HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-13, Page 1f-
EPTs 6, $.
t Salt,
ious Brick Cottage, in E,;rrtondviile
John Logan's, isered for sale
lutes' walk of Seaiorth Station.
Can- 5, Township of Morrie, ece
1, log houses ; there is a quantity
the lot, within one .bile mala a half' .
.eaills. For farther particn
1I.F.i1 ' l AMOSS,
Dingle P. 0.
F RM in the Townchipof Stare
ot; 27, South Boundary, eoftainirl .
r less, 78 acres under cultivation
hardwood bush; a never -fail;
a through the lot
, good Qrohard„.
Daring Apple Trees, also Brom,
T gees ; agoodframe barn, eseee
and stable; quality- of soli, first
rst<otilee. grist -grill, church and
tai ;hborhood The Proprietor is
is he intends going to Manitoba:.
fetor, Berea P. O., Hay Township.
an. 4 Grey, 100 aeres, 85 cleared
ood dultieation, young orchard;;
i well timbered ; 4 utiles front F
Road and 3 .mt1esr from Ethel..
t of the Wellington, Gray and
di be opened this Fall_ For feu
dress, prepaid, HUGE 2111S -
O., or C. R. COOPER, �d
Rf the South half of Lot nse.
ion of the taweship of Monis,.
res. 35 geared; well watered by a
ed log house and frame stable.
r only a mile and a half on a good.
mg village of Ainleyaiilo, whore a
kllington Grey' anti Bruce Raij.
d this fall. For price and terms•
er, prepaid} of
elleLand Agency, Daigle P.. 0.
hundred acres o1 land; being
7. Fifth Concession of Tucker-
.ceenee acres cleared and in a -
ration; thirty acres btesh ; hewn
i:inghouse, stable, sheep -house:
spring creek in the front of the
the rear; as good land as an
Four and ahau miles. f -
Reucet eld. T sons Sea-
ertue't one-third
er in yearly installments, Apply
lacCA A i
Brocefieltl P. 0.
Oeeceseion, Tu nberly,eonsiet-
es. nearly 100 being cleared and
cultivation. There is a good.
a frame abed 80'50. There la
orchard. Will be sold on easy
he prernises to
eters Lot 2I, Ninth Concession
:the "Troyer Farm;" one-half
m. the Gravel Road ; 70 acres ;,
g house arra barn; good yob
ie land is in agood state of eat-
need. For further particularsW. G. witisont
nnr eh, Oat.
Oren 15,, teen:mhip of Grey,eon-
are; seventy acres cleared-
' 1cDERMID, Herpurhey.
?ropertr, situated. on Market
€3road€fooks Planing
. o#' t} lot, excellent dwelling
t present ocoupiedl by Mr. Ar-
ertal, x-osseseion given, at the
xt. For further Particulars,-
articulararDICKSON,: P. M5., _
Eighth Concession, Hullett
hick 30 mores are cleared and
hag orchard of About 100 trees
it; a easy large frame barn,
d a Iog hoeso. The farm is: is
chiefly lying under gram'_
xey for purchaser, 3frequired=
eliorttirue,. the farm will be
sf years. Application to b-
en on the premises.
CH4:BLES. L A'WItl .
i with a good frame cottage
er kitchen, and wooclethed ad-
ern, stable and shed; a pump
tee,- orchard, being part of Lot
Killen, and situated 11 miies
red for sale.. For terms, ap-
SSeaforth P. O.
ling Lot, containing one sora
of Lot 10,11ifth Concession,.
Y_ There is a good log house -
and an orchard o2' bearing
is a situated within two miles
pit Graeell Road, and about 6 -
end iu in the midst of an ex
y= For *tether particulars
ettProprietor, on the pr.ria
sh Peat-ofllce.
: sALE.
,10( acres,. First Coupes-
car Sec forth,: on the mein:
e. 8 acres cle redt'nnd free
acres of a= fallow, the rest
•rod and fenced, with largo
dere eth; Iog term -house,
bi€ orchard ; possession art -
and terms easy. For tar -
if by letter, prepaid,) to
Y_EB, Seaforth P. O.
an Iot on Goderioh_ street. -
prris, Apply to
t COUNTER,: Seafor*h.
occupied by Jatnne Leon -
lip for cash: Buildings all
i mmedbntely.:
72 233
ira of Harprzrhoy,: new
Nous and lot. There is l . -
r 15e$ ing Orchard, a nevem
0, a good work -shop and
all o e, necessary out-
s fr e, well finished and
cd s awl other partieu--
[eC NNELL, Harparhey,
t)ro rietor, Harpurhoy, or
m that the nndere-ig-ne 1
Cooper Shop in Seaiorth, -
e. vriil -hereafter carry on.
own /lathe_
a72. -
above, the undersigned.
