm at quotations, With but few offering. Hay remains firm at -quoted prices without brisk demand. Butter of good quality comma -ads ready sale, but poor is not looked at Eggs are up in price and in good demand. Apples are a fair price, and only moder- ately plentiful in market, all, delivered meets with ready sales. We quote: Fall NV heat......... .............$1 20 to 123 Spring .. . 1 20 to 1 28 Barley:...... ... . .. 45 to 0 55 ... .......... 0 30 to 035 O 55 Butter„.................... .. .. . 0 12 to 0 13 O 13 Flow*. , . ... .............. 6 75' to 7 00 12 00 Hides... ... ...... 6 00 to 7 00 Sheep Skins 0 60 to 100 -Call Skins, (veal) per lb., 0 69 to 010 Salt (retail) per barrel........... 1 0(1 to 0 00 Potatoes-, (new) per 0 40 to 0 45 Dried -0 09 to 0 10 Dried Pork -Ham r 0 15 to 0 18 Oatmeal aa• 0 00 to 5 00 Apples per.................080 to 050 CLINTON, Sept. 26, 1872. Fall Wheat.. . ............... 1-$1 22 (3 1 28 Spring Wheat.... ............ 1 22 0 1 23 Oats.... 0 22 0 023 'Barley. „ .. 050 0 055 Peas.. . ... ........... ........... 0 50 0 055 Batter. , . 0 12 0 0 13 Eggs, ...... . . 0 10 0 012 Hay, per ton,... ....... 8 00 (0 12 00 , -LONDON, Ont, Sept 26, 1872. White Fall wheat, $1.15 to $1.30 ; red, $1 15' te $1. 25 ; spring wheat, $1 25 to $1 30; barley, 55c to 62&c; peas. 58e to 95c, oats, 34c to 35e ; but- ter, (rolls), 18-0 to 20c, butter,. (crock), 15e to 16o, cheese, 9e to 10c, eggs, 15e to 16, potatoes, per bushel, (new), 50c b 60; apples, per -bushel, (green),, 30 to 40c. Toaaorro, September 26,. 1872. Soules and Diehl wheat sold. at $1 30 - to $1 36, treadwell at $1 30 to $1 33, Flour, extra, sold at $7 25. :One car Of treadwell wheat sold at $1 35, and one of spring at $1 31 to $1 '32. Three loads of oats sold at 38e ta -39c: Bright barley sold at 69c to 71e, two or three loads - brought 72e, and dark went off at 65c to 68e. One load of peas sold at 66c, awl one load of iye at 65o.. Hay was 'infair' supply but very firm at $20 to $27, with the average about $23 50. MONTREAL, Sept. 25, 1872. Flour -Market strong, and ordinary superfines, from scarcity have command- ed some advance, Welland Canal bring- ing $6.90 ; ordinary Canada may be quoted at $6.85 to $6.90 t fancy offer- ed, at $7.60 to 27,65. - Gram ----About 400 bushchoice old white wheat brougat $1.55 ; -$1.45 bid for red winter; $1.47 for apring and treadweila Butter, choice alone in request. Cheese neglected. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. THURSDAY, Sept. 25. CATTLE, The receipts for the' market to -day, in- cluding 41 cars to arrive, have been 833 head, making the total receipts for the week thus far 4,631 head, or 273 cars, against 309 cars for the sarae ,time last week. The Marka is flat a.nd unsettled. Good cattle are off from 25e to 50 aud common from 50c to 75e. The atten- dance was good., and, about 1,200 head were disposed of. Sales 120 head 'Ohio steers, tangiag.front lag7 , to J5 11)3, a at $5 85 to $7 00' 261 head Ill. steers, ranging from-1,244to. 1,388 lbs, at $6- 23 to $6 85 ; 235 head Indian steers, rang- ing from 1,042 to 1,387 the,- at $5 25 to $6 25 ;* 60 head Mich. *Steers, ringing from 908 to 1,065 lbs, at $4. to $5 25 52 head Cherokee steers, avg. 1,550 lbs, at $5 lo ; 30 head. Iowa steers, avg. 1,153 lbs, at $5 871 ; 17 head Kentucky steers, avg. 4,04nbs, at $5 30. sliEEP AND LAMBS. The receipts for the market to -day, have been 2,600 head, making the total recoil:its for the '-week, thus far, 8,000 head, against 5,600 head for the same time last week. The market opened slow, buyers and sellers being about 50c apart. No sales to record. • NEW -YORK HORSE MARKET. TUESDAY, Sept. 24, 1872. The Horse market has been active, yet the average sales are considerably, ltehind these of the correspondingseason of the past year. We notice this par-'tieularly on account of the present being. the first fortnight