The Huron Expositor, 1872-09-06, Page 8- H E HURON iXPOSITOR. SEPT. 6, 1872. won xpoita. DISTRICT MATTERS. 13e.erre & Co. haye now an immense stook of very fine Port and Sherry Wines, pure lin- ported Lignera of the beat brands, and au enormous stock of Cigars, at all prices. They are alsoin re ceipt of the largest and finest lot o Teas and Sugars ever offered in geaforth, and which they guatantee to give -good eratiefaetion. Before pur- chasing elsewhere, call, and inspect their etook•of Dry Goods, Ready-made Ciothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps tee., and you will see for yourself ithat it is the place whereplo hestrof honest value s given. Remeraber theace,Carmichaers Block, Mainestavet, Seaforth. RIFLE. MATO/L=4U animal •Rifle snatch of -the 33rd Huron Bette:Moe will be held at Seaforth on the 12th and 13th of September. SALE OF Tesrms.--The use of the Re- freshment Tents on the Race Course for the two days of the racos will be sold by auction, on the track,on Monday next, at 4 o'clock. The bidding will likely be lively, on account of the large crowd ex- pected to be present at the races. ANOTHER CHEESE Seem—Messrs Hick- son & Co., of the Brueefield Cheese Fee- , tory, have made anether cheese sale. They this week shipped a car load., for which they received the handsome price of eleven cents per pound. • PERSONAL.—Mr. J os hu a Calloway, late proprietor of the; British Exchange HoteleGoderich, is now .traveling for the wholesale house of Messrs W. M. Lotteraee & Co of Hamilton. • 0 • NEW STORE.—Messrs. E. & J. Sperling have Purchased the stock of Messes. Gray, Spading & Co., and have removed it to the premises recently occu- pied by T. K. Andettion, as a 'clothing store. They have else added largely to the old. stock, and are now prepared to ineet the wants_ of purchasers. COUNTY TEACHERS' The next meeting of the above associa- tion will. be held at Clinton on Friday and Saiturday, the 13th and 14th of September. On the evening of Friday there will be a conversazionein the Town Hall. -Saturday will be devoted to the discussion of questions pertaining to the duties of teachers. „.1 _TRefeaRearca'Soozat.-t--We would ask • our readers to bear in mind the social to be given under the auspices 'of the Sons of Temperance in the Town Hall, . on the evening of Monday next. Several excellent addresses will be delivered, and the proceedings will be -enlivened by suitable music. BARE PASTURES—Farmers in this vicinity complain bitterly of the lack of pasture .for stock. Owing to the con- tinued drought, vegetation has almost , entirely ceased, the pattare fields are singed bare, and stock as really suffering for both food and water.. Some farmers aye been compelled to commence feed- ing their stock fl GM the, barns to prevent them from starvinge ' THE FALL ASSIZES.—,We learn with pleasure that 'Mr. J. S. Sinclair, barris- ter, Goderich, has been appointed to . conduct the business -of the oCron at the approaching assizes let! Goderich -and Walkerton. The able manner _in Which Mr. Sinclair performed similar duties at the assizes .held in Goderzch last spring justifies us in .saeing that a better ap- . pomtment for the above r sponsible Posi- tion could not have been ade. CereNesesee-Mr. Houghton has retired from Loyd's Hotel, at the-etation, and Messrs. Richard Sharp and D. D. Rose, have taken his -place and intend conducting the business hereafter. Mr. Thomas Foster has also retired 'from the Royal 'foto', and has removed to Wood- stock, where he intends again going into the hotel business. Mr. Simon Powell, the owner of the Royal, is having it thoroughly renovated, and intends con- ducting it hereafter himself. NEW SALT Rreecit.—The Merchants Salt Company have now in course of construction another Salt Block. This Block will be the largest which has yet been built in Seaforth, a d it will be constructed on the principle of Mr . Hayes' patent. We' learn that w th the -block at present in operation the company -are linable to supply °ea -half o their orders, arainow that the salt busi es s has been brought to something ar a paying basis, this last advance st p taken, by the company was deemed prudent land nee essarys S. EAPORTH RACES. --As has already been. announced, the Fall Meeting of the Seat 'rill Driving Peek Association will take place on Thursday apd Friday of next week. The coming meeting will be the n tost interesting which Lias yet taken place _under the auspices of the Associ- ation, and all admirers of turf sports shqu1 make it a point to be present. Alrea'l. y the -billowing celebrated horses have la ten entered.: "Terror," '`Storm," "Nora Kistra," -4:tack the Barber," " Baron Rotheehild," Limerick," " Van"fo'rnierly 4` Blinkiron," " Gold Leaf," " Charles Douglas," ." Jack Van- : dal,'"' Flora D." "Annie Wilkes," " &OW' 1 'lake," "kiety Fisk," " Toron- to sact others, the 'mates of which we have not been able to leara. The Above list contains the MUMS of some of the fastest and best _horses in America, and the pu blit may therefore anticipate exciting six Irt. We believe that many Of these horses are now in attendance at the tra ord rroces, and that they will be here probably to-morrove, and. will be practicing on the course during the days of next week preceding the me.etine Zurich. , Reseuieneera.