.ce reefter Ceue on the
cl by Mesere. O. G. An. -
4, l,} e:triet attention to-
- work tet merit n. contin-
;age hereteforo accorded
247 4
ter %v acrd•4 of land for.
a:tf either of the Villages
v fuel it purchaser by ap-.
:;tate the member of
:price per acre.
i,.CR .4 -DAMSON,
• County Clerk.
tails, Cedar Posts and
ea- particulars apply to
No. 11, Concession 8,
TO.LITitiE a, NO. 41.
iWiLOLE' NO »9.
i tEb%CXL.
it. 9:iI tT.T,, Iti.11., Physician, :Surgeoii
O. &e.; Graduate of Toronto University, Assted-
ate Coroner for the County of Huron, Wroxeter,
Ontario. 285-13e
DS.YID MITCHF.T.,, M. D., GraduiatVi
o of to.
ri t< College, PhyMeian, Surgeon, eto., eta.,
Lrrl r, 0\T.-=0oroner- of the County of Huron.:
°ace and residence, at Thompson & Stanley's. .
R W, R.. SMITH, Pliysieian, Surgeon, ate.
0f 1ee -Opposite Seat Robertson's Grocery,
lain. street, Scafortb. 53
TS STEWA_RT, M. D., C. itl., Graduate of
tJ ;McGill, University, Montreal, Physioian, Sur-
geon, etc. Office and Residence—Erncofleld,.
L. Vt00E, M. D., C. M. -Physician, Sur-.
• geon, etc. Office and Retlidence, corner of
3Iarket and High streets, next to the Planing trill.'.
DR, CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County. Office
and Residence, over Corby's corner store, plain
street, Seaiorth. Office hours, from 11 to 4, each
day, and. all day Saturday. ! 159
TO the inhabitants of Seaiorth and surrounding
1 country. Dr. J. G. BULL haying been called
through sickness in his family, to suspend business
far 'some time in this place, had pleasure in an-
mincing to the public, that through n kind, Pro-
videnco ho has been permitted to return to the
roorne formerly occupied by him, over Mr. A. G.
3IcDont;all's Store, Main street,' 'Where; he intends
peruxrnently to ee-nain, and will be pleased to sec
ohapreerons: and as many new ones. es may layer
him with a call. All operations performed accord-
big to the latest approved style, and fes as low as
to be trend elsewhere.
Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 M 224
tid. LEFT, Solicitor, Wingham, has been •ap-
• pointedAgent for the Colonial Securities Com-
pany of England, be is also Agent for several pri-
vate Capitalists of Toronto, who loan Money at
very reasonable rates. Interest payable yearly.
Chargees moderate.
Wirigham, Dee. 15;1871. 213-
WireCAUG H AY & HOL,i2ESTLD; Barristers, At -
"I'LL torneys et- Law, Solicitors in Ci aneery and
Insnly, «ncy, ;`notaries. Public and Conveyancers.
Solicitors for the 1:. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agente for'
the Cnnade LUerAssnrance Company,
N. B.—$30,000 to lend. at •t3 per 'cent.. Farme,
Houses and Lots for sale. 53
pENSON & METER, Barristers and Attorneys
at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency,
Conveyancers, ,N.lotariea Public,. etc. Cefticee-See-
forth and Wroxeter. $25,000 OX _ PriTe. e Panels to
invest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable
yearly_ 53
JAS.. fit. S'E:csva. 7Ex.
• OM'L,TERCL HOTEL, Ainleyville, Ont., WM.
ANNBTT, Droprletor. This Hebei is under
entirely new management: and has been thorough,
renovated. The Bar its supplied With the bust
'Minors and Cigare. Good Stabling and attentive
Hostlers. A First-class Li-ery in connection. 228
•F1ENCE OF *ALES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont.,
0_ J. McCUTiltiLON, Proprietor. First-oless
aecoiu.nodation for travellers. The Bar is sup-
plied with the -very best liquors and'oigars.- Good
stabling ettae,red. The sttsge leaves this House
every day for Wingbam. 201-4t
lL.-If ERY..
- OfLct—At-;arrays Hotel, Seaiorth. Good
Horses reel first-olessConveyances always onhand:
quiet ;lo=ses and First -Vass Vehicles always
on band. Conveyssnees furnished to Commeroial
firarellers on reasonable rates.
Good Horses and Comfortable Vehicles, always
'on hand. Favorable Arrangements made with
'Comrnercial Travellers,. All orders left at KNox's
Hoyer., will be promptly attended io.
Orriem AND -STABLiis :-Third door 'North of
Tnor's Hotel, Main Street.
221 'THOMAS BT .LL, Ptropriotor.
(Member , 1 the OntarioeterinaryCollege,)
'begs to intimate to the inha 'tants of'Seaiorth
and snrrottndi±g country, that he hail opened an
Office in Seaforih, where he: ma- be consulted per-
sonally or by letter, on the Diseases of Horses, Cat-
tle, eta. Having reeeived s regular and practical
edeteetion, ndi aving been awarded the Diploma
of the;1-ete�nrrry College of Ontario, T. J. Churchill
has ;every confidence of giving Esatiafaotion to all
who may emalay him.
