HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-13, Page 6• • • ; ri8 187 _____Nnesseeeentak rar i839 Mr. An- si-as; en a tour -with it of magic throng. in. July, 1859, he -NOt knee bi time he appeal - a the theatre„ whe -- at. two Englishin as undet'steral -to .ronet,- were being eating at the Court rdiAgly went to the t the trial was just Aso prisoners, Toth krthur Orton, were fed on, their acquit.. of ftiead8 outside . He joined them, ftt We -S. Tom de Cas- .doulg, and that he. Orton was also be - Dation Ste:tacitnt_ taReSathe GailOWS rig- linneelf. ha was to be hang in' cheating the ng himself to -death. tearing of a ase of maelausetts a few there we belit4e t suebeed, and was igiish confrere was His name (was 1 he was sentenced turder of a woman. Sex ott the 1st )ra that moment he Ls food, and died on be hane-ed, which Lugust. c'It seems trong man, in. gooci only twelve days In the first night the prison did not any determination, .t- prisoner to refuse appetite had mere - for the time being of the sentence. t day, however, stently refused to [ the governor 0311,- e surgeon to surgeon, advised d to the breakfast day, arid if he still a. determination to ans• shordd be taken Contrary to expee- geon, he held out, cled 10 bring the to requisition: 'CT p eau had conducted re- sullenness than at he saw the sur- adants at the door the stomach -pump I, and swinging it ore he would knock af any one who at - enter his cell. They t bay for some tune, . vbo has been in al.,. nu. watched his op- eized the prisoner and body and _pia- . the surgeon and icceeded in placins, itrument down the riding 'himself haf- ts not to allow the merit, he now be - violent, and work- in so ferocious a interior of his ed so much that d it useless to at- iump again. After boots were remey- RiFied to him ; far, ie was in, it was 'Make use of them. iolence. Oa the indeed 613. every elace, the Geyer- [ck induce him to sent to his own d bread and but- - 1. This was also „hag just a staci- a to moisten his 'but leaving the He died on• the trangely enough to be only' slight- tilyAttuelanaent st things about a ave lived happily sader the old roof- ering to distant s. piace as they [e, to years of ma - i the case that in e of business, let- naore infrequent, and sisters will lose sight of each, red ties are much slightly severed. witile to write pense is so triff- ly be an excise 'Arcle thus wide- / a curious but reWping informed slfare. The two re first of each part of a page on :ining the prinoi- nth, and this is ed to the family ue member of the ike contribution, he next, and so rete is complete. irenlar goes its a year, and each • . ° ivr13 1872. _ • a one is kept well informed of the -Os, sorrows, plans and pursuits of °them Family gatheringSaie tient in such households, and the 0Id home -attachments nevi grow Bolls in particular, away froth home, are apt to grow very neglect - of Ieder-writing. Oh, if they • ew how many heart -aches such neglect often causes to the loving west that 'Allowed their tired heads •inchildhoodi they would not bo so • tholightlesk. If they knew the joy at a letter brought„ and could see hew its lightest words were dwelt oyer and talked over by the fireside, they- would not be so sparing 'of the Menages. Are not SWIM of us sadly armars in this particular 1 AUCTION BALM Saturday, Sept. 14, at saw mill on 4th concession; Hay, 60,000 feet of