of the Fall trade when a brisk demand not only for work 'horses but also for high priced coach horses has, as a rule, predominated. Dealers say there ,is too mach politics and no busi- ness, -and that a falling off in the.demaad for fine horses has at all times been a peculiar feature noticeable on the eve of an important election: There was no change in the figures at -which work horses have been sold in the Bull's Head Market, - The average prices paid for matched coach horses ranged between $1,200, and $1,500 per pair -only one pair was sold for $1,700. Very fine, stylish, and, wellatnotelied carriage hers - es over 16.2 hands high are valued from 12,000 to $2,500, but .they are very. scarce, ruid, notwithstanding there hiv- ing been some inquiry after just such horses, we have heard of no transactions 'Icing concluded. Sales at public auction held during the week were well attended, and the bidding saVsfactory a the highest price realized under the haaniher • was $1,100, which was paid for a pair of bay coach horses, 16.1 hands high; 6 years old.-- GOLD. --The price of Gold in New York is quoted at 113i. • . * THE QUANTITY of goods sold. at DUN - CAN & DUNCAN'S proves that i the place m Seaforth to get the greatest bargains, llickson's 'old stand. FARMERS, if you want to keep your feet dry, buy your Kip and Cowhide Boots at Hickson's old stand, at old prices. A very large stock of mea's, women's and children's Boots and Shoes of all sorts on hand. APPRENTICE WANTED, APPLY AT THIS OFFICE._ BOARDERS WANTED. A.FEW respectable persons can have hoard . with a private family fn Seaforth. _ Terms reasonable. For particulars apply at the Ex- aoStrOlt Office. COWS FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers for sale, by private "hav gain, on his promisee, Lot 25, conoespion 8, licEillop, TEN SUPERIOR MILCIf C0W9. The cov,is may be seen at any time. 251 - 1 JOHN HABKIRK: LAMBS FOR SALE. -POE SALE, ten or twelve well-bred Leicester 11.A.M LAMBS. The Lambs can be seen on the foam ofatheamdersigned, Lot 8, Fottrth. Con- cession, fl R. Sa Tnekersmith. • HENRY CHESNE. ESTRAY -CATTLE. CA= to the premises of the undersigned, about the middle of Augnst, one STEER coming two years old, and one HEIFER, same: age. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take them away. JOHN MeFADDEN, 251-3 Lot 2, let Concession, Tuekersmilda. ESTRAY SHEEP. ON or aboutAugust 15, from Lot -7, Concession 9, Township of Grey, five EWES and twe LAMBS One of the Ewes is black. Any per- son thatican give information that will Idad to the recovery of the above- will be suitably re- warded. ' JOHN CRERAR. Grey, Sept. 24, 1872. 251-4 STRAYED HEIFERS., TitAYEI) from the' Promiges of the inbscriber, L--/ Lot No. 13, Concession 8, Tuekersmith, on or abont the lst of August, two HEIFERS coming t•hree. (inc of them is cif red *color, and the other is red and white, yaks, white strip along her back. Any person giving stiell information as Will lead to the recovery of the aboanimale wit be initebly rewarded. JOHN McKINNON, 251-44 * * Seaforth Post -office. 'ESTRAY STEER. Cto the promises. of the subscriber, Lot 12, Con. 1, Tuckersmitita abopt Au fn 18, last, a dark red STEER, abont: tatrocnyeark. lad, The owner will please i,,pa,y charges, provelproperty and take it away, • I 250-3 P.&. SPARLING2 ESTRAY COW. QTRA.YED from the prenaises of the subscriber, L 1 Seaforth, on the llth September a young COW, nearly white. Any person giving such information as -will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. 24941 W. N. WATSON. STRAYED STEER. CIA.ME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 7, Concession 8, H. R. S.,' Tuckersmith, zrar Egmondaille, a two or thaee-yearaold ifieerared and white. The owner ia requested to prove proPertY/ pay charges, and take theatninial awaya' • " 2494 DANIEL KENNEDY Sr. STRAYED HORSE. (1AME into the premises, of tir Miderairied, Lot 16, Cian..1.5, Grey, on Monday,*Elaptaa, ' a giey HORSE, about 7 years old, The owner is request- ed to prove property, pay charges and take it away. 248*4 , THOMAS SILIELS. ESTRAY STEERS. TRAYED from Ole premises of the tmdersigned, La' in Egmondville, ons Sunday, Ana/. 