HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-13, Page 272.
Brick Cottage, in Egmenneines,
Jedin Logan's, is ofTered for sale ;
;eswalk ore Seaforth St-Ai:lone
nn 5, Township of 31torris; 511
loglionaer ; there is a quarelity
to lot, within one mile and hear
mills. For further partionlares.
Dingle P. O.
PARI'd in the Township -0 Stare
Seeds Boundary, cont "ainirtg
Leen, 78 &ores under cultivatzon.
ardwood bush; a eeeer-failinn
ugh the lot; good orchard,
in Apple Trees, also plum,
Inees ; good frame barn, 88x8131
atable; quality of soil, first
eoface, grist -mill, church and
ghborhood. The Proprietor is
he intends going to Maniteba.
-or, Berne1. 0, Hay Township.
0rene, acres-, es eleared.
cuniyation, yonng orchard ;
-well timbered; 4 miles from
Load and a iniles from Ethel,
of the Wellington, Grey and
be opened this Fall. For fur:
ddress, ptepaid, HUGH MU'S-
: 0., or C. R. COOPER, Land
the Sonth half of Lot No. 24,
neof the township of Morris,
tr. 85 cleared; well watered by a
log house aud freme stable.
Rey a mile and a half on a good
t 'vtllage UfAinleyyillo, where te
ington. Grey awl Bruce Rail -
this fail. For price and terms
prepaid) of
C. 11. COOPER,.
Ile Land Agency, DingleP. O.
[amazed acres- of land, being
- Fifth Concession of Tuckere
t-eenfer tenets deans& and in a
ition ; thirty- amen bush ; hewn,
ncc: house-, stabie, sheep -hen -se
'ring crea in the front of the
rear; an good land att any
ur and &hail relies from Sea-
nueeneni. Terme, one-third
yearly installments. Apply
Brucefield. P. Os
Turnberzy, consist-
nearle- 100 be cheered and
,tultieation.. There is a good
frame shed, 90x80. There is
"zeb.ards Will be sold on easy
s. pretenses to
i e'efES HENNINerS.
*rt Lot 21,Ninth Concession,
be "Troyer- Verne ;" one-half
t the Gravel Road ;7 acres ;
house and barn ; good young-
-land is in a good state of ante
cod. ror further particulazs
Zurich, Ont.
on 15-, township of Grey, con-
, acre' seventy acres cleared.
31cDE1MID, Iftepurben.
•operty, eituated on Market '
lanoadfooks Planing
if a lot, excellertt dweeing-
preseet occupied by Mr. Ar-
ai. Possession given, at the
For Intrther Partiertlaree
aghtis Concession, -Hulleft
6a acres- are eleared and
g orchard of about loo: treee
; a -very large frame barn, -
a log lemma. The tarns is in
ehxefl. lying ander grout-
Yfor pnrchaser, if recirdred-
hort time, the /erre will be
yeare. Application to- be.
on the premises.
:with a good frame cottage,
r kitchen, and woodthed ad -
• stable and shed, te pump
e orchards being part of Let
lIoparid eituated 1milee
el fur Bebe For terms ap-
Seaforth P. 0 -
eg Lot, containing one acne
f Lot 10, Fifth Coneeesion,
There ie a good log houee
Old an orchard of bearing
situated within two miles,
e--Greersi Roads end abacte
el "eta the midet of an ens
For further' pee -tie -tame ,
dPropnetore,an the premb. Post-ofnen
1.100 &ores, First Conoee-
ar Sottforth, on the main
, 85 Acres eieered and free
teres of a fallow, the rest
red and fenced, with largo
lerneeth; Iog ferm-hatesei
1 orchard ; possession, ins -
'rid terms. easy. For tar-
ilYIetter, prepaid,) to
MEYER, Seefortb. Os
lot on Coder -felt street.
t-tt, apply- to
It. COUNTER, Seaforith.
(mended by Xamea Leone
for main Buildings- all
7%. 238
Hags- of liarguthen, neer
house end lot. There is
bearing Oreharde a never -
a good werk-shop and
aU other neeessary out-
t- frame, well finished and
terms and other partien-
€eCONNTOnn, Harpurhey,
roprietar, Harpurhey, on
n that the msdersigned
:Cooper Shopin Seangth,
Will hereafter carr:e
own name-
An`DERSON & 00.
abeve, the undersigned.
4 Itereefter carry on the -
d les Mesers. 0. G. An -
by etriet attention to
1 work to mteit a conthe-
iage heretofore accorded
10E -
g) to 75 acree of land for
:4 either of tho Villages
y fine a purchaser by ap-
S State the number of
price per acre.
County Clerk.
Lail; Cedar Posts and
er particulars apple to
No.- 11, ConceSsion 8,
trail-AMIE 5. No. 41.
--,ty-11011AN NO 449.
is. $314Jult,l, 1/1.11., Physician, Surgeon
0.Lte., Graduate of Toronto University, Associ-
ate *ironer for the Celine/ of Huron, a2n851.04.8e
:set or,
Physicisn, Surgeon, ete... etc.,
MITCHEI.L, M. D., Gradtiato of Viet°.
ria College,
UMW, ONn.—Oororter of the County of Huron.
