HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-13, Page 4$forth, Sopa 21 N, CURZETS1 1EPARTMENT, AND DT 3vI'I SYACE FOR: e Proprietor and snag r. tit FEATURES' ements are united In B 1TIoN, IIZMENSITY and .PER- I and PIand unexaggerated?: LFSE 1 x collection of NO` FQZ E RELICS. and [U' rivaling:in extent }metritis of the: •�pLt. els. :k.GERI ANT. }AIS and TROP( ding a ponderous tOS- "WRIT, the largest ever America. :g1LNT&t catest and noblest ant- , and the third 'iPHANT t f fONDE.S t d. Most Impressive Zo- laced on exhibition. , }formed in, their Deal by taring Anima -1 King.. 'atrons to see all F4ha rcu Performances. hariots. Animal Dens,, }mors' Carriages, with '.ALSH MULES 1 RSES AND SO SMALL AIJ FONTS ata A HERD e in composing MUSE CORTEGE RcUS Are=rie Performers in Kota -teem with ARTISTIC URA ErE narrate, but connecting ttnessine• the elegant 'ainrnints, can do so &RGE. ilire7s. are the rowan ,ZILI.kli- FAMILY lc.A .st IA 1,6.4.ctzd`DY, ane of, he a ' . who Is tents: a .1 matchless rOWANDE tidier, whose thrilling Fr h the startling feat through DAGGERS kOWAIN DE4 i€h (TT•A, ' ;Two, Moires - hose terrific achieVee baralleled for style s t3W ANDS, testrialt the best ever Fes the brave ANTONIO, L - 'des, on a rapid steed: CsLO ANDE, ata and Poeturers.. °O N G, OMIC VOCALIST; }droll v. it have won , will euliven the irtzhftal humor: NAS1LM 'titles ROT RS,, feats and Acrobatic Mar exhibitions. IE. THE IRON JAW, eats arc miraculous. ion cask filled With "6 lbs. weights I LA, d the most perfectly , who executes a actually FIRES D CANNON `LDERS- 'S.LMA, sands of audiences rateruity, both ni e -tired at an enor erforr.mer i-3 unques- plhcncinkenon in ex - IN OF MYSTERY CESSION M., consisting ether her €mons Hanel, 40 cages rid satire, klephante, 1 in glitterims array, pple Grey Horses. - Pe X. orses,.PX... ....... .. 50 cent s. «... _.. .2i cense► SEP 13, IS GAIETIES. If you want to make your coat last, make you trousers and waist - matt tat £first. ---A Detroit paper says that Mr. George Barrel' i otnlnitted suicide because he was disappointed in love. He couldn't bear the thought of re- niaining a single barrel. —Dr. Ayers, of Oheever colony, $ansas, "was seriously' injured by: a well caving in on him:" Served him right. He should have attend- ed to the sick, and let the well alone. —An Eastern newspaper statis- tician avers that the flies are so good Itatured this season that a well -or- ganized one will allow hitnself to be brushed off one's nose) 'eighty-seven times, and not show any temper. —'When was Rome Quilt I' asked a school committeeman of the first clans in ancient 'h'istory.. 'In the night,' ;answered a bright little girl} 'In the night l' exclaimed they as= 't,onished examiner. 'How do you make that out f 'Why, I thought everybody knew -that 'Ronne wasn't - built In a day!' .--A physiciant e.Yatuinag a stu- dent as to his progress, asked vim, 'should a man fall into his well forty feet., deep, and strike his head against one of his tools with which he had been digging, what would be yo*ir course ifcalled in as a surgeon?' The student replied, rT shonld ad- vise there to let the 'man lie and fill up the well." n —A pair of distressed parents in Troy are anxious to cure their four - .year -old son of -an irresistible ten- dency to commit arson. The New York World wickedly suggests arsenic. - -A baby lately hacl the -misfor- tune to swallow - the contents of an ink -crottle. Its :mother, with won- derful presence of mind, immediate- ly administered a box of steel pens and twosheets of foo'scap paper, and the child has felt write ei er since. -..r•• A `` Magnificent Echo." Up in the Lehigh Valley there is a hotel keeper who has a, mountain about a qtiarter of e mile_ from his ;louse, and it, occurred to hire that it would be a good idea if he could fix thitgs so'that a magnificent echo could be heard from the mountains by persons who stood at his hotel and hallooed. So he engaged a boy - to secrete himself behind a clump of trees, witli orders to repeat the words of itnyone talking on the roof of the hotel. After practicing to make sure, the landlord announced one day the discovery of the echo, and took up a lot of people to enjoy it. They called for half an hour, but- no echo responded. At last when the landlord had become crim- son with rage, and was about to give in, the echo came, but ina shape not expected. It said : s Bin down to the spring for mother. Fire away now. I'na alt- right.'