HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-13, Page 8Plated Ware, AND OTHER 3ENT WHOIXSA.t1 PitIGES WHITE LEAD. LED -OIL, HS' HARD ARE TER, Fresh and Dr* (1141 & CO,'. 8 WEEK = SEWER ROBES, !IT COVt.1{,S, SKrRTS, Laman Shawls. a,OVES, HOS. KIDD, SEAFORTIL p y Seaforth, mt of PIPES, La"1 Pipes, &e. 'AT6HES, L . txsuar MPORIUM. ,reby thanks his numerous - re/ country for their liberal 1lat five yea.rs, and hopes business to merit their con-- llie future. He also wishesllpepaed ta pay '.'ST CASH PRICE paantity of good H EGGS rpred at the MPORIUM _ ET, -SEA_FORTIL- D„ D„ WILSON. ,com's CC DEPOT tARE, Sra-FORTH. L o inform the public that I hi a premises and is pre - r the highest price for any* MB- EGGS, r bin -Ines& Fee on EGGS. - W.M. MALCOM. 225 & PAPER :on hand a splendid lot e AND GILT ritDING Lot a Straw" ;-G PAPER, E, CHEAP. uy as it is on the rise. C. ARMSTRONG. 221. TO LET. Block, two commotliona. tat. Apply to Gi-t.EY& 110LMSTED. TO LET., PlIS in Meyer mook to a�. Apply to BENSON ec. RIMER. f PT. 1872: The Oiretua. A manly boy asks lain ques- n, to Which he wants us to give an honest. answer, .Here is the question': 'De. you think it would be. wrong for me to attend a &ells t' 'fere is our answer 'We certainly thirt slot,y ww7ldr.'its its our 'correspon- dellt Answer 1 Because the circus is au entirely unprofitable entertain - ' Meat. It does the looker-on no good whatever. 'It puts no useful kattwledge int e his brainit awak- ens no worthy ambition, It quick- - ens no noble impulse. It is an utter waste of time to attend _Answer 2. Because the °from, is positively tniurions to him who at_ tends,it. It always shocks, and so' . far enfeebles, the nervous sYstena. N. performances are rarely free from - vulgarity. It Always lowers one's taandard of true character. It often excites evil passions. Answer 3. Because the circus ' is usually carried on by !bad men. Every thing that is mean and base it likely to be found in connection with it. Gamblers and thieves and other vile people find it a profitable place for their iniquities. The per- formers are usually people of bad character. Such is their, general reputation that no respectable man would marry a woman who had been a circus actress; and what man would give his daughters in mar- riage to a clown or other circus per- former? We are told 'tat there ate exceptions,' that 'sopa times circus actors are decent people Rem em ber that they are except'ons. What, then, are the majority? What must he the tendency of the institution? The Money a boy 'gives to a circus is so much of a contribution to a, great social wrcrig. He w'..ao helps it on is a partaker of its evil deeds. We know that our young friend may say.: But. some respectable people in our place: go to the circus.' muali the worse for them ; but -.11 foolish deed because eerfornaed by a 'respectable' man .dbes not/ thereby becorae right. aeipectability' as it is &led, does a great many foolish, hurtful, and wicked. things. 'Re- spectability' sometimes gets drunk, but getting drunk is not a respec- table thing. Now we do not believe that it can ,ever be made 'respec- table' in any -good sense to attend a circus. We would have our readers belong to that truly 'higher class' of people who never do anything unbe- coming the Christian character—a kind of 'respectability' very ranch . needed in this woxld of -ours. The child who sacrifices his de- sires to attend a circus, and who spends the 'day in. innocent amuse- ment, or in some way by which a -other people may. be made happy, will not enjoy himself any the less at night, but will find in the self- -.sacrifice, self-restraint, and the peace of a good csnscience, 'vastly ,raore genuine pleasure than the boy who attends circus and theatre at will. Let boys enjoy themselves. Let them have plenty of sport; they need a great deal of it.* But let them select sports whieh do .noten- courage vice in others, which do not - inflame the imagination, pervert the 'conscience, or enfeeble the will. S. Advocate. • • A Sabbath in Scotland. A correspondent .of the 'N. Y. Evening Post writes—' We have just passed through a' Scotch Sab- bath, and firmly believe that Moses would have been content with it, to its least particular. And it is more respectable before God and men, than the bull -fighting, horse -racing, •drum -beating, and the cafe -lounging Sunday that furnishes so much recre- ,ation to the jaded people of the 'continent. The only wonder is, that those nations which enjoy those seasible distractions don't become -stronger and better for them. But when our Scotch Sabbath came, it .sealed up every door in silence,. and snatched in every errant, sportive child accross the threshold, as watch- fully as if the land was Egypt and the day that dreadful day when the 'destroying angel was abroad. The only interruption to all