18, two two- year-old STEERS; one was red, with a white line back, and the other grey, with the right hip down. Any infernaation leading ter theft 'recovery *ill be suitablYiewarded. ' • 246 GEORGE EWING, Seaforth. LONDON COMMERCIAL AND COLLEGE Telegrapliic Institute, The foremost peactical business schoofiii the Do- n -anion. Omplan of actual business transactions has not yet been excelled in Blitish, America. ,Our graduates are largelyaought after by businessmen._ Our coarse is a real business experience, introduce ing the student to a illininPre worldof trade, _and teaching bim to overcome tits3 most difficult tans - actions. Phonography and Telegraphy moat care- fully taught. Students ctln conimonce any week clay in the year. No vacations. The intending student should enter at once, or write for circular to JONES & 00../ 251-3 naoprieters, faa-aala.Pa Oat. BUTTER TUBS. SAMUEL TROTT, Cooper, Seaforth, Has on band and for sale a large number of BUT- TER TUBS, made of the best material, and uni- form in size. Apply at Cooperage, near Railway Station. 248a4 THE H, URON EXPOSITOR. 94tat tr!otitte FARM FOR SALE IN MOR IS. FOR SA.LE, on easy tonne, north hal of Lot No. • 12, Cenceasion 6, Township of Mei is, contain- ing 100 acres, 50 'of which are cloaxed, a -ell fenced, and in a gooal state of cultivation hero is on the premises- a 'good. log house unit eau. Thai farm is situated within two miles an a half of a 0,004 gravel road, and four mike and half from the village of Ainleyvillo at which lace there -will he a station of the Wellington Grey and -Bruce Railway this fall; it is watered by a never. failing stream running through it 1 • • here is 110 t/ waste land, and the uncleared port on is well timbered with hardwood; It is one o the most choice lots in the township. For f rthor par- ticulars applyto I. R. GRANT, Ainleyti e, THOS. RIIi0pLpoliffn apf30,stloyfathe,e, to the undersigned proprietor, 251 • ROBERT Me- ORDIE. ' FARM FOR SALE LOT 28, Concession 12, Grey, 100 acr s, 60 clear- ed, 40 free from stumps; good be ring orch- - ard; well watered; - good frame homn , barn and stable. The above awn is eight miles -om Ainley- ville, and the Coneesaion Line is grave led within two and a half miles of this farm. Pk ce, $3,000. For further particulars address'prepai to C. 11. 000 ER, 251-4 Land Agent, Dingle 11 st-office. FARM FOR SALE. LOT 29, Concession 6, north half, T wnship of Morris.; 100 acres, 70 cleared ; goo frame barn and house ; good bearing orchard; the above farm adjoins the village of Ainleyville. Te MI liberal. Also, lots 27 and 29, South half of C nicession 7, Township of Morris. For further pm iculars, in- quire of THOMAS WALKER, 251-4 Di igle P. 0. FARM FOR SAL LOT 17, Ilayfield Road, Stanley, nex lot to the ; Village of Varna, 106 acres, 80 do tred and in good cultivation; well fenced, mostly with cedar rails • about 5 acres of cedar on the I ; a never- faili4 creek within ten rods of the buildings; two -good wells of water; there are o prem- isesa frame barn 72x88, two sheds 4 ax26, sheep - pen 118x16, two dwelling -houses, an all other buildings needed on a farm; over 100 good bear- ing fruit trees; a row of ornamental - Tees nearly across the front of the lob. Part • f purehase money 'nay reraain secured by inert , go. Apply on the premises or by letter to ANDI EW DUN - CAN, Varna P. 0. ' 240'1'4 FARM FOR SALE BY AU0 ION. PCBsubscriber offers for sale by -P -ACC - TION, lot No. 3, in the Sinth cond ssionaof the Townahip of Turnberry, in tiro Count of Huron, on THURSDAY, 10th day of October next, at 12 o'clock. The said farm is situated on , mile ItIld quarter from the Seaforth Gravel Rod and four miles and a hall frora the village Wroxeter. Upon the said farm there is a dwe g -house 24x. 26 and stabling; there is a living stre 'm of water running through the farina abont 60 a aes cleared and the balance of 40 acres well tiru ere& Con- ditions of sale, ono -half cash down, a id the bal- ance on thne, with interest, at 6 per cent. The vender reserves one bid. For farther particulars apply to the subscriber on the pre iisos, or- to GEORGE MeKAY, auctioneer, East alwanosh. 