RET Zns—A. Snaith, T. $., Principal Onta-
rio Veterinary College; Professor Buokland, Dr.
Thorburn Dr. Trowel, and— Wells,; M.: D., & V. S.
Vetorinai y Medioines constantly on hind.
A:1 calls promptly attended to.
Office—Carmiehael'a Hotel, Seafarth.•.\ 182-211
V. S:,, begs to annonr_oe to
Seaiorth and surrounding eon
been awarded the diploma of :tb
ary College, and is now prepared to treat diseases
of Horses and Cottle sad ail domestic animals. He
has opened an office in oonnecteien with hie hsreie-
shoein , shop, inhere he will be found ready to at-
ttend to calls. Diseases of the feet specially at=
tended to. Residence, offlee and shop inthe rear
of 1illoran & yan's new store. All kinds of Vet-
•erinnry Medicines kept constantly on hand.
-Charges reasonable. 229.
A LEXAl1DFF HUNTEB, Licensed Auctioneer,
Oraibrook Grey P. 0. Sales attended on
:moderate.terms., Commissioner in -Queen's Bench,
'Conveyancer, Land, Loan. and , General Agent.—
Also, Agent for the following Companies, viz. r
'Huron and Erie Loan Society, London ; Farmers'
Band Meeh ,mics' Savings and Loan Company, Toron-
-to ; ltoysl Insarenice Company of Lioerpool and
`'London, Fire anti Life ; Ontario Mutual Fire In--
•eurance Companyemd the AgriculturalInsurance
Compeny. Any amount of money to loan at
rater of interest. • `Several good Farm's for sale,
224 -Gm
the inhabitants of
;try that he has
tt• COOPER, -Conveyancer, Comniissioner in
' • ,Qacen's Bench, Insurance end one t,
Satinea Society of Toronto, vrhose rates are a.s low_ courts are on. the right.
The Slaver in the bro d lagoon
ay moored with idle sail t
He aited for the rising moon,
And,. for the evening gale.
Under the -shore his boat was tied,
And all her listrkss crew'
Watched the gray al 'gator slide
Into the stilt bayou
Odours of orangeeflo ers, and spice,
Reached them fro time to time, .
Like airs.that breathe from Paradise
Upon a world of cri e.
The Plantet, under h s -roof of thatch,
Smoked thoughtful y and slow ;
The Slaver's thumb as on the latch,
Ile seemed in baste to go.
Ile said, "My ship at anchor rides
In yonder bread. la oon •
I only wait the even' tides,
And the tieing of t e moon."
face upraised,
Before them, with h
In timid attitude,
Like one half cutions, half amazed,
Her eyes were large,
Her arnis and neck
No garment she wo
Andlier own long., even hair.
And on her lips thereiplayed a smile
As holy, meek, andl faint,
As lights in some cathedral aisle
oThe features of a saint.
nd full of light, -
were bare;
, save a kirtle
" The soil is barren,
The thoughtful Pla
Then. looked upon tb
Anil then uPon the
His heart within him
With such accuse
For he knew whose p
. Whose blood- ran. in
But the voice of natu
He trk the glitte
Then pale as death gr
Her, hands aa icy co
tlie-farm is old ;"
ter said ;
Slaver's gold, .
Was at strife
gains ;
her veins:
e was too weak ;
The slaver led her fro el the door
He led her by the and,
'To be his sla.ve and p ramour
—11. W. Londreitow.
The- .A.kijournurnent of
New PIntse-of the ''
—31r. Dion Rondo
always to me as if it ha(
out. The bulk aud the
same, but the light an
are gone. Palace Yard,
animation and life, wh
sitting, is now abandon d to the pigeons
which fly in swarms" (do we say a
the clock tosver, and oc asionally swoop
entrance to W estmias
stupid enbugh to think -
of Parliament standing
Thames with the nobl
[ Lambeth opposite on t
' the yet nobler Westmi
the other, and the teall
grageful Westminster
alrctost front the terrace,
to think that all this e#
the finest city views ia t
sure if it were to beeee
Rome we should. all go i
about it. But the pla
mournful and desola
thinking, just at presen
of Premature Autumn i
Bed the Houses of Parlmment late the
• Id for a moment
to look at the
I thought its
were positively
e of one lonely
nt window—in
some moutlif n1
tionary. What'
hey must have
Winn nightli in
ness of silent
Irish woman,
who keeps her little .st 11 of apples and
lehboran Trial:
ales Ex-
rliament seems
--had its eye put
features are 'the
the • expression
so full of bustle;
n 'the House is -
that the Houae
n the edge of the
old Yalace of
e one side, and
stet Abbey on
handsome and
ridge springing
of the House of
enough, I say,
nstitutes one of
e world: I am
in Paris or in
to wild raptures
e. has a rathet
aspect, to my
. A sadness as
over it. I pas -
other night, and as I st
on 'Westminster Bridge
vast, dark. Gothic pile
darkness and. desolation
deepened by the twink
light in a high and diet
the room, I suppose, of
caretaker or other fun
an awesome time of it
Who arm left all the A
the care of that wilae
building ! Even the ol
cakes near the naembe
Westminster Hall ---`a
nearly as well lutown to
of that building as the
girl Isabella to the swell
s' entrance, in
or old person
brilliant flbwer
of the splendid
race courses—even she hen • disappeared.