Offneand insidenee, at Thompson & Stanley's.
Jjmw, R. Phesician, Surgeon, ate.
. °Mee—Opposite Seat Robertson's Grocery,
lean. street, Seaforth. 58
TAMES sgitttranT, M. D. C. me Greduate of
a ItteGill, University, Montleal, Physiebie, Sar-
gon, etc. Office and Reeitienee---Brucefleld.
'VT L. VBACOE, M. D.; 0. M. Phlysician, Sur.
IJ. geon, ete. Office -mud Rellidencee corner of
Market and High -streets, next to the Planing Mill.
rilteCAMPBELL, Coroner for the Comity. Oftice
and. Residence, °Tor Corby's corner istore, Alain
topes, Bogert:h. Oftlee hours, from 11 to 4, each
do, dwien day Sata.rdey. 159
ritatheinhatitaats of seelerth and surrounding
eountry. Dr. S. G. BULL having been called
through sickness in his family, to suspend. business
for *some time in this place, has pleasure in anz-
noroacIng to the- public, that through a kind Pro-
vidence he has been permitted to return to the
teems formerly °eclipsed by him, oyer Mr. A. G.
MrDotes,or R Store, Main street, where he intends
prnmenently to remain, and will be pleased to ewe
xeolnpatrons and an numy new ones as may layer
him with it cell. All operations Performed seem -d-
icta to the latest spnroved style, and fees aelow as
- to be foetid elsewhere.
Offiee hours from 8 As M. to 5 P. M. 224
T M. 'EMT, Solicitor, Winghane, has been ap-
pointed. Agent for the Colonial Securities Com:
patty of England, he is also Agent for seyeral pri-
vate Canitalists of Toronto, who loan:Money at
very reasonable rates. Interestpayable yearly.
Charger. moderate.
Winghans, Dee. 15, 1871.- 218
1V[cCAUGHEY & HOLl'fIESTEDoBarristera,
torneye at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and
Insolveney Notaries Public end Conveyancers.
Solicitors for th-1L0. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for
the Canads. Life A.ssnranca Company,
N. B.--$30,000 to lend et. 8 per cent. Farms,
Houses and Lots for sale. 58
BENSO_N & MEYER, Rerristers and Attorney
et Law, Solieitore itt Chancery and Insolvency,
Convertneees, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea-
forth, and Wroxeter. $23,000 of Priyate Funds to
invest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable
yearly. 58
ass. 11. Beeson.. sr. C. MDTE14.
11-0111dERCLe.L HOTEL, Ainleyrille, Ont., -WM.
N-1 ANNETT, Proprietor. Thi, Ketal is under
-entirely new nianegementand hes been thorougly
renovated. The Bar is anpplitel With the best
liquors and Ciiters. Good Stabliug end attentiee
Hostler& A -First-class Lirery in cio eetion. 228
WINCE OF WAT.P.S HOTEL, Clinton, Ont.,
-2- J. McCUTCHEON, Proprietor. Firet-olase
accomeaotletion for travellers. The Ilar is sup-
plied with the -very beet lemons and oigars. Good
stabling attached. The stage leaves thin House
every day for Winghara. 201-4t. •
• Offfie—At -Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good
Horses and firet- olass Conyeyances always on hand.
quiet IlOrtie3 and First -Class V
on head. Conyeyaneett furnished
Traeellers on reasoner, rates.
221 .10Illfr THOMSON.
JLP Good. Horses end Comfortable Vehicles, always
on hand. Fayorable Arrangements made -with
Commercial Travellers. All cinders left at KNOX:6
HOTEL, will be promptly attehded to.
OFFICE AND STAB/AM :-;-Thira door North: of
1Knoes Hotel, Main Street.
221 'THOMAS BELL, Proprietor.
OTBL. Good
hicles always
to Commeroial
is • (Member of the Ontario Veterinary College,)
begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Scaforth
and surrountling country, that he has ()petted, an
°ince ia Seaforth, where he may be consulted per-
sonally or by letter, on the Diseases of Horses, Cat-
tle, et -37 Haling reeeived a regular and practical
education, andhaying been &weeded the Diploma
of the Veherinssry College of Ontario, T..I.-Chnrchill
has eeery confidence of giving satisfaction to all
who may employ him.
Re:renew-ems—A. Smith, T. S., Prineipal Onta-
rio 'Veterinary College; Professor Buokland. Dr.
not -basin Dr. Bowen and — M. D., & V. 8.
Vetorinare Atedioines constantly oiehind.
All calls promptly- attended to.
Office--Cermielusel's 'fetal, Seaforth. 182-2m
V V. Se begs to annonene -to the inhabitants of
Seetorth and surrounding country that he has
been awarded:the cliploina or the Ontario Veterin-
ary College, and is now prepared to treat diseames
of Horses and Cattle and all domestic animals. He
has opened an office in -connection with his herie-
shoeing shopewhere he will be found ready to at:.
tend to calls. Diseases of the feet apecially at-
tended. to. Residenee, office and shop in the rear
of Killoran & Ryan's new store: Allskinds of Vete
orbit:ay Medidines kept constantly on hand;
-Charges reasonable.
