HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-13, Page 9•-e
41xon vixpooitor,
BEAttez & Co. offers for sale the largest
- lot of fine Teas, Sugars, General Groceries, fine
Port and Sherry Wines, pure imported Liquors of
the best brands, Cigars- at all pries, of better value
and. cheaper thine any other house h Seaforth.
Their 'stock of Dry Goode, Beady -m a ao Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, 4c., are of equally
good value, having been 'very carefully seleeted in
the best markets. Give them a .call and Bee for
yourself that 1they are selling the cheapest goods
in town, at C ichael's Block, Main -et. Seaforth.
THE LARGEST stock of Boots and Shoes,
and Shoes of all sorts cheap at DustoaN
ter, Dincemes.
PROPERTY SOLD. —Mr. Thomas Fergu-
son has sold his brick cottage and lot in
'Egmondville, adjoining the residence of
Mr. John Logan., to Mr. George Sproat,
of Tuckersmith, for the sum. of Q�.
HORSE MEN.— During the greater part
of this week the village-has•been swarm-
ing Iwith horse men " of all size's,
colors, and. charaCters. The juveniles of
the village have. also had a rare time
chasing round after fast and fancy horses,
and. inspecting their manceuvres on the
Race Course while practicing.
a RIFLE MATOIL---:••The annual Rifle
Match of 'the 33rd Huron Battalion,
• commenced. here yesterday. The rain
in the early part of the day prevented
practice, and only a, few shots were fired
The Battalion is well represented, and
we expectthere will be considerable good
shooting. The math closes to -night.
The score will be published next week.
TEMPERANCE- Soceeue—The Social in
the Town Hall, on Monday evening last,
under the =spices of the Sons of Tem-
perance, of this village, was quite a suc-
cess.. iThe attendance was very fair, and
all pr4ent seemed to enjoy, themselves
heartily. An able and elocruent address
was delivered by; . Rev. Thomas Gold-
in:4th, which was listened to most attert-
FRESHEN7.D U.—The refreshing show-
ers which have fallen during the past
week have had a most invigorating effect
upon vegetation generally. Fields that
formerly looked parched and dried up
now present quite a green -and fresh ap-
pearance. . The change will be Most ac-
ceptable to farmers, and will have -•the
effect of easing their minds considerably,
as stock will now haye abundance to eat
and drink.
BUSINESS.—Business in town is be-
ginning to get quite brisk. For the past
few days our streets have been well filled
with vehicles and. -pedestrians from the
country, and business men begin once
more to wear cheerful countenances. In
order to supply an increased d.eraand, our
tradesmen have imported heavily this
fall,and we doubt much if there is an-
other town in Ontario, of the size of Sea -
forth which can "boast of so many, and
such large, well-filled stores.
RETURNE D. —We understand that Mr.
John Thompson, of Hullett, and Mr.
Ralph Thompson, of McKillop, have
just returned from a visit to North Caro-
lina. They speak in the highest terms
of the fertility of the Soil, and salubrity
of the climate of that country. Indeed,
so much was Mr. John Thompson taken
up with it that he intends to offer his
property in Hullett for sale, and remove
there as soon as he can dispose of it.
• POTATO BUGS. ---Novi • that the potato
• crops are beeonaino withered and dried
up from the effect; of the frost, pbtato
bugs are commencing to migrate. It is
a clifficult matter to keep them out of the
houses, and at times the sidewalks are
thickly dotted with them. Although
they have not injured the potatoes this
year, it is the general opinion that they
will be very destructive. next season,
and rnanyefarmers are in doubts as to
whether it will be prudent for them to
plant potatoes at alt or not.
AucoloN SALES .—There seems to he
an unusual, number of Auction Sales in
this County this season.. Mr. J. P.
Brine,. of Seaforth, and Mr. Bishop, of
Usborne have almost daily engaoements.
• What the cause of this is, it isc'difficnit
to tay, but so far ae we- can learn an over
• supply of steels,and the prospect of scar-
city of feed are the two most prominent
reasons for selling. So far, we believe,
sales have gone tolerably well. Sheep
•and horses sell most readily, but cattle
and hogs bring rather low prices, com-
pared with sales of former years,
HEAVY RAINS. —On Thursday night of
• -last week we viere visited by one of. the
.most severe thunder storms which it has
been our lot to Witness for many yeas.
• About 8 o'clock the ram poured down in
torrents, the tthimder heavy, and the
lightning almost continuous. Fortunate-
ly there was but little wind at the time.
We have not heard of any damage done
in this neighborhood by lightning, but
others- have been less fortunate. In
• many parts Of the _country barns and
dwelling houses have been destroyed by
the electric fluid, and we have heard. of
a few.individuals who have been injured.