--Zuriee. woomii mills are now ea course of reconstinetion. The new "Lillis are to be built in a larger and more siebstantial manner than, were those whieii/ware biirncd, and on the site of the oldeseoperit-y. %Ye, are liippy to be able toatete that the people of the vicini- ty have, as a token of their conainise.rae tion in the loss of the proPrietors,pre- sented to .the young men a large subseri o - t. n 1 ist of handsome contributions. This Material expression of eyiripathy gives zeal to the proprietors' work of re- construction, and in afew weeks we hope to see the fa,otory to some degree in work- ' ine order. IVAus. —The /clew -School House has • passed the first stage of the work. ---The Catholic Church is in course of erection, it is to be a handsome eclifice.---The po- -tatoe bug has damaged that crop severe- jy )iere.—Plunis are a. good crop in this mors are ,busy'with Fall wheat seedin .--Businees DISASTRO S FIRE IN WROXETER. Over $12,0t 0 Worth OfProperty Deo otroyed. most disastrous fires ever 'part of the country oa- t Saturday night, result - ',destruction of ten build - One of the known in thi curred here la ing in the tot ings, and a la ete amount of other ty. The fire n riginated in Mr. lin's tin and s eve shop, about 7 in the evelain- Mr. Paulin was in filling an o can, and as the from which h was taking it newly tapped, the oil spurted ou the tap was turned, , spread ov Paulin's cloth s, and comreunicat a lampabur g at a distance fr barrel. As e erything was aa with oil, in a f w moments the wh in a blaze, t (mei, Mr. Paulin every exertion to extinguish the As soon as he found that his at were useless, raised' the dread of firt, which seen spread throu village, and dr w a large crowd, xertiona, how ver, were futile in uenching the ames or preVentin from apreadin to the adjoining ngs._ The be was rung contin rom the time f the first alarm, an crowds of exci d people 'came in illage from e ery direction: As s it was fon d that all'attemp ; uepch the fl ' es were utterls • u I 11 the energies .f the .croevd were d to saving as e uch property as le, for the buil Inge on each side. ame, and. bu it closely togetho ttempts to exti guish the flames t _this junctu e, utterly unava oon Mr. .i.e.nox's shoe sho e north of, and connected r. Paulin's hop, was in fl s there was sc reeler any wind, th read with abo t equal rapidity in reletions, and 11 hands engaged moving goods, 4 ., ut of the reach o e. Strenuous exertions were ma ave the large s re, owned by M Wilson, and I Ocupied by Mr. d Mr.. Veal, ut all efforts were s, and the gre t aim of :the cro termined work -rs now became to possible, the 11e brick residenc . Sm'ale, whi stood north of al's grocery,, ith filly a very na ace - between t em. At. first, h re entertained that it might be s g energy of the fla to give way befor e fire caught thew • window sills, and e was a, mass of fla, that -the whole aid ich the fire was ra acrifice to the fin proper-. R, Pan- - o'clock engaged barrel was but t when er Mr. ed with mu the turated ele was made flames, tempts alarm gh the whose either g them. build- uously d soon to- the soon ts tto seless, direct- pawl - being r, all were, iling. p to With ames. e fire both in,re- f the de to r. D. Hood - use- ved of save, e of Mr. /TOW opes axed rites, e the ()ode Soon mess e of ging q 1 f a . a 13 fr a a th A ep di fir sa R. an les de ifr Dr Ve sp we from the devou but this hope hac stem reality. T en mouldings and the whole stractu It was now feere the street upon w would become a The next building north of the Doctor's' house being the la ge frame store occupt ed by Mr. Inglis, which was less than two rods from t e fire ; the roof and sides- pf Mr. Inglis store and other build- ings vicinit being covered with wet blankets, . kep saturated with water, and owing also to the fact that, a large poplar tree was . owing between the Doctot's and th store, this calamity was averted; and the progress of the flamee stopped in that direction. Had Mr.'Inglis' store c ught fire there is no saying where it w uld have ended, and there, s little doab but the greater part of the village woul have become a sacri- fice -to the devot ring energy of 'the flames. On the south side of Mr. 