. - The guests smiled, and mine host suddenly dis- appeared. It is dangerous now to mention the word ' echo' at that hotel.. Becoming and. Proper." John Brown, of Haddington, was the: au boor of the-" Marrow of Div- inity," and -other theological books, which are held in high esteem by the Scottish people. He courted a years. Indy upward of six y . He was s so singularly modest and bashful that he never ventured to -kiss her. One day it occurred to him that it would not be .a bad thing to do. So it is recorded that he said : 'Janet, my woman, we've been acquainted now for many years, _:an' - -an'—I've never got a kiss yet. D'ye think I may take one, my bon- nie lass ?' The reply was wonderfully char- acteristic of the Scottish maiden. ',list as ye like, John,' said she, only be becomin' and proper wi' it.' Surely, Janet,' said John, ' we'll ask a hlessin'.' . The blessing Was asked, and the kiss exchanged. 0 woman,' said the enraptured hut still devout minister, ' 0 woman, but it's good ; we'll noo return .thanks,' And they The Travels - of a Gold Pen. The :pen is mightier that the sword,' we are told. If this state- ment may be fairly acdepted as true, a certain Mayor Morderwell must, indeed, be 'la }nighty man,; for not only is he in possession of a sword, as a consequence of his military rank, but he has been for some time carrying about a gold pen in the derksome recesses of his internal eco►onry. The gallant officer, while doing -battle under General Grant's supreme command, ' was shot square through the body." The ball entered his stomach, -went through the intestines and. passed out of close to the spinal the back, P column. Curiously enough, the Ma- jorrecov.; • More. curious swill, recovered. the projectile carried along with it 1 ,1 a gold pen which happened to be in the officer's pocket when he was hit. The gold pen was basely:. des- erted by the ball, wl like a shot, and left the Major's carcase. hasbeen wandering, man of war's interior golden gtief—one might almost say after a long e imprisoned. st, y succeeded in a manner the. Major's ed to pierce k. The other. )ortion of, the it, are still to ultimate carnal thral- :d that they ndence in a factory with . reous prede- icn went off to linger in Since then it about in. the in a state of of pen-ury. At long and irksome journey, .t pen—or part of it at le in working its - way ou somewhat painful to feelings, having mantathrough the officer's ne part of the pen, and a pen -case which held roaming with a view liberation from .their dom. Itis to -',ion ho will achieve their inde manner equally sati: that' adopted by their a cessor. 1 Thp End 'of the World. It is a little curious the perfecti equanimity with which the world re- ceives predictions of it own destruc- tion. Of course, it c n hardly be expected to be more xcited when the extinction of snot i er planet— the sun, for instance— s fotetold, as now it is by Sabchini, n Italian as- tronomer. It appears that bright P icebus is now evolvi. g enormous masses of the vapor of magnesium.. From this it is deduced that the suit" may (1) fall off in heat or bt illiancy, or may (2) in renewing his heat and light'so increase the ower of his rays as to inake this w rld no world to live in. There is mething, .it must be allowed, quite touching in :the childlike contiden e `which we all (repose in the abilit of the uni vel e to take care of tself. Cone; ets, dark, -days and th rider stories in January, ecgipses, . earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, only frighten us for the moment, ant when .they are happily avec- we ar quite at our ease again. But, after all, it is very much so with abater •.al accidents, pestilances, ' revolution, anarchies, family dispute, insoly :ncies, ind so forth.