O'Btien'e Circus, as will be seen by ad-
vertisement, will visit Seaforth on Satur-
flast the 91st inst., of this show the
_Daily Globe speaks as follows. :—" The
public interest in this combination show-
ed no diminution after three exhibitions
• in the city. On the contrary, there was
-even a greater rush of people than, usual
• to witness the fourth and final perform-
ence last evening. The menagerie had
many visitors some time befcire the cir-
,cus began. The huge rhinoceros; the
elephants, the lions, the camels, and the
finealisplay of birds, all attracted atten-
ton. A noticeable feature of the ani-
• mals is the healthy and sprightly look
• they all weal, quite different frorn the
generality of caged animals. Ti.e lions
partieularly have none of that sleepy;
sickly appearance so common in menage
elise, but were more in accordance with
the general idea of what the king of
beasts should be. The circus perform
ances excited at timeintense interest,
particularly the scenic act by IVfathino
Lowande the great Brazilian bareback
eider, performed upon four horses. This
net was really exciting '. while the
equeetrian performance of the .same gen-
tleman. along with Little Antonio, a
child, said to be only three -arid -a -half
years old, was fall of interest. Sam
Long, the clown, acquitted himself to
the amiesercent of the audience; the
feats of Mlle. Clarinda Lowancle, lady
rider, of the Victorelli brothers, gym.- 1
nods, and of Prinoe Sadi d'Jalmi, were
up to the mark
fornianee passed
the quiet but ,sle
manager, Mr. 14a
lish Eleven aceep
Mr. O'Brien to att
• and the- wide
if saisfaetorily under
llful direction of_ the
.ry Enock. The Eng -
ed an invitation from
The Seaforth ',,aces, which were to
eminence y ste day—Thursday--have
been postponed u til to day, Friday, and
to-morrow--Satu day. This postpone-
ment was cause • by the unfavorable
weather of yest rday,. the heavy . rain
making the track so soft and heavy that
horses could. not ravel over it. If the
day be .fine to -d y, however, there will
be a grand gatheii g, and good sport. The
village is alive wi li norse-men, and there
are some of the- best horses in Canada
entered for both
races. These ho
to run both to -d
_have no doubt b
to -son vesterday,• _
ed coming,- woul
by the turn take
will have anapie
appearance withi
day and to-morro
running and trottin
ses have been entere
y and i Saturday. We
t those who came to
nd otlaiers Who intend -
be mulch disappointed
by the weather, but all
pportunity of filing an
the _Driving Park to -
ret R. lateoren,
POSITOR Newspaper
daily. The pros
for the merchan
the farmer are cer
clout, Chief Engi
Grey ancl Bruce .
villo on Wednesd
tera in general as
the riilway wor
that the company
for the work of c
far as possible t
can be ran for th
this winter. Al
this branch to
some weeks ago,
few days and the
ed. The first
thousand tons of
branch was shipp
27th of August to
per Grand Trunk
fere the 1st of Oc
ley• the rails fro
the end of Neve
ed for the .run
Ainleyville, whic
spring, when the
Agent for the Ex -
d Job Printing Office.]
nun to improve. Our
fall goods are arriving
ects for a good business
s and good prices for
ainly very encouraging.
eer of; the Wellington,
ailway, was in Ainley -
y last, arranging mat -
regards the progress of
s. Mr. Ridout stated
had given instructions
mpleting the road as
is fall,. so that trains
removal of all freight
the hands that left
ork on the main. _line
ill be back again in a
r force greatly increas-
onsignment of three
railway iron, for this
d from England. on the
Montreal, and thence
o Guelph, so that be -
°per they will begin to
Palmerston, and by
er it will be complet-
0- of freight trains to
will be run till the
allasfino will begin.
W oxeter.
ranteter, agint for the Ex -
d Job Printing Oilloe.]
PosITOR Newspaper
BARN BURNED. —On Friday morning
lost. about one o' lock, a barn belonging
to John Millin,in he Township of Turn -
berry, on the B uetale road, about a
mile and a half uth of, Wroxeter, was
struck by .lightn ng. The flames so n
spread, and the 13 ilding with its couteitts
was_consumecl. 'stimated loss $1, 2
insured in the A ricultural of Lend n
for $450.
• The
at Mr. William 0
on Wednesday, 2
to the stock ment
20.veey superior
afford s a good op
wish to purchase
Week Mr. Willia
smith, sold. afar
concession, L. R.
'Tames Rouat, of
'$3,800. There i
Orch.ard on the fa
ever, good fame
the land is of the
Solomon Willis
—There will be sold
esney's Auction Sale
d October, in addition
oned in the sale bills,
eicester ewes. This
ortunity to those who
rst-class sheep.
]GED Harass.— Last
IvIcCaa, of Tucker -
Lot 27, on the 5th
., 100 acres, to Mr:t
tanley, for the Sum Of
no house, barn nor
on. There are, .how-
heds and stables, and
choicest quality. • Mr.
Tuckersmith, has also
sold his farm, Wh.ch is situated on the
town -line betwee i Tuckersmith and. Hib-
bert, to a gentleman from below Kinos-
nell, for $4,000. The
, Thereure good out-
od orchard on it, but
We believe Mr. Willis
ving to Seaforth. •
ton, = named McCo
farm is a choice on
buildings and a g
the house is log.
contemplates rem
the ,chunder stor
• Thursday last, t
the farm of Mr. T
of Morris, near
lightning, and b timed to the ground.
s were also destroyed.
ruble insurance on the
but still the loss vrill
on the evening of
e barn and sheds on
mill, of the township
yth, were struck by
Theentire conten
There was consid
buildings and cro
be heavy.
• II wick.
Timeo states that Mr. -Jeramiah Belclan,
of Howiek townshfp, was. severely in-
jured a few 'days ago by an enraged bull.
It appeers lthat as he was driving a
neighbor's Dull out alone of his fields,' the
animal became enraged and attacked
him, throwing hini into the air, and that
after he fell, the Animal charged him
with its horns fracturing his collar bones
and injuring several of his ribs. The
bulls' horns were tipped with wooden
knobs, else Mr. Beldan would undoubt-
edly have been killed.