Lumber, _esadait Posts, Farm' Stock and. Imple- ments. N. & T. Carrick, proprietors; Bishdp, auctioneer. •-Monday, Sept. 16, on Lot. 14, 12th. aeacession, Grey, valuable Farm Stock. • SIenurion, proprietor; J. I'. Brine; auetioneer. Wednesday, Sept 18, ona, Lot 4, Con. melCillop, • Farm Stock and Imple- 2 mats. Thomas Murray, proprietor ; J. I. Brine, auctioneer. Thureday; Sept. 19, on Lot 6, Con. 14, Grey„» Farm. Stock and Implements. Gilliam Alcock; 'proprietor. - Saturday, Sept. 21, on Lot 23, Con. 6, Usborne, Farm. Stock and Iraplementa. Robert Mowbray, proprietor ; A. Bishop. auctitsdneer Tuay', Sept. 24, on the farm of the -late Alexander Cameron'Lot 34, Con. 1, It Huron oad, MaKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. J. P. Brine, auctioneer, Tuesday, Sept: 26, on Lot 25, Cona2, MeKillep, Fat % Stock and Imements.. Richard Cluft proprietors',T. P. Brine, auctioneer. Friday, Sept. 27, on Lot 35, Con. 1, L R. S., Tuckersmith, Farm Stock and Implements, John IVIeLagan, proprietor; J. P. Brine; auctioneer. • . Friday, Sept. 27. on Lot 21, Con- sion 3, Usborne, Farm Stock aha. Im- • plements. James Miller, proprietor A. Bishop, auctioneer. Monday, Sept. 30, on. Lot 19, Con. 14, McKillop, Farni Stock, &c. Wm. Bell, proprietor.; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Wednesday, Oct. 2, on Lot 10. Con. 4, • H. R. S., Tuckersmith, Farm 8tock and lements. Wm. Chesney, proprietor.; . Brine, auctioneer, • sonsiullestaa -BIRTHS. Molagon. —In McKillop, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. Angus McLeod, of a daughter. BaRaoar.—.-In Clinton, on the .IOth inst., the wife of Mr. R. ,A. Barton, of a daughter. NEARRIAElES. Ronnzsear —Vexes. —By Rev. Charles Laval, M. A.. at the Wesleyan Par- sonage, on the lOtli instaaat, Mr. a Samuel R'OliinsOn, of to Miss Frances Crich, of Tuckersmith. DE A.T318. HARLARb.—In Clintpn, on the 5th Sept.. 18-72, at the _residence of his brother, Mr. Wm. Harland, Thomas Harland, aged 52_years; ° . HALLS-----At-Elimville, in the Township of Usborne, on Saturday, September 7th, Philip Henry-, only remaining. • of S. P. anct C. -Halls. aged 3 months and 4 days. MeNAns.--At CranbroOk: Township of Grey, on Friday, September 6th, JOhn, dearly beloved. son of Alexander and. AgnesarciNair, aged 7 months and 22 • days. VAN EassaNns--.--At Seaforth, on Friday, 6th Septeraher, David Richard, son of • Mr. A. G. Van Egmond, aged 17 that the former would bring 6.60 and the latter $6.20. A slight mo eniodt oc- curred irceatmeal ; at lot of. 100 brie. sold at $4 5Q f o c There IT pot)iing done in wheat, except on the s ret; but buyers could •re y be fou ii d. Oats were firm ; one car of No. 1 so d at 40c. on track.. There VMS no harlek offered, but we should consider it to '.e steady. No peas were offered, and they remain nominally unchanged. Bran, we under- stand, could have been bought at $13.50. Retail.--ahere were about 600 of wheat sold on the 8th. Inferior fall. ;Wheat off at $1.20 ; good at $1.30, and old at $1.35. Spring • was steady at $1.28 to $1.29: Of oats there were three loads a new sold. at 38c and-ols »a 40c. Abput 500 bush. of barley were in. Dirk sold at 63c, and bright at 6,0 to 70c. Receipts of hay were prettyair; and. prices firm at $24 to .