- We have a fait r in the good judgment of destiny nd a trust that what seem to at aberrations are a part of the divin order. The exceptional man or w.o an fusses or. frets, but the masses of mankind move on with a kin `I of animal stolidity. Itis ,this un onscious and involuntary gravity vhich keeps the world g^aing. Ow- business is with yesterday, so far a the under- standing is concerned ; with to -day for vc ork and producti a ; with to- morrow we have no usiness, need no thought of it, and,`i we be wise, no feeling but that of t calm trtist. Sufficient unto the da is the evil thereof, and,equally su cient is the gond. So when, if ev r, the world is destroyed, the ruin ill probably find ,most -nen unex ectant - and busy ubcus`- the conn n affairs of life—eating and drinki a• marrying and giving in marriage precisely as they did in -the days of Noah. How TO QUIT TOn.AC o.—The best thing to hold in the mouth is a mouthful of cold vvat-r, renewed every' few minutes, ''t will take 'away the craving for to acco quick- er than anything else, nd is wholly unobjectionable. A p ee stick is the beat of anything to chew, but the objectioi . to that, land to any- thing that is chewed, is that it over- exercises and weakens [the salivary glands. In. quitting the use of to- bacco, quit at once, and. not attempt to leave -off gradually.i--Hercild -of Heaith. .;.0 HARNESS, HA .a. NESS. Great Varilety AT WILSPN' SEAFORTH. TRUNKS of all kinds, . VALISES—not a few, . WHIPS -of all sorts, - COLLARS --all sizes • Brushes CieteTy•Comb4, Cards. All prices—from 10 cet�its up. Bens; BIankets, Circinglls, Saddles, And in fact everything usually florin(' in a first- class Saddler's Shop, and at pricer extremely low. JAMES WILSO Takes this opportunity of than his :numerous Mends and customers for the li eral support ex- tended toward him for the past year and hopes - by strict attention to business and manufacturing a first-class article to merit a fair hare of the pat- ronage of the many. - Remerrzber the Sign of the do GOLDEN r SADDL. 215 D. ,STEWART'S PHOTOGRAPH G L,LERY Is removed to 'Williamstreet, an Church. Near the New Presbyte AFTER MONDAY, llth of An will be closed on Tuesdays further notice, those two days o employed in taking views of I 1 part buildings, scenery, &c. work done please call and leave t err orders. 13 Clocks carefully cleaned and k MONEY TO .OAN. HE subscriber has MONEY to loan to any THE onood farm propert . Interest, SIX g when the i iterest and prin- per cease per yearly, per bent. per annum duple are paid ycarly,�and 8 ' when the interest only is p'aidjlfelDOUGALL, 227-52 . At cheap cash Store sign of the Bear. ust, this Gallery nd Fridays until each week being omesteads, farm res wanting such WHO (WANTS A GO WAGON, or a nice S WILLIAM. HAS o8 hand and for sale single and double BIT and manufactured of the v LUMBER Which,'for excellence of bn cannot be surpassed by an Province. A few DEMOCRAT W more making. WILLLAIti GRASSIE sol establishment in the Conti BLACKSM And General Job Work a AINLEY PLANIN SASH, DOOR AND f HURON E pdsY eo t...er Asamonmeamseemenem D SUBSTANTIA% ISH BUGGY? RASSI El TH, a number of handsome 'GIES, all well finished ry best material. Also, AGONS, d, and ease in running manufacturer in the GONS on hand, and s as cheap as any other THING tended to promptly. ILLE MILL, LIND FACTORY The subscriber having bonght out the above Mill, also the good- ill of the late firm, is now prepared--be-fill all orders in his line of business. Sash, Doors and Mouldings . ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER On the shorted notice: ' CUSTOM PLANING Strictly attended to. HOUSE BLOCKING ALWAYS ON SAND AND Promptly supplied. AMPS BENNETT. Ainleyville, May 16, 1872. - 282-47 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR ANDBLINDFACTORY THE subscriber begs leave; `o thank his numerous oustomers for the liberal patronage extended. to --him since commencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would do well to give hire a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of • DRY PINE I UMBER, !lAS1IES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDING S, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. Ho feels confident of givirg satisfactionto those who may favour him with theirpatronage, as none but first-olass workmen are employed. Parbicular attention paid to Custom Planing. 