249-4 . JAMS B 'NTLEY. FARMS FOR SALE IN MO RIS. ()NE HUNDRED ACRES, being So th half of a•-' Lot 23, 8th Concession of Morris; 7 acres clear of stumps and well fenced, the roma g 30 hard wood bush; good 'orchard of about 10 fruit trees, apple, pear, plum, cherry, peach, and ape vines; log barn 30x84 end stable; log hou e half mile from school house, n nines from gr ai el road run- ning from Seaforth to AinleyviLle 5 miles from . G. and B. miles from bind/ land, cession bf ine, cedar, n this lot. eing Crown Apply to y letter to 24941 Ainleyville. wherb a station of the Railway will be erected, this fall, and 1J Seafortla. Also 100 acres of valuabl being north half of lot 26, 8th Co Morris; there is a largo quantity of black ash, hemlock, and hard wood • No incumbenincei title indisputable, Patent for both, lots. Terms easy THOS. KELLY, on the promises, or Walton Poet Qffice. FARM FOR SALE IN MOR IS. FOR SALE, the south half of the nirth half of Lot No. 21, Concession 9, Towushi of Morris, containing 50 acres, 35 of which are neared, well fenced and in a good state of eultivatini ; the re- mainder of tho land is well tunbere with hard wood; there is also a good sugar bus ; the land is all dry and. of excellent quality; Th re is on the premises a good frame house and log arn. Also, a young orchard of fruit trees, and a ever -tailing spring well. For further particulars apply to the undersigned proprietor, on the premi es, oi, if by letter, to Walton Post -office. 249-1m WILLIAM OWLA.N. FARM FOR SAL T,OT No: 26, Con. 5, Township of -L-1 acres cleared; log house; there i of good pine en the lot, within ono re* of two good saw -Mills. • For further address WILLIAM A 247-13c • , alorris ; 50 a qu.antiby e and a half particulars, OSS, glc P. O. FARMFOR SAL DESIRABLE FARM in the Town, ley, being Lot 27, South Boundat 96 acme, More or less, 73 acres tmder remainder ,good hardarood bush; spring creek runs throngh the lot ; g with 40 fruit -beating Apple Trees; Peach and Cherry Trees ;a good frame good log • house inid stable; quality class; store, post -office, grist -mill, achool' in the neighborhood. The anxious to sell, as he intends going t Terms liberal. THOMAS TA 245-18 Proprietor, Berne P. 0., Ha - hip ▪ of. Stan - containing eultivation. iever-failing od orchard, also Plum, . 1/1111 6486; of soil, first harch and oprietor is / Manitoba. BOT, Township. " FARM ,FOR ,SAL • QOUTH RAIN of the South halt of Lot No, 24, Li Fifth Concession of the tovinshil of Morns, containing 50 acres, 85 cleared; well literati by a spring creek; good log house and 1 time stable. The above farm is only a mile and a h lf on a good road from the rising village of Ainloy ille, -where a station of the Wellingten Grey and Bruce Rail - *ay FBI be operna this fail. For pric and terms inquire (if by lett& prepaid) of C. R. CO s PER, 335 Ainleyville LandaAgeucy, Dingle P. 0. CHOICE FARM FOR S : 10 LOT NO. '7, Sixth Conceser0 being cleared and , Turnb Try, consist- ing of 120 acresnearl in a good state of cultivation. The •e is a good frame barn 55x86, a frame shed 30xt . There is also a goofl bearing orchard. Will be sold on easy terms. Apply on the premises to JAALES IsIN1Nu S . 