this was when the hour for public worship came, and then that general populace which in a French town. can be seen at the theatre, was here. seen at the church. Every seat was filled, and the deep, serious impress as of a hundred. Sabbaths was upon the whole congregation. No man-made music was offering its attractions No hymns even of man's framing -were sung; oniy words of certain men, who spoke as they were mov- ed by the Holy Ghost. No trained 'singers charmed. us. The grave precentor alone led these metrical devotions of the assembly. But Burns tells us that, compared with such melody as this—and perhaps it may be so-4Italian trills are tame.' The sermon was not a great one, but it was upon a subject suited to the place—OhIist woupded for our 'transgressions. The sight was irn- Pressive, because it showed a people that could be drawn together and ,kept together by the simple preach- - ing of the gospel. WCL c but regard this Scotch Sab this Scotch church service a ing triumph of John -Knox the Reformation he establis A Strange Practic John GtIvin commenced studies at five or six in the reading and writing in bed f together. If business requii to go out, he would rise an bat, on his return, again wen As he advanced in years, h little with his ownhand, bu ed to secretaries, itarely hairi sion to make any corrections times his faculty of corn would fail a then be would bed, attend to his out -door d days, weeks and months t and not think of writing felt the power had returned. be Would 6 to bed, send for retary; and resume his labo uld not eat' and a strik- and of is daily orning, r hours ed him dress,' to bed. wrote dictat- g occa- Some- osition uit his ties for gether, ntil be Then his sec- . ' New Houses and Sickness. Dr. Hall notes the factthat many persons Sicken and die after rnoving into new houses; others after sleep- ing in somebody'sspare rooland traces the cause to poison in he pa- per on the. wall. In one case foer children in one family sickened and died one after another; and it was found that the paper. on the wall contained three grains of arsenic to every square foot. Curtains, car- pets, and wall paper having a green color, should be avoided. HeAvY SuerEes.—Supper should be taken about dar14and wh n the nights are short, about suijtdown. This will allow sufficient tiine for the food to digest before r4tiring. The stomach should haVe lest at night, as well as the: ether rgaits of the body'. Heavy suppers isten.d the stomach, inapede the respi ation, oppress the brain, cause disturbed sleep, horrid dreams; nigh-mae, and in many cases sudden death. to • - Use of Fruit., Instead of standing in fe r of a genetous tconsuniption of rip fruit, one should regard it as d‘e idedly conducive to health: The ve y dis- eases, says the Country Gent man, commonly assumed to have their origin in -the free use of all k d of berries, apples, peaches'c erries, pears, and melons, have bee quite as prevalent, if not equally d struc- tive, in seasons -of scarcity. There are so- many erroneous noti ns en- tertained of the bad effect o fruit that it is quite time a counte cting impression should be proem gated, having its *foundation in co mon sense and based .on the common ob- servation of the intelligent. o one ever lived longer, or freer fro n the attacks of disease, by discardi g the delicious fruits of our country On the contrary, they a& very es ential to the preservati,on of healt and are therefore given to .us at th time when the condition of the body, opeiated upon by deterioratint caus- es not alwa ys co En preli end ed, re • uires their grateful, renovating influences. Unripe fruit may cause illne s, but fresh, ripe fruit is always hea thful. BUSINESS CHANG MHE UNDERSIGNED woul beg „1 most respectfully to inform his nume a us ens- tomers and the public generally that he s sold out his whole stook of Dry Goods and Gro cries to WILLIAM LOGAN and ROBERT J. iIESON, who, I believe, will give good satisfaetio who may patronize them, as they have got the stock at a very low price and on re sonable terms. With many thanks to all [ay 0 atomers for the liberal patronage I bavo.,recei ed since I first commenced business in Egmottd a and Seaforth, and -hoping the same patro . and more may be extended to the young firm of LOGIN & J.AMTESON, I remain, Yours, very truly, JOHN LO AN. Special Notice to the Members of t e Sea - forth Mechanics' InstitUte. W.54 eIREAS a number pi Books belon g to. -the T T Seaforth Mechanics' Institute are lost or miss- ing, owing, it is believed, to the lemenc of the former Librarian, in not enforcing the es and regulations -of the library prefixed to each volume, the said rules' ancl regulations -will he ter be strictly enforced against iilldelinquentLs.th ariiyourd.er of the Directors. WM. N. WATS N, P. S.