'ries. Paul They show •'stern in pia But w of sons disho person in rem. could a wom of sho ceal. We and th ance s certain its cor act am certain tent ou Dr. Loss, $ Mr, eluding about •" Ande Mr. 82,000 vincial, 1 Mr. shop ; Mr. for $1,0 build buin of Lend Mr. serious. Mr. 81,000; $100 -.on Mr. B er ; item loss. • in's shop, all the buildings to the - corner of the stree were totally consum- ed, though every in h of ground was dis• puted. by those who -wrought hard to stay the progress of the fl es. Nearly all the wells in the villag were pumped dry, and latterly the su o plies of vrater were oi, breught from the ill pond. tri concluding m • report. I may state that moat of the or Mrd present did all in their power in the ay of trying to, save property. To the ladies especially-- many of whom ere present—great praise is -due for t cir noble exertions: wrought with heart and hand and ed themselves the equals of the er sex," not niy by their coolness nning, ,but int epidity in executing. hile we have record the bravery e, we are .sorr to have to pen the nesty of othe Many dishonest s took advent ge of the confusion caring goods,4 .,to pocket all they get hold of. 4e gentleman caught an who had ns less thanfive pairs es, which. :she was trying to con - give below :t of the sufferers, e 'extent of e eir loss and insur- - o far as we ha .e been able to as • We cannot altogether vouch fo rectnoss, as in many cases the ex mount lost earn t at present be as ed, and we ha e therefore to con rselves witha' •approximation : Smale—brick cadence and office 3,000 ; insure' 'for $2,000. Arthur -Veal Grocer; Loss, in goods, daznag to furniture, &c., $1,500 ---- goo s insured in the s" Co. ler Pei 0, • Hood— Mere ant • Loss about ; insured for $1,406 in the "Fro. and $1,000 i the " Gore." . Joseph Lenne --boot. and shoe Loss about $111; no insurance. R. Paulin—Los .$2, 500 ; insured 00 in the " aterloo" Mutual g owned by th -Messrs. McClary, on, whose loss is dully covered. Wright— bak -shop ; Loss not r • Knuteson--T iter; Loss about insured. for ,• on building, contents in th "Gore." I, illingsby—swa lunakerandUewel- red for $300, high covers Mr. D. It Wilson, o 1 occupied by Mr. Lenn byMr. Hood and Mr. bles, &c.; Loss on .st ed for $&00 ; shoe sho one stable insured for wner of shoe shop x. store -occupied eal, besides sta- re $1,200; iesur- insured for 875; 75 CARD OP TITANKS.—I desire publicly to express airy thanks to th people of Wraxeter and vicinity, who so nobly xerted themselves to save nay property at the Intel e. Toughcessuti in saving the build' g, 1 fully appreci theirate Idnauess saving r..1 other effects, as ;well .as their efforts to save the building. S. B. SMILE. Wroxeter, Sept. 3, 1871 Carron br DEPARTURE or AN: 0 Mr. A. Shaw, who hes of Caaroubrook for man depaiture on Thursda Gratiot, Mich.!, where h the Gratiot Hotel; previous to his departur tained bys. number of Ii complimentary supper, given him as a mark o which_he was held by his We wish Mr. Shaw heal in his new home, and w ok. D RESIDENT. een a resident years, took his last for Fort has purchased n the evening he was enter- s friends at a hich had been the esteem in ellow villagers. and prosperity are sure that -4. tcmefrom this q atter, who may at any time have Occesio to visit the Fort, will, by ()ening u .on Mr. Shaw, receive a hearty * elcome, and the most hospi table treatment B1 evalo. HORSES STOLE.. .—We learn that on the night of Monday last a mare and colt were stolert from the premises of Mr. T. Hammond Lot 5,, 9th Concession of, Morris. neer Blue rale. Tho mare has a bob tail, is of bay olor, and twelve years old. The colt is iron giay, three years old, and hes never been shod. Farmers should keep a sh rp look out on their stock this demon o the year, as it is dif ficult to tell, wh.t scoundrels may_ be prowling around. Thanks to the- lectors ofOztitie H ron. To tlieEdit r of tie Huron Expositor. SIR„—A.1 ow me through the medium of your pap -r to r turn my sincere and heart -felt ihenks the Reformers of Centre Huro • whs labored so zealously to secure m ttrium.hant election by so handsome a majori during the late con. teat. I can assure ou, Sir, that I fully appreciate he ho or which has been conferred u in me and. I hope that my actions arliam nt will, in some de- gree, recom ease th se friends for their labors in m behalf. To those who vot- ed against e, 1 ca cordially extend the right-hand