24041 Wroxeter, July 8, 1872. rim! FOR SALE IN Y. VOR SALE, south part Lot 21, Nint • Concession, Hay, -known as the.:` Troyer Far ;" one-half mile from Zurich, on the Gravel Roa ; 70 acres 50 cleared ; dwelling -house and barn; good young bearing orchard; the land is in a good state of cul- tivation and well fenced. For furthe particulars W. G. WI SON, apply to a40*4 Z -ch, Ont. SPLENDID FARM FOR S latEING Lot 8, Eighth Concesa on, Hullett -1-1 Township, on which 80 acres are cleared- and fenced fine bealing orchard of ala nit 100 trees of welaselecteda fruit; a very large ranie barn, a small log barn, and a log house. T e farm is in excellent conditiot, chiefly lying nder grass. Terms- made very easy for ,purehaser, if required. 'If not sold within a short time the arm will be leased for a term of yeare.Anplicitibn to bo made to the propnetor on the preniiszs. 248, CHARLES 1 AWRIE. PROPERTY FOR SAT, • VIVE acres of land with a good • ame cottage -1: 86x24, and simmer kitchen, and voodshed ad- joining it; a frame barn, stable and si ed; a pump well and young bearing orchard, beim part of Lot 24, Concession 8, McKillop, and situ ted la miles Wan Seaforth, is offered fur sale. F r tonus, ap- ply to the proprietor, HIRAM • BL CHARD, 245-8* Sea orth P. 0. • FOR SALE. A VALTUBLE FARM, 100 acres, irst Conces- uL sion, Melaillop, near Seaforth, n the main gravel road. to Goderich; 85 acres ale rod and free of stumps, with ten acres of el low, the rest under grass; well -watered and fence'with large frame barn, stable underneath; log farm-honse, boftrded outside, and good orchard; pi ssessipn hu - mediately ; title good and terms ea y. Fpr fur- ther particulars apply (1.1hy lettcr, p paid,)'to 242* LUDWIG- MEYER, Sea orth 0. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN EAFORTH VOR.SALE, a house and lot „on Go erich street. -1- For flutter particulars, apply to 240-tf • M. R. COUNTER, Seaforth. HOTEL .FOR SALE IN THE Hotel at preaent occupied by ard,1Vill be sold cheap for cash. new. Possession givdn immediately. Apply to , ..kinleyville, May 23, 1872. :Twines Leon - B uadings all LECKE. 233 WHITE LEAD, Walker, 'Parker & Co. Brandrum's " Elephant 's White Lead. do. do. ' BEST E GLISH RAW AND PALE BOI ED INSEED -OILS- Sax's Heavy noine Oil • Bon's Machin ry do. Pale and Seal do. Elephant do. Virginia Lubri ating do. surElkroR BLACK MACHINERY OIL, Ry the barrel or gallon. At JOHNSON BROS., Mai -street, SEAFORTH. 777 SPECIAL 1ARGAINS IN- RY OODS FOR THE FALL TRA:DE. rl ir As usual, at this seaso of the year, mu Fall Stock is complete and is eing offered cheap. CONSISTING ,OF 'Fancy Dresses, Jackets, Hosiery, Shawls, White Cottons, Gloves, Scarfs, Prints, Grey Cottons, Wineeys,: Hosiery, Denims, Winceys, plain and checked; HoOps aud Bustles. 1 and • Shoes at less A lot of Ladies' Morocco Bags, with locks. Also, ar• riving direct from England, a quantity of Gents' Pea Jackets, Overcoats, Pants, Coate and Vests, at astonishingly - LOW PRICES, which for style and fit cannot be surpassed. A special line of Boot* than old anices. Cash Paid for Butter. _ A. G. McDOUGALL. CARD OF THANKS. WItox.Bas-n, Sept. 12, 1872. Mr. CHARLES J. DOYLE, Agent Gore District Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Galt. DEAR SIR, - You_ will please convey to the Directors of the Gore our thanks for the very prompt and honor- able settlement of our claims for loss by the late destructive fire in Wroxeter. Our special thanks are duo to Mr. R. McLean, Inspector, who arrived three days after the date of fire„ and ;adjusted our claims to our entire satisfacticn. Such prompt action on the part of an insurance company is worthy of note, and we can heartly recommend the Gore aa one that will deal justly with its policy holders in case of loss. JOHN KNPTESON, THOMAS BILLTNGSLEY, 2518 - A. WOOD. ct of 1869 Insolvent JOHN S. PORTER, Pia SING, D TTPON reading the Wri the affidavit of servic thereto of the Sheriff of do order a meeting of the named insolvent, to be h Court House in the town NESDAY, the 25th day o at 12 o'clock, noon, for th an assignee herein. Miff,. vs. PETER. DE - fondant. *of attaclunent herein, thereof, and the return he County of Huron, I reditors of the above-- ld at my chambers in of Goderich, on WED- September,1A. D. 1972, purpose at 0/pointing Dated at Chambers, this lad. dayl of September, A. D. 1872. 