—The numbers of the books ami sing are 174, 412, 43, 45, 88, 91, 120, 142, 146, 158,, 91, 204, 207, 212, 218, 223, 240, 303, 328, 337, 340, , 383, 24,200. Any one Unlawfully detaining a y of the above one Week after this notice will be pr scouted. as the law directs. 246-3 It. MUST D'SJ 'KING OF OILS, The best eXte 'al rem- edy for Rhef I atism, Sprains, Wound Bruis- e. and every co i ceivable sore, oldor new. Giveit a trial. Also, the VIATOR For all intern I pains, ••-&c.; and if you ,want a gelivslitetir PILL • To remove bstrue- tions of the Liv , Stem - ',97a sob. and Bowels, Dyspepsia, Headache, Cos veness, do., try Mustard's Anti -Bilious Pills • Or if you require a Safe and sure remedy fo Worms USE MUSTARD'S DOMINION WORM ANDY. If yon have Catarrh, Cold iu the Head, N:uralgia, or Nervous Headache, nse Mustard's Catarrh Specific, which will seciim relief at once. - • Full directions accompany each of t e above preparations. Sold by druggists and dialcr8 in medicine generally:, Manufactured by 234-'26 H. MUSTARD, Ingersol , Ont. rl MONEY TO LEND. THE undersigned has $3,000 and tiny -1.4m:de, to loan, at 8 per cent. per , Farm e epsissued: .AUphpaity-gteos moderate. 227-52':- W. G. WILSON private um, OIL arriage urich. , H RON EXPOSITOR ALL GC.�1i S JUST RECEIVED .LOPAN .IJAMIESON Black 13roadcloths,i Black Doeskins, Heavy Overcoating Tweeds, Full Cloths, Satinettes,, Waterpro FLANNELS, WINCEY SHIRTINGS, WINCEYS, HEAVY DRUGGETI G. fs, DENIMS, SHIRTINGS, TICRINGS, JvANS. WINDOW HOLLAND, TAB/Li LINEN, TOWELLING, DRESSED HO UNDRESSE IRIS Prints, Ginghams, Bleached Cotton, Factor,', Cotton Y FRENCH MERINO, ALL -WOOL POPLIN PLAIN REPPS, FIGURED RE PS; PLAIN AND FIGU D LUSTRE,.. N. Fancy Dress BLACK SILK White Counterpanes, Colored do. . Blankets, Domask• Table Printed Wool Shawls, Jackets, Corse Glove overs, do. BLACK VELVET TR,IMMI G, ' COLORED • Do. BLACK SILK FRINGE, COLORED Do. FANCY TRIMMINGS, FINGERING YARNS. KNI1TED SHIRTS AND D AWE Scarfs, Ties, Our Stock of BOOTS & S OES Will be found seco nd to none in t Wr have also a full Stock of GROCERIE trade. FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL SALT, de. At S. BOBER 1 SON'S OLD STAND, MAIN STREET, SEAF RTH. 99 9_ rrMA_S,_ , 1 CHARLES .WILSON, MAIN TREET, • A FINE 9 9 9- SEAFORTH, SIGN OF THE 999, Has tad received STOOK OF TEAS, Which he will sell foi due month 4 REDUCED PRICES. '$1. Tea fpr 75cts., 75ct. Tea for 50cts. Splendid Young Hsonen, at 40cts. Remember this is gen, e, and now 1 the tine to get CITTIAP TEA. T_TC1-13.13,S_ A large stock of Light and Preserving Sugars cheap and good. Groceries f all kinds, and fresh, LIQUORS. The best in the market, Wholesaled Retail. — _ el ALE AND PORTER In bottles and 011 draught, always pure and fresh. Highest prices in cash paid for Butter and Eggs, at -CHAS. WILSON'S: N. M. LI INCSTONE Offers Ir sale the balance of HIS STOCK OF TWEEDS AND FLANNELS AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES, FOR CASH. He invites inspection and comparison with any in the market. • N. M. LIVINGSTONE OF/PERS F011 S,lq,E MUSCOVADO, REFINED, CRUSHED AND GROUND LOAF SUGrS.RS of the finest qualities, and at prices which cannot be beaten. N. M. LIVINGSTONE offers the balance of his large stock of GREEN AND BLACKI TEAS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Finest quality imported at isp. per lb. N. M. LIVINGSTONE offers for sale 30 lbs. Prunes 'for one dollar, 20 lbs. Currants for one dollar, 20 lbs. Rice for one dollar, 12 LBS. RAISINS FOR ONE DOLLAR. ; — N. M. Livingstone has just received a large lot of COTTON GRAIN 1BAGS AND COTTON WARP, CHEAP FOR CASH. Wanted, any !quantity of butter, eggs and wool. 240 STEW -1W, THOMPSON - IS THE LACE TO GET THE BEST VALVE ANIJ LARGEST SELECTION OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, OOTS AND SHOES, &c., IN .AINLEYVILLE. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF READY -MA E CLOTHING, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, . IMPORTED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND, Which will be sold; 15 per cent. less than usual prices. AINLEYVILLE, May 22, 11372. STEWART, THOMPSON & CO. ORGANS AND IELODEONS. At Dent's Cheap Dry Goods Store, Seaforth. Airlt. DENT is now agent for two of the best makers in the Dominion, Ira practical musician, -;-!"- understands -these instruments thoroughly, and wont sell a poor one. life can sell you an instru- ment at any price, from the lowest to the highest, and on the very best terms. Cheap 1 He keeps a good 'variety on hand to select front, at his ry Gods an.d:Millinery.Establishrnent, Seaforth. That is the place if you want a good instrtunent cheap. • Every ;Instrument arranted by the maker jor five years. FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FURNITURE, GO TO JOHN STAUFFER'S AINLEY VILLE. Sign of the Two Bureaus. JUNE 18, 1872. 