• BARN BURN ED. -4 barn belonging to
Mr. eh hii McKenzie, of the 14th conces-
• sion of West Wawanosh, was struck by
lightning on Saturday -night last. In a
moment after the shock the entire build-
ing was enveloped in flames. The barn
contained the entire crop of the season,
all of which was destioyed. The loss is
very heavy, and.there is no insurance.
the evening of Thursday last, during the
severe thunder storm the dwelling house
of M4. John Gillespie, of Wawanosh, was
struck by • lightuing. Fortunately no
very serious damege was • done. The
lightning came clown the stovepipe, open-
ed. the house from eop to bottom, tore up
the floor, Moved the cupboard oat of its
place and broke all the dishes. Al-
though two of Mr. Gillespie's sons were
elesping in a chamber close to the stove-
pipe they received -so injury. .
• Jamestown.
Wednesday last, four gentlemen arilvecl
in Jamestown for the purpose of Pur-
chasing a mill site. The affair was soon
settled.'They leased 2 acres of land from
James Simpson foi 21 years, an.d will
out up a steam saw mill immediately.
FIRES.—This section of the country is
suffering severely from fires. The swamps
are burning in all directionso.and fences,
hay stacks, and buildings are not exempt
from its destructive ravages. One man
--Mr. 'Youn
necessity of w
while he hac
between the
1 '
Morris hos sold his
Concession, containii
gentleman from Sco
Bariihill, The price r
There are about eig
this farm, good built
orchard. Mr. Rowl
to the States, whei
COUNCIL MEETING. The Council met
on the 31st ult., , at ti e Tewn Hall, pur-
suant to acljournmen from last meeting;
all members present; the Reeye in the
chair. The minute of last meeting
were read an 1 appro ed. Moved by D.
Scott, seconded by W. G, Hingston,
'That the Clerk be i structed to adver-
vertise in the HURON EXPOSITOR, and
• also hare nofices pri ted'and posted, ac-
cording to linw, that t the next meeting
of this Council, the intend to sell part
of certain streets in Ainleyville, known
as Alexander and C tharine streets, to
John Govenlock—C rried. Moved by
W. j. Johnston, secon ed by J. It. Miller,
That the following accounts be paid,
viz.: W. Rands, $2 for improving hill
on Concession 6 oFis leigh & Gerry, $5.-
50 for lamps and oil 'or ball; Jackson &
Halliday, $17 50 for able and chairs for
hall; N. M. Living tone, 30 cents for
broom for hall; Ed rd Nichol, 75 cts.
for mending scraper ; Thomas Smith, $5
for plan and specific tion of hall.—Car-
• ried. 1Viovecl by D. Scott, seconded by
W. G. Hingstori, T at By-law ‘„ o. 3,
authorizing tae coll ction of $276.43
for Coufity prrposes nd $402 for 'own -
ship purposes be pas ed, and that a rate
of five mills on the dollar for County
purposes and i one mi on the dollar for
Township purposes b levied and collect-
ed on all rater.ble pro erty in the Town-
ship.:—Carried. Mo ed by W. J. John-
ston, seconded by J. . Miller,- That By-
law No. 4, authorizing the levy of school
monyea, as now read, be passed.—Car-
• ried. Moved by W. G. Ilingston, sec-
onded by J. R. Miller, that this Council
do now adjoutn to meet again on Satur-
day, Oct. 19, at the town hall. --Carried.
W31. CLEGG, Clerk.
—was 1under the painful
tncssing his fence burning
to staid on the defensive
fire an 1 a couple of hay
Mor is.
I ichael Bowlan, of
farm, Lot 21, 9th
g 100 acres, to a
land named John
ceived was $3,000.
ty acres cleared on
ings and a bearing
n intends removing
e he will- take up
Ea Wawanosh.
A NARROWESCAPE. During the storm '
on Thursday evening of last week, Mr.
Robert Currie of Ea
a very narrotS escape
by lightning. It see
o'clock in the evenin
was at its he ht, li
yard to cover a bee h
engaged was- Struck
•kenclered insensible.
, on the ground in this
two hours before he
ly to make his way in
farmer named Legga
the 13themacessit
was struck by lig tni
standing in
Thursday eve
to shy the bui
in East Wawa
last. Aman
bought a farm
Smith, and
quite du, anc
ing to rake a
however, see"
Kay's likino,
home .if they
This started
Smith and M Kay g
Smith got ra her th
immediately r n to t
vest was, and get hi
told McKay h was.
way, and mad a plun-
cut a gash so e five
the forehead. z ext the
in which he t his
of the wounds are su
tal.—New Er ' •
t Wawanosh, had
from being. killed
s that about nine
, when the storm
went out to his
ve, and while thus
y the fluid, 'and
He remained. lying
condition for about
overeel sufficient -
the house.
x belonging to a
t, who resides on
East Wawanosh,
g and killed while
stall." of the stable on
ing, th 5th inat. Strange
ts uninjured .
ding w
An ug
osh o
y the
of a
y affray took pace
Friday afternoon
ame oi McKay had -
an by the name of
. were
boys were assist -
d bin( . They did not,
to do the work to Mc -
and he told them to go
could not rake cleaner.
he ma ter, and at last
t to blows, but
worst of it, and
e fence, where his
knife, and •then
ot to get off that
e at McKay, and.
aches loog arcamd
brain, and another
rm body. None
osed to be naor-
ad sone oats that
COUNCIL Mi.ETING.—Councij mot at
Patton's Hot le Ethel pursuant to ad-
; journment fro last meeting.',..Members
present; R eve in the chair. Minutes
of last meetin road and approved. The
following acco ints were presented: W.