$26. traw also was fairly, abundant and prices uechang- ed at $9 for locale,- and $15 lor oat -straw' in sheaves. • . • • _ MONTREAL, September 1 1872. Flour --Receipts .700 brls. market active and buoyant with a fat business reported ; 100' brls. extra Sole itt $7.50 - and $7.60; 100bils. _fancy t $7.25 ; since Change lower ; yesterday, about 5,000 Welland Canal super w placed at $6.35 to $6.40 ; • ordinary Canal& may be quoted at $6.40 with limit d sales; strong very scarce and prices i nge wide- ly, No. 2 taken at $5.75 to $6. 0 the lat- ter for choice; fine meets slo sales at $5 to $5.15 ; lower grades tiiIi nd nomi- snal. : - Wheat—Car lots of white elaced at • 1.46. . Peas—Strong car lots sold. a 90c. Provisions --Generally uncha ged. Butter—Choice meets ready sale ; but ordinary and, poor finds no fav ir. Cheese --Steady at low rates • ALBANY LIVE STOCK - ' WEST ALBANY, Bssys.s.—The market open last week's prices, with a mor supply. The attendance el b 'good, but as no - reduction in p be • obtained only a »limited. rade was done. There -was a marked improve- ment the quality of all g ades this week, good cattle being more bundant. A few Texan cattle were o ered, and realized good. prices, as they ere supca rior to any of that class- previ usly seen in this market, -and several ' g. od mixed herds found'a ready Sale. Bu ,ers, how- ever, think the prices asked much too high, and consequently • • not buy more than they absolutel • require. Prices are about the same as - ast week, for choice beeves„. but heavy nd droop- ing for common and media with a downward tendency. -Several sales were reported at a reduction of -fro ic. to lc. per Ib., and it is not improba le if buy- ers continue to hold. off a fart er reduc- tion will be reported. to -m rrw. We quote the following sales :-1, 25 lbs, at $7.40 per cwt.; -16 do. doaay. 1,200 lbs, atifc.; 17 do. de'ay. 1,300-1 at $7.,30 per cwt. GeorgeS. Moore, 18 111. steers; 'ay. -975 lbs, at 6c. Williiin L Gearey, 26 Mich. steers, ay. 1,137 1b, at $6.30 per ewt.; 10 do do, ay. 1,037 lbs, at 5gc. Sm AND LAMBS. —An increased supply, with a light demand gave the market a downward» tende car. *Good sheep are still aCirce and co si and full prides, but common grades-, nd lambs have declined ie. per lb. he feeling prevails in this, as in the cat le market, that prices are too high for b tchers to make anything like a fair pro 't pu their purchases, and consequently uyers are holding off with. the view of fi rcing the prices down. -Prices for sh ep ranged. from A°. to and» for lamb from 54c. to.910. We quote the 'folk) ing sales: :—George Dillenheck, 121 St te lambs, aaa..68.1bsa at 90.; 112 0,anad. av: 70 lbs.. at Qc.; 70 Canada sheep d lambs, ay. 60 lbs., at '61c.; 20 Can da lambs, ay. 58 lbs., at 7ic.; 81 Can da lam.bs, as. 67 lbs., at Sc.; 26 Can a lambs, ay. 50 lbs., at 7c.. 114 do., a • 69 lbs, at, 9Ac.; 60 do. -ay. 62 lbs., t 81c. ; 50 Cinada lambsay. 70 lbs , at file. • - • Years. agaista' THE MARKETS. SEAFOIITH, Sept. 12, 1872. There is as yet not much doing on our market, the fall trade seemingly being longer in commencing this - season than usual. Quotations for grain are gradual- ly gainfl: up, but the prices don't seem to have yet gone sufficiently high to tempt sellers. During the eaily: part 'of the week there were aev-era1 loads in,_ but for the past two or three days there have not been on an average, over three or four • loads of grain a day on the market. The quality of the grain , which has come forward, is said. to be -good; and stands weight well. Potatopp. are likely to be rather scarce this season." Most of • those brought to market yet have been very small. Apples. are generally of good quality, and judging by the sup- phes generally in. market, they are an abundant crop, although they meet with ready sale at good prices. We quote: Fal1Wheat... ... . . .............