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. ANTI-COMB1N ATION. SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. JOHN M, r]ARTI WISHES to rettu•i thank to his customers and . friends for their generous patrorjage since as- suming charge of the above Works, and begs to re- quest the attention of all who may requir-o any- thing in his line to the folio ving list lof prices, ab which he is prepared to furnish wor of a quality that cannot be surpassed in the trade : • HORSE RAKES 5 00 FARM GATES. from... 8 50 ,WAGON RACKS., 700 WHEELBARROWS 4 75 . LAND ROLLELS..! 15 and n wards. SURFACE DRESSING, pe 1000. $ 2 FLOORING and beveled I30ARDING per 10004 SCROLL SAWING done by the p eee or set. REP.4IRIN G 111 kCHINE, . I am prepared at all tunes to rep lir tho wood- work of reaping and mowing mae nes, and, in fact, every other rnaohine t at oan be mentioned. Boxes babbited. TO WAGON _MAKERS. The undersigned woald alio bog to inform Wag- on and Carriage Makers the; he keels oonstantly on hand, all kinds of Bout Sluff suitable fur their work. I Carpentcre, Builders, Farriers, and the public generally in need of any ; •1 the aove articles world do well to favor tie ': th their patronage, as in my new premises, I have acilitics or doing this branoh of work which canna .be sure aced. JOHN M. M RT [N. Seaforth Nogelty Works, Godericli Street. 228 J,-SEATTER EXCHANGE BR KER, INK. And dealer .n Pure SKIDS CHEMICALS ° ND DY STLLFFS, PERF UII d RY, FANCYAND TOL TA TICLES Agent for Sewing v achine . Money to lend on easy terms. • J SEA TER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 18 0. 59-tf. VOR SAT,R, two shops and forty-fon4r feet front- age on Main Street, S Aafortb, opposite Car- michael's Hotel. Apply to 19541.1. SEATTER. The Wonder of the W.rld---Cood News for PROF. HE:.. MAN'S Wonef)-I1E NO VNED COD RICH FOUNDRY. THE undersigned, having so11 the Huron Foundry property and stock to the " Goderich Fonndry and Manufactnfing Comp tny," begs to thank the public for their liberal support during the past nineteen years, and trusts that they will continue to send their orders to the now Company. Goderieh, 10th June, 1872. R. RUNCIMAN. The Goderic Referring to the above notice,y Foundry & Manufacturing Co Beg to inf rm the public that they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES A D BOILERS ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS ; SAWING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IRON A D WOODEN PLOWS, with steel `boards ; GAN ` PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, 'AIt.LOR 4ND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, - IRON AND ,BRAS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK. I BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. - TWENTY Ti) THIRTY -7. POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. 1 All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention. . .f ROBERT It0NCIMA.N, General Manager. GEORGE NIEBERGALL, Manager Agricultural Department. Goderich, Ontario, June 10, 1872. - HORACE HORTON, President. ARCHIBALD HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. 243 THOMSON & WILLIAMS' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND ENGINE WORKS. MITCI3E1_41_a, 01\TTAP,I0:. JOHNSTON'S SELF -RAKING SINGLE REAPER. as vcelebratedself-raking Reaper and the CAYUCA .C;H.1kiF Jn. MOWER, WE recommend the abq e the best harvesting'manhines now manufactured. We guarantee these two single machines, coating bat 000 to outwear any two combined maohines, costing t',,300, and with less than one quarter the cost in repair's. We also guarantee each machine to do its work better, faster, and with inuch lighter draught, than any combined machine. These two rnhohines have net only a perfect lifting ap- paratus for the table and bier, but have also the only perfect tilting table and bar. We offer any trial -the purehaser may desire of either or both these maohinere We also build the 01-110 C0Mi3I i ID MACHINE, .. WITH JOHNSTON'S