R. Wilson 6 erapers, $6.50 each, $39;
James Taylor, cutting down hill on Con-
cession 4, $1 ; Alexander McDonald,
repairing bride, Concession 3, $8; Wm.
Bishop, plank for bridge on Conceseion
5, $2.60. M ved by A. McDonald,
seconded by L. Slemmon, That the' fore-
going accoun be paid and that the
Reeve make o t debei tures for the same.
—Carried. B -law aothorizing the levy-
ing of one mi
ship purposes,
orize the levyi
ent year read
Williamson, se
That the Ole
passed at next
sume and ope
Lots 34 and 35,
also between
sions 8 and 9,
wide ; and th
tices required.
ceseory public
ried out—Ca
Strachan, seco
D. Stewart b
the current y
.the Clerk pre
and have then
handed over.
Williamson, soi
That the T3y-l'
rnent of D. Ste
lia,mson, secon
this Council
1 on t
and al.
g of sc
d pas
k prep
0_ nce
ots 2
said ro
t he al
tion of
ided by
ar, sal
are th
sign c,
w ratif
art as
d. M
ed by
rant •t
of $75,
school, as they are unable
out assi3tance. —
McDonald, sec -
hat the Council
again at Dame's
edu esclay, the
No. 9 the sum
building a new
to start a sch
Carried, Mov
ended by J. Sti
now adjourn
Hotel, Cranbr
16th day of Oc
e dollar for town-
o'By-law to auth-
ool rates for pres-
ed. Moved by T.
y John &radian,
re By-laws to be
, of Council to as-
lic road between
sions 8 and. 9, and.
• and 23, Conces-
ds to be four rods
30 pest up the no-
nd have the nee -
such By-laws car-
MoVed by John
S. Slemmon, That
ted Collector for
ry $80, ami that
necessary bonds
before the roll is
Movecl by T.
by A. McDonald,
ing the appoint,
Collector be now
ved by T.
• Slemmon, That
trustees Section
to assist- them in
ol wit
d by A
o meet
olc, on
ober lie
J. R. GRN', Clerk.
McKillop, has
16, Concession
Robert II. Fer
term of five yea
—Daring a tb
last, the el eetri
ses of Mr. Hira
cession of the to
and instantly.,
while she was
chamber windoN
t —Mr. John Dunkin. of
ented iis farm, Lot No.
14, 'At eKillop, to- Mr.
son, 4 neighbor, for a
ncler-storm on Monday
fluid +tick the premi-
1 Bass, in the 7th con-
onship of Edwardsburg
illed a young woman -
• the Net of shutting a
• to keep out the rain.
Mr. Bass's haus was struck with sue
viol nee that all the windows were cpmplet ly smashed the -bedding set on fire
and the walls ecked.
-44 a meetng a few days since, i
ProVeucher, Maoitoba, a hot discussio
betve6en Attorney -General Clarke a,n
Riel ended Clarke's challenging Rio
to fight a duel, I Mons. Riel respectful
ly - ec 1 in ed
-4The Rev. James Pringle, pastor o
the First Canada Presbyterian Church
Brampton, who recently sustained
sev re fracture of the sh.oulder by a run
Lima team, and the following day ha
his stable and house burned, was o
Tuesday, at the close of the prayer meet
ing, presented with $230 as a tangibl
expression of the sympathy of his peopl
and many friends.
—A steam, roller is now employedii
levelling some of the newly macadamise
streets in the nerth- eastern part of th
city of Toronto.; We commend this im
proved iinplement to the attention o
those who have eharge of the Norther
graVel road between Seaforth an
—An Ottawa exchange in complainin
of the dearth cf household servants it
that city says it is 3oinething distress
ing —to house -keepers at least.. Wage
are offered from $4 to $8 per month. ir
one street of priVate 'residences. no les
than nine families are without doraesti
Mr. Meadows, a cheese manufac
turer of West Zorra'has sold. a quanta
of cheese to Mr. Wm. Marshall, o
Stratford, for 12i cents per pound.
The'Guelph Turf Club have mad
arrangements for a Fall Meeting, to comff
oon their race course on Thursday an
Friday; the 26th and 27th of this month
when several handsome purses will b
A: VERY FIN'S assortment of Dres
Goods and Wineeys cheap, at Hickson'
old stand, DuNoA.N &DUNCAN'S.
Fail Shows;
Western Fair, at London, on Tuesday
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Oct°
bee 8th, 9th, 10th, and llth. .
S3uth Huron, at Exeter, on Thursda
and Friday, October 3id and 4th.
North Efurone at Blyth, on 'Cumin,
and Wednesday, September 17 and 18.
Tuckersmith Branch, at Seaforth, o
Thursda,y and Friday, September 19t
and 0th. . I
II llett Branch,' at Clinton, on Thurs-
day nd Friday, September 12and 13.
, Stanley Branch, it Bayfield, on Wed
n esd v., October 2nd ,
T e Provincial Exhibition will be held
at amilton In Monday, 'Tuesday,
• Wet nesclay, Th rsday and Friday, Sep-
tem er 23, 24;2 , 26 and 27.• '
R wick Bronx, at Wroxeter, Wed4
nesd y, October ! nd.Ct lross Brandi, at Teeswater, Tues-
day, October 12th.