1 J RN DAVIDSON, Dep. j., C. C., 0.11. BENSON & MEYER, Plaintiff's Solicitor 248_2 Insolvent Act of 1869 Province of Ontaiioal TN the matter of JAMES County of Huron. j -L. YOUNG, tae elder, An Ingot', ent. On MONDAY, the 14th day of October next, the undersigned will' apply to the Judge of the said Cotnt for a discharge under the said; Act. Dated at Seaforth, this twelfth day of September, A. D. 187a. ;TAMES YOUNG, Sr., by BENSON & MEYER, 249-5' Ira Attorneys ad Litem. CASHan4 GRAIN. • JOIIN _LOGAN Begs to inform all those indebted to him, either by Note or Book Account!, that they must call and settle the same,- on or before the 1st of January next, and save expense oi trouble. The accounts and notes are in the hands of Messrs. • Logan & Jamieson; who are authorized to receive money and grant receipts for inc. JOHN LOGAN. GRAIN. On and after MONDAY, Sept. 23,1 will be pre- pared to purchase all kinds of Grain and other Farm Produce, for which I will pay the highest market price in cash, -with fair play, for any quan- tity delivered at my Store-hense, at the Railway Station. Seaforth. 2513 JOHN LOGAN. tOVES, STO-KES, STOVES. COOKING, PARLOR, PARLOR 000K, AND BOX STOVES IN G-REA.T VARIETY, FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS IN THE DOMINION, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. EVERY STOVE FURNISHED WITH SUPERIOR FURNITURE OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. JOHNSON BROS MYERS' BLOCK, 1\2.4.3:1NT-ST_, SMA,POIR.T1-1_ 'STEWART;•TTIONESON'&00. • ARE NOW RECEIVING THE Largest and best Selected Stock FALL AND WINTER GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO AINLEYVILLE CONSISTING OF IDIVY GOODS, READY-MADE CL OTHING, HATS AND CAPS, FURS, BOOTS AND SHOES. GROCERIES,' HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, &C., Which, having been bought in the hest Markets'will he sold at a small advance on cost, as we are bound not to be undersold. STEWART, THOMPSON & CO. AINLEYV1LLE, Sept. 25, 1872. • LEE. & S SWITZER,. GREAT E BARGAINS Will be offer ed for Cash. L CALL L EARLY, 1 I . FOR YOUR CE(OICE IN COTTONS, N TEAS, PRINTS, G SUGARS, DRESSES, TOBACCOES, FLANNELS, 0 RAISINS, Blankets, f Soaps, (Ste" IF ste. All must be sold without reserve. For lease of store or purchase pf stock, apply to LEE & SWITZER, - Main -street 'Seaforth, VALUABLE MINERAL LANDS AND OTHER PROPERTY FOR SALE IN NORTH CAROLINA. D. W. COURTS, of Releigb., C,. who was for many years Treasurer of that State, is authorized to sell very riluable mineral and othea property in eaid State. Among these is a tract eontaining a large quantity of 1• Hematite Iron Ore, recently discovered on the tongue of landlying be- tween Hard and Deep Rivers and on both 'sides of the Raleigh andAugasts. Air Line Railway, in Chatham County. This property is located in a, very productive and healthy section, with good Society and good we - ter, besides an abundance of coal and wood con- venient. He requests parties to come and examine the property. He refers the public to Ex -Governor H. T. Clark, of Searboro, N. C.; D. T. Bird, of Went- worth, N. 0, and Z. B. Vance, of Charlotte, N. 0., under all of whom he served as State Treasurer. APPRENTICE WANTED. A PPRENTICE-WANTED to the Wagon -mak- ing business. 21.8 afeDiTOSH & MORRXSON. FANCY ODDS & JEWELRY Bracelets, Earrings and Brooches, VIOLINS, CONCERTINAS, Violin Strings. WATCH CHAINS', Gold and Jet. ALBTJMS, ALBUMS, In great variety, From 25 cents to $10 each. R. LUMSDENI corner ihng Store.