SELF -RAKE,' Which we gnarantee equal to t"ho best combined zaehines made in Canada, and we offer a tial to In- tending purchasers. We also build TWO -HORSE WOOD -SAWING MACHINES, And all kinds of ARICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND MACHINERY FOB MILLS AND FACTORIES. S7AM ENGINES A SPECIALrrx. THOMSON & WILLIAMS, 265 Mitchell, Ontario. Address THE VEDICT OF THE PEOPLE DECLARES THAT THR GARDNER SEWING MACHINE Is superior to any now in the Market. Having been examined and tried by the most skilful moehani,:s and beat judges the country can produce, and by them awarded Prizes at all the principal lexhihitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year; aad although all tho kxrding "Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDYHB PATENT has been declared. ir VIGTORIOU!S OYUR ALL COMPETIT'OR;3, upon every I4.teb, and now stands farm:nost in the rank .f sewers. - SE'IR '1'III .It 'LIST AF If" ID1Zll;!8 FOr{ 1871,; First Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London—tie greet Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph—the • great Contra' Fair. First Prize�ab St. Catherines, Connby of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, Country of Kant. First Prize at Wntorloo !Count of Waterloo. First Prize ab Orangeville, County of Simeoe. hu I s : 7 First Prize in Mono, Connty of'Peel. First Prize in Csledon, County of Simcoo. First/ Prize at Wel- landport, County of Welland. First Prize at Otterville, bounty of Oxford. Second Prize at Prvvinoiai Fair, Kingston, Diploma at Hamilton, aid varionn Coanty Shows. This beautiful specimen of mechanical ability in a purely Cann.dinn invention, smpessingin simplicity., durability, and neefulnees any ether Sewing Machine mew in the market whether of Canadian, Amerioen, or English mnnnfacture. , It will here, cord, braid, tusk, gather, quilt, felt.: and de all and emery kind of Family Sewing and Ltghb ATanufacturing Fork, using all kinds of thread. It has a most complete HET OF kTTACH3IENTS. BUY NO. OTHER. If the price is a little higher than aorxe others, it is the cheapest in the end. Sand for Circulars and Samples.', GARDNER SEWING MACHINA COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. P. S.—Intending purchasers s roald not bo mimed by nnsorepnleun agents of other Companies who keep Machines they do not sell, in a damaged state, to make onpital far themselves. Call and examine the Gardner before pera8iaing a y ether, ak WN.n1AM3 GnnAsgra'n-Wrtrerecros, Godcrieh-street, Seaforth. Agents wanted PETER . GRASSIE, 179-52 Seaforth. �VYi6f GET TH i'. BEST'. VERMIN 'D "ST.OYER Which is known to be far sn�.enor to in' -thing yet THE C LAN C HA R 0 CHURN, discovered for killing Rats, Ir ice, Insects on Poul- . try, Ants, Bugs, Cockroaehe LBlack Beetles, Fleas on Dogs, Blight and Insects on Plan:s, Moths in MAN AC'TL'F I? EF Furs, Tick or Scab on Sheep .}'Goats, also on Cat - tie, &c. SOLD IN PA BETS, At 25 cents per packet; or, s x packets for $1 25. The Powder is warranted f •eon from all bad smell PORTER, BLANCHAI D & SONS, Concord, New Hantpshire. and will keep in any climat anywhere without risk, -as it Cats and Dogs, as they will Directions for use on each-paoket. , Houndsditoh, City It inty be spread is quite harmless to., of eat it. Manuf actor} —G ravel Lan of London, England. The above discovery has ; ained . for Professor Herman a silver prize medal at tho lntereoloaial Exhibition of Viotonn, Anal; Alia, of 1866, besides nun -tune testilne ials, Agent for Seaforth,, W. I ?YIEETSON & CO. • Ainleyville—N. M. LIVES 'STONE. 