o fellow hip, feeling. as I do, that their vo es wer oast conscientiously,. and, as the believ d, far the best inter- ests of thei count ye To my constitu- ents m gen ral, w ether supporters or opponents, I would ay, that should I at any time be nabled in my representa- tive capacityto do them a service, they may rely ui on it Icing cheerfully per- formed. Yo irs tru flonece HORTON. Goderich, ugust 29, 1872. TEMPERA.N of Winthrop T., will hold on Thursday IVIoIC ll op. ,E OI edge, soire vening Mr. Goldsm'th, Re Rev. H. B. P lmer er suitable ad lresses ed at 8 o'olo k. T soiree will be devote the debt ince rred i hall. Adis ion 25 FOR THE B LEVIL INSTITUTE,— 1 n We • William Moo McKillop, soon mutes, to the Institute. T are about thir fine looking, i already been o and have mad study. When were unable ei now they can • tained there a doubt become are exceeding demonstrates e public instituti the facilities a Institute forth tunates, thee up in ignore C be a burden will become education will ations in which selves compare table livelihood PROPERTY So of McKillop, h of lot No. 19, Angus M cLeod, owner of the ad of $2,000. Mr. to remove to possession of ant he purchased th WRESTLING Walter Rankii , att achool, on the 2 th ult. with a compan on, fell arm. He is no recove EE. —The in4 embers o. 201. I. 0. of G. in their new hall Sept. 12th. Rev, 'Mr. McDermid, d other's will deny - Tea will be serv- o proceeds of the towards- defraying erecting the new en ts . .,E, D.EA.F AND DUMB nesday- last Mr. , ef the 3c1 concession of two •Of his boys, deaf ellevipe Deaf and Dumb ese boys are twins, and een y am of age, and are ellige t lads. They have le ter theyrema her to o hoth ew ses roficie at the, institute, kable progress in went there, they read or write, but readily, and. if re - ions longer will no t scholars, as they y apt etudents. This early he benefits of these ns. • ad it not been for orded by the Belleville educo tion of such unfor- pys w nld have grown and wo uld undoubtedly o societ , but now they 1 cated, and through their e etiab ed to obtain situ - they c -n make for them- ively a,sy and comfor- , if no hing more. D.—Mr. J. C. McKay, s 1 is farm, east half th ncesaion, to Mr. his n ihbor, and the oining arm, for the sum McKa intends shortly orthe arolina to, take settle n the land which re last spring. corDEN .—A boy naped Roitboro while wrestling and broke his ing. • it edale Busess. —N mostly all secu look a little li commeeced to st NNW STORE IVInG-illivray, has leased Eli Ducherme of this pl menced the ereet'on Of a he intends to ope October. No beneficial, and Rumohr in his new ente THE °non. —The aro' ty looked very fa orable few farmers w o hay knowledge a ooc averag LOST AND Butler, the wife f the L who was reported throng ew vve clered, he em OM, w tha ed, bu eller, ✓ mune Mr. Ja out a mbt th e say n.—Th of your paper a either lost or mu `neighborhood, in Talbot, farnser.-- St phn. COUNCIL 1111. cic. — The Sephen- Coun cil met on aturd , August 31. All members' pres nt ; m flutes confirm- . ed. Mr. Fulton as app inted to see to opening up road Dn first aide road be- tween Concession .17 an 18; County and Township ra ee to e the same as last year ; tenders for eo ecting to be received .next me ting, 1 • west tender to get it, providing tl e secur ties are good; next meeting to be ,first S turday in Oc- tober. The follow ng ord rs -were grant- ed : Charity, $3 ; ,grav lling sundry parts of townshi $765.35 ; Improve ments on other oads, l.ridges, etc., $774.31;0.Prouty, art exp uses on south bouncla y, etc, $2. • By e ror of tax in 1869, 84.75 ; Webb damae sestained to crop b misdraina )c, $15. The above being the principal contra &ts let during the present year. Q. PRI U'TY, Clerk. ille. the crops are iness begins to nd farmers haue more. es Rumohr, of a lot from 111r. ce, and has corn - new store which out the 1st cof s will be very uccess to Mr. prise. s in this locali- his season. A threshed, ac - yield. woman, Ms. stowel barber, the columns •ks ago, to be is now in this loy of Mr, E. Jame town • PROORESS.—,Tam s town is not going to be behind any. of the oth r villages in the vicinity. She an alr aclt boast of two Hotel, two 8 ores, a. Waggon ancl 'Blacksmith shop, Ha -n ss shop and several other buil lings ; and Messrs. Stewart & Thynne of BI ievale,e have purchased a, site fo a Sli gle Mill, to be built this fall, a,m we mu erstand that the same parties intend pi. tting 'up a Grist mill. Rutfan has purchased a number of Cows, and is die ng a good business in the cheese maki g line. He intends going into it full bla next sea - on, and has already ordered t le necessary utensils and appliances for is factory. Mr. Forrest intends going i to partner shipwith Mr.