G ey Branch, at Ainleyville, Tuesday,
Oct. 1st.
0 tral Fair, at Guelph, on Oct. 1, 2,
3 an 4.
Ono and Wallace, at Listowel, on
Tuesday, Oct. 81
North Perth, at Stratford, on Thurs-
day and Friday, Oct. 3rd and 4th.
Hay, at Zuricl , on Tuesday, Oct. lst.
„, i
_UTE LARGEST tock in. town of Tweeds,
Flannels and Blankets, an Hickson's old
Pursuant to a do ree and final oral& of sale,
made in {6 certain ca se, now pending in the Court
of Chancery, wherein one ADAM DANIELS is
plaintiff and MARY ANN CARTER is defendant,
will be Rola in one 1t by PUBLIC AUCTION, by
Mr. JOSEPH P. BR NE, auctioneer, at
t 7
In the Village of SEAFORTH, with the approba-
tion t.31 Henry MacDermott, Esq., Master of the
Court of Chancery at Goderich, on
FRIDAY, the 20th day of SEPTEMBER next,
At 12 o'clock noon,
The following property, that is to say:
All and ningnlar, ihat certain parcel or tract of
land and premises, Rituated, lying and being in
the village of SeafoeLth, in the County of Huron,
being composed of let No.:208 on Huron street,
in the said -Village elf Seaforth, in the County of
This lot is situate on the principal street lead-
ing from the 'Market to the Station, being a corner
lot, upon -which is elected a frame dwelling.
There will be an t: -alit price of $820.
Tering` of Sale—T n por sent. of the purchase
money at the time o sale, Red the balance in one
week thereafter with ut interest.
In 4her Particulties, the conditions of sale will
be the standing conditions of the Court of
Further particulars of the conditions of sale may
be had at the Law Office of Messrs. Benson &
Meyer, and of the au tioneer, Harpurhey.
Dated thie 4th dayl of September, 1872.
Master at Goderich.
8-2 Seeforth, Vendors' Solicitors.
Cilnrer a d Timothy
I -
tile, 9th, 1.0t and 1 ith Oct.,
1 •
- I Will be a,
All eutri es to be ma
arded as Prizes.
e by the 281h September.
Coope , Seaforth,
Has on} and and for Bele a large number of BUT-
TER TUBS, made of the best inaterial, and uni-
form in size. Apply at Cooperage, near Railway
t talon,
SEPT. 13, iq72
, %tit gotate tor ofalt.
LOT17, Beedield. Road, Stanley, next lot to tht
t Village of Varna, 106 apron 80 cleared and ix
good culeivation ; well fenced., mostly with eedna
)* 'tails; about 5 acres of eeflar an the lot; it never
failing creek within. ten lode of the buildings
1 two good wells of water; there are on the emus
ises a frame barn 728, two sheds 40x26, sheep
• pen 468x16, two dwelling -h011800, and all othei
bnildings needed on a farm; over 100 good bear
P bag lialit trees; a. row of oretonental trece neatla
' across the front of the lot. Pare of purehas
I money may remain sceurtfanby reortgage. Apple
mise.oso.r by lt.ttle,' to AN1)-tollw 11) A,."
.6 ocnANth,ovparernal •
THF., subscriber offers fo giale by PUBLIC AUC•
TION, lot No. 8, in the Sittli °once:Wou of the
) Township of Tunaberry, in the County of Huron,
1 on THURSDAY! 10Lh day of October next, at le
odslock. The Hind farm Jai situated olio mileancl a
quarter from the Seaforth Gravel Road and foul
i miles and a half frana the village of Wroxeter.
t Upon the said farm there is a dwelling -house 24x
26 and stabling; there is it living streaen of watel
' running through the farm; about 60 acres edeared
- and the balance of 40 aores well timbered. Con-
: ditions of dale, outehalf cash, down, and the het -
i' • se• : pueEnpe oicleyen0rnGt ormetsi mtmehreave K A.e, 81 v is uoyhtieost ii ' lbu boil dtetbir. ro ellogl'one 'oo' rra" thIf ltio6ar stiht) perrewormaeiwseleiHiparticularsotoe
: 00;1811ELotl 218,118:thpaglyo:nupcelsAesuGioRenli8:Mhboeerrinreigmairans
wood bush; good orehard
• apple, pear, plum, cherry,
% log barn 8084 and stable;
from school house, .1i =ilea
• ning from Seaforth to
Airdeyvillewhore a station
' Railway will be erected this
• Sealorth. Also 100 acres
being north. balf of lot
Morris; there is it large
: bleak ash, hemlock, and
, No inotimberance title
1• .Patent for both' lots.
' THOS. KELLY, on the
Walton Post Oillee.
;13 7°0116ahgerli8
of about 100 fruit trete:,
peath, and grape vines;
log house half Mile
from grayel road run-
Ainleyville, 51emi1ett from
of the W. G. and B•.
fall, and 14 miles from
of valuable bush land,
26, 8th Concession of
quantity of pine, cedar,
lined wood on this lot.
indisputable, being Crown
Terms cagy. Apply to
premises, or by letter to
249 -ti
• VOR SALE, the smith half of the north half of
1 -1-- Lot No. 21, Concession 9, Township of Morris,
containing 50 acres 85 of which are cleared, 7011
fenced and in it good state of cultivation; the re-
mainder of the land is well timbered -with hard
wood; there ie also it goOdhingar bush; the laud
is all dry and of excellent quahty, ; There is on the
premises a good frame house and log barn. Also,
, a young orchard of trate trees, and a never -failing
• spring well. For further *particulars apply to the
tuidersigned proprietor, on the premises, or, if by
letter, to WaltonTost-oftlae.