240-12 Welton—.C. SMITH. Iodized Cod B.' a-cr. tail. - THIS Prepare tion is a- solo; ion of Iodide of Iron in perfectly- lure Cod liver' Oil. It may be tsecl in all eases where the simple Oil is ordered, and will be found -greatly- alienor to it. This preparation is highly benefia al in Pulmonary Con- : tats, i Chronic Skin lisorclors arising from ion a,+ nutrition. It_ nie Rheumatism and r soli ei,`sosnl,3res,. suinption, Scrofulous Com Diseases, and for all Chronic � defective digestion. n. errimih r1 is also highly- ue•eiul in Cali! Gout. Price $1. COsispeorld Si•rnh of rrHIS is an agreeable Prep; rate -ea cout:unieg the Eypophosphites of ° Lia n', Sode, Potash and Iron, with free Ilypophos rh()rous Acid. This Syrup is a curie in remedy for G eller al Debility, from any cause, Nervous Di -eases and Scrofuions Complaints. It is also high the -bones (e.peeially iu i Consumption. Price 1. y useful in diseases of facts) and Incipient The above Preparations in of standard medical reputation, and containing ..a secret ingredients, may be prescribed b;; phy icia.us without hesita- tion. Prepared by J WILLIAIIIS, London, Ontario. For sale by—R.Z,umsden, Seaforth; J.R. Grant, Ainleyville; G. A. Powell, W •oxeter, and Druggists generally. •• 285 ' This Churn is decidedly the hest and cheapest that hes ever been offered to the Canadian public.' It churns rapidly, works easily, end makes the best butter. It is also simple and durable. FARMERS TRY ONE, NO SUIT NO SALE. Ifit docs not work satisfactorily it oan be re- turne': Thee Churns Can be seen at any time at John- son Brothers' hardware Store, Seaforth. ! 0. C. WILSON, 230 , Agri eultu aliImplement Agent. TUE SEAFORi'TH LUMBER YARD. MABEE .& ?IIACDON ALD EG to inform the public t hthey have e opened aL rnberll fi'afor.,near Shearson's Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. t - c good assort - Yard, en an 1 a o ass rt 'r r5�ant_ 1 They willkec•13 d, g ment of ALL KINDS OF Li'lrl3IsI1, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell lit the lowest possi- ble prices; for Cash. Builders and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and nxcertain our prices before purehasingelse h•here, as we are iu a position to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. '160 MABEE & 11MACDONALD. THE BEST - SEWING MACHINES �� Made can be had at ��I. N. WATSON'S SETING MACHINE DEPOT, SEAFORTH. "THE GENUINE rto WB" Sewing Machines in fall styles. _aiiirsizes, and - " 1'll .t% O ST OR1• Y " Machine in all styles. The subscriber has received a splendid supply of both these Machines, which are pronounced by ex- perienced hands to be superior to any others made. For strength, simplicity and perfection of con- struction ; for range of work, from light gauze to beaver and leather; for beauty and exactness of stitch, owing to the tension being perfect and al- ways equal on both upper and lower threads, and for durability these machines are unrivalled. Every machine warranted and instructions given gratis. Machines sent out on trial, or rented by the month to responsible -parties. 223 WM. N. WATSON, Seafertls. 1S1101-I )PIOA h13I '1,1IO3VZS •=w. y LitM LHCI.m ID ce rrl v. o - m tmill{rei 12+ o 0 149, CA Ci3 W 0 LJ m rn 4) FLOUR! FLOER! HATIR`tI purchased and thorenghiy refitted the mills formerly owned. by the Messrs. SCOBIE, I sas new prepared to inrnisk • FAMILY FLOUR, Second to NONE IN SEAFORTH, Anil that war Compare favorably with any in the Db - minion, ZfTon want A 1 Il1.OF8, ge tothe following Dealers and ask for MARSHALL'S -Remember MARSHALL'S FLOUR W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, J. WHITESIDE, SIMON POWELL, Or at W. MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders left with W. 8, ROBERTSON will be promptly attended to. Parties who wish to Exchange Wheat for Flour, Are certain to receive proper gnantity, and an arti- cle that Trill defy competition. W. MARSHALL. 188-tf FARMERS SELL FYOUR EGGS TO �� WM. THOMSON, OF THE ECMONDVILLE GROCERY (Logan's Old Stand,) Who will pay the HIGlj t•;ST PRICE in CASE, for any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, Delivered at his store. Groceries &Provisions FOR SALLA CHEAP. FLOUR AND FEED, of every description, kept eonstantly on hand, in - eluding Shearson & Co.'s No. 1. Come One, Come All, with your Eggs and get the Cash. WM. THOMSON, Egmondville Grocery. BOARDING COLLADAY has leased the large and sore - -LA- =odious house, on the Salt Works Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted id lis as a boarding-house. Good table and comfortable rooms. Persons wishing a pleasant boarding- house should apply, as there are at present a few Taeanoies. Transient beardere aceosamodatail les than hotel rates.