229 '
A LEXANDERJiUNTEB,148en8611 Auctioneer,
Cranbrook., Grey P. 0. &Iles attended on
:moderate terms.. Commissioner in Queen's Beach;
,Conveyancer, Land, Loan and General Agent:—
Alen, Agent, for the following Companies, vine
Huron and Erie Loan society, nond,on ; Fanners'
,and Mechneics' Savings and Loan Company, Toron-
to; Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool and
'London, Fire and Life ; Ontario 3Intnal Fire ,In-
ourance Company -and the Agricultural Insurance
Company. Any amount of money to loan at low
ro_a-litoeaapo:f_ interest. `Several good Farms for sale,
224 -Cm
. .
.11. COOPER, 'Conveyancer, Corainissioner
• .Qneen's Bench, Insurance and General Agent,
Agent, for the Freehold Permanent Bnibling and
Satinets Society of Toronto, whofte rstes aro as lovt
as any,enrepany doing bnsiness in Canada- A -PPR -
cations for norms pzomptly ettentresa to.
1864f0t FICZ.—Oppeeite Ross' Tailor Shone
The Slaver in the broad 1oon
Lay moored with idle s il ;
He waited for the rising noon,
And for the evening ga e.
Under the shore his boat
- And all her listless cre
Watched the gray alligat
Into the still bayou.
Odours of orange -flowers,
. Reached' them from tini
Like airs that breathe fro
Upon a world of crime.
The Plantet, under his r
Smoked thoughtfully a
The Slaver's thumb was
He seemed in haste to
HO said, !'Myship at an
, yonder broad lagoo
as tied,
r slide
and spice,
e to time,
n. Paradise
of of thatch
d slow ;'
n the' latch,
hor rides
I only wait the evening p.des„
And the rising -of the .moon.”
Before them, with her face upraised,
In timid. attitade,
Like one half curious,- h
A Quad -roan maiden at
Iler eyes were large, an
Her arms and neck w
No garment she wore,
And her -own low, -ra
If amazed,
full of light,
re bare;
save a kirtle
n hair.
And on her lips there pl yed a smile
- As holy, meek, and fa nt,
As lights in some cathed l Aisle
The features of a saint
"The soil is barren,—th farm is old f'
The thoughtful Plant r said,;
Then looked upon the Saver's gold,
And then upon the m id.
His heart within him W. at strife
With such accursed g ins; .
For he knewwhose pas ions gave- her
Whose blood ran in h
But the voice of nature
He Ook the glitterin
Then pale as death gre
. Her hands as icy cold
r veins.
as too iyeak ;
gold! •
the maiden's
The slaverled her from he door,
IIe led her by the han
To be his slave ancl par mour
In a Strange and disti nt land !
—IL W. LongfellOw.
Th e Aelj o urn= enit of
New Phame'of the Ti
—Mr. Dion iloaciea
erinten t.
er of Livingstone, came
for the great people hav
and there is a far better
'kg a celebrity noW by w
Iiighland glen or dim
height than by loungin
Perhaps, providentially
the condition of thin
somewhat new kind of
tion going on here, of w
figure is the famous and
the Tichborne b.aronetc
to be tried next Novem
hborne Tri I
It's New Et-
FRIDAY, SEPT, 13, 18172.
t a bad time,
allt left town,
hance of meet-
ndering into a
nig •an Alpine
in Pall Mall.
ent to
r8, we
ich th
fat cla
. Thi
er on
of perjury and forgery, aid as
ernment are to spend. somet
$200,000 in the prosecu ion ill
ant's friencla appeal to t
lic to furnish funds f
Having obtained. a good
through ad.vertisem wits
pers, they then took t
meetings in the provin ial to ns, and
now they have transferr d the
-to-London itself. - This eek t
held two great meetings in a. m
in Oxford street, chargi g price
thission varying from t venty-fi
to one dollar. I was pr ,sent at
meetin , and the roo ei was
crowd el. *The h.uge cl imant
contrived to retain some .devoted friends
and partisans. Chief . mong them are
Lord Rivers, Mr. Gnil Iford qnslow (a
member of Parliament a d heir presump-
tive to an earldom), an 1 Mr. Whalley,
the well known No -Po ery m mber of '
Parliameng whose na
known even across the
Ought to adcl that Mr. W
taken, if needs be, to c
and stump the States in
of his friend. Now W
headed, a,bsurd sort o
No P-opery crotchets
never' ,done laughing.