249-1ro. ••WILT:TAM ROWLA.N.
T OT No. 26, Con. d, Township of Morris; BO
-1-' sores cleared, log house, there is a quantity
• of good pine en the lot, within oho mile and a half
of two good saw -mills. For further particulars,
address • WILLIAM AMOSS,
247-18o ..._ Dingle P. 0.
• A DESIRABLE FARM in the Township of Stan-
-lel- ley, being Lob 27, South Boundaryecontaining
96 sores more or less, '78 acres under cultivation.
remainder good hardwood bush; a never -failing
spring creek rans through the lot; good orchard,
with 40 fruit -bearing Apple Trees, -also Plum,
Peach and Cherry Trees; agootlfrarne barn, 66x36;
good log house and table;svality of soil, first
clam:; store post -office, grist -mill, church and.
school in tlie -neighborhood. The Proprietor is
anxious to seta as he intends going to Manitoba,
Terms liberal. THOMAS TALBOT,
245-18 • Proprietor, Berne P. O., Hay Township.
QOUTH HALF of the South
la" Fifth Concessirn of
containing 60 acres, 35 cleared;
spring creek; good log
The &boy° farm is only it
road from the rising village
station of the nVelhngton,
way will be opened tlus fall.
inquire (if by letter, prepaid)
835 Ainleyville Land
luilf of Lot No, 24,
the township of Monis,
well watered by a
house and frame stable.
mile and a halt on a good
of Ainleyville, where a
Grey and Bruce Rail-
For price end terms
of •
0.11. COOPER,
Ag,ency, Dingle P. 0.
LOT No. 7, Sixth Concession, Turnberry, coneist-
-• ing of 120 acres. nearly 100 being cleared and
in a good state of cultivation. There is a good
• frame barn 55x36, a frame ehed 30x60. There is
else a good healing orchard. Will be sold on easy
terms. Apply on the premises to
. • JAMES 1311/1X3.11u S.
Wroxoter, July 8,1872. 24041
V011 SALE, south part Lot 21,2Thath Concession
• -1-• Hey, known as the " Troyer Farm;" one -hall
mile from Zurich, on the Gravel Road; 70 acres;
50 cleared ; develling-house and barn; good young
bearing orchard; the land is in a good state of cut-
tiyation and well fenced. For further particulars
• apply to • W. G. WILSON,
. — Zurich, Ont.
• T OT No 5 Conceseion 15, township of Grey, con-
-A-4 taining iilnety-six acres, seventy acres °leered.
Apply to • M. MeDERMID, Harpnrhey.
Or to JOTIN StlaratItS, Grey.
• 239
TEAT valuable Property, situated on Market
street, opposite J. I3roadfootn Planing Mill,
. Seaforth, consiating, of a lot, excellent dwelling -
house, stable, 4c., at present occupied by Mr. Ar-
mitage. Terms liberal. Possession given at the
end a Outober next, For further Particulars,
apply to - S. DICKSON, I'. M.,
247-4 Seaforth.
BziNG Lot 8, Eighth Concession, Bullet
Township, on which 50 items are cl red and
• fenced ; -a fine bearing orehara of abou 00 trees
of well-seldeted fruit; a -very large e barn,
a small log barn, and a log home. The f, em is in
excellent condition, chiefly lying under grass.
Terms made very easy for pun:tumor, if required.
If not sold within a short time, the farm will be
leased for a teri of years. Application to be
made to the proprietor on the premiees. .
•-FirVE acres of land with a good frame cottage
-A- 86x24, and slimmer kitchen, and woodshed ad-
joining it; a frame barn, stable and ehed ; apwnp
well and young bearing orchard, being part of Lot
24, Concession 3, Moltillop, and situated 14 miles
from Seaforth, is offered for sale. • For terms, ape
ply to the proprietor, HIRAM BLANCHARD 7
245-8* Setiforth P: 0.
A VALUABLE FAIIX,•.100 acres, First Conces-
•' -1- :don, McKillop, near Seaforth, on the main
gravel road to Goderich ; 85 fierce cleared and free
of stumps, with ten tuxes of a fallow, the rest
• under grass; -well watered and fenced, with large
frame barn, stable underneath; log farm -house,
boarded outside, and good orchard; posuession im-
mediately ; title good and terms easy. For fur-
• ther particulars apply (if by letter, prepaid,) to
• 249 - LUD1VIG MEYER, Seaforth P. 0.
FOR SALE, a house and lot on Goderich street.
For further particulars, apply to
240-tf M. R. COUNTER, Seaforth.
Tire Hlitel at present occupied by James Leen-
-1- ard, will be sold cheap for cash. Buildings,all
new. Possession given immediately. •
Apply to X. LEORTne
Aiuleyville, May 23, 1872. : 233
FOR SALE, in the -Village of Harpurhey, neer
Seaforth a a -welling -house and lot. There is
on the premises a .good bearing Orchard, a never -
failing well of water: also a good work -shop and
stable,, together with all other necessary out-
buildings. The house is frame, well finished and
pleasantly locatedc For terms and other partici]:
, tars, apply to PETIall McCONNELL, Harpurhey,
or to the undersigned proprietor, Heapurhey, 13r
Seaforth Post-Ofnee.