$1 DO to 1 20 Spring Wheat. - ........... 1 10 to 1 16 Barley_ 0 50 to 0 55 Oats. „ _______0 80 to 0 85 . 0 50 to 0 60 .... 0 12 to 018 Eggs— .......... ... . . 0 12 to 012 Flour ....................»6 75 to 0 00 Hay. . ............ ;10 00 to 12 00 Hides.... . . .. . ......... .... 5 00 tO 7 50 Sheep Pelts._ . • 0 25 to 0 50 Lamb Skins... . . .. . 0 50 to 1 00 Calf Skins, (veal) per lb.,.... .. . .. . 0.09 to 0 10 Salt (retail) per . .. 1 00 to 0 00 Potatoes, (new) per bushel.... 0 40 to 0 50 Dried Perk—Bacon....... . . 0 09. to 0 10 Dried . . 0 15- to 0 16 Tan Birk _•....... ... . _ 825 to 825 Oatmeal. .. 4 00 to 5 00 Apples per bnshel..... 0 80 to 0 59 TORONTO, September 11, 1872. English advices to•day showed anoth- er advance in grain. Reel wheat rose id; white 2d ; corn 3d. and peas 9d. A special despatch dated .on Saturday says that floating cargoes of wheat off the coast were then very firra, and, cargoes on passage in good. demand. Most of the country markets were the turn- dearer. The weather was fair in the !United. - Kingdom. Montreal to -day was active and buoyant. New York was firm. Chicago was irregular, and. Milwaukee quiet and steady. There was very little business done in the Toronto mirket. In flour there was one lot of extra sold for a prke equal to $6.95 here, and another at $7. No movement in fancy or _No. I super was reported, but we should .say A.RKET. ep. 11. firm at abundapt 37,1 wits ce could Lerch & Barnes. 230 Canada 67 lbs., at 8c.; 230 do, » a.v. 8/c.; 70- J.°, ay. 66 lbs., at 8 - ay. 65 lbs., at 8c.; 30 Cana 110 lbs., at 6c.; 22 Canada la lbs at 9c. a Iluah Carton, lambs, ay. 5 lbs., at 84c.—A1 • LIVERPOOL. 0 0 co 00 w S. D. S. D. . D. S. D. Flour.— .. . ... . „ 8() 0 80 0 0 0 80 0 Red. Wheat 12 8- 12 8 2' 9 12.10 Red Winter • 12 6 , 12 .6 2 6 12 6 WhiteCorn 12 9 i 12 9 2 10 13 0 . , Barley t 8 0 8 » 6 3686 28 6» 28 6 9; 29 0 Oats..,... .. 3,0 8 0 8 0 8-0 ; Peas... — .. . . . . . 88 6 -118- . 6 :. 6 39 8 Pork ' • 52 6 52 6 2 6 52 6 - Laid. 41 0 40 .9 A 9 -40 0 lambs, ay. 6 .lbs., at c.; 199 do. .sheep, ay. bs, iv. 71 00 Canada gas. A FULL ASSORTMENT of mens' and boys' Felt Hats, some very cheap, at DtracaN &.Diria0AN's. GOLD.—The price of Gold in New York is quoted at 113. COLT FOR SALE. VOR SALE a three-year-old hors colt, sired by -12 "Waxwork." Apply to THOS. S.F.LLY, Lot 23, 8th. Concession, Morris. 24.944 CARRIAGE•MAKER WANTED.- 1-ATAmTND, immediately, _a good cpraiage-maker, to work at either light or heavy work. To a steady man and good workman liberal wages and constant employment will be given. »pp1y to JOHN BRUNSDON, Londesboro, 249-4 NOTICE - • jS HERE13Y GIVEN that the Municipal Council of the Township of Morris will, at their next meeting (19th October next), pass -a by-law em- powering them to sell that part of Alexander and Catharine streets which bound iota 112 and 113, Halliday's survey, Ainleyville, to job n Govenloek. - TOWNSHIP OFFIcE, WM. CLEGG, Morris, Sept. 6, 1872. Clerk. NOTE STOLEN. •_ A NOTE given to me by JAMES MILLS, of jamestown, for 0.5, and dated August, 1872, and