By the way, howevet, I hould say that
her disappearance is voluntary, and
may illustrate sorae of he peculiarities
of official regulation. and patroeage here.
Westminster 'Hall, as y u know, is the
grand entrance alike t the Houses of
Parliament and the la v courte. The
naembers' entrance to th house of 'Com -
go ; the law
ow the worthy
while the House
le state near the
t of_ the mem-
come and talk
w aud then for
helping hand,
m the country However, In a Boucle
all afford her
the House sits
o her by the
s then supreme
Agent fee the preateld Permanent Building and 'mons is Ori the left as yo
as rinve0orepany doing business in Canada: Apph-
• old Irish lady is allowed
cation% for Loans promptly attended to.
is -sitting to keep her lit
members' entrance. M
th her and buy fruit n
JOHN RitIGHARI, lexthange Broker, and Rail-
rG. T. Reilway Station, Seaforth-, Ont. Throegh the sake of giving her
'Tickets iscued to all pointe in the Western Stares, and. curious visitors fr
-California and Bed Riven, at reduced rates, affording enterine Westmiuster
Itnagreateett facilities to Emigrants. All nocessarY ±-,_ • 0.,_
informatioe given respeeting Land 'Agencies, ete. enem patronage. While
.41texibeets Donde. Coupons and UncurrentMoney, her place is seeured
4.0.t. and She'er Coin, bot4it and sold at bestiettes.
Sereeent at -Arras who
EDWARD CASH the session is over some
s uinp Sion of au tit ty
-GOOD DAIRY BUTTER, I poor old. Irish woman ou
and giving her place to
__ ant quantities. ,Also OWIl. I am told tha
Brought to town,
Goderloh=st„, Seaforth, June 20, 1872.
was lately made to obtae
the aged da.me of the Conamons to retain
her shelter aud. scat eluting the recess,
but in vain. To the vintor belong the
spoils !
Naturally things are ,rather dull in
age London now. Mr. Stern1 y, the discover-
in 50 a -Year, advance.
er of Livingstone, caine at a bad time,
for the great people have all -left' town,
.and there is a far better chance of meet-
ing a celebrity now by wandering' into a
Highland glen or elimbipg an , Alpine
height than by lounging in Pall, Mall.
,Perhans, providentially sent to enliven
the condition of ,hings, we have a
somewhat new kind of peripatetic aeita-
tion going on here, of which the cearal
figure is the famous_and fat claimant to
the Tichborne baronetcy. This reau is
to be tried next Noe ember on a charge
ef perjury and forgery, and as tne. gov-
ernment are to sptad. something like
$200,000 in the prosecution, the claim-
ant's friends appeal to,the general pub-
lic to furnish funde for the defence.
Having obtained a good deal of money
through advertisements in
pers, they then too* to h
meetings in the previncial
now they have transferred
to -London itself.: This we
held two great ifieeti gs in
in Oxford street, cha ging
meeting, and the toom
crowded. The huge claim
contrived to retain some .de
and partisans. Chief amo
*Lord Rivers, Mr. Gnildfor.
member of Parliament and h
tive to an earldom), 'and h
the well known Neeltoper
Patliamenn whose name
known even across the At
(molt te geld that Mr W hall
taken, if needs be, to c oss
and stump the State, i person on behalf
of his friend: Now W alley is. a weak
headed, absurd sort 0 man, at whose
No P-opory crotchets 'the Howie has
never ,done laughii g. But Guildford
Onslow is an able and sen ible man, a
gentleman of undoubted position, and
Aristrnlian butcher anal horse thief could.
'Hy ass off ani 1. oor an tocrat
Yet Onslow is devoted to the claimant
and speaks at the meetings day after day,
stumps England in fact on his behalf.
he newspa-
towns,' and
he campaign
they have
. music hall
rices of ad -
y -five cents
at the first
as densely
nt has still
oted friends
g -them are
Onslow (a
r. Whalley,
member of
daresay is
antic, and I
y has tinder -
he Atlantic
Mr: Onslow was
of the mother of
borne, who, you
died -in the full c
claimant was her s
tired, of courte, of
and I don't mean t
Bet there was to
something inexplica
which these men se
claitnant. I have in! theory in the mat-
ter myself, except this—that the fat
claimant, whenever h1 ie or is not, is a
gentleman. I say t is despite his occa-
sional mistakes in ar Inman and his mis-
placing of the fatbal letter "11.". Mr.