Onslow is an able and
eentleman of undoubt
one whom one would
Australian butche'r and
possibly pass off as a
Yet Onslow is devoted
aaid speaks atr,the meeti
stumps England in fa
Mr. Onslo was
of the motl er, of S
borne, who, you I
died in the full con
-claimant was her son.
tired, of mute, of th
and I don't mean to g
But there was to me,
something inexplicable ,
which these men seer ed to h ve in the
claffnant. I have no theory in the mat -
the fat
have a
ic agita-
meat to
mEbIl •S
char e
he gov-
ing like
o claim -
general pub -
r the idefence.
deal of money
n the newspa-
holdine, public
ey have
sic hall
'of ad-
ve cents
the first
• densely
has still
, LONDON, 'August 30. -
London without It Par iarnent seems
always to gm as if it had
out. The bulk and the f
same, bui the light and
are gone. Palace Yard, s
animation and life, when
sitting, is DOW abandoned
which fly in swarms (
" swarm." of pigeons, or
the clock tower, and occa
down upon the grass plot
entrance to Westminste
stupid enough to think ti -at the House
of Parliament standing -on the edge of the
Thames with the noble old ralace- of
Lambeth opposite on the one side, and
the yet nobler Westmin ter Abbey on
the other, and the really handsome and
iv s
ad its eye put
atures are the
he. expression
full of bustle,
the House is
to the pigeons
o we say a
what?) round
tonally swoop
opposite the
Hall. I am
almost from the terraces of the Wouse of
gracef u1 estmineter Bridge
Commons—I am stupid enough, I say,
to think that all this constitutes one of
the finest city views ill the world; I am
sure if it were to be seen in Paris or in
Rome we should all go into wild raptures
about it. But the place has a rather
mournful and desolate aspect, to my
thinking, just at present. A sadness as
of nrenaature Autumn is over it. I pas-
sed. the Houses of Parliament late the
other night, and as I stool for a moment
on Westminster Bridge o look at the
vast, dark, Gothic pile, I thought its
darkness and desolation were positively
deepened by. -the twinkle of one lonely
light in a high and distant window—in
the room, I suppose'of !some mournful
caretaker or other funct onary. What
an awespme time of it .they must have
who are left all the Aut -mu nights in
th3 care of that wilderness of silent
building! Even the old Irish woman,
who keeps her little stall of apples and
cakes near the members entrance, in
Westminster Hall—a poor- old person
nearly as well known to the frequenters
of that building as the brilliant flower
ior 14 Isabella to the swells of the splendid
race courses—even she has • disappeared.
By the way, howevei, I should say that
her disappearance is involuntary, a,nd
may illustrate -some of the peculiarities
of officsal regulatiore and ?atronage here.
Westminster Hall, as you know, is the
grand entrance :alike to the Houses of
Parliament aucl the -law courts. The
merabers' entrance to the house of Com -
Mons is on the left as you go in ; the law
courts are on the right. Now the worthy
old Irish lady is alloy/0d bile the House
is sitting to keep her litt e state near the
ineratiers' entrance. Mo t of the niern-
- s. leers know her and sorne
sjo-aN nEIGHAAI, Exchange Broker; and Rail- '
ovay icket Agent, Houghton's Rotel, opposite with her and buy fruit n
'California and. Red River,. at reduce ra e , eine' her a
T. Ittilway Statione-Seaforth, Ont. Through the sake of
'Tickets iscued to all points in the Western States, and curious visitors fr
entering .1Ve miuster
ff 1'
thenreatee. facilities to Emigrants. All necessary
information given respeeting Land "Agencies4 ote.
areenbaelce, Bonds. Cougenteend. tinannent Money,
ld bo t and sold et bestrates..
their patronage. - 1
her place is seeured t
Sercreant-ateArnes, who i
E D W A Et C H m the name of the ci omm
the session is over sonic
bnyin and paying au prices for legal funetionatty, I belie
In any qtumtities. Ito
Brongla to town,
Godericlest,, Seaforth, Tune 20, 1872.
- -
power, and he always si
sumpSion of authority
poor old Irish woman ou
and giving -her place o
his own. I am told that
was lately made to obtaii
the aged deme of the Co
her shelter and scat elu
but in vain. To the vi
Naturally things are
London now. Mr. Stan).
come and talk
w and then for
helloing hand, gush legs from. stic
rn the country -.However, Mr. Boucle,
Tall afford her in theatrical manigee
he House sits expected to know i`vit.
- her by the . he, I am told, is safi
• then supreme of- success. Therg's
ms. But avhen an enterprise must he
ther official—a cees or 'a _ greet faili ire: r
e—comes into must be enormous—t le risk
2,nalizes his as- . however, the. irincip.
)3r turning our risk is encountered b) one of
into the.street peers who has a t ste fo
ome protege of specrAation, whiCh i ideed
a• strong effort been a whim with so
permission for Mr. Lowell has lef
unons to retain to have enjoyed his s
ing the recess, much and he looks
tor belong the quite youthful in fact
poetical Indian Su
ather dull in
y, the discover -
e l d
ss the
alley is
e 11
d posi
resay is
c, and I
s un der -
Atlantic ,
n behalf'
a weak
i.t whose
use has
e man, a
ion, mad
hulk o .vulgar
lief could
fter day,
s behalf.