„ Rutter and h agreed to furnish a large number o cows. It would not b surprising if the W. G. Goo -s Railwat ould have a branch termi- nus at Jane town, if it continues thus to _I linprove.—Com. , • Bruceflekt. Ptc-mc.—bn Wednesday last a Pic- nic party composed of many of the resi- dents Of the Village, started from. here to Bayfie d. for a day's social enjoyment.' Arrivi g at the village on the lake, the party repaired to the pleasure grounds of Mr. Middleton, where the day was most leasantly spent in varieus kinds of musenent. The breeze from the lake as most °ee1 clod refreshing, and all r turned ho e at a sea -seeable hour in the evenhig highly delighted 'with the proceedings, nd resolving to meet for a similar excur ion another day, Hullett. COUNCIL EETING. —The Mlerrieipal Coencil of the Township of Elullet .met as Londesbore, on the 24th August last, ae called by the Reeve. All the mem- bers present. ; Minutes Of former meet- lg read and eonfirmed. It was moved by A. Monteith, and. seconded by J. Warwick, that the following accounts be paid, viz., A. Bay, $25, for drawing plans and speeifications for two bridges. John Johnson l $4.68; and John Garrett, $5.40, for ga.kl.—Carried. Moved by A Monteith, eeconded by J. Warwick, that as the sum of $2,429 is required for coUuty purposs, and the sum of $2,400 to township purposes, there be levied on °nail the r ateable property ipthe town- eh!p this current year 3 and two tents' mijlls on the dollar for county purposes, 3 4nd two-tenths' mills on the dollar for toVenship purposes, and that a By-law be prpared and pa,seed to confirm the same. -- 4arried. The By-law was then read anL passed. The council then adjourn- ed to meet ay. n. at Lonsboro when cal- led by the cler • Hay. COUNCIL MEETING.—The Council met pursuant to adournment, in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of September, inst. All the members of Coencil present; the Reeye itt the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting read and approved of. Moved by J. B. Geig- her, seconded by S. Rennie, That By- laws Nos. 53, 54, 55 and 56, as now read, be passed, audhat the Clerk and Reeve sign the same and attach the seal of the corporation • tli ereto.—Carried. Moved by S. Rennie, seconded by P. S. Geigher, That as the money granted to improve the streets in the village of Zurich has not been used, that th; same be taken and used to build an engine house.— Carried. Moved by J. B. Geigher, sec- onded by S. Rennie, That the following accounts be paid: Christian Oswala, bal- lance of gravel account, 81.75; Louis Wadper, ballance due on gravel, $4.85 ; J. :Kalbfleiseh, for plank, 89.50; Cana- da Company, for timber for bridges on south boundary, $10: Solomon Cober, for Making culbert, 85; Wm. Schwalm, making culbert, 812; S. Rennie, Cedar for culberts, $2; B. G. Reeser, grant to GoslOn Line, .1i; Robt. putting in a culbert, $2. —Carried. Moved by Wm. Carrrick, seconded by P. S. Geiher, that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on the first Tuesday in October .next; at 10 o'clock A. Ma in the Town Hall in Zurich,— Carried. IIUGH LOVE Senrf Clerk. • — he cheese market - still remains actin), and prices have advanced, the reason being the bareness of the New Yorkmarket. The quotations there are reported at 13 to 14c. The late cable report was 61s., but from private advices we may confidently expect an advance shortly. --Messrs. Angus Norris, •Wm. Meat, and D. Crawford, who live in East Garafraxa, County of Wellington, and who -voted for Mr. Ross had their horses' tails cut one ifght. elately by some ruffians, who took this miserable means of revenging themselves on these gentle- men because they choose to vote in ac- cordance with the r political prnciples. - —A a polling lace in the Proviece of Qu bec, the bo k used for wearing k1oubtfal electors, urns out to be a his- tory o Canada. —Mk. Muir, of t e Toronto Caledonian Societ ,, states tha he has received in- structibns from r. Roderick R. Mc- Lennan, of Glen arry, to accept the challenge publish& by the great Scotish athlete ' Donald. Dinnie, in Wilkes' Spirit elf the Times, of the 27th April last, to throir the light r heavy hammer, for the sum of $2,000. Mr. Muir also states that M. McLenna i is prepared to throw the haMmer in any style for an extra stake 4 82,000, an the 56 -lb. weight for anothee $2,000 a side, or for any other sum that will best 4uit Mr. Dinm'szon- venience. —A S.oung man in Hamilton i named James Brennan, while out taking exer- cise on horseback, on Saturday afternoon last, being