Oink)* exPlains th s by saying, (what
borne as a boy handl knew any English,
being the son of a rench woman and
brought up in Franc ; thathe "finished
his educati orn; in Eng ishund se the rudest
tutelage in Austra.1 a, and that thus he
got his inispronune ation and his had
grammar. But he ertainly has all the
ease, the- quiet self possess en. and the
dignified courtesy of a well bred -English
gentleman. Despite bis mountain of fat
• there is ,even a eertan grace in his man-
ner. All this of con
him toile the nghtft
seem to ' disparage
other side that he is
er who went out to t
He is not an ill -look
tegraphers give no id
expression, for the
heavy, fat -faced. • st
eyes, -80M ewhat lan
til their _owner grow
when they gleam wit
them. His expressi
melancholy. Hie .ar
ive, and he appears
culty in breathing ;
meetings with the m
session and with that pect liar and ire -
land is held to be ine
breeding. His colos
nated. by small and
(one of the witness
posed that she ide
hends, those of Ito
like the hands of a fai
and he wears the
I saw the claimant f
other day, and I eft
me. I had expected
sinister looking ru
sort of nersoni have
yop. • At all events
stand how men like
Onslow may bave b
Boucicault is*
bold dramatic exper
ing the huge Coven
where we have Italia
on, as a house for
petty musidal butte
a close friend
will remember,
• W.11, you are
be Tichborne case,
give you any of it.
e, for a long time,
le about the faith
raed te have in the
se would not prove
1 heir, hutit would
he theory of the
a whatever of his
make him only a
f now: The
e —had wonderful
a little animated,
a strange depth in
n is grave and oven
ut he addresses his
ispensable to good
al. arms arntertni-
well-shaped hands
on ha behalf de-
itified him by his
er Tichborne being
'and plump woman)
antiest kid gloves.
r the first time the
ess that lie puzzled
to see a vulgar and
n, and I saw the
tied to describe to
I begia to uncles --
Ord ers and Mr.
en led o believe in
aking tit odd and
anent. ie open-
- Gard en thee bre,
Opera in the seas-
perforniance of
ques combined of
Ofienbach and Planet e. Next week the
experiruent is to b
should almost' as so
opera bouffe in the.
A literary friend gra
Ise no objection on t
thc other night, that
ety to. any display
there, because • most; of the spectators
gu:sh legs from sti les of sealing wax.
ult is not a novice
ent,1 and may be
sfied ,a id confideet
one. Bn t when either a great suc-
ther official—a I cees or a. great tail ire. The expense
gealizes his-. as- here, howevem, the principtl burden of
y turning. our I risk in encountered b one of ear Engliala
into the .street peers who has a taste .fm- theatrical
n thiek of trying
inlding Which con-
tained the Boston Ju 3r.eC performances.
ely observed to me,
there can, -at least,
e' score of propri-
in theatrical reartatm
expected to know wh
he, I am told, is Sat
of success. There's
me protege nf speculation, whieti
a strone effort I been a whim. with. so
I .1 lies elwtys
permission- for 1 Mr. Lowell has lef town. - He seems
to have enjoyed his s ay in London very
much and he looks tonderfullv well --
quite youthful m fact perhaps -having a.
poetical Indian Su mer of restored
youth. He rather a oided than sought
society, IT fancy, whil he n as here. I
do not heat as yet th t amy•public de-
monstration cs to be made in honor of
Mt. Stanley, and of ceurse I need not
say that the story of his having received
a rich jewel as a present from the Qaeen
.is quite abstird. Our novereigns don't
do that .sott` of thing. When Chgetain
he had be home flushed with success
more reco
steamer wl
voyage fro
sent him
o of the hour, he received no
ition from our court than if
the captain of a channel
ich had accomplished a safe
Havre. The King of Italy
gold medal, which was all
the testimony he received of the exis-
tence of r yalty ; therefore, there is
nothing pe aliar in ..Mr. Stanley's case. -
But 1 hope here will be something like
a national, or at least a public, acknowl-
edgement of his courage, his talent and
his success. - JUSTIN MCCARTHY.
Bets are freelY talren by Reformers
'in Toronto, that the Government will
not eta-ad:through the first session.
—Thesworle of narrowing the gauge of
the Port Stanley •branch of the Great
Western hats already been commenced.
—The Ontario Goverament has insti-
• ntore inebriate asylums in this
iptnurgtoevodinneeeneog.ruiries with a view to establish -
Toronto Freeman., has been appointed to
thenetDiairireeest.orship of the Provincial Penn
—The Guelph . people are already pre-
-paring to bring the presure to bear in
order to secure the Provincial Exhibitio.a
for that enterprising town in 1873,
—Mr. H. S. Huber, a leading merchant
of Berlin, mad. at one time Warden of the
County of 'Waterlosi, died on Teesday
last at his eesidence li.n that place.