payable six months after date, was stolen from me on the night of WEDNESDA.Y. Sept. 4. I hereby caution any person from buying the above note, for payment has been stopped HUGH HILLS/al, Grey. Ainleyville, Sept. 5; 1872. •.;149-4 • 14otte.on the Shortest Notite FALL GOODS, NOW IS TH A larg HOFF ir • FALL 'GOODS! TIME FOR CHEAP GOODS. portion of Fall Goods have arrived at AN BROTHERS' CH AP CASH STOR, Which were bought efore the advafce, and will be sold CHEAP for cash on1. • THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT • 4a - Will be open for the trade by the 20th September, with all the • • • • NEWEST FRENCH A.211) AifEl?ICA.AT ,STYLES. NEW, GOODS arriving weekly at HOFFMAN BROS.,' MAIN.STREET SEAFORT 11. • DYE STUFFS. BE very best quality of all • kinds of DYE STUFFS, at !! R.*LUMSDEN?S, Corner Drug Store. FANCY GOODS &.JEWELRY AINTJEYVILLE LAND AGEiNJOY. frig snbsoriber having establislted an Agency -A" for the Sale of Farm and Villa, e Lots, which he will advertise (weekly) and gen on Commission. TEEMS of Commission or any particulars con- cerning lots advertised will be made known - on 1:170trunPli;a,tiedondr,esifeedby letter prepaid, and enclosing • C. R. 060PER, Dingle P. O. • .`• • 44.,",".••••••7••••••••••7»•.- • • Bracelets, Earrings and. Broocies, VIOLINS, • CONQERTINAS, Violin Strings. WATCH CI -PAINS; Gold and jet. ALBUMS, ALBUMS, In great varlet , From 25 cents to 10 each., • * R. IV Cc ASDE rner Dru Store. Insolvent Act of 869 JOHN 8. PORTER, Plaintiff, vs. PE ER DE - SING, Defendant. TTPON reading the writ ofattachment herein, the affidavit of service ther of, and he return thereto of the Sheriff of the C unty o Huron, I do order a meeting of the credi ors Of 'o above- named insolvent, to be held at my ch bors in Court House in the. town of oderich, In WED- NESDAY,.the 25th day of SeP ember, .. D. 1972, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the pm ose of ppointing an assignee herein. iDA.VrDS Dated at Chambers, this 8d day of September, A. D.1872. JOHN BENSON & MEYER, Plaintiff's Solieitors. Insolvent Act of Province of Ontario,TN the matter County of Huron.. J YOU 'CI-, the An On MONDAY, the 14th day of Oct the nndersigned will apply to t e Judge Conrt for a discharge under the said Act Dated at Seaford', this twelfth day of A. I). 1872. JAMES OUNG, • BEN SOla • & ME .249-5 His A tallies ESTRAY CO STRAYED from the premis Seaferth, onthe.11th8ePi0) nearly white. Any persou givi as Will lead to her recovery »will 249-tf ., C. H. 248-2 869 JAMES lder,- solvent. ber next, of the said epternber, r., by R, Litem. PUBLIC NOTICE. voTIcE is hereby given that the undersigned '4" I have this day entered into Partnership as Millers and Produce Commissioll Merchants in »the 'Village of Seaforth, under the name, style and firin of JAS. P. KENDATIT4& 00. • [Signeda J.S. P. -KENDAL, •MARTIN CHAiLESWO1tTH. JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. Beg to state to the Farmers, ProdUce Merchants and Dealers of the County of Hnion that they have purchased from Messrs. SHEARSON & CO. the Mille known. as the Seaforth Mills, and will hereafter canyon the same. All Kinds of Grain Purchased, - As formerly, And the Highest CASH PRICE .Paid. FLOUR exchanged for WHEAT. Farmers desiring to exchange can rely upon getting for their Wheat No. 1 Flow. FLOUR DELIVERED in any part of the Vil- lage free of charge. The undersigned, having had the entire working management of the Mil for the past time years, patrons may rest assured that they will receive the same satisfactory treatment and as good -work as formerly. JAS. P. REND.