unaccus omed. to horema- ship, was throev; off and -rceived. such injuries as to result in his death on Tuesday. He -was- a young man Ofgreat promiseand was universally respecte, and wet the only son of a widowed mother. Fall S owe- Western Fair'at London, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdey and Fridayi Octo- ber 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th. South Heron; at Exeter, on Thiirsday and Friday, October 31d and 4th. 1 • North: Huron, at Blyth, on Tnesday and Wedneclay, September 17 and 18. Tucketsmith Braneh, at Seaforth, on Thursday and Friday, September 19th and 20th. Hullett Branch, at Clinto, on 'blurs - day and Friday, Septlember 12 end 13. Stanley Branch, at Bayfield, on Wed- nesday, October 2nd The Provincial Exhibition will be held at Hamilton . on l‘ifonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sep- tember 23, 24, '25, 26 and 27. liowick Branch, a Wroxeter, -Wed- nesday, October 2nd. Culross Branch, at Teeswater, Tues- day, October 12th. Grey Branch, at Aieleyville Tuesday, Oct. ist. Central Fair, at Guelph, on Oct. 1, 9, 3 and 4. Elma aticl Wa11ace,1 at Listowel on Tuesday, Oct. 8s North Perth,. at Stiatford, on Thurs- day and Friday, Oct. 3rd and 4th. Hay, at Zurich, on Tuesday, Oct. 1st.. MONEY TO LENO. THE undersigned has $3,010 and upward, prieate -a-tnds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per annum, on Farm property. Charges moderate. Marriage Licences issued. Apply to , 227-5.1- W. G WILSON, Zurich. • JUST RECEIVED, LOCAN JAMIESON'S Black Broadcloths, Black Doeskins, Heavy Overcoatings, Tweeds, Full Cloths, Satinettes, Waterproofs. FLANNELS, WINCEY SHIRTINGS, WiNdEYS, HEAVY DRUGGETING. DENIMS, SHIRTINGS, TICKLNGS, JEANS. WINDOW HO LLAND, TABLE LINEN, TOWELLING, DRESSED HOLLANDS, UNDRESSED IRISH LINN. Prnts, Giiwhohne, Bleached Cotton, Factor2h Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp. FRENCH MERINO, ALL -WOOL POPLIN,„ PLAIN REPPS, FIGURED REPPS, .PLAIN AND FIGURT LUSTRE& • Fancy Dress Gcoods BLACK SILKS. White Counterpanes, Colored d -o. Blankets, .Doinask 'able Covers, Printedl Wool do. Shawls Corsets, Jackets, Gloves, BLACK VELVET TRIMMING, COLORED Do. BLACK SILK FRINGE, COLORED DO. FANCY TRIMMINS, FINGERING YARNS. KNI1TED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, Scarfs, Ties, (Stc. Oar Stock of, BOOTS & SHOES. Will be foruel seco nd to none in the trade. We have also a full Stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, SALT, &c. Atat gOtatt tor Gfalc BRICKCOTTAGE FOR BALE, THE commodious Brick Cottage, in Egmendville, -3` eelleieting Mr. john. Logan's, ie offered for sale - within ten minutes' walk of Seaforth Btatione Apply to 248+4 THOMAS 11-E1lG1380i. FARrifi FOR SALE. T OT No. 26, Con. 5, Township of Monis ; 50, --- acres cleared; loghouse ; there is a quantity of good pine en the lot, with% one mile and a hear of two good saw -rains. For further emetic -dare, address WLLLIAll AMOSS, 24748e Dangle P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE FARM itt the Township ef "L - len being Lot 27, South Bundry, eontaitieig tie acres, more or lss, 78 acres 'under culthrtton. remainder good hardwood brieh ; a neyer-failig spring creek runs through the lot; good orchard, with 40 fruit -bearing Apple Trees, also Phun, Peach and Cherry Trees; agoodtranje barn, 66x2,6; good log house and stable; quality of soil, first class; store, post -office, grist -mill ehnrch and school in the neighboitood. The Proprietor es anxious to sell, as he intends going to manitoba. Terms liberal. THOMAS TALBOT, 245-18 Proprietor, Berne P. 0., Hay Townshi1,. •FARM FOR SALE. T OT NO. 19, Con. 4, Grey, 100 acres, 85 cleared -Li an under good cltivation, young orchard; -well -watered and well tirabored; 4 miles from Northern Gravel Road and 8 miles from Ethl, where a station of the Wellington, Grey and Brace Railway will be opened this Fall. For fur.. ther particulars address, prepaid, HUGII TARD, Dingle P. 0., or C. R. •COOPR, Laud Agent, Ainleyrille. 245-4c FARM FOR SALE. QOUTEC HALF of the South half of Lot No. 24, 1.--) Fifth Concession of the township of Morris, containing 50 acres, 85 cleared; well watered by a spring creek; good log house and frarao stable. The above farm is only a mile ands half on a good road from ehe rising village of Ainleyrille, where a itation of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Rail- way will be opened this fall. For pries and terms inquire (if by letter, prepaid) of C. R. COOPER, 385. Ainleyville Land Agency Dile P 0. FARM FOR SALE. OR SALE, one hundred acres of land, being - part of Lot 27, Fifth Concession ef Maker - smith, L. R. 8, seeenty acres -clereil and in good state of oultiation; thirty acres bush; hewn log barn, frame driving houe, stable sheep -house and sheds, a good Bearing creek fill the front of the lot, and a spring in the rear; as good land as any in the township; four and a half miles from Sea - forth, three from Bracefield.ALTBerx.maxeconl-tbird on28tb7e premises to B cah, the remainder in yearly installrerneeefi'neitsaP. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. OT No. '7, Sixth Conceson, Tumberry, tonsist- -2-1 ing of 120 acres. nearly 100 being cleared and in a good state of cultiation. There is a good frame barn 55x36, a frame idled 80x60. There is also a good hearing orchard. Will be sold on easy terms. Apply en the premisesto:Aus,FrpionTru240.8.ti Wroxeter, Ally 8, 1872. FARM FOR SALE IN HAY. Ti1011 SALFeioutb. part Lot 21, Ninth Cncession, Hay, known as the "Troyer Farm;" one-half mile from Zurich, on the Graeel Road; 70 acres; 50 eleared ; dwelling -house and born; good yelling bearing prchard ; the land is in a good state of cul- tivation and well fenced. For further particulars apply* if4o W. G. WILSON, Zurich, Ont. FARM roR SALE IN GREY. T OT No 5, Concession 15, township of Gre, con- taining ninety-six acres; seventy acres cleared. Apply Or to M. MeDERAILD, Herpurhey. JOHN SILLERS, Grey. 232 FOR SALE.. THAT valuable Property, situated cat Market street, opposite J Broadfootes Planing Mill, Seaforth, consisting of a lot excellent dwelling- hous, stable, &a, at present occupied by Mr. Ar- mitage. Terms liberal. Possession given at ther end of October next. For further Particulars, apply to S. DICKSON, le et, 247-4 Seaforth. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. BEING Lot 3, Eighth Concession, Bullet Township, on which. 80-aeres are cleared and. fenced ; a fine bearing orehard of about 100 trees of well -selected trait; a very large frame barn, a small log barn, and a log house. The farm is in exeollent condition, chiefly lying -under geese. Terms made eery easy for pnrchaser, if required.. If not sold within a short time, the farm Will be leased for a tenn of years. Applicatio- to bie made to the propnetor on the premises. 248 CHARLES LAWRIE. PROPERTY FOR SALE. FIVE acres of land with a good frame cottage. 86x24, and summer kitchen, and woodshed ad- joining it; a fratnebarn, stable and ehod, a pump well and young bearing -orchard, being part of Lot 24, Concession 8, XclKillop, and situated 14 miles from Scaforth, is offered for sale. For terms, Ap- ply to the proprietor, HIRAM BLANCHARD, 245-8* Seaforth P. 0. LOT FOR SALE. 1?OR SALE, a Building Lot, containing one sant of land, beiepart of Lot 10, Fifth Cnoesin, Township of Mcleillp. There is a good log house and barn, a good well, and an orchard of bearing froit-trees This lot io situated within two miles and a half of the Bunn Gravel Road, and about 6 miles from Seaforth, and is in the midst of an ex- " cellent fanning country. For farther partieulare apply to the undersigned propieor on the prem ises, or address Seaforth Post -office. 2454 JOHN DOWNEY. FOR SALE. VALUABLE FIRM, 100 acres First Genoes- e -L. seen, McKillop, near Seraforth, on the main gravel road to Goderiole; 85 sores clearedand free of stumps, with ten acres of a fello, the rest under grass; well watered and fenced, with large frame barn, stable underneath; log farnahonse, boarded outside; and good orchard, possession im mediately ; title good and terms easy. For fur ther particulars apply (if byletter, prepaid,) to 242 LUDWIG MEYER, Seaforth P. 0. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN BLOOMS -OR SALE, a house and lot on Goderieh street-. For further particulars, apply to 240-tf X. R. COUNTER, Seafortle HOTEL FOR 341.1E IN AINIZIrlmax. THE Hotel at present occupied by James Leon- - atd, will be sold cheap for cash. Buildings all new. Possession given immediately. Apply to a. LEoitry. Ainioyyio, May 28, 1872. 288 HOUSE it LOT FOR SALEitt HARPURHEY pon SALE, in the Village of Harptarhee, nesr Seaforth, a awelling-house and lob. There is on the premises a good bearing Orchard, a never - failing well of -water; else, a good workshop and. • stable*, together with all other _necessary vat - buildings. The house is fram, well finished and pleasantly located. For terms and other particu lar, apply to PETER MeCONNELL, Harpurhey, or to tho undersigned proprietor, Harpurhey, or Seaforth Post -Office. 