—The third passion of the Deaf antl
Dumb Institute at Belleville, opened on
Friday 'last. Over one hundred pupils
were in attendance, and a latge number
is expected. during the present week.
—The pkactice of betting money on
electione• was fearfully prevalent all
over the Province during the late cam-
paign. Thp town of Sarnia alone, it is
said that over 62,500 was 'bet on the
Lambton election.
Tyenelmaga, in the cou
states, that from 5 bus
Fife wheat sown this
ty of Hastings,
els and. 1 peck of
spring, he latery
threshed 100 beshels of firet-class grain.
•This is a heavy' yield.
suddenly in, Park Hill a few days ago
partly from the effects af injuries receiv-
ed. in a quarrel with another man, and
partly from the effects
tion .,ef spirituous liquor
of over-imbiba-
-Mr. E. Chamberlin a farmer resid-
ing in. Wakefield towns ip, has purchas-
ed a number of small be ls to hang around
the necks of his sheep as a preventative
against the attacks of bears both bears
and dogs being afraid
—By those who have taken the trouble
to look up the figures, it has been ascer-
tainedthat the number represented by
the Opposition ie Ontario is 901,025,
while representatives favorable to the
Government represent 627,246 people.
Giving to the Opposition a majority
of 273.779.
—The iron fon that portion of the
Southern extention of the Wellingthn
Railway bettteen Palmerston and
Listowel, was expected to arrive this
week; This portion of
ready for the iron, and
that it will shortly be
the road. is now
it is anticipated
running order:
—At the late Provin
of teacher's for first -c
forty prehented. therm
netion, and only ten we
cates. Of these ten, se
School graduates. The
—The ttlironiete says -
unusual event to see o.
and fifty waggon loaele
through Ingetsoll in elm day for ship-
ment to the old. country. The daily
average during the season undoubtedly
exceeds 'fifty waseson loads. •
olw—Anthho mable ()linage was recent -
ly perp gtr ted in the T nship ref South
Easbho ie County of Pertb, by some
villain, evho deliberat ly cut out the
tongues of two fine hor s, belonging to
lir. Hembrich of that pl ce, as they were
grazing in a field.
—The Hamilton Tim s remarks that
the Wellington, Grey Bruce R. It.
Directors yesterday made definite ar-
raneements for opening the South -ern
Extension to Ainleyyille, and, if possible,
to Winghant, in time fo • the fall trade of
the present year. •
the Commercial Hotel,
of the oldest residents
died. on Sunday last. 1 he funeral took
place on Tuesday, and was very largely
attended, the decease( haviug many
warm personal friends, mid being univer-
sally esteemed- in the ecenimunity where
he so lone resided.
'▪ al examination
aes certificates,
Ives for exasiti-
e granted certifi-
en were Normal
n were no female
hat it is not an
er two hundred
f cheese passing
te proprietor of
litchell, and one
of that village,
prevalence :of a thunderstorm., Mary
womam was killed 'by lightning in the
village of Burford, Connty mf Brant.
walk quite ' dead. The body bears but
feW marks of injury, only a slight discol-
oration of -the neck and. ace.
troops now- at Fort Garry - etarted for
Ontario ore Friday la t. They wi I
come by the Dawsaa rot te and will rea
Toronto toWerd. the ens of the month.
, A small foyce, composed of those Who
volunteered' for au add: tional tetm, are
still kept on. .
—The - neer° barber from . Listowel,
who was arrested for oetraging his otvn
daughter at Harriston, was up for trial
before Judiie Mandonaln; of Guelph, on
Monday. There was no evidence to tsiheorws
conclusiveltr that the child was Bit
daughter, or that sbe objected, or that
the crime actually was committedeand
under the eircumetances the beast was
reluctantly set at liberty. But although
the charge could -not be proven. against
Butler, there is eo moral doubt on the
minds of those who heard. the evidence
that the wretch was guilty of the 'aorrible
crime with which he had been charged.
—On Thurielay afternoon the barn of
Mr. Robert Conlin on 7th concession of
Luther, County of 'Wellington, took fire
and was consumed with its contents.
Nearly all hiagrain. and twenty-five tons
of hay was in the barn. Loss about $400.
no insurance.
—A day or two ago a lad about 12
years of age, named Percy Litchfield, of
Oakville, met with a painfal accident
whereby he lost the use of his right eye.