237-52 CABINET-MAKER WANTED. WANTED a first-class Cabiuetrina.ker, to work TV at piece -work; good wages. J. STAUEVER, J. P. BRINE, T ‘ICENSED AITCTIONEER for the County of -A-4 Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the Country. All orders left at TILE EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. 198 FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TNRIAN LINE OF MAIL STEATFRS SAILING -A- from New York, EVERY THURSDAY AND EVERY SATURDAY, Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, and the Continent, at as low rates as by any other line. JOHN G. DAT, Agent, 15, Broadway, N. Y., or JOHN SEATTER, Seaforth. • 230 STOVES, TINWARE AND COAL OIL. jrRS. NVELLNEY has just received a large stock of Cooking, Parlor and Box Stoves, of the best manufacture, which she can sell as cheap as any in the trade. TINWARE, of every description, kept constantly on hand and made to order. Also, Stove Pipes, Eave Trougbing, etc. Custom -work promptly attended to, and outside work will receive every attention. COAL OIL. A large stock of the very best Coal Oil kept con- stantly on hand, and will be sold wholesale fuld retail. Remember the place, Carmichaers Block, Main street, Seaforth. Parties indebted by note or book account are re- quested to settle immediately. Rags, wool -pickings, old iron, brass, copper, etc., talcen m exchange for goods. 197 — 0 t-4 ONILS3A IVH S1:N3W31dN1 z - C) ‘0 2 0 2 to 0 'S Cd�A4 HURRAH FOR 1*172. WM. AULT, MAIN STREET, SEAVORTH, TTAs ON HAND a superior stock of FAA/aril GROCERIES, embracing Teas of the best brands, Sugars, Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery and Glassware, and every other article usnany kept; in a first-class Grocery Store. PROVISIONS, Such as Flour, Oat and Com -meal, Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, every description of PEED, . Such as Oats, Peas, Bran and Shorts., all of which will be sold cheaper than the choapest. PARill PRODUCE. The highest market price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main street, East side, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 218 WM. AULT. A Cheiruical.Food and Nutritive Tonic. LA- —Without phosphorus no thought, say the Germans, and they might add, no action, sinee. phosphorus and its ,compounds are known to be the motive power of the nervous and muscular sys- tem. They constitute more than half the muter- ial of the human body, being found in every tilt - sue, and their presence is absolutely essential te nutrition, as they promote the conversion of the albumen in the food into fibrine, which is the vit- alizing agent of pure, healthy blood. They are now coming into universal use in Europe and America in the treatment of scrofulons, consump- tive and venereal diseases, which aro caused by impoverished or poisoned blood; and in diseases of women suffering from irregularities, obstruc- tions and exhaustive discharges, in pale, puny chil- dren, and that condition of nervous and physical prostration resulting from bad habits excessive use of stimulants and tobacco, and all!that train of evils known as a fast life. The great reliability and prompthess in its effects in immediately and permanently restoring the devitalized constitution' has made Du, WH 10,5ITtER'S COMPOUND ELIX- IR OF PHOSPHATES AND CALISAYA a great favorite with the physicians and public. Sold at $1. T EETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. CARTWRIGHT. L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist, extracts teeth Nvithont pain by the use of the: Nitrous -Oxide Gas. Office—Over the Fountain of Fashion, Mr. Powter's store, on the Market Square. Attendance in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday ,o1 eaeh month ; in -Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the time efi his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to ca/I, if at Sev.forth and Clinton, on the first days of at- tendance. Over 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by the use of the Gag. at Dr. Colton's offices, New York. 203 DANIEL MeGREGOR, Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seatorth, TTAS just received a large Stock of the materials used in the business, and is now fully prepar- ed to execute, on the shortest notice and in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOKS, OF ANY XXIM, Itnled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prices which defy eoMpetition. Ladies' Work Boxes & Fancy Cas0,1 Mae to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS Bounden(' repaired at cityprices. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the "Signal" Book Store, Goderich, or, at the "Expositor" office, Seaforth, or at J. It. Grant's A stating style, may rely upon them being well bound. All communications addressed. to the undersign- ed, will receive prolapt attention. DANIEL McGREGOR, Seaforth, (Harpurhey.)