, 248*18 JOHN REEDY.
"E'OR SALE, CHEAP, it good Skeleton SULKY.
1. Apply to WM. GRAS SIE,
247 Wagortinaker, Seaforth.
VOR SALE, ten or twelve well-bred Leieeeter
RIM LAMBS. The Lambe can be seen on
the farm of the undersigned, Lot 8, Fourth Con-
cession, H. R. S., Tuckeremith.
1..J 0 _A_ s
itavind' purchased a large stock of the most
fashionable, handsorae and substantial
Clcths, Hats and Caps, ,
and Gents' FUrniPhings,
Suitable for the Fall Trade,
Will sell at
10 PER CENT. Lower than Formerly,
For Cash and Cash Only.
• Some, of the latest novelties -in HATS and CAPS
of width he has the largest, cheapest and best
stock in town.
Some Very Fine Scotch and. English
'Which, when well made np, look superb.
. Clothing made to order, as usual, nothing but a
good fit allowed. tie leave the store.
Remember the spot, Duncan's Ohl Stand, Mein: -
street, Seaforth.,
N.B.—There are a number of outstanding ac-
counts, a 'settlement of 'Which would be d.u.ly
To the Public of the Ihitieh: Provinces of North
T BEG niosis respectfully to acqueine the public
-a- of the British North Ameriean Provinces that
in it'isy, , 171, I calmed the bueiness at 80 Maiden -
Lane, New York, for the sale of Ifellowan's Pilis
and Ointment, which were up to that time pre-
pared by William Brown, now deceased, to be
closed. I regret to say that I have reason to
know that the management of the late buiiness,
hat' for some years, in many ways, been most cor-
rupt, and it ENV be that the Mlle and Ointment
were not prepared with the care I ham always de- -
sired. Theme who do not -wish to be aeceived by•
bueing sputionsmedicines, which. STO BOW likely to
emanate from the States or elsewhere, to possess
themsolven of the geenine Holloway's Pills and
Ointment, main-dm:tiered by me in London, Eng-
land, will an -well to SOU that eat% pot end box
bears the British Goeennnent stamp, on which is .
engraved the words, " Holloway's Pine and Oint-
ment, and that the addrees on the label is 588,
Oxforel-street,Lonclon, where only they iene manu
featured, and in no other part of the world. The
retail prices are en the labels in lieitiala zurmney,
and not in dollars and cents. No represent:die:0
of mine will ever trseel through any part of the.
,British Provinces or the United States'either to
sell or to take orders for any Pills and Ointment,
and as I haye Teason to believe that attempts will
probably be road. to deceive the publio in this way
by persons callitig upon medicine -renders, falatily
representing that they are acting for me and with
my knowledge and eonsent, I deem it advisable to
put the public on their gusted against any such de-
ceptions. I most earnestly entreat all those -who
may read this advertisement at they be pleased,
in the public intereet, to communicate the purport
of the same to, their friends that they may not be
deframled of their money by jeuzclutsing, perhaps,
worthless imitations of the genetine Holloway's
Pills and Ointment. I would Ask, as a great fayer,
• that, should it oome to the knowledge ot any per -
gen that sparious medicines are being made orsold
in my name, lee be pleased t• send. nee all the paa-
ticultun he can collect respecting the ;tame, that is
to Hay, the name anti address of the vendor who is
selling the epurforts medicines, and likewise the
name and eddreas of the House in the United
S tates ex* elsewhertewhiek may have suppliedthem
so as to enable me, for the protection oa the pub-
lic, to institute proceedings -against such evil- -
doers, !Ma I engage to remunerate very handsome-
ly any pOSSOn who may give me such information,
the informant's -name never being divulged.
Should any person have reasou to believe that lie
has been deceived by buying spurious imitations
of these metlicines he will do well fa mod Inc, in
a -letter to the addtess lnt eot (which he ean do at
cost elf six cents in postage); On* Of the books of
instruction which are affixed to the same. 'prom-
ise to examine it and send a tepee', stating -whether
the medicinee nee genuine or not, ee that, if spu-
edous, he may apply to the person from whom he
purchased them to have his money returned.
Chemists and Druggists 'who desire to obtain the
medicine.s ean be supplied et the lowelat wholesale
prieee, in quantities of not less than $20 worth—
viz., 8s. ad., 2?,s.am1134s. per dozen boxes of Pills
or pots of Ointiumat, net, -without diseount, for
whicli remittance must be sent in advance.
I have the honor to be,
With greet inspect,
• 553, Oxford street, (lat3c24-IStri8tHOLLOWAY,
• Oct.1, 1871. 240-26
n,EMAINING uncalled foron r.th SEPTEMBER,.
Armour, Mrs.
Armour, Miss G.
Beatty, Misu 11.
Britton, Jno.
Collins, Mr.
Cook, 11.
Christy, Geo.
Cannily, John
Frost & Wood,
Gordon, Mrs. E.
Howard, Mrs. A.
Mahafty, James
Miller, Thomas
Moffatt, Robert
McDonald, 11. -
• McDonald, Miss M.
• McLean, Jinn
McDonald. jam es
McLoughlin. Willi=
MeInto`ele, Wm.
Robertson, Geo.
- Seymour, Wm.
Sear), John
Stenzel, john
Snell, Jno.
Steel, A. J.