✓ Tich-
iction that this
torte t
to the
ga day
I on h
I. Rog
ve you
for a
you are
me case,
any of it.
ong time,
the faith
do- not hear. as yet that any public de-
monstration is to be made in honor of
Mr. Stanley, and of course I need not
say that the story of hie having received
a rich jewel as a present froni the Queen
,is quite absurd. Our dovereigns don't
do that sort of thing. When Captain
ISpeke came home flushed with success
and the hero of the h.our, in received. no
.m.ore recognition from our qourt than if
he had been the captain of a channel
steamer which had. accomplished a safe
• voyage from Havre. The King of Italy
sent him a gold medel, which was all
the testimony he received of the exis-
tence of royalty; therefore, there is
nothing peculiar in Mr. Stanley's case.
But I hope there will be sOmething like
a national, or at least a public, acknowl-
edgement of his courage, his talent and
his Success. Justeg MCCA.RT1IY.
ter myself, except th s—tha
claimant, whoever he i or is not, is a
gentleman. I say thi despit his_occa-
siona:1 'rnietakes in oral mar, d his mis-
placing of the WI 1 -ter "IH." Mr.
Onslow explains this ley say ug (what
every oneadrnits) that the yo Tich-
borne as a boy hardly new an English,
being the son of a Fr nch w man and
-brought up in France ; hat he finished
his educetion"in En lis under the rudest
tutelage in Australia, end th t thus he
sot his mispronuneia on an his had
•grammar. , But he ce tainly as all the
ease, the quiet self -p ssessio and. the
dignified courtesy of a 'yell br deEnglish
gentleman. Despite b
there is even a certain
nen All this of cours
him to be the rightful
seem to disparage th
other sidei that he is th
er who went out to th
He is not an ill-lookin
tographers give. no ide.
expression, for they
heavy, fat-,faceds stn
man—whoever he as
eyes,' tom ewb at langui 1 and
til their owner grows
when they gleamewith
them. His expression
melancholy. His ,arti
ive, and he appears
Is mountain of fat
grace i his man -
would not prove
eir, he bit would
theo y of the
.Wapp'ng butch-
Austr lian bush.
inan the itho-
whate er of .his.
ake h in only a
id fel ow. The
had. wonderful
leepy, un-. •
re depth in
. and oven
is defect -
some diffl-
• resses his
t self-pos-
ar and im-
in Eng -
e to good
ed ha,nds
behalf de-
Bets are freely' talse-n by Reformers
"in Toronto, that the Government will
not stand. throUgh the first session.
—The work of narrowing the gauge of
ethe Port Stanley branch of the Great
Western has already been commenced.
—The Ontario Government has insti-
tuted enquiries with a view to establish-
ing one or more inebriate asylums in -this
—Mr. J. G. Moylan, editor of the
Toronto Freeman, has been appointed to
the -Directorship of the Provincial Peni-
tentiaries. . -
—The Guelph people are already pre-
paring to brine the pressure to bear in
order to secure
for that enterp
a stran
is gray
o have
culty in breathing ; t he ad
meetings -with. t he mos
session and with tha
perturable. .composur
land is held to be indi
breeding. His coloss,
nated by small and
(one of the witnesses
posed that she iclen
hands, those of Hoge
like the hands of a fair
and. he wears the d
I saw the claimant for the fir
1 arms
I On hi
ified h m by his
Tich orne being
nd plu p woman)
tiest id -gloves.
t time the
he puzzled
vulgar and
I saw the
leseribe to
begin to under -
rd Riv rs and Mr.
4 led t believe in
other day, and I.conf
me. . -I had expected
siniscer looking ruffi
sort of person I have
you. At all events
stand how men like L
Onslow may bave be
* Mr. Bouciceult is'm
hold dramatic expern ent.
ins the huge.. Covent Gruel
where we have Italial Opera
on, its a house for t is. perf
petty mesical. buries rues cc
Offenbach and Planch Ne.
experiment is to be in. I
should. almost as so n thin
opera bon& in the bi
tairied. the Boston Jul i:ee pe
A literary friend gray obs
the other night, that 'here c,
be no objection on. t score
etytto any display f "lo
there, because most of the
could hardly. at such a clist
• s of s
'lilt is
t he is
'fled at
o cert.
as that
,1? see a
, and
ried to
king a odd and
ie is oilca-
n theatre,
n the seas-
rmance of
mbined of
t weelt the
of, trying
vhich icon7
ved tl! me,
n, at east,
of propei-
rer limbs "
tree distin-
alit*, wax.
ot a novice
id may be
bout-, ; aad
d Confident
Ontario On Friday last. 1 hey will
fregagtrZse; come by the Dawson route and will reach
ass. igg. Toronto toward the end of the month.
A small force, composed of those who
1. burden of
volunteered for an additional term, are
sur Eerdish
-c •
still kept on.
theatrical -
las always —The negro barber from Listowel,
o of our noblemen. Who was arrested for outraging his own
town.. He seems daughter Harriston, was up for trial
ay ii1 ondon very before Judge Macdonald, of Guelph, on
vond4 ullv , well— INionday. There was no e v idence to show
omi apeeerr:
youth. He rather a
eociety, fancy, while he v.