% & CO. s of the : bscriber, ober. fi» y rung COY,' g such » ormation e suitablerewarded. W. N. ATSON. . STRAYED STEER. Ct into the premises of the sub eriber, Lot 71 Concession 8, H. R. S., Tucker :.:, *th, near Egmondville, a two or three-year-old st er, red and wluite. The er is requested to pro 0 property, pay charges, and take the anintal away. 249-4 ' DANIEL 'KEN:. EDY, Sr. JN REFF aRENCE to the above, the undersigned -would beg to thank their numerous customers for the extensive patronage accorded to them for the past four years, and» trust that the same lib- eral patronage will be extended to the new 13-rm whom we have pleasure in being MO to confident- ly recommend to our old patrons. All debts due no, in connection with the Mill must be paid to Jas. P. Rendell & Co., and all debt a duo by us, in oonneetion with the Same, »wfll bei settled by the said firm of Jas. P. Kendall & Co. I . W. A. SHEARSON & CO. Seaforth, Aug. 21, 1872. 246 STRAYED HORS . CIAIEE into the premises of ahe nude signed, Lot •16, Con. 15, Grey, on Monday, Sep .2, a. grey HORSE, about 7 years old. The owne • is request- ed to prove property, pay chtrges :tad akeit away. 2484 TaOMA. SHIELS. ESTRAY STEER QTRAYED from the premisea of the Sin Kgmondville, on Sunday, Aug. year-old STEERS ; one was ,ed, with back, and the other grey, with the rig Any infopnation leading to aheir re snitablyrewarded. 246 GEORGE EWlIcta +,••••••=••••••,•••••,.........•-•••••-•••• • 1 \TTREAL FALL STOCK. DUNCAN • (SUCCESSORS. TO E. -HICKSON & CO,) r • Are now receiving their Fall Importations of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready Made Cliathing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and. Caps, Gents' Furnishings, &c. ••• Having visited the Eastern Markets, and with great care in selecting stock, and with a very large lot. of PUBLIC -NOTICE---SALE O' BOOTHS. rPHE Refreshment Booths on the Show Ground -L* of the Tuckersmith Branchgricultural So- t. ciety, for the two days upon whie the Fall Show will be held, will be sold to the 11 hest bidder, by public auction, on the Grounds on S TURDAY, the 14th inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. Tel. s cash. • NOTICE. On the days of the above Show, no person or. persons will be allowed to sell Spiiituous Liquors, or other Refreshments of any kin4, and no gam- blers, mountebanks, or other theati eal performers, or swingti, will be allowed within 300 yards of the Show Ground. ; By order, • H. AL CITESN Y, Secretary. • Tackersmith, Sept. 2, 1872. 248-2 dersigned, 8, two two - a white line t hip down. very will. be Seaforth. C. YE09 Auctioneer and Conkmissi Merchant, — MAIN STREET,' SEAF RTH, Will attend to all kinds of Sales In the County of Huron, on liberal terms. ilfartleular attention paid to the sale of Farm Stock, &c 248-26 0, YEO, Auctioneer. WOOLEN GOODS, ,PURCHAStD BY 1-1I0i-rs0w tic 00_, PREVIOUS TO THE ADVANCE IN WOOLEN COODS ARE PIREPAItED TO PLACE BEFORE TIM PUBLIC A FULL STOCK OF GOODS OF ALL SORTS, 4' OLD PRICES, IN FANCY DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, LUSTERS, POPLINS, PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have disposed of their Cooper Shop in Seaforth, to Mr. Philip Voltuar, who will la reafter carry on the above business in his own na e. 0. G. AND14RSON& CO. Carronbrook, Aug. 22, 1872. 