He was driving his cow home and -walk-
ed beside her with an arm around her
neck. Suddenly she threw her head
around and one horn. entered the right
—An indignation meeting was held in
protest against the return of Mr. dux -
ton, who had received a minority' of
votes. Mr. Bertram, in his speech,
emphatically asserted that no demand
had been made upon him on. the hustings
for his qualification. -
— The Montreal° Witness, a neutral in
politics, says of the state of parties in the
Province of Quebec : We have, however,
been favored by a French Canadian
nowledge, with a rdvised list of the
Quebec members already elected, where-
by it appears that 32 are Government,
27 Opposition, and 5 independent. *
' —It is asserted by those who profess
to know, that Sir Francis Hincks has
stated his intention to retire into private
life, and, it is understood he will accept
the management of a popular bank in
Montreal. It is furthermore stated that
his election ia Vancouver is illegal. ow-
ing te bis not beiag duly qualified, and
that he would not in any eventbe able
to take his seat when. the Haase meets.
known irt St. Cathermes got up rather
early and went into his yard. Ile saw
some tame pigeons flying roma and no-
ticed one of them having something in
his 13201.1th. SOD13 of the others tried to
get it when it dropped on the ground.
The gentleman then went to see what it
was and found it te be a genuine twenty
dollar green.back. It was somewhat
pick -ed and torn but perfectlygood.
--ti A Mr. Jarnes hIcKeever, and his
wife, of Wallace, were returning from
'Elmira, after dark, on the evening of the
horses taking fright ran awa capsizing
the wagon and throwing tan Mr. and
cd, uninjured, but Mrs. McKeever was
badly injured. The accident occurred
and it was with &eat difficulty. he 'suc-
ceeded in getting his svifc home.
cc- Messrs. John Snell & Sons, Edmon-
ton, have recently sold to R. H.
Taylor, Brownsville, Tenneesee; the 4
months Berkshire boar, Prince of -the
Blood,- by imported Royal Briton, dani
imported Exquitite 5th, prite $100. To )
the West Elgin, Ont., Agricultural So-
viety, one boar pig, prrice $50. To J.
Liddell; Iona, Ont., one sow pig, by im-
ported Royal Briton, out o. imported
Windsor Quieen. To Noah D. 13e11,
Boonville, Mo., one boar pig by Royal
Briton, out of Queen of Diamonds, price
—Last Monday, as a son of Mr. Geo.
Ferguson, engineer, of St. Marys., aged
nine years, in the absence of the other
hands, was playfully passing straw be-
tWcen the cylinders of one of the thresh-
ers in Dr. Harrison'atflax mille, when
both his hands were caught, and hie was
suddenly drawn- in up to the shoulders.
Fortunately at thisenoment the belt flew
off, otherwise his whole body would have
been drawn through, and he would have
inevitably been crushed to death. Strange
to say, although nis arms were fearful-
ly crushed, not a bone waa broken. •
—A brutal murder occurred in Coboimg
on Friday night last, in the bar -room of
the Commercial Hotel, by which a man
named Oombe lost his life in a scuffle
with the bar -tender, named. Keon.
About nen o'clock Keon ordered him out
of the bar. He refused ; and Keen then
commenced kicking him out. Ile fell
down, and Keen kicked him in the fore-
head, as shown by. the marks upon him.
He 411 dead outside the door, where he
was afterwards found. It eon was im-
mediately arrested.
—Four or five barns were struck by
lightning ID the vicinity of the village of
Lucknow, County of Bruce, and burnt
down during the thunder atom on
Thursday night of last week. One close
to Lucknow. owned by Thomas 1Velater,
containing the season's crop, 289 bushels
of threehed. wheat, besides wagons and
other farming implements all- burned ;
small insurance. The imen E of Mr.
Marrs, on the 10th concession of the
Township of Bruce, near tne village of
Port Elgin, was also destroyed by tire,
caused by lightaing, on the same night,
burning all his grain and. one mare.
Loss about $1,500 ; no insurance.
—Orders have been issued by the
Militia Department at Ottawa to raise escorted him to his residence. It was
immediately a force of two hundred. men intended- that a public demonstration
for service in -Manitoba, in place of those . should take place M honor of his arrival,
now at Fort Garry ; who are entitled to but this has been deferred for a few
discharee. The men to be raised will be days and will, in all inebability, take
enrolled for a peried of one year, and. for
such further periods not exceeding two
additional years, as the Government may
require. The pay and allowances will be
the same as are now granted in Manitoba.
Each man who joins and completes his
period of service will, provided he has
not already become entitled to a grant of
land for former service in the same force,
be entitled to 160 acres of land.
representatiye 'of Welland. He was
defeated in 1854, but again elected. in
1861. He retained his seat * till the
Union, when he was elected by -
mation for the. Dbminion Parliament,
and at the recent election was returned
by a considerable majority. Mr. Street
was unmarried, and it is supposed that
his large fortune •vvill be divided among
his sisters and other families.