—Mr. H. S.
the Provincial Exhibition
Sing town T 1873,
Tuber, a lea ' ing merchant
ot Berlin, and at One time •Varden of the
County of Waterloo, died on Tuesday
last at his resilience in that place.
—The third session of the Deaf and
Dumb Institute at Belleville, opened on
Friday last. Over one hnndred pupils
were in attendance, and a large number
is expected during the present week.
—The practice of betting money on
electione was fearfully prevalent all
over the Province during the late cam-
paigns. The town of Sarnia. alone. it is
said that over $2,500 was bet on the
Lambton election. `
—Mr, S. Howe, of lot No. 6, 8th Con.
Tyendinaga, in the county of Hastings,
states, that from 5 bnshels and 1 peck of
Fife wheat, sown this epiing, he lately
threshed 100 bushels, of filet -class. grain.
This is a heavy yield. I
—A man named Cheri s Nu gs died
few days ago
i juries receiv-
ed in a quarrel with ano her man, and
partly from the effects o over-imbiba-
tion Of spirilus liquors.
—Mr. E. C amberiin, a farmth. resift- .
ing in. Wakefield towushi has purchas-
ed -a, number of small bells o hang around
the necks of his sheep as 6 preventative
against the attacke of be re both bears
and dogs being afraid of b 11's.
IfIeLEAN 11410THERS, Publishers.
30 a Year, in advance.
reluctantly set at liberty. But although
the charge could. not be proven against
Butler, there is no moral doubt on the
minds of those who heard. the evidence
that the Wretch. was guilty of the -horrible
crime with which lie had been charged.
—On ThurAday afternoon the barn of
Mr. Robert Conlin, on 7th concession of
Luther, County of Wellington, took fire
and. was consumed with its contents.
Nearly all his grain and twenty-five tons
of hay was in the barn.. Loss about $400.
no insurance.
day or two ago a lad about 12
years of age, named Percy Litchfield, of
Oakville, met with a 'painfal accident
whereby he lost the us e of his right eye.
He was driving his cow home and walk-
ed beside her with an arm. around her
neck. Suddenly she threw her head
around find one horn entered the right
—An indignation. meeting was held in
Peterboro' en Thursday of last week, to
protest against the return of Mr. Clux-
ton, who had received. a minority of
votes. Mr. Bertramt in his speech,
emphatically asserted that no demand.
had. been made upon him on the hustings
for his qualificatioia.
— The Montreal Witness, a neutral in
politics, says of the state of parties in the
Province of Quebec: We have, however,
been favored by a Frew:ill Canadian
gentleman, of considerable political
knowledge, with a revised list Of the
Quebec members already elected, where-
by it appears that 32 are Government,
27 Opposition, and 5 independent.
suddenly in Park Hill a
pertly from the effects of i
—By those Who have ta en the trouble
to look up the fignres, it as been ascet-
tained that the number epresented by
the Opposition in Ontar o is 901,025,
While representatives fa
Government represent 6,27,246 people.
oGfiv2i7n3g.77t9o. the Opposition a. majority
—The iron for that portion of the
Southern extension_ of the Wellington
Railway betWeen Palmerston and
Listowel, was expected to arrive this
week. Thig portion of the road is now
ready for the iron, and it is anticipated
that it will shortly be in running order.
—At the We Provincial examination
of teacher's for first-class certificates,
forty preseeted themselves for exami-
nation, and only ten were granted certifi-
cates. Of these ten, seven were Normal
School graduates. There were no feniale
—The Chronicle says that it is not an
unusual event to see over two hundred
and fifty waggon loads of cheese passing'
through Ingersoll in one l day for ship-
ment to the old country. The daily
average during the season undoubtedly
exceeds fifty waggon loads.
--An abominable outrage was recent-
ly perpetrated. in the Toyship nf South
Easthope, County of erth, by some
villain, who deliberately cut out the
tongues of two fine horse, belonging to
Hembrich of that plane, as they were
grazing in a field.
rable to the
—The Hamilton Time'? remarks that
the Wellington, Grey Bruce R. R.
Directors yesterday m e definite ar-
rangements for opening the Southern
Exteresion to. Ainleyyille, and, if possible,
to Wingham. in time for ,the fall trade of
the present year.
—Mr. John Hicks, late proprietor of
the Conimereial Hotel, Mitchell, and one
of the oldest residents of that village,
died on Sunday last. tie funeral took
place on Tuesday, and was very largely
--It is asserted by those who profess
to know, that Sir Francis Hincks has
stated his intention -to retire into private
life, and it is understood- he will accept
the management of a popular. bank. in
Montreal: It is furthermore stated that
his election in. Vaneoaver is illegal, ow-
ing to his not being duly qualified, and
that he would not in; any event be able
to take his seat -when the House meets.
— A few nights ago, a gentleman well
known in St. Catherinee got up rather
early and went into his yard. tie saw
some tame pigeons flying round aud no-
ticed one of them having something in
his naouth. Some of the others tried to
get it when it dropped on the ground.