248*13 JOIDI REDY. PUBLIC NOTICE. NT -0110E is hereby given that the tuadereigned haeo disposed of their Cooper Shop in Seaforth, - to Mn. Philip Vollmer, who will hereafter carry on the above businees in his own name. O. G. ANDERSON et CO. Carronbrook, Ang.22, 1872. Ira connection with the above the undersigned begs to state that he will hereafter carry on the cooperage formerly 'ovred by Mettsrs. O. G. An - denten te Co. and he hopes by etriet attention to business and making good work to merit a contin- uance of the liberal patronage heretofore accorded to the establishment. PHILIP VOLMA R. f: Seaforth, Aug. 22, 1872. 2474 NOTIC. reARTIES having from 0 to 75 acres of land for -2- sale, within two miles of either of the Tillages of Clinton or Seriforth, may find a purchaser by ap- plying to the undersigned. State the number of acres, amount cleared, end price per etre. PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. County Clerk's Office, t At W. S. ROBERTSON'S Goderich, Ang. 26, 1872,, J OLD STAND, MAIN STREET; SEAFORTN. 247-1 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. AirEN to cut Cordwood, Rails, Cedar Posts and '2- Saw Logs. For further particulars apply to the undersipacd, on Lot No. 11, Concession 8, Triekermith. 2.16*3 DA-VID MOORE. fea=%2setelgemoene52221210222 V011..5YAE t'S W OLE life 24 --‘---Rnefnee=Zgagananlin. YILEDI 38.:M IJLLI, T1 J. tee., Graduate of Tor te Coroner for the Coen Ontario. mucHLL. D AvIl'rie CA -liege Phymiei: III:re rare, 0r.—Coroner Office end reside/lee, a Tit Telt W. R. SMITH-, I Office—Opposite Scot Main stroet, Seafortb. ---• STEWAP•T, I. .University„ geon, etc. Orme and Resi TAT L. VERCOE, M. De geon, etc. Office et fs.rket and High steete, -111. -CAMPBELL, Goren -1-1 and Residence, our C. street, Seaforth. Office in day, and all day Saturd.ay, rPO the inhabitants of Si -I- country. Dr. j. 0, IV through sickness in his far for some time in this pia nonneing to the public, Of vidence he has been. pen rooms formerly oecnpied. IteDongellet Store, NfolD pernanirently to remain, an bis o1pirO5 and as man bine with a till. All opera tag to the latest approved to be fonnd elsewhere. • Office houre from LEG. -r Ms LET, Soicitee, U s pointed Agent- for the pany ol Englend, hit is also vate Capitalists Terout very reasonable rates. Chergee moderate. evergeren, Dee. 15,127 A4-ccAuGl1ka & 110 L Yi torneys at TAW, SO Insolvency, Notaries Pu Solic itors for the It.C. Ba the O113dt Life Assaratiee N. B.-430,080 to Jetta Houses and Lots for sae. latEllSON it MEYER. 11 -1-41 at Law, Solititore in Conveyeneers, Notaries P forth and. Wroxeter. $2, invest at ranee, at Eight pt yearly. 11. C0MMERCIAL HOTEL ANNETT, Proprietor entirely new Management renovated, The Bar is Idepaere and Ciitars. Goo -Hoetlters, A First-clase Tai TionimE OF WALES C 3. 3UCUT.1.14 r ON, Accommodation for trate plied with the very best lila stabling attched. The enday for Winghem. rp A. SHARP'S xavitnT .Mm -ray's Horses rani iirst-clessCOnT TROMSON'S LIVERY, CI COeleIrl Inlet Horses and Firetiel on had. 'Coarreyanees fur Vraeellcrs on reasonable eel 221' Ike ELL'S Lie erRY STAB •-/ Goat Horses and Coral on hand, Faeomble 'Commercial Trayellers. Hoare, will be promptly at 0irMs AND ST.fall.115:- nox's Hotel, Mein Street. 221 THONIK iteetSCEloir rp 3. CHeRCHITeL, • Olen/bee .f.nt the Ontlti begs to intimate to and surreuneerie eonetr, Office in SeaTortia, where he smelly or by letter, on the tle, et'.. Ilarebag remixed dnestion„ andierring of the Veteritire7 College Of has evereeconlidence -of gift who may crieeley hint. Re:azurens—A- Smith, rio Veterinary Collee; P Thorlearn, Dr. Rowel, ronl 'Veterinary Medicines tort callepremptl Oflice—Carreiclutel's Hotel, ATETETIINerr 3URGE1 ` heis to mutt Seetorth and surrounding been awarded the diploma! ar y College, and is now pre of Horses and -Cattle aral al has *pealed an office in con shoeIng shop, where he will tent to -call. Dieeases 1:1 tended to. Reldenee, *file of Killoran & R7aifs new erinery Medieines • *Apt Gimrges reasonhle. A tExivsmn sio,14trzt Craubroot, Grey moderate lems. :COZ Conveyancer, Land, Loan! Also, Agent for ' the folk Huron and Erie Loan Seel and Mechanics' Sevin/ewer ; Jioyal Inert:wince One London, Fire :anti I.ifet • surance 'Company -end thre, Compiler. Any amount OV, T43tCri TA interest. Several cheap, 0 :le. COOPElt, eiremys tencetes Benet. Leanne Agent for the Frelole Savinee Society of Toronto as anyeeempriny doing bug catioete for Loans premptle • nee.—Oppeite 186-tf AINLErt JOHN- atiuGHLAT, Year 'way1 ieket Agent, Heel ea. T. Refilwa,y Station, St Tickets iseuee to all pobt Californie and Red River, et 4.;hograteet fatilities to Ed inform:item elevn respetea reenback, Bonds. Cenral •Gold. and Siker Coin, hoe -4e E D Vi A R Is beeiree and min OD DIE.N In any enentit ANY ODD 1.,01‘ Brought to: ralt ONE :N. iaoderieb.st, Seaforth, Zul