S. DICKSON; P. M., Seafornh
Notice to Patrons of Innis= and Sea -
forth Cheese Factory.
A LL THOSE who have not received their money
d -d- for May and June milk Can get it by rallhig
at Logan & Taxclieson's Store, where may books are
kept. W. S. ROBERTSON.
MEN t q cut Cordwood, Rails, Cedar Posts and
Saw Logs. For further particulars apply to •
the undersigned, on Lot No. 11, Concession 8r
0-404ftalig .11
VOLVIIE 5:410. 424
• 1:11-110LX 140 2.541).
Q Oge SIKALLE, M. B., phy,1
N.). 4e., Graduate of Termite Una
ate Coroner for the County of Hu,
-nAvn) mrrcriELL. M. D,, Grit
rie. College, Phyeicien. Sere;
IcINI31111c,Oerr.—0010er of the
()Mee end =sill:mete at Thompson e
W. B. aSMITH, neesinsit
• Oeftee---oeposite Scott Robert
• gain street, Seafortk.
University, Montreal,
geon, etc. Office and Residence—Ye
• Market and High. streets, next to
• -1111. CA.MPBELL, Coroner for Ile
and Residence, over Corby e ese
eseeet, Seaforth. hiloturriteL
day, and all day Baturaai.
i0 ihc in:bi--tants of -Seneorth it
ti-liroc3;gtiktilatrlYekn' npers.inj-leis family, tote
... /or some time in this place, hes
a pouncing to the public, that throe:
vidence be has been perardtted te
rooms fornterly eceupied by him,
•MeDougall's Store, Main street, wh
perinaUeUtTYtO reneain, and will be
his oid patron -1f end as nanny new el
him with a eall. All operations pa
ing o4thoeiltetutre8)71stylee.ee
o be fo7oLaLr0:81_mt(i
T Ib LEET, Solicit-a/01111031h
e poiuted Agent ler the Colonial
pally of England, he is also Agseg..
-vate Capitalists of Toronto, nine
'eery reasonable rates Interest.
Charges Moderato.
Wingh •P'111 Dec. 18, 187L
torneys at Law, Solleitors
Insolveney, Notaries Public ine
Solicit -ore for the 11. Ca. -Batik, Sea,V,
-the Canada Life Assurance Compa
N.13.—$30,000tte lend at 8 •en
Houses and Lots tor tale.
TIENSON 4- MEYER. Barrie-tei
st Law, Solicitors in Chanter
Conveyeamers, Nottaies
forth and Wroxeter. $23,000 of 1
• Invest at ()nee, at Eight per tent.
(-1-0M10ER0I1L HOTEL, Mtge
ANNETT, Proprietor. This
entirely new management and ha
renovated. The Ber is suppliet
Liquors and Citrala. Gooa Stabli
lifeestlers. 1 Firsteclass Livery ir
-A• I• . MeCITTCIIRON, Peopti
azeommodation for travellers,
Plied with the very best liven 1'
stabling atteehed. The stage
every day for Winglaaan.
1. Office—At Mnerey's Hotel, •
Horses and first-claes Conveynnet
quiet Horses and Firet-Class
on hen& Conveyances fornish.e:
'Travellers on reaeonahle ratme.
ode JOE
-R-P -Good Horses and Conefottabi
on hand. Favorable Arrangers
'Commercial Travellers. e.11 onn
Howl., will be promptly attend...
remex's Hotel, Main tatreet,
- 221 T1-10YAS BE
• (Meneleer of the Ontmeo
begs to intimate to the %bah
and eurrounding eoentry, thet
°Mee in Seaforth, where he laity
actually or by letter, on the Di.ses
tic, ete. Thrving received eedn
educationotna having been awl
of the Vetexinany College of Ont.
leas every eonfitlenee of 'giving
who may employ him.
Tio Veterinary Collecre; Prole"
Thorburn, Dr. Bowel, and —V
Veterinary Medicines voitstan
Ali nails promptly tat
OfficS—Caereichaire HetelaSeal
" V. S., bees to annottnce tet
Seatorth and surrourelhel 00
been awarded the diplonia t
ary College, and is now propene
of Horses end -Cattle and all del
has -opened an office in eonnect
shoeing shop, where he will be
tend to tulle. Diseases- th
tended to Ilesidenee, *filet et
e/ Killomn de Ryan's new stow
erintav Medicines kept eon
-Charges reasonable.
Cranbroolte Grey P. O.
moderate terms. Commissions
Conveyaneer, Land, Loan ant
Also, Agent for the followin
Huron and Elie Loan Soeiety,
and Mechanics' Savings nual.‹
to Boyai Ineuranee Corapar
London, Fite and Life Onta
B11/1111P0 Company mid the MI
Company, Any amount of Int
Tates of interest. Several
0 R. COOPER, Convey:Inc:
pneen'iz Bench, Insurante
Agent for the Freehold Perm
Savinge Society of Toronto, n
as any Company doing bueinea
cations fee- Loans promptle- ate
JOHN 1IRIGH1M, F.:ethane
• way Tioltet Anent, Heinen
43-. T. Itailwev Station, Seen
Tiele.ets iesned to all points in
California and Red Itivereatre:
the greatest farilities to Emig
infawnittliorn given respecting
Greenbarke. 'Bonds. Conpone
Gold and Silver Coin, bought,
Is buying and payiee
In any oniantitie
A Ny 0 It D LOT
Brought to 4A
1(13R ONE Mi
Co ericlost., Seeforth, jute