The gentleman then went to see what
wa.s and found. it to be a genuine twenty
dollar greenback. It was somewhat
picked and torn hut perfectly good.
--A Mr. James McKeever, and his
wife, of Wallace-, were returning from
'Elmira, after dark, on the everting of the
22nd ult. an accident occurred, and the
horses taking fright ran away, capsizing
the wagon and throwing Out Mr. and
Nirs. McKeever. Mr.. M7cKeever_ escap-
ed uninjured, but Mrs. McKeever Was
badly injured. The accident emitted
aome distance from Mr. Mejinsener's.
arid it Was with givat difficulty. he 'suc-
ceeded in getting his Wife home.
a,ttencled, the deceased
warm personal friends, a
sally esteemed in the eo
he so Icing resided..
--Last Sunday eveni
prcosalence of thun
Jane Mosinee- a middle-aged unmarried
woman, was killed by lightning in the
villa.ge of Burford, Clonnty of Brant.
Wheu found she was lying on the side-
walk quite dead. The body bears but
few naarks.of injury, only a slight discol-
oration. of -the neck and face. -
—Between 200 and 300 of the
• troops now at Fart Garry started for
bevies many
id being univer-
munity where
g, during the
erstorm, Mary
representative 'of Welland. He Wa8
defeated in 1854, but again elected in
1861. Ile retained his seat till the
Union, when he was elected. by -accla-
mation. for the Dominion Paeliament,
and at the recent election was returned
by a considerable majority. Mr. Street
was unmarried, and it is siipposed..that
his large fortune will be divided. among
his sisters end other families.
--The Department of Public Instruc-
tion for Ontario offers to any Inspector,
Trustee or teacher, prizes for interior
plans of school houses and for block
plans of school sites best adapted to
rural school sections; pious to be for-
warded to Dr. Ryerson not later than
15th November next. -
—A man named Hugh Pepper, resid-
ing a short distance from Watford, waa
killed on the evening of Friday last, by
being struck by the night train going
west, which knocked him over a bridge
on which it is supposed he had sat down
and gone to sleep, when on his way home
from Watford Villarse. He 411 about
fifty feet, brealtindhis neck, and. dying
almost instantly. He is belieyed to
have been the worse of liquor at the
— A fearful and probably fatal acci-
-dent occurred to' a young man, named.
Allen Marshall, on Wednesday of last
week. He was 'threshing at Mr. Dor-
land's, near Bronte, and, while engaged
in a friendly scuffle with another young
man, his foot was caught in the tumb-
ling -rod, and he was drawn partly under
and. so frightfully mangled that his life
was despaired of.
— Messrs. John Shell & &his, Edmon-
ton, have recently sold to R. H.
Taylor, Brownsvillee Tennessee, the 4
months Berkshire boar, Prince of the
Bloods by inaported Royal Briton, dani
imported Exquisite 5th, price 8100. To
the West Elgin, Ont
, Agricultural So-
ciety, one boar pg,iprrce $50. To J.
Liddelli Iona, Ont., one sow pig, by im-
ported Royal Briton, out o. imported
Windsor Queen. To Noah D. Bell,
Boonville, Mo., one boar pig by Royal
13riton, out of Queen!of Diamonds, price
— Last Monday, as a son of Mr. Geo.
Ferguson, engineer, of SL Marys) aged
nine years, in the absence of the other
hands, was playfully passing straw be-
tween the cylinders of one of the thresh-
ers in Dr. Harrison'ssfla,x mills, when
both his hands were Caught, and he was
suddenly drawn in up to the shoulders.
Fortunately at this moment the belt flew
off, othervrise his whole bod.y would have
been drawn through,and he would have
inevitably been crushed to death. Strange
to say, although his' arms were fearful-
ly crushed, not a bone wae broken.
—A -brutal murder occurred in Cobourg
on Friday night last, in the bar -room of
the Commercial Hotel, by which a man
named Combe lost his life in a scuffle
with the bartender, named Keon.
About .ten o'clock _Knoll ordered him out
of the bar. He refueed. ; and Keon then
commenced kicking him out. lie fell
down, and Keen kicked him in the fore-
head, as shown by. the marks upon him.
He fgll dead outside the door, where he
was afterwards found, 1( eon was -im-
mediately arrested.
ps having a,
f restored
ban sought
as here. I
conclusiveltr that the child. was Butler's
daughter, or that she objected, or that
the crime actually was committed, and
ander the eircumstances the beast was
—Four or five barns were struck by
lightning in the vicinity of the village of
Lucknow, County of Bruce, and. burnt
down during the thunder storm on
Thursday night of last week. One close
to Lucknow. owned by Thomas NVenetere
containing the season's crop, 289 bushels
of threshed wheat, besides wagons and
other farming implements, all burned;
small insurance. The barn of Mr.
Marrs, on the 10tb coneession of the
Township of Bruce, near the -villacre of
Port Elgin, was also destroyedbffire,
mused by lightning, on the same night,
burning all his grain and orie mare.
Loss about $1,500 ; no insurance.