1 In connection with the above, She undersigned begs to state thatlhe will hereafter carry on the cooperage former]. 1' owned by Afrissrs. 0. G. 1An- derson & Co. and e hopes' by strict attention to business and ma ' g good welt to raerit a contin- uance of the Elm ral patronage heretofore accorded to the establishment. PM -TTP ',IOWA?... Seaforth, Aug. 22, 1872. ' 2474'4 TWEEDS, FANCY FLANNELS, BLACK SILKS,' BLANKETS, WINCEYS, DENIMS, SHAWLS -and MANTLES, SIIEETINGS, READY-MADE CLOTHING -1 . *. GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. MUSIC TEAOHING. miss c. H. PRITCHARD, PROPEssOn op'..n.USIc, 10t-EGS to inform the inhabitant's of Seaforth that she has settled here, and is prepared to give 'instruction in vocal mad instrumental music, bring- ing high testimonials as to ability and aptitude in tTe:eherhillg. of oil painting, penciling, crayon and. MISS PRITCHARD, water colors. - ; ItEsniEncE—Alain-st., over Mr. Griffith 'Davies' old stand, second. door south of the Pot -Office. 289-13 • CALL AT DUNCAN & DUNCAN'S, (HICKSON'S OLD STAND,) MAIN -STREET, SEAFORD!, ateasarzWasfentaffaWniffaima•SINISINNIO LARGER PREIYIISES AND INCREASED BUSINESS. criliANICS for past liberal 1 patronage, and» a contimt- mace of similar favors so- licited. aaehaa- • a -a -al- a - • IVTeIrlITYRE & WILLIS' business has groivn so rapidly that they have been eompelled to remove "L"" into larger premises. They will now be found in Thomas Bll's old stand, net door South of their former shop. Custom. work receives careful attention. A god& fit and good stook is their motto. Boots and .shoes,of all kinds, either home or factory -made, in great variety. just call and. See. •• McINTYRE & WILLIS,. . Boot and Shoe Store, Main -street, Seaforth. • REMOVAL! REMOVAL! ALEXR. STEWART, General Blacksmith, Has removed to his new brick premises, South Main street, Seaforth, next door to McIntosh & Morrison's Carriage Shop, where he hopes.to have a call from all bus old patrons and. as many new ones as may feel disposed to patronizeltimi BLACKSMITIIMG In all its branches, promptly attended to. Horseshoeing and Repalleig Done on the shortest notice, at the fact reapon. able teams and in a manner to gatirtintee satis- faction. WAGONS AND SLEIGHS -Made to order, and» REPAIltriG neatlyiand cheap_ ly exeeuted. By strict attention to business and fair dealing, in the future, as in the past, he hopes to merit a continnanoo of the liberal patronage accorded to him since commencing business in Seaforth. ALEXANDER STEWART. Seaforth, Aug. 26,1872. 247-4 _ ' . -11111111 . AGE•NTS 00 TO $20 per day guaranteed. free. Address Specimens and full particulars WOOD'S LITERARY AND ART AGENCY, Newburgh, N. Y. IIP YOU WANT A GOOD Organ or Melodeon, CAIN; ON - FRANK PALTILIDGE, Photographer, Agent for Bell & Co., Guelph, who take, ALL THE YIBST PRIZES* • Don't buy a poor ORGAN. If you want a check musical InStrument, buy e. JEWSHARP, but it you want a first-elass one, buy an Organ trona. Frank Paltridge, 7hotogrAllher- Not being at any expense, Frank Paltrisige can _ sell yon kn. organ from the best first -prize ana-Aer, on better conditions than any other man. APPRENTICE WAPITIED. APPRENTICE WANTED to the Wagont-mak' ing busineqs. 248 licThlT0811 & youmsoN. - - 77-