—The Department of Public Instruc-
tion fot Ontario offers to any Inspector,
Trustee or teacher, prizes for interior
plans of school houses and for block
plans of schcol sites best adapted to
rural school sections ; plans to be for-
ward.ed to Dr. Ryerson not later than
15th November neat. '
-- A man named Hugh Pepper, resid-
ing a short distance from Watford, was
killed on the evening of Friday last, by
being , struck by tbe night train going •
west, which knocked him over a bridge
on which it is supposed he had sat down
and gone to sleep, wben on his way home
from Watford Village. He fell about
fifty feet, breaking his neck, and. dying
ahnost instantly. He is belieyed to
have been the worse of liquor at the
— A fearful and probably fatal acci-
dent occurred. tg a young man, named
Allen Marshall, on Weelnesda,y of last •
week. He- was threshing at Mr. Dor-
land's, near Bronte, and, while engaged
in a friendly scuffle with another young
man, his foot was caught in the tumb-
ling -rod, and he was drawn partly under
and. so frightfully mangled tharhis life
was despaired of.
— On Tuesday last Mr. George Kel-
sey, of Nichol, killed a large lynx, on
wild cat, on his farm 2 Mika from Fergus.
He fired a loadpf common shot into the
cat's side in the neighborbeed. of the
heart. • The brute fell, and Mr. Kelsay
thinking it dead walkeed up to it, bfft
just ae he reached it Wreaths. a epring.
Mr. Helsey struck it with his g
smashing the stock. The lynx weighe
28 lbs., and measured 2 feet 7 inches _
front the ears to the tail. It was veryta
poor, and if fat would have weighed over
Dalziel of the towuship of
Blenheim, last week returned from Scot-
land with two two year -old entire colts
of the Clydesdale breed e also thane
shearling Leicester ewes and one raw.
Mr. Cockburn, of Cobourg, came out on
the sante' veseel with Mr. Dalziel, and
had with him a three year old Clyd.ea-
dale entire colt. This colt obtained the
'inn prize at the Highland Society's.
Show held in Kelso this year, and is de-
scribed as a remarkably fine looking
animal:. On the same vessel there were
three bpeeding mares, also Clydes, one
of which died on the voyage.
_ — Mr. Samuel Pilton, of the county
ef Oxferd, has two pigs the aggregate
weight of which is 1,000 pounds,
— The residence and. barn of Mr. R.
Laing, .13th Concession ef East Zorra,
and about three miles from Woodstock,
were consumed on Friday last.• The fire
is suppoeed to have originated by sparks
from the chimney. as the roof of the
house was the first part discoyereii on
fire. The barn contnined the season's
produce, all of winch. was consumed. The
house furniture wae adze nearly all des-
troyed. There Was but ;slight insurance
on the premises, and the loss to the
farmer must; be great.
A. dog show will be held in Ottawa
in connection with the forthcoming Agri-
cultural Exhibition for the County of
Carleton. This is a new feature in Agri-
culteral shows which has thus far been
neglected by our soeieties.
— While the Buffalo Express was pass-
ing Park 'Hill westward. on Tuesday
nsorning, at the rate of forty-five miles an
hour, one of the brakemen, named Hap .
how, fell from her, and it is belieyed
that the injury received may prove fatal.
— On Tuesday morning last durieg the
prevalence of a fearful thunder storm, a
young girl, daughtet of Mr. ntanley. 5th
Concession, London Township, was kill-
ed by the lightning while lying in bed
with two companions. It seems she had
been sleeping alone, but growing fright-
ened at the storm, arose and entered the
apartment of the others. Shortly after-
wards the house wan struck by the light-
ning, an the girl was instantly killed.
The oth two were paralyzed. for some
hours by the shock. .
—A esleyan Methodist clergyman,
named rf, belonging so Ottawa, was
way•laye by four roughs, dragged. from
his bal., and severely beaten, on Sun-
day mg last, while he was on his way
to amour] ry station to preach. One of
the scoundrels held the horse by the
head, while the other three beat Mr.
Scarf. After they had abused hira to
their hearts content, they lifted him into
the buggy again and started. on his horse.
He was enabled to guide the horse to a
neighborine house, where. his wounds
were atteated to. No cause is assigned
for this brutal outrage. •
—Hoe . A. Doriorr arrived in Montreal,
,on Monday night, by rail from Quebec,
having just returned from Europe. He
was met at Bonaventure station by a
number of his political friends, who
land County, died at his residence at
Chippawa, on Thursday, 5th. He had
been ill for several days. Mr. Street
was the son of the late Hon. Samuel
Street of Niagara Ballet from whom he
inherited a large fortune, He was cal-
led to the bar of UPper Canada in 1838,
and first went to Parliament in 1951 as
place in the county for which he has
recently been elected.
—lt is reported, and there is good
grounds for believing it, that Mr. Cartier
will come forward for the county of
Lavalle. Bellerose, the prevent member,
-svill resign, with the prospect of being
elected Speaker of the Legialative As-
sembly of Quebec in -room of Blanehet,
who is named Clerk to the liouse of
Commons. It is eaid, however, that Mr
Cartier cannot in all likelihood survive
font or five months. At present he is
unable to cross his room without assis-
tancet- His disease is dropsy. Ile will,
it is believed, leave shortly for a two
months' stay in Florida, accompanied -
by his legal partner Mr: Poinville, who
is also in delica.te