—Orders have been issued by the
Militia Department at Ottawa to raise
immediatedy a force of two hundred men
for service m Manitoba., in place of those
now at Fort Garry--; who are entitled to
discharge. The men to be raised will be
enrolled for a period of one year, tincl for
such further periods not exceeding two
additional years, as the Government may
require. The pay and allowances will be
the same as are now granted in Manitoba.
Each man who joins and completes his
period of service will,. provided he has
not already beceme entitled to a grant of
land for former service in the same force,
be entitled to 160 acres of land.
—3. C. Street, Esq., M. P. for Wel-
land County, died at his residence at
Chippewa, on Thursday, 5th. He had
been ill for several. days. Mr. Street
was the son of the late Hon. Samuel
Street of Niagara Falls, from whom he
inherited a large fortune. He was cal-
led to the bar otUppr Canada in 1838,
and first wen arliament in 1851 as
On Tuesday last Mr. George Kel-
sey, of Nichol, killed a large lynx, or
wild eat, on his farm. 2r:ones from Fergus.
He fired a load of common ilia- into the
cat's side in the neighborhood of the
heart. The brute fell, and Mr. Kelsgy
thinking it dead walked. up to it, left
just as he reached it Wine& a spring.
Mr. Heisey struck it with his gun,
smashing the stock. The lynx weighed
28 lbs., and measured_ 2 feet 7 inches
from the ears to tne tail. It was very
poor, and if fat would have weighed over
40 lbs. .
—a Mr. I7)alziel of the townshiP of
Blenheim, last week returned from Scot-
land with two two year old entire colts
of the Clydesdale breed; also three
shearliug Leicester ewes and one rams
Mr. Cockburn, of °ohm's, came out on
the same* veseel with Mr. Dalziel, and.
had with him a three year old Clydes.
dale entire colt. This colt obtained the
first prize at the Highland Society's.
Show held in Kelso this year, and is de-
scribed. as a remarkably fine looking
animal. On thcsame vessel there were
three- bpeeding mares, also Clydes, one
of wiiicb died on the voyage.
. — Mr. Samuel Fitton, of the county
of Oxford, has two pig a the aggregate
weight of which is 1,000 *muds.
— The residence and barn of Mr. R.
Laing, 13th Concession ef East Zorra,
and about three Miles from Woodstock,
were consumed on Friday Inst.. The fire
is supposed to have originated by sparks
ftom the chimney, as the roof of the
house was the first part discovered on
fire. The- barn contained the season's
produce, all of which was consumed. The
house furniture was also nearly all des-
-troyed. There Was but slight insurance
on the- premises, and the loss to the
farmer must be great.
— A dog show will be held in Ottawa.
in connection with the forthcoming Agri.
cultural Exhibition for the County of
Carleton. This is a new feature in Agri-
cultural shows . which has thus far been
neglected by our societies.
— While the Buffalo Express was pass-
ing Park. Hill westward on Tuesday
morning, at the rate of forty-five miles an
hour, one of the brakesmen„ named Hay.
how, fell from her, and it is believed
that the injury received may prove fatal.
— On Tuesday morning last during the
prevalence of a fearful thunder storm, a
young girl, daughter of Mr. Stanley. 5th
Concession, London Township, Was kill-
ed by the lightning while lying in bed
with two coinpanions. It seems she had
been sleeping alone, but growing fright-
ened at the storm, arose and entered. the
apartment of the others. Shortly after -
Wards the house wad struek by the light-
ning, and the girl was instantly killed.
The other two were paralyzed. for some
hours by the shock.
—A Wesleyan Methodist elergyma.n,
named. Scarf, belonging so Ottawa, was
way-layed by four roughs. dragged froin
his buggy and. !severely beaten, on Sun-
day night last, while he was on his way
to a country station to preach. One of
the scoundrels' held the horse by the
head., While the other three beat Mr.
Scarf. .After they had abused him to
their hearts content, they lifted him into
the buggy again and started on his horse.
Be was enabled to guide the horse to a
neighboring house, where his wounds
were attended to. No caitse is assigned
fur this brutal outrage. *
et -Hon. A. Dorion arrived in Montreal,
on Monday night, by rail from Quebec,
having just returned from Europe. He
was met at Bonaventure station by a
number of his political friends, who
escorted him to his residence. It was •
intended that a. public demonstration
shoulkl take place in honor of his arrival,
but this has been deferred for a few
days, and will, in all probability, take
piece in the counter for which he has
recently been elected.
—it is reported, and. there is good
grounds for believing it, that Mr. Cartier
will come forward. for the county of
Lavelle. Bellerose, the present member,
will resign, with the prospect of being
elected Speaker of the Legislative As-
sembly of Quebec in room of .Blanchet.
who is named Clerk to the House of
Commons. It is said, -however, that Mr
Cartier cannot in all likelihood survive
four or five months. At present he is
unable to cross bis room without assis-
tanceHi disease is dropsy. He will,
it is beliOed, leave shortly for a two
months' stay in Florida, accompanied -
by his legal partner, MT. Poinville, who
is also in delicate health.